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Neonato NPT Glucemia

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Journal of Parenteral and Enteral

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A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines : Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia in the Neonate Receiving Parenteral
Danielle Arsenault, Megan Brenn, Sendia Kim, Kathleen Gura, Charlene Compher, Edwin Simpser, American Society for
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Board of Directors and Mark Puder
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2012 36: 81 originally published online 16 December 2011
DOI: 10.1177/0148607111418980

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Clinical Guideline Journal of Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition
Volume 36 Number 1

A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines: January 2012 81-95

© 2012 American Society for

Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia in

Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

the Neonate Receiving Parenteral hosted at


Danielle Arsenault, RN, MSN; Megan Brenn, RD; Sendia Kim, MD;
Kathleen Gura, PharmD; Charlene Compher, PhD, RD, CNSC, LDN, FADA;
Edwin Simpser, MD; American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
(A.S.P.E.N.) Board of Directors; and Mark Puder, MD, PhD

Background screening, treating and preventing abnormal serum glu-

cose values in this population.
This Clinical Guideline has been developed to guide
clinical practice based on the authors’ assessment of cur-
rent published evidence on glycemic control in the neo-
nate (within the first month of life) receiving parenteral
The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
nutrition (PN). The neonate receiving PN is worthy of
(A.S.P.E.N.) is an organization comprised of healthcare
special consideration with respect to glucose control, as
professionals representing the disciplines of medicine,
this population carries an elevated risk of hyper- and
nursing, pharmacy, dietetics, and nutrition science. The
hypoglycemia and may be more susceptible to deleterious
mission of A.S.P.E.N. is to improve patient care by
effects associated with these conditions.
advancing the science and practice of clinical nutrition
Untreated hyper- or hypoglycemia may lead to unde-
and metabolism. A.S.P.E.N. vigorously works to support
sirable clinical outcomes. Prolonged or symptomatic
quality patient care, education, and research in the fields
hypoglycemia may result in neurodevelopmental impair-
of nutrition and metabolic support in all health care set-
ment.1-6 Severe hyperglycemia can lead to osmotic diure-
tings. These Clinical Guidelines were developed under
sis resulting in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
the guidance of the A.S.P.E.N. Board of Directors.
Furthermore there is some evidence to suggest that
Promotion of safe and effective patient care by nutrition
hyperglycemia in premature infants (particularly those
support practitioners is a critical role of the A.S.P.E.N.
that are very low birth weight (VLBW <1500 g) or
organization. The A.S.P.E.N. Board of Directors has been
extremely low birth weight (ELBW <1000 g)) has been
publishing Clinical Guidelines since 1986.12-14 A.S.P.E.N.
positively correlated with morbidity and mortality, spur-
evaluates in an ongoing process when individual Clinical
ring questions about more proactive measures of manag-
Guidelines should be updated.
ing elevated blood glucose levels in this group of
These A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines are based upon
patients.7-11 Thus, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are
general conclusions of health professionals who, in devel-
clinically-relevant complications that should be consid-
oping such Guidelines, have balanced potential benefits
ered in caring for the neonate receiving PN and it is
to be derived from a particular mode of medical therapy
important to examine the parameters for defining,
against certain risks inherent with such therapy. However,
the professional judgment of the attending health profes-
sional is the primary component of quality medical care.
Because guidelines cannot account for every variation in
Address correspondence to: Charlene Compher, PhD, RD, circumstances, the practitioner must always exercise pro-
CNSC, LDN, FADA, University of Pennsylvania School of
Nursing, Claire M. Fagin Hall, 418 Curie Boulevard, fessional judgment in their application. These Clinical
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4217; e-mail: compherc@nursing. Guidelines are intended to supplement, but not replace,
upenn.edu. professional training and judgment.

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82   Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition / Vol. 36, No. 1, January 2012

Table 1.   Evaluation of Study Quality

Randomized Control Trial Quality

Randomization 1. Was the study described as randomized?

2. Was the randomization appropriately performed?
Blinding 3. Was the study double-blinded?
4. Were study participants blinded?
5. Was the investigator blinded?
Attrition 6. Was the rate of attrition specified and appropriate statistical
treatment (intent-to-treat analysis) employed?
Observational Study Quality
Study Design 7. Were the data collected prospectively?
8. How were variables measured?
Power 9. How was sample size determined?
Attrition 10. Was the rate of attrition specified and appropriate statistical
treatment employed?
Bias 11. How was the study funded?

