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Rotc Courses

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Bulletin 2023-24

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) (10/02/23)

Reserve Officers I02 MAIR 3010 Leading People and Effective Communication 1
This course is the first part of a two course sequence that teaches
advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership. Special
Training Corps emphasis is placed on enhancing leadership skills and communication.
A mandatory Leadership Laboratory complements this course for

Air Force ROTC cadets. Leadership Laboratory provides advanced
leadership experiences and gives cadets opportunities to develop
and apply leadership skills. Classroom activity, three hours per week;
Leadership Laboratory two hours per week. Prerequisites: I02 1010 and
Courses I02 2010.

• Air Force ROTC — Aerospace Studies (p. 1) I02 MAIR 3020 Leading People and Effective Communication 2
• Army ROTC (p. 1) This course is the second part of a two course sequence that teaches
advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership. Special
emphasis is placed on enhancing leadership skills and communication.
A mandatory Leadership Laboratory complements this course for
Air Force ROTC cadets. Leadership Laboratory provides advanced
Air Force ROTC — Aerospace leadership experiences and gives cadets opportunities to develop
Studies and apply leadership skills. Classroom activity, three hours per week;
Leadership Laboratory two hours per week.
Visit online course listings to view semester offerings for I02 MAIR
(https://courses.wustl.edu/CourseInfo.aspx?sch=I&dept=I02&crslvl=1:4). I02 MAIR 4010 National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active
Cadets learn about the role of the professional military leader in
I02 MAIR 1010 Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force 1 a democratic society; societal attitudes toward the armed forces;
This course is the first part of a two course sequence designed to the requisites for maintaining adequate national defense structure;
introduce students to the United States Air Force and provides an the impact of technological and international developments on
overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization strategic preparedness and the overall policy-making process; and
of the Air Force. Leadership Laboratory is mandatory for Air Force military law. In addition, cadets will study topics that will prepare
ROTC cadets and it complements this course by providing students them for their first active-duty assignment as officers in the Air Force.
with followership experiences and prepares them for Field Training. A mandatory Leadership Laboratory complements this course.
Classroom activity, one hour per week; Leadership Laboratory two Leadership Laboratory provides advanced leadership experiences
hours per week. and gives cadets opportunities to develop and apply fundamental
leadership and management skills while planning and conducting
corps activities. Classroom activity, three hours per week; Leadership
I02 MAIR 1020 Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force 2
Laboratory two hours per week. Aerospace Studies courses (MAIR
This course is the second part of a two course sequence designed 3010 through MAIR 4020) are advanced courses designed to improve
to introduce students to the United States Air Force and provides communication and management skills required of Air Force officers.
an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization
of the Air Force. Leadership Laboratory is mandatory for Air Force
ROTC cadets and it complements this course by providing students I02 MAIR 4020 Preparation for Active Duty
with followership experiences and prepares them for Field Training. Cadets learn about the role of the professional military leader in
Classroom activity, one hour per week; Leadership Laboratory two a democratic society; societal attitudes toward the armed forces;
hours per week. the requisites for maintaining adequate national defense structure;
the impact of technological and international developments on
strategic preparedness and the overall policy-making process; and
I02 MAIR 2010 Team and Leadership Fundamentals 1
military law. In addition, cadets will study topics that will prepare
This course is the first part of a two course sequence that focuses on them for their first active-duty assignment as officers in the Air Force.
laying the foundation for teams and leadership. Topics include skills A mandatory Leadership Laboratory complements this course.
that will allow cadets to improve their leadership on a personal level Leadership Laboratory provides advanced leadership experiences
and within a team. Leadership Laboratory is mandatory for Air Force and gives cadets opportunities to develop and apply fundamental
ROTC cadets and it complements this course by providing the first leadership and management skills while planning and conducting
opportunity for applied leadership experiences and prepares them corps activities. Classroom activity, three hours per week; Leadership
for Field Training. Classroom activity, one hour per week; Leadership Laboratory two hours per week. Aerospace Studies courses (MAIR
Laboratory two hours per week. 3010 through MAIR 4020) are advanced courses designed to improve
communication and management skills required of Air Force officers.
I02 MAIR 2020 Team and Leadership Fundamentals 2
This course is the second part of a two course sequence that focuses
on laying the foundation for teams and leadership. Topics include skills
that will allow cadets to improve their leadership on a personal level Army ROTC
and within a team. Leadership Laboratory is mandatory for Air Force
ROTC cadets and it complements this course by providing the first Visit online course listings to view semester offerings for I25 MILS
opportunity for applied leadership experiences and prepares them (https://courses.wustl.edu/CourseInfo.aspx?sch=I&dept=I25&crslvl=1:4).
for Field Training. Classroom activity, one hour per week; Leadership
Laboratory two hours per week.

