Ser'Ata Mangest
Ser'Ata Mangest
Ser'Ata Mangest
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access to Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin
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1 J. Paul and Ch. Clapham, Ethiopian Constitutional Development, (2nd. ed., 1972),
Ch. Clapham, Haile Sellassie's Government, (2nd. ed., 1970), p. 34, 36. M. Perham, The
of Ethiopia, p. 70.
2 K. R. Redden, The Legal System of Ethiopia, 1968, p. 99. J. Vanderlinden, Introduction au Droit
de L'Ethiopie Moderne, 1971, p. 90.
3 See the "Explanation in regard to the Revised Constitution-Reasons for Constitutional Revision
(Archives of the HSIU, Law Faculty, unpublished).
4 August 6, 1974, published in The Ethiopian Herald oí August 12 i?/4 and Aaais ¿emen or /vugust o,
1974. Published in: Scholler/Brietzke, Ethiopia, Revolution, Law and Politics, Munich 1976, pp. 154.
5 G. W. B. Huntingford: The Land-charters ot Northern Uthiopia, 1V65, p. 16.
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6 For a study in the problem of succession in medieval Ethiopia, see Taddesse Tamrat, "Problems
of Royal Succession in Fifteenth Century Ethiopia: a presentation of the Documents", IV. Congresso
Internazionale di Studi Etiopici, Roma 10 - 15 Aprile, 1972, Tomo I. (Roma: 1974), pp. 501 - 535.
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7 Richard K. P. Pankhurst (Ed.)> The Ethiopian Royal Chronicles (Addis Ababa: Oxford University Press,
1967), pp. 108 and 111-113.
8 J. Varenbergh, Studien zur abessinischen Reichsordnung, Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und verwandte
Gebiete, vol. 30, 1915, pp. 41 - 45.
9 1. Guidi, Contributi alla storia letteraria di Abissinia, I, II, Ser'ata Mangest, in Rendiconti delias
Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Scienze morale, vol. XXXI ser. V (1922), pp. 65 - 89.
10 For a translation of Varenbergh's introduction see the authors' mimeographed study, fn. 13.
11 J. Vanderlinden, An Indroduction to the bources or Ethiopian Law, 1966, Addis Ababa, p. 39.
12 R. A. Sedler, The Chilot Jurisdiction of the Emperor of Ethiopia, J. Air. L., Vol. 8, (1964;, p. 59.
H. Kebbede, The Endless Process of Litigation: The Appellate Process and the Imperial Chilot.
(Senior Theses, HSIU, Law Faculty, unpublished) April 1973. K. Redden, op. cit., pp. 140 - 148.
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to the royal succession. It shows to what extent in Ethiopia the succession was
left to the decision of the late king and the consent of the army: "If a king died,
they would put his dead body in the Grand House. They would bring out one of
his sons or brothers, chosen by the late king and his army, and they would
enthrone him." (Ill 1) We cannot go into further details which should be done
in a later study13.
This is a book of the Kings and the Lords14 that is of many things in
history, tradition and the list of the hierarchy.
I. (Fides Histórica)
These laws and regulations came forth from Jerusalem with the son of S
whose name was Menelik. With him came twelve students of law. One of them
was Jan-Massare, in charge of justice, who was judge of the right with the silken
whip, Egre Zakune15 and Jan-Hatsena who was in charge of the Ten Commande-
ments and the Holy Water. At this point the Falasha were separated16. Since the
children of Levi were passing correct judgements, and their words were true, the
kings used to choose these priests to be judges. They were made judges during the
time of Amde Tsion17.
With him also were Tsirag-Massare, who was responsible for the horn of the
holy ointment, Like-Safe, responsible for horses, Like-Ayesenefo, in charge of
mules, Harb-Zeni, responsible for food, Beale-Harb, responsible for the golden
blades with which they would mark the soldiers. Beale-Hareffa was the person who
gave clothes to the Kings18. Tseha Sorgue had the golden ring which was known
as Belul. Akembesai (Akabe-Anbessa) was the person who kept the lions. Besete
Egre, with Debena Bet Haitse19 conveyed the belonging of the Tsion (Zion).
