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Increased The Role of Defense Human Resources in Facing of The Threats

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Increased the Role of Defense Human Resources in Facing of the Threats

Article in Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani · January 2024

DOI: 10.55927/mudima.v4i1.7802


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3 authors, including:

Ayu Pertiwi Lukman Yudho Prakoso

Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia Indonesia defense university


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Homepage: https://journal.formosapublisher.org/index.php/mudima
ISSN: 2808-5639 (Online)
Research Article
Volume 4, No 1, January (2024) DOI: https://doi.org/10.55927/mudima.v4i1.7802 Page: 90-96

Increased the Role of Defense Human Resources in Facing of the Threats

Ayu Pertiwi1*, Novky Asmoro2, Lukman Yudho Prakoso3
Universitas Pertahanan
Corresponding Author: Ayu Pertiwi ayuuprtw@gmail.com
Keywords: Defense Human Resources, National defense is all efforts to defend state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the
Defense Industry, the Role of safety of the entire nation from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation
Government, National Defense, Threats and state. The problems of national defense, which are increasingly varied in the
development of the threat spectrum, certainly require reliable human resources for
Received : 2 November
implementing or making national defense policies. Indonesia with a large population
Revised : 20 December
Accepted : 15 January certainly has great potential in the procurement of defense resources. However, if the
quality cannot keep up with current threat dynamics and technology then the number
©2024 Pertiwi, Asmoro, Prakoso: This is meaningless. The purpose of this research is to find out how to increase the role of
is an open-access article distributed Indonesian defense human resources to deal with threats that occur to realize national
under the terms of the Creative security. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis
Commons Atribusi 4.0 Internasional. method with data collection techniques through literature and library studies. The
results of this study are that the government’s role is very important in increasing the
superiority of defense human resources. Such as providing training, education,
providing motivation, and synergizing with institutions and parties related to the
defense industry to improve HR capabilities in dealing with technological advances

INTRODUCTION linked to the ability of its national resources, to
Trends in the dynamics of the strategic become an effective force (Putro, 2022).
environment have developed at the global, regional, The universal state defense system involves
and national levels and given rise to various threats all citizens, territories, and other national resources.
and opportunities for Indonesia's national interests. Sistem universal defense integrates military defense
The increasingly sharp economic competition-, and a and nonmilitary defense through efforts to build
trade war between the United States and China have strong and respected and powerful defense forces
hurt the world economy and the Asian economy and capabilities with high deterrents (Indonesian
either directly or indirectly immediately. At the Defense White Paper, 2015).
regional level, in Asia, some threats can trigger The country's defense problems, which are
Regional instability such as the South China Sea increasingly varied in the development of spectrum
conflict, the China and Taiwan conflict, and the threats, of course, require reliable human resources
conflict on the Korean Peninsula. It also affects for the implementation or preparation of state
Indonesia's stability. defense policies. Indonesia has the fourth largest
Threats to national defense have grown in population in the world, namely 273 million people
line with technological developments. The Industrial (Worldmeter, 2022). This shows that Indonesia has
Revolution 4.0 extended the dimensions of combat large human resources (HR). The huge potential of
from land, sea, and air to the dimensions of space and Indonesian human resources is certainly an
cyberspace. Technological advances can also advantage if you can manage it well. In terms of
potentially become a non-military threat such as if defense, this is also a huge potential to improve the
the technology is used to control the economy that defense. With a large population, Of course,
harms the national interest. The advancement of Indonesia benefits. However, a large amount of
science and technology is related to the advancement human resources does not always guarantee the
of military technology. This must be in line with the creation of a good and efficient defense system, if it
ability of HR in mastering technology and HR is not based on defense skills and qualified defense
capabilities in managing defense. equipment support.
Building a defensive force must adapt to the Based on a report by the International
development of future wars starting from the present, Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in 2021, the
where conventional forms of war are increasingly number of active Indonesian soldiers is estimated to
being abandoned. In the future, the form of war reach 395,500 people. In detail, the most number of
involves mastering modern warfare technology Indonesian active soldiers comes from the Army
owned by a country's human resources. The (AD), which is 300,400 people, which this number is
changing trend of the war has encouraged Indonesia's more than 70% of the total Indonesian active army.
defense forces to no longer rely solely on weapons For the number of active soldiers coming from the
mastery capabilities, but further in the form of Navy, there are as many as 65,000 people, and
mastery of technology and other special skills. This 30,100 people for active soldiers coming from the
is certainly the government's task in developing Air Force (AU). For reserve military personnel, IISS
military technology and existing defense human estimates Indonesia has 400,000 personnel where
resources capabilities for the realization of state reserve personnel describes formations and units that
security. are not fully operational in peacetime but can be
State defense is any effort to maintain state mobilized in case of martial law or war.
sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the safety of the In the context of defense human resources,
entire nation from threats and disturbances to the the number of army personnel owned by Indonesia is
integrity of the nation and state. The ability of a only about 0.2% of the total national population or
country to build its defense force must always be for 1,000 population there are only 2 soldiers.
Total of Indonesia Military

