Design of Steel and Timber Structure Beg 361 Ci
Design of Steel and Timber Structure Beg 361 Ci
Design of Steel and Timber Structure Beg 361 Ci
BEG 361 CI
Year: III Semester: II
Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Theory Tutorial Practical Internal Assessment Final
Theory Practical Theory Practica Total
3 3 0 l
20 0 80 0 100
Course Objective/s:
This course is aimed to make students capable to design ordinary steel and timber structures and
also prepare students for advanced knowledge on design of complex steel and timber structure.
1.0 Introduction to Steel Structures and Design Concepts (4 hrs)
1.1 Types of structural steel
1.2 Properties of structural Steel (Stress-strain characteristics, allowable stresses and
other Mechanical Properties)
1.3 Use of steel as structural members
1.4 Standards, codes and specifications for design of steel structures
1.5 Advantages and disadvantages of steel structures.
1.6 Allowable stress, Ultimate strength and limit state
2.0 Types of Joints and Design (6 hrs)
2.1 Types of Riveted / Bolted and Welded Joints
2.2 Strength of Riveted / Bolted Joints
2.3 Rivet Value and Efficiency
2.4 Design of riveted / Bolted Joints under axial and eccentric forces
2.5 Details of riveted / Bolted Joints
2.6 Design of welded Joints under axial and eccentric forces
2.7 Details of welded joints
1) Design and Detailing of continuous beams supported on columns.
2) Design and detailing of plate girder.
3) Design and detailing of main column including base plate, foundation and anchorage.
Course Project:
Design and detailing of a industrial shed.
1. L. S. Negi, Design of Steel Structures, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,
New Delhi, 1997.
2. M. Raghupathi, Design of Steel Structures, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 1997.
3. S. Arya, J. L. Azmani, Design of steel Structures, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, Fifth
Edition, 1996
4. Ramarutham, Design of Steel Structures
5. Ramchandra, Design of Steel Structures
6. Dayaratnam, Design of Steel Structures
Marks Distribution;
Chapter Time Marks
1 4 6-8
2 6 8-10
3 4 8-10
4 &5 4+3=7 16
6&7 6+2=8 16
8 3 8
9 5 8-10
10&11 3+5=8 10-16
Total 80
A practical assignment of highway and pavement design that includes data collection
will be included in this course. The following studies will be conducted:
a) Determination of CBR in the laboratory.
b) Measurement of spot speed and data analysis.
c) Measurement of deflection of pavement surface.
Class room exercises on traffic volume, traffic capacity and characteristics studies, assignment
on road intersection and lighting system with report presentation. Exercises on road pavement
1. S.B.Sehgal and K.I. Bhanot. A Text-book on Highway Engineering and Airports, S. Chand
and Co. Publishers Ltd., New Delhi
2. S.K. Sharma, Principles, Practice and Design of Highway Engineering, S. Chand and Co.
Publishers Ltd., New Delhi
3. Dr. S.K. Khanna and Dr. C.E.G.Justo, Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros Roorkee
Mark Distribution:
Chapters Marks
One (4-8)
Two (12-16)
Three (12-16)
Four (4)
Five (16)
Six (16)
Seven (8-12)
Eight (8-12)
Total 80
* Attempt any Five Questions out of six
* Five questions with (a) and (b) and One Question as Short Notes
* Maximum Four Numerical can be asked
* Numerical from chapter (One, Two, Three, Five and Seven)
Sanitary Engineering
BEG 364 CI
3 assignments and 2 quizzes.
Practical Work:
Following practical exercises should be conducted:
(a) BOD and COD tests.
(b) Bacteriological: Membrin filter, most probable number.
1. B.C. Punmiya, Sanitary Engineering, ,Laxmi publisher
2. P.N Modi, Sanitary Engineering, Standard book house
3. G.S. Bridie, Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Dhanpat Rai and Sons Publishers
Marks distribution:
Student should attempt 5 out of 6 questions. Each question will be divided into two sub-
groups. Marks distribution may vary slightly as per above distribution.
Irrigation Engineering
Field visit of irrigation system, group presentation and submission of individual report to the respective
1. R. S. Varshney, S. C. Gupta and R. L. Gupta, Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures, Nem Chand and
Bros., Roorkee, 2010.
2. Bharat Singh, Fundamentals of Irrigation Engineering, Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee, 2008.
3. Design Manual for Irrigation Projects in Nepal, PDSP Manuals, February, 1990.
4. S. N. Poudel, Irrigation Development in Nepal, Kathmandu, 1986.
5. S. K. Garg, Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures, Delhi, 1983.
6. Design Guidelines for Surface Irrigation in Terai and Hills of Nepal, Volume I and II, WECS, Kathmandu,
7. Choudhari, L.N.: A course manual on FMIS (Farmer Managed Irrigation System), nec publication (2004)
8. Guidelines for Predicting Crop water Requirements, FAO Irrigation and Drainage paper 24 (1977)
9. Pradhan, Prachanda, (1989): Partners of Irrigation Organization in Nepal: Country paper-Nepal No. 1:
Comparative Study of 21 farmer managed irrigation system, Colombo Srilanka
10. Uphoff, Norman (1986): Improving Irrigation management with farmer participation, Boulder, Colorado
and London, West view Press.
Marks Distribution;
Chapters Question Type Marks
1 Theory only 4-6
2 Theory with/without numerical 8-12
3 Theory with/without numerical 8-10
4 Theory with numerical 12-16
5 Theory with numerical 12-16
6 Theory with/without numerical 12-16
7 Theory with/without numerical 6-8
8 Theory with/without numerical 8-12
9 Theory only 6-8
10 Theory only 4-6
Total 80
Students should attempt 5 out of 6 questions. Each question will be divided into two sub-groups. Marks
distribution may vary slightly as per above distribution.
Foundation Engineering
BEG 362 CI
The objective of this course is to provide the basic knowledge, concept and introduction of
tools, that can be used to determine soil structure interaction. This course includes a review of
principles of soil mechanics and deal with a variety of foundations and retaining walls.
One day local site visit based on site investigation.
1. “ Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, K.R. Arora, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1988.
2. “ Soil Mechanics in Engineering practice”, Terzaghi, K and Peck, R.B. , John Wiley, 2nd
Edition, New York, 1967.
3. “Foundation Engineering” B.M. Das.
Marks Distribution;
BEG 395 MS
3 Assignments, 2 Quizzes & 3 Case Studies
The case studies will concentrate on economic analysis and selection of public projects,
economic analysis and selection of private projects, risk analysis and demand analysis.
1. E.P. DeGramo, W.G. Sullivan and J.A. Bontadelli, 8th Edition, Macmillan Publishing
Company, 1988
2. N.N. Borish and S.Kaplan, "Economic Analysis: For Engineering and Managerial
Decision Making”, McGraw-Hill.
Marks Distribution;
* Attempt any five questions out of six,
* All questions carry 16 Marks,
* Five questions will have (a) and (b) divisions and one will be for short notes,
* Short notes will have five questions and students will have to answer any four out of five.