After these, the following orders were instituted: Kegne-Bitwoded20, Gerra-
Bitwoded21; then Ras Gerra Getta22; Kegne-Getta23; Wast Azzaje24 of the right
and of the left; Jan-Dereboc25 of the right and of the left; Akabe-Seat26;
13 Prior to this publication a study on the Ser'ata Mangest has been done as a joint project of the
Institute of Ethiopian Studies and the Law Faculty of former Haile Selassie I University. The authors
would like to express their gratitude to both institutions and especially to Dr. M. Fuchs-Karsch and
Ato Serawitu Yimer, who assisted in translating. This original study compised three parts:
1) Varenbergh's introduction to the Ser'ata Mangest with footnotes translated into English;
2) The Ge'ez text of Ser'ata Mangest without the comparative footnotes of Varenbergh;
3) The English translation of the Ge'ez text of the Ser'ata Mangest together with the footnotes
of Varenbergh translated from German into English.
14 Judges. The Ge'ez root word for Lord could mean both to govern or to judge.
15 Lower Cort Official probably with Clerical Status.
16 By which the Ethiopian Jews were known (Varenbergh's translation into German) = (V. T.).
17 Emeror 1314 - 1344 as mentioned in the text.
18 This sentence is not found in Varenbergh's translation.
19 Tent a house or the emperor.
20 The one who is in charge on the right side.
21 The one who is in charge on the left side.
22 Master of the left.
23 Master of the right.
24 Chief of the inner chambers of the Palace.
25 The one who keeps the finances of the Palace.
26 Time-keeper in the Palace with the duty of blessing the Royal table.
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1. If a king died, they would put his dead body in the Grand Hou
would bring out one of his sons or brothers, chosen by the late king
army, and they would enthrone him35. He would dress in white cloth
they would place a crown on his head, saying "You set a crown on his h
is more precious than pearls." After this the Azzajoche and the Wombe
Kakitoche would stand and would order the proclamation, saying
crowned as our fathers36". Then they would trace back 5 or 7 gen
of kings. Right at the entrance, the Bahir Jegole would announ
proclamation to the Hidug Kakitoche, saying, "We are the ones who died
are the ones who are crowned; mourn for our death, and delight at our
tion." The Queen's maids would say, "Ellel37", and the Bagamotc
Jan-Teshekamotche38 would say, "Eyoha, Eyoha"39. After this they wou
the corpse out through another door, with the sound of Nessre Kana4
Anbessa41 and Sendek42. The new king would mourn for one day
black clothes and the next day he would put on his royal robes.
2. Procedure: When the King reached Axum he would mount on a whit
would draw his sword and cut the white ribbon placed there by a lad
profession is instituted by law. Then she would say to the King, "Truely
King of Tsion", and she would sing and praise him. Then the Kin
dismount from his horse and sit on a throne of stone, and at his feet w
the two Like-Metanotche43 of the right and the left.
3. Procedure: When the Queen is crowned, on a Sunday, she would be d
before hand, and would seat herself on a small throne to the right of t
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collaboration with the eight Azzajotch61 who would sit and judge in a tent. On
Wednesdays and Fridays, they would bring cases to the King. The rest of the
week, they would handle cases of maltreated persons, and none of these people
were to be forbidden to be in contact with the sovereign, no matter how many.
The 44 men of law always functioned according to their orders, and one of them
would stay all night as a guard62.
11. Procedure in the Appointment of a Dej-Azmatch63: The Like-Metan and the
Wuraje would bring him Ras-Work (golden crown64) in accordance with the
number of the regions of his appointment. They declared him Dej-Azmatch,
decorated him with Kiftan, and he bowed before the King, and they gave him
one Ras-Work delimiting the boundaries65, and he would leave, mounting the
King's horse. When he came out, Nessre-Kana (trumpets) and Negarit (drums)
would be heard on Sundays, and he would take the Ras-Work, paying alad66 67.