Figure 1. Total of Indonesia Military

Source: Data Indonesia.id

The abundance of national human resources researchers conduct research and in-depth
is not proportional to the number of army personnel, discussions from the sources used.
considering that Indonesia is not in wartime. Defense
needs must be increased to address the growing RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
potential threat, be it other military aggression or A. Definition of Human Resources (HR)
foreign interference. These non-ideal conditions are Human resources are the most important
certainly not comparable to the various threats that factor in an organization because it is a determining
occur. Therefore, to make up for the lack of existing factor for success in running the wheels of the
HR capabilities, it is necessary to have the organization, one of which is as a defensive guard. In
availability of absolute technology (Sebastian, every area of life or work, be it in the industry sector,
2015). government, or non-government, there will be a need
for a cooperation unit that will specifically manage
METHODS human resources. Human resources who have
This research is qualitative. According to competence will be able to face the obstacles faced
Bogdan and Taylor, qualitative research is a study in terms of the development of situational changes
that produces descriptive data in the form of both (Andriani et al, 2022).
written and spoken words from individuals and Human resource management is an effort to
observed behaviors (Moelong, 2002). Sumber used manage and foster human relations that aim to
in this study are textbooks, scientific journals, achieve the goals of the organization effectively and
research results in the form of theses, the internet, efficiently (Andriani et al, 2022).
official websites, and other sources relevant to the Human resources are needed in an
research. The data analysis used in this study is organization not only in the form of energy, but also
content analysis and research, which is research that in its thinking power, its resourcefulness in terms of
is an in-depth discussion of the content of planning what the next steps must be taken to reduce
information from various sources used. the risk of failure, how to organize the course of a
This research will discuss the development plan to be successful and effective, and its ability to
of defense human resources and the increases in solve a problem (Widorekno et al, 2021). Therefore,
human resources per human prisoner in dealing with the success of an organization is determined by the
the various threats that are and will be faced by quality of human resources (HR) working in it. Of
Indonesia. This research uses a literature study where course, human resources will work optimally if their

