Hydrogen Production With Nuclear
Hydrogen Production With Nuclear
Hydrogen Production With Nuclear
In todayʼs energy supply system, electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, and natural gas
serve as energy carriers. These energy carriers are made by the conversion of primary
energy sources, such as coal, petroleum, underground methane sources, and nuclear
energy, into an energy form that is easily transported and delivered in a usable form
to industrial, commercial, residential, and transportation end-users. The sustainable
energy supply system of the future features electricity and hydrogen as the dominant
energy carriers. Hydrogen would be produced from a very diverse base of primary
energy feedstocks using the resources and processes that are most economical or
consciously preferred. Hydrogen produced from off-peak nuclear generated electric-
ity could play an important role early in the transition to a hydrogen-based energy
economy. During off-peak hours, nuclear plants generate more electricity than is
needed to supply to the grid, and hence electricity is at its cheapest; this excess
electricity can be used to produce hydrogen. In the longer term, advanced nuclear
hydrogen production concepts still under development may offer additional opportu-
nities to meet large-scale hydrogen demands.
Energy Electricity produced from nuclear reactors High temperature heat from advanced gas-cooled
or nuclear waste heat nuclear reactors
Other Relatively minor emissions in the nuclear fuel cycle Relatively minor emissions in the nuclear fuel cycle
Challenge Improve hydrogen production efficiencies of current water- Utilize the high-temperature heat from advanced gas-
cooled light water reactors (LWRs) or advanced light water cooled nuclear reactor technology to split water into
reactors (ALWRs). Develop advanced high temperature hydrogen and oxygen.
reactors for high-temperature steam electrolysis.
The long-term storage of nuclear wastes is a major challenge facing nuclear energy.
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 specifies that radioactive waste will be
disposed of underground in a deep geologic national repository or stored in giant
steel-and-concrete casks. Significant scientific research and development (R&D)
needs to be done to satisfy long-term storage and safety requirements.
Interested in The siting of new nuclear reactors will present a serious challenge to developers and
Learning More? would include a lengthy approval process. Most U.S. nuclear plant sites were designed
to host four to six reactors and most of these sites have never been fully utilized.
Obtaining approvals for the development of new or existing facilities will represent a
U.S. Department of Energy
significant challenge in the development of nuclear hydrogen production capabilities.
Implications for the Transition to a Hydrogen Economy
Hydrogen Association Nuclear energy is a viable, primary energy source that offers the potential for
www.hydrogenassociation.org producing hydrogen through a process that is economical and produces relatively
minor emissions in the nuclear fuel cycle. Together, nuclear energy and hydrogen
U.S. Fuel Cell Council technology offer a potential solution to our energy security needs. A transition to a
hydrogen economy featuring nuclear energy may be one of the more economical
alternatives. In the future, high-temperature reactors will provide the necessary
energies to produce large-scale quantities of hydrogen via high-efficiency, high-
Partnership for the
temperature electrolysis or thermochemical water splitting cycles. DOE seeks to
Hydrogen Economy (IPHE)
www.iphe.net develop high- and ultra-high temperature thermochemical technology that produces
hydrogen in the long-term (2015) that is cost competitive with gasoline at refueling
stations or stationary power facilities. Overcoming negative public perception, long-
term storage, safety, and siting issues, and further demonstrations of advanced reactors
are needed to prove that producing hydrogen from nuclear energy processes is a viable
option for the future.
• World Nuclear Association. www.world-nuclear.org.
• Ryskamp, Dr. John M. Hydrogen Production from Nuclear Energy. Idaho National Engi-
neering and Environmental Laboratory. April 28, 2003.
• Committee on Alternatives and Strategies for Future Hydrogen Production and Use,
New York State
National Research Council. The Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities, Costs, Barriers, and
Energy Research and R&D Needs. Washington, D.C.: The National Academy Press. 2004.
Development Authority
• The National Energy Policy Development Group. Reliable, Affordable and Environmen-
17 Columbia Circle tally Sound Energy for Americaʼs Future. May 2001.
Albany, NY 12203-6399
• U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology. www.nuclear.gov.
toll free: 1-866-NYSERDA
local: (518) 862-1090 • Energy Information Administration. www.eia.doe.gov.
fax: (518) 862-1091
• U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. www.nrc.gov.