Training Calendar 2023 24
Training Calendar 2023 24
Training Calendar 2023 24
Brackishwater Aquaculture sector is playing a major role in fisheries economy of India.
As per 2020-21 statistics India has produced 8.43 lakh tonnes of farmed shrimp from an area of
1.67 lakh ha (MPEDA, Kochi, India). Penaeus vannamei production was to the tune of 815745
tons and that of Penaeus monodon was 27616 tons. During the same period, the export earnings
from frozen shrimp accounted for ₹32520 crore per annum. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil
Nadu, Odisha, West Bengal are the major shrimp producing States in the country, followed by
Kerala, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra. Andhra Pradesh tops the country with an annual
shrimp production of 6.39 lakh tonnes, accounting for 75.8% of the Indian shrimp production.
Production of shrimp species like white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei), milk fish (Chanos
chanos), Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) and pearl spot (Etroplus suratensis) would fetch
higher income within a crop period of 3-4 months in case of shrimp, and 5-9 months in the case
of finfish.
India exported fish and fishery products worth US$ 5.96 billion where farmed shrimp
contributed 51% by volume and 74% by value during 2020-21 (www,mpeda, Shrimp
occupies top position in terms of earning foreign exchange vis-à-vis other agricultural
commodities in India. Indian shrimp exports to US grow from 14% to 46%, while exports to EU
and Japan reduced by 37% to 12% and 16% to 7%, respectively during the past decade.
The total shrimp quantity exported in 2020-21 was 5.9 lakh tonnes worth USD 4.4
billion. It was a decline by 9.47 per cent in value terms and 9.50 per cent in quantity compared
to 2019-20. USA is the largest importer with 46% (2.72 lakh tonnes) of Indian shrimp followed
by China (1.02 lakh tonnes), European Union (70,133 t), Japan (40,502 t) and South East Asia
(38,389 t). Shrimp import by China was drastically declined by 30% from1.4 lakh tonnes in
2019-20 to one lakh tonnes in 2020-21.
India has about 1.2 million ha of brackishwater resources, of which only 16.57 percent is
being utilized for farming and 8.62 million ha of inland saline areas are available in Gujarat,
Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana and other inland states, which are mostly unexplored. In the
case of brackishwater resources suitable for aquaculture, do not compete with agriculture,
drinking purposes and construction etc.
The Headquarters of the Institute is located at Chennai and the experimental facilities,
finfish and broodstock holding facilities, experimental hatcheries, pilot scale feed mill, etc.,
are at Muttukadu, about 25 km south of Chennai. The Institute has two Research Centres
located at Kakdwip in South 24 Parganas District of West Bengal (KRC) and at Navsari in
Gujarat (NGRC).
The research and development programmes in brackishwater aquaculture are carried
out under the framework of the following five divisions:
Crustacean Culture Division (CCD)
Fish Culture Division (FCD)
Nutrition, Genetics & Biotechnology Division (NGBD)
Aquatic Animal Health & Environment Division (AAHED)
Social Sciences Division (SSD)
The Institute has linkages and collaboration with other ICAR Fisheries Research
Institutes and other Institutes under ICAR, State Agricultural Universities (SAUs), Fisheries,
Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry Departments of the State
Governments/Union Territories, Brackishwater Fish Farmers Development Agencies
(BFDAs) in various states, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, the
Coastal Aquaculture A u t h o r i t y , M i n i s t r y o f A g r i c u l t u r e , G o v t . of India, the
National Fisheries Development Board, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Department
of Biotechnology (DBT), the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA),
Mangrove and Marine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation of Maharashtra, Vellore
Institute of Technology (VIT), NOFIMA, Norway, Govt. of India, Chennai Petro Chemicals
Limited, M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, Aquaculture Foundation of India,
Chennai, FAO-Bay of Bengal Programme, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
(NACA) and World Bank.
Institute training programmes
Training courses in brackishwater aquaculture are conducted throughout the year by the
Institute as part of the extension services and offered to the State / Central government
officials, faculty members and students of Fisheries Colleges and Agricultural Universities,
farmers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders engaged in brackishwater shellfish and finfish
aquaculture activities. Brainstorming sessions, Interaction meetings, Farmers’ meets,
Demonstrations, Hands-on trainings, Workshops and Exhibitions are also conducted from
time to time. The training programmes are broadly classified into three viz., Short Course
(3 days), Hands on Training Course (5 days) and Intermittent Course (5-10 days).
The expenditure on travel, TA, DA, etc., has to be borne by the sponsoring authority /
Organization or by the candidates themselves
The training courses will be coordinated by the concerned Division / Section in
Charge / Subject Matter Specialist. If any participant is unable to understand the matter
in English, arrangements would be made to translate in Hindi, Bangla, Odiya, Telugu,
Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil. On successful completion of the Training Courses, a
Certificate on the same will be provided to each participant. If there is a demand for
particular Training Course(s), it can be repeated as per the requirement. Conventional
training programmes will be organized subject to COVID-19 pandemic and
Government Rules prevailing in the place of training and period. The dates provided
are purely tentative and subject to change depending on institute’s discretion.
