An Introduction To Different Methods of Clustering in Machine Learning
An Introduction To Different Methods of Clustering in Machine Learning
An Introduction To Different Methods of Clustering in Machine Learning
Rashmi Karan
Manager - Co ntent
Clustering has also found its way deep in data science and machine learning where it
is used to cluster the data points using clustering algorithms and gain useful insights.
This article covers 5 different clustering methods in machine learning , which are –“
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Hierarchical Clustering
Partitioning Clustering
Fuzzy Clustering
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Hierarchical Clustering
In hierarchical methods, individuals are not divided into clusters at once, but rather
successive partitions are made at “different levels of aggregation or grouping”.
Hierarchical Clustering is subdivided into two types –
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Establishing a hierarchical classification implies being able to make a series of
partitions of the total set of individuals
W = {i 1, i 2,…, i N }; so that there are partitions at different levels that add (or
disaggregate, if it is a divisive method) to the partitions of the lower levels.
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Partitioning Clustering
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each instance is placed in exactly one of k mutually exclusive clusters.
Since only one set of clusters is the output of a typical partition cluster algorithm,
the user is required to enter the desired number of clusters (usually called k). One of
the most widely used partition clustering algorithms is the k-means clustering
The user must provide the number of clusters (k) before starting and the algorithm
first initializes the centers (or centroids) of the k partitions. Simply put, the k-means
clustering algorithm then assigns members based on current centers and re-
estimates centers based on current members.
The algorithm works iteratively to assign each “point” (the rows of our input set form
a coordinate) one of the “K” groups based on its characteristics. They are grouped
based on the similarity of their features (the columns). As a result of executing the
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algorithm we will have:
T he “centroids” of each group will be the “coordinates” of each of the K sets that will be
used to label new samples.
Labels f or the training dataset. Each label belonging to one of the K groups was f ormed.
The groups are defined in an organic way, that is, their position is adjusted in each
iteration of the process until the algorithm converges. Once the centroids are found,
we must analyze them to see what their unique characteristics are, compared to
that of the other groups. These groups are the labels that the algorithm generates.
Fuzzy Clustering
Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is one of the most widely used algorithms to generate fuzzy
clustering. It closely resembles the k-means algorithm but with two differences:
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of low density.
The DBSCAN algorithm is the fastest clustering method, but it is only appropriate if
a very clear Search Distance can be used, and it works well with all potential clusters.
This requires that all significant clusters have similar densities. DBSCAN method also
allows you to use the Time Field and Search Time Range parameters to find point
clusters in space and time.
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Distribution Model-Based Clustering
∑k – Covariance matrix
Draw the matrix plot and the correlation between features – It is important to get an
idea of the variables that are most related to each other to know which variables
can dominate the clusters. In the end, you would need to describe your quantitative
Calculate the optimal number of clusters – We can calculate the optimal number of
clusters using k-means and Gaussian mixture models for good clustering.
Calculate the clusters with different techniques – Different techniques like k-means,
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GMM or hierarchical methods can be used to interpret the clusters. You can draw
conclusions basis the performance of each clustering technique.
Compare the clusters you have calculated – The last step is to compare the
characteristics of the groups that you have created with the preferred technique
selected in step 4. See if you find significant differences between groups according
to the characteristics and in which variables those differences are seen. This will help
you interpret the clusters that you have calculated.
Keep learning!
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