Construction of A 170m Long Cripple Sided Tunnel Using Variable Geometry Hydraulic Formwork in DTL 3, C927
Construction of A 170m Long Cripple Sided Tunnel Using Variable Geometry Hydraulic Formwork in DTL 3, C927
Construction of A 170m Long Cripple Sided Tunnel Using Variable Geometry Hydraulic Formwork in DTL 3, C927
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Massimo Marotta on 27 September 2018.
ABSTRACT: This paper describes the construction of a 170 m long cripple sided mined tunnel locat-
ed east of Bedok Town Park Station, part of Downtown Line 3 Contract C927. The length of the tun-
nel is 170m, the longest for a rail tunnel in soil constructed by Sprayed Concrete Lining (SCL) in Sin-
gapore. The tunnel has variable profile section in order to allow the installation of ventilation jet-fans.
The project also included the construction of five contiguous ventilation passages connecting the
cripple sided tunnel to the bored tunnel. Each of the five ventilation tunnels has a profile section simi-
lar to the one normally used for the escape Cross Passages, however the construction of five contigu-
ous opening has required special design and construction consideration. The relatively long length of
the tunnel has allowed the Contractor to use special mining equipment which are rarely seen in Singa-
pore. In fact only for tunnels of certain length it is feasible (in term of space and constructability) and
economically worth (in term of investment) to use those special equipment. In particular, the paper
describes the permanent lining done with a hydraulic formwork designed for single stage wall/arch
casting, and for the variable tunnel profile.
The cripple sided tunnel is between the two bored tunnel driven from the launching shaft located
within Bedok Town Park Station (BDT), built by civil Contract C928 and handed over to contract
C927 for the duration of tunneling works. The total length of the tunnel is 170 m. The SCL tunnel is
connected to the Expo Bound tunnel by 5 ventilation passages and to the Bukit Panjang Bound tunnel
by 1 cross passage, as shown in Figure 1.
Cripple Siding Passages
Bored tunnels
Station Cross
Figure 3: SCL tunnel variable geometry profile and longitudinal profile of top heading and bench/invert.
Excavation for the cripple sided tunnel was carried out by means of hydraulic excavator. In view of
the very good geological conditions, there was no pre-support (fore poling) and soil improvement
(soil nail) designed for the entire length of the SCL cripple sided tunnel. The typical round length of
the heading excavation started with 1m and it was increased to 1.4m due to excellent ground condi-
tions. Benching excavation typical cycle varies from 2m to 3m on various sections of tunnel. Figure 4
and 5 shows the top heading and benching excavation on site.
4.1 Waterproofing
The general sequence of permanent lining included the installation of PVC waterproofing membrane.
Figure 8 shows typical scheme of the waterproofing system design for SCL cripple siding tunnel. The
waterproofing system includes a first protection layer by geotextile, which was fixed by HILTI nails
to the shotcrtete. The same nail also anchor a PVC roundel, which was later used to hot weld the
membrane. Thus, no perforation or puncture to the water proofing membrane.
Figure 6: Water Proofing scheme for SCL mined tunnel
The waterproofing system was installed using FLAGON PVC membrane, and PVC water-stop in or-
der to create compartments. Those compartments, with provision of grout ports, would eventually
confine the water propagation in case of leakages and facilitate the tracking of water leakage source
and the remedial grouting. The water stop, embedded in the concrete at every construction joints,
would mitigate and eventually stop water migration by imposing a tortuous path to any water. The
completed waterproofing system with compartmentalization is shown below in Figure 9.
Hot air manual welding was carried out using a hot air gun for sheet-sheet & sheet-water stop weld-
ing. However automatic welding mechanism using hot wedge welders were performed for longer
stretch for sheet-sheet welding. The welding temperature varies according to type of material
(FLAGON PVC), to the thickness and type of nozzle used, ranging between 350ºC and 600ºC.
After the final inspection of the installation, the water stops of the compartmenting system were weld-
ed by hot air gun to the existing waterproofing membrane at every CJs, the construction joints, both in
the horizontal and the vertical plane. Figure 10 to Figure 12 shows the welding equipment and pro-
cesses during installation.
Figure 10: Hot Air Manual Welding Equipment for the Water Proofing System
Figure 13. Lattice girder deflection for normal section (left) and Jet-Fan section (right)
Figure 15. SCL tunnel longitudinal profile with variable cross section
Figure 16. Two stage casting using system form in SCL tunnel to minimize the constructional joints
The system formwork was designed using the FEM program ANSYS. There were twenty four differ-
ent load cases considered for the most stressed formwork configuration, the worst load case was con-
sidered for the design. The design difference in concrete height between the two sides was 500 mm
and it was very important to maintain this maximum difference in level while casting wall & crown
section. Figure 18 below reported the scheme of formwork and the applied loads in the worst state of
stress. C.M.C (2013)
Figure 18. Scheme of formwork and applied load in the transition zone
In compliance with the formwork design specifications, the erection of the tunnel lining were carried
out in layers with a maximum level difference between the two sides of the formwork of 500mm. The
maximum pour rate was not exceeded 1m/h or 40 cubic meter/h. The raise of the concrete level within
the forms was controlled from the inspection portholes which was provided for this purpose. The said
portholes were also used for concrete pouring purposes when required.
