Vishesh Gada Internship Report
Vishesh Gada Internship Report
Vishesh Gada Internship Report
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As part of our internship-based project work , I was required to undergo an internship for a
minimum of 40 days .I completed the same at SOCIAL COMMENT PVT. LTD., Mumbai.
This internship at SOCIAL COMMENT has helped me to understand the corporate world
better and also provided me with opportunities to develop my skill set.
I am greatly thankful to our respected Director Dr. Mrs. Ancy Jose and Principal Prof. Dr.
Moushumi Datta for providing such a dynamic learning environment in our college. I would
like to be thankful to Vice Principal Dr. Mona Mehta for all the extended help, support and
encouragement. I would also like to thank my guide Dr. SWAPNA JOSHI, for her inestimable
guidance, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement during the course of this study.
I would like to thank Mr. Gaurav Sharma sir the Co-Founder of SOCIAL COMMENT PVT.
LTD. for giving me this opportunity to intern with the firm. I am also very thankful to SOCIAL
COMMENT PVT. LTD. for having given me this opportunity to intern with the prestigious
Also, I would like to give regards to my parents and peers who have motivated and inspired me
to complete this project.
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This internship report emphasizes on the work experience I have gathered as an Intern in the
Social Media Marketing Department provided by SOCIAL COMMENT PVT. LTD. from 15 th
April, 2021 to 15th June, 2022.
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In this report, I mainly have incorporated my experience at SOCIAL COMMENT PVT. LTD.
especially, Social Media Marketing and various other departmental works. Where I also have
provided details about my 62 Days work experience along with a comprehensive job
description, wherein I had to work towards making blog and giving creative ideas to my head
for attracting clients through social media.
I had been given to complete 4 tasks each week for 1 month in which I had to think and find
new creative ideas and had to explain to my heads how my ideas were beneficial to the
company and get it approved by heads and co-founders and make a report.
In the 2nd month of my internship I was supposed to make blogs and projects on behalf of the
company and had to post on the company’s official site.
In India, now-a-days millennial offers unprecedented opportunities for consumer industries,
such as, finance, marketing, human resources, economic and much more.
According to a study by the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE),
employers look for talent online, especially through social media. On the other hand, students
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view social media as a private affair. So, as you can see, there's a major disconnect. A resume
disqualifies you, it gets skimmed by a hiring manager looking for any excuse to toss it into the
reject pile. Filling it with the latest and trendiest buzz words won't do much to show a potential
employer who you are.
In contrast, a Virtual portfolio qualifies you. It shows what you know, reveals your
accomplishments, and demonstrates your capabilities. is a student
network that offers AI-Driven Cloud-based portfolio services to seamlessly integrate education
technologies and services, enabling individuals and institutions to collect, track and showcase
achievements of all kinds and leverage them for professional needs. We match the best
candidates' portfolios with prospective employers and make hiring efficient. With increasing
business opportunities in India SOCIAL COMMENT founders thought of introducing a project-
based learning programme. A student’s network that helps you to find a similar niche
community, to work, collaborate, and learn from. This enhances your knowledge and skills.
Everyone thinks and functions in a different way, regardless of whether it is in a group or
individually and so as to succeed with flying colours, one must attempt every choice and stick
to what actually works.
COMPANY NAME is a reputed digital marketing firm extending its operations in various
fields of digital marketing. As I was working in the social media marketing division I will list
down the services which we provide to our clients.
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1. Content creation
Many of our clients will be looking for content they can use on social media. Although there are
types of content they can use across multiple channels, some need to be designed specifically for
social media use. For example, there are certain dimensions to be met for images on different
networks, rules, and best practice to take into account. And of course, various types of text
formatting to consider. The character limit on Twitter may have been doubled, but it still requires
careful consideration to craft a tweet that works.
Social media content needs to be engaging and encourage sharing to help brands spread their
message. Creating content for clients using this “food pyramid example” can involve making
graphics or videos, writing social media posts or blog posts, and sourcing shareable content to
share from other brands and sources.
2. Strategy planning
Having a solid strategy for social media is vital for any brand. Many smaller brands start to use
social media without giving a lot of thought to their goals or reasons for choosing a particular
network. Creating content strategies for brands ensures that our clients have a plan set out and a
good idea of what’s going to work for them. If we decide to create content strategies for your
clients, you might spend time researching their audience and social keywords, as well as testing
and analyzing different networks and types of content. We should be able to present your client
with a detailed plan, including elements such as an editorial calendar that they can follow to
achieve their goals.
3. Content publishing
Helping our clients to schedule their content can incredibly useful service to them. It can be
difficult for many small businesses to find time to post their content, especially across multiple
channels. Getting the right time to post can be difficult and might be harder when dealing with an
international audience. It’s not the hardest job, but scheduling content really makes things easier
for your clients.
A content calendar is often the best way to guide clients on when to post what – but still allowing
the flexibility to change things if needed.
4. Campaign and community management
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While helping them get started with social media is useful, many brands require more
comprehensive support for their ongoing social media efforts. Your agency should consider how
you can work alongside your clients as an extension of their marketing department. Real-time
campaign management is one of the services you can offer to help them make the most of their
social media strategy. By keeping your finger on the pulse, you can observe what the client’s
audience is discussing and look for opportunities for content creation.
