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Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
Incidence, Prevention, and Treatment of Parenteral Volume XX Number X
Month 2013 1–16
Nutrition–Associated Cholestasis and Intestinal Failure– © 2013 American Society
Associated Liver Disease in Infants and Children: A for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1177/0148607113496280
Systematic Review jpen.sagepub.com
hosted at
Giuseppe Lauriti, MD, PhD1,2; Augusto Zani, MD, PhD1; Roberto Aufieri, MD1;
Mara Cananzi, MD, PhD1; Pierluigi Lelli Chiesa, MD2; Simon Eaton, BSc, PhD1;
and Agostino Pierro, MD, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Ed), FAAP3
Background: Cholestasis is a significant life-threatening complication in children on parenteral nutrition (PN). Strategies to prevent/
treat PN-associated cholestasis (PNAC) and intestinal failure–associated liver disease (IFALD) have reached moderate success with little
supporting evidence. Aims of this systematic review were (1) to determine the incidence of PNAC/IFALD in children receiving PN for
≥14 days and (2) to review the efficacy of measures to prevent/treat PNAC/IFALD. Methods: Of 4696 abstracts screened, 406 relevant
articles were reviewed, and studies on children with PN ≥14 days and cholestasis (conjugated bilirubin ≥ 2 mg/dL) were included.
Analyzed parameters were (1) PNAC/IFALD incidence by decade and by PN length and (2) PNAC/IFALD prevention and treatment
(prospective studies). Results: Twenty-three articles (3280 patients) showed an incidence of 28.2% and 49.8% of PNAC and IFALD,
respectively, with no evident alteration over the last decades. The incidence of PNAC was directly proportional to the length of PN (from
15.7% for PN ≤1 month up to 60.9% for PN ≥2 months; P < .0001). Ten studies on PNAC met inclusion criteria. High or intermediate-
dose of oral erythromycin and aminoacid-free PN with enteral whey protein gained significant benefits in preterm neonates (P < .05, P =
.003, and P < .001, respectively). None of the studies reviewed met inclusion criteria for treatment. Conclusions: The incidence of PNAC/
IFALD in children has no obvious decrease over time. PNAC is directly correlated to the length of PN. Erythromycin and aminoacid-
free PN with enteral whey protein have shown to prevent PNAC in preterm neonates. There is a lack of high-quality prospective studies,
especially on IFALD. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. XXXX;XX:XX-XX)
parenteral nutrition; intestinal failure; cholestasis; liver disease; child
Background with IF are at risk for IF-associated liver disease (IFALD), the
most relevant and persistent complication in pediatric IF
Parenteral nutrition (PN) provides life-saving artificial nutri-
tion and adequate growth in infants with insufficient intestinal
function due to prematurity and/or major abdominal gastroin- From 1Department of Surgery, UCL Institute of Child Health, London,
testinal surgical procedures. Moreover, PN is especially UK; 2Department of Paediatric Surgery, “G. d’Annunzio” University,
required in infants and children with intestinal failure (IF) Chieti-Pescara, Italy; and 3Division of General and Thoracic Surgery,
caused by a reduced absorptive surface (eg, short bowel syn- Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.
drome); an intact, although inefficient, mucosal surface (eg,
Financial disclosures: The study was partly supported by grants from
congenital enterocyte disorders); or an intact mucosal surface the Mittal Research Foundation, London, UK. Agostino Pierro and
with extensive motility dysfunction (eg, chronic intestinal Simon Eaton have been consultants for the development of novel
pseudo-obstructions).1 parenteral amino acids mixtures and have consequently received financial
However, patients on prolonged PN are at risk for a spec- contributions from Fresenius-Kabi.
trum of PN-associated hepatobiliary disorders, ranging from
Received for publication April 23, 2013; accepted for publication June
cholestasis to end-stage liver disease.2 Since its observation in 12, 2013.
early 1970s,3-5 PN-associated cholestasis (PNAC) has more
often been found in preterm neonates and infants, as it occurs Corresponding Author:
Agostino Pierro, MD, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Ed), FAAP, Hospital for
earlier and hepatic dysfunction can rapidly progress in these Sick Children, 555 University Ave, Suite 1526–First Floor Hill Wing,
patients, therefore remaining one of the most significant com- Toronto, ON M5G 1X8, Canada.
plications of prolonged PN.8 Furthermore, infants and children Email: agostino.pierro@sickkids.ca.
