Electronics 12 00696
Electronics 12 00696
Electronics 12 00696
An X-Band State Adjustable Low Noise Amplifier Using
Current Reuse Technique
Yujun Wang 1,2,3 , Lixi Wan 2 , Zhengli Wang 4 , Haitao Zhang 1,2 , Yunqian Song 1,2 , Xiaobin Zhang 1,2
and Zhi Jin 1, *
Abstract: This article presents an on-chip state-adjustable 8 GHz~12 GHz low-noise amplifier (LNA).
It has two characteristics. First, an improved current reuse topology is proposed. By connecting a
small capacitor in parallel with the drain of the first-stage transistor, the bandwidth is expanded and
the in-band flatness is improved. Second, an innovative adaptive bias circuit is designed to cope
with the influence of temperature and process on the performance of the amplifier, and a design
method for on-chip adjustment of the chip state is proposed for the first time. As a result of these
technologies, the chip area is 1.1 mm × 0.8 mm, the chip provides 24.4 dB nominal gain with merely
0.75 dB noise at 10 GHz, and yields 14.5 dBm output power at 1 dB compression point (OP1dB) when
biased at 30 mA quiescent current, meanwhile, gain, OP1dB, and quiescent current can be adjusted
on-chip. This design improves the comprehensive performance of X-band LNA and provides more
flexibility for system engineers in application. The chip is fabricated using Win Semiconductors’
0.15 um InGaAs pHEMT E-mode process.
by adding an L-type passive matching. Ref. [4] adds an inductor at the source stage of
the common source amplifier to achieve simultaneous noise and impedance matching.
Ref. [5] adopts noise canceling common gate LNA structure, using inductively degenerated
common source stage in parallel with common gate stage instead of common source stage.
The current reuse [6,7] architecture is widely used in CMOS circuits, especially in the case
of low power consumption. Ref. [8] uses noise cancellation and current reuse techniques
to design a 3.19 GHz~8.8 GHz LNA. Ref. [9] is based on current reuse technique and
adopts shunt-shunt resistive feedback and degenerative parallel inductance and capaci-
tance (LC) technique to achieve high gain and low noise factor for a 3.1 GHz~10.6 GHz
wideband LNA.
However, based on III-V compound technology, few articles have been reported
on LNA using current reuse architecture. For broadband LNAs, most literatures adopt
common-source (CS) or cascode structures. Ref. [10] designs an X-band LNA based on the
GaAs process using a three-stage CS structure. Ref. [11], based on GaN-on-SiC technology,
designs a medium-power LNA in which the first two stages adopt current reuse architecture
and the final stage adopt a CS structure.
The current reuse architecture can provide higher gain while ensuring lower noise, and
is small in size and low in power consumption. It is a structure suitable for receiver front-
end amplifier. However, the conventional structure cannot obtain enough bandwidth. In
this paper, the current reuse architecture is improved to expand the bandwidth. Moreover,
the front end of the receiver is usually affected by the environment because it is close to the
external antenna end, and the tape-out process will also drift, resulting in a large change
in the performance of the amplifier. This paper designs an LNA that is less affected by
temperature and process for the front end of the receiver, and whose state is still adjustable
after tape-out.
2. Principle Design
2.1. Current Reuse Architecture
Figure 1 shows the schematic of a current reuse LNA. On the direct current (DC) path,
M1 and M2 are connected in series and share current. The power supply voltage drain
drain (VDD) powers the drain of M2 through a choke inductor L4. M2 is turned on at a
certain gate voltage VG2. The current flows through the source of M2 to the drain of M1
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 15
through a choke inductor L2, and M1 is turned on at a certain gate voltage VG1. The source
of M1 is connected in series with the inductor L3 to improve the stability of the amplifier.
Vg2 Vdd
M2 C3
C1 L3
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Simplified
Simplified Schematic
Schematic of
of aa Current
Current Reuse
Reuse LNA.
