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Sem 2 Syllabus

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DR. A.P.J.



Revised Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus

(Dual Specialization in Marketing, HR, Finance, Operation, IB & IT)

First Year


(Effective from the Session: 2020-21)

MBA Revised CURRICULUM Effective from the Session2020-21 Page 1

1 & LEGAL ASPECT OF 4 0 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
2 4 0 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
3 4 0 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
4 3 1 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
5 3 1 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3
6 TECHNIQUES FOR 3 1 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3


7 4 0 0 30 20 0 50 100 0 150 3

8 2 0 0 15 10 0 25 50 0 75 2


9 .0%1 IT SKILLS LAB-2 0 0 2 0 0 25 25 0 0 25 1

10 .0%1 0 0 3 0 0 25 25 0 25 50 2

1200 26
L/T/P – Lecture/Tutorial/Practical, CT/TA/PS- Class Test/Teachers Assessment/Practical Session, TE/PE-
Term End/ Practical End

MBA Revised CURRICULUM Effective from the Session2020-21 Page 3

Semester II
Business Environment & Legal Aspect of Business
Course Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 40

Course Objectives:

1. The basic objective of the course is to develop understanding and provide knowledge about
business environment to the management students.

2. To promote basic understanding on the concepts of Business Environment and international

business environment.

3. To provide basic understanding of law of contract

4. To impart basic understanding of provisions of Companies Act concerning incorporation and

regulation of business organizations.

5. To appraise the students on the leading practical application oriented case studies – relevant and
updated and analyzing case laws in arriving at conclusions facilitating business decisions.

Unit I - (10Hrs)

Introduction to Micro Environment –

Meaning of Business & Business Environment,, Types of Business Organizations , SWOT analysis ,
Types of Environment-Internal to the Enterprise (Value System, Management Structure and Nature,
Human Resource, Company Image and Brand Value, Physical Assets, Facilities, Research &
Development, Intangibles, Competitive Advantage), External to the Enterprise , Micro- Suppliers,
Customers, Market Intermediaries; Macro- Demography, Natural, Legal & Political, Technological,)
Michael Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Competitive Strategies
Unit II - (6 Hrs)

Macro Cont: Economic, Socio-Cultural, Competitive & International Environment –

Economy, Competition, Socio-cultural and International); Business Environment with reference to
Global Integration; Comparative Analysis of Business Environment: India and Other Countries ,
Factors affecting international business environment, Business Policy : LPG model & International
forces in business.
UNIT- III (8 hrs)

Law of Contract: Definition, essentials and types of contracts, offer definition and essentials,
acceptance – definition and essentials, consideration – definition and essentials, exceptions to the
rule, no consideration, no contract, doctrine of privity of contract, capacity of parties, free consent,
quasi contract, legality of object, performance of contract, termination of contract, remedies for
breach of contract.
Sale of Goods Act: Essentials, sale v/s agreement to sell. Condition v/s warranties, rights of unpaid
UNIT IV (8hrs)

Companies Act Definition, characteristics and kinds of companies, steps in formation of company.
Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, prospectus. Directors: appointment, power,
duties and liabilities, meeting and resolutions: types of meetings. Auditor: appointment, rights and
liabilities, modes of winding up of a company.
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UNITV (8 hrs)

Consumer Protection Act: Definitions - Aims and objectives, Consumer protection councils,
Redressal agencies and penalties for violation.

The Information Technology Act: Definition, Digital Signature, Electronic Governance, Attribution,
Acknowledgment and Dispatch of Electronic Records, Sense Electronic Records and Sense Digital
Signatures, Regulation of Certifying Authorities, Digital Signature Certificates, Duties of
Subscribers, Penalties and Offences.

S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy

CO1) Develop understanding and fundamental Remembering ( k1)
knowledge about business environment Knowledge ( K 2)
CO2) Develop understanding on the concepts of Business
2 K2 Knowledge
Environment and international business environment.

