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GM 7400

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Specification GM7400M

Plastic Parts

1 Scope Suffix Characteristics

This standard provides a system for specifying signif-
icant properties of commonly used plastics, including FL Flexural Modulus – Secant
unpigmented and pigmented, unfilled and filled prod- FLS Flexural Modulus – Secant – ISO
ucts. It is intended to apply to parts (not resins) pri-
marily as used in the automotive and related indus- FM Flexural Modulus – Tangent
tries. It is also intended to be used either as the sole FS Flexural Strength
descriptor of a material or within the body of a specifi-
cation covering the common standard characteristics FSS Flexural Strength – ISO
required wherein additional specialized requirements HA Hardness – Shore A
are detailed.
HAS Hardness – Shore A – ISO
1.1 Material Description. It is based on the principle
HD Hardness – Shore D
that plastics should be described, insofar as is possi-
ble, in terms of specific performance characteristics HDS Hardness – Shore D – ISO
desired in the molded part and that an infinite number
of such descriptions can be formulated by the use of HE Hardness – Rockwell E
one or more standard statements (based on standard HK Hardness – Rockwell K
tests) each designating a quality level of a property or
HL Hardness – Rockwell L
characteristic. Thus, users of plastic parts can, by se-
lecting different combinations of performance charac- HM Hardness – Rockwell M
teristics, specify different combinations of properties
HR Hardness – Rockwell R
desired in various parts.
MP Melting Point
Table 1: Properties
MPS Melting Point – ISO
Suffix Characteristics
Symbol MV Vicat Softening Point
AH Heat Aging MVS Vicat Softening Point – ISO
AHS Heat Aging – ISO PL Parting Lines (GM9684P)
AM Humidity Aging PR Impact Resistance (GM9032P)
AMS Humidity Aging – ISO PS Multi-Axial Instrumented Impact
BT Brittleness Temperature PT Impact Resistance (GM9300P)
CL Color RE Regrind
CR Chemical Resistance RF Reinforcement and/or Filler
CS Compressive Strength SG Specific Gravity
CSS Compressive Strength – ISO TC Thermal Cycle Resistance
DS Dimensional Stability TR Tensile Strength – Rubber
EL Elongation TRS Tensile Strength – Rubber – ISO
ELS Elongation – ISO TS Tensile Strength

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Suffix Characteristics Designation Tolerance

M ± 0.10
TSS Tensile Strength – ISO
N ± 0.50
VE Verification
P ± 1.00
VL Volatile Loss
Q ± 2.00
VLS Volatile Loss – ISO
R ± 3.00
VM Melt Flow Rate
S ± 5.00
VMS Melt Flow Rate – ISO
T ± 10.00
VMV Melt Volume Flow Rate – ISO
1.1.1 Material Identification.
VR Relative Viscosity Marking Of Parts. Parts shall be marked us-
VV Intrinsic Melt Viscosity
ing the latest version of ISO 11469. For example,
WA Water Absorption polycarbonate would be indicated as follows:
WM Moisture Stabilization > PC <
WQ Accelerated Weathering Marking is required on all plastic parts ex-
– UV/CON cept in cases where fit, function, or appearance is
compromised. Extruded parts are also excluded from
WW Accelerated Weathering –
this requirement.
Carbon Arc Apparatus
WX Accelerated Weathering – A molded part that is manufactured using
Xenon Arc Apparatus more than one polymer type shall have the plastic
symbols for each polymer type identified on the part.
XS Oxidative Stability Examples of manufacturing using more than one poly-
(ASTM D3012) mer type are coinjection molding and two-shot mold-
XSS Oxidative Stability – ISO ing.

XX Oxidative Stability (GM9059P) Note: The above does not include cases where
blends or alloys are used, consult ISO 11469 for the
Z Other Characteristics correct symbol to use.

Table 2: Tolerances In cases where the letter height must be

smaller than 1.5 mm in order to fit on the part, mark-
Designation Tolerance ing is not required. For ease of locating for recycling,
A Min make the marking as large as possible without hinder-
ing appearance or function.
B Max Where possible, the ISO marking shall be
C ± 0.001 located near the part number, cavity number, molding
D ± 0.002 date, or other markings on the part. If there is not
room near the other markings, or there are no other
E ± 0.003 markings on the part, then the ISO marking shall be
F ± 0.004 in an area that can be easily found when the part is
disassembled from the vehicle.
G ± 0.005 Standard Drawing Notes. Mark all plastic
H ± 0.01 parts per ISO 11469.
J ± 0.02 1.2 Cross-Reference of Replaced Specifications.
K ± 0.03 Subparagraphs were not applicable.
L ± 0.04 1.3 Symbol. To permit line call-out of the descrip-
tions mentioned, the system includes a symbol for