requiring long-term PN and the most consistent negative prog- meticulous considerations in the prevention and treatment of
nostic indicator for their overall survival.1,7 this disease.24 However, neither a systematic review on studies
Nonetheless, despite advances in the knowledge of bile for- included was done nor a precise definition of PNAC was men-
mation physiology8 and of the molecular basis for neonatal tioned by authors. A recent study systematically reviewed the
cholestasis,9 both PNAC and IFALD are not completely eluci- potential benefits and harms of ω-3 fatty acid lipid emulsions
dated consequences of PN therapy in infants. A multifactorial to prevent complications associated with PN.25 However, the
etiology has been proposed implicating low birth weight, pre- authors included articles with nonhomogeneous characteristic,
maturity, enzyme deficiencies, genetic causes, anatomic fac- such as different initial conditions of patients (eg, prematurity,
tors, susceptibility to cholestatic injury, and factors relevant to patient with IF, and infants with congenital heart disease), dif-
the PN itself.2,7,9-12 A further risk factor is the occurrence of ferent quality of the studies (eg, randomized controlled trial,
severe infections, due to the requirement for central line for RCT, and cohort studies with historical controls), and nonuni-
infusion of PN, and bacterial overgrowth caused by enteral form definition of PNAC and IFALD. Furthermore, an article
starvation and immature immune function.13 by Barclay et al26 reviewed interventions in pediatric IF and its
The prevalence of PNAC and IFALD varies considerably complications (sepsis and IFALD). Although their systematic
among studies, but it is estimated to be approximately 40%- review did include measures taken to prevent or treat cholesta-
60% in infants and up to 85% in neonates who are receiving sis, authors did not mention any definition of IFALD, conse-
long-term PN for IF. Furthermore, the prevalence of the IFALD quently not all the studies included were strictly related to this
is unknown because there is no established definition of liver disease.
disease in this setting and it is unclear whether IFALD should Hence, the aims of our systematic review were (1) to deter-
be diagnosed on the basis of clinical, biological, or histological mine if the incidence of PNAC and IFALD have changed over
criteria.1 time among infants and children receiving PN for ≥ 14 days
Some children who receive long-term PN eventually and if there is a correlation between PNAC, IFALD, and length
develop end-stage liver disease. Although their proportion was of PN; and (2) to evaluate possible methods of prevention and
15% in the 1990s,2 a more recent study suggests that careful treatment of PNAC and IFALD.
management may reduce this to 3%.14 End stage liver disease
has a mortality rate approaching 100% within a year of diagno-
sis if they are unable to be weaned off PN or fail to receive a Materials and Methods
liver and/or intestinal transplant.15,16 Furthermore, small bowel Search Strategy
transplantation is limited by a shortage of organ donors, espe-
cially for premature infants, and by 10 years, patient and intes- A systematic review of the Literature using defined search cri-
tine survival rate is 46% and 29% for intestine-only recipients, teria was performed (Figure 1). Studies published between
and 42% and 39% for combined liver-intestine, respectively.17 1950 and March 2013, using Medline, Embase, and the
Several enhancements in prolonged PN were achieved Cochrane Library were searched. The following search terms
throughout last decades, such as improvements in PN compo- were used: “infant” or “child” or “baby” or “paediatric” or
nents and intensive care measures. Aseptic placement tech- “pediatric” or “neonate” and “parenteral” and “liver” or
niques and strict catheter care have reduced sepsis related to “hepatic” or “hepatitis” or “cholestasis” or “bilirubin.” The
central line catheter.18 Moreover, no significant differences “explode” function and the truncation terms “$” and “*” were
were noticed in the incidence of catheter related-bloodstream used as appropriate to each database to search for all possible
infections in multiple lumen vs single lumen catheters.19,20 variations of the keywords. This search strategy yielded 4696
However, there remains a risk of septicaemia that could be due articles. These 4696 titles and abstracts were screened indepen-
to bacterial translocation.21 dently by 2 authors (GL and RA): Articles not relevant to
In spite of these improvements, preventive strategies for PNAC or IFALD in infants and children were excluded. Of all
both PNAC and IFALD are limited and have reached moderate potentially relevant abstracts, 406 full-text articles were
success, and current therapies for these diseases have little sup- reviewed for the different inclusion criteria. In addition, the
porting evidence in infants.7,22 Even if the most effective treat- same 2 authors screened the references of all full-text articles
ment is advancement to full enteral feeds and discontinuation to identify publications not retrieved by the electronic searches.
of PN, this process is often impossible because of poor intesti- For individual selected studies 2 authors (GL and AZ) indepen-
nal function or inadequate gut length.23 Therefore, PNAC and dently graded the level of evidence (LoE) presented using the
IFALD remain significant life-threatening complications and 1 Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine “Levels of
of the recognized predictor factors of mortality in infants and Evidence” methodology (Table 1).27
children on long-term PN.22 To obtain homogeneous collection of patients, included
Currently, no systematic reviews are available on incidence articles were divided into 3 groups according to pediatric age
of both PNAC and IFALD in infants and children. An exhaus- or liver disease both in incidence, prevention, and treatment
tive review summarizes current knowledge on PNAC, with analysis (Table 2).
Group Definition
1 Studies including exclusively preterm neonates (ELBW
and VLBW), focusing on PNAC
2 Studies on neonates (LBW, at term, or not specified),
infants, and children without IF related disease,
focusing on PNAC;
3 Studies on neonates, infants, and children with IF
entirely focusing on IFALD
ELBW, extremely low birth weight; IF, intestinal failure; IFALD, intes-
tinal failure–associated liver disease; LBW, low birth weight; PNAC, par-
enteral nutrition–associated cholestasis; VLBW, very low birth weight.
Data Analysis
Incidence of cholestasis per decades (from 1970s to 2000s) and
In spite of different definitions of PNAC and IFALD and to gain per length of PN were assessed by chi-square test for trend.
less biases, we determined to include in the present systematic Results showing P < .05 were considered significant. If
Figure 2. Inclusion criteria established to determine incidence, prevention, and treatment of parenteral nutrition–associated cholestasis.
