Unit-Iv Material
Unit-Iv Material
Unit-Iv Material
Unsupervised Learning Techniques: Clustering, K-Means, Limits of K-Means, Using Clustering for Image
Segmentation, Using Clustering for Preprocessing, Using Clustering for Semi-Supervised Learning, DBSCAN,
Gaussian Mixtures.
Dimensionality Reduction: The Curse of Dimensionality, Main Approaches for Dimensionality Reduction,
PCA, Using Scikit-Learn, Randomized PCA, Kernel PCA
1. Clustering
It is basically a type of unsupervised learning method. An unsupervised learning method is a method in which
we draw references from datasets consisting of input data without labeled responses. Generally, it is used
as a process to find meaningful structure, explanatory underlying processes, generative features, and
groupings inherent in a set of examples.
Clustering is the task of dividing the population or data points into a number of groups such that data
points in the same groups are more similar to other data points in the same group and dissimilar to the
data points in other groups. It is basically a collection of objects on the basis of similarity and dissimilarity
between them.
For ex– The data points in the graph below clustered together can be classified into one single group. We
can distinguish the clusters, and we can identify that there are 3 clusters in the below picture.
a) For customer segmentation: you can cluster your customers based on their purchases, their activity on
your website, and so on. This is useful to understand who your customers are and what they need, so you can
adapt your products and marketing campaigns to each segment.
For example, this can be useful in recommender systems to suggest content that other users in the same
cluster enjoyed.
b) For data analysis: when analyzing a new dataset, it is often useful to first discover clusters of similar
instances, as it is often easier to analyze clusters separately
c) As a dimensionality reduction technique: once a dataset has been clustered, it is usually possible to measure
each instances affinity with each cluster (affinity is any measure of how well an instance fits into a cluster).
Each instances feature vector x can then be replaced with the vector of its cluster affinities. If there are k-
clusters, then this vector is k-dimensional. This is typically much lower dimensional than the original feature
vector, but it can preserve enough information for further processing.
d) For anomaly detection (also called outlier detection): any instance that has a low affinity to all the clusters
is likely to be an anomaly. For example, if you have clustered the users of your website based on their
behaviour; you can detect users with unusual behaviour, such as an unusual number of requests per
second, and so on.
Anomaly detection is particularly useful in detecting defects in manufacturing, or for fraud detection.
e) For semi-supervised learning: if you only have a few labels, you could perform clustering and propagate
the labels to all the instances in the same cluster. This can greatly increase the amount of labels available
for a subsequent supervised learning algorithm, and thus improve its performance.
f) For search engines: for example, some search engines let you search for images that are similar to a reference
image. To build such a system, you would first apply a clustering algorithm to all the images in your
database: similar images would end up in the same cluster. Then when a user provides a reference image,
all you need to do is to find this image’s cluster using the trained clustering model, and you can then
simply return all the images from this cluster.
g) To segment an image: by clustering pixels according to their color, then replacing each pixel’s color with
the mean color of its cluster, it is possible to reduce the number of different colors in the image
considerably. This technique is used in many object detection and tracking systems, as it makes it easier to
detect the contour of each object.
2. k-means clustering
The k-means clustering algorithm is one of the simplest unsupervised learning algorithms for
solving the clustering problem.
Let it be required to classify a given data set into a certain number of clusters, say, k clusters.
We start by choosing k points arbitrarily as the “centres” of the clusters, one for each cluster, We then
associate each of the given data points with the nearest centre.
We now take the averages of the data points associated with a centre and replace the centre with
the average, and this is done for each of the centres.
We repeat the process until the centres converge to some fixed points. The data points nearest to
the centres form the various clusters in the dataset. Each cluster is represented by the associated
y = [21, 19, 24, 17, 16, 25, 24, 22, 21, 21]
plt.scatter(x, y)
#2.Now we utilize the elbow method to visualize the intertia for different values of K:
inertias = []
for i in range(1,11):
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=i)
plt.title('Elbow method')
plt.xlabel('Number of clusters')
#3.The elbow method shows that 2 is a good value for K, so we retrain and visualize the result:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2)
plt.scatter(x, y, c=kmeans.labels_)
Disadvantages of k-means
1. Choosing k manually
Use the “Loss vs. Clusters” plot to find the optimal (k), as discussed in Interpret Results.
For a low , you can mitigate this dependence by running k-means several times with different initial values
and picking the best result. As increases, you need advanced versions of k-means to pick better values of
the initial centroids (called k-means seeding).
k-means has trouble clustering data where clusters are of varying sizes and density. To cluster such data,
you need to generalize k-means as described in the Advantages section.
4. Clustering outliers.
Centroids can be dragged by outliers, or outliers might get their own cluster instead of being ignored. Consider
removing or clipping outliers before clustering.