Bulletin 2023-24
Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) (10/02/23)

I25 MILS 1010 Introduction to Leadership I

Examine the challenges and competencies that are critical for effective I25 MILS 4010 Adaptive Leadership
leadership. You will learn how the personal development of life skills This course focuses on practical application of adaptive leadership.
such as cultural understanding, goal setting, time management, Throughout the semester, students will apply the fundamentals of
mental/physical resiliency, and stress management relate to leadership, principles of training, the Army writing style, and military decision
officership, and the Army profession. Open to all students and making. Students will study the special trust reposed to Army Officers
enrollment does not require a commitment to join the US Army. by the US Constitution and the President of the United States--a special
Credit 2 units. trust given to no other civilian professions. Students will also study
the Army officer's role in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and the
I25 MILS 1020 Introduction to Leadership II counseling and development of subordinates. Prerequisite: successful
completion of the ROTC Leadership Development and Assessment
Investigate leadership fundamentals such as problem-solving, listening,
Course (LDAC) or permission of instructor.
presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills.
You will explore dimensions of leadership attributes and core leader Credit 3 units.
competencies in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive
exercises. Learn fundamental military concepts and explore the Army's I25 MILS 4020 Leadership in a Complex World
leadership philosophy. I25 MILS 1020 is open to all students and Explore the dynamics of leading in the complex situation of current
enrollment does not require a commitment to join the US Army. military operations in the contemporary operating environment.
Credit 2 units. Examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles
of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism.
I25 MILS 2010 Innovative Team Leadership You will also explore aspects of interacting with non-government
organizations, civilians on the battlefield and host nation support.
Explore the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership
Significant emphasis is placed on your transition to officership,
strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and leadership
preparing you for your branch school and first unit of assignment.
theories. The course continues to build on developing knowledge
Prerequisite: successful completion of I25 MILS 4010 or permission of
of leadership attributes and core leader competencies through
the understanding of Army rank, structure, and duties as well
as broadening knowledge of land navigation and squad tactics. Credit 3 units.
Enrollment in I25 MILS 2010 does not require a commitment to join the
US Army. I25 MILS 4500 Modern American Military History
Credit 3 units. A survey of US military involvement beginning with the Treaty of
Versailles following World War I and concluding with the current Global
I25 MILS 2020 Foundations of Tactical Leadership War on Terror. Students will follow a chronological study of crucial
battles of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and conclude with in-depth
Develop greater self-awareness as you assess your own leadership
case studies from Iraq and Afghanistan. The class focuses on both
styles and practice communication and team building skills. Examine
tactical and strategic lessons learned and the political and cultural
and practice the challenges of leading teams in the complex
influences that affect the way wars are fought. Prerequisite: sophomore
operational environment. Study dimensions of terrain analysis,
status and good standing in the ROTC program.
patrolling, and operation orders. Explores the dynamics of adaptive
leadership in the context of military operations. Enrollment in I25 MILS Credit 3 units.
2020 does not require a commitment to join the US Army.
Credit 3 units. I25 MILS 4501 Advanced American Military History
This course is a continuation of the fall semester prerequisite Modern
I25 MILS 3010 Adaptive Team Leadership American Military History course, outlining major conflicts that have
occurred throughout the course of American history in post WWII 20th
This is an academically challenging course where you will study,
and 21st Century. It aims to highlight the contemporary American
practice, and apply the fundamentals of Army leadership, officership,
military's efforts to modernize in a multi-polar international relations
Army values and ethics, and small unit tactics. At the conclusion of
environment in its struggle to become the global hegemon. This course
this course, you will be capable of planning, coordinating, navigating,
familiarizes students with the context of the current profession of arms.
motivating, and leading a team or squad in the execution of a tactical
The philosophy guiding the curriculum is centered around how and
mission during a classroom practical exercise (PE), a leadership
why the military is structured in present form and how officership in
lab, or during a military situational training exercise (STX) in a field
particular has shaped the macro and micro aspects of combat over the
environment. Prerequisites: successful completion of I25 MILS 1010,
last 75 years.
1020, 2010, and 2020 or attendance at the Leader's Training Course
(LTC). Contact the Military Science Department for more details. Credit 3 units.
Credit 3 units.

I25 MILS 3020 Applied Team Leadership

Continue to learn and apply the fundamentals of Army leadership,
officership, Army values and ethics as you hone your leadership
abilities in a variety of tactical environments and the classroom.
Successful completion of this course will help prepare you for success
at the ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC)
which you will attend the summer following this course at Fort Lewis,
Washington. You will receive systematic and specific feedback on
your leadership attributes, values and core leader competencies from
your instructors, other ROTC cadre, and senior cadets. Prerequisite:
successful completion of I25 MILS 3010.
Credit 3 units.

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