Choban 2013
Choban 2013
Choban 2013
A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines: Nutrition Support of Hospitalized Adult Patients With Obesity
Patricia Choban, Roland Dickerson, Ainsley Malone, Patricia Worthington, Charlene Compher and and the American
Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2013 37: 714 originally published online 23 August 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0148607113499374
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PENXXX10.1177/0148607113499374Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition XX(X)Choban et al
Clinical Guidelines
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines: Nutrition Support of Volume 37 Number 6
November 2013 714–744
Hospitalized Adult Patients With Obesity © 2013 American Society
for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1177/0148607113499374
hosted at
Patricia Choban, MD1; Roland Dickerson, PharmD, BCNSP2;
Ainsley Malone, MS, RD, CNSC3; Patricia Worthington, MSN, RN4;
Charlene Compher, PhD, RD, CNSC, LDN, FADA, FASPEN5; and
the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Background: Due to the high prevalence of obesity in adults, nutrition support clinicians are encountering greater numbers of obese
patients who require nutrition support during hospitalization. The purpose of this clinical guideline is to serve as a framework for the
nutrition support care of adult patients with obesity. Method: A systematic review of the best available evidence to answer a series of
questions regarding management of nutrition support in patients with obesity was undertaken and evaluated using concepts adopted
from the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation working group. A consensus process, that includes
consideration of the strength of the evidence together with the risks and benefits to the patient, was used to develop the clinical guideline
recommendations prior to multiple levels of external and internal review and approval by the A.S.P.E.N. Board of Directors. Questions:
(1) Do clinical outcomes vary across levels of obesity in critically ill or hospitalized non–intensive care unit (ICU) patients? (2) How
should energy requirements be determined in obese critically ill or hospitalized non-ICU patients? (3) Are clinical outcomes improved
with hypocaloric, high protein diets in hospitalized patients? (4) In obese patients who have had a malabsorptive or restrictive surgical
procedure, what micronutrients should be evaluated? (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2013;37:714-744)
adult; life cycle; calorimetry; nutrition; assessment; outcomes; research/quality; support practice; obesity
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Choban et al 715
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716 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 37(6)
Table 1. Nutrition Support Clinical Guideline Recommendations in Adult Patients With Obesity.
significantly different in obese than nonobese subjects in the LOS,30 while a study of patients with myocardial infarction
single large study reporting this outcome.45 Studies with more reported higher mortality and no difference in complica-
than 300 obese patients reported more complications in obese tions.49 Further research is very likely to change our assess-
than nonobese patients,25,47 as did 3 smaller studies in trauma ment of the outcomes associated with obesity in non-ICU
patients.33,37,48 One large study in patients admitted to the med- patients. However, all patients should be screened for nutri-
ical ICU observed no difference in complications in obese than tion risk, and those who are at risk further assessed for nutri-
nonobese patients.32 These complications may impact adjunc- tion status and potential development of a nutrition support
tive nutrition care and thus support our consensus that an early care plan.15
nutrition assessment (as for all critically ill patients) and care Clearly, more prospective, adequately powered outcomes
plan is indicated. research is needed to clarify the risks associated with varying
In the hospitalized, non–critically ill obese patient, 2 levels of obesity in hospitalized ICU and non-ICU patients.
studies had more than 300 obese patients. One of these in Studies that include measures of inflammation, body composi-
surgical patients reported lower mortality and hospital tion (with a focus on lean body mass), and micronutrient status
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Table 2. Evidence Summary Question 1: Do Clinical Outcomes Vary Across Levels of Obesity in Critically Ill or Hospitalized Patients?
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
ICU patients
Nelson et al, Retrospective record review Single center trauma database of Compare resuscitation, Mortality:
201289 Small sample admissions 1996-present with treatment, and short- ● BMI ≥ 30 vs normal BMI, OR 2.52 (95% CI,
90 obese patients Injury Severity Score ≥ 16 term outcomes by BMI 1.3-4.9)
● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, n = 30 group Mortality on day 0:
● BMI = 18.5-24.9, n = 603 ● BMI ≥ 30 vs normal BMI, 8.9% vs 2.8%, P =
● BMI 25.0-29.9, n = 361 .023
● BMI ≥ 30, n = 90 Uncontrolled hemorrhage most common cause
Total N = 1084
Abhyankar et al, Retrospective record review Admissions to single hospital Examine BMI vs 30-day 30-day Mortality: Lower mortality in obese
201244 Large sample MICU, SICU, or CCU, 2001- and 1-year mortality ● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, OR 1.41 (95% CI, 1.13-1.76) than normal weight
5287 obese patients 2008 ● BMI = 18.5-24.9, reference group patients
● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, n = 786 ● BMI 25.0-29.9, OR 0.81 (95% CI, 0.7-0.93)
● BMI = 18.5-24.9, n = 5463 ● BMI ≥ 30, OR 0.74 (95% CI, 0.64-0.86)
● BMI 25.0-29.9, n = 5276 1-year Mortality:
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 4168 ● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, OR 1.51 (95% CI, 1.18-1.94)
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 1119 ● BMI = 18.5-24.9, reference group
Total N = 16,812 ● BMI 25.0-29.9, OR 0.68 (95% CI, 0.59-0.79)
● BMI ≥ 30, OR 0.57 (95% CI, 0.49-0.67)
● BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2, OR 0.70 (95% CI, 0.54-0.90)
Hoffmann et al, Retrospective record review Trauma patients with Injury Determine whether low or Hospital Mortality: Mortality increased, and
201221 760 obese subjects Severity Score > 16, years high BMI is linked with ● BMI 25.0-29.9 vs normal BMI, OR = 0.99, (95%, time to death longer
Multivariate analysis adjusted 2004-2008 in German Society worse outcomes CI = 0.76-1.29)
for age, new injury severity for Trauma Registry ● BMI ≥ 30 vs normal BMI, OR 1.6 (95% CI, 1.1-
score, head injury, Glasgow ● BMI ≤ 20 kg/m2, n = 269 2.3, P = .009)
Coma Scale, base excess, ● BMI = 20-24.9, n = 2617 Time to Death:
coagulation, severe bleeding, ● BMI 25.0-29.9, n = 2120 ● BMI 25.0-29.9 vs normal BMI, 16.6 vs 10.1 days,
cardiac arrest ● BMI ≥ 30, n = 760 P < .001
Total N = 5766 ● BMI ≥ 30 vs normal BMI, 16.6 vs 10.1 days, P <
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Westerly et al, Retrospective record review Admissions to single hospital Evaluate outcomes of Across quartiles of BMI > 40, mortality was not
