Modernization of Law in Ethiopia
Modernization of Law in Ethiopia
Modernization of Law in Ethiopia
OLL.B., Boston University; S.J.D. Candidate, Harvard; Research Fellow, Yale Law
i. For a brief discussion of possible influence exerted by various foreign laws,; most
notably French, see Vanderlinden, Civil Law and Common Law Influences in the De-
veloping Law of Ethiopia, 16 Buffalo L. Rev. 250 (1966).
2. The Fetha Nagast ("Law of the Kings") probably was originally drafted in Arabic
by Abu-I Fada'il Ibn al-Assal during the reign of Patriarch Cyrill III of Alexandria
(235-43) as a guide for Christians living in a Moslem society. The original Arabic
version is usually referred to as the Nomocanon. See Dib, Lequel des lbn al-'Assal est
l'auteur du Nomocanon?, 2o Revue de l'orient chr&ien 104 (1915-17). Ethiopian
tradition has it that the drafting was done by the 318 wise men of the Council of
Nicaea in 325 A.D. following the orders of Emperor Constantine. It is not clear when
the Fetha Nagast was first introduced into Ethiopia. Some estimates have placed the
event as early as the reign of the Emperor Zar'a Yakob (1434-68). Others have placed
it as late as the reign of the Emperor Eyasu I (1682-17o6). At any rate, it was trans-
lated into Ge'ez, the ancient language of the Coptic Church. Not until 1965 was a
complete Amharic version produced. An English translation, prepared under the auspices
of the Faculty of Law at Haile Selassie I University, was published in early 1969. An
annotated Italian version has been available since 1899. See I. Guidi, I1 Fetha Nagast
o "legislazione del Re" Codice ecclesiastico e Civili d'Abissinia, 2 vols. (1897 & 1899). See
also Graven, The Penal Code of the Empire of Ethiopia, i J. Eth. L. 267, 268-72 (1964).
All references to the Fetha Nagast are to the English edition, which the author saw in
page proofs.
The Fetha Nagast is divided into two sections: one dealing with religious matters,
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the other with secular matters. The religious section incorporates Old and New Testa-
ment sources, together with canons of the early Church councils held at Nicaea and
Antioch. A strong religious flavor permeates the secular section as well, though it is
based primarily on four books known as the "Canons of the Kings." The Fetha Nagast
was never regarded as binding law by the courts, but rather as a base from which an
equitable decision could be reached. By the mid-g5o's it was regarded as often out-
dated, and there is some question as to whether it was applied with any regularity.
See, e.g., Krzeczunowicz, A New Legislative Approach to Customary Law: The "Re-
peals" Provision of the Ethiopian Civil Code of z96o, i J. Eth. Studies 57, 58 (1963).
Nevertheless, the Fetha Nagast by its very nature had a higher status than customary
law. It represented the only "national law," applicable to Christians living throughout
the Empire, and was regarded as a compilation of great wisdom and venerableness.
Copies of the manuscript were scarce, though this fact was relatively unimportant in a
predominantly illiterate country. The "legal minority" had access to them. The Fetha
Nagast is still the canon law of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
3. Eth. Rev. Const. arts. 126, 127.
4. The Christian population is basically Amharic-speaking. While Amharic is the
official language of the Empire, government publications also appear in English.
5. The government has now placed a major emphasis on communication and education.
A fourth highway program, costing some $73 million dollars, has recently been com-
menced to provide additional all-weather roads to many of the more remote areas of
the Empire. A crash program of elementary school building in the rural areas has been
sponsored by the Swedish Government, which matches locally raised funds and has
invested $84 million.
/ Modernizationin Ethiopia 75
other "developing" countries will then be made, and the article will
proceed to give a detailed contrast of the old and new law, concen-
trating-for reasons of appropriateness and of brevity- on some
aspects of family law. Along the way, lessons concerning the pre-
requisites of successful modernization will be developed, and these
will be amplified in a concluding section.'
6. Existing written materials on the development of the Ethiopian legal system are
few (and often unsatisfactory) and extremely difficult to obtain. For a general intro-
duction to the literature on Ethiopian law, see Vanderlinden, An Introduction to the
Sources of Ethiopian Law with an Outline of a Bibliography, 3 J. Eth. L. 227 (1966).
The author depended upon field research done while he was a member of the Faculty of
Law, Haile Selassie I University (1964-68) to gain" the information concerning the tra-
ditional law of the Empire discussed herein. A variety of methods were used. Research
among the people of Arussi Province, mainly the Arussi Galla, Amhara, and Shoa
Galla (the Gallas are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, constituting some 40 percent
of the total population), followed the typical interview technique, with a total of over
130 people being interviewed. Research among the Cambata 'was carried out after
selecting a part of the tribal domain that was thought to be representative of where
pure tribal law was being applied. The author and an Ethiopian university student from
this area moved into the home of the Wassera Omoshogoro clan judge, Ato Grebre
Mikacl. In addition to permitting us to attend sessions of his court, he facilitated
the interviewing of some seventy persons, including elders of the tribe. This interviewing
employed a panel discussion technique. Research papers obtained from the archives of
two mission schools located in the area proved extremely valuable as a secondary source
of information.
Among the Gurage research was carried out with still another modification. A former
student of the Faculty of Law who was the son of the chief of the Izia (one of the seven
houses of Gurage) conducted interviews with elders of this house and others knowl-
edgeable in Gurage law. The author's role was limited to taping the interviews. This
process continued over a period of two years; some seventy-five persons were ultimately
contacted. Throughout this article certain secondary sources are cited in relation to
various aspects of customary law to enable the reader to pursue further research. Most
of the author's conclusions, however, stem directly from his field research.
7. The annexed areas were made up of predominantly Muslim and pagan tribal
groups. By x9o5, the Empire's geographical boundaries were as they are today. For a
concise and accurate history, see A. Jones and E. Munroe, A History of Ethiopia (2d
ed. 1954).
8. Including a Council of Ministers, with ten men holding ministerial rank accord-
ing to function: Justice, Defense, Interior, Commerce, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Agri-
culture, Archives, Public Works, and the Palace. In 1911, the Ministry of Posts and
Telegraphs was created. For discussion of this political institutionalization, see 2 G.
Selassi6, Chronique du rfgne de Mn~lik II, roi des rois d'Ethiopie 523-30 (1930);
M. B. Wolde-Meskel, Zikre Neger (1949).
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9.In the traditional hierarchy, there were four officials who performed governmental
functions together with the Emperor. The Afe Negus (discussed in text infra) was the
legal officer and general spokesman for the Emperor. The first Fitawrariof the Em-
pire was the military officer who would assume command of the armed forces in
times of war or other military expeditions. He combined the roles of Minister of De-
fense, Chief of Staff, and Field Commander. The Tshafi Taezaz ("writer of orders")
was keeper of the Imperial Seal and Chief of the Treasury. The fourth official was
the Ligaba, who was charged with the transmission of Imperial orders to the public
and the arrangement of all audiences with the Emperor. All these titles still exist in
Ethiopia. The Ligaba performs his traditional functions; the Tshafi Taezaz is now
Minister of the Pen, in charge of the Royal Archives and responsibile for the issuance
of Imperial Orders; the Ale Negus is Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The designa-
tion of Fitawrarihas lost considerable meaning; it is now merely a respected title given
to a senior government official.
so. The wombars never "rode circuit." And the Ale Negus retained thestatus of
presiding judge; difficult matters could be referred to him by the wombars.
ii. During Menelik's later days, he did not give judgments himself. Ras Tafari
Makonnen, heir to the throne (appointed regent in z916, now Emperor Haile Selassie I),
acted as his representative. Cf. 2 G. Selassi6, stupra note 6, at 533 n.i9. The Fird Mirmera
(examiner of judgments) still exists and screens all cases that are appealed to the Emperor
in Chilot. Before the case finally reaches the Chilot, another body, the Sebre Semi, will
study the file and prepare an advisory opinion for the Emperor. Finally, an oral argu-
ment will be held before the Emperor, who will then issue a final judgment. The Em-
peror's judgment does not have to be based on the positive law and can be made according
to equity and good conscience. For a general historical treatment of the institution of
Chilot, see Sedler, The Chilot Jurisdiction of the Emperor of Ethiopia: A Legal Analysis
in Historicaland Comparative Perspective, 8 J. Afr. L. 59 (1964). See also Sedler, The
/ Moderniztion in Ethiopia
Development of Legal Systems: The Ethiopian Experience, 53 Iowa L. Rev. 562, 618
n.261 (1967).
2. See A. Zervos, L'Empire d'Ethiopie 273 (1936).
13. On the basis of the only known listing made of the provinces and their adminis-
tration, statistics have been compiled. Of the thirty-eight provinces into which the
Empire was divided, thirty were completely administered by Amharas. One province
was split into two parts; half was administered by the Amhara governor and the other
half administered by the traditional chief, who was a Christian Galla. Four other
provinces were administered by the traditional authority figure. These provincial chiefs
were also very -powerful nationally. One, for example, was the grandson of a former
Emperor. Only one of these traditional leaders was not a Christian. In three provinces,
all minor ones, the governor was not stated. It can be assumed that the governors in
these areas were Amhara. Id. at 319-411. The reports of Zervos cover the period just
prior to the Italian occupation of 1935. It is assumed that the situation had not sub-
stantially changed in the thirty years that intervened since the consolidation by Menelik
14. Cf. Sedler, Development of Legal Systems, supra note ii, at 61-12.
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15. The procedure used in drafting the Constitution has been related by the (then)
Minister of Finance, Bejirond Tekle Hawariat. The Minister felt that a Constitution was
needed and, after convincing the Emperor, was ordered to draft it himself. He con.
sulted the constitutions of other nations, provided by the diplomatic and consular lega-
tions that were located at that time in Addis Ababa. His prepared draft, apparently
inspired in part by the Japanese Constitution, was submitted to major noblemen of
the country for discussion and approval, before being issued. For a full discussion of
this area, see J. Paul & C. Clapham, Ethiopian Constitutional Development 320 et seq.
