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Pediatric Malnutrition Putting The New Definition and Standards Into Practice

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Pediatric Malnutrition: Putting the New Definition and Standards Into Practice

Article in Nutrition in Clinical Practice · October 2015

DOI: 10.1177/0884533615600423 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Molly Vega Nicki Canada

Baylor College of Medicine Texas Children's Hospital


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NCPXXX10.1177/0884533615600423Nutrition in Clinical PracticeBeer et al

Invited Review
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Volume 30 Number 5
Pediatric Malnutrition: Putting the New Definition and October 2015 609­–624
© 2015 American Society
Standards Into Practice for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1177/0884533615600423
hosted at
Stacey S. Beer, MPH, RD, LD1; Marisa D. Juarez, MPH, RD, LD2; Molly W. Vega,
MS, RD, LD2; and Nicki L. Canada, MS, RD, LD, CNSC3

In recent years, much effort has been directed at redefining malnutrition in the pediatric population to include the acute clinical population
in addition to the more traditional ambulatory populations. In 2013, an expert panel convened to perform a critical review of available
literature to craft a new approach to malnutrition. Closely thereafter, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Society for
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition published recommended indicators for the identification and documentation of malnutrition in pediatric
populations. The purpose of this article is to review the domains within the new definition of malnutrition in pediatric practice, describe
populations in which the recommended indicators for identification and management are problematic in clinical practice, give case studies
that apply the new definition, and finally describe the implementation of a malnutrition identification program within a large tertiary care
children’s hospital. (Nutr Clin Pract. 2015;30:609-624)

malnutrition; pediatrics; nutrition assessment; child nutrition disorders

Malnutrition (undernutrition) is an ongoing problem among assisted in the clinical diagnosis of malnutrition, there remain
chronically ill hospitalized pediatric patients; however, it is many gaps in the literature and challenges in everyday clinical
only diagnosed in approximately 4% of patients despite preva- practice in its implementation.4,5
lence rates reported between 24% and 50% worldwide.1,2
Infants and children younger than 5 years are at greater risk
due to accelerated growth velocity and brain development.3
Identification and treatment of malnutrition are important from Anthropometric values are used worldwide to determine nutri-
not only an acute standpoint but also long term as the child tion status, but due to the many different growth charts used, it
should be at an anabolic state consistently to achieve optimal becomes difficult to set cutoff points internationally. Among
final height and development. the pediatric literature, consensus has been achieved with
Historically, the diagnosis of malnutrition has focused regard to the use of z scores, improving overall nutrition assess-
solely on anthropometrics for defining pediatric undernutri- ment and consistency.
tion. In children, the assessment of malnutrition is much more In children younger than 2 years, weight, length (on a length
complex and involves assessing not only anthropometrics but board), and head circumference should be obtained and docu-
also poor growth or stagnant growth. Children can experience mented at each encounter with a healthcare provider and mini-
many illness-related factors contributing to malnutrition such mally as a part of a hospital admission assessment. In addition,
as inflammation, nutrient losses, increased energy expenditure, this information should be plotted using the World Health
decreased nutrient intake, or altered nutrient utilization.4 These Organization (WHO) growth standards to determine nutrition
confounding variables need to be considered in the assessment
of pediatric malnutrition.
Pediatric malnutrition (undernutrition) in the clinical set- From 1Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition;
Department of Pediatrics, Renal Division; and 3Department of Food and
ting was recently defined by the Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition Services, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas.
Dietetics and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) as “an imbalance between nutrient Financial disclosure: None declared.
requirements and intake that results in cumulative deficits of This article originally appeared online on September 1, 2015.
energy, protein or micronutrients that may negatively affect
growth, development and other relevant outcomes.”4 This Corresponding Author:
Nicki L. Canada, MS, RD, LD, CNSC, Department of Food and Nutrition
revised definition includes evaluation of patients based on 5 Services, Texas Children’s Hospital, 6621 Fannin MC 2-3521, Houston,
domains: anthropometrics, growth, chronicity, etiology, and TX 77030, USA.
impact on functional status (Figure 1). While the definition has Email: nllowens@texaschildrens.org
610 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 30(5)

Figure 1. Defining malnutrition in hospitalized patients. Reprinted with permission from Mehta NM, Corkins MR, Lyman B, et al;
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Board of Directors. Defining pediatric malnutrition: a paradigm shift toward
etiology-related definitions. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2013;37(4):460-481. CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
MGRS, Multicenter Growth Reference Study; WHO, World Health Organization.

risk.4 Similarly, in children older than 2 years, weight and In a typical nutrition assessment, weight and height/length
height should be obtained and plotted using the Centers for are the primary assessment parameters. Although these are the
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) growth standard to most validated methods, they may not always be the best meth-
determine nutrition risk.4 For hospitalized children, obtaining ods. Mid-upper-arm circumference (MUAC) appears to be the
accurate measurements of basic anthropometric values may be most useful method for malnutrition assessment as it can be
challenging due to clinical status and conflicting priorities.4 applied to many populations.8 MUAC can assist when patients
When considering special populations, it is important to note are fluid overloaded and wasted related to their underlying
the possible outcomes that may be directly correlated to anthro- disease.9 The use of MUAC-validated data via WHO and the
pometrics. Specifically, Prince et al6 described a lower mean United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
weight for age (1.04 standard deviation [SD] below reference) (UNICEF) is recommended. The current WHO guidelines for
upon admission to a pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) as an MUAC only encompass ages 6–59 months and are age and sex
independent risk factor for mortality. specific.10 In addition to the WHO guidelines, Frisancho11 has
Height/length are the best predictors of chronic malnutri- validated guidelines for MUAC in a broader age range (1–74
tion/stunting. Stunting is defined as −2 z score in length/height years). Although the age population is expanded, particularly
for age. The overall surveillance of height/length is critical to for children between 5 and 19 years, the sample sizes have
accurate nutrition assessment along with routine monitoring.4 been limited, ranging from 155–259 per age group. In addition,
While height/length remain important measures in the assess- z scores are available but may be difficult to interpret. UNICEF
ment of weight/length and body mass index (BMI), an accurate guidelines are based on starvation and malnutrition in developing
height/length is imperative. If a height/length are difficult to countries and consistent with poor outcomes and mortality.12,13
assess, proxy measurements such as knee height, tibia length, Clinical judgment is recommended in determining which
and upper-arm length have been validated specifically in the MUAC reference range to use. Tricep skinfold and mid-arm
cerebral palsy population up to 12 years of age, in whom this muscle circumference are other tools to measure muscle mass
challenge may exist.7 and fat stores in pediatric patients, but from a feasibility
Beer et al 611

Table 1. z Score Definition Compared With Percentiles.

z Score (BMI or Weight/Length) Growth Percentiles Waterlow Criteria, % Malnutrition Description

0 ≥90 No risk
–1 2.4–15.9 <90 At risk/mild
−2 0.2−2.3 80−89.9 Moderate
−3 <0.2 <80 Severe

BMI, body mass index.

