Components of Plastics Experimental Studies in Animals and Effects On Human Health
Components of Plastics Experimental Studies in Animals and Effects On Human Health
Components of Plastics Experimental Studies in Animals and Effects On Human Health
Author(s): Chris E. Talsness, Anderson J. M. Andrade, Sergio N. Kuriyama, Julia A.
Taylor and Frederick S. vom Saal
Source: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences , Jul. 27, 2009, Vol. 364, No. 1526,
Plastics, the Environment and Human Health (Jul. 27, 2009), pp. 2079-2096
Published by: Royal Society
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Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences
that EDCs may play a role in the development of cancer et al 2006). Considering that developing organisms are
(Takashima et al 2008) , the reported decline in human particularly vulnerable to the effects induced by phtha-
sperm count (Mocarelli et al. 2008), temporal increases lates, newborns undergoing medical treatment in inten-
in the frequency of developmental abnormalities of the sive care units may be at increased risk when compared
male reproductive tract (Sharpe & Skakkebaek 2008) with the general population. In a pilot study conducted
and the trend towards precocious puberty in human by Koch et al (2006), the daily DEHP intake of 45 neo-
females (Schoeters et al. 2008). nates who were treated with various medical procedures
Phthalates function as plasticizers to give flexibility was calculated. The median and 95th percentile was
to high-molecular-weight polymers and are found in 0.042 and 1.780 mg DEHP (kgbw"1) d ~' respectively,
soft plastic products (the addition of phthalates and the maximum calculated intake was 2.3 mg
makes brittle polyvinyl chloride (PVC) soft). In DEHP (kgbw"1) d"1.
addition, phthalates are also used as chemical additives
in gel capsules, cosmetics and other personal-care pro-
ducts. Bisphenol A is widely used in the production of(b) Experimental studies
epoxy resins, polycarbonate plastics and brominatedAlthough phthalates display low general toxicity,
flame retardants (BFRs). BPA is the monomer (as exposure to certain compounds is associated with dis-
opposed to an additive) used for production of poly-ruption of endocrine and reproductive functions in
carbonate plastic intended for food and beverage experimental animals. The male reproductive tract
contact and many other products; it is also used to seems to be particularly sensitive to phthalate exposure.
make resins that line metal food and beverage cans. Treatment of adult male rats with high doses of certain
TBBPA and PBDEs make up approximately 59 and phthalates (e.g. 2000 mg DEHP kg" M"1) results in
33 per cent of the world market of BFRs (Law et al. rapid and severe changes in the testis (Gray &
2006), respectively, and are incorporated in a wide Gangolli 1986; Dostal etal 1988). The observed altera-
variety of materials including plastics intended for elec- tions in spermatogenesis are thought to result from dys-
tronics and appliances as well as fabrics. function in Sertoli cells, which cannot adequately
This review will present some aspects of human provide physical and metabolic support to germ cells
exposure to these compounds and investigations de- (Gray & Gangolli 1986). There is also experimental evi-
scribing effects in animal models. The potential fordence showing that phthalates can target the Leydig
human health effects based on evidence derived from cells and induce multiple hormonal disturbances
(Akingbemi et al 2004; Lin et al 2008). However,
experimental studies in animals will be discussed for
each of these chemicals. most reproductive effects are not exerted by phthalate
diesters themselves but rather by their active primary
monoester metabolites formed in the liver, which are
2. PHTHALATES considered the proximate toxicants (Gray & Gangolli
(a) Human exposure 1986). Recent evidence suggests that phthalates can
Phthalate esters have recently attracted the specialalso at- induce adverse responses in females following
tention of the scientific community, regulatory agencies pre- and post-natal exposure (Grande et al 2006,
2007; Gray et al 2006).
and the general public as a consequence of their high pro-
duction volume, widespread use as plasticizers and Although most reproductive effects have been
chemical additives and possible endocrine-related effectsdescribed in rats, phthalates can induce testicular
(Mylchreest et al. 1999). Phthalates can easily leach injury
out in several other species including mice (Lamb
of products to contaminate the external environment et al. 1987), guinea pigs (Gray et al 1982) and ferrets
because they are not chemically bound to the plastic (Lake et al 1976). However, some species, such as
matrix or to other chemicals in formulations. Di-(2- hamsters and non-human primates, seem to be less
ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is the most commonly sensitive than rats (Gray et al 1982; Foster et al.
used phthalate plasticizer for PVC (Matsumoto et 1983; al. Kurata et al. 1998), and part of this variability
2002), but other compounds such as di-butyl phthalate may be attributed to differences in phthalate bioavail-
(DBP), used as a fixative in cosmetics and other formu- ability (Foster et al 1983; Ito et al 2005). Accordingly,
lations, are also a cause of concern. Recent biomonitor- it has been argued that humans and non-human pri-
ing studies in the USA and Europe have detected mates are less susceptible to the effects of phthalates,
relatively high levels of monoester metabolites of phtha-owing to the lower conversion of parent compounds
lates in the urine of the general population (Koch et into
al active monoester metabolites (Mckee et al.