Offering research and valuable insight about your clients’ brands is key to gaining their
business. First and foremost, customers want to know about our audience and customers: their
interests, behavior and who we are. It takes a close look at the content we share and determines
whether it’s of high relevance and whether it’s resonating with the people who see it. A relevance
audit can also take a closer look at details like the language a brand uses to communicate with its
online followers. It might also include research into which social media networks the brand’s
audience are using most and which brands in the industry get their voices heard more.
Social media can still be new for many business owners. Although they might use it in their
personal life, it’s a very different thing to using it for marketing purposes. As an independent
consultant we offer services that can guide our clients in the complicated world of social media
marketing. Our services can include educating our clients on how to conduct themselves on social
media. Many people need to learn the appropriate language to use when talking to their audience as
a brand on different networks. Our services can help your clients avoid using corporate jargon and
adopt a more conversational and friendly approach to interacting with customers. we can assist
with creating a social media policy, empowering employees to use social media, and even building
a social media team
The social comment is an interactive platform designed for students and professionals, being
active on the platform while sharing your Projects, daily assignments and other skills will
ensure you a virtual portfolio and performance tracking tool which will give you a kick start in
your career.
Publish all
kind of work
“Thesocialcomment” is an emerging platform with sole aim to help the corporate world to have
a better influence with fresher’s and school/college students. It is a spot to make students and
young academicians feel fresh, always up for making new friends and connecting ideas with
ideas and with people that shows one a world full of opportunities and teaches things for life.
Over here, we allow a user to build their own virtual portfolio and integrate with already
existing users. This in turn helps them develop a network not only with users who have vastly
different skill sets or solutions to problems, but also with users who have a similar taste/niche.
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We choose only the RIGHT path for YOU with In-depth RESEARCH about your work.
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Learn…. Write…..Explore..!!!
Learn= learn how to make virtual
Write= use your words to be different
from others.
Explore = explore stream you are good at.
Virtual portfolio with real-time experience to the recruiter about skills & projects.
Build good communication skills.
Resume enhancement.
Early application access & preference to all the companies we bring on board.
Give an edge in job market.
Research experience.
Build leadership quality.
A lifetime value providing a platform for both students & colleges.
Access to variety of tasks.
Create professional networks.
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1. Deals with trusted and reputed 1. Operational efficiency are not as
companies. good as market leaders
2. No communication barrier. 2. Slightly lagging in technical front.
3. Adaptability of company in fast 3. Limited capital as a private firm.
changing environment.
4. COMPANY NAME has established
its own market, clients and
5. Strong R&D team.
6. Needs minimum amount of skills.
1. Public private partnership 1. Government Regulatory Norms
2. Can get an exposure of 2. High competition
international markets 3. New entrants in the market.
3. World is growing anti-digital world 4. High paid salary jobs. (difficult to
which can give a potential rise to afford by company)
this industry
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Customers today are more engaged than ever before, thanks to the Social
Media that gives them direct access to businesses. But the story isn't the
same for the brands. Not only is it difficult for brands to find the right
Social Media Strategy, but cutting through the noise is overwhelming.
Our Social Media Marketing team can help your brand engage with your
audience through compelling designs, unique applications, meaningful
interactions, and relevant content primed to entice participation and
If you're looking for creative & fresh ways to leverage Social Media
Marketing & build an online community, we can help you realize your
social media marketing goals.
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Social Media Marketing (SMM) is marketing that targets social platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok for brand promotion, target audience growth, driving website traffic, and
increasing sales.
SMM is the easiest way to reach an enormous audience — nowadays a half of the global
population, 3.8 billion people, use social media. Moreover, this number is constantly
growing — since 2019, social media use has grown by 9.2%.
Social media is extremely useful for increasing brand awareness. According to Hoot
suite, 52% of online brand discovery happens in public social feeds. In other words, the
majority of people learn about new brands on social networks.
In 2019, people spent an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes every day. And this indicator has
also grown — time spent on social media increased by 1.4%. That makes social media a great
way to not only reach your audience but also to interact with them for a long time.
Every year, social networks become more and more significant in terms of boosting sales. For
instance, in 2019, 43% of internet users used social media when researching products before
making a purchase. Although only 12% of people are ready to click a “buy” button on Facebook
or Instagram, social networks are highly significant in the early stages of the buyer's journey.
Social media has changed the way we function as a society, including the way we connect with
one another. As platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram took off, businesses also took
notice. They began to use these sites to further their interests through social media marketing.
That's because these sites are able to change consumer behavior.
Social media websites allow marketers to employ a broad range of tactics and strategies to
promote content and have people engage with it. Many social networks allow users to provide
detailed geographical, demographic, and personal information, which enables marketers to tailor
their messages to what is most likely to resonate with users.