3 CO3) Develop basic understanding of law of contract K2 Knowledge

CO4) understanding of provisions of Companies Act
4 concerning incorporation and regulation of business K2 Knowledge
CO5) Able to analyze case laws in arriving at conclusions K4 Applying
facilitating business decisions. K5 Analysing
Suggested Readings

1. Business Environment ---Francis Cherunilam, Himalaya Publishing House

2. Business Environment: Test and Cases , PAUL, Mc Graw Hill Education , 3rd Ed.
3. V. Neelamegam – Business Envirnoment (VrindaPublications , 2nd Edition)
4. Shaikh & Saleem - Business Environment (Pearson, 2nd Edition)
5. International Business Environment—Ian Brooks, Jamie Weatherstom and GrahmWilkinson
6. Kuchhal M.C. - Business Law (Vikas Publication)
7. Gulshan S.S. - Business Law Including Company Law (Excel Books)
8. N D Kapoor – Elements of Mercantile Law – Sultan Chand-2014.

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Course Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 40

Course Objectives: In this course the students will learn the basic concepts and frameworks of
Human Resource Management (HRM) and understand the role that HRM has to play in effective
business administration. It will provide an insight as to how to use Human Resource as a tool to
implement strategies.
UNIT I: (7 Hours)
Essentials of HRM: Functions of HRM, HRM vs.HRD, Strategic HRM: Meaning and Roles in
Strategy formulation and implementation, Barriers to strategic HRM, Linking HR strategy with
business strategy, Roles of HR Manager, roles of HR in merger and acquisitions, Technology & HR
and changing roles of HR due to technology, HRM linkage with TQM & productivity. Case Studies
UNIT II: (8 Hours)
Human Resource Planning and Employee Hiring : Meaning of job Analysis, job design, Human
Resource Planning, methods demand forecasting for manpower planning, factors influencing HRP,
Employee hiring- methods of Recruitment, Employee selection, process of employee selection,
recent trends in recruitment. Case Studies
UNIT III: (8 Hours)
Employee Training & Development: Meaning importance of Training, types and methods and types
of training, career planning, promotion, transfer, demotion and separation, Performance Appraisal:
Meaning and types of appraisal, Job Evaluation: Meaning and methods of job evaluation. Case
UNIT IV: (9 Hours)
Compensation Management and Employee Relations: Introduction to compensation management,
Components and structure of employee compensation, Factors affecting employee compensation,
Employee incentive schemes, and recent trends in compensations management, Meaning of
employee relation and industrial relations. Case Studies
UNIT V: (8 Hours)
Employee Safety/ Health and International Human Resource Management: Needs and leagal
provision of employee health, measures to promote employee health , purpose of employee safety,
accidents: causes & prevention, effective safety management ,& legal provisos. basic principles
governing International Human Resource Case Studies

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S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
CO1. Synthesize the role of human resources
management as it supports the success of the
K6 Synthesizing
1 organization including the effective
development of human capital as an agent for
organizational change.
CO2. Demonstrate knowledge of laws that
impact behaviour in relationships between
2 employers and employees that ultimately K2 Knowledge
impact the goals and strategies of the
CO3. Understand the role of employee benefits
and compensation as a critical component of
3 K3 Comprehending
employee performance, productivity and
organizational effectiveness.
CO4.Show evidence of the ability to analyze,
manage and problem solve to deal with the
4 K5Analysing
challenges and complexities of the practice of
collective bargaining.
CO5. Demonstrate knowledge of practical
application of training and employee K2 Knowledge
development as it impacts organizational K4 Applying
strategy and competitive advantage.

Suggested Readings
1. V.S.P.Rao, Human Resource Management (Text and Cases) Himalaya Publications, Thirteenth
2. Durai Praveen, Human Resource Management Pearson Publication, 2nd Edition.
3. Gary Dessler and BijuVarkkeyHuman Resource Management, Person Publication, 2013, 14th
4. SeemaSanghi, Human Resource Management, VikasPubllications, 2014, 5th Edition.
5. K. Aswathappa, Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill Education, 2013, 7th Edition.

