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Department of Education

Division of Masbate
Naro, Cawayan, Masbate

Physical Education (PE) 8
(Quarter: 1)
The learner demonstrate understanding of guidelines and principles in
A. Content Standards:
exercise program design to achieve fitness.to achieve fitness.
B. Performance Standards: The learner designs a physical activity program for the family/school
peers to achieve fitness
C. Learning Competencies/Lesson Objectives:
The learner…
1. Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments (PE8PF-lc-23)

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

• Identify the different health-related physical fitness tests

• Perform the different health-related physical fitness tests properly
• Recognize significance of the different health-related fitness tests


Topic: A Review: Health-Related Physical Fitness
References: Physical Education 8 textbook pages 10-19
Materials/ Learning Resources: Laptop, LED TV, Tarp paper
Teaching Strategies: Hands-on observation, Cooperative Learning and Brainstorming
Values Integration: Cooperation, Attentiveness, valuing health
Subject Integration: Science- understanding physiological benefits of physical activity and
exercise on the human body.
Mathematics- Calculating heart rate and measuring distances during
physical activities.
Health- Discussing the importance of physical activity and exercise for
over well-being


A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Checking of attendance
c. Classroom conditioning
d. Review of the past lesson about Anthropometric Measurements
e. Motivation
• The teacher will play the 3 minutes exercise program and let learners follow the exercise
• 3 minutes exercise program is a 3 minutes exercise which has warm-up, workout and
• Ask the learners: how did you feel while performing the exercise? What parts of your
body did you use to perform the exercise?

B. Lesson Proper

• Introduce to the learners this brain teasing fun game called “Word Scramble”.
• Instruct them to find from the untangled letters the components associated with Health-Related
Fitness. The words could be in any directions as long as the letters are all inter-connected.
• What do you think is our lesson for today?
• The teacher will introduce the lesson objectives to the class.
Ask the following questions:
• How did you feel after doing the exercise?
• What other physical activities do you do in order to enhance your overall fitness?
• How does engaging in physical activity and exercise contribute to improving bodily strength
and health?
• The teacher will introduce the new topic “Health-Related Physical Fitness Tests”.

 Discuss to the class the components of health-related fitness and its assessment method
• Fitness is defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life
Health-related Physical Fitness Assessment Method
Cardiovascular Fitness 1-minute step test
Muscular Strength Partial Curl-ups
Muscular Endurance Right Angle Push-ups
Flexibility Trunk Lift
Shoulder stretch

Four Components of Health-Related Fitness

• Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart (cardio) and circulatory system (vascular) to supply
oxygen to muscles for an extended period of time.
• Cardiovascular is also called cardio-respiratory (lungs) fitness. Usually the 1km run or some other type
of continuous fitness activity (12-minute run, cycling, step-test, etc.) is used to assess cardiovascular
1-minute step test
Purpose: - to measure cardiovascular endurance.
- Step with a height of 12 inches
- Stopwatch
For the student:
a. Position in front of the step.
b. At the signal go, step up and down on a bench for 3 minutes at a rate of 24 steps per minute. One step
consists of 4 beats – that is, “up with the left foot, up with the right foot, down with the left foot, down
with the right foot.”
c. Immediately after the exercise, stand and relax. Don't talk.
d. Right after the activity, locate your pulse. (The first beat is zero.)
e. Count the pulse for 10 seconds. Multiply by 6.

• Muscular strength refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert against an opposing
force. Fitness testing usually consists of a one-time maximum lift using weights (bench press, leg press,
Partial Curl-Ups
Purpose: This is to measure the strength and endurance of the abdominals.
Stopwatch or ordinary watch
1. In a supine lying position, bend knees with heels six inches from the buttocks, feet slightly
apart and held down firmly on the floor by your partner.
2. With straightened arms, place hands on knees and hold yourself up by holding your knees
firmly. This is the starting position.
3. Lower yourself slowly until the tips of your middle fingers are about an inch from the top of
your knees.
4. Raise yourself until you assume the starting position. Without resting, repeat the movement
as many times as you can.
5. Perform a rate of one second going down and one second going up.