As the number of dimensions increases, a distance-based similarity measure converges to a constant value
between any given examples. Reduce dimensionality either by using PCA on the feature data, or by using
“spectral clustering” to modify the clustering algorithm as explained below.
In instance segmentation, all pixels that are part of the same individual object are assigned to the same segment.
K-means clustering is a very popular clustering algorithm which applied when we have a dataset with labels
unknown. The goal is to find certain groups based on some kind of similarity in the data with the number
of groups represented by K. This algorithm is generally used in areas like market segmentation, customer
segmentation, etc. But, it can also be used to segment different objects in the images on the basis of the
pixel values.
2. Select a feature vector for every pixel (color values such as RGB value, texture etc.).
3. Define a similarity measure b/w feature vectors such as Euclidean distance to measure the similarity b/w
any two points/pixel.
6. Combine any component of size less than the threshold to an adjacent component that is similar to it
until you can’t combine more.
import numpy as np
import random
original_train = np.random.random((100, 100, 100, 3)) #100 images of each 100 px,py and RGB
n,x,y,c = original_train.shape
flat_train = original_train.reshape((n,x*y*c))
clusters = kmeans.fit_predict(flat_train)
centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_
#visualize centers:
for ci in centers:
random_member = random.choice(cluster_member_indices)
5. Using Clustering for Preprocessing
Clustering can be an efficient approach to dimensionality reduction, in particular as a preprocessing step before
a supervised learning algorithm. For example, let’s tackle the digits dataset which is a simple MNIST-like
dataset containing 1,797 grayscale 8×8 images representing digits 0 to 9. First, let us load the dataset
pipeline = Pipeline([
("kmeans", KMeans(n_clusters=50)),
("log_reg", LogisticRegression()),
pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train)
pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)
How about that? We almost divided the error rate by a factor of 2! But we chose the number of clusters k
completely arbitrarily, we can surely do better. Since K-Means is just a preprocessing step in a classification
pipeline, finding a good value for k is much simpler than earlier: there’s no need to perform silhouette
analysis or minimize the inertia, the best value of k is simply the one that results in the best classification
performance during cross-validation.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([
("kmeans", KMeans(n_clusters=90)),
("log_reg", LogisticRegression()),
pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train)
pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)
Let us train a logistic regression model on a sample of 50 labeled instances from the digits dataset:
n_labeled = 50
log_reg = LogisticRegression()
log_reg.fit(X_train[:n_labeled], y_train[:n_labeled])
>>> log_reg.score(X_test, y_test)
The accuracy is just 82.7%: it should come as no surprise that this is much lower than earlier, when we trained
the model on the full training set. Let us see how we can do better. First, let us cluster the training set into
50 clusters, then for each cluster let us find the image closest to the centroid. We will call these images the
representative images
k = 50
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
X_digits_dist = kmeans.fit_transform(X_train)
X_representative_digits = X_train[representative_digit_idx]
Now we have a dataset with just 50 labeled instances, but instead of being
With this approach We jumped from 82.7% accuracy to 92.4%, although we are still only training the
model on 50 instances. Since it is often costly and painful to label instances, especially when it has to be done
manually by experts, it is a good idea to label representative instances rather than just random instances.
But perhaps we can go one step further: what if we propagated the labels to all the other instances in the
same cluster? This is called label propagation.
This algorithm defines clusters as continuous regions of high density. It is actually quite simple:
For each instance, the algorithm counts how many instances are located within a small distanceε(epsilon)
from it. This region is called the instances ε-neighborhood.
If an instance has at least min_samples instances in its ε-neighborhood (including itself), then it is considered
a core instance. In other words, core instances are those that are located in dense regions.
All instances in the neighborhood of a core instance belong to the same cluster. This may include other core
instances, therefore a long sequence of neighboring core instances forms a single cluster.
Any instance that is not a core instance and does not have one in its neighborhood is considered an
This algorithm works well if all the clusters are dense enough, and they are well separated by low-density
regions. The DBSCAN class in Scikit-Learn is as simple to use as you might expect.
A Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is a probabilistic model that assumes that the instances were generated from
a mixture of several Gaussian distributions whose parameters are unknown. All the instances generated
from a single Gaussian distribution form a cluster that typically looks like an ellipsoid. Each cluster can have
a different ellipsoidal shape, size, density and orientation.
When you observe an instance, you know it was generated from one of the Gaussian distributions, but you
are not told which one, and you do not know what the parameters of these distributions are.
The below image has a few Gaussian distributions with a difference in mean (μ) and variance (σ2).
Remember that the higher the σ value more would be the spread:
Dimensionality Reduction: The Curse of Dimensionality, Main Approaches for Dimensionality Reduction, PCA,
Using Scikit-Learn, Randomized PCA, Kernel PCA
Curse of Dimensionality refers to a set of problems that arise when working with high-dimensional
data. The dimension of a dataset corresponds to the number of attributes/features that exist in a
A dataset with a large number of attributes, generally of the order of a hundred or more, is referred to as
high dimensional data.