(1967). See also C. Clapham, Haile Selassie's Government 192-95 (1969); M. Perham,
The Government of Ethiopia 95 (ad ed. 1969).
x6. Most of the detailed drafting of the Revised Constitution was done by three
American legal advisors working under the direction of Mr. J. H. Spencer, who in turn
worked closely with Ethiopian officials. The first draft, dated February 2, 1954 and
written in English, was translated into Amharic and submitted for review and revision
to the Emperor, leaders of the church, the nobility, and officials. The document was
finally promulgated twenty-one months after the first draft had been completed. Not
unnaturally, it is in some respects similar to the American Constitution. For a detailed
analysis of this process, see C. Clapham, supra note 15, at x96; J. Paul & C. Clapham,
supra note 15, at 387-88.
17. Speech of April 14, 1961, reprinted in Selected Speeches of his Imperial Majesty
Haile Selassie I 411 (1967).
/ Modernization in Ethiopia
form enforcement of the law.' It has been said that this Code was
merely a codification of the principles of the Fetha Nagast, which
would now be applied by government law enforcement officers equally
to all persons within the Empire. 9 While the Fetha Nagast was
clearly one source of the Code, it also contained principles of modern
codes. In sum, the 193o Penal Code seemed delicately to balance
both traditional and modern aspects of the criminal law. It lasted,
with frequent amplification,20 until the Revised Constitution was
drafted, containing principles that had to be coordinated in a more
modern code of penal law.
One final phase of revision occurred prior to the sweeping modern-
ization program of 1954. After the Italian occupation (1935-41) ended,
numerous changes in the system of the administration of justice were
made. For the first time, a full court system was officially established.
Courts were now locatMd in all political subdivisions of the Empire,
with a High Supreme Court in Addis Ababa capping the system.2 '
Judges were dispatched to as many of the newly established courts as
possible; where no judges were available, the governors acted in that
capacity.2 2 In spite of (or perhaps because of) all this activity, little
attention was still paid to substantive law: very few laws were pro-
mulgated after 19412 The stage was now set for the 1954 modern-
ization program.
A. The Plan
Late in 1953, a decision was made to reform and codify the laws of
the Empire. The Emperor later stated:
The necessity of resolutely pursuing Our programme of social
advancement and integration in the larger world community
S.. make[s] inevitable the closer integration of the legal system
of Ethiopia with those of other countries with whom we have
cultural, commercial and maritime connections....
To that end We have personally directed the search for the out-
standing jurists of the continent of Europe to bring to Us the
best that centuries of development in allied and compatible sys-
tems of law have to offer....
Law of July 22, 1930. See generally A. Zervos, supra note 12, passim. The Nationality
Law wai to be replaced by provisions incorporated into the Civil Code. This was not
done, however, and the 1930 law still regulates nationality in the Empire. See Sedler,
Nationality, Domicile and the Personal Law in Ethiopia, 2 J. Eth. L. 161 (1965).
24. Eth. Herald, March 27, 1954, at 3, col. I.
25. The experts and the codes that they were charged with were as follows: Rene
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David, Professor of Comparative Law of the University of Paris-The Civil and Civil
Procedure Codes; Professor Jean Graven of the University of Geneva-The Penal and
Criminal Procedure Codes; Professor Jean Escarra of the University of Paris-The
Commercial and Maritime Codes.
26. Members of the Commission were appointed by an internal circular sent from
the Minister of Justice, who also served as Chairman of the Commission. Certain per-
sons were named because they held specific governmental posts, such as the Chief
Justice. The other positions were appointive. When one of the members left the
Commission and a new person was appointed, the appointment was made in the same
manner- by internal circular. The appointments were never made public. In fact,
the only public reference that has been discovered mentioning the codification work
were the speeches delivered at the ceremonies officially inaugurating the Commission.
See Eth. Herald, March 27, 1954, at 3, col. x. These were made by the Emperor, the
Minister of Justice, and Professor Escarra. No names were mentioned in any of the
speeches. A picture also appeared in the same issue of the Herald, captioned, "The
Ethiopian Codification Commission Meets the Emperor." No faces can be distinguished
in this photograph.
27. The term "experts" will be used to refer to the principal drafters of the codes,
following Ethiopian practice in this regard.
28. The following codes were promulgated as a result of the Codification Commis-
sion's work: the Penal Code of 1957, the Civil Code of i96o, the Commercial Code
of 596o, the Maritime Code of Ig6o, and the Criminal Procedure Code of ig6x. The
last was completed by Sir Charles Matthew of England. The draft of the Commercial
Code was completed, after the death of Professor Escarra, by Professor Alfred Jauffret
of the University of Aix-Marseilles. The Civil Procedure Code was originally part of the
task that Professor David undertook, but it was finally drafted by members of the
Codification Department of the Ministry of Justice under the leadership of the late
Ato Nirayo Ensayas, Vice-Minister of Justice, and was promulgated by Decree in 1965.
All other codes appeared in the form of a Proclamation. For the distinction between
these two types of legislation, see Eth. Rev. Const. arts. 86-92; K. Redden, The Legal
System of Ethiopia ch. 3 (1968).
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mission was essential, as too little time had been allotted to hope that
the foreign experts would additionally become familiar with the
diverse rules of Ethiopian customary law 9
As to why the Emperor chose continental Europeans to draft the
laws, a number of reasons may be suggested. One function of the
experts was to counteract the growing influence of English values in
Ethiopia occurring after "Liberation" from the Italian occupation °
Also of undoubted significance was the Emperor's desire for a clear,
systematic, compact, complete, and authoritative statement of the law
- within a very limited period of time - which would aid in broaden-
ing Ethiopians' comprehension of their law. 1 Presumably, he felt that
a code system would meet these requirements, and that experts trained
in the common law tradition would be less suited for drafting the
law in code form. It must also be recalled that the European codifica-
tions- starting with the Prussian codification of 1794 and continuing
with the French of 18o4, the Austrian of i8ii, Italian of 1865, Spanish
of 1889, German of 9oo, and Swiss of 1911 - served at first as patterns
for unifying the laws of these nations; 2 Ethiopia, too, was thinking of
the new law as a unifying force. Finally, one may assume that the
Emperor, who had been trained in the French tradition and who
speaks French as his second language, was disposed toward working
with persons conversant with the tradition with which he was most
familiar. Perhaps, indeed, the controlling element in the choice of
29. It is dear, however, that Professor David did read all or most of the available
published works on the Ethiopian legal system. He has cited, for example, the works
of the leading Italian scholars Conti Rossini and Ostini, who had done work on the
traditional system, and the work of Marein on the modern system. See generally David,
A Civil Code for Ethiopia: Considerationson the Codification of the Civil Law in African
Countries,37 Tul. L. Rev. 187 (1963).
30. Id. at 192. During the occupation, the Emperor spent his exile in England, more
or less forced to do so by the threat of war in continental Europe; and he later retook the
Empire with the aid of Commonwealth soldiers. English then became the European
language of communication. Also, a treaty was concluded in January 1942 between
Ethiopia and Great Britain, permitting a number of British citizens to take up provincial
administrative and judicial positions. Eth. No. i Cmnd. 6334 (1942). The text may be
found in M. Perham, supra note 15, app. I. With the British so involved, the Emperor
was put under pressure to accept their influence, including replacing French with English
as the European language of communication. One result was that, whereas Ethiopian
laws had been issued in French prior to a935, all laws were now published in the official
gazette in Amharic and English.
3r. Cf. Vanderlinden, supra note x, at 259. It should also be noted that the Fetha
Nagast had distant connections with the Roman legal tradition.
32. See Lipstein, Conclusions, 9 Int'l Soc. Sci. Bull. 70, 72 (U.N.E.S.C.O. 1957);
Hahlo, And Save Us From Codification, 77 S. Mr. L.J. 432 (i96o).
z97o / Modernizationin Ethiopia
avant-projet (first draft) of the Civil Code could not have expected
to work with the Fetha Nagast as his only base.38 Moreover, the
Emperor had specifically declared "that Ethiopia should endeavour
to adopt and adapt the best that other legal traditions have to offer,"
while also maintaining that local custom was not to be eliminated
from consideration. It must be emphasized, however, that the inclu-
sion of consistent custom would have been particularly difficult. Varia-
tions in custom from location to location were of such a basic nature
that it would have been almost impossible substantially to unify the
law on that basis. 39 Furthermore, except for some of the rules found in
Eritrea, custom had not been formally recorded. Even the Ethiopian
members of the Commission were familiar only with the law of their
own communities.4 ° Finally, even if the customary law could have
been used overall to any meaningful degree, any choice would have
necessarily been arbitrary, 41 as the time schedule established for the
drafting did not permit the development of a comprehensive restate-
2. The DraftingProcess. After a general meeting of the Commission
(on April 2, 1954), which reviewed Professor David's general con-
ception of the civil codification, the expert then retired to the privacy
of his workroom, located in Paris, to do the actual drafting. A codi-
fication process normally (though here, of course, the expert 'was
also to employ foreign laws already codified) involves two distinct
procedures: consolidation and codification. First, all available sources
of the law have to be gathered in order to be evaluated for pos-
sible inclusion. The usual sources are doctrinal writings, court de-
cisions, or legislative enactments. Few works, however, had been
38. Substantively, and as an academic matter, it would have been possible for him
to do so, had he desired: the Fetha Nagast represented as complete a body of civil laws
as any of the recent European civil codes.