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SOCIAL COMMENT Pvt. Ltd. is a private limited firm thus Digital was not an initial wing of
the firm but amidst corona virus and lockdown it had started its trading activites online through
various digital platforms. Since Digital Marketing is the newly formed wing of the company
and hence as an intern my rensponsiblilty was to increase and establish strong social presence
across all platforms and to insure that it reaches maximum people and benefits the company. I
had to ensure that all the meetings held on social media platforms like google meet, zoom and
microsoft teams go well . Further our internship head help us to get a brief view of other
departments of the company. Last two weeks of my internship was focused on how I make
blogs, projects articles to attract customers to merge with us and work as a team . So my
internship was much more inclined towards Digital marketing but got a birds eye view of other
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Working with SOCIAL COMMENT Pvt. Ltd. was my first step to explore the corporate world.
It was a proudly feeling to finally introduce yourself in market where millions of people make
their dreams come true. My internship started on 15 Th April, 2021. On the first day I was given a
task to find out other similar objective company’s social media marketing strategies of past 2
years so as to get an idea of how social media marketing works. I was also introduced to the
team with whom I would be working. Given my background of BMS (Specialization in
Finance) and my inclination toward social media marketing, I was given the job role of a
researcher at first than an intern of social media market department. Since SOCIAL
COMMENT Pvt. Ltd. is a service oriented company the main and only revenue is from the
services sold to the client and new client acquisition. Since the need and risk taking capability of
every client is different it is very important to first gain the trust of the client. It can be only
done by showing facts and past records. This is where I come into the picture. My job was to
make social media content which was best suited. Many people still have that perception that
social media marketing is not useful for their company as customers don’t trust the service
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provided online rather due to covid-19 outbreak customers mainly buy products online . To
change this perception and to gain more clients, SOCIAL COMMENT Pvt. Ltd. gave me this
opportunity where I was made to make our client understand how crucial social media
marketing in today’s world. The data helped in proving the fact that social media marketing are
not only useful for company but also help buyers to know their company’s existence. On top of
all this work I was given opportunity to make blogs for our company to be posted on our official
When I started my internship my knowledge about the social media and digital marketing was
very narrow and limited. This Internship gave me an opportunity to have a closer look on these
markets and remove the spectacle which hindered my vision towards social media marketing.
In SOCIAL COMMENT Pvt. Ltd. apart from the knowledge that I received I also got to know
the corporate cultures of multi giants. I also got to meet a variety of people all from different
walks of life. Everyone had a different story to tell about themselves. The exposure which I got
in SOCIAL COMMENT Pvt. Ltd. was very high. I got to know the perceptions of different
people and why do people behave in a certain way.
There are some skill sets and knowledge which cannot be gained through theory and can only
be learnt practically. Many such things which are small but sometimes can make a huge impact
and can save your day. I had also done research on some companies on very small criteria basis
and more over use to do research based things on different portfolios and schemes.
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It is rightly said that you don’t need to necessarily work in a particular field to gain some
experience in it. One can get experience and knowledge even by observing people doing that
job. I did the same thing. Even though my work profile was limited to back end I would quietly
sit beside my colleagues during sales calls or their client meetings and observe them. I got to
learn many qualities from that experience as well like patience, hard work and consistency.
The most important thing which I learned during this internship tenure is that “it is easy to
become a businessman but difficult to become an entrepreneur” as a businessman is
someone who looks after his own profit whereas an entrepreneur looks after every person who
is reliable on him i.e. an orientation of a business man is to earn profit whereas the orientation
of an entrepreneur is his/her people (employees). A businessman uses conventional methods
where as an entrepreneur uses unconventional methods which are a result of his/her intuitions.
Whenever you start something new you face some challenges on your way and the way you
tackle them defines you and your future in corporate world. Like other interns I also faced many
difficulties and tried my way through it:
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communication with them should be much professional. The importance of professional
communication in the corporate world is in giving presentations, communicating with
Work from home: Usually work for home is a remedy for people but for me it was one
of the biggest difficulty I faced. First of all, it was a first internship thus it lacked that
personal touch which I needed thus I was not able to work efficiently.
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When concluding the whole internship period, it is important to focus on the initial objectives of
the internship. The main objectives of the industrial internship are to introduce students to work
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culture and industrial practices, and also to promote theory integration. Study at university
should be enhanced by the opportunity to relate academic and professional aspects of
engineering disciplines. This internship helped me to meet new people explore work from a
different angle. it also helped me to understand the difference between a businessman and an
entrepreneur. A business man is a person who looks after his development and an entrepreneur
is a person who looks after the development of him and of the people who are dependent on him
there is a synergy in his actions.
Reflecting upon the statement above, there are many gains that were obtained during the
internship that I felt would have been a great value. They are all very important. Further I
understood the importance of time management and multi tasking the way to use your time
effectively and work efficiently. I have developed my communication skills which enhances my
way to express my thoughts to people.
My expectations were mostly met and I'm pretty satisfied with my internship program. SOCIAL
COMMENT Pvt. Ltd. has helped me to learn and develop my skills. The company has always
encouraged me to learn the technologies and practices that interested me. Moreover, I was even
given the responsibility of an entire application/project that taught me to manage and maintain
project by myself. However, the overall experience was positive, and everything I learned will
be useful in my future career in this field.
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