2004, 2006; Silva et al 2004). In a recent study (Koch 2004). In a study by Kurata et al (1998), no changes
et al 2006), the estimated median and 95th percentile in testis weight or histopathology were observed in
of daily DEHP intake for a German population (n adult = marmosets administered orally at 100, 500 or
85) was 5.6 and 21 juug (kgbw"1) d"1, respectively. 2500 For mg DEHP kg^d"1 for 13 weeks. More recently,
children aged 3-14 years, these values were significantlythe absence of testicular effects was also reported in
higher- 7.7 and 25 'xg (kgbw"1) d"1 (n = 254). Other young adult cynomolgus monkeys and juvenile mar-
studies have confirmed these data (reviewed by mosets exposed to high DEHP doses (500-
Heudorf et al 2007). In addition, critically ill patients2500 mg kg"1 d"1) (Pugh et al 2000; Tomonari et al
and neonates hospitalized in intensive care units may 2006). However, non-human primates have not been
be exposed to significantly higher doses of phthalatesextensively evaluated during foetal and neonatal
that migrate from medical devices such as blood bags,periods, which represent developmental windows
catheters and nasogastric and intravenous tubes (Kochespecially susceptible to exogenous insults. A recent
work by Hallmark et al (2007) indicates that neonatal Sertoli cell-only (SCO) tubules, Leydig cell aggregates
marmosets treated orally with SOOmgkg1 d"1 DBP and multinucleated giant germ cells (Gray et al. 2000;
respond similarly to rats in relation to changes in Fisher et al 2003; Andrade et al 2006Ò). Reductions
testosterone production and Leydig cell alterations, in Sertoli cell number and/or proliferation have also
although marmosets seem to be able to reverse the been reported in neonatal rats treated with phthalates
suppression of testosterone production more effi- (Dostal et al 1988; Li et al 2000). However, this
ciently than rats. Due to the lack of data on in utero appears to be a transient effect, as no changes in the
and early post-natal exposures, it is not possible to number of Sertoli cells are observed later in life
draw conclusions regarding possible developmental (Dostal et al 1988; Andrade et al. 20066).
effects in non-human primates. In both adult and developing males, disturbance
In fact, the main concern involving phthalates is Leydig and Sertoli cell functions constitutes integr
related to the effects induced during pre- and early effects of phthalates. In addition, gene profiling d
post-natal development. Recent animal toxicity studies obtained by microarray analysis indicate that phth
indicate that exposure to certain phthalates results in lates affect similar genetic targets in pre-pubertal
severe disorders in the developing male reproductive foetal rat testes (Lahousse et al 2006). However, hor
system, including defects in the external genitalia, monal and local cell signalling perturbations durin
undescended testes and testicular lesions. Reproductive early development may irreversibly alter reproduct
toxicity induced during the perinatal period was reported and endocrine functions in a manner that may not
for DEHP (Gray et al. 2000; Andrade et al. 2006a), be predicted from post-natal exposure. In addition
DBP (Mylchreest et al. 1999), butyl benzyl phthalate although several target genes involved in the devel
(Gray et al 2000; Nagao et al. 2000) and, to a lesser ment and function of foetal Leydig and Sertoli ce
extent, for diisononyl phthalate (Gray et al. 2000). have been identified so far (Shultz et al 2001;
Male rat offspring exposed in utero or both in utero and Lehmann et al 2004), the mechanisms by which
during lactation to high phthalate doses (e.g. 500 mg phthalates alter the expression of these genes are
DBP kg"1«!"1) display reproductive tract abnormalities currently unknown.
compatible with disruption of androgen-dependent
development and impaired testicular function
(Mylchreest et al. 1999; Gray et al. 2000; Andrade et al. (c) Relevance of phthalate effects for humans
2006a). The phenotypic alterations manifested in Interestingly, the spectrum of effects obtained following
male offspring include cryptorchidism, hypospadias, perinatal exposure of male rats to phthalates has
atrophy or agenesis of sex accessory organs, testicular remarkable similarities with the human testicular dys-
lesions (e.g. small fluid-filled testes), reduced daily genesis syndrome (TDS). According to Skakkebaek
sperm production, delayed preputial separation, per- et al (2001), the human TDS is characterized by low
manent retention of nipples and decreased (feminized) sperm counts, cryptorchidism, hypospadias and tes-
anogenital distance. ticular cancer, and the clinical expression of these
Unlike other anti-androgens, which act by binding to symptoms may vary with the severity of the syndrome.