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Course Credit: 3 Contact Hours:40

Course objectives
1. Understand the concept / fundamentals of research and their types.
2. Understand the practical application of various research techniques.
3. Understand the importance of scaling & measurement techniques and sampling techniques
4. Understand the importance of coding, editing, tabulation and analysis in doing research.
5. Understanding and applying the concept of statistical analysis which includes ANOVA technique
and technique of report writing.

Unit 1 (8 Sessions)
Research: – Definition, Meaning, Importance types and Qualities of Research; Research applications in
functional areas of Business, Emerging trends in Business research.
Research & the Scientific Method: Characteristics of scientific method. Steps in Research Process
Concept of Scientific Enquiry: – Formulation of Research Problem – Management Question – research
Question – Investigation Question
Research Proposal – Elements of a Research Proposal, Drafting a Research Proposal, evaluating a
research proposal.

Unit 2 (8 Sessions)
Research design: Concept, Features of a good research design, Use of a good research design;
Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches, Comparison – Pros and Cons of both approaches.
Exploratory Research Design: Concept, Types: Qualitative techniques – Projective Techniques, Depth
Interview, Experience Survey, Focus Groups, Observation.
Descriptive Research Designs: Concept, types and uses. Concept of Cross-sectional and Longitudinal
Experimental Design: Concept of Cause, Causal relationships, Concept of Independent & Dependent
variables, concomitant variable, extraneous variable, Treatment, Control group.

Unit 3 (6 Sessions)
Scaling & measurement techniques: Concept of Measurement: Need of Measurement; Problems in
measurement in management research – Validity and Reliability. Levels of measurement – Nominal,
Ordinal, Interval, Ratio. Attitude Scaling Techniques: Concept of Scale – Rating Scales viz. Likert
Scales, Semantic Differential Scales, Constant Sum Scales, Graphic Rating Scales – Ranking Scales –
Paired comparison & Forced Ranking – Concept and Application.

Unit 4 (6 Sessions)
Sampling:Basic Concepts: Defining the Universe, Concepts of Statistical Population, Sample,
Characteristics of a good sample. Sampling Frame (practical approach for determining the sample frame
expected), Sampling errors, Non Sampling errors, Methods to reduce the errors, Sample Size constraints,
Non Response.
Probability Sample: Simple Random Sample, Systematic Sample, Stratified Random Sample, Area
Sampling & Cluster Sampling.

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Non Probability Sample: Judgment Sampling, Convenience Sampling, Purposive Sampling, Quota
Sampling & Snowballing Sampling methods. Determining size of the sample – Practical considerations
in sampling and sample size, sample size determination.
Unit 5 (8 Sessions)
Data Analysis: Editing, Coding, Tabular representation of data, frequency tables, Construction of
frequency distributions, Graphical Representation of Data: Appropriate Usage of Bar charts, Pie charts,
Hypothesis: Qualities of a good Hypothesis –Framing Null Hypothesis & Alternative Hypothesis.
Concept of Hypothesis Testing – Logic & Importance. Analysis of Variance: One way and two way
Mechanism of Report Writing- Report Preparation: Types, Report Structure: preliminary section, main
report, interpretation of results, suggestions and recommendations, limitations of the study, Report
Course Outcomes Blooms Taxanomy
CO1. Knowledge of concept / fundamentals for different • Knowledge ( K 2)
types of research.
CO2. Applying relevant research techniques. • Remembering ( K1)
• Applying ( K 4)
CO3. Understanding relevant scaling & measurement • Comprehending (K 3)
techniques and should use appropriate sampling • Applying ( K 4)
CO4.Synthesizing different techniques of coding, editing, • Analyzing ( K 5)
tabulation and analysis in doing research. • Synthesizing ( K6)
CO5.Evaluating statistical analysis which includes • Evaluating ( K7)
ANOVA technique and prepare research report.