Ls s
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Common-source
Figure low-noise
2. Common-source amplifier.
low-noise (a) Basic
amplifier. AC circuit.
(a) Basic (b) Simplified
AC circuit. equivalent
(b) Simplified circuit.
equivalent circuit.
For an an input current
current I at
I at the theofgate
gate of the transistor,
the transistor, the (theCgs
the (the gate-source
gate-source parasiticpara-
sitic capacitance)
capacitance) voltage = voltage V = , the
, cthe transistor’s
jωCgs transistor’s
gate-to-ground voltage is shown inisEqua-
gate-to-ground voltage shown in
tion Equation
(1): (1):
I 1 gm L s
V= + Ri I + jωL g I + jωLs ( I + gm Vc )= I + Ri + jωL g + jωLs + (1)
jωCgs V= + jωC + gs + ( + ) Cgs (1)
where Ri represents the input resistance of the undepleted part of the gate under channel,
gm represents the transconductance. The input impedance looking into the gate is shown
in Equation (2):
V gm L s 1
Z= = Ri + + j ω Ls + L g − (2)
I Cgs ωCgs
From the input impedance, it can be concluded that to obtain a 50 Ω input impedance
at the operating frequency, appropriate values of L g and Ls need to be selected so that Cgs
is resonated at the operating frequency, and ( gm /Cgs ) Ls needs to be set equal to 50 Ω.
gm L s
Ri + = 50
j ω Ls + L g − =0
So the series inductor Ls can be chosen to match the input resistance of the amplifier
to 50, and the inductor L g can be chosen to cancel the residual input reactance, which is
usually capacitive.
V out
R1 Iin
M1 M2
3. Circuit Design
3.1. Process Selection
The GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT) process has two
types: E-mode and D-mode. In order to obtain even lower noise, analyze the influence
of different processes on noise, the high-frequency noise figure of the transistor can be
obtained from the transistor equivalent circuit and can be expressed as Equation (3) [12]:
" 2 #
NF = Fp 1 + (3)
where Fp represents the white noise of the transistor. It can be seen that the higher the
cut-off frequency of the transistor, the smaller the noise of the transistor itself; and the
higher the frequency of the transistor, the bigger the noise figure.
If the influence of parasitic inductance and resistance is ignored, the cut-off frequency
of the transistor depends on Cgs , Cgd and gm , can be expressed as Equation (4) [13]:
ft = rm (4)
2πCgs 1 + 2 Cgd
The typical peak gm value of 0.15 µm E-mode pHEMT process is about twice that of
0.15 µm D-mode pHEMT process, however, for a transistor of the same size, the difference
of the drain capacitance and source capacitance between these two processes is negligible.
The cut-off frequency of 0.15 µm E-mode pHEMT process is about 1.2 times that of D-mode
process [14].
= ,
The typical peak value of 0.15 μm E-mode pHEMT process is about twice that of
0.15 μm D-mode pHEMT process, however, for a transistor of the same size, the difference
Electronics 2023, 12, 696 of the drain capacitance and source capacitance between these two processes is negligible.
5 of 15
The cut-off frequency of 0.15 μm E-mode pHEMT process is about 1.2 times that of D-
mode process [14].
Thus theE-mode
3.2.1. CircuitTopology
Circuit Topology
proposed X-band LNA.
proposed X-band LNA.
First stage
L1 R3 R4 OUT
M2 C3
IN M1 L2
C1 L3
R2 stage
R5 Gain
R7 R8 R9 R10
Bias circuit
M3 M4 M5 M6
From the cut-off frequency Formula (4), it can be seen that large trans-conductance or
small inter-electrode capacitance can yield a high cut-off frequency, which is contradictory,
because a large-size transistor has higher trans-conductance, but also larger inter-electrode
capacitance, so there should be trade-off between the gate width and parallel gate fingers
during the design to obtain better noise figures.
