653 Full
653 Full
653 Full
Reduction in Growth Rate among the Surdvors, and tke Formation of Abortive
Irradiation of a plate seeded with isolated HeLa cells kills part of the popula-
tion, the proportion depending on the dose. In addition, however, the survivors
may grow more slowly. These two effects are demonstrated in the plates of
Figs. 1 and 2, showing the colonies developing on two plates which have been
treated identically except that one was irradiated with 300 r. On the latter
fewer colonies have grown out and those which have developed are clearly
smaller than the colonies of the unirradiated control. This effect of progressive
slowing down of reproductive rate by increasing amounts of radiation is quanti-
tatively shown in the data of Text-fig. 1, in which the average number of
-J 1400
o. 1200
TI~T-FIO. I. Demonstration of growth-slowing action of x-irradiation on single HeLa
cells. Plates containing single cells deposited in the standard manner were x-irradiated, in-
cubated for the times ~hown, then fixed and stained. The cells per colony were counted by
microscopic examination, for all the colonies on each plate, or if these were too large in num-
ber, for a random sample of 10 to 20 colonies. In order to avoid weighting the data through
the effect of abortive colonies, only colonies with more than 50 cells were counted.
A typical example will illustrate the results obtained: A series of plates, each seeded with
200 $3 cells, was irradiated with 300 r, and incubated for 9, 12, and 17 days, respectively.
The plate stained after 9 days had a total of 117 aggregates visible to the unaided eye, rang-
ing in diameter from 0.1 to 1.0 ram. Estimation of the actual number of these which would
go on to further growth is difficult with the eye alone. This uncertainty was eliminated on
further incubation, for the 12 day and 17 day plates unequivocally differentiated between
cell aggregates which had remained less than 1 ram. in diameter, and those which now formed
large colonies of 2 to 5 ram. The number of these latter was 31 and 35 on the plates incu-
bated for 12 and 17 days respectively, values agreeing well within sampling uncertainty.
However, by employing the criterion that each colony with 50 or more normal cells is to be
counted as a survivor, the counts obtained on all 3 plates agreed, consisting in 35, 36, and
36, for the 9, 12, and 17 day incubations, respectively. It is impossible to avoid a cer-
658 A C T I O N OF X - R A Y S O N M A M M A L I A N CELLS
-8 II
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-'8o,I b~
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tion; they may remain as single cells; or they may disappear, leaving no trace
on the plate which is fixed and stained. Concomitant with the first two processes
which we shall lump together under the name "abortive colony formation"
even when only a single cell remains, is the development of giant cells from
the non-reproducing cells which continue to grow, reaching diameters as great
as 0.8 ram.
At low doses almost every killed cell will still multiply several times, so the
non-survivors form microcolonies of 20 to 40 individuals corresponding to
4 to 5 divisions. Practically all these microcolonies have several giants at the
time of staining, and some consist only of giants. As the x-ray dose increases,
the number of divisions decreases and the abortive colonies become smaller in
cell number. At doses greater than 600 r the ability to divide even once is
r per cent
50 27. 6.7
200 23. 23.
4OO 13. 28.
600 1.7 100.
1000 1.0 100.
In unirradiated populations the frequency of giant cell occurrence is 0.19 per cent.
greatly reduced, and at doses equal to or greater than 800 r practically all the
killed cells remain single. In addition, the per cent of giant cells in this popula-
tion which fails to form self-sustaining colonies increases steadily with dose.
These relationships are illustrated in Table I. Thus, exposure of a plate con-
mining as many as 104 cells to a dose of 1000 r or more will, after incubation
and staining, yield a population consisting entirely of single, giant cells (Figs.
5 to 7).
The irradiation needed to stop the biosynthetic activities involved in giant
formation is enormously larger still. A dose as high as 10,000 r applied to a
population of single cells m a y yield 5 to 20 per cent of the original inoculum
as isolated, well developed giants.
660 A C T I O N O1~ X - R A Y S O N M A M M A L I A N C E L L S
population of single cells irradiated with 600 r will have approximately 20 per
cent of its population converted into abortive colonies. From Table I, it is
seen that the average number of giants developing in each of these is 1.7, so
that the number of giants recovered is 30 to 35 per cent of the initial cell popula-
tion. If smaller x-ray doses are employed, one can readily obtain more giants
than the initial number of normal cells employed, but these will be mixed with
a larger number of the latter which have survived and multiplied. With doses
greater than 1000 r, but less than 10,000 r, the giant yield falls to 10 to 15
per cent of the original inoculum, but extremely pure preparations can be
obtained. By adjustment of these parameters, it becomes readily possible to
prepare populations of giant cells of 106 or more, with any desired degree of
Though study of these bizarre forms has only begun, the following facts may
was of particular interest to determine whether the giant cells have indeed
lost the power to multiply. Populations of giant cells observed during 20 days
of incubation in complete growth medium which was regularly renewed every
3 to 4 days showed no increase in numbers, whereas normal cells multiply with
a generation time of 20 hours under these conditions. A more critical test was
performed by examination of large numbers of these cells for evidence of
mitosis. Populations of at least 10~ cells were examined for mitotic figures by
microscopic scanning. While occasionally giant cells were found with nuclear
configurations resembling those of early prophase, not a single case of late
prophase, metaphase, or telephase was found. Mitotic figures corresponding
to these latter stages occur in unirradiated cells in a frequency of 3 to 6 per
cent under these conditions. It may be concluded that the ability to multiply
in our standard conditions has been lost practically completely by the irradia-
(a) T h e ability of the killed cells still to reproduce for a limited number of times
appears to indicate that the mitotic mechanism is essentially intact. This phenomenon
of phenotypic lag is characteristic of lethal and other types of mutations in bacteria
(11, 17). I t is difficult to conceive of a damage not confined within the self-replicating
p a r t of the cell, which cannot be repaired by the cell, which delays its expression for
4 or 5 generations, and which then appears in every one of the progeny.