A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines has adopted concepts Pertinent published papers are obtained and appraised
of the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, for evidence quality according to the schema in Tables 1
Development and Evaluation (GRADE) working group and 2.
(http://www.gradeworkinggroup.org). The GRADE work- The GRADE system combines all the references
ing group combined the efforts of evidence analysis meth- obtained for a given question into a table that is organized
odologists and clinical guidelines developers from diverse by clinical outcome. The criteria to be used in evaluating
backgrounds and health organizations to develop an the quality of the evidence are summarized in Table 2.
evaluation system that would provide a transparent proc- Consistency, directness, precision and risk of publication
ess for evaluating the best available evidence and integra- bias are important to include in the assessment of evi-
tion of the evidence with clinical knowledge and even dence quality.17 Inconsistency of randomized controlled
consideration of patient priorities. These procedures pro- trial (RCT) findings means that the effect size repre-
vide added transparency by developing separate grades for sented by the intervention has a wide confidence interval,
the body of evidence and for the recommendation. The that the effects are conditional (one effect at baseline
procedures listed below were adopted from the GRADE with a different effect at a later time point), or that some
process for use with A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines with studies report a positive and others a negative finding for
consideration of the levels of review (by internal and reasons that cannot be explained by research quality.
external content reviewers, by A.S.P.E.N. and editing Indirect evidence might include use of a surrogate out-
expected for approval by the A.S.P.E.N. Board of Directors. come (adequate energy intake rather than measured
Three primary stages are involved in developing a growth in children) or data tangential for the question at
Clinical Guideline. The first stage is development of spe- hand (interpolated from evidence in another age group or
cific clinical questions where nutrition support is a rele- compared to oral diet rather than to parenteral nutrition).
vant mode of therapy, questions to be answered by a Imprecision risk is high when there is no power statement
rigorous review of the published literature. The questions to justify the sample size. The risk of publication bias is
developed are specific to a life stage group (neonates, high when most of the published research reports were
pediatrics, adults, geriatrics, pregnancy), in a defined funded by an industry that might benefit from positive
disease-state or clinical setting, and focused on clinical outcomes reported. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews
outcomes associated with nutrition support therapy. may be used to combine the results of studies to further
The second stage is a transparent process that clarify the overall outcome of these studies but will not be
describes how each research report is evaluated. Finally, considered in the grading of the Guideline to avoid con-
a Clinical Guideline recommendation incorporates expert sidering primary research reports multiple times.
clinical judgment about the context of application of this RCT evidence begins with a high rating and observa-
research into a practice setting with consideration of the tional evidence with a low quality rating. The quality rat-
relative risks and benefits of doing so. ing may be downgraded due to limitations in study design

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A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines / Arsenault et al   83

Table 2.   GRADE Criteria for Grading Evidence for Each Question

Final Quality
Type of Evidence Initial Grade Criteria to Decrease Grade Criteria to Increase Grade Grade

RCT High Study Limitations Strong Association High

Serious (−1) or very serious (−2) Strong evidence of association—
limitation to study quality significant relative risk of > 2 (< 0.5) Moderate
based on consistent evidence from
Consistency two or more observational studies, Low
OBS Low Important inconsistency (−1) with no plausible confounders (+1)
Very strong evidence of association— Very Low
Directness significant relative risk of > 5 (< 0.2)
Some (−1) or major (−2) based on direct evidence with no
uncertainty about directness major threats to validity (+2)

Precision Dose-response gradient

Imprecise or sparse data (−1) Evidence of a dose response gradient (+1)

Publication bias Unmeasured Confounders

High probability of reporting bias (−1) All plausible confounders would have
reduced the effect (+1)
Expert Opinion Very Low Very Low
Adapted from: Grade Working Group. Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations. BMJ 2004, 328 (7454): 1490-1494.
OBS=observational study; RCT=randomized controlled trial

Table 3.   Developing and Grading the Clinical Guideline Recommendation

Quality of Evidence Weighing Risks vs. Benefits GRADE Recommendation Clinical Guideline Statement

High to very low Net benefits outweigh harms Strong We recommend

High to very low Tradeoffs for patient are important Weak We suggest
High to very low Uncertain tradeoffs Further research needed We cannot make a
recommendation at this time
Adapted from: Grade Working Group. Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations. BMJ 2004, 328 (7454): 1490-1494

or project implementation, to wide confidence intervals, A clinical recommendation is then developed by con-
to variable results across studies, indirect evidence or sensus of the Clinical Guidelines authors, based on the best
suspected publication bias. The quality rating may be available evidence. The risks and benefits to the patient are
upgraded if the effect size is very large, a dose-response weighed in light of the available evidence. Conditional lan-
gradient is shown, or if all plausible, unreported biases or guage is used for weak recommendations (Table 3). The
unmeasured confounders would strengthen the reported summary of clinical guidelines for glucose control in neo-
treatment effect even further (Table 2). When expert nates receiving parenteral nutrition is in Table 4.
opinion is included, the evidence base is assigned a grade
of very low and may not be changed. Question 1
If the evidence grade is high, it is unlikely that further How should blood glucose concentration be determined in
research will change our confidence in the estimate of neonates? (Tables 5, 6). We suggest that blood glucose
effect. With moderate grade evidence, further research is screening be conducted by laboratory serum glucose or
likely to modify the confidence in the effect estimate and glucose electrode measurements rather than point of care
may change the estimate. With low grade evidence, further reagent test strips when possible (weak).
research is very likely to change the estimate, and with
very low evidence grades, an estimate of the effect is very Rationale. Blood glucose measurements taken with point
uncertain. of care reagent strips may be susceptible to error due to

