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Presentation 150years 2013

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New Apostolic Church


150-Year anniversary of the New

Apostolic Church
From 1863 to 2013

New Apostolic Church

150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

The development of the New Apostolic Church

Current as of: May 2013

New Apostolic Church
Produced by: WG PRW Slide 2 International
150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Divine intervention

 In the nineteenth century God intervenes in the

history of the church
 People search for meaning
 Politics exploits religious forces
 Social issues challenge Christian ethics
 Natural sciences dominate thinking
 New religious movements
– Gifts and activity of the Holy Spirit
– Revitalisation of the gospel

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Why Great Britain and London?

 British Empire dominates

the world
– First industrialised nation
– Most powerful navy
– English as universal
 London is the capital of
the United Kingdom
 1.9 million residents in
 Divine guidance evident

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Why Apostles?
 Albury conferences
– Objective: gain clarity on
biblical statements
 Apostle ministry newly
occupied through the gift of
prophecy—for the
completion of the church of
 In 1832 John Bate Cardale
is called as an Apostle
 Another eleven Apostles
called by 1835
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Understanding of the Apostle ministry

 Apostles are for all Christians

 As of 1847: laying on of hands
as precursor to Holy Sealing
 Great Testimony sent to
spiritual and secular leaders
– Intent was to unite Christianity
under the spiritual leadership
of the Apostles
 Some theological
interpretations are still

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

I. Background: Conflicts among the Apostles

 Founding of the Catholic
Apostolic Church
 Number of Apostles is
gradually reduced by
deaths and other factors
 Disagreement about
filling the vacancies
 New callings are rejected
 Catholic Apostolic
congregations today
without ordained

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

The Hamburg congregation separates from the

 Apostolic congregations are
founded in Northern Germany by
Apostle Thomas Carlyle
 Prophet Heinrich Geyer calls new
 Hamburg congregation under the
leadership of Bishop Friedrich
Wilhelm Schwartz recognises newly
called Apostles
 Hamburger congregation and
ministers are excommunicated

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

II. Early history: The new order

 First calling in the Hamburg

congregation: Apostle Carl
Wilhelm Louis Preuß
 Second calling: Apostle
 Further Apostles are called
 Regional points of
emphasis: Northern
Germany and the

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Geographic expansion

 Apostle Schwartz
moves to Amsterdam
 Schladen is the next
congregation in
Germany after Hamburg
 The later Chief Apostle
Krebs is among the first
Church members
 More Apostles travel

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church


 Apostles Schwartz and

Menkhoff do away with
Church robes
 Liturgical hymns, altar
candles, and incense
are discontinued

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Chief Apostle ministry

 Apostle Friedrich Krebs

assumes leadership
function after Apostles
Schwarz and Menkhoff
 Primary concern: unity
among the Apostles
 Traditional term: the
working area of an
Apostle was named after
a tribe of Israel

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New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Introduction of communion wafers

 As of 1917: Wafer with

three drops of wine for
Holy Communion
 Sent to the front in
army postal service
 By 1919: Use of the
wine chalice is
discontinued for
hygienic reasons

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Development of the Church’s name

 Hamburg congregation at first
called itself the Allgemeine
christliche apostolische
Mission (General Christian
Apostolic Mission)
 The designation “New
Apostolic Congregation” was
used to avoid confusion with
Catholic Apostolic
 As of 1930: New Apostolic
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New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

First overseas journey by a Chief Apostle

 Chief Apostle Krebs dies

in 1905
 Apostle Hermann Niehaus
becomes his successor
 1909: First overseas trip
to North America—a
round trip of three weeks
 In 1930 Apostle Johann
Gottfried Bischoff
assumes the duties of
Chief Apostle Niehaus

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Reading material
 “Questions and
Answers concerning
the New Apostolic
faith” appears in 1938
 In retrospect:
– First Church
magazine appears in
1884 under the name
“Der Herold”
– The first edition of
“Our Family” appears
in 1933

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

“Modern technology”

 Church relies on
modern technology for
 Membership numbers

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New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

The “message” of Chief Apostle Bischoff

 Imminent expectation
reaches its zenith in CA
Bischoff’s “message” of
 Chief Apostle Bischoff dies
in 1960
 The “message” is not
 District Apostle Walter
Schmidt is elected as the
new Chief Apostle
 May 2013: Statement by
Chief Apostle Leber
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New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

International Apostle Federation

 Chief Apostle Schmidt

appoints District Apostle
Ernst Streckeisen as his
 International Apostle
Federation replaces
Apostles’ College in 1977
 In 1990 the New
Apostolic Church
International becomes
the legal successor

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church


 Internationalisation
 Chief Apostle
Streckeisen travels to
all five continents
 The Chief Apostle dies
in Cape Town, South
Africa in 1978
 District Apostle Hans
Urwyler is chosen by
the Apostles as his
Current as of: May 2013
New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Pentecost tradition
 In 1980 Chief Apostle
Urwyler invites all
Apostles of the world to
 Pentecost takes the place
of New Year’s Day as the
occasion for central
divine services
 Successors continue this
 Chief Apostle Fehr begins
the tradition of Pentecost
Current as of: May 2013
New Apostolic Church
Produced by: WG PRW Slide 21 International
150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Personal responsibility

 Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler

continues the modernisation
 He reinforces the individual
responsibility of the believers
 Restrictions on admission to
Holy Communion are lifted

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

International expansion

 Chief Apostle Urwyler:

congregations in all
 Missionary work in
 In 1989 ministers travel to
the former Soviet Union
 Number of Apostles grows
from 64 to 176 under Chief
Apostle Urwyler

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

The Church opens up and public relations begin

 In 1987 Chief Apostle Hans
Urwyler appoints a Helper in
Richard Fehr
 Chief Apostle Fehr assumes
leadership of the Church on
Pentecost 1988
 He diligently continues the
process of opening up the
– Ecumenism Project Group
– Increased public relations
– Online presence
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New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Further developments

 1984 Luther translation

declared authoritative in
1999 (German)
 As of 2002: New King
James Version (English)
 Chief Apostle Fehr retires
on Pentecost 2005 at the
age of 65
 Wilhelm Leber becomes
his successor
 New District Apostle
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New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Youth care and Church Days

 European Youth Day

2009 in Düsseldorf
 First Day of the Youth in
South East Asia 2011
 First pan-Russian Youth
Day 2011
 International Church Day
2014 in Germany

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church


 Work Group develops

the Catechism over ten
 Published in December
 Reference work on the
New Apostolic faith
 Book forms the basis for
further ecumenical

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New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

The New Apostolic Church today

 10 million members
 61,243 congregations
 253,000 ministers who
serve in a voluntary
 80 Per cent of
members live in Africa
 Largest church building
is in South Africa

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New Apostolic Church
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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Our mission and vision:

 … to be a church in
which people feel at
 … to reach out to all
 … to cultivate warm

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150-Year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church

Thank you for your


Current as of: May 2013

New Apostolic Church
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1863-2013: 150-Year anniversary of the New Apos

New Apostolic Church


Stand: xx. Monat 2009

New Apostolic Church
Verantwortlich: International

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