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the general type of plastic resin to be used and a let- 3 Requirements

ter-number symbol for each quality level of each prop-
Materials approved to this specification shall meet the
erty or characteristic.
standard requirements of GMW3013.
Example: An automotive interior part might be spec-
The general type of material used to manufacture
ified as follows:
the part shall be identified by a symbol following the
GM7400M ABS (DSB83, FM2200, RE20, SGE895, GM7400M specification number, unless the plastic
TSB46) type is previously referenced in the material specifi-
cation (GMP or GM7001M) on the GM engineering
Note: While this cell type format provides the means
drawing. In that case, no material symbol is required.
for close characterization and specification of each
The symbol used shall be as defined in ISO 11469. In
property and combination of properties for a broad
addition, parts shall be uniform in density, color, tex-
range of materials, it is subject to possible misappli-
ture, finish, electrical and mechanical properties, and
cations since impossible property combinations can
free of porosity, warpage, checks or cracks, chipped
be coded if the user is not familiar with available com-
edges, blisters, and uneven surfaces. Unless more
mercial materials.
specifically defined on engineering drawings, ap-
1.4 Typical Application. Not applicable. pearance and finish of parts shall conform to good
commercial practice (reasonably free of gates, flash,
1.5 Remarks. Not applicable. ridges, roughness and tool marks, and of mold
lubricants and other contamination).
2 References
Parts described by basic number appended by suffix
Note: Only the latest approved standards are appli-
letter-number symbols, i.e. GM7400M ABS (DSB83,
cable unless otherwise specified.
FM2300, RE20, SGE895, TSB46), shall conform to
2.1 Normative. additional requirements outlined in the specification.

ASTM D412 ASTM D570 3.1 Requirements on Delivery. The requirements

ASTM D638 ASTM D695 stated above shall be determined by the latest issue of
ASTM D785 ASTM D789 the test methods indicated. Tests shall be conducted
ASTM D790 ASTM D792 40 h minimum after molding and immediately follow-
ASTM D1203 ASTM D1238 ing a conditioning period of 24 h minimum in standard
ASTM D1505 ASTM D1525 laboratory atmosphere (22 ± 3) C and (50 ± 6) % RH
ASTM D2240 ASTM D3012 unless otherwise specified. (The two periods may run
ASTM D3763 ASTM G53 concurrently.) For nylon materials all tests shall be
ISO 37 ISO 62 conducted on dry as-molded test specimens which
ISO 176 ISO 178 have been sealed in water vapor impermeable con-
ISO 306 ISO 527 tainers immediately after molding and not exposed to
ISO 604 ISO 868 ambient humidity until immediately prior to testing.
ISO 1133 ISO 1183
3.1.1 Chemical Requirements. Not applicable.
ISO 3146 ISO 4577
ISO 11014-1 ISO 11469 3.1.2 Mechanical Requirements. Not applicable.
SAE J1545 SAE J1885
3.1.3 Physical Requirements. Not applicable.
2.2 GM.
3.1.4 Additional Requirements.
GM502M GM503S Specimens for the tests specified herein shall
GM4373M GM7001M
be cut from parts where size and configuration permit.
GM9032P GM9059P
(When desirable, purchaser may indicate on the part
GM9094P GM9125P
drawing the areas where physical specimens are to
GM9300P GM9301P
be taken.) For parts which do not allow for the speci-
GM9327P GM9505P
fied sample sizes to be taken, it may be necessary to
GM9684P GMW3013
specify alternate functional tests.
GMW3059 9981062
9985129 3.2 Processing Requirements.
2.3 Additional. None. 3.2.1 Chemical Requirements. Not applicable.

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3.2.2 Mechanical Requirements. Not applicable. Example: AH2657 = After 72 h at 175 C, there
3.2.3 Physical Requirements. shall be no more than ± 25 % change in tensile
strength and ± 40 % change in elongation. Suffix Requirements. See Table 1 for a
summary of the suffix symbols. Table 2 is a listing of AH9557 = After 4 h at 120 C, there shall be no
symbols for tolerances, unless otherwise indicated more than ± 25 % change in tensile strength and ±
under an individual property. 40 % change in elongation. Suffix AH – Heat Aging Followed by Suffix AM – Humidity Aging Followed
ASTM D638. Suffix AHS – Heat Aging Followed by ASTM D638. AMS – Humidity Aging Followed
by ISO 527. Tensile test specimens cut from parts by ISO 527. Tensile test specimens cut from parts
shall be exposed in an air-circulating oven (described shall be exposed at 95 to 100 % RH for the time and
in GM9059P) for the time and temperature indicated temperature as designated by the first and second
respectively by the first and second numerals follow- numerals following the suffix AM or AMS-symbol (see
ing the suffix AH or AHS-symbol (see Table 3). After Table 3). After the exposure period, the maximum
the exposure period, the maximum change in tensile change in tensile strength and elongation allowed
strength and elongation allowed when measured when measured according to ASTM D638 or ISO 527
according to ASTM D638 or ISO 527 shall be as shall be as indicated by the third and fourth numerals
indicated by the third and fourth numerals following following the suffix AM or AMS-symbol (see Table 3).
the suffix AH or AHS-symbol (see Table 3). Test Test specimens shall be sealed in a moisture proof
specimens shall be conditioned after the exposure container and allowed to cool overnight before the
period for the same time period and at the same tem- tensile and elongation tests are performed.
perature and relative humidity used for determining
initial tensile and elongation.
Table 3: Heat Aging; Humidity Aging
Characteristics Numeral Designation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exposure Time 7 h 72 h 96 h 1 wk 2 wks 3 wks 4 wks 16 Other
(First Numeral) wks (Note 1)

