Google Quantum Ai About
Google Quantum Ai About
Google Quantum Ai About
responsible approach
to quantum computing
What is quantum
Our roadmap is shown below, and includes six technical milestones towards top
quality quantum computing hardware and software for meaningful applications.
Figure 1. Google Quantum AI roadmap towards the ultimate goal of a large-scale, error-corrected quantum computer. Google is
currently working towards Milestone 3 (M3), a long-lived logical qubit (that is, capable of “living” for 1 million computational steps
with less than 1 error).
Our progress towards
building a quantum computer
Qubits are highly sensitive to their external environments and even stray particles of light can
introduce errors. For meaningful computation, these errors must be corrected, and error
correction must be improved as quantum processors are scaled to larger numbers of qubits.
We view achievement of scalable error correction as a necessary step towards Milestone 3 —
a long-lived logical qubit (that is, capable of “living” for 1 million computational steps with less
than 1 error).
Figure 2. A single physical qubit circuit on the Sycamore processor, measuring about 0.2 millimeters wide (seen through a scanning
electron microscope).
Looking forward, we continue to work on improving our qubit performance, scaling up our
architecture and infrastructure, and refining our approach to quantum error correction, aiming
to reduce errors by multiple orders of magnitude, even as we increase the number of qubits.
We plan to tile thousands of surface-encoded logical qubits together to comprise a fully
fault-tolerant quantum computer.
Google Quantum AI. Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor. Nature 574, 505–510 (2019).
Google Quantum AI. Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit. Nature 614, 676–681 (2023).
Why quantum
computing matters
We believe quantum computers will be particularly useful for (a) problems where we need to
model phenomena that are inherently quantum mechanical (e.g. electron interactions), or (b)
problems that have a “hidden structure” that can’t be seen with a classical computer. Though
we’re confident we have yet to discover even a small portion of the ways quantum computing
will benefit society in the future, Google is actively working with collaborators on a variety of
potential near- and long-term applications for quantum computing. Here are a few examples
that we are most excited about.
Figure 3. We expect quantum computers to unlock chemical simulation and other applications. Note that this graphic outlines
predicted number of qubits with error-correction for simplicity, but some of the applications in the first two columns may also be
good targets for today’s smaller, error-prone processors.
Google’s Mission, Values & Commitments
Drug Advances in classical computing have greatly aided drug discovery by modeling
discovery behavior of candidate drugs before synthesis and testing in the lab, and clinical trials.
However, classical computers cannot exactly simulate candidate drug molecules, so
significant experimental trial-and-error is still needed to screen promising drug
candidates. Quantum computers are particularly well-suited for precise simulations of
potential drugs and their interactions with complex biological molecules. This may help
researchers more accurately identify drug candidates – and ultimately improve health
outcomes for the world.4
Industrial Chemical catalysts play an important role in many industries, and quantum computers
chemistry could help identify catalysts that make critical processes safer and more efficient –
and benefit both people and the environment. For example, ammonia is one of the
most common industrial chemicals in the world, used as an agricultural fertilizer and
in chemical manufacturing and pharmaceuticals. Without ammonia, we would be
unable to sustain the world’s current population. However, ammonia production
requires incredibly high temperatures and pressures, and alone contributes 2-3% of
global greenhouse gas emissions. More effectively simulating the chemical reactions
used to produce ammonia could help identify ways to make the ammonia
manufacturing process more efficient, and lower emissions.
Sustainable Batteries are a keystone to an electrified economy, enabling vehicles that charge faster
technology and drive further, and a grid that can supply power 24/7 using only renewable power.
However, battery technology has not advanced at the same pace as other green
technologies. The reactions within batteries are quantum mechanical, and cannot be
precisely simulated by classical computers. However, quantum computers will enable
detailed electrochemical battery simulations5, which can lead to more efficient and
higher performance batteries. Quantum computers may also help fight climate change
in other areas, such as unlocking better nuclear fusion reactor designs through physics
simulations and engineering optimization.
