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Cell Proliferation and Carcinogenesis in The Hamster Cheek Pouch1

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[CANCER RESEARCH 28, 898-905,May 1988]

Cell Proliferation and Carcinogenesis in the Hamster Cheek Pouch1

Allan B. Reiskirr 3 and Roger J. Berry
Radiobiology Laboratory, Radiotherapy Department, The Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford, England,* and Division oj Biologi
cal and Medical Research, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439

SUMMARY This report describes a series of experiments in which

changes in proliferation kinetics were studied during carcino-
Tumors were induced in the cheek pouches of Syrian ham
sters of three strains by the topical application of 9,10-di- genesis and aging in the epithelium of the hamster cheek
methyl-l,2-benzanthracene. Mean tumor latent periods and pouch. It also examines the relationship of proliferation kinetics
to tumor growth and considers the strain dependence of these
growth rates were determined and tumor cell transit times
were measured by tritiated thymidine labeling. Transit times
The hamster cheek pouch was selected to study this response
were also measured in untreated cheek pouch epithelium of
newborn and adult hamsters and during carcinogen-induced for several reasons. It is lined with a stratified squamous epi
thelium which has neither follicles nor glands. This simple
tissue should be less susceptible to cyclic changes than more
Within each strain there were qualitative correlations be
complex tissue in which changes are likely to occur as the
tween the mean tumor latent period and the subsequent growth
result of functional demands on accessory structures. Cheek
rate of the tumors which developed. Significant differences in
pouch epithelium appears to have only one stem cell popula
the mean latent periods and growth rates of tumors in the
tion, the basal cells. It behaves as a steady state in the adult
different strains of hamsters were observed. Interstrain com
animal. These characteristics allow a more straightforward
parisons indicated that the rate of tumor growth depended
more on the existence of a "growth-fraction" and on other kinetic analysis than is possible in skin or other epithelial tis
factors than on tumor cell transit times. There were indications
The pouch responds vigorously to carcinogens applied top
that nongrowing cells could be divided into two groups: (a)
cells with a permanent proliferative incapacity, and (o) non- ically, yielding multiple squamous carcinomas of a rather uni
form histologie type. Since each animal has two pouches, it
growing cells capable of resuming proliferative activity.
provides its own control. The cheek pouch is an immunologically
privileged site which tolerates homografts and, under some
INTRODUCTION conditions, heterografts (4, 8). Tumors arising in it are not as
The radiosensitivity and chemosensitivity of mammalian likely to initiate the immune reactions reported for chemically
cells varies through the cell cycle (3, 6, 24-26). Biologists and induced tumors in other rodents (20, 27). Its rich blood supply
therapists need to know more about the proliferation kinetics assures both adequate nourishment and oxygen and this cir
culation is, perhaps, responsible for the tissue's ability to main
of normal and malignant tissues to exploit naturally occurring
differences in sensitivity. Although generally impractical in tain a constant temperature under conditions of extreme en
clinical situations, it is relatively simple to make kinetic meas vironmental variability (14). The anatomic characteristics of
urements using autoradiography and tritiated thymidine la the pouch afford easy access and observation.
beling or a variety of other technics. Estimates of prolifera
tive activity made from parameters such as the mitotic index MATERIALS AND METHODS
are unreliable (22, 23), and, although there is no apparent Three strains of Syrian hamsters (Cricetus auratus) were
means of accurately and rapidly mesuring kinetic parameters used in these experiments (J. K. Stewart, The Cottage, Ashton,
in single tissue samples, accumulated quantitative data from Chester, England). Animals from two strains, designated by
experimental systems continue to indicate new approaches to coat color as cream and golden, were obtained by random
therapy. breeding. The third strain, dark-eared partial albinos (DEA),
was between the 14th and 23rd generations of sib-matings.
1 Work supported by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. Tumors were induced in the right cheek pouches of 8- to
2 Aided by a grant for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from 12-week-old hamsters by a previously described method (17)
the American Cancer Society, Inc. using 9,10-dimethyl-l,2-benzanthracene (DMBA, Eastman Or
3 Present Address : Division of Biological and Medical Research,
ganic Chemicals, Rochester, New York). When all treated
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne,
pouches had developed tumors, treatment was stopped and,
Illinois 60439.
* The Radiobiology Laboratory is supported by a grant from the after a pause of at least one week, tumor measurements were
Medical Research Council. begun.
Received August 31, 1967; accepted January 11, 1968. A spring caliper was used to measure the longest tumor