standpoint, it may prove difficult to implement with equipment Physical Assessment

and time required.
Given that current recommendations call for a shift from the Actual physical assessment of pediatric patients is challenging
use of percentiles to z scores (Table 1), it is important to have given their constant growth and development. For example,
an accurate and dependable system to calculate these values. what may appear to be temporal wasting may be an infant with
Many electronic medical records have been able to build this a misshaped head. Secker and Jeejeebhoy19 have developed
into their anthropometrics flowsheets and/or growth charts. In general guidelines on physical assessment of children in the
circumstances when this is not available, peditools.org is a context of subjective global assessment. While the current
readily available resource that accurately calculates z scores. guidelines lack parameters that address physical assessment, it
Nutrition risk screening criteria/protocols should also is important for the nutrition clinician to address these factors
reflect this change.4,5 These adjustments will likely capture a within an assessment of malnutrition.
greater population of hospitalized pediatric patients compared
with current benchmarked standards used in many children’s Chronicity
hospitals.14 In addition, z scores may identify more children
when risk first appears vs at the time when the sequelae of Malnutrition can be categorized into 2 main categories, acute
malnutrition become evident. As anthropometrics are the basis and chronic. Both acute and chronic malnutrition occur in the
of an appropriate assessment of malnutrition in pediatrics, it is pediatric population, and in some circumstances, there is over-
imperative that the appropriate personnel (nurses, medical lap between the two. The classic way to distinguish between
assistants, dietitians) are trained in proper measurement tech- these 2 categories is based on length of time. A chronic disease
niques, provided with ongoing education, and that instruments is defined as lasting longer than 3 months, while acute is <3
used are calibrated on a regular schedule to ensure accuracy. months.20 In many circumstances, chronic malnutrition can
present in the setting of stunting vs weight loss prior to medical
Growth Velocity
Growth is considered the gold standard to assess nutrition sta- Etiology of Malnutrition
tus in pediatrics.5 Change in percentiles on a growth chart is
easy to assess visually. However, percentiles do not precisely The etiology of malnutrition is often more than a simple lack of
capture equivocal to stagnant growth and/or weight loss. The food. Many other factors are contributory. Most malnutrition in
pediatric/neonatal literature has shown outcomes worsen when developed countries is due to secondary factors. Decreased
a z score in weight-for-age decreases by 0.67.15,16 Weight loss nutrition intake, increased resting energy expenditure (REE),
in conjunction with a decline in growth velocity has been iden- increased losses, malabsorption, infection, inflammation, and
tified as a component in the malnutrition criteria. Specifically, deterioration in chronic disease increase the risk of malnutri-
Merritt and Blackburn17 found that 5% weight loss in 1 month tion in children. Malnutrition occurs when there is imbalance
is a critical threshold for an adverse clinical outcome. In addi- between nutrients required for normal growth and develop-
tion, a 2% weight loss over a period of 1 week has been identi- ment, as well as nutrient intake.
fied with malnutrition.18 Although this is addressed in the new
pediatric malnutrition assessment guidelines, additional
research would be helpful in identifying the appropriate thresh- Mechanisms Leading to Nutrient
olds for growth changes. Imbalance
The clinical practice guidelines currently address weight
Decreased Intake
velocity in less than 2 years and weight loss for greater than 2
years. It may be more clinically feasible if the guidelines were Accurate assessment of energy and protein needs is important
similar across all age groups and to consider the use of change to ensure adequate nutrition is provided.23 Underfeeding and
in weight velocity after the age of 2 years given growth poten- overfeeding present different problems for the chronically ill
tial throughout childhood.5 child. The gold-standard method for estimating energy needs is
612 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 30(5)

Table 2. Estimated Energy and Protein Requirements for Infants Through Adolescents.a

DRI: Energy (Based

on EER With
BMR (kcal/ PAL = Sedentary) DRI: Protein
Reference Reference kg/d):
Category Age, y Weight,b kg Height,b cm Schofieldc kcal/d kcal/kg/d g/d g/kg/d
Infants 0–2 mo NA NA 1.52d
2–3 mo 6 62 54 609 102 9.1 1.52d
4–6 mo 6 62 54 490 82 9.1 1.52d
7–12 mo 9 71 51 723 80 11 1.2e
13–35 mo 12 86 56 988 82 13 1.08e
Boys 3y 12 86 57 1020 85 13 1.08e
4–5 y 20 115 48 1402 70 19 0.95e
6–7 y 20 115 48 1279 64 19 0.95e
8y 20 115 48 1186 59 19 0.95e
Girls 3y 12 86 55 986 82 13 1.08e
4–5 y 20 115 45 1291 65 19 0.95e
6–7 y 20 115 45 1229 61 19 0.95e
8y 20 115 45 1183 59 19 0.95e
Boys 9–11 y 36 144 36 1756 49 34 0.94e
12–13 y 36 144 36 1599 44 34 0.94e
14–16 y 61 174 28 2385 39 52 0.85e
17–18 y 61 174 28 2230 37 52 0.85e
>18 y 70 177 28 2550 36 56 0.8e
Girls 9–11 y 37 144 32 1567 42 34 0.92e
12–13 y 37 144 32 1490 40 34 0.92e
14–16 y 54 163 26 1760 33 46 0.85e
17–18 y 54 163 26 1684 31 46 0.85e
>18 y 57 163 23 1939 34 46 0.8e
This table is meant to be a quick reference guideline as calculations are based on reference heights and weights. Various sources present age groups
differently; therefore, some calculations reflect the average between sexes and age groups. Bolded items represent DRI: energy (based on EER with PAL
= sedentary). BMR, basal metabolic rate; DRI, Dietary Reference Intake; EER, estimated energy requirement; NA, not applicable; PAL, physical activity
level. Source: Texas Children’s Hospital Pediatric Nutrition Reference Guide, 10th ed., 2013. Used with permission.
Reference weights and heights taken from Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes: The Essential Guide to Nutrient Requirements Divided Into
Smaller Groupings. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine; 2006.
Estimates based on Schofield equations for calculating basal metabolic rate in children.
Adequate intake.
Recommended dietary allowance.

