Irjet V2i3311
Irjet V2i3311
Irjet V2i3311
Abstract - In today’s construction activity the use of flat In the present work the performance of flat slab and
slab is quite common which enhances the weight Conventional slab structures for various loads all seismic
reduction, speed up construction, and economical. zones factors have been studied.
Similarly from the beginning conventional slab has got
place in providing features like more stiffness, higher 1.1 Objectives of the Present Work
load carrying capacity, safe and economical also. As the
To study the performance of flat slab and conventional
advancement era began practice of flat slab becomes slab structure subjected to various loads and
quite common. In the present dissertation work a G+5 conditions.
commercial multistoried building having flat slab and To the study the behavior of both structure for the
conventional slab has been analyzed for the parameters like storey shear, storey displacement
parameters like base shear, storey drift, axial force, and Drift ratio, axial forces.
displacement. The performance and behavior of both Comparisons of flat and conventional building for the
above parameters.
the structures in all seismic zones of India has been
studied. In the present work the storey shear of flat slab
1.2 Material Properties and Loads
is 5% more than conventional slab structure, the axial
forces on flats lab building is nearly 6% more than This work has been analyzed using ETABS software. For
conventional building, the difference in storey the analysis the material properties like grade of concrete,
displacement of flat and conventional building are steel, density, modulus of elasticity must be define initially.
approximately 4mm in each floor. The present work And also the various loads like dead, live, SDL, wind,
provides reasonable information about the suitability seismic needs to be define earlier.
Grade of concrete: M20
of flat slab for various seismic zones without
Grade of steel: Fe 500
compromising the performance over the conventional Modulus of elasticity E: 2x105N/mm2
slab structures. Live loads: 5kN/m2
SDL: 3.5kN/m2
Key Words: flat slab, drop, conventional slab, storey
1.3 Model Description
shear, storey displacement, axial forces.
2. Analysis of Flat and Conventional Slab Building 3.1 Storey Shear of FSB and CSB for SRSSX Load
using ETABS Case:
The analysis of flat and conventional slab structure has
been done by using ETABS software package. Before
analysis all the required elements of the structure needs to
be defined earlier like material properties, loads, load
combinations, size of members, response spectrum etc.
once the analysis has been done we can extract the results
like displacement, storey shear, bending moment, drift
ratio, axial forces for comparing the performance of flat
and conventional slab building. The following flow chart
shows the steps involved in the analysis by ETABS.
Defining dimensions
of the plan
Chart 4: Storey Shear Of FSB Vs CSB Zone V Chart 7: Design Axial Force Of FSB And CSB Zone III
Chart 5: Storey Shear Variation Of FSB And CSB Chart 8: Design Axial Force Of FSB And CSB Zone IV
The Storey shear is Maximum at ground level and keeps Design axial forces I the zone II and zone III conventional
on decreasing towards the top storey of the structure. slab has got more intensity compared to flat slab structure.
From the chart it shows storey shear of flat slab structure There is a difference of 5% in between flat and
is more than the conventional slab structure. And also as conventional slab structure in zone II and zone III.
the seismicity level increases the storey shear intensity is
also increases.
Chart 6: Design Axial Force Of FSB And CSB Zone II Chart 9: Design Axial Force Of FSB And CSB Zone V
storey drift is the absolute displacement of any point [3]Sumit Pahwa, Vivek Tiwari Comparative Study of Flat
relative to the base. As per IS.1893-2002 CL.7.11.1 the Slab with Old Traditional Two Way Slab Vol. 4 Issue 2 July
storey drift in any storey due to the minimum specified 2014.
design lateral force with partial load factor 1.00 shall not
be exceeding 0.004 times the storey height. In this case [4] Prof. K S Sable, V A Ghodechor, Prof. S B Kandekar
Comparative Study of Seismic Behavior of Multistorey Flat
storey height is 3700 mm. Therefore limited storey drift is
Slab and Conventional Reinforced Concrete Framed
calculated as = storey drift /3700 =0.004 Structures”, Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2012
[5] IS875-1997: Indian Standard Code of Practice for
1. Storey shear of flat slab is 6% more compared to Structural Safety of Buildings Loading Standard.
conventional slab structure, and storey shear is Maximum
at base and least at top storey. [6] IS1893-2002: Indian Standard Code of Practice for
Criteria for Earthquake Resistance Design of Structures
2. The design axial forces on flat slab are more compared
to conventional structure the difference of forces is nearly [7] N KRISHNA RAJU Book of advanced reinforced
5.5%. concrete design”.
3. Storey displacement is Maximum at roof level than at [8] Plain & Reinforced Concrete Code of Practice” Fourth
base, and storey displacement of flat slab structure is Revision IS: 456:2000.
greater than conventional structure, there will be an
average 4mm displacement variation in each seismic zone [9]P.C Varghese a book of advanced reinforced concrete
for both structures. design”
4. As the seismic level increases all parameters like axial
[10] Bhavikatti S.S, “Advance R.C.C. Design” , New Age
force, displacement, storey shear intensities are increases.
International (p) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi, India
4.1 Scope of Future Work
Comparisons of pretension and post tensioned flat MOHANA H.S, Resident of Hassan
slab with or without drops. district. Received UG (civil) from
MCE Hassan and PG (structures)
Cost comparisons of various types of slabs available. from AIT chikmagalur.