Cell Proliferation and Carcinogenesis

diameter and two diameters at right angles to it. Volumes RESULTS

were calculated assuming either spherical or ovoid shapes. When
Latent Period. Repeated applications of DMBA produce a
the average tumor volume had doubled several times, the ham
sters were injected i.p. with thymidine-3H (approx. 0.75 series of clinically observable changes in the mucosal surface
/iC/gm, sp. act. 0.36 c/mmole, The Radiochemical Centre, of the cheek pouch (18). The first reaction was a severe
Amersham, Bucks, England) and killed at intervals thereafter. purulent inflammation which resolved regardless of the con
Autoradiographs were prepared from freshly fixed tissue by tinued presence of carcinogen. Restitution of morphologic in
a modification of the dipping technic. Exposures were deter tegrity was followed by a thickening of the epidermis, as
evidenced by increasing opacity. Although these changes
mined by the labeling density of test autoradiographs developed
occurred in all experimental animals prior to tumor develop
two weeks after dipping. Ideal exposures were planned to yield
ment, the time scale of premalignant changes exhibited a large
an average of 15 grains per labeled nucleus.
degree of variation.
In one experiment, autoradiographs were prepared from
Visible tumors developed first in the DEA hamsters and the
cheek pouches of 7 littermates between 6 and 12 hours old.
These animals were killed at intervals over a 10 hour period.
The percent of cells and mitoses labeled at different times TUMOR LATENT PERIODS
after a pulse of thymidine-3H was determined by counting a
MEAN 10.75
minimum of 3000 cells and 100 mitoses/sample. In most cases CREAM
the sample size was at least doubled. Although one investigator
scored the autoradiographs, repeated counts of a single slide
or counts of different sections taken from a single sample were
Mean transit times through the cell cycle were determined
from plots of labeled mitoses/mitoses (LM/M) and labeled 5
cells/cells (LC/C) at various times after the injection of thy-
midine-3H. In normal cheek pouches these indices were derived a 3
exclusively from the basal cell population, which was believed
to be the important if not the only source of cell production I
during steady state conditions. J l
However, the relative paucity of kinetic information, differ 9 -GOLDEN MEAN 10.0
ences in physical properties and histologie organization made
it impossible to identify comparable cell populations in neonatal co 7
pouches or in tumors. In these tissues it was necessary to score LU
autoradiographs without reference to a defined proliferative I
O 5
population. Premalignant hyperplastic epithelium occupied the o
spaces between tumors in treated pouches and was also scored o
in its entirety for similar reasons.
Ts, the mean DNA synthesis time, was estimated from the
o I
area under the first wave of labeled mitoses (5, 23). Tc, the
mean cycle time, was measured directly as the difference be
ce. l I l
tween the 50% intercepts of the ascending limbs of successive CD 9 -DEA MEAN 7.3
waves of labeled mitoses in tumors. Mean transit time through
the cell cycle in tumors was also calculated from the measured 7
values for Ts and LC/C, assuming that all tumor cells were
contributing equally to exponential growth of the tumor mass.
As previously reported (23), growth under these circumstances
can be described by the following quadratic equation:

T, + ^ T* + 2(2T„2mri+ 77)LC/C
1 c—
— I
2.88 (LC/C)
Although there were morphologic indications that not all tu 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18
mor cells were proliferating, the discrepancy between measured WEEK OF APPEARANCE
and calculated values of Tc provided additional evidence. (POST TREATMENT)
Tc in cell populations other than tumors was calculated from
the measured values of Ts and LC/C according to an extension Chart 1. Histograms showing time distributions of the appear
of Wright's hypothesis (28), which postulates that the fre
ance of the first tumor per pouch in each of the three strains of
quency of cells in a phase of the cell cycle is proportional to hamsters. The mean for dark-eared partial albinos is significantly
the transit time through that phase. different from the other groups at the 5% confidence level.