12. Procedure: Preparation of Demerra (bonfire) on the eve of the festival of the
Holy Cross. On the 16th of Maskeram, at 3 p. m., the Azzajotche68 and the
Womber69 would come to the entrance of Bahire Jegole and the Azzajotche
go on to the King. The Bitwoded70, the Blatten-Getta71, the Likewant-Debterra72,
the Akabe-Seat73 all the major officials of the right and the left74 would enter.
The Jan-Tesche-Kamotch75 would bring four bound trees. The Jan-Takel-
Demsash76 and Tsat-Demsash77 would enter carrying four bound trees called
Anbessa-Gedd78. Then they would veil the arwa up to the Bahire Jegole, and
they would give wood to the Womber, saying "Prepare a bonfire, like your
fathers." The Womber would take the wood, while being curtained by the arwa79.
Then they would go down and sit in chairs80. The Jan-Teshakamotch81, the
Aysenifo82, the Bet- Ansa83 would bring trees; the other men of law would make
walls, and guard the Kegne-Womber with the Bejerond84 of the Anbessa-Bet
(lion house) until dawn. The Bitwoded, the Blatten-Getta, the Akabe-Seat, the
four Likewant-Debterra and the six Azzajotch would enter; Jan-Tekel-Demsash
and Tsat-Demsash would bring the Anbessa-Gedd before the King and would
disclose the Arwa. The Like-Debterra would bless the King, and order the crowd
to say the Lord's Prayer. All the officials enumerated earlier would go out to the
sound of the big drum and trumpets, up to the Bahir- Jegole. They would order
the Womber to light the Demerra like their fathers. The scholars would sing the
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song of that particular day, which is "Yebelomu Eyesuse le Ay hud" (Jesus said to
the Jews). They would bring the Womber to the Demerra as previously, and they
would burn the light of four likawant, singing.
13. Procedure: On the 25th of Meskerem would be the Flower Festival (Beale
Tsegiat). At 3 o'clock the Queen's maids would bring flowers of different kinds
up to the entrance. The Debterra would stand at the left and right side of the
entrance. They would sing, "Atsegeyu Hizb Mehayimnan85 86". Thereafter the
Azzajotch would tear the two Beftas87 right and left in front of the King. Jan-
Tekel-Demsash and Tsat-Demsash would bring flowers and give them to the
Azzajotch. Before all, the Tsirage-Massare would give the Befta and the flowers to
the King. Then these would be distributed to the high-ranking army officials and
to the Debterra outside. Then they would enter88 (the Debterras) and sing
"Teketsel Tsegie89" so and so (the name of the year). After this they would
recite Sellassie. None but the Debterra and the Azzajotch would remain for the
evening with the King.
14. Procedure at the appointment of the Itchegue91: The King would decorate
him at the Rasge-Bet92 with two Beftas, Kemis93, Shabori94, Kiftan95, white
leb-alba96, shemet Kuffar97. The King would sit in the tent, then they would
seat him (Bitwoded) before the King on a throne, with carpets under his feet. The
King would put a piece of cloth around the head of the Itcheque, and place a
crown on his head. The Itchegue would bless the King, they would get up, and
the King would accompany the Itchegue to the latter's house. The Itchegue would
mount the King's mule, and would go with the sound of trumpets and drums and
in the company of a huge force. As to the other learned men, they appoint them in
Aklil98 according to the traditions of our fathers and they would not call them
"our servants99".
15. Procedure: If the Itchegue sues or is sued he remains in his house. The palace
would provide him with a cow, tej (honey wine) and bread for one day.