Suggested Readings
1. Research Methodology, Deepak Chawla, NeenaSondhi, Vikas Publication
2. Business Research Methods, Naval Bajpai, Pearson Education
3. Research Methodology, C R Kothari, New Age International.
4. Business Research Methods by Donald Cooper & Pamela Schindler, TMGH, 9th Edition.
5. Business Research Methods by Alan Bryman & Emma Bell, Oxford University Press, 2ndEdition.
6. Business Research Methods by T N Srivastava & Shailaja Rao, TMH Publication, 2ndEdition.

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Course Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 40 Hrs

Course Objectives: This course is intended to introduce the basic theory, concepts and practical
applications in corporate finance and to enable students to analyse various corporate decisions. The
course objectives are outlined below:

1) To understand the fundamentals, various models and agency problems of Corporate Finance.
2) To acquire knowledge about various techniques used for analysing various long-term projects.
3) To have an understanding about various capital structure techniques and selecting best source of
4) To have an understanding of various dividend models and its applicability.
5) To acquaint students about corporate valuation in mergers and acquisitions.

UNIT I (6 Hrs)

Introduction to Finance & Corporate Finance: Corporate Finance & its scope, Corporate
Governance and Agency Problem, Corporate valuation Models: Asset Based Valuation Model,
Earning based Valuation Model, Cash flow-based Model, CAPM Model, APT, EVA Analysis,
Introduction to start-up finance, Financial Decisions, Time Value of Money.

UNIT II (10 Hrs)

Investment and Financing Decision: Concept of Opportunity Cost, Cost of Debenture, Preference
and Equity capital, Composite Cost of Capital, Cash Flows as Profit and components of Cash Flows,
Capital Budgeting Decisions, Calculation of NPV and IRR, Excel Application in Analysing Projects.

UNIT III (10 Hrs)

Financial Decision: Capital Structure, Relevance and Irrelevancy theory, Leverage analysis –
financial, operating and combined leverage along with its implications, EBIT EPS Analysis, Point of

UNIT IV (10 Hrs)

Dividend Relevance: Factors affecting Dividend Policy, Forms of Dividends, Types of Dividend
Policies, Dividend Models: Walter and Gordon Model, Miller- Modigliani (MM) Hypothesis.

UNIT V (4 Hrs)

Mergers and Acquisition: Introduction, Exchange Ratio, Synergy Benefits, Post Merger EPS, Post
Merger Price of share, Required rate of return of merged company, De-Merger.

Course Outcome: After successful completion of this course students will be able:

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S.No Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy

1. CO1 Understand the different basic concept / Models · Knowledge (K2)

of Corporate Finance and Governance · Remembering(K1)

2. CO2 Understand the practical application of time value · Analyzing (K5)

of money and evaluating long term investment · Evaluating(K7)

3. CO3 Develop analytical skills to select the best source · Analyzing(K5)

of capital, structure and leverage. · Synthesizing(K6)

4. CO4 Understand the use and application of different · Comprehending(K3)

models for firm’s optimum dividend pay-out.
· Applying(K4)

CO5 Understand the recent trends of mergers and

5. acquisition and its valuation
· Comprehending(K3)
· Synthesizing (K6)

Suggested Readings

1) Khan and Jain - Financial Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 7th Ed.)
2) Pandey I M - Financial Management (Vikas, 11th Ed.)
3) William HakkaBettnerCarcello- Financial and Management Accounting (TMH-16th Ed.)
4) Sheebakapil-Fundamental of financial management (Wiley,2015)
5) Prasanna Chandra - Fundamentals of Financial Management (TMH, 9th Ed.)
6) Bark DemazoThampy- Financial Management (Pearson,2nd Ed.)
7) R P Rustagi - Financial Management (Galgotia, 2000, 2nd revised ed.)
8) Damodaran, A., Applied Corporate Finance, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2012
9) Ravi.M Kishore – Financial Management (Taxman, 7th Ed)
10) Fundamentals to Financial Management, Brigham & Houston, 14/e, Cengage Learning
11) Van Horne - Financial Management and Policy (Prentice hall, 2003, 12th Ed.)