201122 Diagnostic similarity 2000-2008 hospitalized morbidly different.
545 obese patients Quartiles of BMI ≥ 40: obese patients Hospital LOS increased, P < .001
No adjustment for comorbidities ● BMI 40-47.5 kg/m2, n = 127 Tracheostomy increased, P = .001
or acuity ● BMI 47.6-54.6, n = 151
● BMI 54.7-65, n = 147
● BMI > 65, n = 120
Total N = 545
Hutagalung et Retrospective record review German surgical ICU patients, Assess impact of obesity 60-day Mortality: BMI 30-39.9 with lower
al, 201123 HR adjusted for acuity measures 2004-2009 on 60-day hospital ● BMI 25.0-29.9 vs normal BMI, HR (lower HR in mortality than normal
2245 obese patients ● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, n = 186 mortality study indicates lower risk) 0.86 (95% CI, 0.74- BMI
Loss of 24% due to no height/ ● BMI 18.6-24.9, n = 2633 0.99, P = .047)
weight ● BMI 25.0-29.9, n = 4093 ● BMI = 30-39.9 vs normal BMI, HR 0.83 (95%
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 2066 CI, 0.69-0.99, P = .047)
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 179 ● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, HR 1.14 (95%
Total N = 9935 CI,0.74-1.74)
Table 2. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Evans et al, Retrospective record review US Level I Trauma Center Assess impact of BMI 90-day Mortality:
201124 154 obese patients, no power registry, patients over age 45 on trauma outcomes, ● No statistically significant differences across BMI
calculation years complications, injury groups in complications, ICU or hospital LOS,
Limited statistical analysis ● BMI < 18.5 kg/m2, n = 22 distribution, n = 461 mortality or discharge to home
● BMI 18.6-24.9, n = 145
● BMI 25.0-29.9, n = 140
● BMI ≥ 30, n = 154
Total N = 461
Martino et al, Multicenter international Adults in 1 of 355 ICUs for Evaluate outcomes of 60-day Mortality: Obese patients (BMI
201145 prospective observation study more than 72 hours in 2007- severe obesity (BMI ≥ ● BMI 25-29.9 vs normal BMI, OR 0.81 (95% CI, 30-39.9) with lower
Large sample 2009 40 kg/m2) 0.71-0.91), P < .001 mortality; all obese
Data analysis adjusted for ● BMI < 18.5 kg/m2, n = 423 ● BMI 30-39.9 vs normal BMI, OR 0.74 (95% CI, patients with longer
age, gender, APACHE II ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 3490 0.64-0.84, P < .001) ventilator intubation and
score, diagnosis category, ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 2604 ● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, OR 0.87 (95% CI, ICU LOS
geographic region, hospital ● BMI 30-39.9, n = 1772 0.69-1.09)
type, ICU type, product of age ● BMI 40-49.9, n = 348 Ventilator Days:
and APACHE II score ● BMI 50-59.9, n = 118 ● BMI 25-29.9 vs normal BMI, HR (low hazard
● BMI ≥ 60, n = 58 ratio in this study indicates higher risk) 0.97 (95%
Total N = 8813 CI, 0.9-1.05)
● BMI 30-39.9 vs normal BMI, HR 0.85 (95% CI,
0.78-0.93, P < .001)
● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, HR 0.86 (95% CI,
0.77-0.97, P < .05)
● BMI 25-29.9 vs normal BMI, HR 0.95 (95% CI,
● BMI 30-39.9 vs normal BMI, HR 0.86 (95% CI,
0.79-0.94, P < .001)
● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, HR 0.82 (95% CI,
0.72-0.93, P < .05)
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Hospital LOS:
● BMI 25-29.9 vs normal BMI, HR 0.98 (95% CI,
● BMI 30-39.9 vs normal BMI, HR 0.96 (95% CI,
● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, HR 0.91 (95% CI,
Serrano et al, Retrospective record review Admissions to level I trauma Evaluate the importance Infection: Obesity is independent risk
201025 314 obese patients center 2008 of obesity as an ● BMI 30-39.9 vs normal BMI, OR 4.69 (95% CI, factor for infection after
OR adjusted for potential ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 382 independent risk factor 2.18-10.1) trauma
confounders ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 328 for nosocomial infection ● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, OR 5.91 (95% CI,
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 250 in trauma patients 2.18-16.0)
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 64 Most common types were pulmonary and wound
Total N = 1024 infections
Table 2. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Wurzinger et al, Retrospective record review ● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m , n = 15 Evaluate impact of BMI In adjusted model, no difference in mortality by
201026 66 obese patients, no power ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 125 on mortality in patients obesity
calculation ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 95 with septic shock SAPS II predicts mortality
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 66
Total N = 301
Duchesne et al, Retrospective record review All patients in Level I trauma Examine prevalence of Surgical Site Infections:
200948 Very small sample center 2003-2006, total surgical site infections ● Prevalence ratio in BMI ≥ 40 vs nonobese 4.42
52 obese patients sample 12,759 patients in obese vs nonobese (95% CI, 1.74-11.2)
Those with damage control patients Intraabdominal Abscess:
laparotomy: ● Prevalence ratio in BMI ≥ 40 vs nonobese 1.76
● BMI ≤ 18.5-29.9 kg/m2, n = (95% CI, 0.73-4.28)
52 Acute Renal Injury:
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 38 ● Prevalence ratio in BMI 30-39.9 vs nonobese
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 15 2.07(95% CI, 1.9-4.7)
Total N = 105 ● Prevalence ratio in BMI ≥ 40 vs nonobese 3.07
(95% CI, 1.34-7.03)
Multisystem Organ Failure:
● Prevalence ratio in BMI 30-39.9 vs nonobese
1.74 (95% CI, 1.14-2.66)
● Prevalence ratio in BMI ≥ 40 vs nonobese 1.82
(95% CI, 1.14-2.90)
Prevalence ratios adjusted for age, gender, type of
injury, blood pressure and base deficit
Days on Ventilator:
● Nonobese vs obese vs severely obese, 9.8 ± 7 vs
14 ± 7 vs 24 ± 8, P = .0001
Hospital LOS:
● Nonobese vs obese vs severely obese, 14 ± 8 vs
14 ± 11 vs 27 ± 9, P = .0001
Dossett et al, Prospective cohort observation Patients in ICU > 48 hr Describe relationship ● Catheter-related Bloodstream Infection Risk: May be due to provider
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200947 OR adjusted for age, sex, ● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, n = 640 between BMI and site- ● BMI 30-39.9 vs normal BMI, OR 1.9 (95% CI, reluctance to pull
APACHE II score ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 672 specific ICU-acquired 1.2-2.9) established lines in
686 obese patients ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 615 infection risk ● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, OR 3.2 (95% CI, 1.9- patients with difficult
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 494 5.3) venous access
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 192
Total N = 2037
Pieracci et al, Retrospective record review Patients admitted to ICU > 4 Test hypothesis that BMI ROC analysis suggests BMI predicts mortality at
200827 BMI distribution of patients in days is associated with level of chance alone
ICU > 4 days not clear ● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, n = 53 mortality from surgical Age and APACHE III were strongest predictors in
232 obese patients ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 376 critical illness all models, BMI was not significant
● BMI 25-29.9, n = 285
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 188
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 44
Total N = 946
Table 2. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Sakr et al, Prospective observational cohort Multicenter study of Investigate impact of BMI does not impact mortality or LOS
200846 505 obese patients epidemiology of sepsis in obesity on morbidity ICU-acquired Infection:
Adjusted model European countries, n = 198 and mortality in ● Obese vs optimal weight, 10.1% vs 9%, P < .05
ICUs European sepsis in ● Severely obese vs optimal weight, 12.3% vs
● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, n = 120 acutely ill patients study 9.0%, P < .01
● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 1206
● BMI 25-29.9, n = 1047
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 424
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 81
Total N = 2878
Frat et al, Prospective case-control Patients matched for age, gender, Evaluate influence of Only difference in morbidity was more frequent
200836 observation center and SAPS II score severe obesity on difficulty with tracheal intubation and
82 obese patients ● BMI < 30, n = 124 morbidity and mortality postextubation stridor in obese
Prognostic similarity ● BMI ≥ 35, n = 82 in mechanically No difference in mortality
Total N = 206 ventilated patients
Morris et al, Retrospective record review All ICU patients with ALI and Evaluate the association Mortality:
200728 165 obese patients BMI in 1999-2000 between BMI and ● Not different by BMI group
OR adjusted for age, APACHE ● BMI < 18.5 kg/m2, n = 28 outcomes in patients Discharge Disposition:
score, admission source, ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 179 with ALI ● To rehabilitation center BMI ≥ 40 vs normal
chronic health points, etiology ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 150 BMI, OR 6.0 (95% CI, 1.8-20.2)
of ALI ● BMI 30-39, n = 125 To skilled nursing facility BMI ≥ 40 vs normal
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 40 BMI, OR 4.3 (95% CI, 1.5-12.5)
Total N = 825
Newell et al, Retrospective record review Consecutive admissions to Evaluate clinical outcomes Mortality: Complications higher in
200737 264 obese patients, no power trauma center with Injury in blunt trauma patients BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, OR 0.81 (95% CI, 0.35- severely obese than obese
statement Severity Score ≥ 16 and blunt stratified by BMI 1.86) than normal BMI patients
No adjustment of OR trauma in 2001-2005 Complications in BMI 30-39.9 vs normal BMI:
● BMI missing n = 357 ● Acute respiratory failure, OR 1.8 (95% CI, 1.3-
● BMI < 18.5 kg/m2, n = 61 2.4)
● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 554 ● Pneumonia, OR 1.7 (95% CI, 1.2-2.4)
● BMI 25-29.9, n = 529 ● UTI, OR 1.8 (95% CI, 1.2-2.9)
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● BMI 30-39, n = 271 Complications in BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI:
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 93 ● ARDS, OR 3.68 (95% CI, 1.2-10.9)
Total N = 2108 ● Acute respiratory failure, OR 2.79 (95% CI, 1.6-
● Acute renal failure, OR 13.5 (95% CI, 2.4-76.4)
● MSOF, OR 2.6 (95% CI, 1.09-6.4)
● Pneumonia, OR 2.5 (95% CI, 1.5-4.3)
● UTI, OR 2.3 (95% CI, 1.2-4.4)
● DVT, OR 4.1 (95% CI, 1.3-13.5)
Decubitus ulcer, OR 2.8 (95% CI, 1.4-5.8)
Table 2. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Nasraway et al, Retrospective record review Consecutive admissions to Determine whether BMI Mortality, ICU LOS and hospital LOS not different
200690 96 obese patients surgical ICU 1998-2001 ≥ 40 is independent risk in entire group of admissions
model adjusted for age, gender, ● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m , n = 70 factor for death in ICU
acuity, renal failure, diabetes, ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 529 patients
vasopressor use, mechanical ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 408
ventilation ● BMI 30-39.9, n = 272
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 94
Total N = 1373
Patients who stayed in ICU ≥ 4 d
● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, n = 26
● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 164
● BMI 25-29.9, n = 119
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 74
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 24
Total N = 406
Peake et al, Prospective cohort observation Patients admitted to medical- Evaluate effect of BMI on Increasing BMI associated with decreasing
200638 125 obese patients surgical ICU in 2001 30-day and 12-month mortality
Model included age, APACHE ● BMI < 18.5 kg/m2, n = 24 survival TR > 1 is increased survival time:
II score, albumin Charlson ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 129 ● 30-day TR for BMI = 1.85 (95% CI, 1.05, 3.26)
comorbidity index ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 151 12-month TR for BMI = 1.03 (95% CI, 1.005,
● BMI 30-34.9, n = 75 1.063)
● BMI ≥ 35, n = 54
Total N = 433
Duane et al, Retrospective record review Blunt trauma patients admitted Determine effect of No difference in mortality or morbidity measures
200639 115 obese patients, no power 2004-2005 obesity on morbidity
statement ● BMI < 30, n = 338 and mortality in ICU
● BMI ≥ 30, n = 115 and non-ICU population
Total N = 453 of blunt trauma patients
Alban et al, Retrospective record review Patients admitted to trauma ICU, Compare outcomes of Mortality: Severity of illness more
200640 135 obese patients, no power 1999-2002 obese vs nonobese ● Obese vs nonobese, OR 0.8 (95% CI, 0.3-1.8) predictive than obesity
statement Nonobese, n = 783 patients after trauma ● Age > 55 y, OR 3.5 (95% CI, 1.8-6.6)
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Obese, n = 135 ● ISS > 20, OR 8.9 (95% CI, 4.2-18.8)
Total, n = 928 ● APACHE II > 20, OR 12.0 (95% CI,4.7-30.6)
● Blunt vs penetrating injury, OR 2.0 (95% CI, 1.1-
O’Brien et al, Retrospective record review Critically ill adults from 106 Determine association Hospital Mortality:
200642 457 obese patients ICUs in 84 hospitals in acute between BMI and ● BMI 30-39.9 vs normal BMI, OR 0.67 (95% CI,
Mortality adjusted for age, lung injury IMPACT study hospital mortality 0.46-0.97)
gender, race, SAPS II, ● BMI < 18.5 kg/m2, n = 88 ● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, OR 0.78 (95% CI,
team model, condition ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 544 0.44-1.38)
on admission, patient ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 399 Unadjusted Differences in Care:
origin, diagnosis of skin or ● BMI 30-39.9, n = 326 ● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI
subcutaneous tissue disease, ● BMI ≥ 40, n = 131 ● Heparin prophylaxis in 57% vs 44%
preexisting illness, use of Total N = 1488 ● Tracheostomy, 26% vs 17%
pressors, ICU complications, ● Specialty bed, 29% vs 15%
number of preexisting
Table 2. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Aldawood et al, Retrospective record review Critically ill adults from single Examine impact of Hospital Mortality: Lowest mortality for BMI
200635 540 obese patients ICU in Saudi Arabia, 2001- obesity on hospital and ● BMI ≥ 40 vs normal BMI, OR 0.51 (95% CI, ≥ 40
Unadjusted OR 2004 ICU mortality, LOS, 0.28-0.92, P = .025)
● BMI < 18.5kg/m2, n = 140 duration of mechanical Also predicted by chronic respiratory illness, age,
● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 631 ventilation medical vs surgical admission
● BMI 25-29.9, n = 524
● BMI 30-34.9, n = 312
● BMI 35-39.9, n = 135
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 93
Total N = 1835
Ray et al, Retrospective record review Medical ICU admissions 1997- Examine the effect of BMI ICU Mortality: Acuity score predicts
200532 550 obese patients 2001 on ICU outcome APACHE II score predicts (P < .001) but BMI does mortality better than BMI
No adjustment for acuity ● BMI < 20 kg/m2, n = 350 not (P = .588)
● BMI 20-24.9, n = 663 Hospital Mortality:
● BMI 25-29.9, n = 585 APACHE II score predicts (P < .001) but BMI does
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 396 not (P = .469)
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 154 Complications:
Total N = 2148 No difference by BMI group
Winkelman et Prospective cohort observation Critically ill patients with severe Describe resources used Most common equipment: Nurses should anticipate
al, 200541 Small sample obesity by nurses to care of Specialty bed or mattress these needs to avoid poor
BMI ≥ 40, n = 43 patients with severe Large BP cuff outcomes
obesity Large commodes
Large wheelchairs
Assist of 2 to reposition patient
Special skin care treatment
Brown et al, Retrospective record review Trauma and ICU database Evaluate influence of Obesity independent risk factor for mortality:
200533 283 obese patients ● BMI < 30, n = 870 obesity on outcomes Adj OR 1.6 (95% CI, 1.0- 2.3, P = .03)
OR adjusted but factors used not ● BMI ≥ 30, n = 283 after severe blunt ISS, GCS, hypotension on admission and age are
reported Total N = 1153 trauma stronger predictors
Obese patients with more total complications,
MSOF, ARDS, dialysis, MI
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O’Brien, 200434 Retrospective record review Mechanically ventilated patients Examine association of 28-day Mortality: Acuity factors more
219 obese patients, no power with ALI enrolled in RCT obesity and outcome ● Overweight vs normal BMI, OR 1.09 (95% CI, important than BMI as
statement testing weaning protocols 0.7-1.7) predictors of outcome
15% excluded due to missing ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 334 ● Obese vs normal BMI, OR 1.1 (95% CI, 0.7-1.8)
variables ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 254 ● Age, OR 1.04 (95% CI, 1.03-1.06)
Model not adjusted ● BMI ≥ 30, n = 219 ● APACHE III score, OR 1.02 (95% CI, 1.01-1.03)
Total N = 807 ● Pao2:Fiox ratio, OR 0.99 (95% CI, 0.99-0.99)
● Assigned higher tidal volume, OR 1.7 (95% CI,
● Peak airway pressure, OR 1.03 (95% CI, 1.0-
● Trauma diagnosis, OR 0.32 (95% CI, 0.12-086)
Table 2. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
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OR adjusted for age, prior PAD, Cardiovascular Data Registry obesity on outcomes ● BMI ≥ 40 vs BMI 30-35, Adjusted OR 1.64 (95%
BP, HR, shock, ECG findings, with diagnosis of MI in patients with ST- CI, 1.32-2.03)
troponin ratio, creatinine ● BMI missing in 1831 (3.5%) segment MI Major Bleeding:
2558 patients with severe obesity ● BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, n = 344 BMI ≥ 40 vs BMI 30-35, Adjusted OR 1.09 (95%
● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 11,785 CI, 0.94-1.26)
● BMI 25-29.9, n = 19,408
● BMI 30-39.9, n = 15,596
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 2558
Total N = 50,149
Park et al, Retrospective record review Surgical patients from single Determine impact of obesity No difference in LOS, MI, ARF, wound infection,
201131 No acuity scores hospital 1999-2009 on perioperative and long- mortality
No adjustment for confounders ● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 469 term clinical outcomes ICU LOS:
147 obese patients ● BMI 30-39.9, n = 108 after open AAA repair or Obese vs normal BMI, P = .03
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 39 endovascular aneurysm
Total N = 626 repair
Low HR indicates increased risk; low OR indicates reduced risk. AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm; ALI, acute lung injury; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health; ARDS, acute respiratory
distress syndrome; ARF, acute renal failure; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; CCU, cardiac care unit; CI, confidence interval; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; GCS, Glasgow coma scale; HR,
hazard ratio; ICU, intensive care unit; ISS, injury severity score; LOS, length of stay; MI, myocardial infarction; MICU, medical ICU; MSOF, multi-system organ failure; OR, odds ratio; PAD, periph-
eral artery disease; RCT, randomized controlled trial; ROC, receiver operator curve; SAPS, simplified acute physiology score; SICU, surgical ICU; TR, time ratio; UTI, urinary tract infection.
724 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 37(6)
Table 3. GRADE Table Question 1: Do Clinical Outcomes Vary Across Levels of Obesity in Critically Ill or Hospitalized Non-ICU
ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; OBS, observational study.
would be especially helpful. Finally, nutrition support inter- Jeor, Swinamer, and Ireton-Jones). Frankenfield and col-
ventions that aim to improve clinical outcomes are needed in leagues compared multiple predictive equations with REE in
this population. patients with BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 and found the PSU equation to
have the highest prediction accuracy of 70% ( ± 10% of REE)
with the least bias or the lowest likelihood of over or under-
Question 2: How Should Energy estimation.50 In another comparison study in critically ill
Requirements Be Determined in Obese patients with BMI ≥ 45 kg/m2, accuracy of the PSU equation
Critically Ill or Hospitalized Non-ICU was highest at 76% ( ± 10% of REE) compared with other
equations studied.51 In the older critically ill obese patient ( ≥
Patients? (Table 4)
60 years) with BMI ≥ 30, a modified PSU appears to be more
Recommendation accurate than the original PSU.50 When compared with the
2a. In the critically ill obese patient, if indirect calorimetry unmodified version, the modified PSU was found to have an
is unavailable, energy requirements should be based on the accuracy rate of 70% ( ± 10% of REE) vs 58% (P = .04).50
Penn State University 2010 predictive equation or the modi- Further, in a case series of 7 patients (including 2 obese
fied Penn State University equation if the patient is over the patients) with REE measured continuously for 7 days, the
age of 60 years (strong). prediction error using the PSU equation was only a total of
Evidence Grade: High. –468 ± 642 kcal (–3.7 ± 5.1%) over 1 week.52
2b. In the hospitalized obese patient, if indirect calorimetry The PSU equations53 are as follows:
is unavailable and the Penn State University equations cannot Younger obese patients:
be used, energy requirements may be based on the Mifflin–St
Jeor equation using actual body weight (weak). •• RMR (kcal/d) = MSJ(0.96) + Tmax(167) + VE(31)
Evidence Grade: Moderate. – 6212
Rationale. Most studies recommend the use of indirect calo- Older obese patients:
rimetry to measure resting energy expenditure (REE); how-
ever, some patients do not meet valid testing criteria, and •• RMR (kcal/d) = MSJ(0.71) + Tmax(85) + VE(64)
most facilities do not have indirect calorimeters. Avoiding – 3085
energy overfeeding is an important goal; therefore either REE •• ○ Where MSJ = Mifflin–St Jeor equation (below); VE =
or use of a predictive equation to approximate REE is an minute ventilation (L/minute); Tmax = maximum tem-
essential part of nutrition assessment. In the critically ill, perature in prior 24 hours in degrees C
ventilator-dependent obese patient, the Penn State University
(PSU) predictive equation most accurately predicts REE In the mixed ICU and non-ICU patients, the evidence is
compared with others (including Harris–Benedict, Mifflin–St more difficult to assess due to several important variables. The
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
Table 4. Evidence Summary Question 2: How Should Energy Requirements Be Determined in Obese Critically Ill or Hospitalized Non-ICU Patients?