16. Procedure: For administering justice by the right and left Womber at the tent.
They would first and foremost sing the prayers of Yared100 and say "Halleluiah,
on the day of judgement, on the day of sentence, on God's day what can we say
to our soul, when mothers would not save their daughters101, when the earth
gives back what she has in her, when God the Father puts on His clothes of
judgement and revenge, what shall we say to the soul if he threatens us with the
horrors of judgement day? On what day our deeds would be displayed and
everything that we have done will be said. While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of
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Olives, all His disciples came close to Him on the Sabbath day. It is better for a
man if he helps the poor and does good." They would repeat this three times
and hear explanations (Exegsis) of this from the Tsirag-Massare and the Like-
Maemeran. Then they would sit at the right and the left in the King's house for
judgement. No one other than the sick, women and the teachers would be tried
sitting102; whether young or old, they would come in front of the judges, even if
one was an official Bitwoded and Dejazmatch103. When the masters preside in the
tent for judgement, the Nebureed104 of Axum (presided) in rank.
17. Procedure: Tradition of the Bitwoded105 and the Blatten-Getta106: Formerly
there were two Bitwodedotch, one for the right and one for the left. One led
expeditions and the other took care of the government. The Blatten-Getta, lower
in rank, would order the army by promoting and demoting, would keep order in
the town and occasionally give judgement with the Azzaje and the Womber. After
the Bitwodedotch perished, the country was sacked and robbed at the hands of the
Galla and Emperor Melleke Segged107 came to Dembia as a fugitive. There was
only one Bitwoded. They promoted Ras Wold Kristos108 over Begemder and
Abetto Hun Maemero109 was given the office of Blatten-Getta. When the Ras
departed for the country of his appointment, the Blatten-Getta rose in importance
and has done so until this day. The Bitwodedotch also practiced going to the
country of their appointment. When the Bitwoded came to the town, he would
give judgement at the tent. In the absence of the Bitwoded, the Blatten-Getta
would administer justice in his stead. Whenever the maltreated complained to both
of them, they would order the Azzajoch to administer justice with their legal wit-
nesses110, in accordance with the law instituted since before the time of Menelik's
reign. During the reign of Atse (Emperor) Yacob111, who was young and liked to
play, Ras Atnatius112 cane and he did everything by himself. Ras Zeselassie also had
ordered and governed as a King for one year in defiance113.
18. Procedure of Rak-Massare114 and Kentibba115: After the notables consulted
and calculated with the King, the Rak-Massare brought in provisions on the month
of Sene sufficient for the banquet; the rest was provided by the Kentibba.
19. Tradition of the Basha (Pasha): After appointing him by coronation, they
would decorate him with Kappa116 or otherwise with Kiftan, Ambar (bracelet),
Zenar (belt), golden sword, piece of cloth for his head and he would sit in a chair
below the meddeb117, in front of the King and they would spread bessatt (carpet)
under his feet. They would give him mead in a golden cup. He would rise and go to
his house, soldiers before and after him; guns are fired in front of him and after
him; the King's army and his soldiers would follow him. They would give him
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12 swords and 2 cows from the palace. All would be prevented from entering the
thronehall until sun-set.
20. Tradition of the Akabe-Seat118: They would bring and put a cloak on him
according to the tradition. They would cover his face with a veil at the Rasge-Bet.
He would sit on a throne and they would spread bessatt under his feet. The
lords would accompany him up to the gate and he would go to his house with
lights, sitting on the King's mule which has a genfel (cushion).
21. Tradition on the Camping of the King in his Journey: The Queen would camp
behind him opposite the mergef119, a little farther from the camp, and on her
left side lay a wide road. Then the major and minor Blatten-Gattas, the Bejerond
and the Teresmba Demssash120 respectively would camp. The Pasha and the lords
would camp up to Gerra-Feres Deharawi according to the order of Blatten-Getta.
At the Gerra-Feres121 Deharawi122 the Rak-Massare and the Derebba-Bet123 would
camp, in the front but not close to the King. At Gerra-Kulf124 the Gerra-
Azmatche126 would camp with Gerra-Kurban126. To his right was a wide road, a
church and tents starting from the middle and (extending to) Darhinda-Feres127
and Fit-Feres. The Bitwoded along with the people of Begemder128 would camp on
the left, opposite to the Kulf. At Fit-Feres the Balambaras would camp to the left
and in front of him the Aysenifo Demsash129. Then the Azzajotch and the Likawant
on the left.
