“A Study on Digital Marketing Services At Explacia Solution`s Pvt. Ltd”
Explacia Solutions Private Limited |
This is to certify that Mr. Satyam Singh has successfully completed his Digital Marketing Internship at
Explacia Solutions. The internship program commenced on June 2, 2017 and ended on August 3, 2017
(two months duration).
At completion of this internship, Mr. Satyam Singh is conversant with the following areas of marketing
pertaining to the retail industry:
This internship certificate is being presented to Mr. Satyam Singh following a detailed examination to
test the concepts taught to his during the course of the two month internship program and his ability
to apply them in a real time environment.
Yours truly,
Vinay Rana
Founder & CEO
Explacia Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
I, Satyam Singh hereby declare that this project is the record of authentic work carried
out by me during the academic year 2016- 17 and has not been submitted to any other
University or Institute towards the award of any degree.
I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide
Mrs. Seema Singh for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragement throughout the course of this thesis. The blessing, help and guidance
given by him time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I
am about to embark.
Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brother, sisters and friends for their constant
encouragement without which this assignment would not be possible.
The project work is pursued as a part of “MIMT School of Management, Greater Noida”. It is under
taken as a internship at Explacia Solution`s Pvt. Ltd. The project is done under expert supervision and
guidance of Mrs. Seema Singh (Lecturer in International Business) and Mr. Sanchit Gupta (CEO, of
Explacia Soltuion`s Pvt. Ltd). The Project is about the study of online marketing opportunities for
different sectors.
At Explacia Solution`s Pvt. Ltd, initially I was imparted process and service knowledge. I was given
sufficient time to know about the services and what company doing.
The main aim was to understand online marketing emergence and generating leads. I was provided
with database and had to make cold calls from the data and also ask to make database of other sectors.
Company activity was also one of the major sources for generating business. Initially my company
guide even accompanied me to the clients place. Main objective was to know the need of the customer
and how to fulfill that in the best way through online.
Thus it gave me the opportunity to learn about all the services and with the range of services Return
on web offered it made the task a bit easier as we could fulfill the need of the customer in a better way.
My task was divided in 4 phases:
1. Services knowledge: This included the theoretical knowledge about the field and services which needed to
be marketed.
2. Pitching in real estate and fitness sector: This included the implementation of the knowledge imparted to
me and the test of my marketing skills. Initially I was accompanied by company guide so that I can learn
how to deal with the customers and understand their need. This also enhanced our interpersonal skills and
confidence level.
3. Research part: Research is done for making new sectors database like hotels, spa, and fitness.
4. Writing: This included content writing for different sector teaser E-mailers
To begin with, as a part of the curriculum a summer internship programme was to be conducted for a
period of two months. Given a choice one was allowed to choose the field in which he/she was
interested. As my interest and curiosity was in online or digital marketing I choose to work with a
startup company named Explacia Solution`s Pvt. Ltd. Explacia Solution`s Pvt. Ltd is three year old
Greater Noida Based online marketing & web development firm focused on providing you business-
centric strategic solutions to the companies. I choose the startup company because with start I can
explore myself and why digital marketing? Because it is booming industry, the growth of digital
marketing is tremendous and expected to grow more.
Due to this summer internship, I learnt every aspect of digital marketing include (business development
process, content writing, social media). The company asks me to do their competitive research and
told to found return on web USP. And research of our target segments digital habits. With the help of
the research we got a flow of what are the major criteria’s we need to have. One had to identify various
sectors in the market that actually have a need of digital marketing services. And then your task is to
approach them before your competitors.
Digital marketing startup companies follow a standard process of approaching clients. There are certain
steps which cannot be altered or skipped. These are followed in sequences and executed after
evaluating the process again and again. In digital marketing your team should be strong enough to
deliver what your client expecting, as under digital marketing everyone work is interconnected and
with a team only one campaign can get ready.
An extensive literature review is done on the concepts and theories related to web advertising. A review
of Research papers, articles is undertaken to take note of and acknowledge work that has been done in
the field of web advertising as such. The Researcher has collected secondary data from reputed
Journals and Magazines, Newspapers, articles, Internet websites and Archives. The Researcher has
Libraries in Greater Noida and out of Greater Noida, to collect literature.The researcher has identified seven
research papers along with thirteen articles published in renowned journals on various topics such as Web ad,
Web based ad market, E-commerce impact, trends of online marketing, consumer attitude to Web ad and
sales/marketing strategy
It was an amazing experience working virtually and on field. I came to many new terminologies of
digital marketing, corporate world etc. The project contain the task which has been done by me during
my internship as well as what I have learnt from it.
Digital marketing was defined in Wikipedia as “marketing that makes use of electronic devices
(computers) such as personal computers, smart phones, cell phones, tablets and game consoles to engage
with customers. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail, apps (classic
and mobile) and social networks”.
Peoples often referred digital marketing as 'online marketing' or 'internet marketing' but it’s wrong. Digital
marketing revolves around the Internet, which explains why people tend to believe that digital marketing
and Internet marketing are synonymous. Nonetheless, they are different. Internet marketing falls under the
category of digital marketing. Internet marketing encompasses digital marketing services such as search
engine optimization, display advertising, and email marketing.
Client Servicing
Heart part of this project is dealing with client servicing. A client servicing is the face of an advertising
agency. Responsibilities of client servicing include understanding the client’s needs and expectations. In
fact, the advertising process begins with the client servicing person visiting the potential client for a brief.
He then needs to communicate this to his agency. His job is to hunt for new business and be a bridge
between the agency and the client.
Key responsibilities of client servicing are managing internal workflow and developing strong partnerships
with clients. Other responsibilities include liaising with the clients on all aspects of marketing communications,
briefing agency departments, presenting proposals to clients, managing advertising spend budget, keeping
clients up-to-date on their own and competitive activity, occasionally negotiating with media on client’s behalf
and approaching prospective clients whose accounts are under review.
Scope of the Internship
1) To understand the element in digital media
2) To understand the effectiveness of branding through digital media
3) To understand the effort behind fulfilment of brands objective through campaigns
4) To choose appropriate media for communication
5) To maintain relationship with clients
6) To understand the Target Group for different brands
For accomplishing this internship, I used two methodologies. One is working as a client servicing executive
in Isobar India and another one is a research to understanding the consumer buying behaviour of Indians in
digital era using an online questionnaire.
Client servicing
Analysis the industry and digital media for clients, formulating strategies and executing them based on
the objectives of client. This whole process consist of 18 steps, Brief: Brief given by the client based
on their marketing objective.
Pitch Presentation: Presentation made by the isobar for client based on the brief, by analysing
industry and digital media. Mostly used for new clients.
Proposal: Proposal put forward by isobar including campaign objective, target market, strategy,
approaches, estimated cost and outputs.
Revised negotiation: If clients have any problem with proposal, isobar will rewrite the proposal and
make negotiation
Approved: Final proposal need to get approval from client, otherwise isobar will lose client.
Creative: Executing the idea or plans of campaigns in to final formats like banner, websites...Etc.
Run Campaign: Starting the campaign by placing ads banners, videos, facebook contest, facebook
page managing ...Etc.
Reports: Reports submitted by which vendors to isobar, based on the running campaigns of clients.
Compile: After getting all reports from vendors, isobar will compile those reports for submit to
Optimization: Making changes in the campaign for improving the effectiveness and to achieve
Review of Campaign: Evaluating campaign based on standard and actual performance of campaign.
It will help to understand what isobar planned and what actually happened.
Bills: Bill submitted from vendor to isobar and isobar to client including service tax and commission
Payment: Payment of bill by client to isobar and then to vendor by isobar after deducting the
commission and tax.
Understand the consumer buying behaviour of Indians in digital era To understanding the consumer
buying behaviour I did one research using an online questionnaire. Sample size of the research was 200.
Samples for this research are under Indian youth and young Indians, who come under 17 to 45 year age
Explacia Solutions Pvt. Ltd is three year old Greater Noida based online marketing & web development firm
focused on providing you business-centric strategic solutions to give you the competitive. Explacia Solutions
is positioned at innovation, creativity, knowledge and technology to achieve your business goals.
