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“A comprehensive study on Role of Digital and Social Media marketing on Consumer Behaviour”

Submitted to

L J Institute of Management Studies (729)

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Anitha Sunil

In partial Fulfilment of the Requirement of the award of

the degree of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Offered By

Gujarat Technological University


Prepared by:

Aneri Shah (187290592142)

TSP Srikar (187290592166)


Page | 1
February 2020

Student’s Declaration

We hereby declare that the COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT REPORT titled as “A comprehensive

study on Role of Digital and Social Media marketing on Consumer Behaviour” in
AHMEDABAD is a result of our work and our indebtedness to other work publications,
references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. If we are found guilty of copying from
any other report or published information and showing as our original work, or
extending plagiarism limit, we understand that we shall be liable and punishable by the
university, which may include being declared ‘Fail’ in the CP examination or any other
punishment which the university may decide.


187290592142 Aneri Shah
187290592166 TSP Srikar

Page | 2
Place: Date:

Institute Certificate

“This is to certify that this COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT Titled “A comprehensive

study on Role of Digital and social media marketing on Consumer Behaviour” is
the bonafide work of Shah Aneri Bhaskerbhai (187290592142), TSP Srikar
(187290592166), who have carried out their project under my supervision. I

Page | 3
also certify further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein
does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis of
which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any
other candidate. I have also checked the plagiarism extent of this report which
is __ and it is below the prescribed limit of 30%. The separate plagiarism report
in the form of html/pdf file is enclosed with this.

Rating of Project Report: ______

Signature of the Faculty Guide:

(Dr. Anitha Sunil)


Signature of Principal / Director with Stamp of Institute

Dr. Siddarth Singh Bist

Certificate of Examiner

This is to clarify that project work embodied in this report entitled “A comprehensive study
on Digital and Social media marketing on Consumer Behaviour.” was carried out by Shah

Page | 4
Aneri Bhaskerbhai (187290592142) of L J Institute of Management Studies( Institute
code:729) .

The report is approved / not approved.

Comments of External Examiner:

This report us for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (full-time) offered by Gujarat Technological University.

( Examiner’s Sign)

External Examiner’s Institute Name:

External Examiner’s Institute Code:



Certificate of Examiner

This is to clarify that project work embodied in this report entitled “A comprehensive study
on Digital and social media marketing on Consumer Behaviour.” was carried out by TSP
Srikar (187290592166) of L J Institute of Management Studies( Institute code:729) .

The report is approved / not approved.

Page | 5
Comments of External Examiner:

This report us for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (full-time) offered by Gujarat Technological University.

( Examiner’s Sign)

External Examiner’s Institute Name:

External Examiner’s Institute Code:



Plagiarism Report

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As a part of MBA curriculum and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of
management, we are required to make a report on “A comprehensive study on Digital and
social media marketing on Consumer Behaviour”

The basic objective behind doing this project report is to get knowledge of different tools of

Doing this project report helped us to enhance our knowledge regarding the shopping
preferences of people of Ahmedabad that which major factors affects them most while
making any shopping decision.

Through this report, we come to know about importance of team work and role of devotion
towards the work.

Page | 8

First and foremost, we are sincerely thankful to Gujarat technological university and
L.J. institute of management studies. In bringing out this report, we indebted to so many
people for help of various kinds. We would like to thanks few of them.

I would also like to thank our director Dr. P.K Mehta and our dean Dr. Siddarth Singh Bist
and our faculty mentor Prof. Dr. Anitha Sunil faculty guide without her guidance and co-
operation, this project would not have been successfully accomplished.

We also express our gratitude to all those people, who have provided me all the necessary
information throughout the infrastructure to carry out the project, and people who were
directly and indirectly instrumental in enabling us to stay committed for the project.

We would last but not the least also likes to thank our parent who equally supported us and
motivated us for opting such a crucial field for our bright future.

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Table of Contents

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1 Preface

2 Acknowledgement

Page | 10
3 Table of contents

4 Introduction

5 Literature Review

6 Objective of the study

7 Scope of the Study

8 Problem Identification & Hypothesis Formulation

9 Research Methodology

10 Data Analysis & Interpretation

11 Findings

12 Conclusion

13 Suggestions

14 References

15 Bibliography

16 Annexure

Executive Summary

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The purpose of this project titled “A comprehensive study on Digital and social media
marketing on Consumer Behaviour” is to collect the necessary information about the people
of Ahmedabad regarding shopping habits.

The consumers of internet in the present times are widely spread in all over the world and

have taken a growth in many of the sectors. Digital media Marketing and Social Media

Marketing, have provided new way of communication to engage the consumer in different

business sectors. Various Online tools are also increasing on rapid rate to reach new

customers. According to recent marketing research, social media is getting involved in

people’s lives and making them more dependent. Social media improve the interaction by

providing contents publicly and gain interest of visitors. Social sites are tools to spread the
information among consumers.

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Using the internet, social media, mobile apps, and other digital communication technologies
has become part of billions of people’s daily lives. For instance, the current number of

internet users in India is about 323 Million and around 3.2 Billion on this planet. Younger
people—the next generation of mass consumers—have similarly high levels. People also
spend increasing time online.

For example, in the India, over the last decade the number of hours spent online by people
has more than doubled, and now averages 20.5 hours per week. Social media has fuelled
part of this growth: worldwide there are now more than 2.46 billion people using social
media, and Facebook alone now has approximately 1 billion active users per day. Clearly,
people are exposing themselves to more and more digital and social media.