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
ICU patients
Frankenfield et al, Validation study Critically ill patients at Validate the PSU predictionAccuracy within 10% REE (%): PSU valid in severely obese,
201251 Similar prognosis in obese extremes of BMI equation and test validity of
● PSU (76%) critically ill patients
group BMI ≤ 21 kg/m2, n = 56 IJ, ACCP, MSJ, HB ● MSJ (55%)
55 obese patients BMI ≥ 45 kg/m2, n = 55 ● HB (60%)
● IJ (29%)
● ACCP (27%)
Bias in kcal/d (95% CI):
● PSU (–33, +97)
● MSJ (–299, –82)
● HB (–105, +149)
● IJ (+283, +509)
● ACCP (–616, –403)
Kross et al, 201292 Retrospective validation All mechanically ventilated Compare REE with HB, Owen, BMI 30-34.9: Unable to evaluate PSU or
study patients with REE between MSJ, IJ, ACCP Accuracy (%): Swinamer due to missing
401 obese patients 1998-2005 ● MSJ (18.8%) minute ventilation or tidal
● BMI 18.5-24.9, n = 254 ● HB (34.1%) volume
● BMI 25-29.9, n = 272 ● IJ (20.5%) Equations are not adequate
● BMI 30-34.9, n = 176 ● ACCP (9.7%)
● BMI 35-39.9, n = 84 ● Owen (9.7%)
● BMI ≥ 40, n = 141 Bias mean (95% CI):
Total N = 925 ● MSJ, –177.8 (–203.9, –151.6)
● HB, –53.4 (–78.6, +10.1)
● IJ, –86.4 (–117.6, –55.2)
● ACCP, –218.7 (–245.3, –192.2)
● Owen, –205.6 (–233.1, +177.9)
BMI 35-39.9:
Accuracy (%):
● MSJ (18.8%)
● HB (27.4%)
● IJ (20.5%)
● ACCP (7.1%)
● Owen (14.3%)
Bias mean (95% CI)
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
● MSJ, –166.6 (–209.4, –123.8)
● HB, –66.0 (–105.1, +27.3)
● IJ, –101.9 (–76.7, +23.8)
● ACCP, –243.7 (–285.5, –202.1)
● Owen, –198.9 (–240.2, –157)
BMI ≥ 40:
Accuracy (%):
● MSJ (33.3%)
● HB (28.4%)
● IJ (14.2%)
● ACCP (1.4%)
● Owen (20.6%)
Bias mean (95% CI):
● MSJ, –91.8 (–119.5, –64.0)
● HB, –61.1 (–55.8, +19.5)
● IJ, –91.3 (–133.9, –48.7)
● ACCP, –243.7 (–319.1, –261.4)
● Owen, –145.2 (–174.1, –116.3)
Table 4. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Frankenfield, 201153 Validation study Obese, older ICU patients, Test the validity of a modified Accuracy: Both PSU equations include
Included archived data n = 50 PSU equation against ● Modified PSU = 70% both body size and metabolic
in analysis, unclear Age 70 ± 7 y Deltatrac REE measures ● Original PSU = 66% factors (temperature, minute
prognostic similarity BMI 38.4 ± 7.2 kg/m2 Bias (95% CI): ventilation)
Precise measurement Data from previous studies: ● Modified PSU (–120, –12) kcal/d
protocol n = 79 ● Original PSU (–90, + 25) kcal/d
Frankenfield et al, Validation study REE measures in 202 critically Compare REE measured by Accuracy: PSU equation unbiased and
200950 Similar prognosis ill patients in 2006-2007: Deltatrac calorimeter with Young Obese: precise across all age and
Obese young: estimates by HB, MSJ, ● PSU (66%) weight groups
n = 47 ACCP, Swinamer, IJ, PSU, ● MSJ (21%)
Obese elderly: n = 51 Brandi, and Faisy equations ● HB (45%)
● IJ (49%)
● ACCP (53%)
Elderly Obese:
● PSU (46%)
● MSJ (35%)
● HB (35%)
● IJ (51%)
● ACCP (12%)
Bias (95% CI):
Young Obese:
● PSU (–249, –31)
● MSJ (–544, –316)
● HB (–368, +89)
● IJ (–249, –31)
● ACCP (358, 874)
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
Elderly Obese:
● PSU (–51, +133)
● MSJ (–440, –215)
● HB (–357, –126)
● IJ (–174, +31)
● ACCP (457, 749)
Table 4. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Alves et al, 2009 Validation study Overweight or obese ICU Compare REE measured Accuracy (Concordance Correlation REE should be measured
Dissimilar prognosis patients by Deltatrac calorimeter Coefficient): Bias with best equation could
Mean BMI 36.41 ± 9.03 kg/m2 with estimates by HB, IJ Fasted measures: result in change in body
Fasting, n = 42 equations, and 21 kcal/kg of ● HB actual weight (0.767) weight if applied to energy
Stable feeding, n = 29 actual, average, and adjusted ● IJ actual weight (0.452) delivery
body weight ● 21 kcal/kg actual weight (0.446)
Fed measures:
● HB actual weight (0.829)
● IJ actual weight (0.641)
● 21 kcal/kg actual weight (0.490)
Fasted measures:
● HB actual weight –81.3 (–726.1, +563.4)
● IJ actual weight –644.2 (–1369.8, +81.4)
● 21 kcal/kg actual weight –413.3 (–1527.7,
Fed measures:
● HB actual weight –63.7 (–658.3, +530.8)
● IJ actual weight 461.9 (–172.7, +1096.5)
● 21 kcal/kg actual weight +315.9 (–924.5,
Use of adjusted body weight produced less
accurate estimates
Anderegg et al, Validation study Hospitalized adult patients Identify which of 4 predictive Accuracy: Indirect calorimetry should
200955 Dissimilar prognosis with BMI 38.2 ± 8 kg/m2 equations gave estimates ● HB actual weight (38.9%) be employed to measure
Different measuring Ventilated, n = 27 within 10% of measured ● MSJ (19.4%) energy expenditure in obese
devices Spontaneously breathing, n = 9 energy expenditure by ● IJ ventilator (38.9%) hospitalized patients
Small sample Total N = 36 Deltatrac (ventilated) or ● 21 kcal/kg actual weight (41.5%)
Medgem (spontaneously Bias (mean ± SD):
breathing). ● HB 110.1 ± 478.3
● MSJ 215.8 ± 470.7
● IJ 152.3 ± 399.1
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
● 21 kcal/kg actual weight –271 ± 641.7
Mean REE:
● Ventilated 20.4 ± 5.1 kcal/kg/d
● Spontaneously breathing, 15.5 ± .9 kcal/kg/d
Boullata et al, Retrospective record All patients with an REE in Evaluate the accuracy of Accuracy: Data collection predates current
200754 validation study 1991, n = 395 7 predictive equations ● HB actual weight (62%) level of obesity
Dissimilar prognosis Ventilator measures, n = 141 against measured REE ● IJ (32%)
Unclear how many obese Canopy measures, n = 254 in hospitalized patients, Bias:
patients are ventilator Obese, n = 51 including the critically ill ● HB +47 (–440, +534)
vs canopy measures and obese
Table 4. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Dobratz et al, 2007 Validation study Female pre–bariatric surgery Identify which of 12 prediction Accuracy: Small sample
Similar prognosis patients, n = 14 equations is most accurate ● MSJ (86%) Clinically stable prior to bariatric
Small sample BMI 49.8 ± 6.2, (range 41.3- relative to measured REE ● HB actual weight (69%) surgery
65.3) kg/m2 using Deltatrac calorimeter Bias (mean difference): Prediction error might result
● MSJ –48 ± 191 kcal in change in body weight if
● HB actual weight –89 ± 187 kcal/day applied to energy delivery
Use of adjusted body weight with HB equation
made the underestimate worse
Error for all predictive equations (including
MSJ) ≥ 250 kcal
Frankenfield et al, Validation study Healthy volunteers and Evaluate equations for Accuracy of MSJ:
200356 bariatric surgery patients in a predicting resting metabolic ● BMI 30-39.9 (70%), 10% underestimates,
hospital setting rate against measured values 20% overestimates
All canopy measures, BMI in obese and nonobese ● BMI ≥ 40 (70%), 7% underestimates, 23%
range up to 96.8 kg/m2 people overestimates
Nonobese, n = 83 Accuracy of HB:
BMI 30-39.9, n = 20 ● BMI 30-39.9 (50%), 40% underestimates,
BMI ≥ 40, n = 27 10% overestimates
BMI ≥ 40 (74%), 22% underestimates, 4%
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
Bias is the 95% CI of difference between estimated and measured REE; precision is the percentage of measures ± 10% REE. ACCP, American College of Chest Physicians; CI, confidence interval;
HB, Harris–Benedict; ICU, intensive care unit; IJ, Ireton-Jones; MSJ, Mifflin–St Jeor; PSU, Penn State University; REE, resting energy expenditure.