Our goal is simple, to make things that people care about. We are founded on this principle and we will
always be commited to it.
Who are we ?
We are a bunch of techies with expert knowledge of our crafts. We have worked with over 30+ companies
across the country and utilize those experiences to match the client’s satisfaction.
What we Believe in
Talk less, do more and you will be rewarded. To make things that people care about. We were founded on
this principle and we will always be commited to it.
WHAT WE DO Best……………..
These imperatives are enabled by a portfolio of cross-industry capabilities, brought together in Four
integrated service lines.
Digital Marketing:
Our team of experts will manage your digital properties including your website, social media profiles, ad
campaigns that include PPC, lead generation and everything else in the most natural way.We can also
perform SEO, SMO and everything else that you’ve heard in digital marketing and if you haven’t we would
love to interact with you and offer insights on how we can make your brand be more visible online.
Mobile Development:
Mobile apps need to work at the best of their capabilities at all times. Editsoft makes sure that the mobile apps
we make for our clients leave an impeccable impression on the users of the app. We achieve this by
understanding what would be the client’s requirement, the user’s expectations and then use these insights to
code our way ahead.
Web Development:
One of the most recognizable and important face for any company, a great website has the potential to impress
people and help put emphasis on what a company does. A great website has a great viewing experience built
in, and that is what we aim to build.With customized websites that are based on latest technologies, our
products are fully optimizable to showcase a unique brand presence.
Product Design:
Apart from the idea, the design and the look and feel of the product is what draws in people to go further.
Keeping this in mind, we design streamlined User Interface for all kinds of requirements from the client. To
back us up, our designs speak for us, which have already adorned several commercial products that are in use
How We Do:
WHY Explacia????????????
Company Blog:
What is social media marketing? I know that sounds like an elementary question, but it really does deserve
some discussion. There are several dimensions to a great social media marketing strategy as well as its
intertwined relationship to other channel strategies like content, search, email and mobile.
Let’s go back to the definition of marketing. Marketing is the action or business of researching, planning,
executing, promoting and selling products or services. Social media is a communication medium that enables
users to create content, share content or participate in social networking. Social media as a medium is very
different from traditional media for two reasons. First, the activity is largely public and accessible to marketers
for research. Second, the medium allows for bi-directional communication – both direct and indirect.
and a source to connect – via people – to a company. Because it’s bi-directional, it’s quite unique from other
marketing channels.
1. Showcase your brand – word of mouth is incredibly effective because it’s highly relevant. People in a
specific industry, as an example, often congregate in social media channels and groups. If one person
shares your brand, product or service, it can be seen and shared by a highly-engaged audience.
2. Develop a loyal community – if you have an effective social strategy of providing value to your
audience – either by direct assistance, curated content, or other news, tips and tricks, your community
will grow to appreciate and trust you. Trust and authority are important elements of any purchase
3. Improve customer service – when your customer calls you for help, it’s a 1:1 conversation. But when a
customer reaches out on social media, your audiences get to see how you react and respond their needs.
Great customer service can be echoed through every corner of the globe… and so can customer service
4. Increase digital exposure – why product content without a strategy to share and promote it?
Developing content doesn’t mean if you build it, they will come. They won’t. So building a great social
network where the community become brand advocates is incredibly powerful.
5. Boost traffic and SEO – While the search engines continue to exclude links, fans and followers as a
direct factor in search engine ranking, there’s no doubt that a strong social media strategy will drive
great search engine results.
6. Expand sales and reach new audience – it’s proven that sales people who incorporate a social media
strategy outsell those who do not. As well, your sales people understand how to deal with negative
feedback in the sales process because they actually speak to people every day. Your marketing
department often doesn’t. Putting your sales representatives out on social to build a presence is an
awesome means of expanding your reach.
7. Cut marketing costs – while it requires momentum, trending growth on social media for follows,
shares, and clicks will ultimately drive down costs while increasing demand. There are incredible stories
of companies going from broke to expanding after building a unique social media presence. That
requires a strategy that can be counter to many corporate cultures. There are also a lot of companies that
are terrible at social media and are simply wasting their time
Finding trending topics on social media can be an important tool in keeping your brand ahead of the
competition. It can give you a better understanding of your audience and allow you to create interesting,
relevant content.
Only a generation ago, keeping up to date with the latest topics was a pretty simple task. You picked up your
daily newspaper or watched the evening news on TV. The explosion in information and communication
channels mean it’s not quite so simple nowadays. Thankfully there are several methods for uncovering the very
latest trends on social media.
Why do social media trends matter?
Trend monitoring is important for any business. For marketers and community managers, joining a conversation
in a timely matter means you are able to add something to the conversation. There may be trends within your
industry that dictate product development.
Finding these trending topics on social media rather than looking elsewhere is simply the quickest way to
discover conversations as they happen, and before they move onto other forms of media.
Trends on Twitter
Twitter is the home of fast moving, up-to-the-minute content. It has regularly been the platform which has
broken major news stories, like the Miracle on the Hudson. It is also a platform where not so major stories
break, such as the memorable afternoon that half a million people stopped working to watch the live stream of a
puddle in northern England, via Twitter’s streaming video app Periscope.
There are two ways of discovering trends on Twitter. The first is available whether you have a twitter account
or not, and is called Moments. This is a curated list of the most important stories at that time, with an
explanation and selected Tweets. Due to the curated nature, it is generally restricted to the biggest stories of the
Personalized trends are available to those with a twitter account, and can be found on the left-hand side of the
page. By default, this shows a tailored selection of trends, based on an algorithm that accounts for your location
and who you follow.
You can easily see trends for specific locations by clicking change at the top of the trends section. This can be
useful for spotting trends in specific markets for targeted or local marketing.
Instagram surfaces trends in real-time. The trends are personalized by the algorithm, meaning you might miss
an important trend if you don’t follow the right people.
Trending on Facebook
On the right-hand side of your News Feed is a tailored Trending section. The content displayed depends on your
likes, follows, activity and all the rest of the data Facebook hold about you.
The stories are grouped into top trends, politics,
science and tech, sports, and entertainment.
Recently this trending section was in the news as
journalists made a shocking discovery – social
media is personalized.
The Wall Street Journal developed a really
interesting tool called Blue Feed, Red Feed. This
shows a representation of the different stories that
the algorithm can display. It only shows a few
contentious political topics, so can’t really be used
as a trend finder, but it is a useful reminder that
different social media trends mean different things to different people.
With 62% of US adults getting their news from social media, the echo chamber effect of social media is well
demonstrated and serves as a reminder that trends, like much on social, are personalized.
Trends on YouTube
YouTube features trending videos, accessed in the menu on the left of the homepage. If you head to the bottom
of the page, you can change your country to see what’s trending in other locations.
You can also access trending video via Google Trends, which allows you to discover YouTube trends in
different countries, apply a safety filter, and check trends day by day.
Google Trends
Google Trends itself is a very useful tool and will be familiar to SEO practitioners and others. It allows you to
enter a search term and view the historic number of searches on a graph. You can see if the topic is taking off or
retreating back into obscurity.
Trends also has a story-centric homepage. The landing page has a list of stories, along with the search terms
associated with that story. It has a graph with a timeframe to show you the velocity of the trend.
The page aggregates data from Google Search, Google News, and Youtube to produce the rankings. Clicking on
the story shows sample news stories, geographic breakdown, search and news history, and related topics.
Trending on BuzzFeed
It might be the home of clickbait, but if you are looking to take the pulse of pop-culture you could do worse
than check out BuzzFeed’s Trending page.
One of the biggest viral phenomena ever, The Dress was originally posted on Tumblr. It was only when
BuzzFeed picked up the story that it Broke The Internet.
The front page of the internet is another site dedicated to trending stories, with upvotes bringing stories to the
homepage. So much traffic flows through Reddit that it has been known to give sites the “Reddit hug of death”,
where too many people try to access a smaller site at the same time which causes it to be inaccessible.