the androgen receptor and thus inhibit its ability to Accordingly, less severe manifestations would result in
respond to androgens, phthalates disrupt the develop- impaired spermatogenesis while other symptoms such
ment of androgen-dependent structures mainly by inhi- as testicular cancer may be present in more severely
biting foetal testicular testosterone biosynthesis (Parks affected individuals (Skakkebaek et al 2001). Similar
et al 2000; Wilson et al 2004; Howdeshell et al to the human TDS, the effects induced by phthalates
2008). This effect is mediated by changes in gene in rats constitute a continuum of response with the
expression of enzymes and proteins involved in testos- most severe manifestations and highest incidence of
terone production by foetal Leydig cells, including thereproductive tract malformations observed at high
steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein, which doses (Foster 2006). In utero exposure of rats to active
participates in the transport of cholesterol to the inner phthalates such as DEHP and DBP has been suggested
mitochondrial membrane, the step in the steroidogenicas a useful animal model for human TDS, as in both
pathway that is considered to be rate-limiting (Shultz humans and rodents disturbance of foetal Leydig and
et al 2001; Lehmann et al 2004). Recently, the Sertoli cell functions plays a major role in induction
expression of another product of the foetal Leydig of TDS-like symptoms (Fisher et al 2003).
cell, insulin-like factor 3 (InsB), has been shown to However, the main question involving phthalates is
be reduced in phthalate-exposed animals (Wilsonwhether the level of human exposure is sufficient to
et al 2004). Such an effect might explain the incidence adversely impact male and/or female reproductive
of retention of testes in the abdomen (cryptorchidism)health. A study by Swan et al. (2005) reported an
association between phthalate exposure and reduced
following phthalate exposure, as Insl3 is involved in
the initial stages of testicular descent into the scrotumanogenital distance in human infants, an effect that
(Wilson et al 2004; Foster 2006). is also observed in rats. However, the range of doses
Testicular histopathology resulting from phthalate typically used in animal studies is three to four
orders of magnitude greater than the estimated daily
exposure is seen early in the foetal testis with the pres-
ence of dysgenetic areas characterized by malformed exposure of humans. Only recently have researchers
seminiferous cords containing multinucleated gono- begun to investigate and report on possible biological
cytes and aggregates of Leydig cells (Barlow & Foster changes at doses within the range of median human
2003; Fisher et al 2003). In adult offspring, affected phthalate exposure (Lehmann et al. 2004; Andrade
testes display reduced germ cell differentiation, et al 2006c; Lin et al 2008).
Some studies indicate that treatment of rat dams related drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) was described
with active phthalates may result in non-monotonic (Dodds et al. 1938). In the 1950s, polymer chemists
(biphasic) dose-responses for the activity/expression discovered that BPA molecules could be polymerized
of enzymes and proteins involved in the biosynthesis to make polycarbonate plastic. Bisphenol A is also
of steroid hormones in the offspring. Lehmannthe et base
al. compound used in the manufacture of the
resin lining of food and beverage cans in the USA
(2004) studied alterations in genes coding for steroido-
genic enzymes in the foetal testis of rats exposed to other countries, although the Japanese can
and many
DBP. In this study, the authors reported reductions industry changed the formulation of the plastic lining
in several genes at doses that approach maximum of cans in the late- 1990s. This voluntary action was
human exposure levels. In a recent study with DEHP, reported to be associated with a loss of the previous
Andrade et al. (2006c) have shown a striking biphasic correlation between use of canned drinks and urine
dose- response for aromatase enzyme activity in the levels of BPA in Japanese students as well as over a
brain of neonatal males, with low-dose inhibition and 50 per cent decrease in BPA levels (Matsumoto et al.
high-dose stimulation. Since aromatase is a key 2003). These latter findings suggest that use of BPA-
enzyme in the biosynthesis of oestrogens, phthalatebased resins to line cans contributes significantly to
exposure might be associated with disturbances of the the human body burden of BPA. Food contact items
normal balance between androgens and oestrogens. (can lining, food packaging and food and beverage
In addition to studies using low phthalate doses, containers) are thought to be the major contributors
recent studies have been conducted in order to evalu- to the median and mean values of approximately
2-4ngml~1 of unconjugated BPA detected in adult
ate the possibility of cumulative effects, since humans
are exposed to multiple phthalates that are known and foetal serum (Vandenberg et al. 2007). Pure
to affect male reproductive development in rats. water was poured into food cans that had contained
Howdeshell et al. (2007, 2008) demonstrated that different products and a polycarbonate food storage
different phthalates can act in a cumulative, dose- container. The products were heated to 100°C for
additive manner to reduce the testicular testosterone 24 h, and BPA was analysed by HPLC with
production by the rat foetal testis. Rider et al. (2008)
CoulArraay detection. The data presented in figure 1
reported dose-additive responses on reproductive mal- reveal that all products leached detectable levels of
formations and androgen-dependent organ weights BPA, although there were differences in the amount
with developmental exposure to a seven-chemical of leaching from different manufacturers' products.
anti-androgenic mixture that included some active As expected, the cans that had contained the acidic
phthalates. Coadministration of no-effect doses of tomato sauce resulted in the highest BPA values,
DEHP and DBP reduces testicular testosterone since acid accelerates hydrolysis of the ester bond link-
levels and results in misshapen seminiferous cords
ing BPA molecules in polycarbonate and resins.