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Course Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 40

Course Objectives:-

1. To understand the role of Operations in overall Business Strategy of the firm.

2. To understand the application of operations management policies and techniques to the
service sector as well as manufacturing firms.
3. To identify and evaluate the key factors and their interdependence of these factors in the
design of effective operating systems.
4. To understand the trends and challenges of Operations Management in the current business
5. To familiarize the students with the techniques for effective utilization of operational
resources and managing the processes to produce good quality products and services at
competitive prices.

UNIT –I (7 sessions) Production Concepts:

Introduction, meaning, nature and scope of production and operations management. Difference
between production and operations management. Productivity, factors affecting productivity and
productivity measurement. Work study— Method study and work measurement. Production
Technology – Types of manufacturing processes. Plant location and types of plant layout.

UNIT –II (8 sessions) Operations Concepts:

Services scenario in India, difference between product and service, characteristics of services,
classification of services, product and service design, factors affecting service design, service
designing process, service blueprinting, service capacity planning. Dimensions of quality in services,
understanding service quality gap, measuring service quality using SERVQUAL model. Case

UNIT-III (10 sessions) Material and Inventory Management:

Types of production planning, process of production planning and control (PPC) – routing,
scheduling and loading. Master production schedule, aggregate production planning. Types of
inventories, inventory control techniques- EOQ, ABC, VED, FSN, HML and SDE (Simple
numerical problems on Inventory control techniques). Just-in-time (JIT) and KANBAN. Case

UNIT-IV (8 sessions) Supply Chain Management:

Overview of supply chain management, conceptual model of SCM, supply chain drivers, measuring
supply chain performance, core and reverse supply chain, global supply chain, inbound and
outbound logistics, Bullwhip effect in SCM, push and pull systems, lean manufacturing, agile
manufacturing, role of IT in SCM. Demand forecasting in supply chain—
Simple moving average method, weighted moving average method, linear regression and
exponential smoothing method. Case Studies
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UNIT-V (7 sessions) Productivity and Quality:
TQM, Deming’s 14 principles, Juran’s quality triology, PDCA cycle, KAIZEN, quality circles, 7QC
tools and its 7 new management tools, ISO 9000-2000 clauses, six sigma, Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM), 5S. Case Studies

Expected Course Outcomes:

S.No. Course Outcomes Bloom’s Taxonomy
Understand the role of Operations in overall
• Knowledge ( K2)
Business Strategy of the firm - the application of
CO1. • Comprehending (K 3)
OM policies and techniques to the service sector as
• Remembering ( K1)
well as manufacturing firms.
Understand and apply the concepts of Material • Knowledge ( K2)
CO2. Management, Supply Chain Management and TQM • Remembering ( K1)
perspectives. • Applying (K4)
Identify and evaluate the key factors and their
• Comprehending (K3)
CO3. interdependence of these factors in the design of
• Applying ( K4)
effective operating systems.
Analyze / understand the trends and challenges of
CO4. Operations Management in the current business • Analyzing ( K5)
Apply techniques for effective utilization of
operational resources and managing the processes • Synthesizing ( K6)
to produce good quality products and services at • Evaluating ( K7)
competitive prices.

Suggested Readings:-
1. Aswathappa, K. & Bhat, K.S.-- Production and Operations Management (Himalaya
Publishing House, 2nd Edition)
2. Chase, R.B., Shankar, R. & Jacobs, F.R. -- Operations & Supply Chain Management (Tata
McGraw Hill, 14th Edition)
3. Chunawalla, S.A. & Patel, D.R. – Production & Operations Management (Himalaya
Publishing House, 9th Edition)
4. Chary, S.N. -- Production and Operations Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition)
5. Charantimath, P.M. – Total Quality Management (Pearson Education, 3rd Edition)
6. Bedi, Kanishka – Production & Operations Management (Oxford University Press, 3rd
7. Adam, Everett E. & Ebert, Ronald J. – Production and Operations Management (Prentice
Hall, 5th Edition)
8. Gopalakrishnan, P. & Sundaresan, M. – Materials Management (Prentice Hall of India)