This is for many purposes, including in their roles as consumers as they search for
information about products, purchase and consume them, and communicate with others
about their experiences. Marketers have responded to this fundamental shift by increasing

Page | 14
their use of digital marketing channels. In fact, by 2017 approximately one-third of global
advertising spending is forecast to be in digital channels.

Thus, future consumer marketing will largely be carried out in digital settings, particularly
social media and mobile. It is therefore necessary for consumer research to examine and

understand consumer behaviour in digital environments. This has been happening over the
last decade, with increasing amounts of research focusing on digital consumer

behaviour issues.

This has been happening over the last decade, with increasing amounts of research focusing
on digital consumer behaviour issues. The literature is still relatively nascent, however, and
more research is of course needed— particularly given the ever-changing nature of the
digital/social media/mobile environments in which consumers are situated and interact with
brands and each other.

Clearly, people are exposing themselves to more and more digital and social media. This

is for many purposes, including in their roles as consumers as they search for information

about products,1 purchase and consume them, and communicate with others about their

experiences. Marketers have responded to this fundamental shift by increasing their use of

digital marketing channels. In fact, by 2017 approximately one-third of global advertising

spending is forecast to be in digital channels. Thus, future consumer marketing will largely

be carried out in digital settings, particularly social media and mobile. It is therefore

necessary for consumer research to examine and understand consumer behaviour in digital


Consumer Digital Culture

Page | 15
Consumer digital culture research considers, quite deeply, the digital environments in which
consumers are situated. A key aspect of this work has been understanding how 5
consumers’ identities and self-concepts extend into digital worlds, such as work by Belk.
Belk extended his prior work on the “extended self” to incorporate the digital environments
in which consumers now situate themselves, which is an important piece of theory
development because it considers concepts such as the ability for consumers to have
multiple selves due to possessing multiple online “personas.” Belk also suggests many areas
for future research. Other research under this theme looked at more specific phenomena.
McQuarrie et al. focused on fashion blogging as a means of documenting the “megaphone
effect,” which is the ability for regular consumers to access large audiences through
digital/social media. This is an important effect and they discussed how bloggers go about
building audiences and accumulating social (or cultural) capital through demonstrations of
“good taste.” In a social media setting this essentially means that a blogger (or “influencer”)
makes recommendations that signal her expertise to others. This is in a specific setting, but
has implications for understanding consumers’ content-generation behaviours on social
media more generally, since signalling positive personal attributes is likely a common
motivation for posting certain things on sites like Facebook. Together, these articles make
an important conceptual contribution around how we see consumers in a digital world,
particularly by implying an expanded conception of what it is to be a consumer in today’s
digital world.

Digital advertising is a major topic in the marketing literature and, with respect to consumer
behaviour, considers how consumers respond to various aspects of digital ads. A number of

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recent articles considered behavioural aspects of digital advertising from various
perspectives. One interesting perspective taken in a few articles was based around how 6 to
overcome (assumed) psychological reactance due to personalization of digital ad targeting.

The consumers of internet in the present times are widely spread in all over the world and
have taken a growth in many of the sectors. Digital media had provided new way of
communication to engage the consumer in different business sector. Various Online tools
are also increasing on rapid rate to reach new customers. It has been observed by many
companies who get more interactive and becomes famous on social media. This results on
their business rapid growth. It has been reported in 2010, Face book have nearly about 400
millions of users. There are 1.5 million users who belong to the business sector. The
organisation requires being well aware about the platforms from where they could
approach large number of customers and spread their information among them. Some of
the companies like- Dell, Samsung, Sony, etc. have experienced the increment of sales while
using social media (Tuten and Solomon, 2014). In last year of February, Sony announced on
a social site i.e. Twitter, that they had gain extra $1.6 million. After in June month Dell
Company also experienced the direct connection to the customer and it increases the
overall growth of the 4 business. It generates a question that whether social media is best
for highly reputed brand, or it is helpful for smaller brands. In 2009, social media gave the
answer by a so-called example of a very small shoe company situated at Canada. The
company’s name was John Fluevog Boots and Shoes which analysed their sales increment by
40 percent after starting advertisement on social media and becomes well known brand.
Social media is new research for marketing but still some research is there. Social media
offers various strategies to manage above explained phenomenon. The strategies offered by
them are recommended in nature and lack experimental in support. According to previous
findings, social media had investigated the user tempting fields. They are also trying to find
facts of relevance interest (Vinerean.et.al, 2013). Larry Weber 2009 had mentioned in his
book that Social media is a new marketing platform where judgment of public changes in
every hour, minute and even each seconds but the attitude of customer for product are not
changed in this rapid rate.

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Social Media has changed the organizations do business with the help of computers online
over past few years, and as result social media marketing has created its own name in the
business world. There are many online networking sites are there which affect consumer
behavior. Like Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. Now a days Social Media is using by almost
all the ages of consumers may college students, working class and even old age people too.
Millions of emerging young adults use Social web sites. Social websites like Orkut, facebook,
My Space is having many features which affect and attract many number of people. In today
the life Social Media become a very strong useful tool using by the consumer in buying
decisions. Technology has changed the life of all consumers. Today we are living in
21stcentury, it is very difficult for the consumers to spend time on purchasing the product
because of busy schedule. Now a days users are acquiring followers and subscribers giving
information by social media how to purchase the goods online without wasting time to go
personally. Through Social Networking Sites consumers can get information not only about
companies but also for the companies too. Even social media is helping consumers to buy
product through engagement that means consumers and various stakeholders like
company, consumers, society, businessman are participants rather then viewers. So
Consumers can change their mind before purchasing any product through online.