39. The variation was usually on a tribal basis, but one could even find differences
within tribes. See Popisil, Legal Levels and Multiplidty of Legal Systems, as J. Conflict
Res. 2 (x967). In Eritrea, for example, among the members of the Tigrinia-speaking
people, the customary law varied according to geographic locations. Village adminis-
trative centers had simply grown up and administered the law separately. For a com-
plete discussion of traditional legal institutions in Eritrea, see C. Conti Rossini, Principi
di Diritto Consuetudinario dcll'Eritrea (gi96).
40. Moreover, the Ethiopian commissioners were entirely Amhara Christians. Thus,
even if their customary practices could have been described with facility, a large part
of Ethiopia would not have been considered.
41. In fact, we will see a good example of this in the discussion concerning divorce,
pp. io-2o infra, where the rules included in the Code were based almost exclusively on
i970 / Modernization in Ethiopia
42. Prior to 1955, the only publications that existed on Ethiopian law were N. Marein,
supra note 2o; J. Auberson, Etude sur le r~gime juridique des 1trangers en Ethiopie
(1936); I. Guidi, supra note 2; and a number of -books on Eritrean customary law.
There were also several traveler's accounts that discussed the judicial system. These
descriptions were usually superficial, as well as conflicting. See, e.g., 2 M. Parkyns,
Life in Abyssinia 2oo (854). C. Walker, The Abyssinian at Home (1935) is an
anthropological study that describes the everyday conversations of an Ethiopian peasant.
The fact that approximately one-quarter of this manuscript deals with law supports the
view that the law was one of the more important aspects of an Ethiopian's daily life.
Unlike the practice in other societies, it was not unusual for a party to a dispute to
have counsel when appearing before the village elders. Given the importance of law,
it is confusing that more was not written on the Ethiopian law by Ethiopians them-
43. Parliament was first instituted under the 1931 Constitution. Valuable materials
have been gathered on this body. See, e.g., J. Paul & C. Clapham, supra note xS;
C. Clapham, supra note 1S; Markakis & Beyene, RepresentativeInstitutions in the Political
Systems of Developing Societies: The Case of Ethiopia, 5 J. Mod. Afr. Studies 193 (1967).
Very few pieces of legislation have emanated from Parliament.
44. A substantial number (7,296) of case summaries were prepared by the Ministry
of Justice, on the order of the Emperor, to guide the Commission. They were all done
in Amharic. Professor David did ask, apparently to no avail, that this body of juris-
prudence be translated into French for his use as well as for the benefit of the other
foreigners sitting on the Commission. Rapport de M. le Professeur Ren! David sur
la conception ginirale de la codification envisagie, les rapports entre J'expert et la
Commission, et la m thode de l'expert, 4 Doc. Civ. C. 3 (April 12, 1954). Recently,
the Faculty of Law of Haile Selassie I University has undertaken an English translation.
It is not clear exactly what the sources for these case summaries were. Since they
were compiled from the -archives of the Ministry of Justice, the pre-194i judgments
were probably those of the wombars, who rendered appeal decisions in the palace com-
pound. The only judges that existed in the provincial areas were the governors, and
even had some of their decisions been written, they would not have been recorded in
the archives of the Ministry of Justice - the governors were part of the Ministry of
Interior. The post-1941 decisions probably also included those rendered by Amharic-
speaking judges in Addis Ababa. It is quite certain that the decisions of foreign judges
were not consulted; nor is it likely that the archives of provincial courts were referred to.
Informatioh is also lacking as to what law was used in rendering these decisions.
Presumably, many of the judgments represented interpretations of the Fetha Nagast.
A brief analysis that the author has made of a number of sample judgments confirms
this view, which in turn raises the question of whether the judgments were chosen
because they represented interpretations of the Fetha Nagast or whether a random
sample of the archives was chosen regardless of the source of the law and it so hap-
pened that members of the judiciary generally referred to the Fetha Nagast in handing
down decisions (certainly, the Fetha Nagast was most important in the High Courts and
in Chilot). Moreover, one may question how much use the Commission made of these
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common law, but the basic French work of doctrine by R. Rodicre on civil responsi-
bility, La responsibilit civile, published in 1952. David, Administrative Contracts in
the Ethiopian Civil Code, 4 J. Eth. L. 143, 145 (1967).
52. Id. at 144. Economic considerations were paramount; most notably, it was hoped
that systematized rules in this regard would help to attract foreign capital.
53. Nor, for that matter, were any changes made by Parliament in title IlI, Bodies
Corporate and Property with a Specific Destination, title X, Registers of Immovable
Property, title XIV, Agency, and title XX, Compromise and Arbitral Submission. See iM.
at 146 n.x2.
54. Eth. Herald, supra note 24.
55. David, supra note 37, at 504. The author informs us that especially in the area
of obligations the provisions of the codes of these five countries were gathered together
in order to complement each other.
56. Id. at 505.
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/ Modernization in Ethiopia
61. Commentators have generally missed the point with regard to this rule. See,
e.g., Sedler, Development of Legal Systems, supra note xi, at 582. The expert himself
was misled by the Codification Commission. See David, supra note 37, at 501.
62. The Fetha Nagast is clear on this matter: the wife was entitled to a share.
If a husband or a wife dies without having written a will, and does not have a
natural heir among either his ascendents, his descendents, or his collaterals, then
the husband is entitled to all the wife's property, and similarly the wife is entitled
to her husband's roperty. At the end of his collection, the Patriarch Abba Gabriel
has said: "Ifthere is a wife who has children, she shall be counted as one of them,
because Didascalia has said: 'Give the orphans the property of their parents and
the widows the property of their husbands.'" This statement says to give the
inheritance of the deceased to his children and to his wife. If no distinction is made
[in the amount] to be given to each, thiy will all be equal. And also, if one of the
married pair dies and leaves heirs other than his wife, but has no children to
succeed him, it is customary that half of the property which he left go to his wife
and the other half to those who are entitled to inherit."
Fetha Nagast 237-8.
63. The members of the Commission were all male and presumably still regarded
the woman's position as inferior. Alternatively, perhaps, the Commission may not have
been advising the expert on the Fetha Nagast, but on the general customary law. Yet,
as we have noted, the basic thrust of the Commission's advice in the areas of Family
Law and Successions was to incorporate the concepts of the Fetha Nagast into the Code.
It is unlikely that an about-face would have been made on as important an issue as
the surviving spouse's intestate share.
/ Modernization in Ethiopia
64. The judges, notably those in Addis Ababa, were often foreign, mostly British;
but whether foreign or not, individual judges had tended to apply the rules and tech-
niques of law with which they were most familiar. Moreover, at this time Ethiopia
had no institution for legal training. A number of courses were instituted by the
Ministry of Justice for the education of judges. These programs were conducted by a
group of Eastern European lawyers who were working in foreign advisory positions.
Unfortunately, the instruction was carried out in English, which eliminated a majority
of the judges from participation. In the middle nineteen-fifties, the first wave of Ethio-
pian University graduates had been sent abroad for legal training. Thus, there were
no competent Amharic speakers to undertake training. Haile Selassie I University's
Faculty of Law was founded in 1963. Now a number of extension courses have been
opened, with instruction in the Amharic Language, catering to persons involved in the
administration of justice, such as judges, prosecutors, and parliamentarians. See gen-
erally Singer, History of the Faculty of Law, Haile Selassie I University, i Balance &
Sword 22 (Addis Ababa z967); Singer, Legal Education at Haile Selaissie I University,
2 Balance & Sword 41 (1968); Sedler, Development of Legal Systems, supra note ii,
at 629 et seq.
65. The exposi des motifs of title IV, Bonds of Relationship by Consanguinity and
Affinity. R. David, Le Droit de la famille dans le code civil 6thiopien, app. I (1967).
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C. Conclusion
At the time of this writing, the Code has been in effect for some nine
years. Most observers feel that it has not been applied outside the
High and Supreme Courts. This proposition may or may not be true;
apparently, no one has researched the question of whether the Code is
actually being applied and, if it is, of how its articles are being inter-
preted. One conclusion is clear: foreign materials are not being cited
in abundance. 6 It is not too early for scholars to start reviewing court
archives to determine the extent and manner in which the Civil Code
has embedded itself in the legal system. Then, and only then, will one
be able to evaluate whether modernization has been, as the Emperor
hoped, "the crowning achievement of Our life as a monument for those
generations that are waiting impatiently on the threshold of existence." 7
We have now seen how the Ethiopian government went about mod-
ernizing the civil law of the Empire. It would be helpful for purposes
of evaluating the probable effectiveness of that approach to view the
Ethiopian process in a comparative perspective. Two modernizations
have been chosen for comparison. The first, Turkey's, is the outstand-
ing example of wholesale reception of western law; and the second,
Kenya's, represents a rational program for the reform of family law.