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84   Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition / Vol. 36, No. 1, January 2012

Table 4.   Nutrition Support Clinical Guideline Recommendations for Glucose Control in Neonates receiving
Parenteral Nutrition
Question 1: How should blood glucose concentration be determined in neonates?
We suggest that blood glucose screening be conducted by laboratory serum Weak
glucose or glucose electrode measurements rather than point of care reagent
test strips.
Question 2: What blood glucose concentration is associated with reduced clinical
complications in neonates receiving PN
We suggest keeping the blood glucose concentration < 150 mg dL Weak
We cannot make a recommendation to determine whether serum glucose Recommend Further Research
should be maintained > 40 mg/dL
We recommend treating symptomatic hypoglycemia. Strong
Question 3: What strategies may be used to maintain optimal blood glucose
concentration in neonates receiving PN?
We suggest that excess energy and dextrose delivery be avoided. Weak
We suggest that fat emulsion be added to PN infusion. Weak
We recommend against the use of early insulin therapy to prevent Strong
We cannot make a recommendation to evaluate the impact of treating hyper- Recommend Further Research
or hypoglycemia on clinical outcomes.

possible contamination of the blood sample with alcohol hepatic glucose production during PN dextrose infusion
which has been shown to increase the blood glucose read- all make the preterm infant particularly susceptible.21-25
ing,18 while an elevated hematocrit may falsely lower the Historically, hyperglycemia has been defined as whole
result.19 Additionally glucose measurements obtained blood glucose concentration >125 mg/dL or serum glu-
using reagent test strips measure glucose concentrations cose concentration > 150 mg/dL.21,26 Under this defini-
of whole blood and thus have been found to be as much tion, the incidence of hyperglycemia in VLBW infants
as 15% lower when compared with laboratory plasma during the first week of life ranges from 40-80%.7,27
glucose values.19-20 Plasma glucose measurements have a Multiple studies in neonates (particularly those that are
lower standard deviation between repeated values and are low birth weight [LBW] and/or premature) have indicated
considered the gold standard for monitoring of hypoglyce- that persistently elevated serum glucose concentrations
mia.19 When it is not possible to utilize plasma glucose of >150 mg/dL are correlated with adverse clinical out-
measurement, the clinician should be aware of these comes and/or increased mortality.7-9,11,28 Other research
potential sources of error associated with point of care identifies a link between increased morbidity and mortal-
reagent test strips. ity and a serum glucose level >180 mg/dL.10 Research in
this area draws correlations between hyperglycemia and
morbidity and mortality, however clinical trials demon-
Question 2 strating causality are lacking.
What blood glucose concentration is associated with There is great variability in the definition of neonatal
reduced clinical complications in neonates receiving PN? hypoglycemia,29-36 and a lack of research focusing on
(Tables 7, 8). We suggest keeping the serum glucose con- hypoglycemia in the neonate receiving PN. Hypoglycemia
centration < 150 mg/dL (weak). We cannot make a rec- has been defined as a serum glucose < 40 mg/dL29, but no
ommendation to determine whether serum glucose firm consensus on this level can be drawn based upon the
should be maintained > 40 mg/dL (recommend further current literature. As discussed in a review of current
research). We recommend treating symptomatic hypogly- research on subsequent neurodevelopmental outcomes
cemia (strong). following episodes of hypoglycemia in the first week of
life, there is a need for a well-designed, prospective study
Rationale. Hyperglycemia may occur in the neonate in this area in order to draw accurate conclusions and
receiving PN due to excessive glucose infusion rates, firmly establish a clinically-relevant definition for neona-
stress, or treatment with certain medications including tal hypoglycemia.37
steroids and methylxanthines.21 Less effective insulin Populations of neonates with increased risk of hypo-
response to elevated blood glucose levels, probable partial glycemia include premature, VLBW, ELBW, small for
insulin resistance, and a lack of negative feedback on gestational age (SGA) (<10th percentile for age),38,39 large

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Table 5.   Evidence Table Question 1: How should blood glucose concentration be determined in neonates?

Study Design, Population,

Author, Year (ref #) Quality Setting, N Study Objective Results Comments
Hussain, 2000 OBS Infants admitted to Compare capillary and venous Mean difference Between capillary test Confirms inaccuracy of
NICU over 1 y glucose by test strip to strips and plasma glucose, -0.058 mmol/L whole blood glucose test
(N=180) laboratory-measured plasma (SD= 1.39) strips compared to
glucose values Between venous test strip and plasma plasma glucose values
glucose, 0.138 mmol/L (SD= 0.96)
Reynolds, 1993 OBS Infants admitted to Compare reagent test strips to Reagent test strips have 82-83%
NICU over 80 d laboratory-measured values sensitivity, 69-70% specificity for
(N=82) detection of hypoglycemia
CI = confidence interval, d = days, NICU = neonatal intensive care unit, OBS= observational study, Ref # = reference number, SD = standard deviation, y = years

Table 6.   GRADE Table Question 1: How should blood glucose concentration be determined in neonates?