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There are various Social Media Marketing tools are available for the consumers some of
them are:

1. Social Media Monitoring.

2. Social Media.

3. Blog Marketing.

4. Social Book Marketing and Tagging.

5. Social Analytics and Reporting.

6. Social Aggregation.

With the fickle popularity of various Social Media Marketing like Google+, Facebook,
Instagram Etc. which is affecting consumer behavior.

Process of the Digital Marketing of a Product:

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Marketing/prospecting to your target market and audience

Building credibility and trust

Escorting and courting the buyer through the process

Presenting the product or service that meets their needs

Closing the sale

Literature Review

The unique characteristics of social media marketing and digital media marketing , the

popularity that it has gained in the past few years have brought forth a revolution in the

practices pertaining to marketing. Social media has changed the way an organisation

promotes their products or advertises for the same. Social media has also been observed to

have an impact on the behaviour of a consumer from the acquisition of data from the

behaviour post purchasing a product

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The advantages that are prevalent with the social media are it helps in connecting the

business of an organisation with its intended customers. Social media also helps in the

development of the relationships and providing methods for fostering those new

at a low cost and periodic manner (Schirr, 2013). Some of the other functions pertaining to

social media involve its influence and effect on the perception of an individual, their attitude

and their final behaviour at the end. The Social media websites provides the organisations

opportunity for engaging and interacting with the current and potential consumers for the

organisation. This helps in creating an increased sense pertaining to intimacy in the

relationship that exists between the organisation and the customer (Noreen and Han, 2015).

Social media also helps an organisation in building up meaningful and important relationship

with their current as well as potential consumers in the market.

The consumers of internet in the present times are widely spread in all over the world and

have taken a growth in many of the sectors. Digital media had provided new way of

communication to engage the consumer in different business sector. Various Online tools

also increasing on rapid rate to reach new customers. According to recent marketing

social media is getting involved in people’s lives and making them more dependent. The

marketing approaches are astounding with millions of customers. The whole world spends

approximately110 billion minutes on accessing social networking sites like Face book,

and reading blogs (Tuten and Solomon, 2014). It has been also analysed that visitor of social

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media are increased up to 24% in last year. The above factor does not put a doubt about

business sector overlaps to people’s life by social medium. Social media improve the

interaction by providing contents publically and gain interest of visitors. Social sites are tools

to spread the information among consumers. People are sharing their personnel content or

public content inside and outside their professional life.

Stephen Andrew T. (2016)

This article reviews recently published research about consumers in digital and social

media marketing settings. Five themes are identified:

(i) consumer digital culture

(ii) responses to digital advertising,

(iii) effects of digital environments on consumer behaviour\

(iv) mobile environments

(v) online word of mouth (WOM)

Collectively these articles shed light from many different angles on how consumers

experience, influence, and are influenced by the digital environments in which they are

situated as part of their daily lives. Much is still to be understood, and existing knowledge

tends to be disproportionately focused on WOM, which is only part of the digital consumer

experience. Several directions for future research are advanced to encourage researchers to

consider a broader range of phenomena.

The Uses of Social Media and Digital Marketing

Journal of International Business Research and Marketing

Volume 4, Issue 2, January 2019

Page | 22
Social media and digital marketing activities are very important, it’s not only for gaining
revenue, but also to reduce the cost of conventional marketing activities. It may be good if
currently this company’s sales number still good, but will it last? Will this brand become the
top of mind brand for the next five years without being lost or overshadowed by the
competitors? That is what social media and digital marketing useful for; we can predict the
future, do prevention of crisis, and create innovations; because by using social media and
digital marketing we can track our brand’s competitors. The usage of having these online
activities is also to know about people’s opinion about our product, build our brand
reputation, and to find the voices of our brand supporters or even the haters. These are
things that conventional marketing hardly achieved effectively.

The big marketing budget that originally for traditional marketing activities can be shifted to

activate the digital marketing strategies, because by going digital we can check how much

frequency of the customer that get our advertisement, how their buying and lifestyle
behaviour, etc.

First of all, TVCs Advertisement, Sales Promotion and Below The Line (BTL) may be good and
useful for the past generation, the budget that will be spent on those marketing channels
will be huge, yet the effectiveness by the revenues number may hard to checked in detail
because the evaluation is not really measurable. Those channels cannot really do direct
targeting. People who watch television, come to the store or come to the event may vary;
they who watch or come may not our product’s target market, and with those conventional
channels we cannot track their database and their behaviour. With digital and social media
activities, we can track people’s behaviour and create a database for us. The advertisement
can be targeted directly to the specific age, gender, location, and even their shopping
lifestyle. Using digital, it eases us to know our consumers’ profiles. Checking our competitor
will be also easier than past marketing activities. We can check their new promotions on
their website, what content they create to engage with their customers, what is their latest
product development; all of these elements can be tracked using social media and digital
tools. Also, social media helps Marketers to reduce the marketing budget, placing
advertisement on TV, Radio or even Printed Media need a huge budget, same goes with
creating brand activation events. However, digital campaign through Facebook Ads,
Instagram Ads, Youtube Ads, or even placing ads on millennials-friendly sites like Webtoon,

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Line or IDN Times, this will be ‘low cost – high impact marketing. Also, social media helps
marketer to create more direct interaction with the consumers, because they can give direct
feedback about our product in our social media, even now there are Instagram Polling and
Youtube Polling that can help marketer to launch survey about our product via online and
targeted to our public market – the millennial teenagers.