indirect calorimetry, and this method should be employed found that intake less than 50% of estimated energy needs over
when available. However, since it is not consistently available, a 48-hour time period leads to poor outcomes.
equations such as Schofield, WHO, Dietary Reference Intake It is important to note various factors contribute to poor
(DRI), and REE must be used to estimate needs (Table 2).5,24 intake and should be considered in the assessment process.
Because equations tend to underestimate or overestimate Dietary and fluid restrictions, early satiety, anorexia of disease,
energy needs, nutrition needs and response to nutrition therapy gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, delayed oral motor skills, and
must be assessed frequently. medications are some of the factors. Coupled with other risk
Providing adequate nutrition is shown to improve overall factors for malnutrition, poor dietary intake can result in poor
outcomes in critically ill ventilated children. Mehta et al25 growth. Due to the variability of assessing dietary intake and
found that increasing energy intake from 33% of prescribed the feasibility for 100% accuracy in a hospitalized patient, cli-
energy to 66% significantly decreased the risk of mortality. nicians are urged to look at intake data in the context of physi-
Other improved outcomes included lower infection rate, cal findings and clinical situation to determine adequacy of
decreased length of stay, decreased duration of ventilation, nutrition provided.
positive or stable anthropometric trends, and decreased mor-
bidities due to chronic disease. Decreased nutrient intake over
a long period of time may lead to micronutrient deficiencies if
Excessive Losses
not properly monitored and supplemented. The literature is Vomiting and diarrhea. According to the WHO, diarrhea
lacking in assessment of intake, but Sermet-Gaudelus et al18 accounts for approximately 10% of deaths in children younger
Beer et al 613

than 5 years globally and is the leading cause of malnutrition in Altered Utilization/Malabsorption
children.26 The incidence of vomiting and diarrhea is higher in
malnourished patients. Hecht et al27 reported that 26% of mal- Acidosis. Metabolic acidosis occurs when there is a shortage
nourished patients experienced vomiting compared with only of bicarbonate, and acid-base homeostasis is disrupted or there
14% of well-nourished patients (P < .001), and diarrhea is an overproduction of acid in the body.35 Acute acidosis typi-
occurred in 22% of malnourished and 12% of well-nourished cally occurs in critically ill patients and can lead to cardiovas-
children (P < .001). Longer periods of vomiting in malnour- cular problems, including hypotension, decreased immune
ished children (2 days vs 1 day, P = .006) were also reported. function, and increased inflammation. Chronic acidosis causes
Vomiting and diarrhea, if prolonged, also contribute to micro- muscle wasting, poor growth, and hypoalbuminemia. Acidosis
nutrient deficiencies. is a major cause of muscle wasting in chronic kidney disease
(CKD), while correction of acidosis is associated with
improved muscle mass and protein balance.36
Sodium Wasting Disorders
Preterm and low-birth-weight infants are known to have high Fat malabsorption. Malabsorption of fat and fat-soluble vita-
renal and intestinal sodium losses during the first few weeks of mins occurs predominantly in patients with liver disease, cys-
life. Studies have shown that failure to provide adequate tic fibrosis (CF), and intestinal failure. Patients with CF
sodium supplementation during this critical time can be detri- experience a lower pH in the duodenum due to inadequate pan-
mental to the long-term neurodevelopment of the child.28 creatic bicarbonate secretions. A normal pH level is required
Sodium wasting disorders occur due to cerebral and kidney for fat digestion and absorption; hence, a lower pH level, as
dysfunction. One of the kidney’s primary functions is to main- seen in patients with CF, is a cause of fat malabsorption. The
tain sodium and fluid homeostasis. When this process is dis- reduction of available bile salts to solubilize fat due to fecal
rupted in patients with dysplasia or obstructive uropathy, bile salt losses also contributes to poor fat absorption. In
sodium and fluid losses lead to intravascular volume depletion patients with intestinal failure, the presence of a lower surface
and negative sodium balance. If uncorrected, poor growth will area for fat-soluble vitamins increases the risk of poor absorp-
follow. Parekh et al29 described improved growth in children tion and deficiencies. Yang et al37 found that even when sup-
who were appropriately supplemented with sodium and fluid. plements were provided to patients with intestinal failure,
micronutrient deficiencies were still present. Although patients
Increased requirements/hypermetabolism/catabolism. An increase with malabsorption may not have a higher REE than a healthy
in physical activity not necessarily from exercise may induce child, increased calories may need to be provided to account
increased energy needs. For example, seizures and dysautono- for the losses. The use of medium-chain triglycerides and
mia may increase needs.23 In congenital heart disease (CHD), micronutrient supplementation are typically required when fat
an increase in REE is related to cardiac failure, infections, malabsorption is present. Calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vita-
increased work of the heart, increased basal temperature, and min D deficiencies have been reported in patients with fat mal-
increased activity of the nervous system.30 Similarly, increased absorption. Higher dose supplementation may be required to
work of breathing in patients with pulmonary dysfunction offset losses.38 Biochemical analysis of micronutrients must be
results in higher metabolic rates.31 performed to accurately assess status, not just assessment of
Optimal nutrition is important in conserving or restoring intake.
body mass. Catabolism involves the breakdown of lean body
mass and, without adequate protein intake, will escalate the Carbohydrate malabsorption. Carbohydrate malabsorption is
problem by promoting negative nitrogen balance. Children associated with increased GI symptoms such as diarrhea, flatu-
who are admitted to the hospital with malnutrition have little lence, and bloating. Carbohydrate malabsorptive disorders
reserves, making adequate nutrition essential to care. Adult include fructose malabsorption, lactose intolerance, and small
studies show that inadequate protein intake in the critically ill bowel disease. Small bowel disease can cause diarrhea and
will hinder overall outcomes.32 Children have higher protein lead to malabsorption.39 Weight loss, steatorrhea, and nutrient
needs compared with adults, even when healthy. This illus- deficiencies are observed as well. Common deficiencies
trates how vulnerable children are to suboptimal protein intake. reported in the literature are iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, fat-
The literature on pressure ulcers in children is less publicized soluble vitamins, zinc, and copper.40
compared with adults. However, it does suggest that pediatric Another element to consider in malabsorption is drug-
patients are at risk and should be assessed regularly. One of the induced enteropathy.39,41 When duodenal villous atrophy is
major risk factors for the development of pressure ulcers is inad- present, malabsorption and diarrhea typically occur.
equate nutrition.33 Children with open wounds have higher nutri- Mycophenolate mofetil is a drug commonly used in transplant
ent needs, specifically protein, zinc, ascorbic acid, and vitamin patients to prevent rejection. However, side effects include
A, to promote healing. Severe burns trigger a hypermetabolic diarrhea, weight loss, and malabsorption. The mechanism is
state; therefore, even with adequate calories and protein, growth not completely known but thought to cause duodenal villi
retardation occurs acutely and chronically.34 apoptosis.
614 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 30(5)