BuzzSumo is a tool for discovering popular and trending content, influencers, and backlinks. The trending
stories are organized into categories and feature a trending score to tell you how quickly they are being shared.
Anyone without an account can still use the tool, although it shows limited results and allows a limited number
of searches.
The ability to search for any topic and then filter by date range gives you another option for uncovering trends.
It means you can discover the most popular stories of the last 24 hours, or week, month, or year. Enter a topic or
keyword in the search bar to see results, with several advanced search options available. You can also enter a
domain and BuzzSumo will tell you the most popular content just from that site.
Brandwatch Analytics
The above tools are all free, but free tools come with limitations. The first is that you are going to have to wade
through a lot of cat videos before you find anything relevant to your industry. Maybe that’s a plus for you.
It’s certainly not productive, though.
Using a social intelligence tool, like Brandwatch Analytics, for discovering trending topics on social media
means you can be a lot more specific about the type of trends you want to unearth. You could either be looking
at social trends within a particular topic, or trends within a particular topic.
Signals are intelligent email alerts that notify you when there are significant or unexpected changes in your
dataset. These emails happen automatically, so you are not required to know what changes you’re looking for in
It’s great for unearthing trending topics on social media you might otherwise have missed. The email alert
includes details of what triggered the Signal. You can click through to a dashboard in Brandwatch Analytics
that will provide a more in-depth breakdown.
Brandwatch Audiences can surface trending topics on social media, but crucially, within an audience you have
You start by searching Twitter bios, Tweets, gender, profession, interests, account type (individual or
organization), and location. Once you have created the audience you are interested in, there is a trending topics
tab which will show you trending images, stories and hashtags.
You can also export the audience into Brandwatch Analytics to do some further digging into the topics they are
talking about. You can even set up Signals for that particular group of people, to be alerted to any emerging
India, with 1,270,272,105 (1.27 billion) people is the second most populous country in the world, while
China is on the top with over 1,360,044,605 (1.36 billion) people. [10] The figures show that India
represents almost 17.31% of the world's population, which means one out of six people on this planet live
in India. Although, the crown of the world's most populous country is on China's head for decades, India is
all set to take the numerous positions by 2030. With the population growth rate at 1.58%, India is predicted
to have more than 1.53 billion people by the end of 2030. [11]
India is currently having online population of 213M, among them 60% are males and 40% are females. In
have 110 M mobile internet users, among them 80% are males and 20% are females. 176M of the total
internet population are part of Social Medias. [11]
India has bypassed Japan to become the world’s third largest Internet user after China and the United States,
and its users are significantly younger than those of other emerging economies, global digital measurement
and analytics firm comScore has said in a report. Riding on a
31% year-on-year increase, India’s online population grew to 73.9 million. With an extended online universe
in excess of 145 million the market is at a tipping point for online businesses.
The numbers are lower than other recent estimates, possibly reflecting comScore’s methodology that only
factors in PC and laptop-based Internet usage. [12]
Gender Wise
India currently have online population of 213M, among them 60% are males and 40% are females. In have
110 M mobile internet users, among them 80% are males and 20% are females. 176M of the total internet
population are part of Social Medias.
According to the Internet And Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), the Internet user base in the country
stood at 190 million at the end of June, 2013. For the whole year 2013, the internet user base grew 42% to
213 million, from 150 million in 2012. With more and more people accessing the web through mobile
phones, the internet user base in the country is projected to touch 243 million by June 2014, a year-on-year
growth of 28%.[13]
India males aged between “15-24” are major users among Males and in females 35-44 are major users of
internet. Age wise distributions are given below. [12]
Mobile Internet Users
Internet penetration in India is driven largely by mobile phones, with some of the cheapest and most basic
hand-sets today offering access to the internet. According to IMAI, India has 110 million mobile internet
users of which 25 million are in rural India. The growth of internet penetration in rural India is driven
largely by the mobile phone; 70% of rural India's active internet population access the web via mobile
phones. This may have to do with the difficulty in accessing PCs. Forty-two percent of rural India's internet
users prefer using the internet in local languages. The high prevalence of content in English is a hurdle for
much of rural India.[14]
Research report of InMobi showing the behaviour mobile user in internet, 21% of their total consumption
is for Entertainment and Social Media, which followed by Games, General Information Search and Email.
Social Networking
Social Networks capture the largest percentage of consumers’ time in the region. comScore data’s showing
86% of the Indian web user visit a social networking site. Facebook continues to be the number one social
network with a 28% increase in traffic and a reach of 86%. Average time spend by a Indian user on facebook
is 217 minutes. LinkedIn emerges as number two, while Pinterest and Tumblr are the fastest growing
networks but growth of twitter is declined by 15% in 2013 while comparing with 2012. [12]
Social Video report saying 46% of internet users watch brand related video every week. 54% watching
videos that are informative or entertaining often leads to a number of other positive activities such as visiting
the brand website. Peoples are now likely to regularly watch videos using their smart phones. Almost six
in ten internet users have gone to purchase an item after seeing it in an online video. [15]
On an average Indian consumers are spending 6.10 hours in media per day. In traditional media Indian
audience spend only 195 min or 3.15 hours. If we see the breakup it will be 86min in television, 37 min in
newspaper and 30 min in radio. Remaining 4.55 hours or 214 min in new media or digital media. Break up
of new media will be like 102 min in mobile, 79min in online and 33 min in tablets. [16]
From a marketers view digital platform is very important because customers have more presence in digital
media. Customers are spending more time on digital, so it is easy to catch customers in digital platform,
more than that spending digital is much cost effective while comparing with traditional.
1.J Suresh Reddy26 has published article in Indian Journal of Marketing. Title of article is “Impact of E-
commerce on marketing”.
Marketing is one of the business function most dramatically affected by emerging information
technologies. Internet is providing companies new channels of communication and interaction. It can
create closer yet more cost effective relationships with customers in sales, marketing and customer
support. Companies can use web to provide ongoing information, service and support. It also creates
positive interaction with customers that can serve as the foundation for long term relationships and
encourage repeat purchases.
2. Neelika Arora 32has published research article entitled “Trends in Online Advertising” in advertising
Express, Dec2004.
The global online advertising revenues are expected to touch US $10bn by 2006. In India, the revenues
at present are estimated to be Rs. 80 cr. and are expected to increase six times more within the next
five years.
In India, Internet as a medium is accepted by a wider industrial segment that includes automobiles,
telecom, education, banking, insurance, credit cards, FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods),
apparel/clothing, durables, media, business services and tourism. Out of these , it is estimated that the
banking, FMCG and insurance sectors together account for 45% of the total advertising spend. In
comparison to this, automotive, travel and retail spend 37% of the total advertising revenue and
financial service companies spend 12% only. Some of the top spenders in India are automobiles,
followed by brands like Pepsodent, Kelloggs, Cadbury, HDFC (Housing Development Finance
Corporation Ltd.) loans and Sunsilk. In addition to these the early adopters in the field of finance and
IT are also increasing their spending. Globally, the trend is that almost 60% of the revenue goes to five
firms- Goggle, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL(America Online Launchers), and Overture. Approximately,
90% of the Goggle revenues come from advertising. In India, portals like,,, etc are attracting major online spender.
This article explains demographic profile of Indian users. It also gives the comparison between global trend
and Indian trend, which is useful for my research work.
3.Sumanjeet37 has published article on “On Line Banner Advertising”- in Indian Journal of Marketing.
Online banner advertising has great potential as an advertising medium. It is easy to create, place and
use. It offers companies targeting well educated, innovative, affluent males/females or students with
great potential for success as their segments are highly represented.
4.Nicholas Ind , Maria Chiara Riondino36 have originally published their article inthe Journal of
Brand Management in September 2001. The title of this article is “Branding on the Web: A real
In this paper difference in corporate attitudes to the Web are discussed and conclusions as to the way
in which branding practice and theory are affected by the new technology are drawn. This article
explains the Web is both a distribution and a communications channel that facilitates interaction
community building, openness and comparability.