and gonocyte multinucleation in the rat foetal testis
Another common use for BPA is as the monomer in
(Martino-Andrade et al 2008). dental sealants and composites used for fillings, from
which BPA leaches in variable amounts and for different
(b) Adverse health effects of BPA in decrease in maternal behaviour in mice (Palanza et al
laboratory animals 2002) and disruption of hippocampal synapses, leading
There were three reports released in 2007 and 2008 to the appearance of a brain typical of that seen in sen-
in North America: two from the USA and one ility in both rats and monkeys (MacLusky et al 2005;
from Canada (discussed subsequently). The first Leranth et al 2007, 2008).
was released as a consensus statement from an NIH- Related to the fact that type 2 diabetes is increas-
sponsored conference on BEA (vom Saal et al 2007). ing in many regions of the world is the finding
This document was co-authored by 38 scientists that whoexposure of adult mice to a low oral dose of
are experts in the field of endocrine disruption, and BPAthe(10 iJLgkg1 d"1) resulted in stimulation of in-
sulin secretion that was mediated by oestrogen
majority of scientists at this conference had conducted
research on BPA. The consensus document was a sum- receptor (ER) alpha, occurring as a rapid response
mediated by the extracellular signal-regulated kinases
mary of the findings in five accompanying review articles
1 and
that covered the entire published literature relating to the 2 (ERK1/2) pathway; and that the prolonged
health effects of BPA as of the end of 2006 (Crain et
al of insulin was followed by insulin resist-
2007; Keri et al 2007; Richter et al 2007<z,¿>; ance and postprandial hyperinsulinaemia (Alonso-
Vandenberg et al 2007; Wetherill et al 2007). Magdalena et al 2005, 2008; Ropero et al 2008).
The fact that these very-low-dose studies of BPA are
confirmed in cell culture studies that reveal molecular
(i) Adult exposure, experimental findings and pathways that mediate effects of BPA in the low parts
relevance for human health per trillion range has been reviewed (Wetherill et al
There is extensive published literature showing2007). the A consensus conclusion from the NIH-
effects of acute exposure to very low doses of BPA sponsored
in meeting on BPA was that the more recently
adult experimental animals: rats, mice and various discovered rapid-response pathway (as opposed to the
aquatic species (Richter et al 2007 a,b). However,nuclear an ERs acting as ligand-activated transcription
issue that has generated much confusion is the factors) rate may mediate many, but not all, of the low-
at which BPA is metabolized. As described earlier,dose if effects of BPA (vom Saal et al 2007).
one makes the assumption that virtually all BPA The prediction from mechanistic studies in mice
exposure is via an oral route and that virtually all concerning the molecular pathways by which very
BPA is immediately conjugated in the liver after low doses of BPA stimulate insulin production and
absorption from the gut (transported from the gut to secretion, which is then followed by insulin resistance
the liver via the direct hepatic portal vessels), then of (Ropero et al 2008), leads to the fact that BPA may
course there would be no concern about BPA posing be related to elevated blood insulin and glucose, as
a threat to adults. However, this assumption is not well as insulin resistance. In addition, Hugo et al
consistent with the published biomonitoring literature (2008) reported that human adipocytes removed
regarding levels of unconjugated BPA in human blood from different regions showed a marked suppression of
(Vandenberg et al 2007). Importantly, no rodent or the critical regulatory cytokine adiponectin, with the
human experiment has been conducted that involves maximum response occurring at 1 nM (0.23 ppb),
chronic exposure, although the human biomonitoring directly in the range of human exposure to BPA. A
data suggest virtual continuous exposure (Calafat decrease in adiponectin is related to an increased risk
et al 2008). This is a major gap that needs to be filled. for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease and
The issue of route of exposure to BPA has generated heart attack (Beltowski et al 2008). It is thus of con-
significant controversy, since the default assumption is siderable interest that Lang et al (2008) reported
that oral exposure accounts for most (or virtually all) that in an analysis of data from 1455 people examined
BPA exposure in humans. It is well known that expo- for BPA levels in urine as part of the US National
sure to BPA via injection, which does not result in the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
first-pass liver metabolism (glucuronidation/sulphation) (NHANES) conducted in 2003-2004, they found
that would occur following oral exposure, results in significant relationship between urine levels of BP
about a 10-20-fold higher amount of BPA in the and cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and
blood relative to levels following oral administration abnormalities in liver enzymes. This report, suggesting
(Vandenberg et al 2007). However, if BPA is injected links between BPA and some of the most significant
into rodents at doses of BPA that are thousands of and economically burdensome human diseases, is
times lower than the lowest adverse effect level based on a cross-sectional study and therefore cannot
establish causality, but the fact that these findings are
(LOAEL) of 50 mg kg"1 d"1 that was used to establish
the safe dose of 50 |mg kg"1 d"1, it is logical to assume related to other studies that identify plausible mechan-
that findings from studies that used injection as the isms by which BPA at current levels of human
route of administration are also relevant to assessingexposure could result in these diseases greatly
the potential health hazards posed by BPA, while recog-strengthens the importance of the findings (vom Saal
nizing that a correction for differences in pharmaco- & Myers 2008).
kinetics based on route of administration is required.