CB, conjugated bilirubin; PN, parenteral nutrition.
methodologically feasible, studies on prevention or treatment directly proportional to the length of PN, with an incidence
were further compared by meta-analysis software (Review varying from 15.7% in patients receiving PN for 14-30 days up
Manager, RevMan version 5.2, Nordic Cochrane Centre, to 60.8% in patients receiving PN for >60 days (Figure 3; P <
Cochrane Collaboration 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark). .0001).
Furthermore, to examine the incidence of PNAC/IFALD
throughout the past 4 decades we considered only those stud-
Results ies10-12,15,30-32,34-40,44-46 with a precise study period mentioned
Incidence (Tables 3a and 3b, Figure 4a). Because of the paucity of studies
included in both Groups 1 and 3, it seemed no achievable to
Twenty-three articles (3280 patients) met the inclusion criteria determine any variation throughout past decades in these sub-
(Tables 3a and 3b).10,11,12,15,28-46 However, 1 study15 reported groups of patients. There appeared to be an alteration in the
only the median (with interquartile range, IQR) duration of incidence of PNAC over time in the Group 2,10,11,34-40 although
PN. it was not possible to compare these data due to the overlap-
The overall incidence of cholestasis coming from all ping periods that the studies were conducted over (Figure 4b).
included studies was 29.9%, considering both PNAC and Similarly, to reduce bias resulting from including studies that
IFALD. Looking at PNAC, the incidence of cholestasis was were conducted over a long period (with underlying improve-
28.2% and, respectively, 25.5% in preterm neonates (Group 1), ment on PN during the study), we examined the incidence of
and 30.6% in neonates at term or not specified, infants, and PNAC in only those studies with a study period ≤ 5
children (Group 2; Table 3a). The incidence of IFALD was years.10,11,34,36-38,40 Again, there was no obvious alteration in the
49.8% in pediatric patients with IF (Group 3; Table 3b). incidence of PNAC over time (Figure 4c).
To reduce biases given by not specified subgroups of pre-
term neonates and different durations of PN, we further ana-
lyzed the studies of Group 2 in relation to the length of PN.
Five of the 14 articles included in Group 210,11,37-39 analyzed Ten studies met the inclusion criteria for prevention of the dis-
the relationship between the duration of PN and PNAC (Table ease (Table 5).30,33,43,47-53 None of these articles were related to
4). When possible, patients overlapping with Group 1 (ELBW IFALD. The articles included investigated possible maneuvers
and VLBW) were excluded. The incidence of PNAC was to reduce the incidence of PNAC throughout “choleretic”
Table 3a. Studies on the Incidence of Parenteral Nutrition–Associated Cholestasis (PNAC) in Neonates, Infants, and Children
According to Study Period.
N Reference Study Period Age of Ptsa Indication for PN Days of PN CB PNAC pts Incidence (%)
Group 1b
1 Slagle TA et al30 1985-1986 ELBW, Prematurity ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 0/22 0
2 Baserga MC et al31 1998-2000 ELBW Prematurity ≥21 ≥2 mg/dL 38/103 37
3 Costa S et al12 1996-2006 ELBW, Prematurity ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 55/445 12.3
4 Christensen RD 2002-2006 ELBW, Prematurity ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 179/723 24.7
et al11 VLBW,
5 Duro D et al32 2004-2007 VLBW Prematurity, NEC ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 87/127 68.5
- Brown MR et al33 n.m. VLBW Prematurity >21 >3 mg/dL 7/12 58
Group 2b
6 Touloukian RJ 1972-1974 Neonates, Surgery ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 8/19 42.1
et al34 infants
7 Kubota A et al35 1971-1982 Neonates n.m. ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 44/77 57
8 Vileisis RA et al36 1977-1978 Neonates Prematurity, ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 11/33 33.3
surgery, RDS
9 Kubota A et al35 1983-1987 Neonates n.m. ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 22/72 31
10 Beath SV et al37 1988-1992 Neonates Surgery 28 >2.35 mg/dL 27/74 36.5
11 Forchielli ML 1990 Infants Prematurity, ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 15/70 21.4
et al38 surgery, sepsis,
12 Kubota A et al35 1992-1996 Neonates n.m. ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 31/124 25
13 Wright K et al10 1997-1999 Neonates n.m. ≥21 ≥2 mg/dL 24/141 17
14 Jensen AR et al39 1996-2007 Neonates Gastroschisis ≥21 ≥2 mg/dL 16/71 22.5
15 Christensen RD 2002-2006 LBW, Prematurity, ≥14 ≥2 mg/dL 178/643 27.7
et al11 neonates surgery, ECMO
16 Nehra D et al40 2007-2011 Neonates Surgical ≥21 ≥2 mg/dL 14/32 43.8
- Farrell MK et al41 n.m. Infants, n.m. >15 ≥2 mg/dL 6/55 10.9
- Puntis JWL et al42 n.m. Neonates Prematurity, NEC, >14 >2.35 mg/dL 9/53 17
PDA, surgery,
- Drongowski RA n.m. Neonates n.m. >49 ≥2 mg/dL 17/32 53.1
et al29
- Teitelbaum DH n.m. Neonates n.m. >14 ≥2 mg/dL 9/21 43
et al28
- Fok TF et al43 n.m. Neonates Prematurity, feed >14 >2.94 mg/dL 58/78 74.4
sepsis, NEC,
surgery, others
CB, conjugated bilirubin (expressed in mg/dL); ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ELBW, extremely low birth weight; LBW, low birth
weight; N, numbers of references to be related to Figure 3a (in articles with mentioned study period); NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis; n.m., not men-
tioned; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; PN, parenteral nutrition; PNAC: parenteral nutrition–associated cholestasis; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome;
VLBW, very low birth weight.