5.Jaffrey Graham45 has published his article entitled “Web advertising’s future >>> e
Marketing strategy”
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter published an equity research report analyzing the Internet marketing and
advertising industry. The report studies research from dozens of companies and calculates the cost and
effectiveness of advertising across various media. Branding on the Internet works. For existing brands,
the Internet is more effective in driving recall than television, magazines, and newspapers and at least
as good in generating product interest.
6.Advertising in social media: How consumers act after seeing social ads. Adapted from Nielsen
(2012: 10).
Social media has not only changed how people communicate online, but it has also changed the
consumption of other media too. Online social connections are used to filter, discuss, disseminate, and
validate news, entertainment, and products for consumption. (Ryan 2011: 15)
The next chapters will explain more about each of the world’s current most widely used social medias.
There are, of course, many other social networks and applications (apps) available but considering the
study, the focus is on the main medias.
7. Victor Van Valen has published article “Is Your Marketing Smart”
Today advertisers not only need to cater to and directly pinpoint a precise targeted audience, but they
need to customize their advertisements as well. In web media, you have an idea of who will see your
ads, and it create an impact on your audience. For example, you know Femina Magazine would be
great to target women so you can promote your new beauty product in this magazine. But when it
comes to online venues, how can you target the right audience when millions are browsing?
8.Vikas Bondar has published his article on “sales and marketing strategies”
Internet is a really good thing. The Internet gives people a greater amount of information as we need.
It is the best way to get a comparison of the products that we need. If we are interested in buying, it is
best for us to check the Web sites. Also if we would like to make our own Web page we can do this,
without paying a lot of money. From where do we set all this information? The answer is from
advertising, which we see, everywhere: on TV, on the Internet, in the newspapers and more. Year after
year we get more and more new, interesting information and in the future the Internet use will increase
more than now.
Digital marketing:
According to Garder’s survey (2013), the top priority in digital marketing investment will be to
improve commerce experiences through social marketing, content creation and management and
mobile marketing. Key findings also revealed that a companies’ marketing success relies mostly on
their website, social marketing, and digital advertising, which are all parts of digital marketing. In
addition, savings made by using digital marketing can be reinvested elsewhere. Normally, companies
spend 10 percent of their revenue on marketing and 2.4 percent on digital marketing, which will
increase to 9 percent in the future. Content Market:
Brogan(2008) and Ferguson (2009) urge content marketing is not any other thing, but that is“ a marketing
technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly
defined and understood target audience -with the objective of driving profitable customer action”. Going by
that idea Pulizzi defines (2008) content marketing as “the art of understanding exactly what your customers
need to know, and delivering it to them in a relevant and compelling way to grow your business”.
Content marketing is creating rich contents targeting potential audience and sharing via content
marketing platforms to inform, educate them without selling. Thus, content marketing is expanding by
answering customary issues with the right kind of content in front of the right kind of audience.
Pulizzi (2008) highlights a good content marketing strategy is ways in which to understand problems
and concerns of customers and offering best solutions and to transferring trusted knowledge.
Marketing communication strategies are very important nowadays than before. An optimized
informative content can connect with customers and enabling them to interact with. Therefore,
effective and efficient content marketing strategies will influence customer’s positive interaction with
a product and service even it will increase investment of returns.
This study aims at studying client servicing and business development process. It is a continuous process
followed by six steps which are important that their level.
This study helps me to get the reality check of a market where actual comparison between the
classroom knowledge and the real situation can be done. By just learning theory and facing actual
situations it concepts and practices might vary. The study helps to understand the different concepts of
digital marketing, but while implementing it might differ from situation to situation.
This study helps to understand and know how to deal with different kinds of customers or a clients and how
to make an impressive online campaigns.
Objective of the Study
• To know how to pitch a client while meeting basically how to talk, what to talk, how to
make client engage in your conversation.
• To know the right way of writing a proper content for the E-mailers.
• To study the growth of Digital marketing.
The descriptive research design is used for analyzing and studying the process of Business Development. It
is very simple & more specific than explanatory study.
The descriptive study is a fact finding investigation with adequate interpretation. The descriptive study
aims at identifying the various characteristics of a problem under study. It reveals potential
relationships between variables and also setting the stage for further investigation later. The results of
such research are not usually useful for decision making by them, but they can provide significant
insight into a given situation. Although the results of qualitative research can give some indication as
to the ‘why’, ’how’ and ‘when’ something occurs, it cannot tell us ‘how often’ or ’how many’.
As the research conducted was observatory there was no questionnaire and hence no sample size or data
interpretation was to be done.
Data Sources:
Primary Data: -
It is a firsthand data which is collected by you only. The different way of collecting primary data is
personal interview, questionnaire, survey etc. As my project is descriptive study there is no primary
data collected as such.
Secondary Data:-
Secondary data is collected from already existing sources in various organization broachers & records.
Secondary data for the study were collected from the magazines, websites & other previous studies.
To meet the objectives, the study used qualitative research. The descriptive study was done through
review of existing literature that helped in validation and extraction of the important variables and
factors. Data was collected from secondary sources. Secondary sources were magazines, websites,
books, office executives, and company data
Digital Marketing (also Online Marketing, Internet Marketing or Web Marketing) is a collective name
for marketing activity carried out online, as opposed to traditional marketing through print media, live
promotions, tv and radio advertisement.
The rapid growth of Digital Marketing Industry is a direct consequence of the global phenomenon that
is the Internet, and effectiveness of Digital Marketing channels in generating revenue and awareness.
Compared to traditional methods of advertising, Digital Marketing offers rather realistic costs
(particularly important for small- and medium-size businesses and start-ups), accurate targeting and
excellent reporting.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page
in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. SEO may target different kinds of
search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search,[1] news search and
industry-specific vertical search engines.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for,
the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred
by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated
coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing
activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of back links, or inbound links,
social book marking, directory submission is the another SEO tactic.
Types Of SEO:
On Page SEO:
On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more
relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can
be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals.
2. Meta Descriptions
Many people forget to include meta descriptions for their pages. These descriptions are an important place to
include relevant keywords for your content, as these are used within the search results when your page is listed.
For instance, if we continue to use the ‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ example, then a good meta description for that
page would include those keywords and related ones. So, “This easy chocolate cake recipe is possibly the most
delicious, mouth watering, chocolatey cake ever made.” would be a great meta description to use, as it is
relatively short, whilst containing a number of specific keywords.
3. Meta Tags
For each of your pages, you can include a set of keywords in the form of meta tags. These should be all
the relevant keywords of your content, which you will have researched previously.
I use a WordPress plug-in on my sites called ‘All In One SEO Pack’. This allows me to enter all of my meta
tag keywords, meta description and page title at the bottom of each of my posts before publishing. This
simply inserts all of the information into your page HTML format for you, making your life a little easier.
4. URL Structure
Including search engine friendly URLs for each of your pages is highly recommended, as these bring better
crawling. Shorter URLs seem to perform better in search engine results, however that is not the only factor.
URLs that include targeted keywords, also perform better. The location of these keywords can also be a major
influence. For example would perform better than etc.
As you can see for this page, the URL is I have
included the keywords that are relevant for this post.
6. Keyword Density
Including relevant keywords throughout your content is very important, as it helps search engines work out
what your content is about. However, try not to excessively repeat and overuse keywords just for search engine
robots. This can lead to your site being banned from search engines.
To avoid this, try to keep your keyword density to roughly 2-5%. If you find this hard, get out a thesaurus and
broaden your writing vocabulary. This way, you are still writing about the same thing, without risk of being
7. Image SEO
Using images within your content is a great way to make your site more visually appealing and break up boring
chunks of text. You can utilise these images to help improve your site SEO.
All your uploaded images have titles, so treat them just the same as your page titles. Including relevant
keywords can help people find your site when searching on Google Images.
You can also include Alt Text and Descriptions for your images, making them even more useful with SEO.
8. Internal Linking
People often think that the only links that count are those from other websites. While these links are important,
these are not the only important links!