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Credit 3 Contact Hour: 40

Course Objectives
1. Understand the importance of the use of OR application in decision Making environment
2. To formulate LPP and Obtain Graphical Solutions & Acquire General idea of the Simplex
3. To understand and solve transportation & assignment models.
4. To know optimal sequence model and understand concepts of queuing theory.
5. To identify right time for replacement of equipment and understand project management

Unit I (6 Sessions)-Operations Research & Decision Making Environments

Operations Research:- Uses, Scope and Applications of Operation Research in managerial decision-
making .Decision-making environments:- Decision-making under certainty, uncertainty and risk
situations; Decision tree approach and its applications.
Unit II (10 Sessions)-Linear Programming Problem & Transportation Problem
Linear programming: Mathematical formulations of LP Models for product-mix problems; graphical
and simplex method of solving LP problems; duality.
Transportation problem: Various methods of finding Initial basic feasible solution-North West Corner
Method, Least Cost Method & VAM Method and optimal solution-Stepping Stone & MODI Method,
Maximization Transportation Problem
Unit III (8 Sessions)-Assignment model & Game Theory
Assignment model: Hungarian Algorithm and its applications, Maximization Assignment Problem.
Game Theory: Concept of game; Two-person zero-sum game; Pure and Mixed Strategy Games; Saddle
Point; Odds Method; Dominance Method and Graphical Method for solving Mixed Strategy Game.
Unit IV (6 Sessions)-Sequencing & Queuing Theory
Sequencing Problem: Johnsons Algorithm for n Jobs and Two machines, n Jobs and Three Machines,
Two jobs and m - Machines Problems.
Queuing Theory: Characteristics of M/M/I Queue model; Application of Poisson and Exponential
distribution in estimating arrival rate and service rate; Applications of Queue model for better service to
the customers.
Unit V (6 Sessions)-Replacement Problem & Project Management
Replacement Problem: Replacement of assets that deteriorate with time, replacement of assets which fail
Project Management: Rules for drawing the network diagram, Applications of CPM and PERT
techniques in Project planning and control; crashing of operations.

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Course Outcomes

Be able to understand the characteristics of different types of Knowledge ( K2)/

CO1 decision-making environments and the appropriate decision making Remembering ( K1)
approaches and tools to be used in each type.
To formulate linear programming problem and to find optimal Knowledge ( K2)
solution by graphical simplex method.
Be able to build and solve Transportation Models and Assignment
Applying ( K 4)
CO3 Models also to solve game theory problems by understanding pure
and mix strategies.
CO4 To assign optimal sequence of difference jobs on different machines Applying ( K 4)
and develop understanding of queuing theory concepts.
To implement replacement of equipments at right time and able to
Synthesizing ( K6)/
CO5 implement project management concepts like CPM, PERT to reduce
Evaluating ( K7)
cost and time.

Suggested Readings
1. R. Panneerselvam - Operations Research ( PHI, 2nd Edition)
2. Sharma J K - Operations Research (Pearson, 3rd Edition
3. Apte-Operation Research and Quantitative Techniques (Excel Books)
4. S Kalawathy-Operation Research (Vikas IVth Edition)
5. Natarajan- Operation Research(Pearson)
6. Singh & Kumar—Operation Research(UDH Publisher edition 2013)
7. Taha Hamdy - Operations Research - An Introduction (Prentice-Hall, 9th edition)
8. Vohra - Quantitative Techniques in Management (Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd)
9. Kothari - Quantitative Techniques (Vikas 1996, 3rd Edition).

