Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Evaluation differ from the
Analysis performed in
problem formulation,
selection of criteria and
comparison of alternatives.
The analyst uses the same
information and ask some of
the main question, as in the
original analysis , but in the
evaluation the set of
alternatives and the scope of
creative problem redefinition
, are sharply circumscribed.
A quasi-experiment is an empirical
interventional study used to estimate the
causal impact of an intervention on target
4: Collect the
5: Analyze and data or
interpret the results actual
, do the data imply measuremen
to its actual t to describe
performance is at the
or above the goal? phenomena
of interest
• STEP 1:
• Define Purpose and Scope •Why are you
doing the evaluation?
program outcomes?
program improvement?
• Longitudinal (what
happens over
Step 2: extended time)
Change (what
happened as a result
Specify of a program; what
Evaluation differences are there
Design between time A and
time B)
Random sample is a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the subset
has an equal probability of being chosen. ... An example of a simple random sample would be
the names of 25 employees being chosen out of a hat from a company of 250 employees.
• Step 5:
• Analyze Data •Data collected during policy
evaluation are compiled and analyzed
Kaldor– Measure of economic efficiency that captures some of the insightful appeal
Hicks of Pareto efficiency, but is more flexible and is hence applicable to more
criterion circumstances. For example in cost-benefit analysis, a project or example, a
new airport is evaluated by comparing the total costs, such as building costs
and environmental costs, with the total benefits, such as airline profits and
convenience for travelers. However, as cost-benefit analysis may also
assign different social welfare weights to different individuals, e.g. more to
the poor, the compensation criterion is not always invoked by cost-benefit
Rawls’s Mini-max is two-fold: seek to maximize your minimum profits, and seek to
Criterion minimize your maximum losses.
This assumes a zero-sum game (one pie, pieces cut according to each
player's control/power). - (Theory of justice as fairness)
Approach Aims Major Technique
Descriptive Social Graphic display.
Tabular display,
evaluation methods to experimentati Index numbers(values expressed as a percentage),
The political produce valid on, social Interrupted time series analysis (data are collected
orientation information about systems at multiple instance), control analysis (two existing
groups differing in outcome are identified and
promotes a policy outcome. accounting, compared on the basis of some supposed causal
positive or Methods involved social auditing attribute. e.g to identify factors that may contribute
negative view of to a medical condition by comparing who have that
are; quasi- research and
an object condition/disease with patients who do not have
experimental practice
regardless of what the condition/disease but are otherwise similar),
its value might design, synthesis regression discontinuity (regression discontinuity is
questionnaire, a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design that
actually be.
elicits the causal effects of interventions by
random sampling, assigning a cutoff or threshold above or below
statistical which an intervention is assigned, e.g: remedial
technique education program restricted to students with low
school level, financial help (Head Start program) to
developing countries
restricted to poorest countries, age restriction for
social assistance or unemployment benefits etc).
Approach Aims Major Technique
Formal Descriptive methods to Developmental Objective
Evaluation produce and valid evaluation, mapping(SMART),
(is a written information about policy experimental value clarification(psychotherapy
technique that can often help an
list) outcomes but evaluates such evaluation, individual increase awareness of any
outcomes on the basis of Retrospective/ values ), value critique
programs objectives that backdated (two different modes of practicing
have been formally process judgment: critique and value (or
• Cold War
• Pak-Afghan Policy