22. The Order of Camping at the Right Side: On the right side of the Queen up to
the Kegner Feres Deharawi130, the ladies and the Melmel (princes) would camp.
At Kegne-Kulf131 the Kegne-Azmatch132 would camp with Kegne Kurban133 and to
his left was a wide road, a church, and tents in the middle. The Bitwoded appointed
over Gojam would camp at the right, far from the town, opposite to the Kulf.
At Fit-Feres134 of the Kegne would camp the children of Abetohun Yonael135 of
Emperor Melak-Seged. Then the Azzajotch and the Likawant of the Right. At Fit-
Feres the Fit-Awrari would camp, to the right of a wide road. In the case of an
enemy's country however, the Kegne Azmatch, the Gerra-Azmatch and the
Teresmba-Demsash would camp on the outskirts of the town.
23. Tradition and order of the King's palace: In the morning the Bejerond of the
throne and the minor Blatten-Getta would drive out the people who were in the
King's room. They would prepare the room with curtains and carpets and would
authorize the Pasha to forbid people to enter. The Pasha would authorize the Jan
Tekel136 and Wotsat137 and they in turn authorize the Bet-Anse-Ras in order to
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prevent others from entering. The minor Blatten-Getta and the Bejerond of the
Ambessa Bet (lion house) would do the same.
24. Tradition: When the King is on his journey, a throne and a horse would
follow him. After the throne follow the Betirwajoch-Demsash138 and the Terasmba-
Demsash. After him would go the lords139; they would not go before him. In
front, at the left and the right of the King would go the Degaffotch140 holding
axes and preparing the way. Before them went the Ayseifo Demsash141, mounted
on the King's mule and covering his face with a kerchief, also a horse and two
followers. In front of him, would go the Tsat-Demsash and the Jan-Tekel,
forbidding others to come near. Before these would go the Azzajotch and the
Gerra-Kegne Womber, before and after the Negarit (drums).
25. Tribute of the Gerra142: Ten Woket143 from the Dej-Azmatch of Tigre144.
26. Tribute of the Kegne145: 10 woket from Sere146,
1. Interpretation of Law: If the Hatsege147, the Abune148 and the Itchege rivalled
with each other in setting church cases149, the tradition would be as follows :
They would choose ten persons, namely: Abba Mekane Kristos of Debre Rama150,
Abba Libanos from Debre Mariam, Abba Ezira a hermit from Debre Mariam,
Abba Seme-Kristos from Debre Rama. From the Azzajotch, who were chosen by
permission of the Abune and the Itchege to be witnesses were: Hidug Ras from
Hawariat, Azzaje Wolde Tensay and Azzaje Enkko Hawariat. Members of the
Abune's household were Kesse (priest) Amha, Zerrai Gurba Yemano and Kiflo,
the son of Gurba. Due to this matter, a quarrel took place, when Abba Markos
took the law in his own hands from the judges and the witnesses in all cases of the
2. The tradition and regulations that existed during the time of the late bishops
from Abune Simon up to Abune Selama152; and from the Itcheges, teachers of
Debre Libanos, from the time of Abba Zewongel and Abba Abraham up to the
end of the respected teachers who sat on the throne of Tekle Haimanot153,
were testified to be those witnesses whose name we have noted in this document.
Previously, they were forbidden by the words of the Abune, to add and/or
deduct, instead they had unanimously to give all judgement concerning marriage
and if a priest neglected the order of priesthood and that of the Tabot, if a wife
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said that she disliked her husband, and if a husband said that he disliked his wife;
to give judgement on this matter was not allowed to others except to the Abune.
husband and a wife could not be allowed to be separated by a secular judgement. A
Judgement concerning the ordination of priests and deacons also would not be
passed by any but the Abune.