Inflammation. Patients with inflammatory diseases are known developing countries, patients at risk for malnutrition in these
to have growth retardation caused by chronic inflammation.42–45 areas may experience dysbiosis due to chronic infections and
Some studies report a higher REE likely related to inflamma- decreased nutrient absorption, leading to malnutrition and,
tory status. Diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), hence, an altered microbiota.49
CKD, and rheumatologic diseases increase the risk of malnutri- More research is needed on the mechanism of inflammation
tion and growth retardation due to the chronic exposure to cir- on growth. However, most agree that control of inflammation/
culating proinflammatory cytokines. These cytokines include disease and provision of adequate nutrition support are impor-
tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleu- tant in reducing growth failure in patients with chronic inflam-
kin 1β (IL-1β), and interleukin 1 (IL-1). These cytokines act mation. The factors discussed above should be considered in
both directly and indirectly on the growth plate to suppress lon- the overall malnutrition assessment. The nutrition clinician
gitudinal bone growth by decreasing chondrocyte proliferation should be able to identify the factors present based on the clini-
and hypertrophy, as well as increasing apoptosis. Most patients cal condition and information available. Multiple factors may
with inflammatory disease have normal growth hormone levels contribute to a worse prognosis or a more rapid decline in
but decreased insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels. Mal- nutrition status.
nutrition also contributes to decreased IGF-1 levels by decreas-
ing liver production of IGF-1, further escalating the problem.
Many patients with inflammatory diseases are treated with glu- Functional Assessment
cocorticoids as anti-inflammatory therapy, but glucocorticoids
also cause growth retardation. Most feel the best therapy to
Physical Function
improve growth is to control inflammation with decreased Evidence is well documented regarding the impact of malnutri-
exposure to glucocorticoids.45 tion and its resultant changes in functional outcomes. Functional
Of patients with IBD, 10%–35% have height stunting. IBD status changes in the setting of a pediatric patient can be inclu-
tends to manifest just before puberty, a time when 15%–20% sive of changes in muscle strength, loss of or delayed develop-
of adult height is achieved, making it highly certain that ment either physically or cognitively, increased infections or
patients will experience a decrease in adult height. An esti- immune dysfunction, extended hospital stays, and delayed
mated 40% of height stunting is directly related to inflamma- healing.4,27,50 There are a variety of methods to assessing func-
tion in rat models.21 Height velocity is typically decreased tional status, but gold standards are not readily available for
before weight loss occurs in Crohn’s disease. Reduced food their use due to cost, time, or ease of use. Nutrition clinicians
intake due to GI symptoms, cytokine activity, increased fecal should use all measures available to aid with an assessment of
losses, malabsorption, and protein-losing enteropathy all con- functional status that can also be trended over time and consid-
tribute to malnutrition in these patients. Nutrition supplemen- ered indicative of worsening nutrition status or malnutrition.
tation is typically inevitable to maintain adequate nutrient Diminished muscle strength via muscle atrophy or low mus-
intake.46 cle reserve is well documented in malnutrition.50–52 Handgrip
Elevated inflammatory markers have been reported in strength has been proposed as an easy, reliable measure of muscle
CKD/end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and thought to contrib- strength, with limited but strong evidence in pediatrics to support
ute to malnutrition. Canpolat et al47 reported a significant ele- its use. Grip strength is strongly correlated with weight and height
vation of IL-6 as an independent predictor of decreased fat as well as fat-free mass in children and adolescents.53–55 In a
stores in pediatric hemodialysis patients. However, other pedi- study by Silva et al56 on children 6–18 years of age, BMI z score
atric studies48 do not have the same findings, leaving it unclear was significantly associated with handgrip strength whereby, as
whether inflammation contributes to malnutrition in children z score decreased, so did handgrip strength. Interestingly,
with kidney disease. Another factor that must be considered are Alvares-da-Silva and da Dilveria51 found that malnutrition
high cytokine levels, which have been found to reduce appetite prevalence rates were higher in adult cirrhotic outpatients as
and increase satiety by acting on the hypothalamus.36 measured by handgrip strength and shown to have a more pre-
Dysbiosis or an altered gut microbiome is an additional fac- dictive value than other nutrition assessment techniques in pre-
tor to consider as etiologies of malnutrition. However, the dicting major complications over a 1-year period.
reverse, malnutrition leading to dysbiosis, may occur as well. Normative age-specific values for handgrip strength in
Studies of this phenomenon have mostly been conducted in healthy 6- to 18-year-olds are available and allow for observa-
developing countries. Exposure to various bacteria through tion of development and evaluation of therapeutic interven-
diet to build a healthy microbiota is important to prevent a tions over time.54,55 Given the presentation of a grip strength
vicious cycle of events such as infection, inflammation, altered growth curve, it could be theorized that a practitioner may be
absorption, and decreased immune function. The microbiota’s able to differentiate the degree of low muscle reserve or
function to the immune system is to enhance epithelial cell strength loss and thus define the degree of malnutrition. Still,
development and provide a barrier to toxins to enable better further research is needed to establish larger population-based
nutrient absorption. Although this is more of a concern in reference curves for handgrip strength.
Beer et al 615

Another increasingly studied measure of functional status in lower total body fat mass and malnutrition were also associ-
pediatrics that may have similar ease of use is the 6-minute ated with worse clinical outcomes. Last, it is important to
walk test (6MWT). Bosa and colleagues52 showed that the remember the basic physiologic effects of severe acute malnu-
6MWT was significantly associated with malnutrition and low trition such as bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, and
muscle reserves. This has been used in adults to measure sub- postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome as frequently seen in
maximal level of functional exercise capacity. Geiger et al57 severe eating disorders.65 These basic measures could also be
worked to establish reference values and equations for children, included in an assessment of functional status.
but the sample size of 528 poses a concern. More research is There is also the question as to when to measure physical
warranted in developing age-based reference curves with larger function and at what frequency. The answer could reflect immo-
sample sizes to make this more applicable in clinical practice. bility over time. In healthy individuals, for every week of
The use of handgrip strength and the 6MWT in assessing immobilization, the rate of muscle mass loss is 4%–5%.66 Van
muscle strength and functional capacity may be variable Mook and colleagues67 found that 100% of patients with multi-
depending on practitioner accessibility to equipment (a dyna- organ failure and up to 80% of patients mechanically ventilated
mometer) or someone who is trained to administer the test. It >7 days developed muscle atrophy. Frequent or, at a minimum,
would be feasible for nutrition clinicians to be trained on how weekly monitoring of functional status may be prudent for indi-
to perform these tests. Future research recommendations viduals who are identified as being immobile for an extended
would suggest easy pictorial screening or simple screening period of time or those with extended hospital length of stay.
questionnaires that might elucidate changes in muscle strength
with more ease. An example could be the clinical frailty scale,
a 9-point descriptive and pictorial tool that has been highly cor-
Immune Function
related with the frailty index and is predictive of measures of Mehta et al4 described immune deficiency as another functional
cognition, function, or comorbidity in assessing risk for outcome that can be monitored in malnourished children.
death.58,59 Although frailty is primarily studied in adults and Malnutrition impairs immune function and the GI barrier,
elderly individuals, study measures of frailty mimic those of thereby increasing infection risk and severity.68 The in-depth
malnutrition diagnoses. In addition, children with chronic dis- review by Raiten and colleagues68 of the relationship between
ease are more likely to show signs of accelerated aging, even in nutrition and inflammation described the interaction between
young adulthood. A study by Ness et al60 looked at physiologic malnutrition and immune function as bidirectional. In addition
frailty in adult childhood cancer survivors and found that the to protein-energy malnutrition, key nutrients have been fre-
prevalence of frailty among this young adult population was quently studied in a variety of models and their impact of defi-
similar to adults 65 years or older. It could be theorized that ciency on both innate and adaptive immunity. Some of these
this would likely occur before individuals even reach young include vitamin A, zinc, iron, and, more recently, vitamin D.68,69
adulthood and may occur with many other types of chronic ill- Vitamin A deficiency is associated with decreased epithelial
nesses that affect pediatrics. barrier function and an increased risk in mortality from infec-
In addition to direct markers of muscle strength such as tious disease.68,70 Zinc deficiency is also associated with
handgrip strength, another widely studied functional test is spi- decreased epithelial barrier function as well as growth retarda-
rometry to assess lung function and thus functional status. As tion, poor cognitive development, delayed sexual maturation,
muscle loss or low muscle reserve occurs in malnutrition, the and skin lesions. Iron deficiency can lead to cognitive and
muscles used for respiration can also experience decline. Most motor development deficits, especially if deficiency is long
notably, pulmonary function tests have shown significant cor- term. Lower levels of vitamin D have been associated with
relation with nutrition status in pulmonary diseases such as higher risk of respiratory tract infections in newborns,71 uri-
cystic fibrosis.61 Paglialonga et al62 found positive correlations nary tract infections in children,72 and an increased risk factor
with body weight and spirometric parameters in children on for sepsis and mortality in critically ill patients.73
maintenance hemodialysis, and Ziora et al63 found strong posi- Decreased immunity may be difficult to quantify patient to
tive correlations between weight and absolute values of spiro- patient, and its severity and impact would likely vary based on
metric parameters in adolescents with anorexia nervosa. illness. Routine monitoring of these micronutrient deficiencies
Functional assessments and tests should also be directed based may be able to act as surrogate functional markers of immune
on the individual condition or illness. Spirometry may not be deficiency in the presence of malnutrition. It may provide
applicable in all situations or chronic illnesses but may provide some means of quantifying the degree of malnutrition from an
another measure to trend and assess in a patient’s entire pic- immune deficiency standpoint. It is important to note that the
ture, especially those with pulmonary disease. In children with presence of inflammation and its acute phase reactants will
CHD, a measure that has been associated with nutrition status alter micronutrient status indicators such as increasing ferritin
is B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), a measure of excessive and decreasing transferrin, serum iron, zinc, and retinol.69
myocardial stretching. Radman et al64 found an inverse corre- Therefore, more research is needed in the identification of
lation between total body fat mass and BNP levels, whereby micronutrient status indicators in the setting of inflammation.
616 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 30(5)