Evidence GRADE Overall Recommendation

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Comparison Outcome Quantity, Type Evidence Findings for Outcome GRADE, Rationale

Test strip vs. measured plasma glucose SD or CI 2 OBS Test strip greater error Low Low
CI=confidence interval, OBS=observational study, SD=standard deviation

Table 7.   Evidence Table for Question 2: What blood glucose concentration is associated with reduced clinical
complications in neonates receiving PN?
Author, Year Study Design, Population,
(ref #) Quality Setting, N Study Objective Results Comments

Hyperglycemia Studies
Heimann, OBS Premature VLBW Evaluate mortality related to moderate Mortality: Hyperglycemia
2007 11 Large sample size infants 27.4 (24- hyperglycemia defined as 1-3 glucose Normoglycemia,13.4% associated with
Retrospective record 35) weeks GA measures > 150 mg/dL (n=125), Moderate hyperglycemia, 7.2% mortality
review with persistently severe hyperglycemia defined as ≥ 4 Severe hyperglycemia, 22.2%
elevated plasma glucose measures > 150 mg/dL (n=45) Nonsurvivors had lower (< 27 weeks) GA than
glucose (N=252) relative to normoglycemic with no survivors, P<0.001
serum glucose measure > 150 mg/dL Sepsis primary cause of death
(n=82) Hyperglycemia vs. mortality:
Blood glucose levels and frequency
hyperglycemia higher in nonsurvivors than
survivors (both P<0.001)
Incidence of hyperglycemia not related to
ROP, sepsis or IVH
Aladeen, OBS Premature VLBW Evaluate mortality, LOS in Maximum serum glucose: Hyperglycemia
200628 Small sample infants mean 26 hyperglycemic as maximal serum Nonsurvivors 241± 46 associated with
Retrospective record week (23-34) GA glucose > 120 mg/dL vs. Survivors 141± 47 mg/dL, (P<0.001) prolonged LOS
review with bacteremia, normoglycemic as maximal serum Maximum serum glucose related to and ventilator
on ventilator, PN glucose ≤ 120 mg/dL PN duration (r =0.45, P =0.005), ventilator d (r = dependence
(N=37) Nonsurvivors (n=6) 0.45, P =0.006), LOS (r =0.36, P =0.03).
Survivors (n=31) LOS in survivors:
Hyperglycemic survivors (n=20) Hyperglycemic 110 d
Normoglycemic survivors (n=11) Normoglycemic 62 d, (P =0.006)

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Blanco, 20068 OBS ELBW infants in Evaluate risk of BPD, IVH, ROP Prevalence hyperglycemia, 88%.
Retrospective record first 2 wks life associated with hyperglycemia as Hyperglycemia risk:
review (N=169) plasma glucose > 150 mg/dL (n=149) Odds of hyperglycemia lower with GA ≥ 26 wk
vs. normoglycemia as plasma glucose ≤ (OR 0.11, 95% CI 0.01-0.89) relative to
150 mg/dL (n=20) more premature infants
Hyperglycemia vs. ROP risk:
Odds of ROP, adjusted for GA, BW and
postnatal steroid exposure increased in
hyperglycemia vs. normoglycemia (OR 4.6,
95% CI 1.12-18.9)

Table 7. (continued)

Author, Year Study Design, Population,

(ref #) Quality Setting, N Study Objective Results Comments
Hays 2006 OBS ELBW infants 25.4± Evaluate incidence hyperglycemia as On DOL 2-7,Incidence hyperglycemia 57% Hyperglycemia
Small sample 1.9 week GA in 1st blood glucose 150-250 mg/dL and Incidence severe hyperglycemia 32% predicts death,
Retrospective record wk life (N=82) severe hyperglycemia as mean blood Hyperglycemia predicts early death or IVH LOS
review glucose ≥ 250 mg/dL and associated with 91% sensitivity, 25% specificity
mortality, IVH With FiO2>40%, risk of death or IVH:
Normoglycemia, 33%
Hyperglycemia, 57%, P=0.052.
Normoglycemia, 119 d
Hyperglycemia, 182 d, P<0.05
With Clinical Risk for Babies score > 8,
risk of death or IVH:
Normoglycemia, 20%
Hyperglycemia, 43%, P<0.05
Kao, 200610 OBS ELBW infants Evaluate prevalence of normoglycemia Prevalence hyperglycemia:
Large sample 26.2±1.9 weeks as serum glucose < 120 mg/dL, Normoglycemia 65%,
Retrospective GA in 1st wk life mild hyperglycemia as serum glucose Mild hyperglycemia 28%,
analysis of a (N=201) 120-179 mg/dL, severe hyperglycemia Severe hyperglycemia 7%
prospective cohort as serum glucose ≥180 mg/dL vs. Mild-moderate hyperglycemia vs. death or
study mortality and infection infection:
Mild-moderate hyperglycemia not significantly
associated with death or infection, adjusted
for age, P=0.09
Hyperglycemia vs. mortality or infection:

