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Syllabus DATAN

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Data Analytics

3 Credits
Course Code
Management / Accounting / Islamic Banking

1. Alfian Budi Primanto, SAB, MBA, CPM(A)
2. Arini Fitria Mustapita, SE, ME
[Email Address] [Phone Number, ###- ###-#### (Optional)]
3. Tri Sugiarti Ramadhan, SE, MM
[Email Address] [Phone Number, ###- ###-#### (Optional)]
4. Sulton Sholehuddin, SE, MM
[Email Address] [Phone Number, ###- ###-#### (Optional)]

Course Descriptions
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of data analytics, bridging the gap
between theory and practice in a comprehensive manner. Students will be exposed to a
variety of tools essential for analytics, including Python and Excel, and will apply these tools
in hands-on assignments and projects. The curriculum covers key aspects of the data
analytics process, such as data collection, cleaning, exploration, analysis, and visualization.
Through practical exercises and real-world case studies, students will gain experience in
leveraging data to solve complex problems and inform decision-making. Advanced topics
like machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics will also be covered, providing
students with a holistic set of skills to uncover insights from large and intricate data sets.
Special attention is given to interpreting and presenting analytical results in a business
context. Designed for those with a basic understanding of statistics and management
information system, this course ensures that by the end, students are well-equipped to
apply data analytics in diverse professional environments.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Collect adequate and pertinent data, employ analytical methods rooted in scientific
principles, and draw meaningful links between quantitative studies and real-world
2. Exhibit an in-depth grasp of theoretical concepts and practical techniques; understand
the precise applications and limitations of each approach; and possess the skills to
offer informed advice for decision-making through data analytics.
3. Apply specialized analytical methods to carry out comprehensive and insightful
evaluations, correctly decoding the resulting data with thorough and applicable
4. Demonstrate a deep comprehension of actual challenges; engage in advanced data
analytics using appropriate techniques; and formulate well-supported conclusions
accompanied by exhaustive explanations.
5. Compose a well-structured and thoughtful report based on an actual case study,
enriched with compelling and substantiated details.
6. Enhance business decision-making processes by leveraging sophisticated data
analytics methods.

Attendance and class participation are essential components for your success in this course
and will be factored into your overall grade. It is expected that you will be present for all
scheduled class sessions, as absence will hinder your ability to meet the course objectives.
Frequent absences will result in a decrease in your participation points.
Class participation not only enhances your learning experience but also that of your peers. If
a question arises in your mind, it's probable that other students have the same query. Active
involvement in class discussions is highly encouraged, and your final grade will reflect any
exceptional contributions you make to the class.

Homework: Weekly individual homework assignments are due by midnight of the next class
day. All homework assignments should be submitted through the Blackboard links.
Group Projects: 2–4 students form a group and work on the projects as a team. Students
can identify a company or a scenario, collect data, and use techniques taught in class to
study the data patterns or to predict future outcomes. Students are required to write a 4- to
6-page project report, and present in class using PowerPoint slides. Details will be available

Middle-Final Exam: The middle and final exam is an in-class, closed-book individual written
Assignment Learning Objectives Weight
Attendance and participation in class discussion 10%
Final Project Assignment 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 30%
Mid Exam 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 30%
Final Exam 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 30%
Total 100%

Study Groups (Highly Recommended, Though Not Mandatory)

I strongly advocate for the benefits of collaborative learning, as many students find they
absorb material more effectively in a group setting. Therefore, forming a study group of 2–4
students to regularly review class content, discuss homework, and work on projects is highly
recommended. However, it's crucial that each student submit their homework in their own
words, representing their individual understanding of the material. Note that the
composition of your study group can be different from your project groups.

Grading Criteria
The grading scale in this course is designed to accurately reflect the quality of your work. An
'A' is reserved for those who demonstrate outstanding excellence, as determined by the
instructor. An 'A-' is given for excellent work, while 'B+' and 'B' represent good performance.
Grades 'C+' and 'C' are indicative of adequate but less than satisfactory work. The rest
grades are not applicable at the graduate level, with an 'F' indicates failure to complete the
course satisfactorily.

Grade Distribution Policy

For Core and Foundation courses, no more than 25% of the class may receive an 'A' or 'A-',
and the overall class GPA should not surpass 3.3. For Elective courses, a maximum of 35% of
students can receive an 'A' or 'A-', with the class GPA not exceeding 3.4. Please note that for
classes with 15 or fewer students, the GPA cap is not applicable.