Choban et al 729
5 studies reviewed compared multiple predictive equations obesity is susceptible to experiencing complications associated
(Harris–Benedict, Schofield, Mifflin–St Jeor, and others) with with overfeeding. Because of these concerns, hypocaloric,
REE but did not include all the same predictive equations in high protein regimens have been designed by clinicians in an
each. All included very small samples of obese patients, 1 effort to minimize potential overfeeding complications while
reported on data collected in 1991,54 and 1 used measures from simultaneously achieving net protein anabolism.
2 different calorimeter devices.55 Accuracy ( ± 10% of REE) Hypocaloric feeding is defined as providing a caloric intake
varied among the equations studied with Mifflin–St Jeor (MSJ) less than measuredor estimated energy expenditure whereas
demonstrating the highest accuracy at 70%56-86%57 compared eucaloric feeding is intended to provide a caloric intake suffi-
with 50% for Harris–Benedict with adjusted weight55 and cient to meet caloric needs as assessed by measured energy
50%,56 62%54-69%57 for Harris–Benedict using actual weight. expenditure. Hypercaloric feeding is the provision of a caloric
In addition, significant bias55 and prediction errors54,57 were intake greater than caloric requirements. Hypocaloric, high
measured that could result in undesired weight changes when protein feeding is often mistaken for permissive underfeeding.
applied to specific patients. The error for MSJ, however, was Permissive underfeeding allows for both protein and caloric
lower than that demonstrated with Harris–Benedict using deficits whereas the intent of hypocaloric, high protein diets is
actual weight.56,57 to provide only a calorie deficit while ensuring adequate pro-
The MSJ58 equations are as follows: tein intake.
Four comparative studies59-62 and 2 case series63,64 exam-
•• Men (kcal/day) = 5 + 10 × Weight (kg) + 6.25 × Ht(cm) ined the use of hypocaloric, high protein nutrition therapy for
– 5 × Age(y) hospitalized patients with obesity. The hypocaloric, high pro-
•• Women (kcal/day) = –161 + 10 × Weight (kg) + 6.25 × tein diets contained average intakes ranging from 90 g to 140 g
Ht(cm) – 5 × Age(y) of protein and 900 kcals to 1300 kcals daily (Table 4).
Significantly improved clinical outcomes, as evidenced by
Whether provision of energy requirements based on REE decreased LOS in the ICU, decreased duration of antibiotic
provides superior clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients to therapy, and a trend toward decreased days of mechanical ven-
those with energy needs estimated by a predictive equation has tilation, were suggested in a single small observational study
not yet been evaluated in patients with obese or optimal BMI. examining hypocaloric, high protein diets vs eucaloric, high
protein diets for critically ill trauma patients with obesity.61
Question 3: Are Clinical Outcomes Improved Positive clinical outcomes were also noted for use of hypoca-
loric, high protein feeding in 2 observational case series of sur-
With Hypocaloric, High Protein Diets in gical patients with obesity.63,64 In the only randomized
Hospitalized Patients With Obesity? (Tables controlled trial that examined clinical outcomes,59 no differ-
5-6) ence in mortality or length of hospital stay was found for hos-
Recommendation pitalized patients with obesity who received hypocaloric high
3a. Clinical outcomes are at least equivalent in patients protein feeding when compared with eucaloric high protein
supported with high protein hypocaloric feeding to those sup- diets. All 3 comparative studies59-61 indicated that nutrition out-
ported with high protein eucaloric feeding. A trial of hypoca- comes, such as nitrogen balance and serum protein response,
loric high protein feeding is suggested in patients who do not were similar between eucaloric and hypocaloric feeding in the
have severe renal or hepatic dysfunction (weak). Hypocaloric presence of adequate protein intake. However, 1 large observa-
feeding may be started with 50%-70% of estimated energy tional study indicated a worsened 60-day mortality rate when a
requirements or < 14 kcal/kg actual weight. High protein feed- hypocaloric diet was combined with a low protein intake (aver-
ing may be started with 1.2 g/kg actual weight or 2-2.5 g/kg age daily caloric and protein intakes of 1000 kcals and 46 g,
ideal body weight, with adjustment of goal protein intake by respectively) and given to hospitalized patients with Class II
the results of nitrogen balance studies. (BMI 35-39.9 kg/m2) obesity.65
Evidence Grade: Low. The current literature, which includes a total of 163 patients
3b. Hypocaloric low protein feedings are associated with supported with hypocaloric, high protein regimens, indicates
unfavorable outcomes. Clinical vigilance for adequate protein that clinical outcomes for hospitalized patients with obesity are
provision is suggested in patients who do not have severe renal at least equivalent, if not improved, by the provision of hypo-
or hepatic dysfunction (weak). caloric feeding when adequate protein intake is given to
Evidence Grade: Low. achieve net protein anabolism. A large randomized controlled
trial is warranted to ascertain whether hypocaloric, high pro-
Rationale. Insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, hyperlipid- tein nutrition therapy offers a significant therapeutic advantage
emia, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and hypoventilation over eucaloric or hypercaloric feeding with respect to clinical
syndrome are more prevalent in patients with obesity than non- outcomes and avoidance of complications from overfeeding
obese patients.59 As a result, the hospitalized patient with for hospitalized patients with obesity.
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
Table 5. Evidence Summary Question 3: Are Clinical Outcomes Improved With Hypocaloric, High Protein Diets in Hospitalized Patients?
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Dickerson et Retrospective cohort Admissions to trauma center, Examine whether older, critically Daily Nutrient Delivery:
al, 201362 observation 2009-2011 with BMI ≥ 30 ill trauma patients who are obese ● Younger: 18 kcal/kg ideal weight, protein 1.9
kg/m2 achieve nitrogen equilibrium and g/kg ideal weight
BMI = 35 ± 6 kg/m2 obtain similar clinical outcomes ● Older: 21 kcal/kg ideal weight, protein 2.1 g/
Weight = 105 ± 26 kg to younger obese patients during kg ideal weight (P < .05)
Age 18-59 years, n = 41 hypocaloric, high protein therapy ICU LOS:
Age ≥ 60 years, n = 33 28 ± 17 vs 30 ± 13 days in younger vs older
Hospital LOS:
45 ± 30 vs 34 ± 14 days in younger vs older, P
= .065
83% vs 76% in younger vs older, P = .041
39% vs 48% in younger vs older
Antibiotic days adjusted for mortality:
10 ± 3 vs 8 ± 4 days in younger vs older, P =
Hamilton et al, Retrospective record Bariatric surgery patients Evaluate effect of hypocaloric PN Daily Nutrient Delivery:
201163 review admitted for initiation of on weight loss, albumin level, PN ● Energy 13.6 kcal/kg actual body weight
No control home PN to treat bowel complications ● Protein 132.6 ± 6.6 g, 1.2 ± 0.3 g/kg body
Small sample obstruction or leak/fistula, weight
2000-2008 with follow-up Weight Loss:
data from home ● –7.0 ± 5.1% in 1.5 months
Baseline BMI = 39.8 (IQR Complications:
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
36.1, 48.1) ● Readmission 52.5%
Baseline weight = 113 kg
(IQR 94.5, 134)
N = 23
Table 5. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Alberda et al, Prospective cohort Adult patients admitted to 1 of Examine the relationship between Daily Energy Intake: Energy and protein targets