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Relative to normoglycemia, severe
hyperglycemia in DOL 1-3 increased risk of
mortality or infection, (adjusted OR 5.07,
95% CI 1.06-24.3, P=0.04)
Hyperglycemia vs. mortality:
Relative to normoglycemia, severe
hyperglycemia in DOL 1-3and 1st 7 DOL
(adjusted for age) associated with increased
risk for mortality (OR 15.7, 95% CI 3.74-
65.9, P<0.001 and OR 30.4, 95% CI 3.37-
274, P=0.002 respectively)


Table 7. (continued)

Author, Year Study Design, Population,
(ref #) Quality Setting, N Study Objective Results Comments
Lilien, 197941 OBS Premature VLBW Evaluate incidence hyperglycemia (as Incidence Hyperglycemia: Stress associated
Small sample and ELBW infants blood glucose > 145 mg/dL) and Stressed 72.2% with greater
No power analysis (N=30) incidence of IVH and mortality in Control 8.3% mortality and
stressed (n=18) and control (n=12) Outcomes vs. Stress: IVH, but not
infants with constant dextrose infusion Mortality: significantly
Stressed 83.3% increased with
Control 16.7%, P<0.001 hyperglycemia
Stressed 55.6%
Control 8.3%, P<0.05
Hyperglycemia vs. Outcomes: Mortality:
Hyperglycemic Stressed 84.6%
Hyperglycemic Control 0%
Normoglycemic Stressed 80%
Normoglycemic Control 9%
Hyperglycemic Stressed 69.2%
Hyperglycemic Control 0%
Euglycemic Stressed 20%
Euglycemic Control 9%
Zarif, 19767 OBS Premature VLBW Evaluate risk of mortality due to Mortality:
Small sample infants (N=75) hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia 59%,
Normoglycemia as blood glucose < 125 Normoglycemia 12%, X2 = 19.1 (P<0.001)
mg/dL (n=43)
Hyperglycemia as blood glucose > 125
mg/dL (n=32)
Hypoglycemia Studies
Burns, 20094 OBS Term neonates, Evaluate neurodevelopmental outcomes MRI findings: Symptomatic
Case control n=69 at age 18 months and MRI WM abnormalities in 94% (43% of these severe) hypoglycemia

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Neonates with abnormalities at <6 weeks in term BGT lesion in 40% associated with
symptomatic neonates with symptomatic Cortical abnormalities in 51% early brain
hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia (<1 week of age) WM hemorrhage in 30% abnormalities and
n=35 PLIC abnormality in 11% developmental
Term neonate Neurodevelopmental impairment: impairment at 18
controls, n=229 None, 8/34 mo
Mild, 15/34
Severe, 3/34
Filan, 20065 OBS Term neonates with Evaluate brain abnormalities by MRI MRI Findings: Symptomatic hypogly-
Case series symptomatic DOL 4-7, 11-50 after hypoglycemia Abnormalities observed in all cemia associated
No control hypoglycemia and neurodevelopmental outcomes at Neurodevelopment impairment: with abnormal
No standard neuro- (N=4) 9-12 mo Microcephaly, gross motor delay, visual MRI and abnormal
developmental impairment in 25% neurodevelopment
measures in 25%
Small sample

Table 7. (continued)
Author, Year Study Design, Population,
(ref #) Quality Setting, N Study Objective Results Comments
Sexson, OBS All infants born Evaluate incidence of hypoglycemia as Incidence Hypoglycemia:
198429 Inaccurate glucose during 4 mo at blood glucose < 40 mg/dL by test strip Overall, 20.6%
test measure single institution At risk infants, 28.6%
No clinical (N=232) Mean age at hypoglycemia 3.4 h (range 0.5-12 h)
outcomes Screened for
hypoglycemia if Mean laboratory blood glucose after
preterm, LGA, hypoglycemia by test strip screen 27.6
SGA, (range 0-38) mg/dL.
CNS abnormality,
polycythemia or

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perinatal stress

BGT= basal ganglia or thalamic; BPD= bronchopulmonary dysplasia; BW = birth weight; CI=95% confidence interval; CNS= central nervous system; d = days; DOL= day
of life; ELBW= extremely low birth weight (<1000 g); GA = gestational age; GIR= glucose infusion rate; IVH= intraventricular hemorrhage; LGA= large for gestational
age; LOS= length of hospital stay; mo = months; MRI=magnetic resonance imaging; OBS = observational study; OR=odds ratio; PLIC= posterior limb of the internal
capsule; PN=parenteral nutrition; ROP=retinopathy of prematurity; SGA= small for gestational age; VLBW= very low birth weight (<1500 g); WM= white matter; wk =

90   Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition / Vol. 36, No. 1, January 2012

Table 8.   GRADE Table Question 2: What blood glucose concentration is associated with reduced
clinical complications in neonates receiving PN?