Age of patients at the beginning of PN.
Group refers to Table 2.
agents,47,48 antibiotic therapy,49-51 and improvement in nutrition “Choleretic” agents. Trying to improve intrahepatic and
intake, enhancing components of PN, such as protein, trace extrahepatic bile flow and biliary sludge, Teitelbaum et al47
elements, or lipids,43,53 and supporting enteral nutrition30,33 or evaluated the effects of cholecystokinin (CCK, 0.04 µg/kg per
PN cycling.52 dose, i.v., every 12 hours for 14 days) on the development of
Table 3b. Studies on the Incidence of Intestinal Failure–Associated Liver Disease (IFALD) in Pediatric Population (Group 3, see Table
2) According to Study Period.
N Reference Study Period Age of Ptsa Indication for PN Days of PN CB Pts Incidence (%)
CB, conjugated bilirubin (expressed in mg/dL); N, numbers of references to be related to Figure 3a; PN, parenteral nutrition; SBS, short bowel syn-
Age of patients at the beginning of PN.
PNAC reported after a median of 86 days of PN (interquartile range, IQR, 55-138 days).
Table 4. Relation Between the Incidence of Parenteral Nutrition–Associated Cholestasis (PNAC) and Duration of Parenteral Nutrition
(PN) Related to Group 2 (see Table 2).
severe PNAC—defined as CB levels of ≥ 5.0 mg/dL—in a with an open-label trial with comparison of concurrently
neonatal population. CCK failed to prevent severe PNAC untreated controls who refused participation. The population
(Table 5). The study was a RCT recruiting initially only included in the study was heterogeneous, including ELBW
severely premature infants (< 1000 g at birth and with an esti- and VLBW on one hand (Group 1), but also neonates with a
mated gestational age of < 28 weeks, Group 1) and afterward birth weight > 1500 g (Group 2). Furthermore, some of the
also surgical neonates (< 30 days of age at the time of enrol- infants treated with TUDCA had been submitted to wide
ment, Group 2). Therefore, we assigned to this study a LoE 2b. intestinal resection. Therefore, results regarding the effects of
The prospective study by Heubi et al48 investigated the TUDCA should be interpreted with caution in infants with
prophylactic effect of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA, short bowel syndrome, since the length of remnant ileum is
30 mg/kg/day) in the development of PNAC. As shown in essential to ensure bile acid absorption and thus, possible
Table 5, TUDCA failed to show any effect in preventing effect of TUDCA in such condition. For these reasons, the
PNAC. Because of difficulties in enrolment, authors proceed article was rated at LoE 2b.
Figure 4. (a) Included studies on incidence of parenteral nutrition–associated cholestasis (PNAC) or intestinal failure–associated
liver disease (IFALD) with a study period mentioned. *References are related to Tables 3a and 3b. (b) Incidence of PNAC (± 95%
confidential interval) in article with a study period mentioned. (c) Incidence of PNAC (± 95% confidential interval) in article with study
periods ≤ 5 years. (a, b, c) Dots express the average year of study period. Sizes of dots are related to number of patients in the study; see
legend. Horizontal lines delineate the corespective study period. (b, c) Test for trend not possible because of the overlapping periods
that the studies were conducted over.
over 24 hours). However, the incidence of PNAC was similar subsequent surgical procedures, thus omitting potential wide
in the 2 groups (32% and 31%, respectively; P = ns; Table 5). intestinal resection. Furthermore, even if authors included
The RCT was well-constructed, with adequate methods of ran- extreme prematurity neonates with RDS, birth weights were 2.4
domization, without significant confounding bias within cases ± 0.2 kg in LP and 2.7 ± 0.2 kg in HP, with gestational ages of
and controls, even if no power calculation of the sample size 36.0 ± 0.8 and 37.7 ± 0.9 weeks, respectively, thus likely reduc-
has been mentioned. The study was then rated at LoE 1b. ing the numbers of ELBW and VLBW neonates recruited. The
To enhance components of PN, Vileisis et al53 compared in a article was rated at LoE 2b.