Just a few examples of effects of low doses of BPA in
adult rodents are a significant stimulation of insulin (ii) Developmental exposure, experimental findings
secretion followed by insulin resistance in miceand relevance for human health
The greatest concern regarding exposure to BPA is
(Ropero et al 2008), a significant decrease in daily
sperm production in rats (Sakaue et al 2001), duringa development: foetuses, neonates, infants,
children and adolescents. The laboratory animal Table 1. Prenatal-neonatal exposure of mice and rats to
research on BPA is unique in that there are now hun-BPA at human exposure levels in relation to human health
dreds of studies that have examined doses of BPA trends.
prise associated with the first 'low dose' publication mammary onhyperplasia and breast cancer increase
the effects of BPA in laboratory mice in 1997cancer (Nagel
et al 1997) was that effects on the reproductive abnormal urethra/ hypospadias
system in male offspring were found at a daily oral obstruction
dose to pregnant mice that was 25 000 times lower sperm count decrease sperm count decrease
than had ever been examined, and 25 times below early puberty in females early sexual maturation
the still current safe daily exposure dose according toovarian cysts/uterine polycystic ovary syndrome/
fibroids uterine fibroids
the US FDA and US EPA, as well as the European
abnormal oocyte miscarriage
Food Safety Authority (EFSA 2006). The lowest dose chromosomes
of BPA that had previously been examined was
body weight increase obesity increase
50mgkg~1d~1 in some traditional very-high-doseinsulin resistance type 2 diabetes
toxicological studies conducted in the 1980s. The hyperactivity/impaired attention deficit
50mgkg~1d~1 was thus the LOAEL, and this learning hyperactivity disorder
dose was divided by 10 to 'estimate' the no observable
adverse effect level (NOAEL) and divided by 1000 for
the EPA to estimate that 50 jxgkg^d"1 was safe for
daily human exposure (IRIS 1988). Numerous reviews (Soto et al 2008) and male reproductive organs in
have been published discussing the assumptions used in female rats and mice. Findings include chromosomal
estimating safe exposure levels for endocrine-disrupting abnormalities in oocytes in females (Susiarjo et al
chemicals such as BPA (vom Saal & Sheehan 1998; 2007), and long-term effects on accessory reproduc-
Markey et al 2003; Welshons et al 2003, 2006; vom tive organs that are not observed until mid-life, such
Saal & Hughes 2005; Myers & vom Saal 2008). as uterine fibroids and para-ovarian cysts (Newbold
One of the main concerns with the adverse effects et al 2007). Other studies have shown that very low
reported in response to developmental exposure to doses of BPA during pre-natal or neonatal develop-
very low doses of BPA (that produce blood levels ment in can result in permanent effects in male rats
animals below those in humans) is that they all relate and mice. Low doses of BPA cause a decrease in
to disease trends in humans (table 1). For example,daily sperm production and an increase in pros
there is an obesity epidemic in many regions of the size (vom Saal et al 1998), an increase in prostatic
world, and developmental exposure to BPA increases androgen receptors (Gupta 2000; Richter et al
body weight later in life (Howdeshell et al 1999; 2007<z,¿>) and a progression from hyperplasia of pros-
Takai et al 2000; Rubin et al 2001). In addition, neo- tate basal (stem) cells in the primary prostatic ducts
natal exposure to a low dose of DES (1 |xg kg"1 d"1) during foetal life (Timms et al 2005) to basal cell
stimulated a subsequent increase in body weight and squamous metaplasia in adulthood (Ogura et al
fat in CD-I mice, while a dose 1000 times higher 2007) and eventually to early stage prostate cancer
resulted in a significant decrease in body weight (prostatic interepithelial neoplasia or PIN) in response
(Newbold et al 2004). to adult administration of testosterone and oestradiol
Relevance for human health. The largest literature on (Ho et al 2006).
the adverse effects of BPA exposure during develop-
ment concerns adverse effects on brain structure,
chemistry and behaviour (Richter et al 2007 a>b). (c) Conclusions
One of the most interesting aspects of this literature The required testing of chemicals for regulatory pur-
is that there is a consistent finding of a loss of sex poses is not aimed at understanding molecular mech-
differences in brain structure, chemistry and behaviouranisms and focuses on effects occurring at high doses
owing to foetal/neonatal exposure to low doses of BPA. that are typically not relevant for human exposure
BPA thus appears to interfere with the normal pro- scenarios. Over the last 10 years, there has been a dra-
cesses that govern sexual differentiation, with brain matic shift in the approach of scientists with regard to
changes reported in both males and females, depend- investigating doses that are relevant for human
ing on the outcome measured (Fujimoto et al 2006; exposure to study the effect of BPA in laboratory ani-
Rubin et al. 2006; Palanza et al 2008). The impli- mals. This has led to a totally unique toxicological lit-
cations at the population level for disruption of erature revealing extensive evidence that effects in
normal socio-sexual behaviours have not been exten- laboratory animals are occurring at blood levels that
sively studied, although there are reports of changesare lower than those found in the average person in a
in play behaviour (Dessi-Fulgheri et al 2002) as welldeveloped country. This is clearly of great concern
as other socio-sexual behaviours (Farabollini et al for possible impact on human health.
