Hydropower Project Summary and Particular Experience
Hydropower Project Summary and Particular Experience
Hydropower Project Summary and Particular Experience
17 October 2018
Contract Signature Date:
Contractual Guaranteed
output Required 49.5 MW
Design stage
Completion of MULEMBWE
Plant: 42 Months
Design stage
Required reports
Environmental impact study report
Survey report (it was conducted with Ladder Survey )
Which is required for all hydraulic calculation and storage capacity and
head losses for HWL and LWL
flood hydrology report
Which is required for all hydraulic calculation and storage capacity and
head losses for HWL and LWL
Sedimentation report
Seismic Report
Geotechnical and geophysics study
which is required to determine the type of dams and rock bed level
All Tests for Undistributed samples are mandatories and soil infiltration
(seepage) for jet grouting, curtain grout and consolidation grout if
Design stage
Design stage
Design stage
Design stage
Design stage
we recommended to go with steel pipe above ground with concrete pads
instead of Buried pipes for some commercial reasons as well slope of
penstock was a very steep and excavation for buried pipes will be difficult
and costly as well.
Transient calculation to check the pressure
along the waterway to be above
the ambient pressure for an opening
time of 25 s if only one unit is loaded
at a time!
• We eliminated surge tank after proof that the given pressure and speed
rise will not affect the penstock pipe, reflector and inlet valve.
Design stage
the hec-Ras calculation are required to make sure the required net
pressure is complied with the required
Andritz supplier has been selected to supply all powerhouse equipment and
turbines. we applied horizontal turbine with 3 jet to guarantee the output
Concrete quantities
Concrete quantities is about 110,000 m3
Concrete work for JIJI Dams only is about 27,500 m3 according to the below table
which excluded the quantities for ( tunnel work and concrete pads & anchor block
for penstock & powerhouse building & tailrace)channel
Structure Concrete
Volume (m³)
1 Left Bank Tongue Wall 3 718
The ACI code for massive concrete has
2 Left Bank Training Wall (downstream of 537 been respected with reducing heat of
tongue wall)
hydration, construction sequence and
3 Piano Key Spillway (crest) 175
4 Spillway apron 683
curing to avoid early age cracks due to
5 Spillway Bridge (incl. pier) 192
differential temperature between the
6 Bottom outlet structure (incl. its apron) 2 998 core and surface
7 Desander Inlet 1 627
8 Desander Transition 1 922
9 Desander Main 8 786
10 Roadway (deck) 431
Total Structural Concrete 21 069
Site Mobilization
Tower cranes has been studied to match with the construction progress and site
facilities and sequence of work. Therefore, we reduce the required tower cranes
with Appling tower crane undercarriage at each dame in order to cover the
whole area of descender tank and dam which reduce the cost of shipping and
timing as well
Schedule Critical Path
The total length of tunnel work in JIJI is about 1100 m and it is the critical path
where its total duration is about 24 months + 8 months for engineering + 3
months commissioning
Monitoring equipment
- Seismic recorders
- Flowmeters
- Piezometers
- Inclinometers
- settlement beacons
- -water levels
- Factor test has requested a prototype, but the prototype test has been
eliminated after convincing the client that with the selection of supplier and
using three nozzle instead of two
- All other tests ( water leakage, seepage, hydrotests and net pressure
,..etc.) will be performed according to the contractual specification
- Fire detection system and fire fighting;
1- service water system
2- refrigeration systems
3- lighting, telecommunication, air conditioning etc.
4- Functional verification of measuring instruments and the water intake
structure actuators and driving head (valves, cofferdams etc.);
5- Functional verification of measuring instruments, the control system
(internal services, ancillary services and general services) and electrical
and mechanical protection of plant systems;
6- Functional testing, blank, the inlet valves of turbines, injectors, baffles
turbines, time adjustment maneuver;
7- Inspection of the penstock in accordance with the technical specifications;
8- Commissioning of power transformers, in collaboration with supplier
market "building computer";
9- Commissioning of balance of plant, testing and system controls 6.6 kV;
10- Getting the service line 6.6 kV to head the works, and auxiliary of these
17.2.2 Routine tests in water
After the successful completion of the preliminary inspections and tests,
and subject to approval by the Client of the results of these preliminary
tests and trials, the manufacturer will conduct impoundment of the
penstock and the listed tests and checks below will be performed on each
group in the presence of the Client or its project Director.
During the tests, critical parameters such as water level, pressure in front
of the driving speed in the driving voltage and frequency, rotational speed,
pressure in the oil hydraulic circuits, temperatures etc. will be measured
simultaneously by a digital measuring system for rapid sampling and high
accuracy, independent of the control system. These parameters will be
attached to test protocols as curves and data tables.
1- rotation test (run out) of the turbine together - generator, checking the
alignment routine checks;
2- Rotated at nominal speed, speed stabilization;
3- Running at nominal speed, excited, with the generator short-circuit and
unladen, voltage regulation controls and electrical protection;
4- Control of start and stop sequences of groups operating in different
modes and at different locations and control modes;
5- Synchronization to the national grid;
6- charging plugs, shedding trial and quick stop at 25%, 50%, 75% and
1000/0 of the load
7- Trial Unit full power and temperature stabilization (72 hours minimum)
8- operating tests in isolated network at low load, controls the speed
Finally, The results of these trials will mainly assess the following:
• Unit power turbines, speed control performance, maximum transient overspeed, etc .
End of Slides