RCT the hepatic effects of 2 different parenteral protein intakes, Fok et al43 randomized preterm and at term neonates (Group
a lower protein regimen (LP: 2.3 g/kg/day) and a higher protein 2) to receive either 1 or 0.0182 mmol/kg/d of manganese sup-
regimen (HP: 3.6 g/kg/day) in patients with structural gastroin- plementation in a high-quality RCT (Table 5). Although there
testinal defect, NEC, and extreme prematurity with RDS was no significant difference in the occurrence of PNAC (58/78
(Groups 1 and 2; Table 5). Although the incidence of PNAC in vs 49/82; P = .073), significantly more infants in the high man-
the LP and HP groups were very similar (27% and 33%, respec- ganese group developed severe conjugated hyper-bilirubinaemia,
tively; P = ns), infants randomized to the HP group developed with peak serum CB > 100 mmol/L (5.9 mg/dL) in 32/78
PNAC earlier than the LP group (27 ± 4 vs 47 ± 6 days; P < patients vs 20/82; P = .038. The RCT illustrated well-constructed
.01), and achieved a significantly greater peak of CB (8.4 ± 1.6 methods, even if there were some low risk biases in the high
vs 3.2 ± 0.3 mg/dl; P < .001; data expressed mean ± SEM). manganese group, such as slightly smaller gestational age (31.0
Leaving out the time of the study, the inclusion criteria to recruit ± 3.9 vs 32.0 ± 4.8, respectively; mean ± SD), higher number of
patients were indefinite, as authors did not mention further neonates with NEC (42.3 vs 34.1%), lower days of age when PN
information on the structural gastrointestinal defect, such as on started (5.0 {4.0, 7.0} vs 5.0 {4.0, 8.0}), and more days on PN
ns, not significant; PN, parenteral nutrition; PNAC, parenteral nutrition–associated cholestasis; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Group refers to Table 2.
Rating refers to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine “levels of evidence” methodology28 (Table 1).
Figure 5. Meta-analysis on 2 different doses of erythromycin to prevent parenteral nutrition–associated cholestasis (PNAC). Ery,
erythromycin; QDS, quater die sumendus, 4 times a day.
(41.0 {26.0, 77.3} vs 40.0 {20.5, 67.5}; median {25th and 75th Bad Homburg v.d.h., Germany) to reverse PNAC,54-56 none
percentiles}). Even so, this study was assigned a LoE 1b. have been proper case control/cohort prospective studies since
historical controls were used (LoE 4).
There were no articles which strictly met our inclusion criteria.
Although there have been several articles on the potential of a There are many complications associated with PN, one of the
fish-oil-based fat emulsion (Omegaven, Fresenius Kabi AG, most common in infancy is PNAC.6 Similarly, IFALD is the
most serious complication in patients with IF receiving long- association was first noted by Beale et al58 who showed that the
term PN, and it is the most consistent negative prognostic indi- incidence of cholestasis (defined as CB ≥ 1.5 mg/dL) was 10%
cator for overall survival in these patients.7 after 10 days of PN but increased to 90% in those treated for >3
Nonetheless, many weak points are still present in the lit- months. This correlation could also explain the higher inci-
erature on both PNAC and IFALD. With regard to the defini- dence of IFALD in pediatric IF, because of the longer PN (ie,
tion of cholestasis and liver disease, they are conventionally PN > 28 days, Table 3b). However, because of the paucity of
defined as CB ≥ 2 mg/dL (or 34 μmol/L) in pediatric popula- studies included in Group 3, no further significant subanalysis
tion. Although the cutoff value is considered arbitrary and does were feasible on the incidence of IFALD in patients with long-
not necessarily correlate with any specific hepatic pathology, it term PN.
has been extensively used in pediatric studies.28,46 Furthermore, There has been no obvious decrease in the incidence of both
the definition of PNAC and IFALD are not standardized, even PNAC and IFALD over the last 40 years. Because of the lack
if one of the most commonly definition used is CB ≥ 2 mg/dL of studies exclusively on preterm neonates (Group 1) and on
(or 34 μmol/L) in association with a duration of PN ≥ 14 IFALD (Group 3), we could not achieve any consideration on
days.2,28,29,47 These brought to heterogeneity between different these patients (Figure 4a). With regard to the Group 2, patients
studies in this field. Moreover, to the knowledge of authors, no are heterogeneous in the populations of infants described, both
systematic review has been published on incidence, preven- in terms of patient age and indication for PN (ie, surgical vs
tion, and treatment of PNAC and IFALD. As mentioned, an medical). Furthermore, since most of the study periods are
up-to-date systematic review on ω-3 fatty acid lipid emul- overlapping, no strict decreasing incidence of PNAC was
sions25 included nonhomogeneous articles on both PNAC and reached in this group (Figures 4b and 4c). In addition, it must
IFALD without a definite definition of PNAC and IFALD. be noted that there appeared to be a lack of recent data in inci-
Moreover, a systematic review on pediatric IF26 did not men- dence of both PNAC and IFALD during the second half of past
tion any definition of IFALD. We acknowledge that our a priori decade. Because of this, none of the articles that met our inclu-
definitions (eg, CB, length of time on PN) as inclusion criteria sion criteria used the novel lipids that have seen widespread
for the systematic review may have excluded some relevant introduction over the past 5 years. It remains to be established
articles, but this was necessary to decrease bias and potential whether the use of such lipids could decrease the incidence of
subjective inclusion or exclusion of articles. PNAC.