To advertise the product, digital channel could be used such as social media network,
Email Marketing, and affiliate marketing.

By- Dr Chitranshi Verma

Issue 4, April 2019

Various research findings have also supported and proved the fact that social media has
become a weapon of modern marketers nowadays. It has become an easy and very
convenient tool to reach out to their customers. Laeder ,James (2018) in his paper has
concluded that Social Networking sites are so designed as to make the consumers addicted
to them in such a manner that they establish the feeling of belongingness with them. This
view has also been strengthened by the studies of Gaoet.al,2017 and Yang et.al.,2016.
These studies have helped in better understanding of the determinants that how an
individual consumer’s behaviour is influenced by sense of belonging. These studies have
primarily focused on the positive aspects of these on the consumer behaviour, but it can
result in negative consequences too. In marketing, there is currently a growing interest in
digital interactivity, especially in consumer activity in social media. It has empowered
consumers and their role is shifting from being passive participants to becoming active
participants. (Stewart & Pavlou,2002). This active consumer behaviour is changing the
media and marketing platform as consumers are invading marketing sphere (Berthon
et.a;.2008). With the enormous interest in social media and user generated content i.e. UGC
on sites such as You Tube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Consumers are seen to be actively
contributing to the content.

A study of the impact of social media on consumers M. Nick Hajli Birkbeck, University
o f London

Page | 24
International Journal of Market Research Vol. 5 6 Issue

With the advances in the internet and the emergence of Web 2.0, the interconnectivity
between individuals has expanded on the internet. This development enables customers
and businesses to collaborate on the internet (Füller et al. 2009). This has emerged through
social media, which enable consumers to generate content and have social interactions
online via social platforms. There are a number of social platforms that have facilitated
information sharing. For instance, Wikipedia, a free online encyclopaedia, is one of the most
popular platforms and has the facility for users to collaborate on information sharing (Chen
et al. 2011a). Other platforms with the ability to generate reviews and ratings, such as
Amazon, com, enable customers to review and rate products. In addition, members of these
platforms are cooperatively interdependent (Chris et al. 2008). By using social media,
consumers can create content and offer valuable advice to others (Füller et al. 2009). This
new development has seen online communities and an electronic network of individuals
emerge on social platforms where members share information globally and quickly (Molly
McLure & Samer 2005). With the rise in social networks, a new era of content creation has
emerged, where individuals can easily share experiences and information with other users
(Chen et al. 2011a). The next generation of online businesses will be based on communities -
a good tool for new customer attraction (Bagozzi & Dholakia 2002; Ridings & Gefen 2004).
Online communities offer an opportunity to organisations to have a better customer
relationship management system (Ridings & Gefen 2004), for instance, giving rise to a new
development where businesses can improve 389 A study of the impact of social media on
consumers performance. Moreover, on those platforms where consumers have social
interaction, members can become familiar with one another, providing a possible source of
trust (Lu et al. 2010). This can greatly influence users’ intention to buy (Gefen 2002).
Consequently, it is important for companies to have a business model adapted to social
commerce (Lorenzo et al. 2007; Liang &c Turban 2011). Social commerce is a new stream in
e-commerce, which encourages the social interaction of consumers through social media
(Hajli 2013). Social media provide opportunities for businesses to become more attractive
universally (Chen et al. 2011b). Although social commerce and social media are key
phenomena in e-commerce and the marketing literature, few studies, if any, have examined
the concepts of trust and users’ intentional behaviour. In the next section the literature
related to the model of study maps out the theoretical foundation of the research.

Nick Hajli

Newcastle University Business School, United Kingdom

Page | 25
Social commerce Social commerce is a new stream and subset of e-commerce (Hajli, 2014b;
Kim & Park, 2013), which enables consumers to generate content. Social commerce enables
vendors to reach different markets by integrating social interactions of consumers
(Hargadon & Bechky, 2006). Social commerce is a new development in ecommerce with the
popularity of social networking sites and social media that enable consumers to be active
content creators on the Internet. A powerful tool for this is social media, which
differentiates e-commerce from social commerce. Social commerce is the use of Web 2.0
applications to support interaction of people in an online context where the contribution of
users can help in the acquisition of services and products (Liang & Turban, 2011). The
popularity of social media sites is the main element for development in this area,
introducing new business models as a result (Leitner & Grechenig, 2007; Liang & Turban,
2011). Social media technologies have become social tools and online platforms are now
places where users share information and use opinions and experiences of others in music,
photographs, insight and knowledge (Lai & Turban, 2008). In this era, SNSs and the
attraction of its applications play an important role in the development of social media
(Johann, Bartl, Ernst, & Hans, 2006; Liang & Turban, 2011). The mission of SNSs is to create
online communities where members can share and seek common interests, activities,
experiences and information (Shin, 2010). Social commerce statistics show that this is a
promising phenomenon. Social commerce is introducing new business models based on
online communities where the objective is to bring features of Web 2.0 technologies to e-
commerce in order to design customer-oriented business. The businesses can develop an
online community and encourage their consumers to share their knowledge, experiences,
and information about their products or services, which forms social commerce strategy for
them. Alternatively, the firms may join popular SNSs such as Facebook and sell their product
through this channel or ask their consumers to like their page or product to benefit from
social commerce. Many companies have their Facebook page and ask their consumers to
share their comments about the products or the services on these social platform, which
help them to introduce their products or services. Channel, H&M, Selfridge, Dell and many
other shops are examples of brands that use social commerce in this context.