After careful comparative analysis, both stages use a 4 × 50 um transistor. As Figure 4
show, L1 and L2 provide DC paths, R1, R2, C4, and L1 form the feedback loop. Among
them, M3~M6 and M1 form a current mirror. In order to reduce the influence of channel-
length modulation, by connecting M3, M4, M5, and M6 in series, the gate is short-circuited,
which is equivalent to increasing L. W remains unchanged, which is equivalent to a
transistor of W/4L. The longer the channel, the higher the drain voltage, and the higher
the replication accuracy.
The current of the entire amplifier depends mainly on the first-stage, and an on-chip
voltage divider is used to adjust the first-stage gate voltage, thereby through controlling
the bias current of the first-stage transistor, the current of the amplifier is controlled.
The specific current trimming function is achieved by reserving four pads on the
chip and bonding the pads to either the power supply or ground to adjust the ratio of the
potential divider.
The bias circuit helps to resist the variation of the quiescent operating point caused by
process and temperature variation. A resistor of about 1 kΩ is connected in series between
the bias circuit and the gate of the first stage transistor to reduce the noise caused by the
bias circuit. Meanwhile, an extra pad is reserved for the gate of the second stage transistor,
voltage divider is used to adjust the first-stage gate voltage, thereby through controlling
the bias current of the first-stage transistor, the current of the amplifier is controlled.
The specific current trimming function is achieved by reserving four pads on the chip
and bonding the pads to either the power supply or ground to adjust the ratio of the po-
tential divider.
Electronics 2023, 12, 696 The bias circuit helps to resist the variation of the quiescent operating point caused 6 of 15
by process and temperature variation. A resistor of about 1 kΩ is connected in series be-
tween the bias circuit and the gate of the first stage transistor to reduce the noise caused
by the
and the bias circuit.point
operating Meanwhile, an extracan
of the transistor padbeisadjusted
reservedby forexternally
the gate of the second
providing the stage
transistor, and the operating point of the
voltage, which can be used as a debugging method. transistor can be adjusted by externally provid-
ing the gate voltage, which can be used as a debugging method.
3.2.2. Matching Design
Matching Design
select the intermediate frequency point and find the optimal source and load
impedance. In the design process,
First select the intermediate it is necessary
frequency to find
point and findout
the the best noise
optimal sourcematching
and load
impedance.and best power
In the design matching
process, impedance,
it is necessary drawout
to find thethe
circular diagram
best noise as shown
matching im-
in Figure and
pedance 5, and
best the balance
power pointimpedance,
matching of the two in the the
draw circular diagram.
circular diagram Asasshown
shownin in
Figure 5,5, the
andimpedance is about
find the balance point63of+the
andinthen the impedance
the circular diagram.matching
As showndesign
in Figureis
carried out.
5, the impedance is about 63 + j50, and then the impedance matching design is carried out.
0.2 5.0
-0.2 -5.0
Figure Gainand
(3) Architecture
(2) Influence of improvements
inter-stage capacitance
In addition,
There the traditional
are other influencingcurrent
factors,reuse architecture
such as increasing is improved.
the inter-stageA capacitance,
small capacitor
noise can toalso
ground in parallel
reduced. However,with the
the VSWRdrainbecomes
of the first-stage
worse, as transistor.
shown in The ca-7;
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15
pacitor acts asthe
In addition, a channel for high
source stage frequency,
grounding wiresocan
high frequency
shortened, butpart
the is less fed
VSWR back,
worse can
also.suppress high-frequency feedback, thereby improving the high-frequency out-
put gain and expanding the bandwidth.
It can be seen from Figure 6 that before the improvement (without C6), the gain of
the traditional architecture starts to decrease after the frequency reaches 10 GHz, and the
gain decreases by about 3 dB when the frequency reaches 12 GHz. After the improvement
(with C6), under the new architecture the gain decreases very little when the high fre-
quency band reaches 12 GHz, and the frequency band is successfully extended to 12 GHz.