Incidence Prevention
Despite improvements in surgical procedures, intensive care Even though there have been numerous studies aimed at pre-
unit (ICU) management, involvement of nutrition support venting PNAC or IFALD, many of these were excluded as they
teams, as well as in the composition and mode of delivery of were retrospective case series. There were only a few articles
PN, both the incidence of PNAC and IFALD remain high with in which interventions were prospectively evaluated. Moreover,
special concern in young infants.56 In the present systematic only some of them met our inclusion criteria to define PNAC.
review, only articles with a homogenous definition of cholesta- As a result, no prospective studies on IFALD were included,
sis related to PN and IF were included (Figure 2). because of different (or lack) definition of the disease. There is
The overall incidence of PNAC and IFALD in the studies evidence of beneficial effect of the management by multidisci-
included ranged from 0% to 74.4% (mean 29.9%). Because the plinary teams with pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric sur-
incidence of PNAC could be age-related, with a higher inci- gery, transplant, and immunology.59 Advances such as the
dence in very-low-birth-weight infants, we separated studies introduction of multidisciplinary teams and protocolization, in
on ELBW and VLBW (Group 1) from remaining (Group 2). A addition to specific therapeutic or surgical modulations, have
further group (Group 3) was assessed to articles exclusively improved the outlook for both PNAC and IFALD has changed
focused on IFALD. We did not notice any obvious relationship considerably in the last decade; fewer children undergo intesti-
between age of patient and incidence of PNAC, although only nal transplantation and waitlist mortality for children listed for
a few articles included children (Table 3a). In contrast with intestine transplantation has also decreased.17,60,61
what we expected, preterm neonates in Group 1 demonstrated
a lower incidence of PNAC vs neonates, infants, and children “Choleretic” agents. None of the 2 included studies on “cho-
in Group 2 (25.5 vs 30.6%, respectively). This result could be leretic” agents to prevent PNAC in Groups 1 and 2 of patients
biased by not specified preterm neonates included in studies of showed a significant benefit to either TUDCA or CCK (Table
Group 2 (eg, Fok et al43 studied neonates with a mean birth 5).47,48 A previous study with lower doses of CCK (0.02 µg/kg
weight of 1347 g). per dose, i.v., every 12 hours for 14 days) failed to prevent
A further bias, given by different length of PN, was eluci- development of PNAC in severe preterm neonates.28 This arti-
dated in the Group 2 (Figure 3): as expected the development cle was excluded because authors compare prospective cases
of PNAC is closely related to the duration of PN. This with a historical cohort of controls (LoE 4).
Further RCTs on PNAC in Group 262 and Group 163 of pre- significant prevention of PNAC in comparison with controls.33
term neonates demonstrated that ursodeoxycholic acid Even if the study was focused on severe preterm neonates
(UDCA) significantly decreased serum γ-glutamyl transferase (Group 1), we believe that amino acid-free PN would not be
activity (a widely and early sensitive used marker in detecting acceptable for any other than very individualized use, thus
PNAC) during PN, associated with an earlier, albeit not signifi- restricting its employment in those who tolerate early enteral
cant, achievement of full enteral feeding. Both trials were feeds with premature infants formula added with whey
excluded from the systematic review as no definition of cho- protein.
lestasis was included. Even if the first study62 was a high-quality Furthermore, some,67,68 but not all,69,70 studies excluded
RCTs (LoE 1b), the latter63 compared cases to control neonates from this systematic review support early enteral feeding. All
with significantly lower gestational age and birth weight studies but 168 were exclusively on Group 1 neonates and did
(LoE 2b). However, due to these encouraging results, the role not meet the inclusion criteria because of short-term PN67,68,70
of UDCA in preventing PNAC may warrant further or lack of definition of PNAC.69 Moreover, the dated RCT by
investigation. Dunn et al67 demonstrated high risk of biases given by vague
inclusion and exclusion criteria and the small number of neo-
Antibiotic therapy. Intraluminal bacterial overgrowth with nates involved (LoE 2b), and the RCT by Leaf at al68 included
subsequent translocation and sepsis, catheter related sepsis, a slightly higher proportion of infants ≥ 1250 g in the early
and any other conditions that produce a systemic inflammatory group. In addition, all these prevention studies were performed
response, such as NEC, are closely associated with PNAC.64 predominantly or exclusively on severe preterm neonates
Despite this, studies with 2 doses of MNZ prophylaxis in (Group 1),30,33,67,70 and some procedures (ie, early low volume
Group 2 of patients failed to show any benefit (Table 5).51 feeding or aminoacid-free PN with enteral whey proteins) are
In contrast, both high and intermediate-dose of oral erythro- not applicable in older children or in pediatric IF (Groups 2 and
mycin (12.5 mg/kg/dose, and 5 mg/kg/dose every 6 hours for 3). Subsequently, further prospective studies are needed to cor-
14 days, respectively)49,50 were shown to decrease the inci- roborate the benefit of these procedures both in severe preterm
dence of PNAC and septicaemia in 2 RCTs on Group 1 of pre- neonates and in older pediatric patients.
