Implementation of A Radio Frequency Identification and Detection Technology Based Digital Class Attendance System For University Students
Implementation of A Radio Frequency Identification and Detection Technology Based Digital Class Attendance System For University Students
Implementation of A Radio Frequency Identification and Detection Technology Based Digital Class Attendance System For University Students
Chibuike Peter Ohanu1,2, Ugbe Oluchi Christiana1,2, Uche C. Ogbuefi1,2, Tole Sutikno3,4
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Power and Energy Development, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Master Program of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Embedded System and Power Electronics Research Group, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding Author:
Chibuike Peter Ohanu
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria
Nsukka, Nigeria
Attendance is a critical criterion that is employed for a variety of purposes in academic institutions.
Maintaining records, assessing pupils, and encouraging optimal and continuous attendance in class are all part
of these objectives. Most schools in developing countries demand a certain percentage of students to attend
class, but this policy has not been implemented due to the numerous obstacles that exists in taking attendance.
Taking student attendance on sheets of paper or in books is the standard practice but the method makes
impersonation simple, and the attendance sheet can be taken or misplaced. It is difficult to calculate the number
of students who have met the required percentage and are thus eligible for the exam because taking attendance
takes time. As a result, a system that removes all of these potential sources of problems is necessary [1].
To overcome the aforementioned concerns, this research adopts a radio frequency identification and detection
(RFID) technology. RFID is an automatic identification technology that stores and retrieves data using RFID
tags or transponders, and it consists of two main components: an RFID reader and an RFID tag. To make the
most of this technology, there are lot of research and development going on, and many new applications and
study fields will emerge in the next years. This surge in RFID interest has sparked concerns for the safety of
those handling the tags on daily basis [2]. RFID has long been used to regulate access in a range of applications,
ranging from asset tracking to limiting entry to restricted places. Although RFID systems at educational
institutions are not new, the goal of this research is to show how they can be employed to tackle everyday
difficulties in modern universities. In developing countries, RFID, WiFi, Bluetooth, robots, and other cutting-
edge technologies have been developed. As a result, we may employ these technologies to improve our
everyday routines and make our lives more comfortable and easier. To increase the quality of their students
and management, all academic institutions should endeavour to integrate these technologies [3].
RFID is a technology that uses radio frequency data transfer to automatically collect information from
a movable object and an RFID reader in order to identify and track it; it contains reader and tag that are widely
used to describe them. A typical reader is a device with one or more antennas that transmit and receive radio
waves from tags and data stored on an RFID tag must be retrieved via a reader. An RFID reader can be set up
to only deliver a radio pulse in reaction to a certain external event. Most electronic toll collecting systems, for
example, keep the reader on all the time so that every passing vehicle is logged [4]. RFID scanners in veterinary
offices, on the other hand, are usually equipped with triggers that activate only when the trigger is pulled.
The prevailing tags in contemporary times consist of a microprocessor chip known as an integrated
circuit with memory. Additional tags are classified as chipless, indicating the absence of an integrated circuit.
chipless tags are particularly effective in applications that only necessitate a limited range of functionalities.
However, they can still contribute to enhanced accuracy and detection range while being more cost-effective
compared to their integrated circuit-based counterparts. In the future, tags will be denoted as integrated circuit-
based tags when the term "chip-less tags" is employed [5], [6]. There are two types of RFID tags: passive tags
and active tags. The passive RFID system is the most frequently utilized technology on the planet. In a passive
RFID system, the reader provides the radio signal to the tag. The tag then activates and communicates with the
reader via energy or a signal [7]. The power of the tags, which is less than 10 meters, limits the range of this
RFID passive system. Passive tags rely on a tag chip and a reader rather than having their own power source [8].
Active tags in RFID systems have their own power supply and transmitter. A rechargeable battery is usually
used to power the tags. To transfer data or information contained on microchips, RFID tags produce their own
signal. Transponders and beacons are the two forms of active tags. The objective of the transponder is to save
battery life. The transponders will only turn on if and only if they receive a radio signal from the reader. The
tag will deactivate and the battery energy will be saved if the transponder does not receive a radio signal.
Beacons are used in real-time locating systems (RTLS) and the project, however, uses the passive tag [9].
Implementation of a radio frequency identification and detection technology … (Chibuike Peter Ohanu)
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registration, attendance, question bank uploads, and administrative duties is being developed [15]. Only a use
case diagram and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are included in the report.