MAY 1968 899

Allan B. Reiskin and Roger J. Berry

mean latent period for the group (7.3 ±2.8 weeks) was sig untreated cheek pouches, and Tc calculated from the labeling
nificantly different from the mean latent period for cream and index and T, equal 61 hours. The reliability of this calculation
golden strain animals, which were 10.0 ±0.49 and 10.7 ±0.44 and its significance will be discussed later.
weeks respectively. Inspection of Chart 1 suggests that the Cell Kinetics of Chemically Induced Tumors. Tumor his
DEA latent periods were more evenly distributed than they tology was similar in all experimental groups. Only squamous
were in either of the other strains. The apparent segregation of cell carcinomas were observed, and these could easily be sep
latent periods in cream and golden hamsters had no statistical arated into four types according to the degree of differentia
significance, in the context of the number of experimental an tion. The least differentiated and most rarely encountered tu
imals on which the analysis was based. mor was composed of spindle-shaped cells that could be seen
Tumor Growth Rates. Tumor growth was rapid, and three in transitional stages streaming away from the basement mem
growth patterns were observed in all strains: (a) most tumors brane. The second type was composed also of primitive epi
grew continuously but with changing rates', (b) a few tumors thelial cells and had, in addition, significant areas of necrosis.
grew continuously with constant rates; and (c) a few tu The two remaining histologie types, which accounted for more
mors went through periods of regression although growth was than 90% of the tumors, were differentiated and produced
always resumed. When the volumes of tumors from each strain moderate amounts of keratin. They were distinguished from
were pooled and plotted as the log mean of tumor volume at each other by the degree of uniformity of the basal cells.
different times after the beginning of treatment, growth ap The grain density of tumor cell labeling by tritiated thy
peared to have an exponential mode (Charts 2-4). Regression midine varied from tumor to tumor. A single tumor from one
lines were fitted to these data by the least squares method, and animal displayed no thymidine uptake, although mitotic figures
from them doubling times of 4.7 ±0.6, 12.3 ± 1.1, and 9.3 were apparently normal and control tissues from the animal
±0.5 days were calculated for DEA, golden, and cream tumors showed moderate amounts of label. Each point in Charts 9-11
respectively. The difference between DEA hamsters and the represents a single tumor. Most of the points at a given time
other strains was significant P < 0.05).
Epithelial Proliferation in the Cheek Pouches of Untreated GOLDEN TUMORS
Neonatal and Adult Hamsters. Since the mean survival time of
the newborn hamsters was reduced dramatically by experi
mental manipulation, it was impossible to measure Tc directly.
However, a value for this parameter was calculated using
Wright's hypothesis (23, 28) and the measured values of T,
and LC/C. T,, measured from the area under the first wave
of labeled mitoses in Chart 5, was 6.7 hours. Although the num 1000
ber of samples was small, they fully define a first wave. The
calculated Tc of 29.2 hours is excessively long, since the de
nominator of the labeled cell/cells fraction unavoidably in O
cluded an undefined number of nonproliferating cells. er
In the adult hamsters, the proliferating compartment was O
better defined, and less error was associated with the calculated 100
values for Tc of 141 and 155 hours in Golden and DEA an
imals respectively. The mean transit times through DNA syn
thesis (Charts 6, 7) were 9.9 and 9.3 hours, both considerably
longer than in the neonatal hamsters. All of the labeled mitoses _l
curves in untreated animals were reasonably symmetrical, and ec.
they differed from each other primarily with respect to the IO
length of the plateaus.
Kinetics of Carcinogen-induced Hyperplasia. The areas of
the treated cheek pouch which surround the tumors are ir
regularly hyperplastic. Earlier experiments have indicated that
this histologically nonmalignant tissue gives rise to additional
new tumors as time passes (19). From autoradiographs of this
material, it was possible to define a wave of labeled mitoses 50 90 130 170
(Chart 8). The wave was qualitatively similar to those ob DAYS FROM THE BEGINNING OF TREATMENT
tained from normal basal epithelium of the adults with two
main exceptions. First, the data tended to scatter, and second, Chart 2
the descending limb of the curve dropped less steeply than it
did in the previous curves. T,, measured from the area under Charts 2-4. The volume of one tumor in each pouch was meas
the wave, was 10.3 hours. ured and the log mean of the combined volumes was plotted
As indicated in Table 1, the percent of cells labeled by a against the time after treatment commenced. DEA, dark-eared
pulse of thymidine is approximately twice as great as in the partial albino hamsters.