Cognitive Function In addition, it is clear more research is needed in pediatrics. A

suggestion for future research would be the inclusion of a vali-
Mehta et al4 suggest developmental assessment and neurocogni- dated screening tool to quickly and easily identify changes or
tive monitoring as a functional outcome of malnutrition. The evi- lack of progress in both physical function and cognition.
dence is quite robust to support this recommendation. The
meta-analysis of child development and linear growth by Sudfeld
et al22 found that every unit increase in height-for-age z score in Special Population Considerations
children younger than 2 years was associated with a 0.22-SD Through application of the malnutrition assessment described
increase in cognition at 5–11 years. The investigation by Dykman by Mehta et al4 and Becker et al,5 nutrition practitioners are
et al74 concluded that school-aged children who were formerly likely to come across populations that are difficult to apply
defined as failure to thrive had lower intelligence quotients (IQs) these recommendations and techniques.
and clinically adverse attention and aggression ratings. Sudfeld
and associates22 even suggest that due to its robust relationship,
restricted growth and stunting could be used as an incomplete Patients With Chronic Illness–Related
proxy for developmental delay. Neurocognitive testing is the Height Stunting
gold standard for monitoring development and cognition; how- Although growth failure can clearly be indicative of malnutri-
ever, this is a test that, practically speaking, is not easily adminis- tion, there are some situations in which chronic illness or the
tered and is only done when significant concerns are raised. It is treatment thereof is the causative agent in growth failure. Thus,
likely many patients will not have baseline neurocognitive testing labeling these children malnourished simply due to stunting is
done. Without the presence of readily available information to not necessarily accurate. In practice, providing additional
assess, nutrition clinicians may be limited to simply monitoring nutrition support would likely not improve linear growth and
for loss of developmental milestones and cognition or inability to may put them at risk for excess fat accumulation. Some factors
perform previous tasks. Health-related quality-of-life measures to consider are corticosteroid exposure, radiation exposure,
are quantifiable and objective measures that clinicians may have chronic inflammation, and CKD.
more access to at baseline and follow-up monitoring, especially Corticosteroid exposure has been shown to be negatively
in the chronic disease setting. A health-related quality-of-life associated with post–solid organ transplant linear growth.82–85
measure measures not only physical dimensions via health and Chronic corticosteroid use is not limited to solid organ trans-
functional status but also psychosocial dimensions of emotional plant recipients. A review of inhaled corticosteroids in children
and role functioning.75 The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory with persistent asthma by Zhang and colleagues86 found that
(PedsQL) is a validated tool and has a minimal clinically impor- these children exhibited a mean decrease of 0.48 cm per year in
tant difference cutoff within each domain that, by definition, linear growth. Bakker et al87 reported that total-body irradiation
could support a change in the patient’s management.76 It has been and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation led to a reduction in
studied across a variety of pediatric chronic conditions where height SD score by 1.1 in girls and 1.7 in boys. Chronic inflam-
research has also indicated that there are substantial differences mation and its proinflammatory cytokines are thought to alter
on impact of specific chronic diseases.76 The relationship between the neuroendocrine axis and may exert additional independent
quality of life and malnutrition has also been clearly documented effects on growth without regard to nutrition status as described
in the research.27,77 In adult dialysis patients, higher malnutrition- in children with inflammatory bowel disease.68,88 Growth fail-
inflammation scores were associated with not only 5-year mor- ure in children with CKD is quite prominent and also can be
tality but also poorer health-related quality of life across all scales independent of nutrition status due to both chronic inflamma-
and dimensions.78 Samson-Fang et al79 reported that malnutrition tory processes as well as alterations in growth hormone metabo-
was associated with decreased participation in usual activities of lism and cellular resistance to growth hormone.89
both child and parent. In children with cancer, Brinksma and col- An approach that should be considered in the case of assess-
leagues80 found undernourished children had lower quality-of- ing malnutrition and chronic illness–related stunting may be to
life scores reported. In addition, they found that for those with a adjust BMI/age z scores based on the child’s height/age z score
weight loss of more than 0.5 SD, total PedsQL score was signifi- at point zero. This may prevent placing those at risk for excess
cantly lower. fat accumulation in the correct scenario. This is by no means a
As presented above, it is becoming more evident that these new suggestion, as these recommendations are very similar to
measures of functional status are intimately related to one those given by Kidney Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative
another. Teixeria et al81 found that the 6MWT performed on chil- (KDOQI) Children With CKD Work Group, where it is sug-
dren and adolescents with CKD showed a significant positive gested that expressing BMI relative to height-age can mini-
correlation with height, PedsQL score, and pulmonary function mize errors of malnutrition assessment in this selected patient
tests. Any number of functional tests are relevant to assessing population. One would need to consider the appropriateness of
children’s level of malnutrition. It is important to note that any this method in conjunction with assessment of the child’s bone
functional test may also have different expected disease norms. age and Tanner staging as caution is warranted in relating this
Beer et al 617