66. The only known post-Code judgment that cites foreign law is Matmalingo$ v.
Zapala & Camusa Co., Civil Appeal 97/57, March 6, 5966, in which the vice-A/e Negus
in discussing the limits of employer liability cites "Planiol, English Translation," as a
treatise representing French law, and "Halsbury, Laws of England, 3 ed.," as represent-
ing the common law, in an attempt to determine which of two diverse interpretations
of the Civil Code's provisions is correct. Ethiopia does not have a case reporting system.
See Sedler, Development of Legal Systems, stepa note ii, at 629 n.310. (The Negarit
Gazeta is only a legislative, executive and administrative law reporter.) This decision is
on file in the library of the Faculty of Law, Haile Selassie I University.
67. Eth. Herald, supra note 24.
/ Modernization in Ethiopia
68. This represented a major departure from classical Islamic conceptions. See Ham-
son, Introduction to Symposium on the Reception of Foreign Laws in Turkey, 9 Int'l
Soc. Sci. Bull. 7, 9 (U.N.E.S.C.O. 1957).
69. See Velidedeoglu, The Reception of the Swiss Civil Code in Turkey, 9 Int'l Soc.
Sci. Bull. 6o, 61 (U.N.E.S.C.O. 1957).
70. Id.
71. Kubali, Modernization and Secularization as Determining Factors in Reception
in Turkey, 9 Int'l Soc. Sci. Bull. 65, 67 (U.N.E.S.C.O. 1957).
72. A number of laws were passed prior to the major reception of Swiss law which
began the trend. On April 8. 1924, the Islamic courts were replaced by ordinary civil
courts. November 25, 1925, marked the date of the legislation prohibiting the wearing
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. ii
of the Fez, considered a religious symbol. On September 2o, 1925, religious institutions
such as monasteries and friaries were suppressed. For a full treatment of the activities
of reform under Ataturk, see Sauser-Hall, La Riception des droits europeens en Turquie,
in Recucil des travaux- Facult6 de Droit de Gen~ve 325, 329 (1938).
73. Esat had risen in Ataturk's ranks as chief of guerrilla operations in the war with
Greece. Along with that of some twenty other "Lausannois," his influence was decisive.
See id.; Hamson, The Istanbul Conference of September 1955: Preliminary Report,
6 Annales de ]a Facult6 de Droit dIstanbul 3, 8 (1956).
74. Omitted as irrelevant were provisions concerning the relationships of the Can-:
tons. Additionally, a number of minor changes were incorporated. Some typical ex-
amples follow: (s) the age of majority was made eighteen and not twenty; (2) the
minimum age of marriage was reduced to eighteen from twenty for a male and to
seventeen from eighteen for a female; (3) the Turkish woman does not lose her nation-
ality by marrying a foreigner; (4) divorce for desertion can be decreed after three
months, not two years; (5) a minor can testify at fifteen; the Swiss Code says at
eighteen. For further discussion, see Sauser-Hall, supra note 72, at 349-50.
75. See Velidedeoglu, supra note 69, at 62.
1970 / Modernization in Ethiopia
and its going into effect, judges were little able to study the new legis-
lation, and undesirable practices arose. Moreover, the assumption that
the new law responded to the needs of Turkish society was incorrect,
and many interpretations developed which allowed the old, customary
values of the society to be perpetuated.V ' A follow-up study done before
a 1955 Conference of the International Committee of Comparative
Law 77 produced results that are not at all surprising. The replies to
a questionnaire circulated to all governors working under the Ministry
of Interior indicated that, following promulgation of the Civil Code,
the number of irregular unions and illegitimate births had risen
sharply. Another inquiry, carried out by the Ministry of Justice, re-
vealed that of the 937 articles of the Civil Code only 335 had been
involved in litigation since the Code's adoption.
Alternative courses remain open to the Turks. One is that the Code
be amended to take into consideration the actual social values of the
nation, with a new code built realistically around the norms of the
society. The other course would be to embark on a grass roots program
of social reform to develop more effectively the institutions of a western-
styled society. It must be acknowledged, in either event, that changes
in attitudes and values must accompany formal westernization.
76. See Belgesay, Social, Economic and Technical Difficulties Experienced as a Result
of the Receptions of Foreign Law, 9 Int'l Soc. Sci. Bull. 49 (U.N.E.S.C.O. i957).
77. See Hamson, supra note 73.
78. See Ulken, The New Civil Code and the Traditional Customary Law, 9 Int'l
Soc. Sci. Bull. 51, 51-52 (U.N.E.S.C.O. 1957).
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. zz
79. Commission on the Law of Marriage and Divorce, Report IV (Nairobi, x968)
[hereinafter cited as Kenyan Report IV].
8o. Quoted in E. Cotran, Restatement of African Law, Kenya: Marriage and Divorce
8 (1968) (emphasis added).
81. The Commission's procedure is discussed in Kenyan Report IV paras. x-5. How
many questionnaires were sent out is not indicated.
82. The -product of that research has recently been published as the first volume in
the Restatement of African Law series, under the general editorship of Professor Allott
of the University of London; E. Cotran, supra note 8o.
197o / Modernization in Ethiopia
C. Ethiopia Contrasted
The primary difference, between the Ethiopian and Turkish processes
is to be found in the basic purpose for modernization. Turkey was
attempting to change its national identity from a feudal Empire to a
viable, modern European-type state. To accomplish this, its institu-
tions were radically altered. In Ethiopia, the intention was to create
a modern nation based as much as possible (though not exclusively)
on the existing norms of the society. A second contrast is that the task
of the Ethiopian codification was to create a unified system out of a
pluralistic one, whereas the Turks already had a unified system and
were attempting to change only the basic substantive nature, not the
structure, of that system.
Much of the actual processes undertaken in the two countries was
similar. In both a form of secrecy prevailed; the substantive changes
were not made known to the public until they had become faits accom-
plis. Moreover, in each instance, the decision to modernize had been
made at the highest level, with little or no general consultation; these
decisions were political - both countries lacked a modern western
aspect in their laws and considered this stigmatizing and unprogres-
In other respects, the Ethiopian process followed the Turkish ex-
ample but added further development. While the Turks engaged
just a committee of translators, in Ethiopia, though one of the primary
duties of the Codification Commission was to translate, it also had the
duty to review the work handed in by the expert in order to ascertain
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. xi
83. The African concept of marriage has differed markedly in certain respects from
that found in Western society. In Cotran, The Changing Nature of African Marriage,
in Family Law in Asia and Africa 15-33 (J. Anderson ed. 1968), seven basic differ-
ences are noted:
x. Polygamy has been generally accepted in Africa. The number of wives that a
man married was presumably directly related to and limited only by his economic
wealth. Only Islam restricted the number of wives to four. Christian sects, of course,
practiced monogamy.
2. The marriage has been regarded as an alliance between the families of the
spouses. The families negotiate the marriage and any agreement that is part of it;
no marriage can take place unless the families consent.
3. Many African marriages are burdened with complex formalities which can take
as long as several months. This often leads to difficulties in determining when the
marriage has actually taken place.
4. There is usually a provision for the payment of property, commonly referred
to as "brideprice," to the family of the bride.
5. In general, procreation has been emphasized as the end of marriage, and the
ability of a woman to conceive takes on special importance.
6. The woman has usually been considered socially inferior to the husband.
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. zz
Our analysis of the results brought about by this process will include
three aspects of family law: the marriage ceremony, conditions of a
valid marriage, and divorce. We will focus on marriage ceremonies,
because here an attempt was made to include three diverse forms:
civil, religious, and customary. Conditions necessary to a valid mar-
riage will be considered to ascertain the effect of imposing European-
style conditions on longstanding concepts of customary marriage.
Finally, we will deal with divorce, because the Code provisions here
are much closer than elsewhere to the customary law, yet, at the
same time, they are obviously written to satisfy the needs of a Euro-
peanized society.
A. Conclusion of Marriage
In dealing with the marital union, an apparent concession was made
by the codifiers: religious, civil, and customary forms of marriage were
all formally recognized,8" bringing into the Code all the forms one
would normally find approved elsewhere. But, though all forms of
7. A marriage can be more easily dissolved. One does not usually find that
grounds of fault have to be cited; nor does there have to be a judicial decree. The
dissolution is usually controlled by the families of the spouses. When there is a
question as to whether a marriage should continue, there is usually a reconciliation
proceeding first.
See also Survey of African Marriage and Family Life (A. Philips ed. 1953). Cl. Regina
v. Amkeyo, 7 E. Afr. P.L. Rep. 14 (E. Afr. Ct. App. 1917):
In my opinion, the use of the word "marriage" to describe the relationship entered
into by an African native with a woman of his tribe according to tribal custom is a
misnomer which has led in the past to considerable confusion of ideas. I know of
no word that correctly describes it; "wifepurchase" is not altogether satisfactory,
but it comes much closer to the idea than that of "marriage" as generally under-
stood among civilized peoples.
84. The Ethiopian Civil Code states:
Art. 577. Various kinds of marriages.
i. Marriages may be contracted before an officer of civil status.
2. Marriages contracted according to the religion of the parties or to local cus-
tom shall also be valid under this Code.
Art. 578. Civil marriage.
A civil marriage shall take place when a man and a woman have appeared be-
fore the officer of civil status for the purpose of contracting marriage and the officer
of civil status has received their respective consent.
Art. 579. Religious marriage.