term neonates (Table 5). The meta-analysis on these 2 RCTs Although 2 retrospective articles39,71 on Group 2 of neo-
(Figure 5) corroborates the beneficial effect of erythromycin in nates (LoE 4) demonstrated that cyclic PN may be associated
preventing PNAC (P < .001). However, this effect may be with a decreased incidence or, perhaps, delay in onset of
mediated via the prokinetic effects of erythromycin rather than PNAC, the RCT included on this manoeuvre52 did not reach
its antibiotic effects. Moreover, these results are homogeneous any beneficial effect in cycling PN to prevent PNAC in VLBW.
to the significant evidence that high-doses of erythromycin, This result could be expected as the only difference between
even when administered orally, can reduce the time required by the 2 groups was the length of administration of the amino acid
premature infants with nonobstructive gastrointestinal dys- solution (over 20 hours in the group with cycle PN vs over 24
motility to achieve full enteral nutrition, and thus reduce their hours in those with continuous PN), with presumably the same
dependence on PN. Furthermore, none of the RCTs published final daily amount of the solution in the 2 groups. Moreover,
so far reported any major side effects, in particular, hypertro- the length of administration of the soybean-based lipid emul-
phic infantile pyloric stenosis and life-threatening cardiac dys- sion in both groups was equal (over 18 hours).
rhythmia.65 However, even if oral erythromycin was As well as specific interventions undertaken to prevent
demonstrated to reduce the incidence of PNAC in VLBW, PNAC or IFALD, there may be other ways to reduce its inci-
results obtained in this particular subset of patients could not dence. Sigalet et al72 showed in Group 3 of patients the impor-
be extrapolated in neonates at term or in older group of patients tance of a multidisciplinary team and a protocol-driven strategy
with IF (Groups 2 and 3). Furthermore, uncommon untoward to prevent IFALD. No episode of severe cholestasis (CB > 100
effects, long-term effects on the bowel microflora and the pos- μmol/L for > 2 months) occurred in the cohort of patients fol-
sibility of promoting emergence of multidrug-resistant organ- lowed by the multidisciplinary team in comparison with an
isms in the neonatal ICU, have not been fully evaluated,66 so incidence of 28% in an historical cohort of controls. However,
that oral erythromycin should be used cautiously and selec- because of the presence of the historical cohort of controls, this
tively in preterm infants at higher risk for PNAC. study did not meet our inclusion criteria (LoE 4).
Even if several improvements in components of PN have
Nutritional intake. A way to prevent PNAC is to reach full been achieved throughout last decades, only 2 included articles
enteral feeding and cease PN supplementation. Two RCTs evaluated enhancements in elements of PN.43,53
included in our systematic review on Group 1 preterm neo- In Groups 1 and 2 of patients, Vileisis et al53 demonstrated
nates (Table 5) investigated the use of early enteral feeds to that a LP regimen could be beneficial in reducing incidence of
prevent PNAC in severe preterm neonates.30,33 Both RCTs did PNAC. However, a LP regimen could have an adverse impact
not reach high LoE—2b—and only the study on aminoacid- on growth. Furthermore, the group of infants who presented
free PN with enteral bovine whey protein demonstrated with cholestatic jaundice were exposed to a significantly longer
PN and received also a significantly higher glucose supply as may be useful in the prevention on PNAC, in a retrospective
compared with infants without cholestatic jaundice, thus analysis of prospectively collected data on Group 2 of neonates
achieving a LoE 2b. Therefore, the role of aminoacid intake Nasr et al81 have stated that with >80% of PNAC patients being
was hardly assessed. weaned from PN without adverse hepatic sequelae, it is diffi-
In a good-quality RCT (LoE 1b) on Group 1 neonates, Fok cult, in the absence of definitive evidence of efficacy and
et al43 showed that manganese supplementation in excess of safety for Omegaven together with increased costs, to justify
recommendations causes a more severe degree of conjugated its routine use in a low-risk population (such as the surgical
hyperbilirubinaemia. However, most centers use a trace ele- neonates with mild parenteral nutrition–associated liver dys-
ment solution that provides manganese at recommended lev- function examined in the study) outside formal research proto-
els. It is not known whether a further decrease in manganese cols. To this end, there are various RCTs on the use of new lipid
intake could affect cholestasis. emulsions to prevent/treat PNAC or IFALD currently regis-
In the same field, Spencer et al73 observed in post hoc data tered for recruitment. One RCT of Omegaven vs Intralipid in
analysis of a prospective study on Group 2 of infants (LoE 3b) preventing PNAC in Group 2 of infants with IF is currently
that taurine supplementation did offer a very significant degree completed albeit not published.82
of protection against PNAC compared with no taurine.