• Muscular endurance refers to the ability of the muscles to work over an extended period of time
without fatigue. Performing pushups and sit-ups or crunches for one minute is commonly used in fitness
testing of muscular endurance.
90-Degree Push Up
Purpose: This test measures the strength and endurance of the arms and upper body muscles.
Strong arms and upper body muscles are important in carrying out heavy tasks.
- Exercise mats or any clean mats
For the student:
A. Lie down on the mat; face down in standard push-up position: palms on the mat under the
shoulders, fingers pointing forward, and legs straight, parallel, and slightly apart, with the toes
supporting the feet.
B. FOR BOYS: Straighten the arms, keeping the back and knees straight, then lower the arms until
there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows (upper arms are parallel to the floor).
For boys:

FOR GIRLS: With knees in contact with the floor, straighten the arms, keeping the back straight, then
lower the arms until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows (upper arms are parallel to the floor).
C. Perform as many repetitions as possible, maintaining a cadence of 20 push-ups per minute (2 seconds
going down and 1 second going up).

• Flexibility is the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion (ROM) at a joint.
Trunk Lift
Purpose: This is to measure the strength and flexibility of the lower back extensor muscles.
- Meter stick
1. Lie face down on the floor with your hands facing upward under your thighs.
2. Slowly lift your body upward.
3. Hold this position while the tester measures the distance from the floor to the tip of your chin.
The ruler should be about one inch away from your chin, not directly under it.
4. Return to the starting position.
5. Repeat the movement.
6. Perform the test in a slow controlled manner, with no bouncing or jerky movements.
7. Avoid stretching and if the strain is felt, stop, as this can cause hyperextension of the back.
8. Record the higher score of the three trials to the nearest centimeter.
Shoulder Stretch
Purpose: This is to measure the flexibility of the shoulder joints and create an appreciation of
Importance of flexibility in other parts of the body.
1. With your right hand, reach over your right shoulder and place your left hand behind your
back to try to touch the fingers of the right hand.
2. Similarly, perform the test with the left hand over the left shoulder and the right hand behind
the back.
3. Record the scores as passed or failed for each test.
- A score is considered PASSED if the right hand reached the left hand behind your back and
vice versa. However, if you failed to extend one hand to the other, your score is considered FAILED.

In addition to improving quality of life, health related fitness

▪ increases muscle tone and strength;
▪ decreases susceptibility to injuries and illness;
▪ improves bone mineral density
▪ reduces risk of osteoporosis
▪ improves posture
▪ increases efficiency of the respiratory and circulatory systems
▪ decreases risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke
▪ improves blood pressure;
▪ decreases risk of diabetes and some cancers
▪ improves self-esteem and self-confidence
▪ decreases body fat and improves metabolism; and
▪ Increases energy level and academic achievement.

 Divide the class into 5 groups.
 Assigned every group to perform the health-related fitness assessment method.
Group 1- Trunk Lift
Group 2- 1-minute step test
Group 3- Partial Curl-Ups
Group 4- Shoulder Stretch
Group 5- 90-degree push up

Matching type: Number your paper. Next to each number, choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Measures the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles a. 1-minute step test
2. Measures the strength and endurance of the arms and upper body muscles b. Trunk Lift
3. Measures the flexibility of the shoulder joints. c. Partial Curl-Ups
4. Measures the strength and flexibility of the lower back extensor muscles. d. Shoulder Stretch
5. Measures cardiovascular endurance. e. Right Angle Push-Ups
f. Sit-and-Reach

Essay: On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of knowing the results of your health-related fitness tests?
2. What is the importance of safety in performing the different fitness tests?

Prepared by: Noted by:

SST 1 Principal 1

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