Overall GRADE
Quantity, Type Final GRADE for of Evidence for
Comparison Outcome Evidence Findings Starting GRADE Outcome Recommendation

Hyperglycemia LOS 1 OBS Increased Low Very low Low

as blood
glucose > 150
Ventilator days 1 OBS Increased Low Very low
ROP 1 OBS Increased Low Low
Mortality 4 OBS Increased Moderate to Low
very low

Hypoglycemia Incidence 1 OBS Increased Very low Very low Very low
as blood hypoglycemia
glucose < 40
Symptomatic White matter 2 OBS Increased Low Low to very low Very Low
hypoglycemia abnormalities on
should be MRI
Neurodevelopmental 2 OBS Increased Low Low to very low
abnormalities age
9-12 mo

LOS=length of stay; MRI=magnetic resonance imaging; OBS=observational study; ROP=retinopathy of prematurity

for gestational age (LGA) (>90th percentile for age) and At this time high level data are not sufficient to pro-
severely stressed neonates.34 Infectious physiology and vide specific approaches for the treatment of hyper- and
hyperinsulinemia can also contribute to hypoglycemia in hypoglycemia. Perhaps once the definitions of these con-
these populations.34 Prevention of hypoglycemia in this ditions are more clearly established, randomized control-
population may therefore require higher thresholds of led trials can be conducted to determine the safest
dextrose provision.34 approaches for management.
Neonates receiving PN are at a relatively low risk of
developing hypoglycemia due to PN dextrose infusion,
however receipt of insufficient PN energy provision,36 Question 3
loss of central venous access,40 and the use of cyclic PN What strategies may be used to maintain optimal blood
may all render the neonate receiving PN susceptible to glucose concentration in neonates receiving PN? (Tables 9,
hypoglycemia. We recommend further research to fill the 10). We suggest that excess energy and dextrose delivery
gaps in evidence regarding hypoglycemia in neonates be avoided (weak) and fat emulsion be added to the PN
receiving PN. infusion (weak). We recommend against the use of early
Neonates who demonstrate signs or symptoms of insulin therapy to prevent hyperglycemia (strong). We
hypoglycemia including cyanotic spells, apnea, somno- cannot make a recommendation to evaluate the impact of
lence, respiratory distress or convulsions36 should undergo treating hyper- or hypoglycemia on clinical outcomes
clinical interventions for normalization of serum glucose (recommend further research).
concentration.34 Recurrent or symptomatic hypoglycemia
may result in neurodevelopmental impairment,1,4 with the Rationale. In order to prevent hypoglycemia, high glucose
most common and severe sequelae of hypoglycemia infusion rates (GIR) are often provided to neonates
including intractable epilepsy, cerebral palsy, mental receiving PN. This, in turn, may lead to hyperglycemia.
motor retardation and visual disturbance.3 Because of the VLBW infants are, in fact, able to maintain euglycemia at
severity of clinical outcomes associated with hypoglyc- a lower GIR when dextrose is administered in the pres-
emia in neonates, we recommend treatment of sympto- ence of intravenous fat emulsion, since glycerol is the
matic hypoglycemia. predominant gluconeogenic substrate.42-44 In the event

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Table 9.   Evidence Table for Question 3: What strategies to control blood glucose concentrations are associated with better outcomes in neonates
receiving PN?
Author, Year Study Design,
(ref #) Quality Population, Setting, N Study Objective Results Comments

Drenckpohl, RCT AGA neonates (750-1500 g) Assess tolerance of higher iv fat Days to reach goal intake of 90 Improved growth with
200853 Randomized receiving PN (N=100) emulsion dose kcal/kg/d: fewer complications
Not blinded Intervention: Both groups with PN Experimental, 7.38±3.38 with higher fat
AA 3 g/kg/d, increased per protocol Control, 9.44±3.58, (P=0.004) emulsion dose
to 3.5 g/kg/d; Dextrose Hypertriglyceridemia:
concentration at 10% solution Experimental, 15%
increased as tolerated to 12.5% Control, 4%, (P=0.06)
solution Use of insulin:
Experimental group (n=48): Infusion Experimental, 0%
of earlier, higher dose of fat Control, 10% (P=0.028)
emulsion (2 g/kg/day increasing by Wt loss in wk 1:
0.5 g/kg/day until 3 g/kg/day) Experimental, 8%
Control group (n=52): Control, 10%, (P=0.034)
Intravenous fat emulsion (0.5 g/kg/ Wt ≥ 10%tile at discharge:
day, increasing by 0.5 g/kg/day Experimental, 17%
until 3 g/kg/day) Control, 4.2%, (P=0.007)
Incidence NEC:
Experimental, 0%
Control, 14%, (P=0.008)
Incidence ROP:
Experimental, 6%
Control, 23%, (P=0.019)