A religious marriage shall take place when a man and a woman have performed
such acts or rites as are deemed to constitute a valid marriage by their religion or
the religion of one of them.
Art. 58o. Marriageaccording to custom.
A customary marriage shall take place when a man and a woman perform such
rites as constitute a permanent union between such man and 'woman under the
rules of the community to which they belong or to which one of them belongs.
Z970 / Modernization in Ethiopia ioi
by the bride's father -separately, first to the bride, then to the groom,
and finally to the two of them - all stressing mutual responsibility
and kindness, the mother of the bride throws thr berries of a sweet
fruit onto the fire. When the berries burst with a loud crack, the
mother calls out, "the berries have spoken - the ceremony is finished."89
The marriage is sanctified when the berries burst.
The ceremony among the Gurage is somewhat different. It again
takes place in the house of the bride, and her father plays the prin-
cipal role. After extensive feasting and drinking, the father of the
bride presents his daughter to the bridegroom. He makes a short
speech on the meaning of marriage and announces that his daughter
is to be given to the groom. He blesses the girl alone first and then
both of them together. They then leave with a group of young friends
who sing and dance around them until they reach their new residence,
located in the vicinity of the house belonging to the bridegroom's
father. The point at which the Gurage bride and groom become
spouses is less clear than that of the Arussi Galla. Since there is nothing
in the ceremony which specifically can be taken as the sanctification of
the marriage, one would have to look to the ceremony as a whole in
order to find some validating element.
In the urban setting of Addis Ababa or Asmara, the marriage "cere-
mony" may take two forms. The first may, be considered closer to
the western concept of an irregular union -the boy meets the girl,..
he has sexual relations with her, she becomes pregnant, and they set
up a household. This is usually envisaged as a permanent relationship,
and, if a "divorce" is sought, the parties will go through the same
procedure as though all the special formalities of a valid civil or reli-
gious marriage had been satisfied. But it would be unusual for the
courts to recognize this form of marriage as valid.90 One would have
to argue that the relationship becomes a marriage when there is an
openly declared intention exhibited by the parties to remain perma-
nently together, and when they openly declare themselves to be hus-
only to this single form of marriage (Kurban), a second form of religious marriage has
developed (Teklil) that does not involve taking the Eucharist. The latter marriage is
more easily dissolvable. The former, however, can also be dissolved. Fetha Nagait
148-54. See Shewan Ghizaw Ingida Worq. v. Nigatu Yimcr, reported in 3 J. Eth.
L. 390 (1966).
89. See generally Wakefield, Marriage Customs of the Southern Galla, x8 Folklore
39 (19o7).
go. The Code (arts. 7o8-2x) recognizes an irregular union, and this "marriage"
would more likely come under those provisions.
1970 / Modernization in Ethiopia
95. The Kenyan Commission thought that dowry should continue to ilay an im-
portant part in the African conception of marriage, but only as a social custom. That
is, the validity of the marriage (or divorce) should not depend on the giving (or re-
turn) of dowry. The amount of the dowry, the Commission agreed, should be strictly
a matter for negotiation between the families involved, unregulated by law. Kenyan
Report IV.
92. It should be noted, however, that legitimacy or illegitimacy does not affect suc-
cession rights. Eth. Civ. Code art. 836(1).
93. Sce Eth. Civ. Code arts. 581-96.
94. The Kenyan Commission was anxious that marriages entered into in good faith
should not be invalid in law. While it was felt that certain grave matters should make
the ceremony a nullity ab initio and others should enable a party to seek annulment
in the courts, mere formal defects-such as lack of notice or irregularity in the cere-
mony-should not affect the validity of a marriage. Kenyan Report IV.
95. Eth. Civ. Code art. 58x(i).
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. iz
96. Id. art. 581(2). The Kenyan Commission recommended that a minimum age
for marriage be sixteen for girls and eighteen for men. In special circumstances, the
court may lower these ages, but never below fourteen. Kenyan Report IV.
97. The age of twenty applies to the sons of wealthy families, presumed to be learned
enough at that age. The age of twenty-five applies to the poor and unlearned young
men. The same reasoning applies to the ages given for women. See I. Guidi, supra
note 2, at 239.
98. Eth. Civ. Code art. 607(2); Eth. Penal Code art. 614. It is an intentional offende
to conceal from a spouse a fact that would annul or invalidate the marriage on grounds
specified by the civil law. Legal proceedings cannot be instituted, however, unless the
marriage has been annulled. Likewise, the person who solemnizes the marriage is
1970 / Modernization in Ethiopia
the practice at this time. He did add, however, that many more people
in the district had been accepting the notion of education and even
allowing their female children to enroll in the local government school.
He felt that the educational process would help change the practice
whereby children marry at puberty.
There is certainly some substance to the view held by the elder.
Since universal education has yet to be introduced and much of the
Empire is still too isolated to know the integral workings of the Civil
Code, the age condition for marriage will be meaningless for some
time to come; those tribes that are entirely rural will continue *to
apply their own standards.
2. Exogamous Limitations. The Civil Code prohibits marriage be-
tween persons related by consanguinity or affinity. 9 The extent of
regulated consanguinity is from a common ancestor seven generations
back from each prospective partner - "fourteen degrees."1 ' The re-
stricted extent of affinity runs along a direct line between a person and
the ascendants and descendants of his spouse, and between the person
and the collaterals of his spouse, but there only to the third degree.'0l
Before examining the predictable effect of these provisions, it should
be noted how the original prescriptions of the expert were altered.
The original draft of article 555 stated that the bond of affinity would
in the collateral line cease to have legal effect if the union which created
it were dissolved. While the Codification Commission accepted this
punishable if he intentionally allows his office to be used while knowing of the con-
cealment or fact withheld. id. art. 6s 5 . No criminal prosecution has been discovered
involving either of these Penal Code articles.
99. I.e., by a common blood ancestor or by a common marital linking. Eth. Civ.
Code arts. 582, 583.
ioo. Id. art. 55.(x). The different language versions of the Code here do not agree.
The French says (the writer's translation): "The degree of consanguinity is calculated,
in the collateral line, by counting the generations up to the common ancestor, tnd by
adding to it the number of generations which separate the common ancestor from the
person with whom one wishes to establish the relationship of consanguinity." The
French version continues, in article 551(2), to state that "relationship by consanguinity
has no effect beyond the seventh degree." The English (and, Amharic) version is dif-
ferent. There it is established that the relationship of consanguinity exists by counting
seven generations in each line from the common ancestor (with the same calculation
technique employed as in the French version). This seems to mean that the relation-
ship of consanguinity exists up to the fourteenth degree (calculated by adding the gen-
erations from one person to the common ancestor to the number of generations from
that ancestor to the other person-seven generations in each direction equals fourteen
degrees allowed). Article 551(2) substantiates this view by using the word generation
instead of degree ("Relation by consanguinity shall be of no effect beyond the seventh
sos. Id. art. 553.
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. rr
5o2. The provisions of the Fetha Nagast are much more detailed in prohibiting
marriage between related persons; the relationship of consanguinity exists between
ascendants, descendants, and collaterals. Nor does the blood relationship have to arise
out of a lawful marriage. Fetha Nagast 134. It is unclear, however, whether con-
sanguinity prohibits marriage up to and including the third degree, or up to and
including the sixth. See id. 134-35. Relationship by affinity prohibits marriage when
it is direct, i.e., between the ascendants and descendants of the spouse, and when in die
collateral line up to and including the third degree.
A number of variants exist in the customary law. Cambata law allows marriage to
take place only between the children of unrelated clans. The law does not regulate
relationship by affinity. Among the Gurage, there is also no problem complying with
the degrees established by the Code. Marriage represents kinship ties that link two
segments of otherwise unrelated clans. See W. Shack, The Gurage: A People of the
Ensete Culture 120 (1967). In the north of the Empire, the same rule would seem to
apply: it is impossible legally to marry within the same clan. In Hamasien, Eritrea,
where land is held communally, it is forbidden to marry among the conjugal families
owning land in common. C. Conti Rossini, supra note 39, at 2o5. Among the urban
population, the practice varies according to the person's status. As the population of
Addis Ababa is a polyglot mixture representing most tribal groups of the Empire, much
tribal intermarriage takes place. Those among the Amhara aristocracy would generally
follow the prescriptions of the Fetha Nagast. Especially among the educated, the marital
partner would not likely be one with whom either an affinal or consanguinous relation-
ship would exist. Those among the lower status groups, who retain to a large extent
their tribal identity, would more than likely try to match their child with a person
having the same tribal affiliation. It is in this group that the marriage prohibitions be-
come most meaningful in the urban context. As there may be only one segment of the
tribe which has immigrated to Addis Ababa, in order to marry off a child it might be
necessary to marry with a person related by consanguinity or affinity.
103. This is a practice whereby the brother of the deceased will marry the widow and
bring up her children. In Ethiopia the practice of levirate can generally be found among
those tribes that have a rigid clan structure. At the time of the marriage, the bride
leaves her father's clan permanently. Any duty of maintenance and care must be pro.
vided by the husband or the members of his clan (usually, the duty will fall to the
extended family). Those tribal groups which practice levirate are Gurage and Cambata.
The practice is also found in certain areas of Christian Ethiopia, the source being the
Old Testament. J. Trimingham, supra note 35, at 29.