Exposure Temperature, 38 85 95 105 120 175 Other

C (Note 1) (Note 1)

(Second Numeral)
Tensile Strength ± 5 ± 10 ± 15 ± 20 ± 25 ± 30 ± 40 ± 50 Not
Change, max, % Speci-
(Third Numeral) fied
Elongation Change, ± 5 ± 10 ± 15 ± 20 ± 25 ± 30 ± 40 ± 50 Not
max, % Speci-
(Fourth Numeral) fied

Note 1: Unless otherwise specified, the temperature tolerance shall be ± 2 C.

Example: AM4236 = After 1 week at 85 C and 95 Suffix BT – Brittleness Temperature.

to 100 % RH, there shall be no more than ± 15 % Specimens taken from a part (using part substrate
change in tensile strength and ± 30 % change in thickness by 12.5 x 125 mm) shall not fracture or
elongation. crack when rapidly flexed around a mandrel. The
mandrel diameter shall be equal to a constant times
AM9136 = After 24 h 38 C and 95 to 100 % RH,
the actual part thickness. The constant shall be
there shall be no more than 15 % change in tensile
specified by the first and second numerals following
strength and 30 % change in elongation. (In this
the suffix BT-symbol. The test shall be conducted
case, a Z-suffix shall also be used to specify the
after 4 h exposure at the temperature indicated by
exposure time required.)
the third and fourth numerals following the suffix
BT-symbol times the factor −1 C.

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Example: BT0930 = No fracture when flexed CR4 = Resistance to unleaded gasoline. Parts or
around a mandrel 9 times the part thickness after portions of parts shall be immersed in the specified
4 h at −30 C. reference fuel 10 times for 10 s with a 20 s evapo-
ration period between each dip. The reference fuel
Note: Table 4 gives examples of the relation be-
shall consist of 45 % by volume toluene and 55 %
tween the induced stress and the mandrel diameter,
by volume 9981062. After exposure, there must be
where T represents the actual part thickness.
no indication of discoloration, delamination, stress
Table 4: cracking, or other detrimental appearance or func-
tional effects.
Constant (X) Mandrel dia Stress CR5 = Resistance to corrosion, parts with metal-
[1/(X+1)] lized plastic laminate. The portion of the part con-
04 4T 20.0 % taining the metallized film, end or edge, will be im-
mersed in a 10 % solution of sodium hydroxide for
09 9T 10.0 % 60 minutes at (22 ± 3) C. Immediately upon re-
19 19T 5.0 % moval of the part from the solution and rinsing in
water, the part will be examined. There must be no
Note: The painted surface of the specimen or the evidence of discoloration, delamination, or loss of
highest stressed surface of the specimen shall be metallizing.
the surface having the greatest formed radius when Suffix CS – Compressive Strength
flexed. Followed by ASTM D695. CSS – Compressive Suffix CL – Color. The part color shall Strength Followed by ISO 604. As determined by
be indicated by the numeral following the CL-symbol. ASTM D695 or ISO 604, the compressive strength
This section is not intended to serve as a color match. shall be no less than the numeral value following the
suffix CS or CSS-symbol expressed in MPa.
CL1 = Black CL4 = Gray CL7 = Red Example: CS20 = 20 MPa minimum
CL2 = Blue CL5 = Green CL8 = White Suffix DS – Dimensional Stability. Af-
ter 4 h exposure in an oven, parts shall conform to
CL3 = Brown CL6 = Natural CL9 = Yellow the dimensions and tolerances shown on engineering
drawings. The oven shall be set at the temperature, Suffix CR – Chemical Resistance. Parts in degrees Celsius, indicated by the numerals follow-
or portions of parts shall be subjected to the expo- ing the suffix DS-symbol. Where appropriate, parts
sures indicated by the amended suffix CR-symbol. shall be held during measuring and heating in a man-
CR1 = Resistance to 24 % ethyl acetate in ner similar to that encountered during actual use of
methanol (recommended for polycarbonate only). the part.
The surface of the part must be free of cracks, Example: DS85 = 4 h at 85 C
scratches and imperfections as received and after
3 minutes immersion in a solution of (24 ± 1) % by When the letter F follows the numerals, parts shall
volume of ethyl acetate in methanol. be held/fixtured during measuring and heating in a
manner to replicate the vehicle installation.
CR2 = Resistance to 33 % ethyl acetate in
methanol (recommended for polycarbonate only). Example: DS85F = 4 h at 85 C fixtured to replicate
The surface of the part must be free of cracks, vehicle installation.
scratches and imperfections as received and after Where 4 h exposure is not appropriate,
3 minutes immersion in a solution of (33 ± 1) % by other exposure periods may be specified by amend-
volume of ethyl acetate in methanol. ing the suffix DS-symbol as follows:
CR3 = Resistance to windshield washer solvent.
Parts or portions of parts shall be immersed for 1 h DSA = 1 h DSD = 16 h
in a room temperature solution of GM windshield
DSB = 2 h DSE = 24 h
washer solution 9985129. After exposure, there
must be no indication of discoloration, stress crack- DSC = 8 h
ing, or other detrimental appearance or functional
effects. Example: DSC85 = 8 h at 85 C