Tentative Course Calendar

The instructors reserve the right to alter course content and/or adjust the pace to
accommodate class progress. Students are responsible for keeping up with all adjustments
to the course calendar.

Texts & Learning Materials

The learning materials for this course are designed to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter. The required textbook serves as the backbone of the
course, offering foundational knowledge and key concepts. In addition to the primary book,
various web sources are integrated into the curriculum to supplement learning and provide
real-world context. These online materials include scholarly articles, data sets, and
instructional videos that will be referenced throughout the course. Furthermore, an
additional or optional book is suggested for those who wish to delve deeper into particular
topics. This supplementary text is aimed at enhancing your expertise and providing further
reading that complements the main textbook and web resources. Overall, these learning
materials are strategically chosen to facilitate your mastery of the course objectives.


 Michaloudis, John; Hong, Bryan. 2022. 101 Most Popular Excel Formulas (101 Excel
Series). My Excel Online. ISBN 13: 9788409378630.
 Harvey, Greg. 2018. Excel 2019 All-in-One For Dummies. For Dummies. ISBN 13:
 Linoff, Gordon S. 2007. Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel. Wiley. ISBN 13:
 Soranson, Oliver. Python Machine Learning: The Complete Guide to Understand
Python Machine Learning for Beginners and Artificial Intelligence. ISBN 13:
 Matthes, Tim. 2020. Machine Learning for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Master Deep Learning, Python, Algorithms
and Its Applications. Angel. ISBN 13: 9781803340340.
Web Sources

 https://hbr.org/2019/01/data-science-and-the-art-of-persuasion?authuser=0
 https://hbr.org/2018/12/what-great-data-analysts-do-and-why-every-organization-
 https://hbr.org/2020/03/whats-the-best-approach-to-data-analytics?authuser=0
 https://hbr.org/2012/10/data-scientist-the-sexiest-job-of-the-21st-century?
 https://www.edureka.co/blog/data-analyst-vs-data-engineer-vs-data-scientist/?
 https://www.kdnuggets.com/wp-content/uploads/crisp-dm-4-problems-fig1.png?
 https://towardsdatascience.com/why-python-is-essential-for-business-analysts-
 https://www.datacamp.com/blog/why-your-company-needs-python-for-business-


 We require the use of Google Colab or Jupyter Notebook, which are web-based
platforms that support interactive data science and machine learning. These
environments allow you to write and execute code, and provide a space where you
can combine code, text, and visualizations in a single, shareable document. They are
particularly useful for running Python scripts and come pre-configured with many of
the libraries used in data analytics. Google Colab additionally offers free access to
computing resources, including GPUs, making it ideal for more resource-intensive
tasks. Students are expected to utilize either of these platforms for various in-class
exercises, homework assignments, and projects to successfully meet the course
 Additionally, students are encouraged to become familiar with Kaggle, a platform for
data science and machine learning competitions. Kaggle provides a wealth of real-
world data sets and challenges that can significantly augment your understanding
and application of data analytics techniques.

Week Type Weekly Objectives/Topics

1 Theoretical Introduction of Big Data & Data Analyst Trend
 Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
 Data Analysist vs Data Engineer vs Data Scientist
2 Theoretical Data Analytics Framework
 Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM)
 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
 Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) Analysis
 Cohort Analysis (Customer/Revenue Churn Rate)
 Machine Learning Algorithms
 Sentiment Analysis
 Data Visualization
3-4 Theoretical, Excel Formula Cheat Sheet for Business
Practical Prev. Batch Mid-Examination
5-6 Practical Excel for Business: Real Case Implementation
Case: Kaggle - Customer Personality Analysis
7 Theoretical, Excel for Business: Data Visualization
Practical  Pie charts
 Bar charts
 Histograms
 Area charts
 Scatter plots
8 Theoretical, Python for Business
Practical  Introduction (Google Collab)
9-10 Theoretical, Python Basic
Practical  Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
 Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) Analysis
 Cohort Analysis (Customer/Revenue Churn Rate)
11-12 Theoretical, Python Intermediate I
Practical  Recommendation Systems (Content, Collaborative, and Matrix
Case: Movie Recommendation System
13-14 Theoretical, Python Intermediate II
Practical  Sentiment Analysis
15 Theoretical, Final Project Presentation

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