(3) Influence of inter-stage capacitance
There are other influencing factors, such as increasing the inter-stage capacitance,
and the noise can also be reduced. However, the VSWR becomes worse, as shown in Fig-
ure 7; In addition, the source stage grounding wire can be shortened, but the VSWR be-
comes worse also.
(a) (b)
Figure 7. 7.Effect
Effectofof inter-stage
inter-stage capacitance
capacitance onon S-parameters
S-parameters (a)(a)
NFNF (b).
(4)(4) Influence
The sourceofofthe
the ground, and the small-signal model is analyzed as shown in Figure 8. When therethere
the ground, and the small-signal model is analyzed as shown in Figure 8. When is nois
no source resistor, calculate the voltage
source resistor, calculate the voltage gain: gain:
𝐴 = −𝑔 ∗ 𝑅 , (5)
Av =𝑣 − gm ∗𝑚Rd 𝑑 (5)
𝑔𝑚 = μ ∗ 𝐶𝑜𝑥 ∗ ∗ (𝑉𝐺𝑆 − 𝑉𝑡ℎ ), (6)
=μ∗ ∗ ∗( − ), (6)
with source resistors, calculate the voltage gain:
∗(W∥ ) ∗
gm = µ=∗C −ox ∗ ∗ (V
≈GS − Vth ). (6)
L∗ ∗
with When
resistors, calculate
small-signal the voltage gain:changes due to the change of the mobility
μ of the transistor and the capacitance of the unit gate oxide, the state of the amplifier
will change, and this change is gm ∗ (rsmall
relatively o k Rddue m ∗influence
) to gthe Rd of source resistor ( (7)
Av = − ≈
1 + g m ∗ R s 1 + g m ∗ R s
and the larger the value of , the smaller the state change of the amplifier.
Vin Vout
Vc g m Vc ro Rd
As the small-signal
shown in Figure 9,trans-conductance
it is assumed here changes
that thedue to the change
conduction of the mobility
parameter , com-µ
of the transistor
posed of μ and and , deviates by aboutC20%.
the capacitance ox of It
canunit gate that
be seen oxide, the Rs
when state of the amplifier
increases, the gain
will change,
of the andbecomes
amplifier this change is relatively
smaller, but thesmall due topoint
operating the influence of source
of the amplifier resistor
is more (Rs ),
and the larger the value of R
and the change of the amplifier s , the smaller the state change of the amplifier.
gain with process and temperature is smaller.
As shown in Figure 9, it is assumed here that the conduction parameter Kn , composed
of µ and Cox , deviates by about 20%. It can be seen that when Rs increases, the gain9ofofthe
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15
amplifier becomes smaller, but the operating point of the amplifier is more stable, and the
change of the amplifier gain with process and temperature is smaller.
Figure 9.
9. Effect
Effect of
of source
source resistance
resistance on
on Gain.
3.2.4. Stability
3.2.4. Stability Design
The source
The source of
of the
the first
first stage
stage transistor
transistor is
is connected
eration inductor to improve the stability of the amplifier, which also benefits
eration inductor to improve the stability of the amplifier, which also benefits the input the input
match. The
match. Theeffect
adding this
this series
series micro-strip
micro-strip on on
the the stability
stability factor
factor is simulated
is simulated and
and calculated,
calculated, as Figure
as Figure 10 shows.
10 shows. After adding
After adding a micro-strip,
a micro-strip, the stability
the stability factor Kfactor K is
is greater
than 1, and |Δ|is less than 1, according to Rollet’s condition [16], the amplifier is uncon-
ditional stability.
Figure 9. Effect of source resistance on Gain.
Figure 10.
10. Stability
Stability factor
factor simulation
simulation and
and calculation.
3.2.5. Final
3.2.5. Final Layout
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW AllAll performance
performance parameters
affect each
each other
other [17].