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GM7400M GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS Suffix EL – Elongation Followed by the hardness value while the tolerance shall be
ASTM D638. ELS – Elongation Followed by indicated by the letter immediately preceding the
ISO 527. The elongation shall be determined by numerals (see Table 2). Unless otherwise specified,
ASTM D638 or ISO 527. The test speed shall Shore A readings shall be taken as an instantaneous
be indicated by the first letter following the EL or maximum while Shore D readings shall be taken
ELS-symbol. Whether the elongation is measured at following a 15 s delay.
yield or ultimate shall be indicated by the second let-
Examples: HAA80 = 80 minimum (Shore A);
ter following the EL-symbol. The percent elongation
HDS40 = (40 ± 5) (Shore D)
shall be no less than the numeral value following the
amended suffix EL or ELS-symbol. Suffix HE/HK/HL/HM/HR – Rockwell
Hardness. The hardness shall be determined by
A = 5 mm/minute U = Ultimate the test method described in ASTM D785 using the
Rockwell scale indicated by the amending letter.
B = 50 mm/minute Y = Yield The numerals following the amended H-symbol shall
C = 500 mm/minute indicate the hardness value while the tolerance shall
be indicated by the letter immediately preceding the
Example: ELBY40 = 40 % minimum at 50 numerals (see Table 2).
mm/minute at yield Example: HMA90 = Rockwell 90 M minimum Suffix FL – Flexural Modulus, Secant Suffix MP – Melting Point per GM9094P.
Followed by ASTM D790. FLS – Flexural Modu- MPS – Melting Point per ISO 3146. The melting
lus, Secant Followed by ISO 178. Secant modulus point shall be determined by GM9094P at a rate of
of elasticity shall be determined as specified by 10 C/minute or by ISO 3146 Methods A, B or C. The
ASTM D790 at 22 C and 2.5 mm deflection or numerals following the amended MP or MPS-symbol
ISO 178. The value so determined shall be no less shall indicate the melting point value in degrees Cel-
than the numeral value following the suffix FL or sius while the tolerance shall be indicated by the letter
FLS-symbol. immediately preceding the numerals (see Table 2).
Example: FL2500 = 2500 MPa minimum, secant Examples: MPA82 = 82 C minimum; MPB88 = 88
method. C maximum; MPR85 = (85 ± 3) C Suffix FM – Flexural Modulus, Tan- Suffix MV – Vicat Softening Point Fol-
gent. The flexural modulus shall be determined by lowed by ASTM D1525. MVS – Vicat Softening
ASTM D790, Method I, Tangent, using a deflection of Point Followed by ISO 306. The vicat softening point
2.5 mm and a test speed indicated for the appropriate shall be determined per ASTM D1525 at a rate of 2
thickness and span. The flexural modulus shall be C/minute or ISO 306 at 50 C/h. The softening point
no less than the numeral value following the suffix shall be no less than the numeral value following the
FM-symbol in MPa. suffix MV or MVS-symbol expressed in degrees Cel-
Example: FM2000 = 2000 MPa minimum sius. Suffix FS – Flexural Strength Followed Example: MV105 = 105 C minimum
by ASTM D790. FSS – Flexural Strength Followed Suffix PL – Parting Line. For parting
by ISO 178. The flexural strength shall be determined lines that are visible when the part is in the vehicle
at 22 C as specified by ASTM D790 or ISO 178. The installed position or will be handled during vehicle op-
flexural strength shall be no less than the numeral eration, the finished molded part shall have an accept-
value following the suffix FS or FSS-symbol in MPa. able offset when evaluated as described in GM9684P.
Example: FS37 = 37 MPa minimum Suffix PR – Impact Resistance. Parts Suffix HA/HD – Hardness, Shore A or shall show no evidence of cracking when impact
Shore D Followed by ASTM D2240. HAS/HDS tested at point or points indicated on the engineering
– Hardness, Shore A or Shore D Followed by drawing. If no points are indicated on the drawing,
ISO 868. The hardness shall be determined by the this test shall be omitted. Tests shall be conducted
test method described in ASTM D2240 or ISO 868 according to GM9032P immediately following ex-
using either the Shore A or Shore D scale as indi- posure of the part to one of the conditions listed in
cated by the amending letter. The numerals following Table 5 (as specified by the first numeral of the suffix
the amended H-symbol or HS-symbol shall indicate PR-symbol), while the part is at test temperature,