Ibrahim, RCT Ventilator-dependent, VLBW infants Evaluate nutritional and clinical No hyperglycemia in either group. Nutrient intake better
200454 Small sample receiving PN (N=32) outcomes associated with Nitrogen retention: with early than late
Not blinded Intervention: Early PN group early vs. late PN Early PN 384.5± 20.2 mg/kg/day PN
received AA 3.5 g/kg/d with fat Late PN 203.4 ± 20.9 mg/kg/day,
emulsion 3 g/kg/d starting 1 h after (P<0.001)
birth. Late PN group received Energy intake:

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dextrose only x48hr then AA 2 g/ Early vs. late PN, 78.2 +/-0.42 vs.
kg/d with fat emulsion 0.5 g/kg/d, 59.8 +/- 0.43 kcal/kg/day
with each being increased by 0.5 g/ (P<0.001)
kg/d to max of 3.5 and 3 g/kg/d No differences in BPD, IVH, sepsis,
respectively. PDA, ROP, or mortality between
Outcomes Measured: Nitrogen groups
retention, energy intake, mean fluid
intake, weight gain, laboratory values
Sunehag, OBS Premature (GA≤ 29 wk), AGA infants Use stable isotopes to measure Significant decrease in
200342 Prospective ≥ 750 g (N=14) receiving PN as outcome of half-normal gluconeogenesis with withdrawal
Historical controls Intervention: On DOL5 GIR GIR plus withdrawal of fat of fat emulsion (P= 0.03)
Small sample decreased to 3 mg/kg/min and emulsion or AA No significant effect on
either fat emulsion or AA gluconeogenesis of withdrawal of
discontinued AA


Table 9. (continued)

Author, Year Study Design,

(ref #) Quality Population, Setting, N Study Objective Results Comments

Sunehag, OBS Premature (mean GA 27 wk) VLBW Use stable isotopes to measure Normoglycemia maintained by
199943 Small sample infants receiving PN (N=20) as outcome of half-normal gluconeogenesis, using glycerol as
PN Intervention: GIR principal substrate
GIR 3 mg/kg/min (half normal
turnover rate), fat emulsion 1.6
mg/kg/min, AA 2.2 mg/kg/min
Murdock, RCT Neonates <2000 g at birth receiving Evaluate incidence of Incidence hypoglycemia:
199544 Small sample PN (N=29) hypoglycemia as serum Glucose (n=6/11)
No power analysis Intervention: glucose < 46 mg/dL with 3 Glucose + AA (n=9/10)
Not blinded Randomized to one of three PN PN formulations Glucose + AA + fat (n=2/8)
formulations over 2 d;
Glucose 7-10 g/kg/d (n=11)
Glucose 7-10 g/kg/d + AA 1-1.4 g/
kg/d (n=10)
Glucose 7-10 g/kg/d + AA 1-1.4 g/
kg/d + fat emulsion 1 g/kg/d (n=8)
Collier, OBS PN-dependent infants age 1-6 mo Evaluate incidence of No clinical hypoglycemia observed Time off PN limited to
199445 Small sample (N=10) hypoglycemia as blood 6 hours
Interventions: glucose (<40 mg/dL) at 30-60
Cycled PN (schedule of 1-2 h off PN min after PN off, then again
initially, followed by advancement halfway through the period
of 1-2 h additionally daily as without PN in response to
tolerated up to maximum 6 h off cycled PN

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PN for patients with no enteral

Dweck, OBS ELBW infants with glucose measures Evaluate incidence of Severe hyperglycemia: GIR predicts
197427 Small sample in DOL 1-10 (N=50) hyperglycemia in relation to More common with GIR > 0.4 g/kg/hr hyperglycemia
No acuity measure Normoglycemia as serum glucose GIR than with ≤ 0.4 g/kg/hr (X2= 8.25,
<125 mg/dL (n=7) P<0.005).
Moderate hyperglycemia as serum Incidence severe hyperglycemia:
glucose 126-300 mg/dL (n=7)   With GIR ≤0.4 g/kg/hr
Severe hyperglycemia as serum PN alone, 47%PN + oral glucose, 13%
glucose >300 mg/dL (n=36) (P<0.005)
With GIR > 0.4 g/kg/hr, PN alone, 65%
PN + oral glucose, 41%( P<0.005)

Table 9. (continued)