4.3.2 System formwork setting and casting
CIFA formwork was assembled at the surface and lowered down to the shaft bottom as shown in the
Figure 19.
Casting started with circular section. Positioning of formwork at block B1 and adjustment of form-
work alignment in both the tunnel longitudinal and transverse directions were carried out after the re-
bar installed. Formwork anchors were tightened and stop-end shutter formwork were installed with
windows to monitor the casting process. Concrete pouring done in one single stage for both side walls
and crown. There were total of 20 circular sections casting followed similar procedure as shown in
Figure 20.
Casting of two inclined transition sections were followed after the completion of circular section. The
formwork vault was lifted up of an angle matching the inclination of the tunnel lining along the transi-
tion section. Additional intermediate shield pier elements and panels were added to match the slope
and the formwork anchors were tightened. Stop end formwork were installed and casting carried out.
There were 3 transition sections, on each side, casting followed similar procedure as shown in Figure
21 and 22.
Figure 21. Casting of inclined transition section
Figure 22. Transformation of CIFA system form & casting of oval section
Casting of the enlarged oval section was the last to be erected since the formwork, in such a configu-
ration, could only be operated inside that section of the tunnel alignment. For this purpose the form-
work was re-configured similar to that of the transition sections with the only difference constituted
by the removal of the intermediate shield pier elements with the sloped profile, replaced by standard
elements with rectangular cross-section. There were 3 enlarged oval sections casting followed similar
procedure as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 24. Striking of system form after casting (right), retracted by hydraulic jacks
Figure 25. Concrete port and hydraulic external vibrator in CIFA system form
Figure 26: Completed permanent lining for circular and oval section with Jet Fan Slab for SCL tunnel
There are total of four cross passages and a contiguous ventilation passage (5nos) VP- “A to E” along
the bored tunnels. Cross passage CP22 connects the Bukit Panjang and SCL mined tunnel & 5 ventila-
tion passages connects the expo tunnel with the SCL mined tunnel, as shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27. Location plan for cross passages and ventilation passages connecting SCL tunnel
The construction of the ventilation passages were carried out by mechanical excavation SCL method.
Construction operations followed a procedure and work sequence established for the construction ac-
tivities for the temporary & permanent works for the ventilation passages as shown in the Figure 28
and Figure 29.
Figure 29. Ventilation passages connecting bored tunnel and SCL mined tunnel
Excavation and permanent lining completed in the centre ventilation passage B at first. Ventilation
passage A and C at both ends were completed with excavation and permanent lining followed by ven-
tilation passages D and E. Temporary bracings were installed as a support for the bored tunnel seg-
ments before the commencement of excavation works. To expedite the excavation process, the con-
tractor used a mini robotic excavator to fit in the opening of the ventilation passage. Robotic
excavation helped significantly in the progress rate and played an enhanced safety environment.
Figure 30 and 31 shows the temporary bracing, excavation using mini robotic excavator and the com-
pleted structure of the ventilation passages connecting bored tunnel.
Figure 31. Temporary bracing installed for the 5 ventilation passage openings.
Figure 32. Completed permanent linings for all five ventilation passages
The excavation and supports installation for the 170 m long cripple siding tunnel and ventilation pas-
sages have been successfully completed on schedule, with high productivity being achieved by the us-
age of specific equipment and technology as remote controlled excavator, robotic shotcrete machine,
and special mining equipment.
For the permanent lining construction, particular care was taken to ensure no puncturing of water-
proofing membrane due to reinforcement installation. This was done by suing girders as a support sys-
tem for the reinforcement, to be installed prior the formwork installation. The use of the hydraulic
formwork, specifically designed and built for this contract, allowed the casting to be completed in on-
ly two stages, the invert and the full bench/heading of up to 11 m, thus minimizing the number of con-
struction joints which are potential path for water ingress. Additionally, the specially designed form-
work, designed to be adjusted for variable geometry, allowed high quality and high productivity in
casting of the challenging transition zone.
The authors would like to thank Mr. Giovanni Matta of CMC Singapore Branch, for the information
provided in writing this publication. The authors would also like to thank all the other parties involved
in the successful completion of this work.