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and utilizing a minimum energy (as indicated by the Table 5: Impact Conditioning
second, or second and third numeral of this symbol)
1= Subject to (23 ± 1.5) C for 4 h
times the factor 0.1 J.
2= Cool to (−30 ± 1.5) C for 4 h
Example: PR120 = Subject part to 23 C for 4 h,
impact at 2 J per GM9032P. 3= Expose per suffix AH-symbol,
followed by 4 h at (23 ± 1.5) C Suffix PS – Multi-Axial Instrumented
Impact Test. The impact resistance shall be defined 4= Expose per suffix AH-symbol,
as the Total Energy under the Curve when tested subject to (23 ± 1.5) C for
using a multi-axial instrumented impact tester per approximately 2 h and to
ASTM D3763. Test panels shall be (2.5 ± 0.2) mm (−30 ± 1.5) C for 4 h
thick by a minimum of 100 mm diameter or 100 mm
square. Parts with thicknesses other than 2.5 mm Suffix RF – Reinforcement And/Or
shall be indicated using a Z-suffix. The impact speed Filler. The reinforcement and/or filler, expressed
shall be 6.7 m/s or 2.2 m/s (indicated by the first letter as mass percent, shall be specified by one or two
following the PS-symbol); the impact probe shall numerals following the suffix RF-symbol. See Ta-
have a 12.7 mm diameter; and the clamping rings ble 6. The tolerance shall be indicated by the first
shall have a 76.2 mm inner diameter. The test shall letter following the amended suffix RF-symbol (see
immediately follow exposure of the part to one of the Table 2). The method used to determine the percent
conditions listed in Table 5 (as specified by the first of reinforcement/filler is found in the appropriate
numeral of the suffix PS-symbol), while the part is at GMP.XXX.000, GMN or GMW specification. If no
test temperature, and utilizing a minimum energy (as method is listed, a method shall be determined that
indicated by the second, or second and third numeral is agreed to by both the supplier and the Engineering
of this symbol) times the factor 0.1 J. Department.
Table 6: Fillers and Reinforcements
A = 2.2 m/s (exterior parts)
AS Aluminum Silicate
B = 6.7 m/s (interior parts)
BS Barium Sulfate
Example: PSB120 = Subject part to 23 C for 4 h,
impact at 2 J at 6.7 m/s per ASTM D3763. CB Carbon Black Suffix PT – Impact Resistance, CF Carbon Fibers

GM9300P. Certain relatively flat parts will have CT Cotton Flock
impact evaluated using test samples cut from the
part. Samples (100 mm discs or 100 = 100 mm) CS Calcium Silicate
shall be cut from the parts and impacted using the CU Copper
method described in GM9300P. Surface texture,
where present, will be mounted up so that the dart DP Dimethyl Polysiloxane (Polymeric
radius strikes the textured surface. The backside of Silicone)
the test sample must be selected to avoid knockout FF Fluorocarbon Fiber
pins and parting lines or other surface irregularities
that may serve as a stress concentration point. As FG Fluorocarbon Granules
many samples as area will permit shall be cut from GC Glass Fibers (Coupled)
a single part. The test shall immediately follow
exposure of the part to one of the conditions listed in GF Glass Fibers
Table 5 (as specified by the first numeral of the suffix GH Glass Spheres (Hollow)
PT-symbol), while the part is at test temperature,
and utilizing a minimum energy (as indicated by the GL Glass Flakes
second, or second and third numeral of this symbol) GR Graphite
times the factor 0.1 J.
GS Glass Spheres (Solid)
Example: PT260 = Cool part to −30 C for 4 h,
HS Heat Stabilizer
impact at 6 J per GM9300P.

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MC Mica TC4 = Normally used for interior parts above