to children outside the pubertal period where the association nutrition clinicians might consider eating disorders as an ill-
between height-age and maturation is reportedly less clear.90 ness-related form of malnutrition for a variety of reasons. The
prevalence rate of children with disordered eating patterns is
approximately 5% among adolescent females. It is a mental
Patients With CF illness with frequent relapses of up to 30% in anorexics.94
Individuals with CF have high prevalence rates for malnutrition Approximately 20% of those with anorexia nervosa and 10%
due to the multifactorial nature of the nutrition effects as well as of those with bulimia nervosa continue to meet criteria into
the rapid progressive nature of weight loss in disease deteriora- long-term follow-up.95,96 In addition, a number of GI distur-
tion. As clinicians caring for patients with CF, one would likely bances may perpetuate the disease.
question how recent recommendations can apply to these patients Children with bulimia nervosa may not meet anthropomet-
given their high degree of nutrition risk. The Cystic Fibrosis ric z score criteria for malnutrition, but as research shows,
Foundation (CFF) has established growth guidelines for children these individuals are usually overweight or within 10% of their
older than 2 years to attain and maintain, at minimum, a goal BMI ideal body weight and can have metabolic consequences that
of greater than the 50th percentile for age (z score 0) on CDC are life threatening. In addition, intake may also be very diffi-
growth charts. For children younger than 2 years, with the use of cult to assess in a situation where you have a patient exhibiting
WHO growth charts, the weight-for-length goal for children binge/purge behaviors. The definition of malnutrition in a child
younger than 12 months remains greater than the 50th percentile with disordered eating behavior should rely heavily on physi-
but, between 12 and 24 months of age, recommends a weight-for- cal assessment of muscle and fat loss as well as functional
length goal of greater than the 75th percentile. Additional recom- assessments encompassing loss of strength but also of physio-
mendations include the monitoring of goal weight-for-age cutoffs logic instability signs such as bradycardia, hypotension, hypo-
that fluctuate between birth and 24 months as well as appropriate thermia, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.65,95,96
growth velocity goals depending on level of risk. Specifically, in
those patients with a BMI percentile greater than 50th, the mini-
mum growth velocity goal should be greater than the 10th percen-
Neonates and Premature Infants
tile (between −1 and −2 z score), and for those with a BMI Neonates and premature infants represent another possible gap
percentile less than the 50th, the minimum growth velocity should in a unifying method of diagnosing malnutrition. The primary
be at the 50th percentile or greater (>0 z score). These data are all concern is the natural course of weight velocity immediately
based on the fact that patients who meet these goals have improved after birth, when it is known that infants will experience weight
pulmonary function and survival rates.91–93 loss and may take approximately 2 weeks to regain birth weight.
Theoretically, a nutrition clinician may have a patient with CF When it comes to premature infants, there are no weight-for-
who falls at the 25th percentile, above the −1 z score BMI/age length z score charts to define malnutrition anthropometrically.
cutoffs with a zero z score (50th percentile) of growth velocity In addition, terms such as small-for-gestational age (SGA) and
that would not necessarily be termed malnourished by anthropo- intrauterine growth retardation raise concerns for fetal malnu-
metric criteria alone. By CFF guidelines, this patient is not meet- trition in neonates and premature infants. However, as Metcoff97
ing goals. Unfortunately, the CFF does not stratify degree of risk explains, these terms are not synonymous with each other, and
below the 50th percentile. However, practically speaking, many the presence of one or both does not indicate the presence of
CF centers run on nutrition algorithms to quickly identify and fetal malnutrition. In a study of 1382 neonates, Metcoff deter-
aggressively treat patients not meeting goals, whereby the patient mined that 10.9% had fetal malnutrition, which included 5.5%
described above may be considered for gastrostomy tube place- of appropriate-for-gestational age (AGA) infants and 54% of
ment. In this instance, one may consider the level of intervention SGA infants.
equivalent to the level of malnutrition. When looking deeper at Metcoff97 examined a scoring system based on clinical evi-
the anthropometric cutoffs given by Becker et al,5 it may be con- dence of malnutrition and physical assessment of muscle and
templated that for patients with CF, higher BMI/age and weight- fat losses (also known as the CANSCORE). Metcoff describes
for-length z score cutoffs as well as higher growth velocity/ the skin of infants with fetal malnutrition as loose or too large
weight loss cutoffs should be explored and considered. The use around the arms, legs, elbows, knees, and interscapular regions
of both functional assessment and physical assessments of fat and while the fat pads around the buccal and buttock regions appear
muscle losses would be paramount to define the degree of malnu- decreased. If the infant is severely malnourished, he or she will
trition in a patient with CF who experiences decreases in pulmo- exhibit an emaciated or marasmic appearance. Adebami and
nary function tests and disease deterioration. Owa98 also studied the CANSCORE as an early detection
method for malnutrition in newborns and found that it was able
to diagnose malnutrition more precisely than SGA. Their study
Patients With Eating Disorders of 442 term infants found that 49.4% of infants would not have
Children and adolescents with eating disorders represent a been termed malnourished using intrauterine growth standards
unique population of starvation-based malnutrition. However, alone, while 61.4% of infants would not have been
618 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 30(5)

Table 3. Case Study 1.

Assessment Criteria Assessment Detail

Clinical presentation 4-month-old male with fever and increased fussiness
Diagnosis CF: diagnosed at 4 weeks of age with pancreatic insufficiency and multiple admits for pulmonary
Anthropometrics Weight: 4.8 kg (z score: −1.46)
Height: 59 cm (z score: −0.51)
FOC: 39 cm (z score: −2.02)
Weight-for-length: 2% (z = −2.02) based on WHO 0−36 months weight-for-length data
IBW: 5.63 kg (85% IBW) (based on WHO 0–36 months weight-for-length at 50th percentile)
Nutrition status: high nutrition risk status, per CF Foundation guidelines
Growth velocity: +245 g since clinic visit (+49 g/d; goal = 23–34 g/d)
Food and nutrition-related Semi-elemental formula: 24 calories per ounce, 4 ounces every 2–3 hours (140 kcal/kg, 4 g/kg protein)
history Appetite slightly decreased when the fever started but overall eating well
Vitamins/minerals/herbal products: fat-soluble multivitamin 1 mL/d in bottle, salt 1/8 teaspoon/d in
Pancreatic enzymes: 3 caps with feeds provides 1875 units lipase/kg/meal; patient takes enzymes from
a spoon
Physical assessment Overall appearance: small for age, thin extremities
Digestive system: runny stools/greasy (3–4 times/d). No emesis or spit-ups reported per mom.
Oral-motor skills: intact with no deficits identified; taking enzymes off spoon with applesauce
Clinical data White blood cell count: normal
25-Hydroxyvitamin D: low
Pancreatic elastase: low (pancreatic insufficiency)
No pulmonary function test as patient is younger than 5 years
Functional status Unable to accurately assess functional status as infant is 4 months of age
Overall nutrition status Illness-related acute moderate malnutrition
Weight-for-length z score: −2.02
Weight gain velocity meets age-expected weight gain
Physical assessment
Thin cheeks and chin. Limited fat mass on limbs.
+ malabsorption given loose stools
+ possible inflammation and/or hypermetabolism with fever/possible infection
Insufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D
Functional status: no changes from baseline
Discussion and summary z scores were the best single data point for weight-for-length and indicate moderate malnutrition based
on anthropometrics alone