2002) that could impact population dynamics. The assumptions used in chemical risk assessments,
There are also numerous studies of the effects of such as all dose -response curves are monotonie, and
low doses of BPA on the development of the female there is a threshold dose below which no effect
occurs at which the system is 'off, clearly do not apply congeners and TBBPA over the period 1977-1999.
to endogenous hormones, hormonally active drugs or The concentrations for different age groups were rela-
hormonally active chemicals. How can there be a tively similar, except for the 0-4 year olds who had
threshold at which no oestrogen responses occur for 1.6-3.5 times higher serum concentrations
a chemical that is adding oestrogenic activity to a (Thomsen et al. 2002b).
system that is already 'on' at zero dose of the exo-
genous chemical (Sheehan et al. 1999; Sheehan (c) Experimental studies on TBBPA
2005)? Also, all hormones show responses that are non- There are only a few published studies regarding the
monotonic, and non-monotonic dose -response curves toxicology of TBBPA. Information regarding the
have been reported in many BPA studies (Richter endocrine-disrupting potential of TBBPA mainly
et al. 2001 aM Alonso-Magdalena et al. 2008). The comes from in vitro studies and in vivo studies per-
need to integrate concepts of endocrinology in the formed in quail, fish and tadpoles; however, two
assumptions underlying chemical risk assessments papers describing a study in the rodent model have
will some day result in the development of a new system, been recently published.
and the data from findings with low doses of BPA
will play an important role in this paradigm shift
(i) Thyroid hormone effects
(Myers & vom Saal 2008).
An increase in thyronine (T3) in female rat offspring
and a reduction in circulating total thyroxine (T4)
4. BROMINATED FLAME RETARDANTS were observed in both sexes in a reproductive study
(a) Uses of TBBPA with exposure to TBBPA in food, beginning 70 or 14
Brominated flame retardants function by increasing days prior to mating of F0 males and females, respect-
the time between ignition of a fire and flash over, ively, and which continued throughout gestation and
which is the point when enough heat is generated to lactation up to 14 weeks of age at necropsy (Van der
cause combustion of flammable materials. TBBPA is Ven et al. 2008). Thyroid hormone concentrations
the classical halogenated flame retardant chemically were similarly altered at 1 2 weeks of age in a subacute
bonded to epoxy and polycarbonate resins. It is toxicity study (28 days of repeated dosing of TBBPA)
present in printed circuit boards and casings used in with a significant decrease in T4 and increase in T3 in
personal computers, printers, fax machines and cop- males. Parallel changes were observed in females; how-
iers. Dimethyl TBBPA is added to acrylonitrile- ever, they were not statistically significant (Van der Ven
butadiene-styrene (ABS) resin and high impact et al. 2008). In the same reproductive experiment,
polystyrene (HIP). This derivative is blended with the appraisal of brainstem auditory evoked potentials
polymers, meaning that it exists free in the chemical (BAEP), a means to detect effects on hearing, indi-
matrix. ABS resins have a wide variety of applications cated changes in hearing latency and hearing threshold
including automotive parts, pipes and fittings, and similar to previous reports on developmental exposure
domestic and office appliances. Polystyrene is used in to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Lilienthal et al.
packaging, electrical and electronic equipment enclo- 2008). It is plausible that the changes in thyroid
sures for televisions, furniture and construction hormone status mediated these effects as thyroid
materials. Another derivative, bis (2-hydroxyethyl hormones play a crucial role in the development of
ether) TBBPA is used as a flame retardant for paperauditory function, and the benchmark dose levels for
and textile adhesives and coatings (Alaee et al. 2003). changes in thyroid hormones (2.3-30.8 mgkg"1 d"1)
and BAEP (1-40 mg kg"1 d"1) were in the same
range (Van der Ven et al. 2008).
(b) Exposure to TBBPA
Products with both additive and chemically bonded
forms of TBBPA have been shown to release TBBPA (ii) Binding to transthyretin
into the environment (Birnbaum & Staskal 2004), TBBPA has an even closer structural relationship to
T4 than PCBs. In vitro competitive binding assays
resulting in detection in sewage sludge (Oberg et al.