Author, Year Study Design,

(ref #) Quality Population, Setting, N Study Objective Results Comments

Insulin Infusion Studies

Beardsall, RCT VLBW infants recruited over 2 y, Evaluate outcomes (mortality, Trial discontinued early due to
200850 incidence of hypoglycemia futility and concern for safety of
Large sample followed through expected date of [glucose <2.6 mmol/L]) pts in early insulin group.
delivery (N=389) associated with early insulin Mortality:
Not blinded therapy to prevent Early insulin 14.4%
hyperglycemia (glucose >10 Control 9.4%
mmol/L). ITT analysis greater mortality in
In addition to PN, randomized to: early insulin group (P=0.04)
Early insulin infusion 0.05 Trend of increased IVH,
units/kg/hr + 20% dextrose to parenchymal lesions, death in
maintain euglycemia [glucose treatment group.
4-8 mmol/L] (n=194) vs. Hyperglycemia incidence:
Control with standard of care Early insulin 21%
glucose management (n=192) Control 33%, P=0.008
Hypoglycemia incidence:
Insulin infusion, 29%
Control, 17%, P=0.005
OR 2.21, 95% CI 1.34-3.65
Mean glucose:
Insulin, 112±25.2 mg/dL
Control, 121±39.6 mg/dL, (P= 0.007)
Meetze, RCT ELBW infants on DOL#2 who Evaluate energy intake, Days with intake >60 kcal/kg/d:
199849 Small sample required PN (N=56) hypoglycemia, IGF-1, IGF-2 Insulin 5.5 ± 0.6 d
Interventions: GIR increased Reduced GIR 8.6 ± 1.3 d
gradually to max of 12 mg/kg/ Control 4.1 ± 0.2, (P<0.01)
min. Infants with No incidence of hypoglycemia with
hyperglycemia randomized to: insulin
Insulin infusion (n=12) No correlation between

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Reduced GIR (n=11) hyperglycemia and IGF-I or IGF-II
Control, normoglycemic infants
(n = 33)
Collins, RCT ELBW infants age 4-14 d with serum Compare biochemical outcomes GIR: Note that insulin group
199148 Small sample glucose >180 mg/dL, glucosuria, and weight gain with Insulin infusion, 20.1 ± 2.5 mg/kg/min received extremely
and receiving PN (N=24) randomization to Control, 13.2± 3.2 mg/kg/min, (P<0.01) high GIR.
Continuous insulin infusion vs. Fewer than 1% glucose levels <40
Control, insulin coverage mg/dL in insulin infusion group
Weight gain:
Greater mean daily weight gain in
insulin infusion group (P <0.01)
with no significant difference in
length or head circumference

AA= amino acid; AGA= appropriate weight for gestational age; BPD = bronchopulmonary disease; d = days; DOL = day of life; ELBW = extremely low birth weight;
GA=gestational age; GIR = glucose infusion rate; ITT = intention-to-treat; IVH=intraventricular hemorrhage; LOS=length of hospital stay; mo = months; NEC = necrotiz-
ing enterocolitis; OBS = observational study; OR = odds ration; PDA = patent ductus arteriosus; PN= parenteral nutrition; RCT = randomized controlled trial; ROP =

retinopathy of prematurity; SR=systematic review; VLBW= very low birth weight; wt = weight; y = years
94   Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition / Vol. 36, No. 1, January 2012

Table 10.   GRADE Table for Question 3

GRADE of Overall
Quantity, Type Evidence for Recommendation
Comparison Outcome Evidence Findings Outcome GRADE

Insulin infusion Mortality 1 RCT Increase High High

Weight Gain 2 RCT Increase High to Moderate
Reduced GIR Energy Intake 1 RCT Increase Moderate Moderate
Fat emulsion Energy Intake, 1 RCT Increase, Increase Moderate Moderate
Nitrogen Retention
NEC, ROP 1 RCT Reduce, Reduce Moderate

GIR=glucose infusion rate; NEC = necrotizing enterocolitis; RCT= randomized controlled trial,; ROP= retinopathy of prematurity

that hyperglycemia does occur in the setting of high dose DeLegge, MD; Carol Ireton-Jones, PhD, RD, LD, CNSD;
intravenous fat emulsion provision, lowering the fat Tom Jaksic, MD, PhD; Elizabeth M. Lyman, RN, MSN;
emulsion dose should be considered due to its role in Ainsley M. Malone, RD, MS; Stephen A. McClave, MD;
gluconeogenesis. In patients receiving cycled PN, intrave- Jay M. Mirtallo, MS, RPh, BCNSP, FASHP; Lawrence A.
nous dextrose and PN formulations should be tapered off Robinson, PharmD; W. Frederick Schwenk MD, CNSP;
over 1-2 hours to prevent reactive hypoglycemia.45,46 and Daniel Teitelbaum, MD.
There has been substantial research regarding the A.S.P.E.N. Clinical Guidelines Editorial Board:
use of early, continuous insulin infusion to prevent hyper- Charlene Compher, PhD, RD, FADA, CNSC (Editor in
glycemia in the neonate. While a number of small studies Chief); Joseph Boullata, PharmD, BCNSP; Carol
suggest a benefit 47-49, other larger studies have raised Braunschweig, PhD, RD; Mary Ellen Druyan, PhD,
significant concerns regarding this practice. Specifically, MPH, RD, CNS, FACN; Donald George, MD; Edwin
a large RCT by Beardsall et al. was terminated early due Simpser, MD; and Patricia Worthington, MSN, RN,
to increased incidence of hypoglycemia and mortality in CNSN
the early continuous insulin infusion group.50 A recent
Cochrane review also determined that there is insuffi- References
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