performance is supported by career progress their Rindam IV Diponegoro 500 people, Rindam V
competencies. Brawijaya 500 people, Rindam XII Tanjungpura 499
B. Human Resources in Defense people and Defense University 604 people. The
Defense human resources are a defense Komcad program is also carried out in 2022 and has
component consisting of military and non-military 2,974 members consisting of the army, navy, and air
human resources. What is part of the element of force.
military resources is to have good intellectual Komcad is one of the voluntary (non-
abilities, and be mentally and physically strong, all mandatory) programs mandated by the President
of which have been educated and trained as an through Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning the
obligation and a necessity for the prerequisites of Management of National Resources for State
maintaining the state as the main component. Defense. All components are prepared to be utilized
Nonmilitary defense human resources are human When the country is in a state of emergencies such as
resources that are part of both the reserve component the threat of war or disaster, and the Komcad is ready
and the supporting component, which means that all and trained.
Indonesian citizens are part of non-military defense C. Increased Role of Defense Human
human resources (Widorekno et al, 2021). Indikator Resources
regarding nonmilitary defense HR can be measured The most important asset that an institution
by the awareness of national defense. This means has is human resources. In defense, the activities
that constitutionally defending the state is our carried out by these humans in the organization are
obligation as Indonesian citizens (Suriata, 2019). interdependent activities between one another
Based on the 1945 Constitution article 27 (interdependent) (Widjayanto in Sebastian, 2015). In
paragraph 3, state defense is the right as well as the defense, human resources are potential personnel
obligation of every citizen, which means that every that can be relied upon in the implementation of the
citizen is entitled and obliged to participate in state Defense Industry which is irrigated by elements of
defense such as state defense and security efforts. If expertise, expertise, competence, and organization,
a citizen has carried out his obligations in state as well as intellectual and information wealth. Each
defense such as participating in state defense and element of human resources must be continuously
security efforts, then the citizen is also entitled to his improved in usefulness and use value by standards,
rights in defending the country is like the right to live requirements, and certification of expertise as well as
in a safe and peaceful state. professional codes of ethics (Susilo et al, 2022).
Defense Human Resources in Indonesia has To deal with future wars, a country must
3 components, namely the main component, the prepare equipment for war or called the main tool
reserve component, and the supporting component. system armaments (defense equipment), both
The main component is filled by the TNI which has domestic and foreign procurement. The Ministry of
a role in maintaining the country's defense. Then the Defense of the Republic of Indonesia has committed
reserve component consists of citizens, natural to the issuance of Law Number 16 of 2012
resources, artificial resources, advice, and national concerning the Defense Industry in which there is a
infrastructure. The last is a supporting component mandate to hold or prioritize the procurement of
that contains experts or professionals as well as all defense equipment from domestic production,
Indonesian citizens. namely strategic industries that are both from state-
In 2021, President Joko Widodo officially owned enterprises and domestic private companies.
established the Reserve Component (Komcad). A Indonesia has 8 state-owned defense industries,
total of 3,103 members of the Komcad were namely PT Pindad, PT PAL Indonesia, PT
appointed by the President, consisting of Rindam Dirgantara Indonesia, PT LEN Industri, PT Dahana,
Jaya 500 people, Rindam III Siliwangi 500 people, PT Dok Kodja Bahari, PT INTI, and PT GMF. For
BUMS, there are 94 companies with various between technology users, research and development
competencies. institutions, universities, and industry.
Thus, the existence of the state-owned The defense industry policy is implemented
defense industry and BUMS will increase the through the defense industry development program
production power of our defense equipment, so that and the defense research and development program
in time it is needed it will greatly facilitate the which includes defense and security concepts;
purposes of war, it will never be embargoed by other defense industry cooperation between universities
countries, for this reason, the capacity and diversity and research and development institutions; and
of production must be increased, none other than improving the quality of human resources and
with government support. engineering design fields. To that end, the Ministry
Human resources are the main factor in the of Defense established the Republic Indonesia
defense industry that determines the successful Defense University (RIDU) in 2009. RIDU currently
implementation of the country's defense. Human provides access to education in the field of defense
resource skills and abilities are needed to operate, and national defense; develops defense and state
produce and develop technology in the defense defense science as an interdisciplinary study and
industry. In addition, human resources also play a organizes learning, research, and community service
role in establishing defense industry cooperation activities for civil society, generally, and members of
with various countries for the development of the TNI and POLRI.
Indonesia's defense industry technology. The current development of the defense
Governments, users, and Defense Industry industry must be balanced with the guidance of
prepare the human resources necessary to master citizens as defense human resources who must be
defense and security technologies loaded with high- ready to defend the country, by providing
tech and applied science of the Defense Industry. preliminary defense education (PPBN) both in the
Human resource preparation includes recruitment, educational environment, the work environment, and
education, training, internships, and rewards. in the community environment: and trained basic
The Defense Industry has the goal of military so that human resources have a high state
realizing the achievement of national defense defense awareness to be ready at any time can be
capabilities. The development of the defense deployed and b He is ready to sacrifice when it
industry is needed in realizing this. In this case, it is comes to the war in peacetime. In addition, the
carried out using research and development activities competence of defense personnel / human resources
for research and technology as well as technology must be well promulgated, and personnel from
transfer at the time of procurement of defense various fields of science so that the needs of
equipment. Program priorities in the defense personnel in the context of state defense in the future
industry are aimed at fulfilling the achievement of can be implemented by the doctrine and system of
the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) which refers state defense regulated in the universal people's
to actual and potential threats to Indonesia and the defense system (Supriyatno, 2014).
Government's policy to build Indonesia by Nation character building is also needed to
prioritizing the leading regions which in this case are improve the quality of Defense Human Resources.
border areas. This is part of the mental revolution, organized
This requires good management through through the development of awareness and defense
increasing creativity, and innovation, relying on skills for every Indonesian citizen. The development
human resources who have idealism and of the nation's character needs to be carried out in an
intellectualism, and have high competitiveness. The integrated manner in all K / L, local government, and
acceleration of the independence of the National other components of the nation. This program must
Defense Industry requires synergistic cooperation be realized to form state defense cadres who have
awareness and ability based on state defense values resources are potential personnel that can be relied
and culture based on Pancasila and the 1945 upon in the implementation of the Defense Industry
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Buku which is irrigated by elements of expertise, expertise,
Putih Pertahanan Indonesia, 2015). competence, and organization, as well as intellectual
Motivation is also necessary for the and information wealth. The huge potential of
development of human resources. This is a condition Indonesian human resources is certainly an
that must be prepared as early as possible because advantage if you can manage it well. The role of the
conducive conditions in various areas of life will government is very important in improving the
make it easier to educate citizens to be ready to Excellence of defense human resources. Such as
defend the country. It is an ideologue, political, providing training, education, providing motivation,
social, cultural, legal, and security condition of and synergizing with institutions and parties related
society, it needs to be maintained continuously in to the defense industry to improve the ability of
peacetime. human resources to face technological advances.
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technology became very important in the era of prepared to face various kinds of upcoming war
industrial progress, but to master it, it was not threats and will have a positive influence on national
obtained instantly. It requires a long process through defense and economy.
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