Fundamental While today’s small and error-prone quantum processors do not have nearly the power
physics of their future fault-tolerant counterparts, they can still support breakthrough physics
research research. For example, recently, a team6 at Google and collaborators performed
experiments aimed at studying quantum gravity. Other recent experiments from the
Google Quantum AI team include studying molecular structure7, interacting particles
of light8, and exotic phases of matter9. In addition to their scientific interest, physics
breakthroughs may also unlock new technologies such as loss-free power grids.
After all, while general relativity and quantum mechanics seemed esoteric at first,
they seeded now-ubiquitous technologies like GPS, silicon computer chips, and
MRI machines.
Goings et al., Reliably assessing the electronic structure of cytochrome P450 on today’s classical computers and tomorrow’s quantum
computers. PNAS 119 (38) e2203533119.
Rubin et al., Fault-tolerant quantum simulation of materials using Bloch orbitals. arXiv:2302.05531
Jafferis, D., Zlokapa, A., Lykken, J.D. et al. Traversable wormhole dynamics on a quantum processor. Nature 612, 51–55 (2022).
O’Brien et al., PRX Quantum 3, 030345 (2022).
Morvan, A., Andersen, T.I., Mi, X. et al. Formation of robust bound states of interacting microwave photons. Nature 612, 240–245 (2022).
Google Quantum AI, Noise-resilient edge modes on a chain of superconducting qubits, Science 378, 785-790 (2022).
DOI: 10.1126/science.abq5769
The examples above are just some problems that quantum computers may address. There are
other promising research areas – such as machine learning, linear algebra, and differential
equations – in which quantum computers may have unique advantages over classical
computers. We’re confident there will be numerous ways for quantum computing to benefit
society in the future. In the 1950s, the idea that computers could be used to share information
across the globe must have seemed like science fiction. While it is still early days for quantum
computing, we are excited to help make its promise a reality.
There is a critical need for continued collaboration across sectors, institutions, and
geographies to prevent potential misuse. For example, quantum computing has the potential
to break public key cryptosystems such as RSA that protect most internet traffic today.
Breaking RSA encryption will be possible with the ability to factor the products of large prime
numbers. Even for today’s best supercomputers, this is an effectively impossible task that
would take longer than the age of the universe. A future fault-tolerant quantum computer
could do so in a matter of hours, greatly compromising the integrity of electronic
communication and posing serious privacy and security risks.
AI at Google: our principles
To address this challenge, the security community is developing systems that are secure
against attacks from quantum computers, known as post-quantum cryptography.
NIST, the US government agency responsible for encryption standards, recently announced11 a
first set of post-quantum cryptographic tools to be standardized, one of which (SPHINCS+)
was developed with Google’s contributions. We are also taking our own steps12 to ensure that
services like Google Cloud, Android, and Chrome remain secure in a quantum future, and to
engage with the community to share our learnings.13 And, we continue to keep the community
informed on our research progress and timeline towards a fault-tolerant quantum computer
with the potential to break public key encryption.
The field of quantum computing is growing rapidly, and dedicated educational efforts will be
critical to maintain the pace of innovation, and build a diverse workforce across the quantum
computing value chain. Google is actively advising, supporting, and collaborating with
academic institutions around the world including UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara City
College, UC Berkeley, MIT, Harvard University, CU Denver, Leiden University, Oxford University,
University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, University of Toronto, University of
Waterloo, and many more.
Through these relationships, we aim to expand access to quantum computing and train a
diverse range of talent across skill sets, backgrounds, and geographies. We have released
open source tools14 to ensure quantum computing resources (including software for quantum
computing algorithm development and simulation) are widely accessible. Governments have
an important role to play, including via increased R&D funding (leading to more trained
students and professionals in the field); dedicated funding for workforce development
initiatives, including re-training and training for technicians and engineers; and policies that
encourage collaboration between institutions in like-minded countries and facilitate access to
international quantum computing talent.
PQC Standardization Process: Announcing Four Candidates to be Standardized, Plus Fourth Round Candidates
Why Google now uses post-quantum cryptography for internal comms
Joseph, D., Misoczki, R., Manzano, M. et al. Transitioning organizations to post-quantum cryptography. Nature 605, 237–243 (2022).
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