CF, cystic fibrosis; FOC, frontal occipital circumference; IBW, ideal body weight; WHO, World Health Organization.

termed malnourished using the Ponderal Index. Korkmaz and especially premature infants could be more difficult due to
colleagues99 applied the CANSCORE to premature infants and thinner skin and less subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue in
looked at neonatal outcomes. They found an incidence of general. The CANSCORE is another example where a unique
54.8% of fetal malnutrition (100% in the SGA category and group of pediatric patients would possibly require adjustments
44% in the AGA category). Furthermore, they found that the in how to define malnutrition.
incidence of neonatal morbidities was significantly higher in
premature infants with fetal malnutrition.
Case Studies
Overall, there is limited research available on the diagnoses
of fetal malnutrition based on the CANSCORE and its com- The following case study tables (Tables 3 and 4) are character-
parison with long-term outcome data. In addition, it would also istic of the types of patient care cases routinely encountered at
be important to ensure an experienced and qualified observer Texas Children’s Hospital. They do not represent an actual
in the use of the CANSCORE since assessing neonates and patient.
Beer et al 619

Table 4. Case Study 2.

Assessment Criteria Assessment Detail

Clinical presentation Female (10 years, 3 months old) with recent worsening of ROD control
Diagnosis ESRD with 3 times per week HD for 4 years
Anthropometrics Weight/estimated dry weight: 23.3 kg (z score: −2.23 per CDC)
Height: 130 cm (z score: −1.4)
BMI: 13.8 (z score: −1.89)
BMI z score adjusted for height/age: −1.46
MUAC: 17.2 cm
Per chronological age: 10th percentile, between −1 and −2 z score; moderate malnutrition (UNICEF)
Per bone age: 15th–25th percentile, between 0 and −1 z score; no risk (UNICEF)
Growth velocity
Weight: = 700 g/1 year (5th–10th percentile, −0.52 z score over time)
Height: +2.7 cm/1 year (3rd–5th percentile, ~ −2 z score)
BMI z score change: −0.33
Food and nutrition-related 750 mg sodium/potassium, low phosphorus, 500 mL fluid restriction. IDPN/IL 3 times/week during HD
history Picky eater, early satiety
No food record obtainable due to limited social support; likely inadequate
Fluid gains between treatments <5%
Medication: ROD medications, appetite stimulant, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, no antihypertensives
Unsure of medication compliance, refusal of GT placement. Growth hormone on hold.
Physical assessment Overall appearance: Tanner stage 2, thin, short stature
Head/face: flat, with some periorbital swelling noted possibly indicative of excess fluid
Shoulders/torso: prominent scapula and protrusion of clavicle
Upper extremities: little space between fingers at bicep/triceps; reduced fat mass
Lower extremities: slight depression on inner thigh, little to no muscle definition in calf; reduced muscle mass.
Knees recently started to touch. Moderate to severe muscle and fat losses noted
Clinical data Serum albumin: low
Normalized protein nitrogen appearance: normal
Parathyroid hormone: high (trending down)
Phosphorus: normal
25-Hydroxyvitamin D: low (trending down)
Iron: normal
Transferrin saturation: normal
Total iron binding capacity: normal
Ferritin: normal
Blood pressure under acceptable control
Functional status Walking with limp. Occasionally transported via stroller. Significant decrease in physical function. No recent
PedsQL scores available; previous study × 6 months ago showed no significant changes.
Overall nutrition status Illness-related chronic moderate malnutrition
Weight velocity z score: decrease by 0.52
BMI adjusted height/age z score: −1.46
BMI z score change: decrease by 0.33
MUAC at chronological age: moderate malnutrition per UNICEF
Physical assessment
Moderate to severe fat and muscle losses, possibly more significant if patient is hiding fluid given notable
facial edema
+ catabolic state given deterioration in chronic disease and catabolic nature of HD
+ inflammation likely given deterioration in chronic disease
Functional status
Decline in physical function and capacity. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D insufficiency.
Discussion and summary z scores initially indicate mild malnutrition. Patient’s poor growth and declining functional status indicate
a higher level of malnutrition. Decision to use UNICEF MUAC as primary indicator given possibility of
positive fluid status. Ultimately, patient received transplantation shortly from these readings where fluid shifts
in weights indicated patient’s true dry weight and BMI z score of −2.93 with no notable changes in MUAC

BMI, body mass index; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; GT, gastrostomy tube; HD, hemodialysis; IDPN/IL, intradialytic
parenteral nutrition/intralipids; MUAC, mid-upper-arm circumference; PedsQL, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory; ROD, renal osteodystrophy; UNICEF, United Nations
International Children’s Emergency Fund.
620 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 30(5)