Cell Proliferation and Carcinogenesis

interval are multiple tumors from a single animal but almost indicates that, during normal growth, a higher proportion of
every time interval includes tumors from a second and, oc proliferative cells are in DNA synthesis.
casionally, a third animal as well. Although there was not The mean transit time through DNA synthesis was shorter
enough material for a rigorous analysis, the variation between in neonatal pouch epithelium (6.7 hours) and in epithelial tu
tumors from different animals did not seem to exceed the mors (6.4-7.9 hours) than in the normal pouch epithelium of
variation among tumors in the same animal. Tt was 6.4, 7.4, adults (9.9-10.3 hours). Preliminary experiments have indi
and 7.9 hours in the DEA, cream, and golden animals respec cated that, in adult animals, DNA synthesis may also be
tively. The Tc measured directly from the labeled mitoses curves shortened during regeneration, and, therefore, T, is not an ef
was 11 hours for DEA tumors and 16 hours in both creams fective indicator of malignancy as was previously suggested
and goldens. (23). In association with these reductions in synthesis time,
there were concomitant reductions in other phases of the cell
DISCUSSION cycle, which had the net effect of increasing the relative size
of the population in synthesis.
In other studies, dealing primarily with carcinogenesis, The accuracy of the calculated kinetic parameters depends
attempts have been made to correlate kinetic parameters with primarily on two factors, the adequacy with which the equa
oncogenic sensitivity. Some investigators (9) have reported tions describe the kinetic phenomena and the reliability of the
an enhanced response to chemical carcinogens when cells were data used. Three measurements (Tt, LC/C, and M/LC) have
in the DNA synthetic phase of the cell cycle at the time of been used in the calculations described in this report and each
treatment. Others have indicated that DNA synthesis may be requires some clarification. T, was measured directly by the
a required step in the carcinogenic process (1, 9). Although labeled mitosis method in each experimental cell population.
these experiments were not designed to do so, one might have Although it is difficult to apply meaningful confidence limits
expected that the interstrain comparisons in this report would to the data, there are clear, resolvable differences between
corroborate earlier experiments. However, the subtlety of ki neonatal and neoplastic epithelium on the one hand and pre-
netic differences between strains makes it impossible to draw neoplastic and undisturbed adult epithelium on the other. The
firm conclusions about the effect of these differences on sen repeatability of scoring was tested, but of equal importance
sitivity to chemical agents. It is interesting to note that Morris was the assumption made in using the equations that all cells
(17) reported a reduced latent period in younger animals, and
this report, as well as preliminary data on weanling hamsters,
1 1 1


ce o
i ,0

ce ce

50 90 130 170 30 50 70 90

MAY 1968 901

Allan B. Reiskin and Roger J. Berry

NEWBORN DEA EPITHELIUM were actively dividing. The correctness of the assumption is
clear only in the case of LM/M, since there is visible proof
of proliferation. The LC portion of the LC/C and M/LC
fraction may be misleading if synthesis occurs without cell
division in significant numbers of cells.
i: 75
In scoring autoradiographs of neonatal epithelium, it was
impossible to avoid the inclusion of some differentiated and,
therefore, nongrowing cells. If a correction factor could be
2 measured and applied, it would reduce the calculated Tc. In
O untreated adults, information obtained from chronically infused
animals suggested that only and all basal cells proliferate.
Tc was measured directly in the tumor cell populations and
could be used together with the measured values of T, to cal
culate a more reliable LC/C index. In the epithelial hyper-
O 5 IO 15 20 25 30 35 plasia induced by the carcinogen, it was not possible to dis
HOURS AFTER INJECTION OF TRITIATED THYMIDINE tinguish between dividing and differentiated or other nonpro-
liferating cells, except by the criteria of thymidine uptake and
Chart 5. Labeled mitoses curve of cheek pouch epithelium from visible mitosis. It was clear that LC/C was not an accurate
newborn dark-eared partial albino (DEA) hamsters. index of proliferation, and, in contrast to other situations, it
was impossible to predict the direction or the extent of error.
The calculated cell cycle in this case must be confirmed by
direct measurement before it can have significance. If the cal
culated value is grossly incorrect, and the duration of the cell
cycle as well as of DNA synthesis are similar to normal values,
then the increases in labeling may indicate a failure or sup
pression of differentiation. Such a finding would provide con
vincing support for the concept of delayed maturation as a
part of the carcinogenic mechanism (2).
It should be noted that small differences in Ts (0.6 hours)
and LC/C (1.0%) result in apparently large differences in the
calculated cell cycles. These differences are not likely to be
real but, as long as the data are interpreted with regard to the
input parameters, valid distinctions and comparisons can be
5 10 15 20 25 ÕO made.
The present results clearly indicate that, in similarly treated
hamsters, significant differences occur with respect to tumor
Charte latent period and growth rate as a function of strain. This
finding was anticipated, since the strain dependence of latent
Charts 6, 7. Labeled mitoses curves of epithelium from cheek periods and tumor growth rates has been demonstrated in other
pouches of adult dark-eared partial albinos (DEA) and Golden


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Chart 8. The first wave of labeled mitoses occurring in the cheek
pouch epithelium of adult dark-eared partial albino hamsters
Chart 7 (DEA) during carcinogen-induced hyperplasia.


