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Mr. Vishak

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Lab. Id : P1992617 Hosp. UHID : Reg. Date : 07-Nov-2023 / 12:49 PM

Name : MR. VISHAK . Collection : 07-Nov-2023 / 06:45 AM
Age/Gender : 27Y / Male Received : 07-Nov-2023 / 12:51 PM
Collected At : SM HOSPITAL Report : 07-Nov-2023 / 16:55 PM
Referral Dr : - Report Status : Final Print : 07-Nov-2023 / 16:55 PM

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref. Interval Specimen

C- REACTIVE PROTEIN(CRP) 0.7 mg/L <=6.0 Serum


c-Reactive Protein, an acute phase reactant, is a pentameric protein found in blood and whose circulating concentrations increase following an
inflammatory reaction. It binds to lysophosphatidylcholine expressed on the surface of dead or dying cells and some strains of bacteria. This
binding then activates the complement system and promotes phagocytosis by macrophages to clear the dead cells/bacteria.

CRP plays a role in innate immunity as an early defense system against infections.

CRP level is an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic disease, although not a very specific prognostic indicator. Patients with elevated basal
levels of CRP are more likely to develop stroke, myocardial infarction and peripheral vascular disease. hsCRP or high sensitivity CRP test is
more sensitive in detecting low levels of CRP, hence used as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Elevated levels are also seen in IBD, colon cancer, obstructive sleep apnoea, avian influenza etc.

Verified By: 181913

Dr. Anu Sumi Issac
MD (Pathology)
Consultant Pathologist
--- End Of Report ---
Important Instructions:
‡Test results released pertain to specimen submitted.
‡All results are dependent upon the quality of specimen received in the laboratory.
‡Lab investigation is only a tool to faciilitate in concluding a diagnosis , and should be clinically correlated by the referring physician.
‡Certain tests may require further testing, at an additional cost for derivation of excact value. kindly submit request with in 2 days, post reporting.
‡Sample repeats are accepted on request of Referring Physician with in sample stability period.
‡Test results may show inter-laboratory variation.
‡Results are for informational purposes , and not intended to replace the care of medical practitionar, and does not recommend self-diagnosis
and/or self-medication.
‡Aster clinical Lab LLP does not make any warranties expressed or implied with respect to information herein.
‡Test results are not valid for medico legal purposes.
‡The courts/forum at Cochin/Bangolore shall have exclusive Jurisdiction in all disputes/claims concerning the request and/or result of test(s).
‡Contact customer care 9680396803 for all queries related to test results
Patient/Client is advised to contact the laboratory immediately, for any possible remedial action, If test result is alarming or unexpected

Aster Clinical Lab-Trivandrum,TC17/567, City Plaza, Medical College Road, Medical College P.o, P T Chacko
Nagar, Ulloor

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