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Course Objectives
1. To help Student understand the concept of Digital Marketing & E-commerce in today’s scenario
2. To enable student in creating and maintaining a good website and blog posts.
3. To make student understand the importance of SEO and Email Marketing in today’s modern
4. To understand the functioning and importance of Social Media Marketing via various platforms
5. To understand various Analytics tools of online marketing

UNIT 1 (8 Hours)
Introduction to Digital Marketing & Website and Blog Development: Introduction to Digital
Marketing and its Significance; Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing; Digital Marketing
Process; The contemporary digital revolution, digital transformation framework. Types of websites,
Keywords, Understanding Domain and Webhosting, Building Website/Blog using CMS WordPress,
Using WordPress Plug-ins; Blog Creation: Including Headlines, Links, Posts ; Using various plug-
ins like Elimentor

UNIT 2 (8 Hours)
SEO& Email-Marketing: Introduction to SEO; SEO Keyword Planner Tools; On Page SEO
Techniques: Indexing and Key Word Placement, Content Planning & Optimization, Display
Advertising, Various SEO Plug-in, Off –Page SEO Techniques; Email Marketing- Introduction and
Significance, campaigns using Mail Chimp; Email Marketing Strategy and Monitoring.

UNIT 3 (8 Hours)
SEM & Social Media Marketing: Introduction to SEM, Mobile Marketing, Video Marketing on
YouTube. Introduction to Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, Linked-in, Twitter, Google
G Suit and online marketing campaigns on theses Social Media platforms. Content Marketing,
Content creation process, Influencer marketing.

UNIT 4(6 Hours)

Using Marketing Strategies & Analytics Tools: Understanding Digital marketing Strategies, Using
Marketing analytics tools to segment, target, position; Online PR and reputation management,
Digital Marketing Strategies and its ROI. Using Google Analytics and other social media analytics
tools. Using Apps and Gamification.

UNIT 5 (6 Hours)
Applications of E-Commerce: Introduction, History of Electronic Commerce, Advantages and
Disadvantage of E-commerce, Roadmap of e-commerce in India, E-business Models Based on the
Relationship of Transaction Parties, e-commerce Sales Life Cycle (ESLC) Model, Electronic
Payment Systems, Electronic Cash, Smart Cards and Electronic Payment Systems, Credit Card
Based Electronic Payment Systems, Risks and Electronic Payment Systems, Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI)

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Course Outcomes

Be able to understand the concept of Digital Marketing & Knowledge ( K2)/

E-commerce in today’s scenario. Remembering ( K1)
To able to create and maintain a good website and blog Applying ( K 4)
Be able to understand and apply SEO and Email Marketing
CO3 (K3)
in today’s modern world
Applying ( K4)
CO4 To apply the Social Media Marketing techniques via Applying ( K 4)
various platforms
Synthesizing ( K6)/
CO5 To implement various Analytics tools of online marketing
Evaluating ( K7)

Suggested Readings:

1. Vandana, Ahuja; Digital Marketing, Oxford University Press India (November, 2015).
2. Seema Gupta; Digital Marketing, McGraw Hill Education; First edition (November 2017)
3. Ryan, Damian; Understanding Digital Marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital
generation; Kogan Page (3rd Edition, 2014).
4. Ravi Kalakota :Frontiers of E Commerce (Pearson)

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Course Credit: 2 Contact Hours: 20

Course Objective
1. To help the students understand the importance of information management in business and
2. To provide understanding about different types of information systems in business
3. To apply the theory and concepts in practical with help of software
4. To understand various security and ethical issues with Information Systems
5. To provide hands on learning of applications on Spreadsheet and database software

UNIT -1 (6 Hours)

Management Information Systems - Need, Purpose and Objectives, Contemporary Approaches to

MIS, Information as a strategic resource, Use of information for competitive advantage, MIS as an
instrument for the organizational change. Information Technology – Characteristics and emerging
trends, IT Capabilities and their organizational impact, IT enabled services. Transaction Processing
System: Characteristics and its importance

UNIT -II (6 Hours)

Information, Management and Decision Making - Attributes of information and its relevance to
Decision Making, Types of information. Models of Decision Making - Classical, Administrative and
Herbert Simon's Models. Management Support Systems: Decision Support Systems, Group Decision
Support Systems, and Executive Information Systems.