the beltline, GM9505P, Cycle F.
MD Molybdenum Disulfide
TC5 = Plating cycle for completely enveloped
MF Mineral Filler
parts, GM4373M.
PG Pigment
TC6 = Plating cycle for parts not completely
PS Polyphenylene Sulfide enveloped, GM4373M.
SL Silicone TC7 = Moisture cold cycles tested per
GM9505P, Cycle A.
SS Sisal
TC8 = Corrosion cycles tested per
TA Talc
GM9505P, Cycle B.
TD Titanium Dioxide Suffix TR – Tensile Strength, Elastomer
TF Total Filler Content
Followed by ASTM D412. TRS – Tensile Strength,
VA Vinyl Acetate Elastomer Followed by ISO 37. When the T-suffix
is amended by the letter R, the tensile strength shall
WF Wood Fiber
be determined by ASTM D412 or ISO 37. Test speed
WL Wood Flour shall be indicated by the first letter following the TR
or TRS-symbol. The tensile strength shall be no less
Example: RFGFA30 = 30 % glass fibers minimum; than the value indicated by the numerals which follow
RFGFB35 = 35 % glass fibers max; RFGFR25, the suffix TR or TRS-symbol in MPa.
RFMDN5 = (25 ± 3) % glass fibers with (5 ± 0.5)
A = 5 mm/minute
% molybdenum disulfide.
B = 50 mm/minute Suffix SG – Specific Gravity. As de-
termined by ASTM D792, Method A, or Density by C = 500 mm/minute
ISO 1183/A the specific gravity shall be within the
tolerance indicated by the letter following the suffix Example: TRA45 = 45 MPa minimum at 5
SG-symbol; and the value shall be as indicated by mm/minute
the numerals following the amended SG-symbol TRSA45 = 45 MPa minimum at 5 mm/minute
times the factor 0.001. ASTM D1505 may be used in
place of ASTM D792 or ISO 1183/A providing density Suffix TS – Tensile Strength Followed
is converted to specific gravity by the following: by ASTM D638. TSS – Tensile Strength Followed
by ISO 527. The tensile strength, ultimate for those
sp gr 23/23 C = 0.9975 = D23 C, g/m3 materials which do not exhibit a definite yield point
and at yield for those materials which do have a yield
Example: SGE895 = (0.895 ± 0.003)
point, shall be determined by ASTM D638 or ISO 527. Suffix TC – Thermal Cycle Resistance. Testing shall be according to the 0.2 % offset method
Parts shall be subjected to the test cycle indicated by for determining yield stress. Test speed shall be indi-
the numeral following the suffix TC-symbol. See Ta- cated by the first letter following the TS or TSS-sym-
ble 7. At the conclusion of the test, the parts shall bol. The value shall be no less than the numerals
show no objectionable material degradation, shrink- which follow the suffix TS or TSS-symbol in MPa.
age, blistering, distortion or other effects which would
A = 5 mm/minute
detract from appearance or affect performance.
B = 50 mm/minute
Table 7: Thermal Cycle Resistance
C = 500 mm/minute
TC1 = Normally used for interior parts above
the beltline, GM9505P, Cycle D. Example: TSA20 = 20 MPa minimum at 5
TC2 = Normally used for interior parts above
the beltline, GM9505P, Cycle E. Suffix VE – Verification. Parts must
match samples upon which original approval was
TC3 = Normally used for interior parts above
granted when tested per the method listed after the
the beltline, GM9505P, Cycle C.

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VE1 = Infrared Characterization Scan Condition Temperature Load

VE2 = Differential Scanning Calorimeter ( C) (kg)
VE3 = Thermogravimetric Analysis K 275 0.325 Suffix VL – Volatile Loss Followed by L 230 2.16
ASTM D1203. VLS – Volatile Loss Followed by
ISO 176 Method E. As determined by the test method M 190 1.05
described in ASTM D1203 or ISO 176 (Method E), N 190 10.0
the volatile loss shall not exceed the value indicated
by the numeral or numerals following the suffix VL or O 300 1.2
VLS-symbol expressed as mass percent. Where the P 190 5.0
test temperature is not appropriate, other tempera-
Q 235 1.0
tures may be specified by amending the suffix symbol
as follows: R 235 2.16
VLA = 70 C S 235 5.0
VLC = 100 C T 250 2.16
VLE = 120 C
U 310 12.5
VLB = 80 C
V 210 2.16
VLD = 105 C
W 285 2.16
VLF = 150 C
Example: VLD15 = 15 % maximum volatile loss at X 315 5.0
105 C
Example: VMLM80 = (0.80 ± 0.10) g/10 minutes at Suffix VM – Melt Flow Rate Followed by 230 C and 2.16 kg load.
ASTM D1238. VMS – Melt Flow Rate Followed by
ISO 1133. The melt flow rate shall be determined by Suffix VR – Relative Viscosity. The rel-
ASTM D1238 or ISO 1133. The standard test con- ative viscosity shall be determined by ASTM D789.
ditions shall be as designated in Table 8, and shall The tolerance shall be indicated by the letter (see Ta-
immediately follow the suffix VM or VMS-symbol. The ble 2) immediately preceding the numerical viscosity
tolerance shall be indicated by the letter (see Table 2) value.
immediately preceding the numeral value. The melt Examples: VRA80 = 80 minimum; VRT90 = (90 ±
flow rate shall be indicated by the numeral value times 10)
the factor 0.01 g/10 minutes. Suffix VV – Intrinsic Melt Viscosity.
Table 8: Melt Flow Rate The intrinsic melt viscosity shall be determined by
Temperature Load GM9301P. A 15:1 L/D ratio shall be used for ex-
( C) (kg) trusion grade materials, a 20:1 L/D ratio is used for
injection grade filled materials, and a 25:1 L/D ratio
A 125 0.325 shall be used for injection grade unfilled materials.
B 125 2.16 The test temperature shall be the melt temperature
used in processing and the dwell times shall be 6,
C 150 2.16 10, 14 and 18 minutes. The intrinsic melt viscosity
D 190 0.325 in Pa·s shall be specified by the numerals following
the amended suffix VV-symbol. The tolerance shall
E 190 2.16 be indicated by the first letter following the suffix
F 190 21.60 VV-symbol (see Table 2).
Example: VVA240 = 240 Pa·s minimum; VVB610
G 200 5.0
= 610 Pa·s maximum
H 230 1.2 Suffix WA – Water Absorption. The
I 230 3.8 water absorption as determined by ASTM D570 or
ISO 62 shall not exceed the value following the suffix
J 265 12.5
WA-symbol in % times the factor of 0.10.

