GP Teachers April 2013
GP Teachers April 2013
GP Teachers April 2013
This lesson uses vocabulary from the topic “Travelling and tourism”.
1. Ask students to read and complete the questions. If necessary, point out that all the
missing words are related to travelling and holidays and/or that all the missing letters
are vowels. Check the answers as a class.
Extra idea
When you have checked the answers, make sure that students understand the questions.
Encourage students to ask and answer the questions in pairs. Ask a few students to report
their partner's answers.
2. This is a typical exam task. The aim of this exercise is to check that students can
identify where these signs and notices can be seen or identify their authors' intentions.
If your students find it difficult to do, help them by asking:
Answers: 1C 2A 3E 4B
Use of English
3. Ask students to look at the three photos and try to describe them, giving as many
details as possible. Then, ask students to read the postcard, ignoring the gaps at this
stage. Explain to the class that their task is to choose the photo which shows what Sally
likes about her trip to France.
4. This is a typical exam task, as students have to complete a short text using
three of the given words. Remind them of the fact that there are six words but only
three of them are needed. Ask students to work individually, read the postcard again
and complete it. Let them compare their answers in pairs before checking them as a
5. This is another typical exam task. Students read the context given in Polish and choose
the best reaction in each situation. You may ask them to explain (in Polish) why the
other options are incorrect.
Answers: 1B 2A 3B
6. Working in pairs, students take turns to ask and answer these questions. If you have
some spare time at the end of the lesson, you can ask students to do this task twice,
working with different partners each time.