200965 observation 167 ICUs in 37 countries amount of energy and protein ● BMI < 20 kg/m2, 994 ± 469 kcal; 19.7 ± 9.6 for patients with obesity
Some differences in ● BMI < 20 kg/m2, n = 289 provided to clinical outcomes, and kcal/kg go down as BMI increases
cardiovascular dx at ● BMI 20-24.9, n = 937 the impact of preillness BMI on ● BMI 20-24.9, 1024 ± 490; 15.7 ± 7.5 kcal/kg (20.2 kcal/kg and 1.0 g/kg;
admission, similar ● BMI 25-29.9, n = 818 outcomes actual weight 17.9 kcal/kg and 0.9 g/kg,
APACHE II score ● BMI 30-34.9, n = 395 ● BMI 25-29.9, 1074 ± 536; 13.6 ± 6.7 kcal/kg 15.0 kcal/kg and 0.8 g/kg;
OR adjusted for nutrition ● BMI 35-39.9, n = 162 ● BMI 30-34.9, 1008 ± 534 kcal; 11.2 ± 4.9 and for BMI 30-34.9, 35-
days, BMI, age, ● BMI ≥ 40, n = 171 kcal/kg 39.9, ≥ 40 respectively)
admission category, dx, Total N = 2772 ● BMI 35-39.9, 1009 ± 532 kcal; 9.8 ± 5.1 kcal/ Increased energy and protein
APACHE II score kg intake may be important
728 obese subjects, but < ● BMI ≥ 40, 1048 ± 531 kcal; 8.1 ± 4.4 kcal/kg for patients with BMI 35-
200 in each of BMI 35- Daily Protein Intake: 39.9, not significantly so
39.9 and > 40 groups ● BMI < 20 kg/m2, 44.7 ± 23.4 g; 0.9 ± 0.5 g/kg for BMI ≥ 40
● BMI 20-24.9, 46.7 ± 25.9 g; 0.7 ± 0.4 g/kg
● BMI 25-29.9,47.5 ± 28.3 g; 0.6 ± 0.3 g/kg
● BMI 30-34.9,47.9 ± 28.3 g; 0.5 ± 0.3 g/kg
● BMI 35-39.9,45.8 ± 29.2 g; 0.4 ± 0.3 g/kg
● BMI ≥ 40, 50.3 ± 33.3 g; 0.4 ± 0.3 g/kg
60-day Mortality Per 1000 kcal/day Increase
in Energy Intake:
● BMI < 20 kg/m2, OR 0.52 (95% CI, 0.29-
0.95, P = .03)
● BMI 20-24.9, OR 0.62 (95% CI, 0.44-0.88, P
= .007)
● BMI 25-29.9, OR 1.05 (95% CI, 0.75-1.49)
● BMI 30-34.9, OR 1.04 (95% CI, 0.64-1.68)
● BMI 35-39.9, OR 0.36 (95% CI, 0.16-0.80, P
= .012)
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
● BMI ≥ 40, OR 0.63 (95% CI, 0.32-1.24)
60-day Mortality per 30 g Increase in Protein
● BMI < 20 kg/m2, OR 0.60 (95% CI, 0.41-
0.87, P = .007)
● BMI 20-24.9, OR 0.81 (95% CI, 0.66-0.99, P
= .036)
● BMI 25-29.9, OR 0.97 (95% CI, 0.79-1.19)
● BMI 30-34.9, OR 1.04 (95% CI, 0.79-1.37)
● BMI 35-39.9, OR 0.62 (95% CI, 0.39-0.98, P
= .039)
● BMI ≥ 40, OR 0.72 (95% CI, 0.51-1.03)
Table 5. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Choban et al, Retrospective record Obese adult patients from 2 Evaluate protein requirements, using Protein Requirement:
200566 review sites nitrogen balance, in hospitalized ICU Patients:
BMI 30-39.9 kg/m2, n = 48 patients with obesity ● BMI 30-39.9 kg/m2, 1.9 g/kg ideal body
BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2, n = 22 weight/day
● BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2, 2.5 g/kg ideal body weight/
Non-ICU Patients:
● BMI 30-39.9 kg/m2, 1.7 g/kg ideal body
● BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2, 1.8 g/kg ideal body weight/
Dickerson et Retrospective record Obese adult patients with > 7 Evaluate nutrition and clinical Actual intake:
al, 200261 review days enteral tube feeding in efficacy of eucaloric vs hypocaloric ● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric: 1285 ± 325 kcal,
Similar prognosis surgical ICU enteral feeding 90 ± 24 g protein vs 1841 ± 482 kcal, 111 ±
Small sample Baseline BMI 41.3 ± 4.7 kg/ Daily feeding plan: 32 g protein daily
m2 and weight 118 ± 41 kg ● Both groups with protein 2 g/kg Length of ICU Stay:
in hypocaloric, ideal body weight (1.2 g/kg actual ● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric, 18.6 ± 9.9 vs 28.5
36 ± 12.4 kg/m2 and weight weight) ± 16.1 days, P < .03
102 ± 36 kg in eucaloric ● Eucaloric goal 25-30 total kcal/kg Ventilator Days:
group adjusted body weight; actual intake ● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric, 15.9 ± 10.8 vs 23.7
Hypocaloric as energy intake 18.5-25.9 kcal/kg current body ± 16.6 days, P = .09)
< 20 kcal/kg adjusted body weight and 0.8-1.2 g protein/kg Duration Antibiotic Therapy:
weight and protein intake current body weight ● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric, 16.6 ± 11.7 vs 27.4
2 g/kg ideal body weight, Hypocaloric goal < 20 kcal/kg ± 17.3 days, P = .03)
n = 28 adjusted body weight; actual intake Nutrition Measures:
Eucaloric as energy intake ≥ 13.4-19.2 kcal/kg current body ● No difference in nitrogen balance, change in
20 kcal/kg adjusted body weight and 0.7-0.9 g protein/kg prealbumin or albumin
weight and protein 2 g/kg current body weight
ideal body weight, n = 12
Total N = 40
Choban et al, RCT Obese adult patients referred Evaluate efficacy of hypocaloric vs Daily Nutrient Delivery:
199759 Balanced prognosis for PN, eucaloric PN with protein 2 gm/kg ● Hypocaloric 1293 ± 298 nonprotein kcal, 120
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
Blinded delivery of PN BMI 35 (range 26-46.5) kg/m2 ideal body weight ± 27 g protein
Indirect outcomes Hypocaloric high protein PN, Daily feeding plan: ● Eucaloric 1936 ± 198 nonprotein kcal, 108 ±
n = 16 ● Eucaloric goal with kcal/nitrogen 14 g protein
Eucaloric high protein PN, 150:1, actual intake 1936 ± 198 Change in body weight
n = 14 kcal and 108 ± 14 g protein (1.2 ● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric: 0 ± 6.8 kg vs 2.7 ±
Total N = 30 g/kg actual weight, 2 g/kg ideal 7kg
weight) Change in Albumin:
Hypocaloric goal with kcal/nitrogen ● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric: –1 ± 2 g/L vs –2 ±
75:1, actual intake 1293 ± 299 kcal 2 g/L
and 120 ± 27 g protein Nitrogen Balance:
● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric, 4.0 ± 4.2 vs 3.6 ±
41. g nitrogen
Table 5. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Burge et al, RCT Obese patients referred for PN Evaluate impact of hypocaloric PN on Daily Nutrient Delivery:
199460 Unblinded PN delivery BMI = 33 ± 5.5 kg/m2 nitrogen balance ● Hypocaloric 585 ± 170 nonprotein kcal, 110.9
Indirect outcomes Weight 77-114 kg Daily feeding plan: ± 32 g protein
Small sample Hypocaloric high protein PN, ● Eucaloric goal with kcal at 100% ● Eucaloric 1972 ± 235 nonprotein kcal, 130 ±
n = 9 vs REE, kcal/nitrogen 150:1, actual 15.5 g protein
Eucaloric high protein PN, intake, actual intake 2492 ± 298 Change in body weight
n=7 kcal (25 kcal/kg actual weight) and ● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric: –4.1 ± 6. kg vs
Total N = 16 130 ± 15 g protein (1.2 g/kg or 2 g/ –7.4 ± 8.4kg (~4.5% vs7.3%)
kg ideal weight) Nitrogen Balance:
Hypocaloric goal with 50% REE and ● Hypocaloric vs Eucaloric, 1.3 ± 3.62 vs2.83 ±
kcal/nitrogen 75:1, actual intake 6.9 g
1285 ± 374 kcal (14 kcal/kg actual
weight) and 111 ± 32 g protein (1.3
g/kg actual weight, 2 g/kg ideal
Dickerson et Prospective cohort Obese, stressed surgical Evaluate efficacy of hypocaloric, Nitrogen Balance:
al, 198664 Uncontrolled patients requiring PN high-protein feeding ● +2.4 g/day
Balanced prognosis Baseline weight 127 ± 60 kg Daily Nutrient Delivery: Weight Loss:
Small sample (range 90-302 kg) ● Nonprotein kcal 881 ± 393 (51% ● 2.3 ± 2.7 kg/week
N = 13 REE) Wound Healing:
● Protein 129 g or 2.1 ± 0.6 g/kg ideal ● All fistulas or dehiscence healed by 35.8 ±
body weight or 1.2 ± 0.5 g/kg actual 18.1 days
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
weight, 2.1 g/kg ideal weight Adverse Events in Single Patients:
● Ketonuria
● Mild skin rash that responded to zinc and
lipid intake
● Acute renal failure due to antibiotic therapy
● Readmission for recurrent anastomotic leak
APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; BMI, body mass index; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, length of stay; OR, odds ratio; PN, parenteral nutrition;
RCT, randomized controlled trial.
734 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 37(6)
Table 6. GRADE Table Question 3: Are Clinical Outcomes Improved With Hypocaloric, High Protein Diets in Hospitalized Patients?
