The Effect of Leadership Human Resources Capabilities and Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance
The Effect of Leadership Human Resources Capabilities and Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance
The Effect of Leadership Human Resources Capabilities and Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance
Faculty of Economics and Business, Management Study Program, Universitas Islam Bandung
Employee performance in an effective and efficient organization can be influenced by Human
Resources, who have good capabilities and leadership styles that follow the organization's
character. Job satisfaction is closely related to employee performance attitudes. This study aims
to determine the effect of leadership human resource capabilities and job satisfaction on
employee performance. This type of research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional
design. The survey was conducted on respondents using a quasi-questionnaire. Data analysis
using the SEM (Structural Equating modeling) method using SmartPLS, the use of PLS is chosen
in addition to being able to confirm the theory, it can also describe whether or not there is a
relationship between latent variables and appropriate for a small sample, respondents who were
sampled were 37 people, from the results Descriptive data processing respondents' perceptions
about human resource capabilities, leadership, job satisfaction and employee performance are
in the good category and from the results of hypothesis testing, it is found that there is a positive
and significant influence between human resource capabilities on employee performance with a
t statistic value of 2.704, and there is an influence There is a positive and significant relationship
between the capabilities of human resources on job satisfaction with a t-statistic value of 3.121,
there is a positive and significant influence between leadership on job satisfaction with a t-
statistic value of 2.606, there is a positive and significant influence between the variables of
leadership. Leadership and employee performance with a t-statistic value of 2.101, there is a
positive and significant influence between the variables of job satisfaction and employee
performance with a t-statistic value of 2.276. From the results of data processing, it can be
concluded that the better the capabilities of human resources, leadership and job satisfaction,
the better the performance of employees in an organization
Article History
Received: 10 January 2023
Revised: 10 February 2023
Accepted: 22 February 2023
subordinates and their leaders. The leader's required to be able to solve the problems
failure is caused by the leader's inability to they encounter first, employment problems
satisfy and move employees in a particular both in terms of network availability,
environment and job. (Lodge & Derek, government policies, and community
1993)explained that the task of a leader is to perceptions regarding the quality of
encourage his subordinates to have Puskesmas services (Fatimah, 2019).
competence and opportunities to develop in Administratively, the Sukaraya Health
facing every opportunity and challenge in Center is located in the Karang Bahagia
their work, (Gibson et al., 1995) explained District area and is an expansion area of the
that the task of HR management revolves Karang Bahagia Health Center in 2015. The
around efforts to process the human Sukaraya working area consists of 3 villages:
element with its potential so that sufficient Sukaraya Village, Karang Raahayu Village and
and satisfied human resources can be Karang Setia Village. It fosters 50 Posyandu,
obtained for the organization. According to 9 Hamlets, 20 RWs and 94 RTs with a
(Lodge & Derek, 1993) (and Waridin, 2004), population of 71,230 people in 2021, with
Work has goals, one of which is to get job lots of housing in the working area of the
satisfaction. In this case, job satisfaction is Sukaraya Health Center, the population will
closely related to employee attitudes continue to increase every year, a large
towards various factors in their work, population and heterogeneous character of
including leadership, social influence at the community, the readiness of the health
work, work situations, and other factors. centre is needed to provide quality services
Several factors influence employee starting with readiness and capability of
performance, namely organizational human resources in providing services and
strategy (economic conditions, company leadership policies that are directed to be
culture, long-term and short-term goal effective and efficient in directing their
values) and individual attributes, including team.
skills and capabilities. Based on the performance assessment
Health Service Facility is a place used results, the Sukaraya Health Center was in a
to carry out health service efforts, whether good category. However, the management
curative, preventive, promotive or achievements the Puskesmas and the
rehabilitative, by the local government and achievements of the Puskesmas program
the central government. The Community remained the same. Performance
Health Center from now on referred to as achievement results and success of a health
the Puskesmas is a health service facility that service program in a puskesmas are highly
carries out public health efforts as well as dependent on the performance of the
first-level individual health efforts, with employees of each puskesmas. The
more emphasis on preventive and performance of the puskesmas is assessed
promotive efforts in the region (Hargiani et once a year with PKP (Puskesmas
al., 2022). performance assessment).
Puskesmas is the health administration There are several definitions of
unit in the sub-district area. Puskesmas have management put forward by experts that
the most important role in maintaining are widely used in the literature, including:
public health in their working area. In order Management is the process of
to fulfil these objectives, puskesmas are planning, organizing, leading and controlling
the work of members of the organization by problems and the framework of thought, the
using all organizational resources to achieve hypotheses are formulated as follows:
organizational goals that have been set H1: There is an influence of human resource
(Raymond, 2014). capabilities on employee performance
According to (Hasibuan, 2011), Human H2: There is an influence of human resource
resource management is the science and art capabilities on job satisfaction
of managing the relationships and roles of H3: There is an influence of leadership on job
the workforce so that they effectively and satisfaction
efficiently help achieve company, employee H4: There is an influence of leadership on
and community goals. (Sudarmanto, 2009) employee performance
explains that Competence or Capability of H5: There is an influence of job satisfaction
Human Resources is the basic characteristic on employee performance
of a person's behaviour related to superior
situations or performance at work or
effective reference criteria and is influenced RESEARCH METHODS
by knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and The type of research used is
attitudes, motives, character (Traits), self- quantitative research with a survey
concept (Self-Concept). approach, which takes samples from the
Leadership is the ability to influence a population using quasi-energy as a means of
group the fulfilment of predetermined goals data collection. The population is all
(Robbins & Judge, 2011). Job satisfaction is a employees of the Sukaraya Health Center,
pleasant or positive emotional condition and the sample is all employees of the
obtained from work results or individual Sukaraya Health Center, which is limited by
experiences, or the attitudes and feelings of exclusion criteria. Those who have worked
employees at work (Michael, 2009). (Dessler, for more than one year and are not the head
2000) states that performance can be of the Sukaraya Health Center, totalling 37
defined as work performance, namely the people. By using a questionnaire and from
comparison between work results based on each variable using questions that can be
facts and predetermined work standards measured directly with smart PLS
Paradigma Penelitian di gambarkan seperti pada gambar 1 berikut:
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( X3)
(Spencer and Spencer 2009)
( X2) 2008) ( Kartono 2008)