Peer Teaching Paper
Peer Teaching Paper
Peer Teaching Paper
Subject: Phonics/
Grade: Kindergarten Date: November 15, 2023
Language Arts
Structure / Activity:
We are going to play our letter sounds video that we have listen to
multiple times this year to review with the students. We are going to
then show them pictures on the board and the students are going to
sound out the letter sounds verbally and write them in the shaving
cream. After each word, we are going to have students discuss what
the vowel sound is in each word and what letter sounds are in each
word. This will be with an elbow partner and whole class. We will
then wrap up the activity by having a class discussion to see make
sure all of the students are understand the topic before we have the
single syllable words and the recognition of the vowel sound in all words. We started
the lesson with checking their prior knowledge on the letter sounds they remember
and then played them a song on the letter sounds. We then moved onto our main
activity which was a shaving cream activity where they were discussing with the
people around them and as a whole group about the sounds they were hearing in
each word, and what the vowel sound was in the word. We then had a class
discussion in small groups to talk about letter sounds and then came together as a
whole group to make sure everyone understood. We ended our lesson with a bingo
Overall, I felt like the lesson went very well and I feel like we followed the
lesson plan to a T as we didn’t have to change much in our lesson. We did all of the
activities and made sure to have all of the discussions that we had listed in our lesson
plan. This lesson plan followed the syntax as we started with getting the students
ready for discussion with the phonics song, we asked leading questions like what are
words with an “E” vowel sound?, and then allowed the students to think and answer
and listen to others ideas. We then ended the lesson with how we felt and then
allowed the students to share anything they felt during the discussion to debrief the
lesson like how some students liked the creativity of the E words people were
coming up with.
The only thing that we did have to change was cutting out a few of the slides
because we were going over in time. I feel like this was because we underestimated
the amount of time that it would take to have a quality discussion after each of the
slides. I think this was very important though because it could help students who
might not be understanding the information right away or to help build more
If I did teach this lesson again, I think a big thing that I would change would
be how I constructed the classroom discussions. I felt as though we had a lot of them
as they were ranging from with your elbow partner, small groups and whole groups,
but I think the whole group discussion would have been more beneficial if we did it
in a big group format such as inside and outside circle or a U shape. I think this
format would have made it feel more like a discussion rather than us just asking
questions to them. I would keep everything else the same, as I feel like we had a lot
of interactive activities that are beneficial for kindergarten students. I think those
were very helpful for teaching them the letter sounds as they were having fun with
the shaving cream while learning. It made it so they were very engaged the whole
time which would not have happened if I was just sitting there talking at them from
the whiteboard. I think the bingo was also a great assessment as it didn’t seem like
they were being tested, but we as teachers could gauge if they were understanding
the letter sounds based on the answers they put. Lastly, I would also keep the song,
as I feel like songs are a good way for kindergarten students to remember things as
the song is easier to remember. This will allow them to sing the song at any activity
I think you could really tell that we thought about the students before our
activity because we did things that were engaging and age appropriate. We did
things that were more than just talking with a neighbor or writing on a paper. We
also made sure during the lesson to be give explicit instructions (like no shaving
cream in the mouth or clothes) which is something that you would do with our
grade level. For the prior knowledge, we did a group discussion where we asked
them to tell us letter sounds that we know. I think this is good as it does not force any
students to share if they are not comfortable, but allows us as the teachers to guage
their knowledge.
Overall, I was really happy with how the lesson went and I was also very happy
with the feedback that I received from my peers about my lesson. Some of their
positives included that we did a good job monitoring the room, keeping the
students engaged, and talking to them at a grade level appropriate voice. We also
got a few about how they wanted to use the activity in their classroom or we were
their favorite presentation yet! The one grow that appeared among a couple people
was that we needed to have more discussions (or discussions with more open ended
questions). After thinking about my lesson, I think that we could have asked broader
questions that were getting at the same answer as some of ours were very direct and
to the point questions. Another piece of feedback that we got was about timing and
talking slower. I completely agree with this and think because we underestimated
how much time each slide would take, we started to rush to get through everything.
I also think that we were very nervous and that may have contributed to us talking
too fast, and so I will make sure to learn for next time to take a deep breath.
Overall, this positive feedback gave me a big confidence boost and I feel very
ready for the next lesson that I have to teach. I am very proud of myself and the