RVA Hand Out 2
RVA Hand Out 2
RVA Hand Out 2
4. Texture of an Artwork
Texture is used to describe the surface quality
of the work, referencing to the type of lines the
artist used in his creation. It can be tactile (real)
or strictly visual (implied). In two-dimensional
work of art, texture gives a visual sense of how an
object depicted would feel in real life if touched:
hard, soft, rough, smooth, hairy, leathery, sharp
etc. in the three-dimensional works, artist used
actual texture to add a tactile quality to the work.
ACTIVITY 1: Identify the lines that you can observe on the images below.
Draw one signage or symbol on a 1 short-seized bond paper. Make sure to draw it with its correct colors and
the letter should be how they would actually appear (size, style, and thickness).