Cell Proliferation and Carcinogenesis

Table 1
(hours)TissueDEA Time periods labeled
calcu T, cells labeled
(LC/C)6722.915.711.0 cell020.




tumorGolden 24.916.0
tumorCream 31.016.0
Autoradiographic indices determined for normal, hyperplastic, and tumor cells. DEA, dark-
eared partial albino hamsters.
Tm _ Mitoses
~f7 ~ Labeled cells

"T, Labeled cells

= LC/C
VT i

mammalian species (7). A comparison of cell transit times, pouch tumors, two-directional movement is not clearly estab
latent periods, tumor growth rates, and 'crude estimates of lished, but the abrupt changes in growth rate (including re
growth fractions (15) are presented in Table 2. gression) and the presence of labeled and mitotic cells in other
In spite of the fact that the cheek pouch was selected as the wise differentiated areas strongly suggests that it does occur.
experimental site because it seemed less susceptible to physio The mechanism which regulates the participation of prolifera-
logic and functional variation, kinetic changes resulting from tively capable cells in the division cycle is poorly understood.
an altered local environment after carcinogen treatment cannot In normal tissues the phase at which cells enter or leave the
be ruled out. For this reason, and because the tumors were cycle varies and may be a function of tissue specific factors.
differentiated (known to have a growth fraction), it was pos Liver cells, for example, leave the cycle in the early postmitotic
sible to anticipate a complex relationship between tumor growth period and enter the G0 state (13). DNA synthesis and other
and tumor cell cycles (16). biochemical events must occur before these cells can divide if
Tumor growth rate at any given time is related to the growth stimulated. In contrast, some epidermal cells leave the cycle
fraction and to cell death or loss, as well as to generation time, in the Go phase and are ready for division with little metabolic
and it is possible to make rough estimates of the relative sig preparation (11). Since it is not clear which, if either, situation
nificance of these factors. The labeled mitoses method for applies to tumor cells, it is advantageous to avoid using the G0
measuring generation time parameters requires some rate term which implies a specific biochemical pathway and to sub
coherence of the labeled cells as they progress through the stitute a more general term, T0, to describe any proliferatively
cycle. The shape and sharpness of the waves reflects the capable nondividing cell.
amount of rate variation in the cohort (21). Although the tu The existence of a T0 compartment has important implica
mor-labeled mitoses curves did show some scatter, the waves
tions for radiotherapeutic or chemotherapeutic management of
are sufficiently distinct and symmetrical to indicate that rate
neoplastic disease as well as for tumor growth analysis. If
differences within and between tumors occurs only within
changes of fluctuations in growth rate are primarily related to
limits. It is reasonable to conclude that a major source of varia
tion in growth rate is related to cell loss or the growth frac changes in the relative size of the T0 compartment, rather than
to changes in the duration of the cell cycle, then the task of
In its simplest form, the growth fraction concept implies one obtaining kinetic information on human tumors with conven
way movement of cells from a growing to a nongrowing form. tional technic may not be as formidable as it has seemed in the
There are, however, several precedents for two-directional past. On the other hand, the possible existence of T0, or out-
movement of cells between growing and nongrowing compart of-cycle and, perhaps, resistant tumor cells, represents an un
ments in both normal and malignant tissues (Griswold et al., known and potentially hazardous quantity. Finally, the T0
personal communication ; L. J. Talmach, L. A. Palmer, and W. state may invalidate growth curve extrapolations and require
E. Powers, personal communication; 10-12, 13). In the cheek new approaches to tumor growth analysis.

MAY 1968 903

Allan B. Reiskin and Roger J. Berry
Table 2

strain period
cells155.0141Latent cells11
Interstrain comparison of cell cycles, latent periods, tumor dou
bling times (DT), and tumor growth fractions (GF). Growth
fractions were calculated from the relationship between Tc and
/ln(l + GF) In2\
the doubling time >AfI To ~ DT/ I See Table 1 for abbre-

5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Chart 9
The authors wish to thank S. A. Tyler and M. H. Dipert for
Charts 9-11. Labeled mitoses curves for chemically induced their collaboration in the statistical evaluation of the data and,
tumors in the cheek pouches of adult dark-eared partial albino in addition, all those who contributed editorial comment and
(DEA), Golden, and Cream hamsters. Each point represents a assistance.
single tumor.

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MAY 1968 905

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