/ Modernization in Ethiopia
bers whose law allows marriage by persons related closer than seven
degrees, though tribes like the Gurage or Cambata, which prohibit
marriage by persons of the same clan, will not be affected. Two other
Code provisions, however, could interfere with the latter's existing
customs - the prescription of marriages among collaterals who are
related by affinity closer than the third degree; and the requirement
that the bond of affinity continue notwithstanding termination of the
marriage that created the bond. The former acts to forbid the Cambata
practice of allowing a brother to marry the sister of his brother's wife.
More significantly, the latter prevents the levirate, which is a very im-
portant part of the social pattern of some rural tribes; and to undercut
it is to undermine a basic value. That part of the Code represents an-
other instance where the desire for incorporation of western-style values
has created a conflict between the Code provisions and social reality.
3. Monogamy versus Polygamy. Article 585 of the Code is short and
explicit: "A person may not contract marriage so long as he is bound
by the bonds of a preceding marriage." Thus, Ethiopia is to be a
monogamous country.'0 4 It is clear that Christian ethical values have
been incorporated into the Code at this point; an attempt to make a
concession for the polygamous Muslims did not come to fruition1 5
Polygamy, of course, has long existed in the Empire. Both Muslim
and customary law recognize it. And one can find polygamy in Chris-
tian communities as well, though this is in violation of the Fetha
Nagast.' That polygamy which is sanctioned by customary law is,
104. Compare the conclusion reached by the Kenyan Commission that, though it
considered polygamy undesirable and thought that any justification for it that there
may have been in the past was now gone, it did not recommend that polygamy be
abolished by law. Social and economic forces, it believed, would cause polygamy to
die out. Kenyan Report IV.
xo5.In the drafting of the Civil Code, an attempt was made to respect the legal
provisions of the Koran, to satisfy the large minority of Ethiopian Muslims: title XXII
was drafted for chapter III, which contained "special dispositions for Muslims." These
thirty-three articles were, however, never included in the Code. See R. David, supra
note 65, at 5. Title XXII was presented to the Codification Commission during the final
stage of the Codification process. The Ministry of Justice was occupied with Parliamen-
tary hearings dealing with another Code, and the translation services of the Ministry were
hurriedly trying to prepare the Civil Code for submission to Parliament. Apparently,
the decision not to include the title was made on the basis of a tight schedule; the
Civil Code was supposed to appear at the same time as the Commercial Code.
io6. "A man shall not have two wives, for this pleasure and the contracting of many
marriages serve to gratify concupiscence and not to beget offspring as God ordered."
Fetha Nagast 144. Even in Christian Ethiopia, however, custom often recognized polyg-
amy. For example, an already married man would often, by inheritance, marry his
brother's widow. C. Conti Rossini, supra note 39, at 189. Although as far back as 1543
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. zi
the Emperor Galawdewos formally prohibited marriage to two women, one can find
references throughout the Royal Chronicles ("Queens of the right" and "Queens of the
left") that indicate that the Emperor himself, who was also the representative of the
church, was polygamous. Id. at 19o. Moreover, the courts themselves seemed to have
tolerated polygamy among the Christian community. See Book of Old Judgments, No.
5608, at I129; No. 18, at 4; No. 21, at 5; No. 4, at i.
107. This is true throughout the world. See J. Anderson, Islamic Law in the
Modern World ch. 5 (1959); Anderson, The Future of Islamic Law in BitLsh Com-
monwealth Territories in Africa, 27 Law & Contemp. Prob. 617 (x962).
xo8. See W. Shack, supra note 102, at 67.
io9. There is some disagreement as to the extent and reasons for polygamy among
the Arussi. See Wakefield, supra note 89, at 323; J. Trimingham, supra note 35, at
208; D. Azais & R. Chambard, Cinq ann&s de recherches arch ologiques en Ethiopie
212 (193'); C. Harris, The Highlands of Ethiopia iii (1844).
izo. In general, among the tribal leaders one still finds polygamy widely practiced;
the leaders are able to maintain the economic strength to keep equal homesteads for
several wives.
iii. The Penal Code, in article 616, recognizes the offense of bigamy. Article 617
the "Exception to Bigamy," states that the article allowing the prosecution of bigamy
"shall not apply in cases where polygamy is recognized under Civil law in conformity
with tradition or moral usage." This exception now is relatively meaningless, as there
is no exception under the Civil Code: Ethiopia is formally monogamous. At the time
of the Penal Code's drafting, it was envisaged that an exception would be incorporated
into the Civil Code that would allow then polygamous persons to continue the practice.
i97o / Modernization in Ethiopia
consent to exist only when both the spouses and their parents or guard-
12 3
ians consent. '1
The Civil Code provides that, as in any other contract, the parties
(spouses) must give their personal consent to the marriage.114 Repre-
sentation is not allowed, unless the party to the marriage is a minor."
Consent is vitiated by violence or an error of substance." 6 The parallel
between the Code and the Fetha Nagast is clear. The divergence from
custom is equally clear. Under the customary law of the Amhara and
112-13. Fetha Nagast 142. The father cannot force his son to marry should the latter
wish to'live a life of celibacy (chastity is not, however, linked to the Ethiopian clergy,
who may marry). If the son has lived "dissolute[ly]," however, he must obey the com-
mand of his father to marry. Id. at 141. Once the son has consented to marry and the
father has presented to the future bride her wedding outfit, the son may not then
refuse. Likewise, if the father decides to give his daughter (or his granddaughter) in
marriage and he has presented her with a wedding outfit, her refusal means that she will
be disinherited. Id. at 141. Like the Code, the Fetha Nagast has provisions providing for
the vitiation of consent through the use of violence and errors of substance. An example
of an error of substance would be a mistake as to another's religion (under the Fetha
Nagast, a Christian may marry a non-Christian woman, provided that she embraces
his faith, id. at 144). Another example would be any impediment to the carnal union
discovered only after marriage. At the age of twenty-five the male no longer needs
parental or guardian consent. A woman who has attained the age of twenty-five may
dispose of herself as she wishes. Id. at 143. But if she is not independent of her
family and her parents do not consent to her marriage, she must ask the courts for a
judicial order recognizing her ability to marry. Her parents must then provide her
with a marriage outfit in accordance with their means. Id. at 141. See also Book of
Old Judgments, No. 5626, at 1134.
114 , Eth. Civ. Code art. 586(1). The Kenyan Commission recommended that no
marriage be considered valid unless both parties enter into it of their own free will.
They also recommended that parental consent be required up to the age of twenty-one,
though for other purposes the age of majority was to be eighteen. Kenyan Report IV.
115. Eth. Civ. Code arts. 587, 309(1), 562.
i6. Id. arts. 589, 590. The Code carefully defines what is meant by violence in
article 589(2): a threat of grave and imminent evil to oneself or family. The evil may
be moral or material. See Buhagiar, Marriage Under the Civil Code of Ethiopia, x J.
Eth. L. 73, 74 (1964). Consent is not vitiated where it is prompted by reverential
feeling towards an ascendant (father or grandfather) or a person standing in loeo
parentis. Eth. Civ. Code art. 589(3). Apparently, however, belief that an evil spirit
will strike a person down should he disobey an order to marry does vitiate consent.
Errors of substance include: (a) an error as to the identity of the spouse; (b) an
error as to his religion; and (c) an error regarding his state of health. Id. art. 59!.
The provision on error of identity is clear: it refers to physical identity and not a
personality defect, social status, or financial means. An error of religion vitiates con-
sent only when the religion of the spouse is different from that of the person who has
made the error. For example, if a Christian marries a Christian, though believing she
is a Muslim, consent is not vitiated. The vitiation of consent in matters concerning the
state of health occurs only when the spouse, believed to be healthy, is suffering from
leprosy or where the organs necessary for the consummation of the marriage are not
present. The expert's draft of article 591 merely provided for the mistake of physical
identity and specifically eliminated errors of religion, nationality, and race, state of
health, physical and moral characteristics, and judical record. The Codification Com-
mission amended the avant projet to its present form. R. David, supra note 65, at 57-
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. ii
the Galla, the spouse will not be consulted. The parent will arrange
the marriage, and the child is expected to obey and generally does.""
(The penalty for disobedience is usually disinheritance.) It is unlikely
that this norm will change rapidly. Requiring affirmative consent by
the parties to the marriage imposes a burden that many are not ready
to accept. Even within the educated class, there is a general depen-
dence on the approval of the parents before active steps are taken to
enter into the marital relationship.
In sum, this particular Code provision ignores reality. It would seem
important for stabilizing marital unions to take cognizance of how
they are actually conceived. One would expect, at the least, a set of
alternatives which would allow the marriage to take place validly
without the articulated consent of the spouses; acquiescence to the
wishes of the parents could be enough. This would merely be recog-
nizing a social reality of the most basic nature.
C. Divorce
.r. Matrimonial Causes. It should be noted at the outset that celebra-
tion of marriage recognized under one of the three forms does not
control the manner in which it is dissolved."' All marriages are dis-
solved similarly. The Code makes a distinction between fault and non-
fault, or between "serious and other causes."' " There are four serious
causes: adultery,' 2 0 desertion,' lunacy,' and annulment of a reli-
gious marriage. 2 Each of these causes must be proven by the petition-
157. See Y. Heroui, Code and Customs in Ethiopia 9 (1969) (unpublished manuscript
in author's possession). Infrequently, the child will ask some of the elders of the com-
munity to intercede for him and persuade his father against the marriage.
xs8. Eth. Civ. Code art. 662. The Kenyan Commission recommended that divorce
should be obtained only by decree of a court. There should be no divorce by consent
and no divorce at all unless there has first been an attempt at reconciliation by a
responsible body. The parties should be allowed to choose their own tribunal, such as
a church council or council of elders, or go before a marriage tribunal set up by law.