The experience of consumers in an online environment enabled by social media is different

to that offline, as the customers have social interactions with other individuals (Do-Hyung,
Jumin, & Ingoo, 2007). Today researchers claim that through social media and the
emergence of social platforms such as forums and communities, ratings and reviews, and
referrals and recommendations, consumers do have sociability. In addition, relationships
between e-vendor and consumers are in fact personal. These social platforms are social
commerce constructs, which this research will investigate. SCCs are social platforms which
have emerged from Web 2.0 and empowered consumers to generate content and share

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their experiences. They also use others’ information, offer advice and share experiences in
these platforms providing a source for online social support. Although, SCCs have the same
functions to facilitate the sharing of information and establishing social support platforms
for consumers, they are different in their technical capabilities. Ratings and reviews are one
of the constructs that shape social commerce. Individuals can easily post their product
reviews online (Chen, Xu, & Whinston, 2011) and rate products. These reviews and ratings
give comprehensive information about products for the benefit of other potential
customers. Research shows that a popular product review by a third party is growing (Yubo
& Jinhong, 2005). It is argued that reviews generated by a third party reduce customers’
need for advertising information (Yubo & Jinhong, 2005). Therefore, reviews and ratings
seem to generate effective information for customers. Additionally, the engagement of
consumers in co-creation and content generation empowers them (Füller et al., 2009),
where they are able to learn about others’ experiences about a product, for instance.
Consumers are increasingly co-creating value with firms (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004).
Empowerment refers to the capability of social technologies to enable people to have social
interaction and collaborate on the Internet (Füller et al., 2009). Research shows that
customer feedbacks and ratings promote a higher level of trust (Ba & Pavlou, 2002; Ono et
al., 2003). However, information related to the identity of reviewers has an effect on
community members’ perceptions (Chris, Anindya, & Batia,2008). This issue has been raised
as a result of fake ratings and reviews produced by third parties. E-vendors now have to
consider whether to take actions to persuade reviewers to give more information about
their identity (Chris et al., 2008) to assure consumers about the authenticity of ratings and
reviews. Recommendations and referrals, the other construct of SCCs, are likely to play an
important role on social commerce intention. Research shows, in an online context, as
customers cannot experience the products or services, consumers should rely more on
other consumers’ experiences such as their product recommendations (Senecal & Nantel,
2004). In a high street shop, customers spend their time in store and interact with the staff
whereas in an online shop it is a major challenge to create an online store which is socially
rich (Kumar, Novak, & Tomkins, 2010). The third construct of social commerce is forums and
communities. Online communities and Internet forums are social environment that facilitate
social interaction of individuals. Members of online communities participate in different
group activities and support other members through their social interactions and
communications in the provided platform (Bagozzi & Dholakia, 2002). They use social
technologies, such as social media, online communities and other Web 2.0 applications, to
support other members by their experience and information sharing.

Vo Thuan Hai Department of Business Administration, Soongsil University, Korea

European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 05, August 2017

Page | 27
In this society community, people often use social network such as Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Classmates.com and Yelp to connect the others who have some in commons
through sharing status, videos, clips, and feedback as well as shopping habits behaviors.
Businesses activities always consider increasing the quantity of customers and keep their
own loyalty customers as one of their major strategy. Communication channel (Aljifri et al.,
2003; Ahn et al., 2007) is the cheapest, effective and convenient method. Therefore, there
have been so many setting up and running channels throughout social media that allow
customers embracing to communicate, search information and transact with businesses.
The network of customer has spread out in many edges of social network as discussion
forums, bulletin boards, list servers, chat rooms, newsgroups, email, personal Web pages,
social networks, and blogs. Both Shin et al., (2008) and Swanynthan et al. (2002) show
people's purchase decision for any product is influenced by their cognition of that product
such as trust and perceived its usefulness. But not many sufficient research framework
examine referring to verify how influence of trust and perceive usefulness of a product
affect on making purchase decision throughout using social network for e-commerce.
Theory of social network is a study of social networks and their affections on the
relationships related with a person, group, or organization which can affect persons’ beliefs
or behaviors (Bagozziet al., 2002). The activities of relation could comprise the feelings
people have for each other, the exchange of information or recommendation, and peoples’
influence on each other. Social network sites (SNSs) is presented by Bronner (2010) as web-
based services that allow individuals to (1) build a public or semipublic profile (2) articulate a
list of people to share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections. Its
functions could allow individuals to meet strangers and enable users to articulate and make
visible their social networks.

Objective of Study

1. To examine the implication of digital marketing in consumer purchase decision and

to find out that the consumers are aware of digital marketing and the digital channels
influence in their purchase decision.

2. To evaluate the various channels preferred by consumers for buying decision over
traditional channels.

3. To analyse the impact of social media on consumer buying behaviour.

Page | 28
4. To find out which is the best social media preferred by customers.

5. To have a critical understanding of varied concepts of social media marketing and

the online advertisement

Scope of the Study

It gives information about the scope of growth of the companies into Digital platform

It shows the rising growth of consumers purchase decision on various E-platforms.

It provides the information about the preference and choices of the different

The study also gives information regarding the expansion of products and services on
various platforms.