However, changes if any will be notified in CIBA website before the training period.
Short Course (03 days)
Sl.No. Title of the Course Place & Date Duration Minimum Course Fee Division / Section / Centre
(in days) Number of /person in ₹ to organize
Participants excluding 18%
of GST
01 Recent advances in seed production and CIBA HQ Chennai 03 10 3500 Finfish Culture Division
farming of brackishwater finfishes (09-05-23 to
02 Pond water and soil analytical techniques and CIBA HQ Chennai 03 10 3500 Environment Section
interpretation of results (30-05-23 to
03 Aqua feed preparation techniques and CIBA HQ Chennai 03 10 3500 Nutrition Section
quality control (23-05-23 to
04 Recent advances in seed production and CIBA HQ Chennai 03 10 3500 Finfish Culture Division
farming of brackishwater finfishes (05-09-23 to
05 Aqua feed preparation techniques and CIBA HQ Chennai 03 10 3500 Nutrition Section
quality control (12-09-23 to
Hands on Training (05 days)
Sl.No. Title of the Course Place & Date Duration Minimum Course Fee Division / Section / Centre
(in days) Number of /person in ₹ to organize
Participants excluding 18%
of GST
02 Hands on training on shrimp and mud crab KRC Kakdwip 05 10 3500 KRC Kakdwip,
culture in East India (18-09-23 to West Bengal
03 Hands on training on finfish farming NGRC Navsari, 05 10 5500 NGRC Navsari, Gujarat
technologies in the west coast of India Gujarat
(05-06-23 to
04 Hands on training on Best Management CIBA HQ Chennai 05 10 5500 Finfish Culture Division
Practices in finfish culture (12-06-23 to
05 Hands on training on shrimp and mud crab CIBA HQ Chennai 05 10 5500 Crustacean Culture
culture : A practical exposure (19-06-23 to Division
Intermittent Training (05-10 days)
Sl.No. Title of the Course Place & Date Duration Minimum Course Fee Division / Section / Centre
(in days) Number of /person in ₹ to organize
Participants excluding 18%
of GST
01 Farming and seed production technology of KRC 06 10 3000 KRC Kakdwip
brackishwater fishes. Kakdwip West Bengal
(07-08-23 to
02 Recent advances on diagnosis and CIBA HQ Chennai 06 10 6500 Aquatic Animal Health
management of EHP in brackishwater (11-09-23 to Division
shrimp aquaculture 16-09-23)
03 Recent advances in soil and water CIBA HQ Chennai 05 10 5000 Environment Section
management in brackishwater aquaculture (09-10-23 to
04 Advances in hatchery seed production and NGRC Navsari, 05 10 5500 NGRC Navsari, Gujarat
farming of pearlspot, E. suratensis Gujarat
(09-10-23 to
07 Recent advances on diagnosis and CIBA HQ Chennai 06 10 6500 Aquatic Animal Health
management of brackishwater fish diseases (06-11-23 to Division
08 Bacteriological techniques for detection of CIBA HQ Chennai 06 10 6500 Aquatic Animal Health
pathogenic bacteria in brackishwater shrimp (11-12-23 to Division
09 Disease management in brackishwater KRC 06 10 3500 KRC Kakdwip
aquaculture farming Kakdwip West Bengal
(11-12-23 to
10 Cell culture techniques for detection of CIBA HQ Chennai 06 10 6500 Aquatic Animal Health
brackishwater fish viral pathogens (29-01-24 to Division
11 Genetics & Biotechnology: Tools and their CIBA HQ Chennai 05 10 8500 Genetics and
application in aquaculture (05-02-24 to Biotechnology Division
Analytical services offered by ICAR-CIBA
The Director
ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
75, Santhome High Road, Raja Annamalaipuram,
Chennai-600 028, Tamil Nadu
ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai
Application for Training Course
1. Title of the course
2. Nature of training required in
brackishwater aquaculture
3. Name of the candidate (in Capital
4. Sex
5. Date of Birth
6. Nationality
7. Highest Educational Qualification
8. Category
(Aqua Farmer / Fisher / Farmer / Aqua
Technician / Input Dealer / Input Supplier
/ Aqua Industry / Aqua Marketing / State
Government / Central Government /
Development Boards/ Commercial Banks
/ Other Financial Institutions / Research
Scholar / Student / Others (Please
9. Designation if employed and
name and address of the employer
10. Complete postal address with
Pin code
ICAR - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture- Contact details
ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
75,Santhome High Road
Raja Annamalai Puram
Chennai- 600 028
Tamil Nadu
Muttukadu Experimental Station of ICAR-CIBA
Kovalam Post
Muttukadu - 603 112
Tamil Nadu
Navsari Gujarat Research Centre
ICAR-CIBA – Navsari Gujarat Research Centre,
First Floor, Building of Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry,
Navsari Agricultural University
Navsari, Gujarat 396 450
Telephone: 02637-283509
Email :