However, as infant PN amino acid solutions now contain tau-
rine, whether there could be any benefit of increased taurine
supplementation is unknown. Currently there is no truly effective pharmacologic manage-
Even if glutamine supplementation during PN did not ment of both PNAC and IFALD. Maneuvers to treat these dis-
reduce the incidence of sepsis in Group 2 of infants with surgi- eases are limited (bile acid-binding agents, “choleretics” such
cal gastrointestinal disease,74,75 it is still debated whether its as ursodiol, cycling of PN administration, and limitation of
role in the maintenance and repair of gastrointestinal mucosa trace minerals in PN) and have little supporting evidence in
may prevent PNAC/IFALD by protecting the hepatic function. infants. One RCT of UDCA vs placebo for treating PNAC in
A pilot RCT75 with inadequate sample size (LoE 2b) on Group Group 2 of neonates is currently recruiting participants.83
2 of infants with surgical gastrointestinal disease showed that A prospective study from Cober et al84 demonstrated that an
enteral glutamine supplementation had no apparent effect on intravenous (IV) fat emulsion reduction in PN to 1 g/kg/d 2
the duration of PN, tolerance of enteral feeds, or intestinal times per week in neonates diagnosed with PNAC significantly
absorptive or barrier function. However, a more recent RCT76 decline the total bilirubin levels compared with controls (P <
with insufficient sample size (LoE 2b) on Group 1 of infants .01) and significantly shortened the days on PN (P < .05).
demonstrated that parenteral glutamine supplementation pres- However, because of the presence of the historical cohort of
ents a protective effect on the liver by decreasing the serum controls, this study did not meet our inclusion criteria and
levels of aspartate aminotransferase and total bilirubin (P < reached a low LoE (LoE 4).
.05), even if no significant difference was noticed with regard The novel lipids described above have also been evaluated
to direct bilirubin. High-quality RCT would be required to bet- for their ability to reverse PNAC/IFALD. There is increasing
ter assess the benefit of this maneuver. enthusiasm because of the early reports of success and safety
There were a few articles evaluating the possible beneficial with the use of Omegaven to reverse PNAC/IFALD in infants
effect of other elements of PN which were excluded because and children.54-56,85-92 However, most of these studies were ret-
they were retrospective, in patients on short-term PN, or rospective,85-87,92 prospective with no controls,88-90 or prospec-
because of the lack of a clear definition of PNAC. Among tive with historical cohort of controls,54-56 so that there are no
these, a medium-chain:long-chain triacylglycerol 50:50 mix- current data from high-quality prospective RCTs.89,92 Three
ture demonstrated some potential benefits in an adequate-quality studies from the same authors54-56 compared prospective
RCT (LoE 2b) on Group 2 of patients, excluded because of the groups treated with the fish-oil-based fat emulsion vs historical
lack of definition of PNAC.77 This mixture could warrant fur- cohorts of infants (Group 2) treated with Intralipid (LoE 4).
ther investigation. Patients receiving Omegaven had a significantly higher rever-
A novel lipid emulsion containing a mixture of soybean oil, sal of cholestasis while on PN (P < .0001), also in the study
medium-chain triglycerides, olive oil, and fish oil (SMOFlipid, where the fat doses were identical in both groups.55 One RCT
Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg v.d.h., Germany) showed some of Omegaven vs Intralipid minimization for treating severe
benefits in a well-constructed RCT (LoE 1b) on Group 2 PNAC in Group 2 of patients is currently ongoing.93
patients on short-term PN (7-14 days).78 Two RCTs of Furthermore, SMOFlipid, in an excluded good-quality RCT
SMOFlipid vs Intralipid for prevention of PNAC in Group 1 of (LoE 1b), significantly reduced total bilirubin levels compared
infants79 and in Group 2 of infants with IF/SBS80 are currently with Intralipid in infants and children (Group 2) receiving
ongoing. home PN.94 Therefore, despite the promise that alternate lipid
Although early reports of success and safety with the use of strategies may have, at present the use of these novel lipids
Omegaven in reversal of PNAC23,54-56 might suggest that it remains investigational and should be restricted to those with
severe PNAC/IFALD unless in the context of a RCT examin- multidisciplinary teams to treat patients with or at risk of
ing their safety and efficacy as a preventative strategy.89 PNAC/IFALD has almost certainly improved the outcomes
Among “choleretics,” UDCA was tested in a few stud- and it would be unethical and impossible to design a study ran-
ies,95-99 although only 2 study designs were prospective,95,96 domizing patients to receive or not receive care from such a
and only 1 of them was a case-control study, albeit retrospec- team. Similarly, in Europe at least, where novel lipids were
tive97 (all studies at LoE 4). Thus none of these articles met our initially licensed and already very widely used, it is extremely
inclusion criteria, even if UDCA may warrant further investi- difficult to design an RCT of treatment of established PNAC/
gation as there appeared to be a reversal of cholestasis in all but IFALD where 1 arm would exclusively receive soy-based lip-
1 study.98 Two preliminary reports with no controls evaluated ids. In scenarios such as these prospective or retrospective
the role of CCK in Group 2 of infants with PNAC.100,101 Both studies, despite offering lower levels of evidence, may be the
of them showed that CCK appears to be associated with a best we can hope for. One other possibility for these rare disor-
decline in CB levels, so that cholestasis may be reversed by IV ders is to expand the role of registries. A registry exists for the
CCK in the majority of patients. Other studies not included in STEP procedure, for example, but its effectiveness is limited
our review (inclusion criteria not met) assessed the beneficial by the lack of comparative data (eg, alternative surgical proce-
effects of enteral nutrition together with ursodiol in Group 2 of dures, medical therapy, etc).
infants102 or with more composite intestinal rehabilitation pro-
gram in Group 3 of patients.103,104 Even if none of these articles References
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