Overall Evidence
Comparison Outcome Quantity, Type Evidence Finding Final GRADE GRADE
Hypocaloric/high protein LOS 1 OBS 1 decreased61 Low Low
vs eucaloric/high protein
Nitrogen Balance 1 RCT, 3 OBS 4 no difference59-62 Low
Weight Loss 1 RCT, 1 OBS 2 no difference59,60 Low
LOS, length of stay; OBS, observational study; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Data to support this recommendation are in Table 3, where Procedures that shorten small bowel absorptive capacity result
protein intake of 1.2 g/kg actual body weight (2 g/kg ideal in malabsorption of protein, energy and micronutrients to vary-
body weight) daily was given to patients in 5 observational ing degrees depending on construction of the anatomy. Bilio-
studies59-62,64 with hypocaloric or eucaloric energy intake. An pancreatic diversion ± duodenal switch (BPD ± DS) and
additional study compared protein requirements based on Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) combine these mecha-
nitrogen balance studies separately for ICU and non-ICU nisms. Micronutrient deficiency may well be a comorbidity of
patients. The ICU patients required 2-2.5 g/kg/day and the severe obesity in that it appears to increase in prevalence as the
non-ICU patients 1.8-1.9 g/kg/d to approach nitrogen equilib- degree of obesity increases in populations who have had no
rium with the higher requirements for those with BMI > 40 kg/ prior bariatric surgery. This has been documented for alpha &
m2.66 These studies included patients up to 302 kg and BMI beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin, lycopene,
50.6 kg/m2, however most subjects were considerably below total carotenoids, iron, selenium, vitamins A, C, D, B6, B12, and
these levels. Data have not been found to establish reasonable folic acid.67-69
nitrogen intake goals for patients beyond these limits. Nitrogen Twenty-one observational studies and 2 RCTs have investi-
balance was similar at this level of protein intake whether gated a variety of micronutrients. These have compared serum
energy intake was hypocaloric or eucaloric. These initial rec- levels in cohorts of patients treated with different procedures and
ommendations should be adjusted using nitrogen balance stud- have included RYGB, sleeve gastrectomy (SG), BPD ± DS, and
ies, with a goal of nitrogen equilibrium if possible (–4 to +4 g adjustable gastric band procedures. The duration of follow-up
nitrogen/kg/d).61 While older studies may have suggested was generally short, with 16 studies covering 1-3 years,69-82 3
increase in albumin or prealbumin concentration as a goal for studies 4-5 years83-85 and 1 study 7 years.86 The study of longest
protein intake, a more recent appreciation of the strong impact duration documented no deficiency states in patients with
of inflammation on these measures makes them unreliable as a restrictive procedures but no malabsorptive component; how-
marker of nutrition state in most ill, hospitalized patients. ever, the others have documented an increased risk of deficiency
of iron, copper, zinc, selenium, thiamine, folate, and Vitamins
B12 and D as compared with preoperative populations.
Question 4: In Obese Patients Who The proclivity of restrictive or malabsorptive procedures
Have Had Malabsorptive or Restrictive to exacerbate or create micronutrient deficiency states has
Surgical Procedures for Weight Loss, What been acknowledged by recommendations for supplementa-
Micronutrients Should Be Evaluated? tion published by the American Society for Metabolic and
(Tables 7-8) Bariatric Surgery and the Obesity Society.87 For all bariatric
surgery patients, a daily multiple vitamin/mineral supplement
Recommendation is recommended with 2 daily doses for patients with SG,
Patients who have undergone sleeve gastrectomy, gastric RYGB, and BPD. For all patients, at least 3000 IU vitamin D
bypass, or biliopancreatic diversion ± duodenal switch have daily is recommended to achieve serum 25-hydroxyvitamin
increased risk of nutrient deficiency. In acutely ill hospitalized D levels > 30 ng/mL; 2 mg copper daily; iron 45-60 mg from
patients with history of these procedures, evaluation for evi- diet and supplements; and vitamin B12 should be given as
dence of depletion of iron, copper, zinc, selenium, thiamine, needed to maintain normal serum levels. All patients except
folate, and vitamins B12, and D is suggested as well as repletion those with BPD should take 1200-1500 mg calcium citrate
of deficiency states. (weak). daily. Evaluation of folic acid, iron and 25-hydroxyvitamin D
Evidence Grade: Low. should be done annually. Copper, zinc, selenium, and thia-
mine should be monitored when patients have specific find-
Rationale. Bariatric surgical procedures that change the ings to suggest deficiency. As with other chronic or home
capacity of the stomach facilitate weight reduction by restric- medications, these vitamin supplements should be continued
tion, that is, increasing satiety and reducing caloric intake. or resumed in hospitalized patients.
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Table 7. Evidence Summary Question 4: In Obese Patients Who Have Had a Malabsorptive or Restrictive Surgical Procedure, What Micronutrients Should Be Evaluated?
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Beckman et al, Prospective cohort Women with RYGB, N Describe serum 25(OH)D 25(OH)D increased by 10 ± 2 ng/mL
201379 observation = 20 changes and determine if by 12 months
Small sample FM loss and vitamin D 3 patients still had 25(OH)D < 20 ng/
intake are associated with mL
changes in serum levels at Weight, FM, BMI, and %EWL
12 months after RYGB changes were associated with
25(OH)D change
Aasheim et al, Prospective nonrandomized RYGB, n = 29 Assess change in vitamin All vitamins similar between RYGB
201294 trial Lifestyle management, n status in patients taking and control patients except vitamin
Small sample = 24 vitamin supplements A lower in RYGB
1 year after RYGB vs
lifestyle management
Damms-Machado, Retrospective record SG, N = 54 Describe nutrient At least 51% had a micronutrient Reduction in gastric acidity
201269 review deficiencies before and deficiency preoperatively: may be implicated
Similar population 1, 3, 6, and 12 months ● Vitamin D (83%) postoperatively with
Small sample after SG ● Iron (29%) vitamins B6, B12; folate
● Vitamin B6 (11%) deficiency may be due to
● Vitamin B12 (9%) food choices of patients
● Folate (6%)
● Potassium (7%)
By 12 months after SG, prevalence
of deficiencies of the following
nutrients increased:
● Vitamin B6 (17%)
● Vitamin B12 (17%)
● Folate (14%)
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
Gletsu-Miller, Retrospective record RYGB, N = 136 Describe number of RYGB Prevalence of copper deficiency, 9.6%
201295 review with patients with copper Incidence of copper deficiency, 18.8%
Prospective cohort deficiency and associated Concomitant complications include
observation hematological and anemia, leukopenia, and various
Small sample neurological neuromuscular abnormalities.
Complaints over 12 months.
Kehagias et al, RCT of surgical procedure Randomized to RYGB, N Describe perioperative Preoperative nutrient deficiencies:
201176 ITT analysis = 30 or SG, N = 30 safety and 3-year results RYGB vs SG, not significantly
5% attrition after RYGB or SG different
Small sample 3 years postoperatively:
Vitamin B12 deficiency in 7/29 (24%)
in RYGB vs 1/28 (3.5%) in SG
Table 7. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Leivonen et al, Retrospective record Patients over age 60 years Evaluate differences in Vitamin deficiencies:
201175 review treated with SG, N = recovery, weight loss, and ● Not significantly different
Small sample 12 vs patients < age 59 vitamin status 12 months
years, N = 43 after SG in younger vs
older patients
de Luis et al, Retrospective record BPD patients at Evaluate influence of BPD Prevalence of copper deficiency: Deficiency prevalence
201185 review baseline and 4 years on copper and zinc levels ● Preoperative, 67.8% increases over time
No information on postoperatively ● 6 months, 76.9%
supplement adherence N = 65 ● 12 months, 76.9%
● 24 months, 87.7%
● 36 months, 87.7%
● 48 months, 90.7%
Prevalence of zinc deficiency:
● Preoperative, 73.8%
● 6 months, 73.8%
● 12 months, 86.1%
● 24 months, 86.1%
● 36 months, 90.7%
● 48 months, 90.7%
Alasfar et al, Controlled cohort Bariatric surgery patients, Compare serum trace Selenium concentration significantly
201168 observation N = 66, BMI = 45.3 element (copper, zinc, lower in obese patients, P < .001
No information on trace Nonobese controls, N = selenium, magnesium)
element intake or 44, BMI = 25.9 concentrations in
supplement use preoperative bariatric
surgery vs nonobese
control subjects
Balsa et al, 201183 Cohort observation RYGB, N = 52 Compare prevalence Prevalence of copper deficiency, Copper and zinc deficiencies
No information on trace BPD, N = 89 of copper and zinc RYGB vs BPD: more common with
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
element supplement use deficiency in RYGB vs ● Preoperative, 0% vs 0% BPD than RYGB, more
BPD patients ● 6 months, 0% vs 17% prevalent over time
● 12 months, 2% vs 13%
● 24 months, 0% vs 24%
● 48 months, 2% vs 22%
● 60 months, 2% vs 13%
Prevalence of zinc deficiency, RYGB