2002), soil, sediments, birds, fish (Morris et al. demonstrated that TBBPA binding to human trans-
2004) and air from different occupational settings thyretin (TTR) is more potent than the natural
(Sjödin et al. 2001). TBBPA serves as a source of ligand (Meerts et al. 2000; Hamers et al. 2006). It is
environmental BPA as it has been shown to break theorized that these compounds may decrease serum
down to BPA in marine sediments (European Union T4 concentrations by displacing it from the carrier
Risk Assessment Report 2005). proteins, leading to increased clearance. This displace-
Although studies indicate high first-pass metab-ment could also make more T4 available for
olism of TBBPA in rats and humans owing to rapid deiodination, leading to increased formation of T
conjugation with glucuronic acid and eliminationreverse
in T3.
that the observed effects may be because of binding of epithelium leading to impairment of normal spermato-
some of the congeners in the mixture acting as antag- genesis in adult rat offspring can also be speculated.
onists to the androgen receptor (Stoker et al. 2005). In adult female offspring, ultrastructural changes in
Functional changes to the gonads have been the ovary following low-dose gestational exposure to
observed following in utero exposure to PBDEs. either PBDE-99 (Talsness et al. 2005) or BDE-47
Administration of an agent used to treat hyperthyroid- (Talsness et al. 2008) and effects on folliculogenesis
ism, 6-w-propyl-2-thiouracil (5mgl"1 drinking water after administration of 1 or lOmgkg"1 d"1 of BDE-
on gd 7-21), or 60 or 300 fig BDE-99 kg"1 on gd 699 during gestation (Lilienthal et al. 2006) were
(Kuriyama et al. 2007) resulted in a reduction in observed. Altered folliculogenesis evaluated around
spermatid and sperm counts without an influence onthe time of puberty after low-dose exposure to BDE-
circulating testosterone concentrations in adult Fl 47 during gestation has also been reported (Talsness
males (Kuriyama et al. 2005). Whether the impaired et al. 2008). The changes in the latter study were
spermatogenesis is accompanied by changes in the characterized by a reduction in antral follicle numbers
testicular cell population based on DNA ploidy (flow and circulating estradiol concentrations. Whether
cytometry analysis) was examined in isolated testicular these changes are because of thyroid hormone dis-
cells from the other testis (12 per group) of the same ruption or alterations in gonadotropins and/or sex
animals. DNA staining was performed by suspending hormones is unclear.
the cells in phosphate buffered saline with The animal data thus far suggest that PBDEs may
affect the reproductive system via alterations in thyroid
100 juLg ml"1 ribonuclease A and 50 juug ml"1 propidium
iodide. Propidium iodide fluorescence was measured at
hormone profile and/or sex steroid action. Aberrations
620 nm to differentiate between mature haploidin cells
thyroid hormone status are known to adversely
(elongated spermatid), immature haploid cells (round/ affect reproduction. In animal studies, thyroid hor-
elongating spermatid) and diploid cells (spermatogonia, mone has been shown to play an integral role in testi-
spermatocyte, Sertoli cells, Ley dig cells). The number cularofdevelopment (Cooke et al. 1992) and affect
Sertoli cells in the seminiferous epithelium is related ovarian
to follicular maturation (Baldridge et al. 2004).
sperm production since each cell supports a finite
number of germ cells (Rüssel et al. 1990). This cell
number was also determined in histological sections (iii) Neurobehaviour
from other Fl males (six per group) on PND 110. The period of rapid brain growth represents a particu-
Sertoli cell nucleoli were counted in 25 round or nearly larly vulnerable developmental window to insults and
round seminiferous tubule cross-sections chosen at is characterized by a dramatic increase in the number
random, and 25 Sertoli cell nucleoli diameters were of cells and myelination, cell migration, dendritic and
measured for each animal. These counts were corrected axonal growth and the formation of neural connec-
for section thickness and the smallest recognizabletions. Exposure to PBDEs during the brain growth
nucleolar profile (cap section) as described previously spurt of mice modified spontaneous motor behaviour
(Rüssel et al 1990). and habituation to new surroundings (e.g. Viberg
A statistically significant decrease in the ratio of et al. 2006) and altered levels of proteins involved in
haploid/diploid cells was observed in the PBDE-99 brain maturation (Viberg et al. 2008). Other studies
group (figure 2), which corroborates the reduced have found changes in spontaneous motor activity fol-
number of spermatid/sperm counts observed. We lowing early post-natal exposure to mice, as well as
observed slight differences in the ratio of mature effects on one measure of the ontogeny of sensori-
haploid (mostly elongated spermatid)/diploid cells in motor integration (Rice et al. 2007) and subtle differ-
treated animals, and this effect was more pronounced ences in neuromotor development (Branchi et al.
when the ratio of immature haploid (round/elongating 2002; Gee & Moser 2008). In addition, examination
spermatid)/diploid cells was compared with controls. of cognitive function revealed deficits as mice exhib-
No change in the number of Sertoli cells/seminiferous ited impaired learning and memory on the Morris
tubule cross-section was observed among the groups water maze test following early post-natal PBDE
(figure 2), indicating that the reduction in haploid exposure (Viberg et al. 2003).
cells is because of another cause and supporting the Administration of BDE-99 to rats during gestation
finding that the changes in these ratios are owing to at a dose (300 ug kg"1 on gd 6) resulting in dam adi-
reductions in the haploid populations. The observed pose tissue concentrations (Kuriyama et al. 2007)
impaired spermatogenesis in male offspring exposed only slightly higher than those reported for this
to low-dose BDE-99 during development (Kuriyama congener in humans (Johnson-Restrepo et al. 2005)
et al. 2005) has been confirmed by flow cytometry led to hyperactivity in the rat offspring (Kuriyama
analysis and is not mediated by reduced numbers of et al. 2005).