Table 5. Malnutrition Codes/Descriptions Used for Baseline Malnutrition is well established as an important comorbidity
Data Collection. in children that affects both clinical outcomes and length of stay
ICD-9 Code Description
(LOS). Malnutrition has been shown to be significantly associ-
ated with a greater hospital LOS. In the STRONGkids study,
260 Kwashiorkor there was an odds ratio of 1.96 for a LOS >4 days for those at
261 Nutritional marasmus nutrition risk vs those not at risk.100 In a multicenter cohort study
262 Other severe protein calorie malnutrition in Europe, the primary outcome was LOS in a general pediatric
263.0 Malnutrition of moderate degree or surgery ward in malnourished vs well-nourished patients.
263.1 Malnutrition of mild degree Malnourished children had a significantly longer LOS compared
263.2 Arrested development following protein-calorie with well-nourished children. Moderately and severely mal-
nourished children stayed 1.3 and 1.6 days longer, respectively,
263.8 Other protein-calorie malnutrition
than did well-nourished children. Not only does malnutrition
263.9 Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition
upon admission increase LOS, but an increased LOS is associ-
ICD-9, International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision. ated with an increase in weight loss incidence (35% vs 23%).27
Pacheco-Acosta et al101 found their population consisted of well-
nourished to mildly malnourished children admitted for non-
Incorporating a New Approach to critical illnesses and did not have a chronic disease. They found
Malnutrition Into Existing Practice that an increased LOS (>5 days), having 5 or more stools daily,
and lower respiratory tract disease were significant for having
An old African proverb states, “It takes a village to raise a child.” nutrition deterioration, defined as a >2% loss or >0.25 SD
Texas Children’s Hospital is a 650-bed tertiary care hospital sys- decrease in BMI from admission to discharge.
tem. A hospital-wide readiness plan for the implementation of Identification, classification, and coding for the presence of
pediatric diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) evaluated severity of malnutrition improve the ability to implement interventions to
illness scores and found opportunity to improve diagnosis of reverse or reduce its impact on both outcomes and LOS as well
comorbidities to more accurately reflect the acuity of the popula- as affect the Severity of Illness (SOI) Index, which potentially
tion served. Identification and stratification of malnutrition as a influences care cost recovery.
comorbidity was felt to be underidentified. Therefore, a group of
stakeholders came together to evaluate the best way to approach
Program Design, Planning, and
this issue. We were fortunate that at the time the project started,
the new definition and guidelines for malnutrition identification Implementation
were “hot off the press,” and we were eager to implement them To facilitate a standardized approach to the identification and
into practice. When undertaking a paradigm changing approach documentation of malnutrition among >50 pediatric clinical
to the identification and documentation of pediatric malnutrition, dietitians, a tool was created to simplify and standardize the pro-
it helps to have the stakeholders at the table. Medical staff, cess, and training began in earnest. A subcommittee of our
administrators, clinical coding specialists, and finance and infor- Nutrition Coordinating Council took the lead in the project,
mation services professionals in addition to clinical nutrition staff spending countless hours reviewing literature, meeting with med-
worked together to establish both the need and the process. The ical staff as well as coding specialists, and crafting the tool that
first step of this process was to identify and describe baseline would be used to implement the project. To ensure full participa-
population characteristics. We wanted to determine whether our tion in both training and execution of the plan, accountability for
population mimicked the literature in that a gap existed between the malnutrition initiative was built into the performance man-
prevalence and diagnosis of malnutrition as a comorbidity or agement objectives for every pediatric clinical dietitian as well as
major complication. Data were obtained for current rates of diag- clinical nutrition leadership. Compliance was monitored by chart
nosis of malnutrition as either primary or secondary discharge audit as a component of departmental quality assurance monitors
diagnosis for the prior fiscal year. International Classification of existing currently within a peer review process (Figure 2).
Diseases (ICD) codes (version 9) for malnutrition were used to Training included Journal Club podium presentations
search for these data (Table 5). Discharges from the neonatal (required and available to all campus sites via telehealth),
ICUs (NICUs) were excluded due to limited applicability of the small group trainings, case studies, and posttraining exami-
new definition to this population. Baseline diagnosis rates were nations. One-on-one trainings were also made available as
estimated at approximately 2% of all discharges. To determine the project neared pilot stages. References and materials
the prevalence, a total of 522 consecutive admittances were eval- were centrally housed on a shared drive for ease of access to
uated using percent ideal body weight based on Waterlow criteria all staff. Documentation standardization was achieved
(exclusive of patients who were less than 45 cm and 44 weeks through the addition of domain-related sections added to an
postmenstrual age) as well as the criteria using z scores. Overall already existing nutrition assessment flow sheet in the elec-
prevalence of malnutrition (mild to severe) was 19.7% by z score tronic medical record (Figure 3). This facilitated ease of
and 17.6% by Waterlow criteria (Table 6).14 documentation, as well as created discrete data fields to be
Beer et al 621

Table 6. Difference in Malnutrition Identification and Prevalence of Malnutrition at Texas Children’s Hospital.a

Malnutrition Risk Identification z Score (ZS) vs Waterlow Criteria (WC)

Malnutrition Level WC No Risk WC Mild WC Moderate WC Severe WC Total

ZS no risk 413 6 0 0 419
ZS mild 17b 45 0 0 62 (11.9)
ZS moderate 0 11 15 0 26 (5.0)
ZS severe 0 1 7c 7 15 (2.9)
ZS total 430 63 (12.1) 22 (4.2) 7 (1.3) 522

Bolded items represent where comparable malnutrition levels were captured by both ZS and WC.
Values are presented as number or number (%).
Fisher exact test significant between no risk and mild malnutrition.
Fisher exact test significant between moderate and severe malnutrition.

RD CHART AUDITS for ____________________ Auditor_________________

Medical Record Number

1. Assessment and f/u completed within appropriate time frame.
2. Approved Abbreviations
3. Drug nutrient interaction / education provided when applicable
4. Education: diet, formula mixing, food safety, etc. documented per standards
5. Plan of Care completed/updated to reflect current needs (when applicable)
6. Malnutrition criteria documented in POC when appropriate
7. No obvious copy forward of note.
Nutrition Assessment
1. Does assessment follow IDNT guidelines
2. Assessment is succinct, relevant and appropriate to support nutrition diagnosis (PES)
3. Appropriate comparative standards are used
4. If “no nutrition diagnosis” is present/assigned; does assessment data support this conclusion
Nutrition Diagnosis
5. Appropriate nutrition diagnosis (PES) statement is assigned based on data available
6. PES statement is complete
7. Diagnosis uses exact NCP terminology
8. Etiology is root cause that RD can resolve or reduce signs/symptoms
9. Signs/symptoms are specific, measurable and conducive to monitoring/evaluation
10. Additional PES statements are noted when more than one problem is present/identified

PES= Problem, Etiology, Signs and Symptoms POC= Plan of Care IDNT=International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology NCP= Nutrition
Care Process

Figure 2. Sample quality assurance/peer review form. RD, registered dietitian. © 2013 Texas Children’s Hospital. Used with permission.

enable data mining of malnutrition-related characteristics establishing interrater reliability and reproducibility of the
and outcomes of interventions for further studies. process as well as to establish validity of the tool. This pro-
Documentation templates were created for ease of identifica- vided staff with valuable practice in identification and strati-
tion within the medical record for both providers and coders. fication of malnutrition across all areas of the institution and
Finally, data were collected for >500 patients by each of 2 facilitated a smooth transition when it came to applying the
randomly assigned registered dietitians for the purpose of tools and techniques to familiar populations.
622 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 30(5)

diagnosis rate by physician year to date based on all (non-

NICU) discharges is 4.8%; this is increased from a baseline
rate of 2%. Impact to the SOI Index and cost recovery evalua-
tion are currently being evaluated. Moreover, the project has
prompted staff to embark on creative research projects in pedi-
atric malnutrition within specific populations.

Becker et al5 and Mehta et al4 present guidelines for assessing
malnutrition in terms of anthropometric changes. New guidelines
recommend the use of z scores in lieu of percentiles for anthropo-
metric measurements. Establishing guidelines that include all
domains of the new definition for pediatric malnutrition assess-
ment is challenging. Further efforts should be made to include the
etiologies of malnutrition, physical assessment, and functional
status in a comprehensive assessment of pediatric malnutrition.
Further areas of research include use of MUAC in larger
patient populations and special populations, growth velocity
across all age groups, appropriate dietary intake for standard
periods of time, how to interpret fat and muscle stores in terms
of delayed/advanced Tanner stage, and bone age.

Statement of Authorship
S. S. Beer, M. D. Juarez, M. W. Vega, and N. L. Canada equally
contributed to the concepts and content presented in the manu-
script; critically revised the manuscript; and agree to be fully
accountable for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the work.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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