UNIT -III (8 Hours)

Managing Data Resources- The need for data management, Challenges of data management, Data
independence, Data redundancy, Data consistency, Data administration. Database Management
System – Concepts and types of DBMS, Fields, Records, Table, View, Reports and Queries. Data
warehouse and Data mining – Characteristics and uses of Data warehouse, Techniques of Data
Mining, Business Intelligence

Database Management System (Lab): Creation of Table, View and Reports. Basics of SQL and
running queries

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Course Outcomes

Be able to understand the importance of information Knowledge( K2)

management in business and management. / Remembering ( K1)
To understand and formulate different types of Knowledge ( K2)
information systems in business
Be able to apply the theory and concepts in practical Applying ( K 4)
with help of software
CO4 To apply various security and ethical issues with Applying ( K 4)
Information Systems
To synthesize applications on Spread sheet and Synthesizing ( K6)/
database software Evaluating ( K7)

Suggested Readings

1. Management Information System – James ‘O’ Brian

2. Management Information Systems, Laudon and Laudon, 7th Edition, Pearson
Education Asia
3. Management Information Systems, Jawadekar, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Rajaraman, Prentice Hall
5. Database Management Systems: A Business-Oriented Approach Using ORACLE,
MySQL and MS Access, by Sotirios Zygiari
6. Computer Applications in Business (CBCS) by Dr. Sushil Kumar Sharma & Ms.
Mansi Bansal (Taxmann)
7. Excel 2019 All-In-One: Master the new features of Excel 2019 / Office 365, Lokesh
Lalwani (BPB)

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Lab work 20 Hours

Course Objective

1. To develop pivot table and understand the validating & auditing techniques
2. To understand different charting techniques in MS Excel
3. To understand different formatting techniques in MS Excel

Unit I ( Lab work on spreadsheet )

Pivot Table: Developing Pivot Table, Analyzing data using goal seek and solver, Scenarios Create
named scenarios. Show, edit, delete scenarios, Creating a scenario summary report. Validating and
Auditing: Set, edit validation criteria for data entry in a cell range like: whole number, decimal, list,
date, time, Trace precedent, dependent cells. Identify cells with missing dependents. Creating
applications in Spreadsheet and Macros.

Unit II ( Lab work on spreadsheet) 15 Hours

Creating and formatting Charts: Understanding chart types, column chart, bar chart, line chart, pie
chart, XY Scatter chart , Area chart, surface chart, bubble chart. Create a combined chart like:
column and line, column and area. Change the chart type for a defined data series, Add, delete a data
series in a chart, Re-position chart title, legend, data labels. Change scale of value axis: minimum,
maximum number to display, major interval. Change display units on value axis without changing
data source: hundreds, thousands, millions. Format columns, bars, pie slices, plot area, chart area to
display an image.

Excel Data Analysis: Modeling and Simulation , Hector Guerrero (Springer )
S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
1 CO1. To gain knowledge of pivot table and understand Knowledge (K2)
the validating & auditing techniques
2 CO2. Learn to use different charting techniques in MS Applying (K4)
Excel Synthesizing ( K6)
3 CO3. Learn to use different formatting techniques in Applying (K4)
MS Excel Knowledge (K2)

MBA Revised CURRICULUM Effective from the Session2020-21 Page 36

Course Credit: 2

Seminar by students
Objective –
1. To identify the issues challenge of the industry
2. To able to prepare report on the application of emerging technologies in the selected industry

In second semester, the students are required to take one industry as per his/her interest for analysis
and preparing a project report. Preference should be given on the application of emerging
technologies in the selected industry. It may consists of Fintech, Block chain, Financial Services,
Data Science, Social Entrepreneurship or any other suitable area of interest. The report will be
prepared individually. The report will be evaluated by one external examiner appointed by

S. No. Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy
1 CO1. To gain knowledge of issues challenge of the Knowledge (K2)
CO2. Learn to prepare report on the application of Applying (K4)
emerging technologies in the selected industry Synthesizing ( K6)

MBA Revised CURRICULUM Effective from the Session2020-21 Page 37

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