Placing links to your other website pages, is a great way of improving your site and used properly,internal
links can be a useful weapon in your SEO arsenal. Not only does it make it much easier for your visitors to
navigate around your site and find all of your content, but it also ensures that your site gets properly crawled
allowing the search engines to find all of your pages. It also helps to build the relevancy of a page to relevant
keywords and phrases, whilst also helping to increase the Google PageRank of your pages.
There are a number of different methods that you can use to improve your internal linking structure. The
main being; content links and permanent navigation links.
For bloggers, content links are very useful when used properly. These are links that are placed within your
article posts, which redirect people to other relevant pages on your site. For example, this post is focused on
increasing traffic to your site, so readers may also find a post on ‘How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog‘ useful.
Perhaps other people are just starting out blogging and want to learn more.
These 8 techniques are just some of the ways that you can improve your on-page SEO. Any one used
independently of the others won’t make much difference to your site ranking, however when used together, they
can help to improve your site traffic.
They will help to get your pages working better, they will help to get your entire site crawled by search engine
spiders, they will help increase the value of internal pages and they will build the relevancy of internal pages to
specific keyword phrases.
So, it pays to spend some time implementing these to improve your site! Please leave your comments below &
feel free to ask any questions.
Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine
results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but it is not only that. In general,
off Page SEO has to do with promotion methods – beyond website design –for the purpose of ranking a website
higher in the search results.
Techniques of OFF Page SEO:
1 100 97 10
2 100 97 9
3 100 97 9
4 100 96 9
5 100 96 9
1 98 96 8
2 98 90 8
3 99 96 7
4 94 95 7
5 92 65 7
6 99 95 7
3. Forum Submission
Participate in search forums which are related to your website and business and make a connection with that
community. Reply to threads, answer people’s questions and give your suggestions and advice. Make use of “Do-
Follow” forums.
1 98 61 9
2 100 57 8
3 79 64 7
4 88 90 7
5 88 44 4
1 91 89 8
2 99 95 7
3 91 92 7
4 36 42 6
5 49 57 5
5. Article Submission
Submit your articles in a high PR article submission directory. You can also give links to your website. Make
sure your content is unique and of high quality. Low quality content and content that has more keyword stuffing
might get rejected. Choose the correct category and give a good title to your content.
1 78 82 7
2 54 61 6
3 89 92 6
4 87 89 6
5 68 73 5
1 100 91 8
2 97 69 8
3 87 90 7
4 49 57 4
5 90 91 6
7. Video Submission
If you want to make your videos popular, head to popular video submission sites. Give a proper title,
description, tags and reference links. It is one of the more popular ways to get quality back links because all video
submission websites have high PR.
1 100 97 9
2 98 97 9
3 94 95 8
4 79 82 7
5 88 90 7
6 82 86 6
7 86 89 6
8 94 77 5
8. Image Submission
Share your photos on popular image submission websites. Before submitting your images please optimize them
with the correct URL and title tag. Before submitting your images, check if they have a proper title, description
and tags.
1 98 97 9
2 97 96 9
3 100 91 8
4 98 96 8
5 92 93 7
6 95 93 6
7 89 91 6
8 84 87 6
9 74 79 6
9. Infographics Submission
Make creative infographics. These days, infographics are getting popular on the internet. Submit your
infographics on infographics submission websites and give reference links to your webpage or blog. The image
sizes differ with different websites.
1 84 87 7
2 99 55 4
3 44 50 4
4 38 48 4
5 26 38 2
6 40 49 2
1 94 95 9
2 95 95 8
3 92 93 8
4 92 81 7
5 67 71 5
2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of
websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and
advertising.] SEM may use search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website
content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages, or use pay per click listings.
3. SMM (Social Media Marketing)
Social media marketing is the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites.
Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and
encourages readers to share it across their social networks. The resulting electronic word of mouth
(eWoM) refers to any statement consumers share via the Internet (e.g., web sites, social networks,
instant messages, news feeds) about an event, product, service, brand or company. When the
underlying message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come
from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself, this form of marketing
results in earned media rather than paid media.
In the context of the social web, engagement means that customers and stakeholders are participants
rather than viewers. Social media in business allows anyone and everyone to express and share an
opinion or an idea somewhere along the business’s path to market. Each participating customer
becomes part of the marketing department, as other customers read their comments or reviews. The
engagement process is then fundamental to successful social media marketing.
Facebook Marketing
Facebook is the world's most popular social network for both businesses and individuals. With over
one billion users, your friends and fans are likely already using the platform -- and you should be too!
In fact, people are 51% more likely to make a purchase after "liking" a brand on Facebook. Face
book marketing requires a good intellects and unique thinking to make the campaign effective.
In face book marketing in fact in visual /web marketing your content speaks a loud that is why make sure
your content should be relevant to your audience and business.
Thumb rules:
• Emphasize on visualization. Rich visuals make the best content and the best timelines.
‘Highlight’ posts to give them the full width of the Face book container. To make it more attractive
• ‘PIN’ posts, these posts stay at the top of the feed promoting posts.
• Ensure FB apps have relevant info, your audience is looking for
• Analyze what works, and what doesn’t work: Face book Insight. Edge Rank. Social bakers
Twitter marketing is not much popular than face book but still it has an impact on audience
The very first thing in twitter marketing you need to understand and learn the twitter terminologies well.
A hashtag is any word beginning with the # sign. People use hashtags to organize conversations around a
specific topic. Clicking on a hashtag takes you to search results for that term.
Sometimes you want to bring a Tweet to someone’s attention, but you still want all of your followers
to see the message. So instead of a reply, use a mention. Include the @username of whomever you
want to mention in your Tweet, and it will appear in the Mentions section (in the
Connect tab). All @username mentions are clickable and link back to the mentioned individual’s profile.
You can respond to a Tweet by hitting the reply button. When you reply, your response is public, and
will show up in your home timeline and the timeline of the person to whom you are responding. The
reply will also be visible in the home timelines of people who follow both you and the person to whom
you sent the reply. Meaning, someone not in the conversation has to follow both of the people replying
to be able to read both sides of the conversation.
You can pass along someone’s Tweet by retweetingit. Just hit the retweet button to send the original message
to all of your followers.
Twitter’s link- shortening feature allows you to paste a link of any length into the Tweet box and it
will automatically be shortened to 19 characters. This makes it easier to fit long URLs into the 140
character limit.
You can favourite the tweet for future reference. This is just like an archiving something that’s really
interesting to you.
7. DM (direct message)
You can send private messages to someone, just like an email. For DM, sender and reciver should be
following each other
Thumb rules:
• Remember, you just have 140 characters to play around. Compose your message within 120
characters or less and leave atleast20 characters so that others can re-tweet (RT).
• Utilization of # hash tags Tweets with hash tags get twice the engagement of those Create a list
of #Hash tags relevant to your brand Build a campaign around those #Hash tags and invite
followers to re-tweet.
• Posts with images have double the engagement of those without even though users can’t see them
until they click on them. It creates an interest among the audience.
Linked in Marketing
LinkedIn is the world's largest social network for professionals. With over 161 million registered users
in more than 200 countries, more than two million companies have created LinkedIn Company Pages
to vie for their attention. If you are in B2B business this platform is very useful for you to connect with
companies directors and marketing person.
It is a visual discovery social network. It is a way of sharing images of anything,from fashion to pets
to pot plants. You can crete your own online pinboards to suits any theme and share ot with likeminded
Pinterest completely revolves around the premise of being creative and visual. 70% users are female
and aged between 25 and 44. So if you are targeting women pinterest is the right platform. Pinterest is
now one of the top 10 social networking sites tracked by Hitwise.
Instgram, the new revolutionary photo-sharing program, making it easier that ever to share your best
pictures with the world. The social media program allow you to upload, add digital filters, and then
post your pictures on your Instagram-feed, as well as other social networking sites. You can connect
your Instgram account with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Foursquare and your email account.
This makes it easy to share your pictures on multiple platforms all at once.