vs BPD:
● Preoperative,12% vs 12%
● 6 months, 6% vs 69%
● 12 months, 2% vs70%
● 24 months, 6% vs 74%
● 48 months, 15% vs 46%
● 60 months, 21% vs 45%
Table 7. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Rosa et al, 201196 Prospective bioavailability RYGB, N = 9 Describe iron and zinc Lower plasma zinc response (P < .01)
studies plasma response to a and delayed response to iron intake
Small sample tolerance test before and after RYGB
3 months after RYGB. The total plasma iron concentration
area over 4 hours was not different
after surgery (P > .05)
24-hour urinary iron and zinc
excretion did not change
Gehrer et al, Retrospective record 2004-2006 Assess frequency of pre- Preoperative and postoperative
201077 review RYGB, N = 86, SG, N and 3-year postoperative deficiencies:
= 50 vitamin deficiencies and ● Vitamin B12 in RYGB (58%) vs SG
the success rate of their (18%), P < .0001
treatment ● Vitamin D in RYGB (52%) vs SG
(32%), P < .01
All deficiencies treatable
Schouten et al, RCT of laparoscopic band Original study Describe the long-term No significant differences in levels of
201086 vs open VBG, cohort N = 100 results of restrictive iron, zinc, folic acid or thiamine,
observation 2 and 7-years postsurgical bariatric procedures vitamin B6, or B12 between
Diagnostic similarity data obtained from 91 including weight loss, laparoscopic AGB and VGB groups
Small sample may lack (91%) with a mean long-term complications, No vitamin deficiencies were present
statistical power follow-up of 84 months comorbidities, 7 years after restrictive bariatric
laparoscopic AGB N = 48 reoperations, and vitamin surgical procedures
VBG N = 43 status
Signori et al, Retrospective record RYGB patients, N = 123 Compare vitamin D status 25-OH D (ng/mL) 22.7 ± 9.9 vs 29.7
201080 review Recommended to take preoperatively vs 12 ± 14.1, preop vs 12 months post-
1200-2000 IU vitamin months post-RYGB RYGB, P < .001
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
D daily
Salle et al, 201078 Retrospective record Bariatric surgery patients Describe zinc and nutrition Preoperative:
review in Angers, France status before and 6, 12 Zinc deficiency (9%)
RYGB, N = 266 and 24 months after 24 months postoperatively:
SG, N = 33 RYGB, SG, DS ● RYGB (35%)
BPD-DS, N = 25 ● SG (18%) at 12 months
● BPD-DS( 92%)
Iron deficiency:
● RYGB (38%)
● SG (25%) at 12 months
● BPD-DS( 58%)
Table 7. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Goldner et al, RCT dose-response trial Patients with RYGB Dose-response trial to Preoperative serum 25(OH) D: Recommended to start all
200981 Small sample and daily vitamin D define dose of vitamin D ● 19.1 ± 9.9 vs 15.0 ± 9.3 vs22.9 ± patients at 2000 IU/day
supplements supplement needed after 10.3 nmol/L in 800 vs 2000 vs 5000
800 IU, N = 13 RYGB IU groups, P = .01
2000 IU, N = 13 12 months post-RYGB:
5000 IU, N = 15 ● 27.5 ± 31.0 (n = 9), 800 IU
● 60.2 ± 37.4 (n = 9), 2000 IU
● 66.1 ± 42.2 (n = 10), 5000 IU
No hypercalcemia
Coupaye et al, Prospective cohort Single center Compare the vitamin and Deficiencies of thiamine, vitamin C, Vitamin supplements
200972 Difference in BMI by 70 consecutive patients nutrition status before and iron in 38%, 47% and 43% of improved postoperative
treatment group who had undergone and 1 year after bariatric ABG patients preoperatively, not outcomes in RYGB
Small sample, may lack bariatric surgery surgery in patients significantly worsened at 1 year patients
statistical power AGB: N = 49, BMI 43 receiving systematized In RYGB patients deficiencies of
No adjustment for RYGB: N = 21, BMI 49 nutrition care thiamine, iron, vitamin C were in
inflammation or BMI 25%, 57%, and 47% preoperatively,
group difference with improvement in thiamine and
vitamin C deficiencies at 1 year
(12%* P < .05, 37%, 10% * P < .05
CRP and fibrinogen improved in both
groups by 1 year
Carlin et al, RCT Compare supplementation Evaluate the effectiveness Baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D:
200982 Small sample in female RYGB of 50,000 IU vitamin ● 19.7 ± 8.5 vs 18.5 ± 9.4 ng/mL,
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
patients with 50,000 IU D weekly to replenish intervention vs control
vitamin D weekly, N = vitamin D stores 1 year 12 Month 25-hydroxyvitamin D:
30 vs after RYGB ● 37.8 ± 15.6 vs 15.2 ± 7.5 ng/mL,
No vitamin D intervention vs control (P < .001)
supplementation, N = 30 ● Less decline in bone mineral density
Both received 800 IU in treatment
vitamin D and 1500 mg More frequent resolution of
calcium daily hypertension in treatment
Table 7. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Toh et al, 2009 Retrospective record Preoperative: n = 232 Describe prevalence of Preoperatively Increased B12 and folate
review Postoperative: nutrient deficiencies in ● Low 25-OH vitamin D in 57% deficiencies with RYGB
Prognostic similarity n = 148; RYGB = 103; patients who present ● Low iron in 15.7% suggest lack of adherence
Small sample SG = 46 for bariatric surgery, ● High CRP in 58.5% with supplements
No adjustment for compare with 12-month Postoperatively,
supplement adherence postoperative levels ● Low 25-OH vitamin D reduced to
rates, interaction of 30% in RYGB, 43% in SG patients
weight loss with vitamin ● Low iron unchanged
status ● High CRP improved to 13% and
17% in RYGB and SG patients
● Vitamin B12 increased from 1% to
11% in RYGB
● Low RBC folate increased in RYGB
from 1% to 12%
Gasteyger et al, Retrospective record Single center Assess type, frequency, Patients requiring supplementation: Nutrition deficiencies are
200874 review Adult patients at 2 year and pattern of the ● 3 months, 34% common post RYGB
Small sample follow-up after RYGB development of nutrition ● 6 months, 59% despite multivitamin
Adherence with vitamin N = 137 (110 women; 27 deficiencies over the first ● 24 months, 98% supplementation
supplements not men) 24 months after RYGB, Most frequent supplements:
evaluated Length of Roux limb: to determine the amount ● Vitamin B12, iron, calcium/vitamin
100cm for BMI ≤ 48. of supplements prescribed D in 60%
0 and 150 cm for BMI and to evaluate the cost of ● Folate in 40%
< 48.0 treatment. ● Vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium in
All patients received 15%
a multivitamin Mean supplements per patient:
supplement 1-6 months ● 24 months, 2.9 ± 1.4
after RYGB ● Cost/year US$417.96
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
Supplementation with
specific nutrients
prescribed for values
that fell below the
reference range
Madan et al, Retrospective record All patients undergoing Describe preoperative Deficiencies, preoperative vs Did not report thiamine
200671 review laparascopic RYGB by and 1-year post-RYGB postoperative: levels
Small sample 1 surgeon during a 6 vitamin and trace mineral ● Vitamin A, 7% vs 16%
Incomplete data month period. levels ● Vitamin B 12.5% vs 0%
N = 100 ● Vitamin D, 40% vs 19% (P < .05)
Only about 30 patients ● Zinc, 28% vs 36%
with all vitamin levels ● Iron, 14% & 6%
at 12 months ● Selenium, 58% & 3% (P < .001)
● Folate, 2% vs 8%
Table 7. (continued)
Study Study Design, Quality Population, Setting, n Study Objective Results Comments
Clements et al, Retrospective record All patients with Evaluate prevalence of Vitamin Deficiencies:
200670 review laparoscopic RYGB, vitamin deficiency after ● A (11%)
2002-2004 (N = 493) RYGB ● C (34.6%)
with 1- and 2-year ● D (7%)
follow-up, N = 141 ● Thiamine (18.3%)
● Riboflavin (13.6%)
● B6 (17.6%)
● B12 (3.6%)
No difference year 1 vs year 2
Skroubis et al, Retrospective record University medical center Compare nutrition Iron deficiency:
200284 review in Greece complications ● Low iron and ferritin levels
No data on adherence rates N = 174 and effectiveness increased with both surgical
No data on baseline RYGB, N = 79 (BMI 45.6 of micronutrient procedures over time
comorbid conditions ± 4.9) supplementation after Vitamin B12 deficiency:
Unclear data on number BPD, N = 95 (BMI 57.2 RYGB and BPD ● Increased with both surgical
of subjects at each time ± 6.1) All patients received a procedures from preop to 4 years
point multivitamin and mineral postop with RYGB 33%, BPD 22%
supplement and 2 g of Negligible incidence of
calcium hypoalbuminemia
AGB, adjustable gastric banding; BMI, body mass index; BPD, biliopancreatic diversion; CRP, C-reactive protein; DS, duodenal switch; EWL, excess weight loss; FM, fat mass; ITT, itention to treat
analysis; IU, international unit; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RYGB, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; SG, sleeve gastrectomy; VBG, vertical-banded gastroplasty; 25(OH)D = 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
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Choban et al 741
Table 8. GRADE Table Question 4: In Obese Patients Who Have Had a Malabsorptive Surgical Procedure, What Micronutrients
Should Be Evaluated?
BPD = biliopancreatic diversion; OBS = observational study; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RYGB = Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
Downloaded from at Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitu on April 21, 2014
742 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 37(6)
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