(b) The very minuteness of the value of 96 r indicates the existence of an exceed-
ingly sensitive structure whose inactivation can cause irreparable damage. This
amount of irradiation is equivalent to only 10-12 calories per cell. Even with 100 per
cent efficiency, this amount of energy could break only about 2 X 107 atomic bonds
per cell,2 and since these will be randomly distributed, the number of such bonds that
can be broken in any particular structure must be very small indeed. The sensitivity
of genetic structures to such exceedingly minute changes is well established. The ex-
istence of non-genetic cell constituents able to destroy reproductive capacity as a re-
sult of so small an amount of energy absorption has never been demonstrated.
(c) The multiple unit form of the survival curve qualitatively agrees with that ex-
pected from hits localized in the genetic structure of a polyploid cell and quantita-
tively yields the hit number of 2 as the following analysis s h o w s : -
If loss of a given function in an irradiated population occurs as a result of at least
one ionizing event in any of m different kinds of units, and if there are n units of each
kind present, all of which must be inactivated before the function is lost, the fraction
of the population in which this function survives is given by S in the formula
S = [1 -- (I -- e-DJDo)'l" (I)
in which D is the x-ray dose, and Do is the 37 per cent lethal dose for an individual
site.This equation was originallyderived by Lurla (18) and its applicabilityhas bccn
examined in detail by Atwood and Norman (19). W e shall call n the hit number.
In genetic processes ~t = I for haploid, 2 for diploid,and 3 for triploid cells,etc.;wc
call m the unit number since it represents the number of different kinds of genetic
structures whose inactivation in all replicatespresent can lead to loss of the function
under consideration. For ~t = i, the survival curve is a linear logarithmic function of
the dose. For any value of n > 2, a plot of the log of the survivors against dose ex-
hibits an initialshoulder, after which it descends linearly,as in Text-fig. 2. Formula I
assumes all siteshave an equal radiation sensitivity.As the dose increases, contribu-
666 A C T I O N OF X - R A Y S O N M A M M A L I A N CELLS
14. Puck, T. T., Marcus, P. I., and Cieciura, S., data to be published.
15. (a) Lucke, W. H., and Saracher, A., Nature, 1953, 171, 1014. (b) Zirkle, R. E.,
and Tobias, C. A. Arck. Biockem. and Biopkysics, 1953, 47, 282.
16. Ducoff, H. S., Radiation Research, 1954, 1, 130, abstract 15.
17. Newcombe, H. G., Genetics, 1948, 33, 447; 1953, 38, 134.
18. Luria, S. E., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., 1947, 33, 253.
19. Atwood, K. C., and Norman, A., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., 1949, 38, 696.
20. Lea, D. E., Actions of Radiations on Living Cells, Cambridge, Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1947, 83.
21. Muller, H. J., Cold Spring ttarbor Syrup. Quant. Biol., 1941, 9, 151.
22. Puck, T. T., in Nickson, J. J., Symposium on Radiobiology, New York, John
Wiley and Sons, 1952, 385.
23. Lea, D. E., Actions of Radiations on Living Ceils, Cambridge, Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1947, 300.
FIG. 1. Colonies developing On a plate seeded with 200 $3 HeLa cells and incubated
9 days in growth medium. Actual size.
FIG. 2. Colonies developing on a plate identical with that of Fig. 1 in every respect
except that the plate was irradiated with 300 r before incubation. Actual size.
FIG. 3. Plate identical with that of Fig. 1 (i.e., no irradiation), but which has in-
cubated 17 days instead of 9 days. Actual size.
FIG. 4. Plate identical with that of Fig. 2 (i.e., irradiated with 300 r), but which
has incubated 17 days instead of 9 days. Actual size.
FIG. 5. Plate on which 5700 cells were seeded, and which was then irradiated with
900 r. After 12 days of incubation the plate was fixed with Bouin's solution and stained
with hematoxylin. Only one actual co]ony developed on two such plates. Each of the
visible spots shown is a single giant cell. Actual size.
Published May 1, 1956