Google +
Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" that enhances many of its online properties, and that
it is not simply a social networking website, but also an authorship tool that associates web-content
directly with its owner/author. It is the second-largest social networking site in the world after
Facebook. 540 million monthly active users are part of the Identity service site, by interacting socially
with Google+'s enhanced properties, like Gmail, +1 button, and YouTube comments..In October 2013,
Google counted 540 million active users who used at least one Google+ service, of which 300 million
users are active in "the stream".
You tube
YouTube is a video Social Networking site, and the 2nd most popular search site on the Internet after
Google, who owns YouTube. YouTube video watching is a significant activity on the Internet, with
over 1 billion visits to YourTube daily and over 100 million videos watched daily. And it's easy for
anyone who sees your video to rate it and share it with his Social Network.
3. ORM (Online Reputation Management)
Online reputation management coined by the public relation. Basically ORM is a process include-
5. EMT (Email Marketing)
It usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant
to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either sold lists or current
customer database
It is a standard Business Development process followed by the company and ask me to follow, it is
basic process followed by every startup company in order to approach a clients initially. Sometimes
they may send teaser E-mailer of a similar domain to the clients before approaching them.
1. Market 2. Database
Analysis and Creation of
Market Research clients
5. Proposal
Making for 6. Project Closure
Market research is any organized effort to gather information about target markets or customers. It is a very
important component of business strategy.
The first step of business development process is to know your target audience well before approaching
them. The main objective behind the market analysis and research of target audience is to know their
online presence and how active they are on web. Market research also helps to estimate the online
marketing opportunities of different sectors over the periods. The intense research is required while
studying the online habits of different sectors keeping competitors in mind.
The proper market research make your task easier while talking to clients as you know about them
well in advance, which help you to answer their question. And can better explain the clients how they
can use web as a medium of approaching the customers in a short span of time.
Market Research includes research about the different sectors. Currently we are targeting on Travel,
Real Estate Sector, Education sectors, Fitness, jeweler in Pune. It includes study of digital habits of
the target sector, their online presence, their online need, etc.
The second step is database creation; once the market is analyzed the database of sector is created for a
company treasure for future.
Database creation includes recording the details of the clients like company details, their online presence,
concerned person from marketing department and their contact details.
During my internship I have created almost six different sectors database as company wants to target
different sectors for exploring themselves.
NOTE – The complete detail of a database can’t be disclose as per the company’s policy
Cold calling is the sales process of approaching prospective customers or clients—typically via
telephone, by email or through making a connection on a social network—who were not expecting
such an interaction. The word "cold" is used because the person receiving the call is not expecting a
call or has not specifically asked to be contacted by a sales person. A cold call is usually the start of a
sales process generally known as telemarketing.
The next step is cold calling. It includes contacting the concerned person, explaining him/her in brief
about the organization, conveying that person how digital marketing is helpful for their organization
to achieve online presence, traffic, leads and branding.
My company guide shared a call script with me and also explained me how to talk, what to talk, the
way we should talk to concern person. He also explains how to get a concern person number (director
or marketing person) from the office people.
The main objective of cold calling is to fix the maximum meetings with a concern person so that further points
can be discussed in detail with them.
Cold calling is a first interaction with a concern person and everyone knows first impression is a last
impression. He taught me the way how first impression is made.
During my internship total numbers of calls made by me was 82, calls to real estate sector and fitness sector.
NOTE- The details of calls can’t disclose as per the company’s policy
The next step is fixing meeting, it stage little critical for a startup, convincing the clients and ask them
to meet you is biggest challenge, But that’s a feel of work. Talking to different people of different
traits was a good experience and successfully fixes the 8 meetings out of which 3 was attended by me
and 1 was converted.
Actual meeting gave you the reality check where you are when your clients know everything, shoots
the too many questions and ask you how you are better than other. At that time you understand the
difference between the dorm rooms to the boardroom.
The fifth step is proposal making once meeting is done with a concern person where the various aspects
has been discussed already, and the client requirement can known accordingly the proposal is made
for them enlisting all his requirement related to digital marketing. Proposal includes following details:
a) Services needed by the client. These services include SEO, SEM, SMM, ODA, ORM, etc
b) Proper segmentation and targeting according to sector. Eg. If an MBA Education Institute wants digital
marketing services for branding, promotion and lead generation, then our target market would be,
students who have completed their graduation and professionals with 2-3 years of experience who can
opt for Executive MBA.
The final stage is project closure; if all the stage works that means you are close to crack the deal. Once
the deal is cracked the further decision are taken like, preparing the strategies for the same as per the
clients requirement or the digital marketing channels choose by him/her.
Company make an roadmap or a weekly /monthly plans of the each channel separately and get the
approval from the client to execute the plan and once it approved the plan actually come into an action.
Content writing like any other form of writing requires in depth knowledge and great skill. The success of any
write-ups depends on the quality and authencity of the content of the website.
Content writing though does not follow a specific format, yet is certainly guided by some fundamental
• Choose a simple, impersonal style: your readers are not interested in judging your scholarship.
I have been told the way I need to frame a content of a different target sectors. The company actually
wanted to have a research about how online marketing helped such sectors in their success.
Holiday Hours
Uses of calendar
Use of Social Media
What is Game
What is Game
Under this article, I am going to tell about what a game is, types of game, advantages and disadvantages of a
game and whether it is helpful for us or not. Normally we know game only helps into just for fun and time pass
but we don`t know game also helps to train our brain and improve brain efficiency of work, but normally we
play the game for just for fun but in now time we make our career in this field. Like game animator, game
designer and much more as we know we live in a technological area where everything depends upon
technology. Here the game is a help to make our career in this field and also help in for fun if you want to know
more about the game read this blog I hope u get full knowledge about the game.
What is a game?
the game is a part of our general life like dance and daily routine of our general life is one kind of game. The
game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict that is defined by rules that give a quantifiable
outcome, in every game starts when two parties are involved in any particular game like opponent or computer
its self. The game is a set of rules, goals and competition every game has different - different rule, goal and
Types of a game.
There are some basic types of games.
1. Party Games
2. Tabletop Games
3. Video Games
4. Other Games
1. Party Games.
Party games are a game that is played at socially it is facilitated by interaction and provide entertainment to
people, we paly party game in our general life it's an outdoor game in this game large group people is involved
we play party games just for fun.
Daring Games
Conversation Games
Guessing Game
Wedding Games
Pub Games.
2. Tabletop Games.
Tabletop games as its name suggest tabletop it is played on a table or other flat surface.
Card Games
Dice Games
Carrom Boards
Board Games.
3. Video Games.
A video game is an electronic game because we play that game on our computer screen or tv screen it involves
user interface help to generate visual feedback with the help of video device, In this game always two parties
involve opponent or computer its self.
There is some video game like.
Arcade Games
Computer Games
Mobile Games
4. Other Game.
Under this game, we play educational games, playground games, and outdoors games. We can say it is a part of
a party game, an educational game like a mathematical game, puzzle and much more.
There are some common criteria that are must for every game.
Games Rule
The course of the game is never the same - chance.
1. Games Rule.
Rules of the game is a help to play any game systematically and some time rules and component has defined the
game but everything does not belong to the rule, every game has different - different rule and that is a help to
defined the game.
2. Goal.
Every game has a goal if u play the game and also you want to win here game is set some condition and
requirements for win game and sometimes you set some strategy to win the game whether the game is a help to
set some strategy for winning the game.
3. Competition.
Each and every game demonstrate competition. Players compete in a game to the computer or competitor. there
are to chance one is win the game or lose the game.
It means that if you read the book, watches a movie or listen to music you can repeat the experience ant time.
But in the case of the game, you can play the game any no of time however and the course of the game is
different in every time.
A game is an object which consists of components and rule, we play the games for fun, entertainment and
interaction it also helps to train our brain and also it helps in a study. sometimes we learn something new in the
time of playing the game.