© Copyright June 2001 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

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Example: WA35 = 3.5 % maximum weatherometer per GM9125P. The first letter fol-
lowing the suffix WW-symbol shall indicate the black Suffix WM – Moisture Stabilization.
panel temperature. The numerals following the suffix
The moisture content shall be determined using
WW-symbol shall indicate the total number of h expo-
ASTM D789. When the suffix WM-symbol is spec-
sure. Parts or portions of parts must show no indica-
ified, the minimum moisture content shall be 1.7
tion of surface deterioration, bubbling, delamination,
% and the maximum moisture content shall be 3.0
increase in hardness, crazing, chalking, objectionable
%. These percentages are based upon the percent
color or gloss change, or any other change that affects
polymer in the compound (i.e., if the compound has
appearance or performance.
40 % filler, only 60 % of the formulation is resin;
therefore, the required moisture content is 1.02 % or A = 70 C Black Panel Temperature
60 % of 1.7).
B = 90 C Black Panel Temperature Suffix WQ – Accelerated Weather Re-
sistance, QUV/UVCON. Samples taken from a fin- Example: WWB300 = 300 h exposure at BP of 90
ished part, specimen size 75 x 300 mm approximately, C
shall be exposed in the QUV Cyclic Ultraviolet Weath-
ering Tester or the Atlas UVCON per ASTM G53 for Suffix WXA and WXB – Accelerated
the total number of h indicated by the numerals fol- Weather Resistance, Xenon Arc Weatherometer.
lowing the WQ-symbol. The exposure shall be run in WXA Exterior Requirement. Parts
cycles consisting of 8 h ultraviolet humidity exposure
shall be exposed to 2500 kJ/m2 per GM9327P.
at (70 ± 3) C followed by 4 h of 100 % condensing
(Exposed parts shall not exhibit surface tackiness,
humidity exposure at (50 ± 4) C. Following the spec-
embrittlement, change in hardness, blooming, blis-
ified exposure, the glossmeter reading taken on the
tering, or other factors which might affect the function
exposed specimens shall be no less than the value
or appearance or the part.) Color changes shall
indicated by the letter following the WQ-suffix symbol.
not exceed a E of 3.0 units when measured per
See Table 9. In addition, the samples shall show no
SAE J1545 (CIELAB color space, 10 observer, Il-
objectionable appearance change, such as yellowing,
luminant D65, specular component included). Visual
bronzing, checking, water spotting or tackiness.
evaluation of color change shall override the E
Example: WQF400 = 400 h exposure with a mini- results. Samples shall be washed and/or polished as
mum reading of 80. appropriate to the GMP.XXX.000 procedure for the
type of material.
Table 9: Accelerated Weather Resistance
Designation Min Reading WXB Interior Requirement. Test
for color fastness to light per SAE J1885 (Interior
YA 40 Exposure Procedure). The requirements may vary
YB 50 depending on the base polymer. Refer to the appro-
priate material specification for the level of exposure
and color change ( E). Exposed parts shall not
YC 60 exhibit surface tackiness, embrittlement, change
in hardness, blooming, blistering, or other factors
YD 70 which might affect the function or appearance or the
part. Color changes shall not exceed a E of 3.0
units when measured per SAE J1545 (CIELAB color
YE 75 space, 10 observer, Illuminant D65, specular com-
YF 80 ponent included). If no material specification is used
on the engineering drawing, the exposure level and
E requirement shall be specified on the engineering
YG 85 drawing by using a suffix. The exposure level (units
of kJ/m2) will immediately follow the specification
YH 90 number, and the E requirement (maximum value)
shall follow the exposure level. Suffix WW – Accelerated Weather Re-
sistance, Carbon Arc Weatherometer. The sam- Example: WXB601.6 - 3 = Exposure level of 601.6
ples shall be exposed in a twin enclosed carbon arc kJ/m2 and E requirement of 3.0 maximum