[17]. The
trend is
is that
that the
the more
more slope
10 slope
of 15
of the gain, the better the VSWR. It is necessary to consider all parameters in a
of the gain, the better the VSWR. It is necessary to consider all parameters in a balanced balanced
manner and
manner and find
find the
the optimal
optimal combination.
combination. The
The photograph
photograph is is shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 11.11.
4.1. Test Methods and Results
4.1. Test Methods and Results
The S-parametersmeasurement
vector network analyzer. When the bias adjusting pads are left open, by default thethe
vector network analyzer. When the bias adjusting pads are left open, by default chipchip
biased with 5 V 30 mA at room temperature. The input power of the VNA is set to −20 dBm,to
is biased with 5 V 30 mA at room temperature. The input power of the VNA is set
−20 dBm,
which which guarantees
guarantees enough SNR enough
while SNR while
keeping thekeeping
output the output
power power
within the within the linear
linear region of
the VNAofreceiver.
the VNA receiver. data
Measured Measured
(dotteddata (dotted
lines) lines) andresults
and simulation simulation
(solidresults (solid
lines) show
good show good conformance. As shown
As shown in Figure ininput
12, the Figure 12, the
return lossinput return
is less lossdB,
than −10 is less
− 10 dB, and the output return loss is less than − 17 dB within the entire operation
output return loss is less than −17 dB within the entire operation frequency range. The meas- frequency
ured gain is about 24.4 dB with excellent flatness, and can well extend its operation fre-
quency down to 6 GHz. Figure 13 shows the measured stability factor curve.
4.1. Test Methods and Results
The S-parameters measurement is carried out on a probe platform with a calibrated
vector network analyzer. When the bias adjusting pads are left open, by default the chip is
biased with 5 V 30 mA at room temperature. The input power of the VNA is set to −20 dBm,
which guarantees enough SNR while keeping the output power within the linear region of
Electronics 2023, 12, 696
the VNA receiver. Measured data (dotted lines) and simulation results (solid lines) 10 of 15
good conformance. As shown in Figure 12, the input return loss is less than −10 dB, and the
output return loss is less than −17 dB within the entire operation frequency range. The meas-
ured Theismeasured
gain about 24.4 gain
dB iswith
about 24.4 dBflatness,
excellent with excellent flatness,
and can and can
well extend its well extendfre-
operation its
quency frequency
down to 6 GHz.down to 613
Figure GHz. Figure
shows 13 shows stability
the measured the measured
factor stability
curve. factor curve.
Figure 12.
12. Simulated
Simulated and
and measured
measured S-parameters
S-parameters of
of the
the proposed
proposed LNA.
Figure 13.
13. Measured
Measured stability
stability factor
factor of
of the
the proposed
proposed LNA.
Figure 14.Test
14. Test
Test fixture
fixture of
thethe proposed
the LNA.
proposed LNA.
Figure 14. Test fixture of the proposed LNA.
Figure 15.NF
15. NF
NF and
and P1dB
P1dB comparison
comparison curve
curve of
the the
proposed LNA.
Figure 16.Measured
Figure 16.Measured
Measured OIP3
OIP3 curve
curve of the
of the proposed
proposed LNA.
Electronics 2023, 12, 696 12 of 15
The feasibility of the proposed LNA is commonly entrenched using a pertinent fig-
ure of merit (FoM) that calibrate its accomplishment. The FoM is included with band-
width (BW), gain, output power at 1 dB compression point, noise temperature (noise
figure), power consumption, and area to meet wide-band low power system target given
as Equation (8) [18,19]:
FoM = (8)
Te [K]∗PDC [mW]∗Area[mm2 ]
The larger the value, the better the overall performance. Table 1 encapsulates the
measured performance of the proposed LNA and compares it with advanced LNAs that
have similar frequency bands. It is clear from Table 1 that the higher values of FoM of the
proposed LNA prove better in comparison with other LNAs.