Taco Bell is an American chain of fast-food restaurant. It is founded in 1946 by Glen Bell, who first opened a
hot dog stand called Bell`s Drive-In in San Bernardino, California when he was 23 years old. In 1950, he
opened a Bell`s Hamburgers and Hot Dogs in San Bernardino`s West Side barrio. Taco Bell is a subsidiary of
Yum! Brands in which they serve a variety of Tex-Mex food, including tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos,
other speciality items, and also provide a value menu items. Taco Bell serves more than 2 billion customers
each year at 7,000 restaurants, more than 80% which is owned and operated by its self-franchisees and
Taco Bell provides a large number of varieties in food here we only cover famous food of Taco Bell.
Crunchy Taco
Crunchy Taco Supreme
Soft Taco
Soft Taco Supreme
Chicken Soft Taco
Grilled Steak Soft Taco
Double Decker Taco
Double Decker Taco Supreme.
Bean Burrito
Beefy 5-Layer Burrito
Chicken Burrito
Cheese Potato Burrito
Combo Burrito
Burrito Supreme
7-Layer Burrito
Black Bean Burrito.
Cheesy Nachos
Nachos BellGrande
Nachos Supreme
Volcano Nachos.
Easter Sunday
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day.
In holidays times Taco Bell restaurant will operate according to their holiday's schedules and many locations it
will open late and close early on these days. In holiday time before visiting the restaurant you can call in a
restaurant and get confirmation about their operating schedules it will help you to save your time and money.
What is Calendar
Under this article, I am going to tell about what is a calendar and also discuss various types of a calendar and
how it is useful. The Calendar is a visual representation of month and days of any given year, It uses an
alternative to create Add post button. The order of creating a post is changed first pick a date, and then create
the content of the post. The calendar allows a user to schedule events and set alerts and reminders for important
date and events. It was the first luxury features to make it the smartphone and laptop they provide various
features.The calendar provides an easy-to-use, robust function for time management, scheduling, and planning,
and also it is a system of organising days for social, religious, commercial and, administrative purpose. The first
calendar reform of the early was the Gregorian Calendar, introduced in 1582 based on the observation of a
long-term shift between the Julian calendar and solar year.
Types of Calendar.
PDF Calendar
Word Calendar
Excel Calendar.
PDF Calendar.
PDF Calendar is blank and printable, weekly and month calendar Planners its means we organise pdf calendar
according to our work and events and set schedule of our work time. It is useful for the business man because in
this calendar they easily organise our monthly schedule of Owen time and days.
Word Calendar.
Word calendar is a one form of a calendar that will use in a foreign country because they organise our
work according to their own time schedule of work and the event it is different company to company in a
foreign country they don't give burden of work their employee. we can easily customise word calendar
according to our event and set a reminder for our event it is easy to use most of the time it is used in the bank.
Excel Calendar.
Excel Calendar is an also part of the calendar that will make under the Microsoft Excel it is related to word it
means that under this calendar we also organise the calendar according to our choice and work. There are three
steps of making an excel calendar.
Both the calendar plays an important role in our life, we use a pdf calendar for normal awareness of days and
cultural event, and word calendar is using by businessman because they set a reminder of our event of according
to their schedule most of the word calendar use in U.S.A. and also we use excel calendar in bank and
government organization because they will set their own work schedule according to our department.
Whataburger is an American fast food restaurant chain, That specialises in hamburgers. It is founded in 1950,
by Harmon Dobson and Paul Burton they opened its first restaurant in Corpus Christi, Texas. It is operated
by the Dobson family along with 25 franchises, As of April 2017, there are currently 809 Whataburgers stores
across the Southeastern and Southwestern United State. Their Headquarters is San Antonio U.S. The first A-
frame restaurant was built in Odessa, Texas, and is now that restaurant is a historical landmark of
Whataburger. In June 1950, Dobson was granted the Whataburger trademark, In 1951, Burton and Dobson
ended their partnership after arguments concerning Dobson`s price raise of the burgers from 25 to 30 cents.
Burton settled with owning the Whataburger franchises in San Antonio, Taxes. And also in 1952, Dobson
opened a location in Kingsville, Taxes. In 1959, the first Whataburger restaurant outside Taxes opened in
Pensacola, Florida.
Whataburger Restaurant is Open on these holidays.
Easter Sunday
Christmas Day
Thanksgiving Day.
All-Time Favorites
Sides & Salads
Desserts & Snacks
Drinks & Shakes.
All-Time Favorites.
Double Meat Burger
Bacon & Cheese Whataburger
Jalapeno & Cheese Whataburger
Whataburger Jr.
Apple Slice
French Fries
Onion Rings
Apple & Cranberry Chicken Salad
Garden Salad.
Whatachick`n Strips 2 Piece.
Whatachick`n Bites 4 Piece
Grilled Cheese.
Coffee Shake
Soft Drink
In holidays time Whataburger Restaurant may operate according to their holiday schedule. Many locations will
open late and close early oh these days. before visiting the restaurant u can call the restaurant and get
confirmation about their schedule it mat help you to save your time and money.
Under this article, I am going to tell about the month of August 2017, calendar and also I have discussed the
different type of calendar of one particular month. Basically, we know the every year calendar has three type
PdF, Word, and Excel these all are printable calendar it means we print these all type of calendar and also it will
help to set a reminder of event and work of any person it is also helpful for the individual person and
organisation. As you know the August is 8th Month of any year, A calendar is a great tool for the define a
normal work routine of any individual person and also help to keep track of activities in an efficient manner.
The calendar is also helpful for those people who have a habit of keeping track of their performance and plan
for future activity. And it also helps to know about our cultural event and social event.
As you know the holiday is a most important part every person life because holiday always helps to reduce a
stress of every person. No one could imagine a life without any free time, without any holiday. It is necessary to
have a holiday calendar in order to know about all the upcoming holiday.
You can use the printable calendar for making your work more suitable and easy and also it will help to set a
reminder of your work and event. Use of printable calendar is the best way to stay organised and focused an
entire month.
Chase Bank is the national bank that constitutes the consumer and commercial banking subsidiary of U.S.
multinational banking and financial service holding company, JP Morgan Chase. From 1, September 1799, to
1955 it was called The Bank of The Manhattan Company (New York), In 1955 after a merger with the Chase
National Bank it was called Chase Manhattan Bank. And also the bank was known as Chase Manhattan Bank
until it merged with JP. Morgan & Company in 2000. The bank has been headquartered in Columbus, Ohio
since its merger with Bank One Corporation in 2004. The bank acquired the deposit and most assets of
Washington Mutual. Chase Bank offers more than 51,000 branches and 16,000 ATM`s nationwide. JP. Morgan
Chase has 250,355 employees and operates in more than 100 countries. The Chase Bank is founded in 1877, by
John Thompson, It was named after former the United States Treasury Secretary and Chief Justice Salmon P.
Chase. It is acquired a number of smaller banks in the 1920s, through its Chase Securities Corporation.
Chase Bank is Open on these holidays.
Valentine’s Day
Mardi Gras Day
Patrick’s Day
Tax Day
Easter Monday
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Black Day.
Sunday Closed.
Real Estate
Credit and Financing
Treasury Services
International Banking.
Real Estate.
Multifamily Lending
Commercial Mortgage Lending
Real Estate Banking
Community Development Banking.
Treasury Service.
International Banking.
Foreign Exchange
Global Trade
Multinational Corporation.
If you are the customer of Chase Bank this article is very useful for you guys because in this article I am
mention all the holiday of Chase Bank. And also I am mention opening-closing hours of Chase Bank. And also
I am discussing the in which holiday Chase Bank is Closed and Open.
September Calendar 2017
Under this article, I am going to tell about what is a monthly calendar and how it is useful for us. And also
discuss a various type of monthly calendar like Pdf Calendar, Word calendar, and Excel calendar how we use
this all type of calendar in our general life and as well as professional life. Calendar is an important part of
everyone life because normally we use a calendar for an awareness of Day, Date, Holiday and Culturel Event of
any particular month but we can also use a calendar for organise our work schedule and set a reminder of our
work and event to achieve our desired objective and goals of our life and also of our organisation where we
work. And sometimes we make our own calendar as per our work and event of our organisation. A calendar is
useful for a normal people, professional people, and also for any organisation. In our busy life calendar is help
us to stay organised and focused on all thing of our life.