There would be only one ground for divorce- that the marriage had broken down
beyond all hope of repair-and the court would have to decide this matter after con-
sidering all the circumstances. Matters such as adultery or cruelty would be relevant as
evidence, as would the pronouncement of talaqs in a Muslim household. Kenyan Re-
port IV.
519. Eth. Civ. Code arts. 667, 668-671, 673.
120. Id. art. 669(r).
121. Id. art. 669(2).
122. Id. art. 670(a).
123. Id. art. 671. There has been a dispute over the applications of this article.
See Shewan Ghizaw Ingida Worq v. Nigatu Yimer, reported in 3 J. Eth. L. 390 (1966).
This dispute has centered on the continued authority of the Christian Church to handle
i97o / Modernizationin Ethiopia III
disputes in religious marriages. The Code is clear: divorce is decreed uniformly, re-
gardless of the form of marriage. Eth. Civ. Code art. 662. Those close to the Church
hierarchy claim that the power to deal with material disputes lies exclusively with the
church, the Code articles to the contrary notwithstanding. For a discussion of the
position taken by the government on this matter, see Singer, Dissolution of Religious
Marriagesin Ethiopia,4 J. Eth. L. 205 (1967).
124. It is clear that the Fetha Nagast is not simply referring to divorce proceedings.
Many of the causes contained therein refer to annulment, though no distinction is made
between that and divorce. It should be noted that causes which impede the marriage
union from being validated are also discussed in the sections on dissolution. An im-
pediment to the carnal union is one example. It appears that there was no concept of
annulment when the Fetha Nagast was first drafted; the early provisions regulated only
causes for divorce.
125. Fetha Nagast 148.
126. Id.
127. Id. at 149.
128. Id. at 137. If the male is unable to perform the carnal union because of a
mental impediment, he must stay with his wife for a period of three years after his
first attempt, and if at the .end of the period he is still incapable, the wife and her
relatives are permitted to dissolve the union. Id. at 149. If the man finds the woman
lacking some necessary sexual element, after the marriage is performed, he informs her
of this and reports the matter to a member of the clergy. This priest shall have the
power to dissolve the marriage, allowing the man but forbidding the woman to re-
marry. Id. at 150. If the husband, however, was aware of her condition before he
consented to marry her and then attempts to perform the union, he shall be reproached
for his action. The marriage will be dissolved and the husband prevented from re-
marrying, unless it is feared that he would then do further "shameful acts." Id.
129. Id. at 149. There is considerable confusion with regard to the Fetha Nagast
provisions concerning adultery. In particular, it is not entirely clear whether a single
act of adultery by the husband will give rise to a cause for divorce. Probably, the wife
may petition only if the husband persists in the practice. In the Fetha Nagast, a woman's
act of adultery consists of drinking with another man against the wishes of her hus-
band, or bathing, joking, going to a "hunting place" (a place where the devil lays
snares to involve people in sin), or going to any gathering while her husband is absent.
Spending the night out of her home in another house is also regarded as adulterous. Id.
at 152.
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. ix
130 32
"violence,' desertion,13 ' and "sickness.'
Customary law in general outlines no specific matrimonial causes.
In certain customary systems, fault must be alleged and proved to
show breakdown, and certain reconciliation attempts are usually obliga-
tory. Often, the husband's mere allegation of adultery is sufficient to
terminate the marriage. The treatment of adultery in systems depen-
dent upon customary law is premised on the idea of male superiority.
If the wife commits an extra-marital sexual act, the husband can peti-
tion for divorce and send her back to her parents; but the same cause
raised by the wife can at best lead to a small indemnity that the hus-
band must make to her. 33 A wife usually will not even petition for
a divorce on the basis of her husband's alleged adultery. 8 4 This atti-
tude is presumably attributable to the general acceptance of polygamy.
Infertility is also an accepted cause for dissolution, as the procreation
function of marriage is not being lulfilled.
In the northern areas, where the majority of the population is Chris-
tian, matrimonial causes not necessarily congruent with those of the'
130. "Violence" includes physical injury, long lasting quarrels, or a scheme against
the life of the other. If either of the spouses plans to harm the other, or knows that
certain individuals are planning to harm the other and fails to alert him, the marriage
can be dissolved. In addition, if the husband connives to cause his wife to commit
adultery but does not succeed, on the testimony of witnesses she can leave him. Id. at
153. Longstanding enmity generally means that a serious rift has developed between
the families of the two spouses.
131. Id. Desertion includes situations where there is no news from or about an
absent husband for a period lasting five years because of his imprisonment or capture
by an enemy during a period of warfare. Id. at i5.
132. "Sickness" refers to the wife's being "thrown to the earth by the devil," id. at
151- that is, she is possessed by a spirit. Although one finds persons "possessed by
spirits" throughout Ethiopia, they have not generally been accepted positively by Chris-
tians. The usual Christian referent to a spirit is Zar, connoting a possession by the
devil. For a thorough discussion of the Zar Cult, see Messing, Group Therapy and Social
Status in the Zar Cult of Ethiopia, 6o Am. Anthropologist 1520 (1958), reprinted in
Magic, Witchcraft and Curing (J. Middleton ed. 1967). If this condition existed be-
fore the marriage was entered into and was kept secret from the husband, he can have
the marriage dissolved. Fetha Nagast 55o. If the husband himself is afflicted with the
condition after marriage, the wife must learn to understand and have patience. Id.
Should the wife contract this condition from her husband, however, he may divorce her
unless it has arisen after they have "cohabited . . . for a long time." Id. If the wife is
afflicted with leprosy or sores after the marriage, the husband may petition for a divorce.
Id. If the leprosy existed before the marriage and the non-afflicted spouse was unaware
of its existence, the marriage can be dissolved. Dissolution in the case of leprosy is
never mandatory and is always left to the discretion of the non-afflicted spouse. For
most of the other matrimonial causes the language of the Fetha Nagast is mandatory:
there is no alternative to dissolving the marriage, because of the wrong that has taken
133. See C. Conti Rossini, Historia Regis Sarsa Dengal (Melak Saged) 267 (French
Text 1907) 267.
134. See W. Shack, supra note io2, at 125.
/ Modernization in Ethiopia
Fetha Nagast exist. For example, dissolution could take place simply
because, after a stated period of time, the marriage had not been con-
summated;13 5 this would be in addition to non-consummation because
of a physical or mental defect. Moreover, if the husband at the time
of the marriage thought that his wife was a virgin and then found
that she was not, he could usually petition for a divorce.
In the urban setting, the dissolution of a non-religious marriage
has not been considered very serious. Presumably, the decline in social
importance accorded to the extended family created by the marital
bond has influenced this view. Emphasis now rests on the conjugal
unit, with the conclusion that only two people's lives are affected by
the dissolution. In the rural areas, on the other hand, the families of
both spouses are very much involved in the status of the marriage.
There are, of course, other reasons for the urban-rural contrast. For
example, in the urban metropolis, it is not unusual for a marriage to
break down following the birth of a child, if the husband assumes a
secondary role in the life of his spouse and perhaps starts spending his
spare time with prostitutes. 36 If a relationship with a prostitute
becomes a regular matter, then the wife may petition for divorce. But
it is unusual for the wife to cite adultery as a cause for divorce unless
full desertion is involved. Relationships with prostitutes often coexist
with married life, as a sort of substitute for polygamy in the urban
With regard to the Code's recognition of the norms prevalent
throughout the society, one can be more optimistic here than else-
where. The double standard of fault and non-fault indicates that the
divorce laws of the various systems have been left intact. -The non-fault
cause is clearly more important in this respect. For example, the claim
that the bride was not a virgin may be a special cause for divorce
which is not generally accepted elsewhere. As long as the cause is
responsible for the breakdown of the marriage, however, it suffices
135. C. Conti Rossini, stepra note 133, at 263.
136. There are a large number of prostitutes in Addis Ababa. Informal estimates have
suggested that there may be as many as one for every ten or twelve inhabitants in the
city. The population of Addis Ababa is approximately 643,000.
137. Many regular customers are married men, who frequently speak of their spouses
in affectionate terms and do not seem to be indulging in extra-marital sexual experiences
because they are unhappily married. Nor do the wives seem to mind, at least at first.
In fact, the practice seems almost a part of the marital relationship. The explanation
seems to be that both male and female expectations concerning polygamy have survived
the transfer to the urban setting, though the economic pressures on the male have con-
siderably increased. After the birth of a child, however, this sort of marital relationship
will often decline and terminate in divorce.
HarvardInternationalLaw journal / Vol. Yz
under the Code. The test is subjective: could the petitioner refuse
reconciliation on the basis of his claim? Under certain systems of
customary law, this is enough, and the Code also affords it recognition.
There is some room for development under the new system. For
example, whereas the wife does not have the status to petition under
the traditional system, the Code does not restrict the wife to this posi-
tion of inferiority. There will not necessarily be an immediate change
in practice, but the possibility is there, and, once the new notions of
status have become accepted, the probability also.