3. Before the case of any church's minister was taken away from the Itchege, the
Itchege would listen to it and send it to the Abune for (final) administration of
justice154. As to the judicial income, he (the Abune) would not share it, but leave it
to the Itchege who examined the case before, even when there was no appeal155.
However, unless the gate-guards were involved in a case with the owner of the
estate or regional governors, neither the Abune not the Itchege156 would be
involved in administering justice157. If the accusor calls a judge from among the
witnesses, the Beale Hig would form the court from the Womber and the Azzaje158.
After the hearing, they would send somebody to the Abune to tell what had
happened; they would not pass judgement on such cases as marriage, clerical
cases and those involving the Tabot. As to judicial income, they would share from
that which was in the hands of the Abune as prescribed by the canonical and
matrimonial laws. If the judicial case concerned the church and reached the Abune
in advance, the Abune would ask the accused if they would like their case to be
heard by the Womber and the Azzaje. If they agreed, he would send them, and
after the Menabert (judges) and the Azzajotch heard it, they would send them
back with the administrators to the Abune. All cases concerning judgement of the
church would be concluded by the verdict of the Abune; they would not share
with him the judicial income.
4. If ministers of the church, a priest, a deacon or a tentant who was on the
church's land quarreled; it was said and told that the Abune and the Itchege
would not pass judgement instead, judges (those instituted by law) or district
governors would do so. If people who were on , the church's land quarreled with
each other like the people of Maye Guagua159, Gondar, and others, if those who
give judgement agreed, the case is settled. If the Abune and the Itchege allowed
people to go to the court160, no one would hinder them. And when the high
judge and the Azzajotch had heard them, they would not lead the court meetings
to the Itchege and the Abune. All cases concerning land, inherited arbea land161,
and other cases than those concerning the church, would be finished by the
judgement of the King. When the Sebro-Gebba from the estate of the Abune and
the Itchege complains to the King or the witnesses they should give him a judge so
that his case would be heard by the Womber and the Azzajotch162 and the case
would be concluded by the judgement of the King as we have noted earlier.
154 In a case of appointment of one of the servants of the church by the Itcheque, the Itcheque shall
summon a court meeting for the Abun, after the Abun has considered the case.
155 But the fees should not be distributed amongest themselves, but should be left for the Itcheque.
156 The exact description of this position is still unclear.
157 Except for the case when the guards of the gate are taken from those who had fiefdoms or from
the Governors of the provinces, they should not be accepted and should not judge; neither the
Abun nor the Itcheque (V. T.).
158 In a case in which a confidential adviser is appointed to be a judge, either by a provincial
governor, or by the secretary of the law-giver, then the assembly should proceed to the high
judge and to the Azzaz.
159 A place near Adua Tigre.
160 If the Abune and the Itcheque wanted to settle the case (V. T.).
161 The Varenbergh's translation includes here cases of blood and adultery.
162 And if the fiefdom of the Abune and the Itcheque is concerned, the judge will transfer the case
to the King or the secretary, and the court meeting will consist of the high judge and the
Azzajotch (V. T.).
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V. (The Judiciary)
The first ones to comment were Yeshalekkotch163, next to them the Seyoume
Messe would comment, next to him the Bejerond of the Ambessa-Bet (lion house)
next to him the Bejerond of the Zufan-Bet (throne house), after him the Like-
Meqnoise, next to him the Balamba-Ras, after him the Fit-Awrari, next to them
the Gerra-Azmatch and Kegne-Azmatch, after them the minor Blatten-Getta,
next to him Tsehafte-Tezaz (verdict scribes) and the Azzajotch, after them the
Rak Massare (ceremonial master), next to him would comment the Pashas and
Dej-Azmatches of Damot, Gojam, Amhara, Begemder and Semen. Next to them
would comment the Dej-Azmatch of Tigre who is appointed as Neburra-Ed. Next
to him could comment the Akabe-Seat, next to him the Blatten-Getta, next to him
the Ras. Finally, the King would give verdict and all would be finished.
163 The rank order of opinions delivered should be considered as rising in rank from the first to
the last.
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