It gives the clarity of the consumer mindset towards their future consumption

Page | 29
Research Methodology

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It may be understood

as a science of studying how research is done scientifically.

In it we study the various steps that all generally adopted by researcher in studying his
research problem along with the logics behind them.

Research Objective:
The prime objective of this research is to find factors that mainly influences the consumer
purchase decision and how digital and social media marketing attracts the consumer for
their purchase.

Research Design:

Descriptive research Design method was used to study on for the analysis. This will be
helpful for Companies to enhance new marketing strategy to expand into the market.

Page | 30
Research Instrument:

A Structured questionnaire was used as a tool to know about the role of Digital and Social
media marketing on consumer buying behaviour. The questionnaire that have been
provided included necessary questions that can be freely responded.

Sampling Frame:

Study Population: Ahmedabad

Sampling Size: 214

Sampling technique: Non Probabilitistic Sampling

Data Collection:Primary Data (Survey) and Secondary Data (Newspapers/ articles)

Analysis & Interpretation

1. Gender

Male 146

Female 68

Page | 31




According to our survey, we found out that males are mostly using digital platforms that
affects their purchase decision compared to females ie 68%.

2. Age

Page | 32
<20 12

21-25 128

26-30 47

31-35 15

36 & above 12

140 128




60 47


12 15 12

<20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36 & above


According to the research, nowadays youths are the ones who gets affected and
influenced because of social and digital platforms as it is seen that highest ratio of
the users are of between the age of 21-25 and then afterwards 26-30 with the
second ranking.

Page | 33
3. Occupation

Student 112

Job 59

Businessman 43


28% Businessman

Page | 34

Nowadays students who are very much influenced by the digital platforms as
it is observed that 52% of the respondents are the students who are using the digital
platforms. Then after the working people are using digital platform for buying the

4. How Frequently Do you access Social Media channels?

Daily 171

weekly 31

Monthly 12

Yearly 0

Page | 35



On the basis of the research, it is analysed that consumers access the social
media platforms on the daily basis. 80% of the overall respondents are going through
digital platforms daily.

Page | 36
5. Which Social Media Channels do you access the most?

Facebook 159

LinkedIn 82

m 188

Twitter 78

YouTube 69

Others 27

200 188



82 78
80 69


Facebook LinkedIN Instagram Twitter YouTube Others

Page | 37

Instagram and Facebook are the trending social media channels that have been
accessed by the youths nowadays. It is seen that they are having the highest market with
188 and 159 respectively. These are the platforms which is highly preferred by the
consumers which influence their behaviour.

6. Are you aware about social media marketing or online advertising?

Yes 193

No 21

Page | 38


Yes No


In this digital era, it is analysed that most of the consumers are aware about social
media marketing or online advertising. The effectiveness of the marketing strategies can be
observed that 90% of the respondents are having awareness regarding Digital platforms.

Page | 39
7. Do you agree that social media marketing has the potential of affecting your

Strongly Disagree 5

Disagree 6

Neutral 73

Agree 79

Strongly Agree 51

Strongly Disagree
2% Disagree

Strongly Agree Neutral

24% 34%


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral

Agree Strongly Agree


Page | 40
On an average about 65% of people agreed that digital platform has the potential of
affecting their behaviour towards any product or service. The rest 10% of the consumers
who are not that much aware about the online platform are not getting influenced.

8. For enhancing the effectiveness of social media marketing which source must
be accessed?

Social Advertising Sites 149

Social News 149

Media Sharing Sites 125

Blogs 89

Page | 41
Blogs 89

Media Sharing Sites 125

Social News 149

Social Advertising Sites 149

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


According to the survey, it is observed that the social advertisement on various

platforms like Instagram, Facebook etc. and the media sharing sites like Gaana.com,
YouTube etc are playing a louder role in affecting the behaviour of consumers.

Page | 42
9. Are you a regular reader of blogs on Internet?

Yes 105

NO 109








Yes NO


Bloggers are the strong source that influence the consumers to buy or consume the
product. But somewhere some people are not that much following to the blogs on the
internet. Hence it has a 50% of ratio that affects the human behaviour.

Page | 43
10. For what purpose do you access digital platforms?

Writing Blogs 36

Viewing Online Ads 152

Interaction with Friends and Family 177

Seeking opinion of product and

service 146

Others 2

Page | 44



According to the research, 177 respondents’ access digital platforms for interacting
with the friends and family and then after for viewing online advertisements played on
different platforms. Some of the respondents i.e. 146 even access social platforms for having
a view of product or service that varies to the traditional platforms.

Page | 45
11. Do you agree that you have been accessing social media sites for seeking
opinions concerning products and services?

Strongly Disagree 4

Disagree 8

Neutral 60

Agree 98

Strongly Agree 44

Strongly Agree 44

Agree 98

Neutral 60

Disagree 8

Strongly Disagree 4

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Based upon the survey it is very much clear that majority of the respondents (202/214)
agree to the fact that they have been accessing social media sites for seeking opinion
regarding various products or services. This clearly shows the influence of social media and
digital media on the users .

Page | 46
12. Do you believe that advertising through digital and social media channels are
effective in comparison to traditional marketing?

Yes 192

NO 22

Page | 47
NO; 22

Yes; 192


192 Respondents believe that advertising through digital and social media channels is highly
effective compared to traditional methods of marketing.

Page | 48
13. Are you able to gain larger information on social media marketing comparison
to other channels?