2. The Divorce Process. In many legal systems, a separate juris-
diction has been set up for family matters, and this is also true in
Ethiopia. The drafter of the Civil Code felt, however, that additional
courts for handling matters of family law would not be feasible, as
the necessary additional personnel would not be available. 38 Instead,
a system of family arbitrators has been authorized. These arbitrators,
who have the responsibility for hearing divorce petitions and making
the final dispositions, very nearly constitute the institutionalization of
traditional dispute-settling mechanisms. We shall first turn to the
provisions of the Code to see how family arbitration functions.
When marital difficulties arise, each spouse appoints the witnesses
to the marriage as. arbitrators 13 If the witnesses are not available,
any other person may be appointed with the approval of both spouses.'
If the petitioner for the divorce alleges and then proves that a serious
cause exists, the arbitrators must decree the divorce within one month
of the petition date 141 If the petition alleges only marital breakdown,
the arbitrators perform a somewhat different function; their primary
duty then is to attempt to reconcile the parties and make them re-
nounce the petition' 42 To this end, the arbitrators may prescribe any
measure which they deem necessary. 143 Since the arbitrators usually
are close friends of the spouses, they have a substantial interest in per-
forming their function to the best interests of the parties whom they
144. There is a one-year period during which the arbitrators can attempt the recon-
ciliation. If the parties are not reconciled at the end of this period, a divorce must be
decreed. Id. art. 678(I). If it is obvious that no reconciliation will be forthcoming,
the arbitrators do not have to wait one year. The period can, however, be extended to
five years by an agreement made by the parties either before or after the celebration of
the marriage. Id. art. 678(2). The spouses could thus agree to a time-extension when the
petition for divorce was filed. This would support the basic premise underlying this
section of the Code, that all attempts should be made to keep as many marriages
together as possible.
If reconciliation has not taken place by the end of a year, the arbitrators will decree
a divorce and regulate the consequences thereof. Specifically, they must give direction
regarding the custody and maintenance of the minor children (the custody of children
is regulated by articles 681-82; Western notions prevail, and the emphasis is on the
"best interests" of the child; see R. David, supra note 65, at 6i) and make whatever pro-
visions are necessary for the liquidation of relations existing between the spouses. The
arbitrators may give two judgments. The first would simply be for the purpose of
decreeing the divorce. In the event that the one-year period may not leave adequate time
for the discussions of the property settlement, the arbitrators are given an additional
six months to deal with the consequences of the divorce; this will be dealt with in a sup-
plementary judgment.
145. Eth. Civ. Code art. 729.
146. Id. art. 735.
147. Id. art. 734.
148. Id. arts. 736, 737.
149. Fetha Nagast 152.
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. ii
158. Id. art. 694(). This article was inserted by the Commission.
159. Id. art. 695(3).
16o. The general thrust of the Fetha Nagast is to return to the wife anything that
she brought with her from her father's house. Unless she is at fault, she is also awarded
the dowry and her clothing (outfits). As for the produce of the cattle or sheep (in-
cluding wool) that she has brought into the marriage, or offspring from the men and
women slaves, they are to be shared equally by the spouses. Fetha Nagast iso. In the
case of adultery by the wife, the husband takes double the dowry and presents given
her before the marriage; if there are no children, he takes a one-third share of her prop-
erty; but if there are children the one-third share is kept for them. Id. at xs.
161. Id. at 155-54.
/ Modernization in Ethiopia
settlement included part of his own personal property. Under the more
impersonal workings of the Code, however, a vindictive husband
could take advantage of the technicalities therein and leave his wife
without sufficient means.
164. The suggestion was made above that Continentals were chosen, at least in part,
to counteract English legal influence. Cf. Allott, The Future of African Law, in African
Law: Adaptation and Development 216 (H. Kuper & L. Kuper eds. 1965). Again, this
aspect should not be overemphasized; the continental approach guaranteed greater speed
and at least the illusion of greater certainty.
165. This is not to say that Professor David was not conversant with Ethiopian law,
see note 29 supra. The matter is one of degree, and especially where the law involved
is predominantly customary, the need for native guidance is clear. Of course, it may be
questioned just how far the Ethiopian government wanted the Code to harmonize with
previous custom. And it should be remembered that the starting point in many instances
was to be the Fetha Nagast.
166. This is not to say that the decision made by the Ethiopian government to mod-
ernize its laws immediately is free from criticism. From a rational point of view, it is
difficult to sympathize with the frantic pace employed. Perhaps, the most questionable
result of this pace was the omission entirely of sections designed to harmonize the Code
with Muslim law. See note 105 supra.
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. zz
167. In relation to both points, it should be noted that the majority of the work
carried out by the Commission was done by a smaller sub-group of leading jurists and
officials from the Ministry of Justice. See Graven, (upra note 2, at 28; David, supra note
29, at 280.
168. Cf. Krzeczunowicz, supra note 2, at 59.
/ Modernization in Ethiopia 123
x69. In Schiller, The Changes and Adjustments Which Should Be Brought to the
Present Legal Systems of the Countries of Africa To Permit Them To Respond More
Effectively to the New Requirements of the Development of the Countries,in Les aspects
jutidiques du d~veloppement &onomique '99 (A. Tune ed. 1966), the Civil Code of
Ethiopia is referred to as an example of "fantasy law" (law that results when the tra-
ditional system of law is ignored in the process of introducing new statutes). He states,
"[a]dmittedly, the [Civil Code of Ethiopia] has no relation to the Fetha Nagast, the
customary compilations of the highland peoples of northern Ethiopia, the customary law
of the other peoples of the Empire, the Islamic law, or the few legislative enactments
which were earlier promulgated." Id. As we have seen, certain aspects both of the
Fetha Nagast and customary law were respected if not incorporated in family law pro-
visions, most notably with regard to marriage ceremonies and divorce. Undoubtedly,
Professor Schiller's statement is true in part but as a helpful generalization it is less
than satisfactory. Specific provisions of the Code must be studied to determine their
source. Cf. Rheinstein, Problems of Law in the New Nations of Africa, in Old Societies
and New States 225 (C. Geertz ed. 1963).
170. Ironically, perhaps, with the many economic self-help projects now springing
up all over the Empire, a new consciousness of tribal background has arisen.
17oa. Religious values, for example, cannot be ignored. Conflicting Muslim values
are a case in point. The community property concepts incorporated into the Code clash
with the individual property-holding patterns of the Shari'a law. Article 658, for ex-
aniple, requires joint signatures of the spouses when immovable property is being
offered as security for a loan. The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia is now faced with the
dilemma of requiring the large number of Muslim merchants to cosign documents of
security with their wives or forgo the opportunity of receiving the loan. As the Muslim
does not adhere to the principle of community property and his wife (or wives) is not
accorded the requisite status to become a signatory, he has, in general, refused to
cooperate. The Bank, knowing that much of the economic activity of, the Empire is
controlled by Muslim business interests, is not particularly enamored with this aspect of
171. Customary courts should not be allowed to operate in the major cities, where it
should be easy (and hence desirable) to encourage a strong identification with the new
HarvardInternationalLaw Journal / Vol. zz
172. Today, the "system' of, customary institutions still deals with the vast majority
of all legal disputes that arise in the Empire. For a discussion of the current status of the
Shar'a courts, for example, see Singer, The Status of Shari'a Law in Ethiopia, in Legal
Dualism (J. Giliesen ed. 1970); Sedler, Development of Legal Systems, supra note 11,
at 6o5. The continued existence (without formal recognition) of the old institutions in
post-Code Ethiopia does not really pose an immediate problem. They help to soften the
impact of the new laws. Moreover, if all litigation were to be brought to the govern.
mental courts as they now exist, the system would immediately break down. There seems
to be some feeling that the perpetuation of the traditional institutions thus performs a
beneficial function for the government by preventing a strain that it could not now bear.
The manning of courts by qualified jurists is certainly a pressing problem. The proposal
stated in the text assumes that government courts will be set up only where trained
judges would be available. A system of priorities would have to be established, creating
courts in those locations where it is felt that the new law would have an immediate
impact. Extension of the courts into the more rural areas would take place only when
personnel were available (and, of course, the necessary level of development reached). In
addition, the development of a legal profession that the creation of new courts heralds
is itself a political question of no small importance. Historically, lawyers have been a
check to the powers of government whenever the profession has been highly developed.
The extent of public education in the law, of course, often has the same effect.
173. Cf. E. Ginsburg & H. Smith, Manpower Strategy for Developing Countries:
Lessons for Ethiopia z6 (1967); M. Perham, supra note 12, at xix; Assefa, The Edu.
cational Framework of Economic Development in Ethiopia, xx Eth. Observer 1 (1968).
174. Apparently, the government assumed at the outset of the process that the Civil
Code would not be immediately applied to all Ethiopians. A period during which cer-
tain titles of the Code would be put into operation in certain urban areas of the Empire
was planned. This would have meant that the urban population, which is more geared
towards the acceptance of European values, would have faced the modern law first.
It was assumed both that the Code would only gradually be put into effect and that
the area over which it was to be applicable would be enlarged in the same manner. Only
when the population of a specific area was "ready" would its law be changed. David,
supra note 3r, at 36z. Smith, The Preservation of the Civilian Tradition in Mixed
/ Modernization in Ethiopia
lurisdidions, in Civil Law in the Modern World, supra note 33, at 6, reported that the
Code "was promulgated piecemeal; only parts are in operation and their operation is
restricted to certain areas close to the capital." This is simply not so. The gradual
program was never carried out. In fact, the Code went into effect in its totality over
the entire Empire just four months after promulgation.