[10] [11] [20] [21] [7] [8] [22] [23] [24] [25] This Work
Year 2009 2018 2016 2019 2014 2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2022
GaAs 65 130 180 InGaAs
Tech. 0.07-GaAs 0.25-GaN 0.1-GaAs 0.18-GaAs 0.25-GaAs 0.15-GaAs
Design Current- Current- Current- Current- Current-
CS Cascode CS CS Cascode Cascode
method reuse+CS reuse reuse reuse reuse
7~11 8~12 6~11 3.1~4.7 6.5~9 2.8~7.5 7.5~10.5 8~12 3~12 4~15 8~12
Gain (dB) 29 25 25 17.6 23 9 28 22.5 16.9 17~21 24.4
NF 1.6~2.1/
(dB)/K 1/75 2.5/225 1.3/101 2.2/191 3.2/316 3.6/374 1.4/110 1/75 2.9/275 0.75/55
1/1.26 20/100 16/39.8 −15.2/0.03 −5.4/0.29 −1.5/0.71 10/10 10/10 8.9/7.76 14/25.1 14.5/28.2
Chip area
1.5 × 1 3.0 × 1.5 2.1 × 1.2 0.03276 0.53 0.77 2.31 1.5 × 1.5 1.3 × 1.3 1.68 × 0.49 1.1 × 0.8
(mm2 )
FoM 0.02 0.004 0.07 0.14 0.014 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.2 0.38
In addition, thanks to the structure of current reuse, the two-stage amplifiers are
connected in series on DC, dividing VDD to the two-stage transistors. The amplifier
supports a wider power supply voltage range, which can support +4 V to +6.5 V. When the
power supply changes, the amplifier state is shown in the Table 3 below.
Power Supply (V) Gain (dB) Output P1dB (dBm) NF (dB) Current (mA)
+4.0 23.3 13.1 0.736 22.3
+5.0 24.4 15.7 0.716 30
+6.5 25 18.5 0.725 41.5
Figure 17.
17. Gain vs. temperature
Gain vs. temperaturecurve
proposed LNA.
Table 44 gives
Table givesan
thechip performance.
chip performance.
Process: PE15
Frequency: 8 GHz~12 GHz
Gain: 24.4 ± 0.1 dB
NF: 0.75 dB
OP1dB: greater than 14.5 dBm
Electronics 2023, 12, 696 14 of 15
Process: PE15
Frequency: 8 GHz~12 GHz
Gain: 24.4 ± 0.1 dB
NF: 0.75 dB
OP1dB: greater than 14.5 dBm
Power consumption: 150 mW (5 V supply)
Area: 1.1 mm × 0.8 mm
5. Conclusions
An 8 GHz~12 GHz LNA is implemented based on current reuse architecture with PE15
process. It features ultra-low noise figure, high gain and extremely low power consumption,
which is suitable for radar receiver front-end. This design has three innovations:
Firstly, the current reuse architecture is improved in this paper. By connecting a small
capacitor in parallel with the drain of the first-stage transistor, the function of expanding
the frequency band is achieved and the flatness of the X-band LNA is improved.
Secondly, an innovative bias circuit is designed based on GaAs process. The first point
is to improve the accuracy of current replication by short-circuiting the gates of multiple
transistors, which is equivalent to increasing the gate length. The second point is to improve
the linearity under large signal by adding an RC circuit in the bias circuit.
Thirdly, a design method for on-chip state adjustment is proposed. Through different
pad-bonding combinations the gain adjustment range of the chip is greater than 3 dB, the
OP1dB adjustment range is greater than 4 dB, and the current adjustment range is greater
than 16 mA.
Author Contributions: Writing—original draft preparation, Y.W.; resources, L.W.; supervision, Z.W.;
data curation, H.Z., Y.S. and X.Z.; project administration, Z.J. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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