Yes 133

No 27

Sometimes 54




Yes No Sometimes


Page | 49
According to the survey a total of 133 respondents accept that they are able to gain more
information on social media marketing when compared to other channels, while 53
respondents feel that sometimes. 27 Respondents disagree with the fact that they are able
to gain more information on social media marketing compared to other channels.

14. What are the reasons for shopping online through digital media?

Convinience 133

Availability of Extensive Information 131

Product Reviews 163

Sales/Offers 164

Others 1

Page | 50

Sales/Offers 164

Product Reviews 163

Availability of Extensive Information 131

Convinience 133

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180


In Context of the survey carried out, it lists out the various factors that motivates

people for shopping thorough digital platforms. Most of the repondants feel that online
mode of shopping feels convenient to them. It also helps them to gain extensive information
regarding a product or a service and then take their choice of decision. Respondents also
feel that due to the availability of product reviews, it becomes easy for them to study the
performance and reviews about the product. Majority of the repondants feel that it is the
offers and the discounts on online platforms that makes it more favourable when compared
to other modes of shopping.

Page | 51
15. Rate the following Parameters.

(As 1 says Highly Recommended and 5 says Least Recommended)

A. Convenience




50 46

20 16


1 2 3 4 5

Highly Recommended Rating Least Recommended


Respondents have a feeling of convenience while shopping through online platforms. The
delivery of the product at their doorstep is found to be very convenient in everyday life as it
saves a lot of time and efforts.

Page | 52
B. Availability of Extensive Information:




50 46

20 16


1 2 3 4 5

Highly Recommended Rating Least Recommended

Page | 53

Each and every customer wants a detailed information about the product they wish to
purchase. Therefore, through online portals it becomes very easy to fetch information

regarding a particular product or a service. Majority of the repondants believe that through
digital platforms it is easy to fetch extensive information about a product or a service.

C. Product Reviews:

Page | 54



50 46

20 16


1 2 3 4 5

Highly Recommended Rating Least Recommended


Product Reviews play a vital role while making purchase decisions. Therefore most of the
respondents also feel that availability of product reviews helps them study about the
product better and then take action.

Page | 55
D. Sales/Offers:




50 46

20 16


1 2 3 4 5

Highly Recommended Rating Least Recommended


Sales and offers on online/ Digital platforms play a key role for shopping on

online modes. Digital modes of shopping always provide good discounts and sales for the
customers when compared to other modes of shopping.

Page | 56
People always want products with their prices slashed or at a good rate. Therefore

digital modes of shopping provide consumers with huge discounts to attract more

16. How often have you clicked on digital media Ads to buy the product?

Extremely Often 24

Quite Often 73

Often 69

Slightly Often 40

Not at all 8
Page | 57
4% 11%



Extremely Often Quite Often Often

Slightly Often Not at all


According to the research it is evident that majority of the respondents (206/214) have been
through digital ads to purchase a product online . This shows the familiarity of digital modes
of shopping within people to purchase a product.

Page | 58
17. Do you think that digital media is an effective way to reach you as a customer?

Yes 203

NO 11





50 11

Yes NO


Page | 59
From this survey it is very clear 203 respondents out of 214 feels that digital media is an
effective way for shopping because of the various unique positive factors that it provides to
the customers upon their convenience.


According to the survey, Majority of the respondents are between the age of 21-25 and 26-
30 years. This shows that how much the youths are completely used to the different digital
and social media channels.

In our survey we have tried to find out the use of social media channels by our respondents
and determined that more than 80% of people access the social media channels Daily.

Page | 60
Comparing all the available social media channels, Instagram and Facebook are the most
desirable modes of social media which are very popular amongst the people today
compared to LinkedIn and Twitter.

Based upon the survey it was found that 193 respondents are familiar and aware about the
various social media marketing content and online advertisements.

According to our research 65% of the respondents believe that social media marketing has a
huge potential of affecting their behaviour.

It was found that Social Advertising sites, Social news, Media Sharing sites and blogs have
huge influence the people accessing social media channels.

In Context of the survey carried out, 62% of the respondents feel that online mode of
shopping feels convenient to them.40% of them feel to gain extensive information regarding
a product or a service

Respondents also feel that due to the availability of product reviews, it becomes easy for
them to study the performance and reviews about the product. 25% of the respondents feel
that the offers and discounts on online platforms are more favourable

It has a 50% of ratio that affects the human behaviour due to bloggers on the internet.

Based upon the survey we found that 82% of the respondents use digital platforms for
interaction with family and friends and 28% for viewing online advertisements and also
seeking an opinion about a product or a service.

It was analysed that majority of the respondents (202/214) agree to the fact that they have
been accessing social media sites for seeking opinion regarding various products or services.

90% of the respondents believe that advertising through digital and social media channels is
highly effective in comparison to traditional marketing.

According to the survey a total of 133 respondents accept that they are able to gain more
information on social media marketing when compared to other channels, while 54
respondents feel that sometimes. 27 Respondents disagree with the fact that they are able
to gain more information on social media marketing compared to other channels.

40% of the respondents also feel that availability of product reviews helps them study about
the product better.

Digital modes of shopping always provide good discounts and sales for the customers when
compared to other modes of shopping.

Page | 61
According to the research it is evident that majority of the respondents (206/214) have been
through digital ads to purchase a product online.

From this survey it is very clear that 94% of the respondents feel that digital media is an
effective way for shopping.


