Chapter Ii - 2018742pbi
Chapter Ii - 2018742pbi
Chapter Ii - 2018742pbi
Listening is the skill that we use mostly in everyday life. Listening and
which in this activity people decode the meaning of what they listen to.
Dakin (1974, p.174), listening is the ability to identify and understand what
grammar, and vocabulary, and grasping the meaning. As the result, listening
is not easy because the listener need to focus to get the meaning from what the
constructs the meaning with their prior experience and knowledge. The
listening, it will make them easier to catch the meaning of what they listen to.
a. Listening Comprehension
understand and catch the ideas what they are listening to. It is the process
that analyze sounds, words, clauses, and sentences until getting the
understand and catches the meaning or idea what the speaker is talking
a) Type of Listening
by the teachers.
process listening:
1) Top-Down Strategy
interpret what is hear and anticipate what will come next. Top
skill that build up from complex skill in which listener use what
2) Bottom-up Process
word-order patterns.
3) Pre-Listening
get most out of lectures and seminars, they not only need to sit,
prior knowledge. The teacher could get the students ready to listen
to material
each other:
to hear.
4. While Listening
comprehension by:
5. Post listening
6. Metacoqnitive Strategy
a. Clustering
b. Redundancy
c. Reduced forms
sounds (lazy speech) or contractions are two examples. These are all
English include the auxiliary verb forms of “be”, “have”, “will”, and
d. Performance Variable
slips, for instance, they arrived in a little town that there was no mall
e. Colloquial Language
their vocabulary.
f. Rate of Delivery
h. Interaction
(2012, p.354) cognitive factors and affective factors is the most important
a. Cognitive factors
knowledge(grammatical knowledge)
meaning of an utterance.
learners have.
b. Affective factors
3) Motivation
a. Speaker factors: the linguistic ability of the speaker, the quality of the
b. Factors in the oral text: the complexity of the lexis and syntax, the
degree of cohesion
(2013, p.3), speaking is the active use of language to express meanings so that
other people can make sense of them. In speaking, speaker and listener
emphasize on the meaning what they saying and understand one another.
Speaking is not only producing sounds, but it needs the knowledge of how to
Speaking is not only how we can produce sounds, but how we can
through which the rules of language are internalized. In speaking, people put
ideas into words, talking about perception, feeling and intonation. Speaking
becomes essential because it is the skills which people can see directly that the
evidence and the hallmark of language teaching and learning, and also
c. Social and cultural rules and norms (turn-taking, rate of speech, length
According Brown and Yule (1983, p.136) states the functions of speaking
are classified into three kinds; talk as interaction, talk as transaction, and
a. Talk as Interaction
the other people they will interaction each other to talk about
something. The focus is more on the speakers and how they wish to
b. Talk as Transaction
c. Talk as Performance
oral skill.
3. Analyzing Speaking
aspects as follows:
a. Pronunciation
b. Grammar
also have to notice the grammar itself when speak to others. We must
collect grammar, it means that without grammar our sentences are not
complete yet.
c. Vocabulary
think about.
d. Fluency
e. Comprehension
speaking not only about how we can speak well, but also how we can
can connect any language skills, but it is recommendable to mix those that
Listening is the language skill used most often and the channel
through which students get much of their language input. In addition, students
will absorb the structure and the sound of a sentence at once. Moreover, when
the students get exposures through listening, they will automatically imitate
and say what they have heard involving the structures of the language they
have heard.
Bozorgian (2012, p.2), proposed three reasons showing the essential role
means of interaction for the learner. Because, learner must interact to achieve
native actually use it. Third, listening exercises provide teachers with the
new interaction patterns) in the language. There are a lot of aspects that
Oral and auditory skills are has correlate each other to people
interlocutor and it also the way of comprehending speech. The message that
are processed are spoken language which produced by the speaker. That is
B. Relevant research
To avoid the same title in this research, the researcher shows the research
which is relevant to this research. Syafi’i (2014, p.102) stated that relevant
research is intended to avoid the “plagiarism” toward the design and finding of
project are.
students and 3 teachers only. The Research question in this research are: First,
both of speaking and listening were studies separately to discuss and affirm
practical and conceptual foundations about the forms in which these skills are
and listening were interviewed to appreciate how these skills work together in
the process of second language acquisition and what benefits there may be to
interviews and pre- and post-test. Once the interviews were conducted with
three English teachers from the institute, the tape recordings were transcribed,
reviewed, and analyzed. During the first stage of interview analysis, the
transcribed data are inserted into a matrix that is divided into different
testing purpose).
After the institute’s English students sat for oral pre- and post-test, an
analysis of final pre- and post-test grades was carried out using statistical
central tendency and dispersion measurements. For the control group, the
mean shows negative progress of two points between the pre (before) and
post (after) tests. This means that in a group of 60 students, their first grade
results were closer to 5.5 than 7.0-the top grade for performance-while their
last results were closer to 5.3 than 7.0. For the experimental group, the mean
between the pre and post test. The value of this percentage indicates
that in a group of 60 students, their first grades were closer to 5.4 than 7.0,
while their last results were closer to 5.8 than 7.0. the results is it was possible
to notice that aural skill influenced oral skills in the Institute’s English
students and the criteria that were improved with listening exercises could be
slightly influenced.
Students”. The study was carried out in Qingdao University of Science and
Computer Science majors who were grouped into two different groups.
Group 1 (25 students) are the control class, group 2 (25 students) are the
experimental class. The instruments of this research are TSE (test of spoken).
The test is composed 12 questions which fall into seventh categories: namely,
(75.20) is a little higher than group 1 (72.52), t< the critical value. In post-
scores than group 1. From the analysis we can conclude that listening does
English Language Testing System”. The participants in the study were 701
range of 24-37 in the capital of iran, Tehran, who were planning for either
instrument used to examine the relationship between listening skill and other
language skill- speaking, reading, and writing in EFL. The candidate received
This research used SPSS 18 for windows for the statistical analysis. As
pairwise Correlation Coefficient and a Scatter plot were used to measure the
performance. The result displays the descriptive statistic for each language
skill. The lowest attainment is for speaking with a mean of (5.568) and
standard deviation (.889). In contrast, reading with the mean (6.987) and
C. Operational Concept
Operational concept is the concept used to clarify the theories used in this
In this research there are two variables. They are students’ listening
as follows:
1. Assumption
ability. It is assumed that the better the students’ listening comprehension, the
2. The hypothesis
School 12 Pekanbaru.