8 Bit Computer Manual
8 Bit Computer Manual
8 Bit Computer Manual
c m
O 1/4 bit output by computer (yellow LED)
O 2/4 bit output by computer (yellow LED)
O 3/4 bit output by computer (yellow LED)
O 4/4 bit output by computer (yellow LED)
1 = on
0 = off
1010 0 01 01010110
0100 1 00 00000001
I 8-bit input
I 8-bit input
I 8-bit input
I 8-bit input
I 8-bit input
I 8-bit input
I 8-bit input
I 8-bit input
I this is a code
I this is a number
I write code function
I this is a variable
I this is a calculating symbol + or – or * or / est
I use all leds
I use display
I set format of variable
00000001 = print 00001010 = if then
00000010 = input 00001011 = el-if then
00000011 = if 00001100 = end display print
00000100 = el-if 00001101 = convert any variable to str
00000101 = else 00001110 = convert ant variable to int
00000110 = end if 00001111 = custom input and store in the variable
00000111 = end el-if 00010000 = delay in seconds
00001000 = end else 00010001 = loop
00001001 = clear the display
format :
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
00000001 = 1
00000010 = 2
00000011 = 1+2=3
00000100 = 4
00000101 = 4+1=5
and more numbers till 255
if you don’t understand the patten it is very simple you can see first number is 1 and second is 2 and
third is 4
to get 1 it will be 00000001
to get 2 it will be 00000010
to get 3 but there is no three of three is 00000011 1 + 2 = 3
+ = 00000111
- = 00001000
/ = 00001001
* = 00001010
0001 = memory out of 16000 bits
0010 = write the funx
0011 = complete full if or el-if or else statement
0100 = other error
display write
(space) = 00000001
A = 00000010 a = 00011100 1 = 00110110 ] = 01010000
B = 00000011 b = 00011101 2 = 00110111 { = 01010001
C = 00000100 c = 00011110 3 = 00111000 } = 01010010
D = 00000101 d = 00011111 4 = 00111001 \ = 01010011
E = 00000110 e = 00100000 5 = 00111010 | = 01010100
F = 00000111 f = 00100001 6 = 00111011 ; = 01010101
G = 00001000 g = 00100010 7 = 00111100 : = 01010110
H = 00001001 h = 00100011 8 = 00111101 ‘ = 01010111
I = 00001010 I = 00100100 9 = 00111110 “ = 01011000
J = 00001011 j = 00100101 ~ = 00111111 , = 01011001
K = 00001100 k = 00100110 ` = 01000000 < = 01011010
L = 00001101 l = 00100111 ! = 01000001 . = 01011011
M = 00001110 m = 00101000 @ = 01000010 > = 01011100
N = 00001111 n = 00101001 # = 01000011 / = 01011101
O = 00010000 o = 00101010 $ = 01000100 ? = 01011110
P = 00010001 p = 00101011 % = 01000101
Q = 00010010 q = 00101100 ^ = 01000110
R = 00010011 r = 00101101 & = 01000111
S = 00010100 s = 00101110 * = 01001000
T = 00010101 t = 00101111 ( = 01001001
U = 00010110 u = 00110000 ) = 01001010
V = 00010111 v = 00110001 _ = 01001011
W = 00011000 w = 00110010 - = 01001100
X = 00011001 x = 00110011 “=” = 01001101
Y = 00011010 y = 00110100 + = 01001110
Z = 00011011 z = 00110101 [ = 01001111