The study shows that the social interaction of individuals influences consumer attitude
towards a product or service. The research also provides some implications for managers.
This research has shown the key role of trust in e-commerce and social commerce. Building
and maintaining trust through social media for online vendors is the main managerial
implication of this study.

Research identified that satisfaction level of consumers is seen to be high with respect to
social media advertising undertaken by consumer, but still it could be seen that there are
particular group of individuals who disagrees to this aspect. It has also been found that
consumer has been undergoing online advertisement using social media marketing and this
states that business must carry out appropriate advertisement using such media channels. It
has also been identified that in the present era if business needs to influence the behaviour
of consumer towards their product and services then they have to carry out their
advertisement using social media channels.

Businesses should improve the social media usage and understand that the mass audience is
no longer sitting in front of a Television, but instead, in front of personal computers, smart
phones and any other device with Internet access, spending a good part of their time using
social media, and being exposed to its content

Limitations of the Research

Page | 62
1. The present study is based on the reliability of the primary data. The sample units
were selected from the population having multidimensional features of a large group.

2. Due to lack of enough time and matter of monetary, we have taken only limited area
for the study that is Ahmedabad of Gujarat State of India.

3. The study is based on the opinion of respondent (questionnaire) and these can be
bias. 4. The questionnaire might have excluded some important factor therefore the

and interpretation might be exhaustive.

5. The samples are selected at random basis.


A key issue for marketers currently is to understand how digital and social media are used in
the purchase decision process ,their influence on buyer behaviour, and their role as a
marketing tool. The results overall show that the classical model of decision-making is valid
in describing the decision process of consumers in this social media age.

Social media users found decision-making to be easier and enjoyed the process

more, when compared to those who used other information sources. They also had greater

confidence and satisfaction during the process. Those who perceived the

information on social media to be of higher quality and greater quantity than expectations
were more satisfied overall. This suggests that information overload did not reduce

Page | 63
satisfaction with social media.

Social media has enabled marketers to access and monitor consumer opinions on a

continual instant basis by listening-in and participating in online conversations, and

observing what people are discussing in blogs, forums and online communities. With such
vast information freely available on social media, it is up to businesses to harness it
positively to improve their product offerings, their customer relationship management, and
their profitability.

Recent advances on the internet and the development of social media have facilitated the

interconnectivity of consumers. Consumers have social interactions through social media

such as online forums, communities, ratings, reviews and recommendations. These
developments have introduced a new stream in e-commerce, called social commerce, which
empowers consumers to generate content and influence others. These interactions provide
different values for both business and consumers, indicating that social media increase the
level of trust in consumers and indirectly encourage intention to buy through social
networking sites.

The results of data analysis reveal that social media empower participants to generate

through online communities, reviews and recommendations. This research shows that

advancements in the internet along with social media have empowered customers.
Consumers are now content generators through social media. They share information and
experiences with other consumers and have easy access to one another’s information. This
is a value that can be useful for e-commerce adoption and social commerce intention.
Because consumer social interactions produce online social support, e-commerce adoption
is being promoted to establish trust and, consequently, users’ intention to buy.

Page | 64


1. Name: __________________________

2. Gender:

○ Male ○ Female
3. Age:

○ Below 20 years
○ 21 - 25
○ 26 - 30
○ 31- 35
○ 36 and above
4. Occupation:

○ Student
○ Job
○ Businessman
5. How frequently do you access social media channels?

○ Daily
○ Weekly
○ Monthly

Page | 65
○ Yearly
6. Which social media channels do you access the most?

□ Facebook
□ Linkdin
□ Instagram
□ Twitter
□ Other

7. Are you aware about social media marketing or online advertising?

○ Yes
○ No
8. Do you agree that social media marketing has the potential of affecting your

○ Strongly Disagree
○ Disagree
○ Neutral
○ Agree
○ Strongly Agree
9. For enhancing the effectiveness of social media marketing which source must be

□ Socail advertising sites

Page | 66
□ Social news
□ Media sharing sites
□ Blogs
10. Are you a regular reader of blogs on the internet?

○ Yes
○ No
11. For what purpose do you access digital platforms?

□ Writing blogs
□ Viewing online Advertisements
□ Interactions with friends and families
□ Seeking opinion of product and service
□ Other

12. Do you agree that you have been accessing social media sites for seeking opinions
concerning products and services?

○ Strongly disagree
○ Disagree
○ Neutral

Page | 67
○ Agree
○ Strongly agree
13. Do you believe that advertising thorough digital and social media channels are
effective in comparison to traditional advertising?

○ Yes
○ No
14. Are you able to gain larger information on social media marketing in comparison to
other channels?

○ Yes
○ No
○ Maybe
15. What are the reasons for shopping online through Digital media?

□ Convenience
□ Availability of Extensive information
□ Product reviews
□ Sales/Offers
□ Other
16. Rate the following Parameters. As 1 says Highly Recommended and 5 says Least

A. Convenience

1 2 3 4 5

Page | 68
Highly Recommended ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Least Recommended

B. Availability of Extensive information

1 2 3 4 5

Highly Recommended ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Least Recommended

C. Product Reviews

1 2 3 4 5

Highly Recommended ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Least Recommended

D. Sales/offer

1 2 3 4 5

Highly Recommended ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Least Recommended

17. How often have you clicked on digital media Ads to buy the product?

○ Extremely often
○ Quite often
○ Often
○ Slightly often
○ Not at all
18. Do you think that digital media is an effective way to reach you as a customer? *

Page | 69
○ Yes
○ No

Page | 70

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