Sertoli cells. Alternatively, a hormonal-dependent
mechanism can be proposed as sperm production is
dependent on permissive actions of follicle stimulating (g) Relevance of exposure to flame retardants
hormone (FSH) and testosterone and, therefore, lutei- for human health
nizing hormone (LH). Although significant differences (i) Reproduction
in testosterone and LH concentrations in serum from It is known that diseases of the thyroid gland affect the
adult animals were not found, the possibility of hor- reproductive capacity of women. In particular,
monal changes during early development cannot be hypothyroid women may exhibit anovulation, and
ruled out. Functional changes in the seminiferoushypothyroidism is associated with hyperprolactinaemia,
Figure 2. Number of Sertoli cells per tubule cross-section in adult male offspring (Fl) on PND 110 and flow cytometry analy-
sis of testicular cell population on the basis of their DNA ploidy in adult rats on PND 140. Gravid female rats were adminis-
tered per gavage either vehicle (control) or 60 or 300 |xg BDE-99 (kg bw)~ 1 (PBDE-60 or PBDE-300) on gd 6. A fourth group
received 5 mg 6-w-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU)T1 in drinking water from gd 7-21. ANOVA followed by Dunnett r-test,
*p < 0.05.
increased gonadotropin release to support normal Development and testing of medications involves a
testosterone production were observed (Main et al. series of evaluations culminating in human clinical
2007). Although there was no significant difference trials before marketing is approved. This is quite
in the placental concentrations3 the sum of PBDEs in different from the situation with chemicals, whose
breast milk was higher in cryptorchid boys than in con- presence in biota and humans is inadvertent. In the
trols and was positively correlated with infant serum field of toxicology, information regarding potential
LH concentration. The authors suggest that the lack human health effects is mainly derived from exper-
of correlation between the PBDE concentrations in imental studies and, when available, from epidemiolo-
the placental and breast milk samples may be that
gical studies. Difficulties are not only encountered
the placenta represents the situation at delivery with extrapolation
as from animal models to humans,
one would find in a single blood sample and but notepidemiological
the studies are also thwarted by draw-
long-term exposure. backs such as controlling for confounding factors. In
Although the exposure time frames are not compar- particular, subjects are exposed to an assortment of
able, an increase in LH was also reported forchemicals adult on a daily basis and, often, lack of data
male rats exposed to 60 mgkg"1 d"1 of DE-71 regarding
for 3 the extent of exposure at what may have
days (Stoker et al. 2005). As indicated previously, been the critical time frame. One of the goals of toxi-
InsB and androgen play roles in testicular descent. cology is to identify effects in animal models with the
LH regulates testosterone production and plays a aim to lower the risks of negatively impacting human
role in the differentiation of Leydig cells, which must health. Implicit in this task is that toxicological data,
reach a certain stage before production of InsB derived from animal studies indicating a potential for
occurs (Sadeghian et al. 2005). The rate of this adverse effects, serve as a basis to limit exposure
maturation process in rats has been reported to bebefore effects appear or are confirmed in humans.
influenced by T3 (Mendis-Handagama et al. 2007). The evidence from animal studies on single exposures
Alterations in thyroid hormone profile or changes in to the chemicals discussed here suggests the potential
the status of the hypothalamo- pituitary -testicular for risk to human health. Moreover, data derived
axis could influence testicular descent by impacting from co-exposure studies support the contention that
InsB formation. the assortment of chemicals to which we are exposed
on a daily basis increases the likelihood of health
(ii) Neurodevelopment effects. The high prevalence of body burdens of
Thyroid hormone is crucial for growth and development these chemicals and simultaneous exposure to a
and in particular, for neurodevelopment. Decreases number
in of substances, in conjunction with the fact
foetal and maternal thyroid hormone are known to that the highest concentrations have been demon-
impact neuropsychological development in humans, strated in the developing young, a sensitive subpopu-
and impaired achievement on neuropsychological tests lation of society, indicate the need to decrease the
can occur even when maternal hypothyroidism is exposure to these compounds.
subclinical (Haddow et al. 1999). An evaluationWe
ofwould like to thank Brigitte Woelffel, Zeynep Akkoc and
human thyroid hormone status and PBDE exposure
Lars Niemann for their excellent technical assistance.
Support for the previously unpublished data on BDE-99
was performed in China. TSH and serum concen-
trations of PBDEs were found to be significantly was through a grant from the Umweltbundesamt (Federal
Environment Agency, grant No. 29965221/04).
increased in subjects living close to an electronic waste
site compared with those living 50 km away, suggesting
hormone disruption (Yuan et al. 2008).
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