The PHP and MySQL-based solution eliminates manual processes and creates a paperless workplace,
saving the college time, money, effort, and resources. The study offers to solve the registration and attendance
problem by increasing productivity, efficiency, and accuracy without data. Quantitative or qualitative studies
must validate the proposed system. The research aims to automate student attendance management to replace
manual attendance [16]. A student management information system web service is proposed. The proposed
study promotes cannabis dispensaries (CBD) and lowers implementation costs. The web service makes
developers language- and platform-agnostic. The development team only needs business logic from customers,
not code. Student attendance should be tracked by scanning the quick response (QR) code on each student's
identification (ID) card with a QR code scanner. The server will have student attendance data. The server will
validate data using application programming interface (API). This will provide accurate information. Validate
the web service attendance management system before deciding if it is better than manual attendance methods
and emerging automated technologies like RFID, biometrics, and bar code scanners. Sajid et al. [17] propose
employing face recognition technology to automatically mark student attendance. Each classroom will have a
camera to capture all students from different perspectives. Temporal and permanent databases will be used in
the automatic attendance system. All lecture photos will be saved in the temporal database. Photographs will
be taken at the beginning, middle, and end of a talk. PRESENT-80/128 and PRESENT-256 at electronic
codebook (ECB) mode were devised by Ramachandra and Peter for secure RFID tag-reader mutual
authentication in internet of things (IoT) applications.
Near-field communication (NFC) enabled devices are in contact or within a short distance of one other
as they communicate. Ramachandra and Peter [18] is to find a way to overcome the constraints of the manual
attendance marking system. An NFC tag, an NFC enabled mobile device, and a web server are the three main
components of the proposed automatic attendance system. There are three ways to implement the proposed
system. In the first scenario, the lecturer is using a mobile device with NFC capabilities in the classroom. An
NFC tag is attached to each student's identification card. Each student's ID card must make physical touch with
the instructor's mobile device to be counted as present. In the second scenario, each student has an NFC-enabled
mobile device, and each classroom has an NFC smart tag affixed to a poster paper. The technological
components of developing an RFID-based smart attendance system are discussed by [19]. The goal is to replace
the current manual attendance marking system with a computer assisted approach. RFID technology is a more
cost-effective technique to automatically indicate attendance when compared to other options such as NFC,
biometric, and QR code scanners. Instead of installing RFID scanners in each classroom, the authors suggest
a less expensive RFID based attendance system that is portable and can be taken to the classroom. It can store
data in the microcontroller using electrical erasable programmable read only memory. The suggested smart
attendance system is to put the test from multiple angles, including top, side, corner, and bottom. The maximum
detecting range for cards is 5 cm. Real-time validation is required for the proposed smart attendance
system [20], [21]. The RFID system presented is a bespoke solution that is challenging to build and install for
an institution. In the work done by [9] an embedded computer-based lecture attendance management system
was presented. An improvised electronic card and card reader is serially connected to the digital computer
system as part of the system. A smart attendance system based on real-time face recognition was proposed
in [19]. It suggested that smart attendance system uses principal component analysis (PCA) and the cascade
technique to reliably detect faces in a real-time context. The suggested real-time facial recognition system can
detect several faces to identify employees or pupils as they enter the office or classroom. The key advantage
of the suggested approach is that it eliminates the requirement for staff or students to take any action or pay
attention in order to register attendance. Cheng et al. [22] created and implemented a system that uses
passwords to authenticate users; nevertheless, because passwords may be exchanged or modified with
impersonation is possible. Passwords can also be forgotten, restricting access to the system for the user.
Sharma et al. [19] employed a wireless attendance management system that uses iris recognition to
authenticate people. The system makes use of an off-line iris recognition management system that can handle
the full process, from iris recognition image capture to minute extraction, storage, and matching. A smart
attendance system is presented by [23] using machine learning with a camera, a facial recognition algorithm,
and a database are all part of the proposed smart attendance system. Every classroom has a camera with which
students can shoot images. To identify individual students' faces and compare them to previously recorded
photos, the study uses a histogram of oriented gradients. The student is marked absent if the facial recognition
does not match. Each student is represented by many photos taken from various angles in the database.
The proposed method is said to have several advantages, including being cost-effective, rapid, and error-free.