As you know the holiday is the most important part of our life it will help to reduce our stress of one week
without any holiday we don`t want to work anywhere. Calendar always helps us to know about the holiday of
any particular month and also a cultural event of that month there is a one common holiday of every month that
is a Sunday of every week.
September 1, Idul-Ad`ha
September 2, Idul Juha
September 19, Mahalaya
September 21, Muharram
September 27, Saptami of Durgapuja
September 28, Durgapuja
September 29, Mahanavmi
September 30, Vijay Dashmi.
A calendar is a very useful for time management of our life, and also useful for work management, event
management and set a reminder of all important work of our life. We not down all works, tasks, and assignment
that anyone needs to do in any frame of time of our life. A calendar is a helpful tool for our life that will always
help to organise a work of every month.
Fifth Third Bank is a U.S. regional banking corporation, It was founded on June 17, 1858, when the bank of
the Ohio Valley opened in Cincinnati. Five years later, The Third National Bank organised on June 23, 1863.
On April 29, 1871, the younger bank acquired the older one, beginning a long history of acquisitions and
mergers the absorbed and renamed numerous smaller bank. Fifth Third's unusual name is the result of the June
1, 1908, merger of Third National Bank and Fifth National Bank, to become the Fifth-Third National Bank of
Cincinnati. While Third National was the senior partner, the merger took place when prohibitionist ideas were
gaining popularity, and it is legend that Fifth Third was better than Third Fifth, which could have been
construed as a reference to three-fifths of alcohol the name went through several changes over the year until
March 24, 1969, when it was changed to Fifth Third Bank. Theirs headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio at Fifth
Third Center, In November 2000, Fifth Third announced the purchase of Old Kent Bank of Western Michigan.
This added more than 300 full-service banking centres in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.
New year day
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents day
Memorial day
Independence day
Labor day
Columbus day
Veterans day
Christmas Eve
Christmas day.
Fifth Third Bank is open every day in a week and also it is not open any holidays that is mention above in this
Bank Service
Borrow Service
Insurence Service
Investment Service
Insight & Education.
Small Business.
Bank Service
Borrow Service
Cash Management
Resource Center
Capital Markets
Finance Service
Resource Center
Treasury Management.
Wealth Management.
To know more about the service of Fifth Third Bank in details Click Here.
If you are the customer of Fifth Third Bank this article is very useful for you to know about the service of the
bank and also opening closing hours of Fifth Third Bank, a holiday of Fifth Third Bank and also a history of
this bank to know more about this bank read this article.
Holiday Hours of Hardee`s Restaurant
Hardee`s is an American fast food restaurant chain operated by CKE Restaurant Holdings Inc. It was founded
on September 3, 1960, by Wilber Hardee first restaurant is open in Greenville, North Carolina. After a year of
success, Wilber decided to look into expanding his restaurant and opening another location so he met with
James Gardner and Leonard Rawls to discuss doing so. Shortly thereafter, the first company store was opened
in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on May 1961 by James Carson Gardner and Leonard Rawls on McDonald
Street in on North Church Street in Rocky Mount, known within the chain as building number 1. That location
was demolished in 2007, after 10 years of vacancy and replaced with a veteran's park named for Jack Laugher, a
former Hardee`s chairmen and veteran. In July 2015, Hardee`s announced that it would be offering The All-
Natural Burger, which launched at sister-chain Carl`s Jr restaurant in December 2014. As of March 2016, CKE
has a total of 3,664 franchised operated in 44 states and 37 foreign countries and U.S. territories.
Easter Sunday
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day.
Click Here to know more about the menu of Hardee`s in details because there every food provides many
varieties of our customer.
In holidays time restaurant may operate according to their holiday schedule and also in many locations it will
open late and closed early on these days. For save our time and money before visiting the restaurant in holidays
time you can call to the nearest restaurant and get confirmation about their schedule it will help you to save your
time and money.
What is Monthly Calendar
Under this article, I've discussed the what is a monthly calendar and how it is important for us, and also we
discuss about the upcoming three months of this year. As you know the month is a part or unit of a year in
normally we can say a month is a unit of time, used with calendars, which is approximately as long as a natural
period related to the motion of the Moon, month and Moon are cognates. The traditional concept across with
the cycle of Moon phase, such months are a synodic month and last approximately 29.53 days. Synodic month,
based on the Moon`s orbital periods with respect to the Earth-Sun line, are still the basis of many calendars
today and are used to divide the year. Normally every month is have four weeks and 30 or 31 days that will
help to every person to schedule their own days according to work and also its helps as a reminder.
It is eight month of any year in the Jullian and Gregorian calendars and also it is the fifth month to have the
length of 31 days in the year. August month is have 31 days and 4 weeks in a month.
It is the ninth month of the year in the Jullian and Gregorian calendars and also the third month to have the
length of 30 days. And also it is the month with the longest name with nine letters. In this month 30 days and 4
October is a tenth month of the year in the Jullian and Gregorian calendars and also six months to have the
length of 31 days. It is created by Romans after January and February it also has 31 days and 4 weeks.
Muharram, 1 October
Gandhi Jayanti, 2 October
Valmiki Jayanti, 5 October
Deewali, 19 October
Deepavali, 20 October
Bhai Duj, 21 October.
And also a common holiday on Sunday.
A month is a unit of time who help to remind us a day, holidays, and also cultural event. And sometimes it's
help to businessman to set a reminder of our work and event on the calendar. and in every month is have one
common holiday on Sunday.
For face book posting you firstly need to understand and study the company profile or its domain well
accordingly one can plan a SMM plan especially face book posting plan which gave an idea what can be
posted on a page to get a maximum engagement.
I was doing a generic posting of six existing clients face book page of a company. I was handling the
three real estate company page, one NGO page, in house pages and one page of different sector.
Before making a plan I did a proper research of the related sectors face book pages of other companies
in order to know what others are doing, which post create the more curiosity, engagement, accordingly
I framed my weekly plan. While keeping in mind the theme of the page and creativity.
I mostly post the interactive posts on the face book pages so that fans can interact, comment, like and
share. It is because during my research I came to know people respond more to either for interactive
post or for creativity or innovative idea.
NOTE- I can’t disclose the name of a clients as per the company’s policy DIRECTORY
Technical Aspects of problem:
1. Most of the real sector people actually understanding the value and opportunities of digital
2. With the study of digital marketing I came to its emergence and extreme growth in
today’s scenario.
3. What I found in client servicing is convincing clients is bit complex as they too have complete
knowledge about the digital marketing and also explaining how we are better than others.
4. Most of the sectors initially opt for the digital marketing channels name search engine
optimization, search engine marketing and social media marketing and later they will think about
other channels which mean these three channel high acceptance.
5. It is easier to approach a company’s if you first send them an E-mailer to related sector and then
call them in fact sometimes the company itself call having seen the E-mailer.
The summer internship project helped me to understand how the corporate business works. The various
departments and its functions and how all are interrelated to each other. Explacia Solution`s Pvt. Ltd
Greater Noida based Digital Marketing firm which shows me the complete process of how they work
at each functional level, especially about the business development as it was my job profile. It is a
basic process for which intensive research is to be conducted to find out the target audience, clients,
sponsors, vendors etc. The business development process starts from research and ends at project
closure. This project has made me understand the various key- points which are is considered to crack
a deal, how to deal with different people.
The company helped me to learn and meet a lot of corporate people, which helped me to understand the
Get to know about challenges and opportunities for digital marketing in India.
Gain basic understanding of SEO, SEM, SMM, ORM, etc
Fulfilling each and every requirement of client is very important regardless of whether that requirement is
small or big.
Healthy Competition forced to do better job the trick is to learn from your competitors quicker than they
can learn from you. Always look for your competitors’ strengths.
Digital marketing work is all about a team work and it always try to give best out of all.
Time management is the big management lesson I have learnt as make individual more divert to words it
How to do a formal communication, the way how to communicate with each level of management to get
work done.