© Copyright June 2001 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

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GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS GM7400M Suffix XS – Oxidative Stability Followed - The regrind must be clean and dry, free of contam-
by ASTM D3012. XSS – Oxidative Stability Fol- ination.
lowed by ISO 4577. Specimens taken from a molded
- The regrind must be blended proportionately with
part and exposed to ASTM D3012 or ISO 4577, Test
the virgin.
for Thermal Oxidative Stability, for the period of time,
in days, indicated by the numeral of the suffix XS or Examples:
XSS-symbol, shall not become crazed and friable in
RE50 = 50 % maximum regrind
appearance and shall not become brittle. (Brittleness
shall be determined by removing specimens from test RE20HS = 20 % maximum Home Scrap only
apparatus, placing on a flat surface, and subjecting to When this specification and RE suffix does
a light compressive force.)
not appear on the part print, no regrind is approved
Examples: XS1 = 1 day; XS14 = 14 days for use. Suffix XT – Oxidative Stability, No painted, laminated or plated regrind may
GM9059P. When the suffix X-symbol is appended be used without the written approval of the Engineer-
by the letter T, then GM9059P, Test for Thermal-Ox- ing Department.
idation Stability Characteristics of Plastics, shall be
used. To specify a regrind material, please consult
the following specifications: Appendix in GM502M, Suffix Z – Other Characteristics. Other GM Recycling Design Guidelines for the definition
characteristics shall be specified by the purchaser. of regrind; GM503S, Procedures for Creating, Re-
Note: The symbol Z appended to the specification vising, and Approving Compounds to GMP Speci-
number indicates the existence of requirements other fications. Use the GM7400M RE call-out to specify a
than those designated by symbols explained in the regrind material if a line call-out is the chosen method
tabulation above. These are normally shown in the of specification.
body of engineering drawings under the heading Sup-
plementary Material Requirement. 4 Manufacturing Process
3.2.4 Additional Requirements. Not applicable. Not applicable.
3.3 Performance Requirements. Subparagraphs
were not applicable. 5 Rules and Regulations
3.4 Requirements on other Stages during Life Cy- 5.1 Legal Regulations. For use of this material the
cle. valid laws and other regulations and recommenda-
tions in the country of usage shall be followed.
3.4.1 Chemical Requirements. Not applicable.
5.2 Language. In the event of any conflict between
3.4.2 Mechanical Requirements. Not applicable.
the English and domestic language regarding this
3.4.3 Physical Requirements. Not applicable. document, the English language will take prece-
3.4.4 Additional Requirements.
5.3 Restricted and Reportable Substances for Suffix RE – Regrind. The percent regrind
Parts (GMW3059). All materials supplied to this
allowed per part shall not exceed the numeric value
specification must comply with the requirements of
following the suffix RE-symbol. If Home Scrap regrind
GMW3059 Restricted and Reportable Substances
as defined in GM502M (scrap that is reused back into
for Parts.
the same part) is the only type to be specified for use,
the letters HS should follow the numeric regrind value. 5.4 Inspection and Rejection. All shipments of ma-
The use of regrind must not preclude the part from terials or parts under contract or purchase order man-
meeting the other specified characteristics of part per- ufactured to this specification shall be equivalent in
formance. Furthermore, in any case, every respect to the initial samples approved by engi-
neering. There shall be no changes in the formulation
- The maximum regrind content shall be limited to
or manufacturing process permitted without prior no-
the % that was validated and submitted for PPAP.
tification and approval by engineering. Lack of notifi-
- The type of regrind must be of the same material cation by the supplier constitutes grounds for rejection
that was validated and submitted for PPAP. of any shipment. While samples may be taken from

© Copyright June 2001 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

June 2001 Page 11 of 12


incoming shipments and checked for conformance to 6.1 Source Shipment Responsibility. It will be the
this specification, the supplier shall accept the respon- responsibility of the supplier to insure that the material
sibility for incoming shipments meeting this specifi- is not exposed to temperatures during shipment which
cation without dependence upon the purchaser’s in- would cause the material to fail to meet any of the
spection. requirements of this specification.
5.5 Initial Source Approval. No shipments shall be
made by any supplier until representative initial pro- 7 Coding System
duction samples have been approved by Materials This material specification shall be referenced in other
Engineering as meeting the requirements of this spec- documents, drawings, VTS, CTS, etc. as follows:
5.6 Material Safety Data Sheets. Completed copies
of the Material Safety Data Sheets, consistent with
ISO 11014-1 standard, meeting GM information 8 Release and Revisions
requirements must be submitted with any new sub- 8.1 Release. This standard was originated by the
missions or whenever a composition change has Plastics Committee in June 1987.
8.2 Revisions.
6 Approved Sources Rev. Date Description (Org.)
Engineering qualification of an approved source is re-
quired for this specification. Only sources listed in the I FEB 2000 Added ISO procedures – See Ta-
GM Materials File (i.e., MATSPC) under this specifi- ble 1. (Plastics Committee)
cation number have been qualified by engineering as
meeting the requirements of this specification. J JUN 2001 Reformatted revision (GM)

© Copyright June 2001 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

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