However, the suggested technology has never been tested in a real-time setting in any institution, no
conclusions can be drawn. The suggested system is a customized solution that involves both supervised and
unsupervised training to effectively recognize faces. An RFID-based attendance management system was
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proposed by [24] The proposed framework could give a new, more precise, and less time-consuming
mechanism for assessing understudy engagement in school and improving the way understudy address
participation in the classroom. An RFID based authentication system model that is simple and inexpensive has
been successfully advantages. This framework will aid in the anticipated capacity for participation, and
guardians will be contacted if their children do not show up. An online attendance management system using
RFID with object counter, according to [6], [25], [26]. The student attendance system, which uses RFID
technology and an object counter to record and track student attendance, will dramatically improve the existing
manual method, especially in a university context. The technology encourages a fully automated approach to
recording student attendance and keeping track of their whereabouts on campus. attendance system is safe and
accurate. The system is straightforward to use, with easily accessible switches and communication interfaces.
It is possible to save and retrieve attendance records.
In this paper, we developed an RFID student monitoring system to track student attendance in the
classroom using passive RFID technology. The system deployed RFID reader and a contactless smart card to
ensure time management during student’s attendance. It also has inherent technology that is capable of sending
a text message to the parent of any students that fails to attend lectures.
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packaging are critical components of any engineering design. It is the appearance of the completed project. We
do not leave the work unfinished after soldering and connecting it, it must be cased and packaged. Packaging
could be used to protect the design components while also making the finished project look nice. Figure 3
depicts the internal system architecture of the prototype attendance RFID system, highlighting the activity
function of each component. The packaging is made of portable plywood with perforations at the appropriate
corners for the LCD, RFID module, power switch, charging port, and SD card module. It is very light in weight
and was designed to not add to the weight of the components while still providing adequate protection to the
The Figure 6 shows when the tag is not registered on its database, the system displays “not registered”
as such the student unable to sign in. In the case where a student wants to sign in twice the system will return
a message stating that you have already signed in as shown in Figure 7. The system is designed to store student’s
attendance in the order of their punctuality, the first student to sign in will have his name on the top of the
register while the last to sign in will likewise be the last on the list. The information is stored in the SD card
which the lecturer can take after his own period is exhausted. The system is designed not to sign in anybody if
the SD card is missing which means that if the lecturer goes with his SD card no student can sign in shown in
Figure 8.
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The system is equipped with RTC module which makes it impossible for the system time not to be
correct no matter how long the system has been dead or not in use. The RTC module preserves the correct time
and date and provide backup power source for the system time to be always correct. When a student loses the
RFID card, the two-factor authentication method, randomized attendance checks and monitoring and auditing
method could be used to verify or clear the students for class attendance.
During the course of this study, it was proved that a new, accurate, and less time-consuming technique
of recording student attendance in school is possible. A prototype of a low-cost RFID-based attendance system
has been successfully created. The old approach of taking class attendance is time-consuming, capable of
human error, lacks real-time data, easy to manipulate and has limited monitoring capabilities. The developed
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system prototype has various advantages over the old approach of attendance tracking. This method will help
with the automatic storage of attendance and will make it simple to determine which students have met the
minimum number of attendance criteria to sit for the university examinations.
The authors wish to express their profound gratitude to the African Centre of Excellence for
Sustainable Power and Energy Development (ACE-SPED), University of Nigeria, Nsukka, for providing the
necessary facilities. The authors would also like to thank the University of Nigeria and Universitas Ahmad
Dahlan for supporting this collaborative research. The authors of this paper certify that they have no conflict
with any organization or entity.
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Tole Sutikno is a lecturer, and serves as the head of the Electrical Engineering
Department, as well as the head of the Master Program of Electrical Engineering within
the Faculty of Industrial Technology at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. In 1999, 2004, and 2016, he graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering from
Universitas Diponegoro, a Master of Engineering from Universitas Gadjah Mada, and a
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. All
three degrees are in the field of electrical engineering. Since the year 2008, he has held the
position of Associate Professor at the Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. He is among the top 2% of researchers named by Stanford University and
Elsevier BV as the most influential scientists in the world for 2021–present. His research
interests include the areas of digital design, industrial applications, industrial electronics,
industrial informatics, power electronics, motor drives, renewable energy, FPGA
applications, embedded systems, artificial intelligence, intelligent control, digital libraries,
and information technology. He can be contacted at email:
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023: 1206-1214
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