Some of the difficulties that come with high dimensional data manifest during analyzing or visualizing the
data to identify patterns, and some manifest while training machine learning models.
The difficulties related to training machine learning models due to high dimensional data is referred to as
‘Curse of Dimensionality’.
The popular aspects of the curse of dimensionality; ‘data sparsity’ and ‘distance concentration’ are discussed
in the following sections.
One of the ways to reduce the impact of high dimensions is to use a different measure of distance in a
space vector. One could explore the use of cosine similarity to replace Euclidean distance. Cosine similarity
can have a lesser impact on data with higher dimensions. However, use of such method could also be
specific to the required solution of the problem.
Other methods:
Other methods could involve the use of reduction in dimensions. Some of the techniques that can be used
1. Forward-feature selection: This method involves picking the most useful subset of features from all
given features.
2. PCA/t-SNE: Though these methods help in reduction of number of features, but it does not
necessarily preserve the class labels and thus can make the interpretation of results a tough task.
a) Projection
In most real-world problems, training instances are not spread out uniformly across all dimensions. Many
features are almost constant, while others are highly correlated. As a result, all training instances actually
lie within (or close to) a much lower-dimensional subspace of the high-dimensional space. This sounds
very abstract, so let us look at an example.
In Below Figure you can see a 3D dataset represented by the circles.
Notice that all training instances lie close to a plane: this is a lower-dimensional (2D) subspace of the high-
dimensional (3D) space. Now if we project every training instance perpendicularly onto this subspace (as
represented by the short lines connecting the instances to the plane), we get the new 2D dataset shown in
It is clear that the data here is simply a 2d plane that is twisted into a 3d space.
Manifold learning tries to unwrap these folds.
Higher dimensionality data is usually harder to learn on, so manifold learning is just a process to make that
kind of data easier to use.
PCA tends to find linear correlations between variables, which is sometimes undesirable.
PCA fails in cases where mean and covariance are not enough to define datasets.
We may not know how many principal components to keep- in practice, some thumb rules are
The covariance matrix S is a symmetric matrix and According to Spectral Theorem(Spectral Decomposition)
Here we call ⃗vi as Eigen Vector and λi as the corresponding Eigen Value and A as the covariance
matrix. Step 4 : Inferring the Principal components from Eigen Values of the Co Variance Matrix
The Most Significant Principal Component is the Eigen vector corresponding to the largest Eigen Value.
The projection matrix is obtained by selected Eigen vectors(k<d) numbers. The original dataset is transformed
via the projection matrix to obtain a reduced k dimension subspace of original dataset. (below k is denoted
as p)
Additional: If your interested in learning numerical problem check the following links
Link-1: https://www.gatevidyalay.com/tag/principal-component-analysis-numerical-example/
Link-2: https://www.vtupulse.com/machine-learning/principal-component-analysis-solved-example/
Scikit-Learn’s PCA class implements PCA using SVD decomposition just like we did before. The following
code applies PCA to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset down to two dimensions (note that it
automatically takes care of centering the data):
5. Randomized PCA
If you set the svd_solver hyperparameter to "randomized", Scikit-Learn uses a stochastic algorithm called
Randomized PCA that quickly finds an approximation of the first d principal components. Its computational
complexity is O(m × d 2) + O(d 3), instead of O(m × n 2) + O(n3) for the full SVD approach, so it is
dramatically faster than full SVD when d is much smaller than n:
By default, svd_solver is actually set to "auto": Scikit-Learn automatically uses the randomized PCA
algorithm if m or n is greater than 500 and d is less than 80% of m or n, or else it uses the full SVD
approach. If you want to force Scikit-Learn to use full SVD, you can set the svd_solver hyperparameter to
Linear dimensionality reduction using Singular Value Decomposition of the data to project it to a lower
dimensional space. The input data is centered but not scaled for each feature before applying the SVD.
It uses the LAPACK implementation of the full SVD or a randomized truncated SVD by the method of Halko
et al. 2009, depending on the shape of the input data and the number of components to extract.
It can also use the scipy.sparse.linalg ARPACK implementation of the truncated SVD.
6. Kernel PCA
Kernel PCA a mathematical technique that implicitly maps instances into a very high-dimensional space
(called the feature space), enabling nonlinear classification and regression with Support Vector Machines.
A linear decision boundary in the high-dimensional feature space corresponds to a complex nonlinear
decision boundary in the original space. It turns out that the same trick can be applied to PCA, making it
possible to perform complex nonlinear projections for dimensionality reduction. This is called Kernel PCA
(kPCA).6 It is often good at preserving clusters of instances after projection, or sometimes even unrolling
datasets that lie close to a twisted manifold.
For example, the following code uses Scikit-Learn’s KernelPCA class to perform kPCA with an RBF kernel