Bba 204 PDF
Bba 204 PDF
Bba 204 PDF
Invention means discovery or devising of a new product, process or system. It is an
identifiable discrete contribution to technical knowledge and to technical change although it
is not the only way in which technology changes e.g. small improvements and adaptations
changes technology.
Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being.
Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.
Creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden
patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate
Technological Innovation:
The concept of design has been defined in different ways either focusing on design as an
economic activity or more general as the translation of the ideas generated by creativity into
new products and processes.
It links creativity and innovation.
Design definitions are based on design professions with the following ensembles; fashion
design, graphic design, interior design, product design etc.
Creativity is the generation of new ideas, design is the shaping (or transformation) of ideas
into new products and processes and innovation is the exploitation of ideas i.e. the successful
marketing of these new products and processes.
2.1 Introduction
Technology is essential not only for the development of smaller enterprises but the overall
economy of any nation. A study by Denilson (1962) revealed that economic growth highly
depends on technology. These controversial findings have since then generated much debate
on the relationship between economic growth and technical progress in relation to the growth
of modern businesses and economies.
Although this casual relationship between growth and technical progress in still in doubt,
many development economists as well as policy makers in developing countries have
considered the transfer of technology from developed countries as an important element for
growth and prosperity.
Many different types of people and organizations are involved in generating, transferring and
using technology including scientists, engineers, technicians, entrepreneurs, civil servants etc.
All these have different objectives and roles to play in the technology development.
To a business, the most important element is the use of technology to make money for the
firm. The underlying question therefore is whether technology can be managed to help a
company/ firm increase its competitiveness or if it can be managed to promote industrial
2.1.1 Defining Technology
Technology is a general term for the process by which human beings fashion tools and
machines to increase their control and undertakings of the material environment.
According to Heinsohn (1977), as quoted by Lewis (1991), technology is the creation of
useful things. It evolves secondarily from a scientific discovery and may be defined as the
totality of the means employed to provide for human sustenance and comfort (Cole & Merrill
1982 quoted by Lewis 1991). Technology is always a social construction and is the
application of organized knowledge to practical tasks by ordered systems of people and
This means the term technology is imprecise in terms of definition and is perhaps one of the
most misunderstood concepts in the day-to-day application. Different authors have defined
technology differently but all pointing to the same direction.
According to Arora et al (2000), the imprecision in definition is due to the fact that
technology comes in different forms. It can take the form of “intellectual property’’ (patents)
or intangibles e.g. software programs or a design, or it can be embodied in a product e.g.
prototype or a device to perform certain operation or it can take the form of technical
Technology transcends the engineering art to include forms of organization of human
endeavor, methods of rational analysis and structure/system for achieving determined
objectives. Technology is the principle means of achieving / attaining development.
In summary: -
Technology is the science and art of getting things done through the application of
skills and knowledge (Smille, 1991).
Technology is also the means by which man undertake to change or influence the
Technology is the knowledge, tools and machines available for the production of
goods and services or simply the application of knowledge to practical acts or applied
2.1.2 Origins
The term technology is derived from a Greek word “Tekhnic” for “techno” which refers to an
art or craft and “Logia” for “logy” meaning an area of study. Thus technology literally means
the study or science of crafting. It is also associated with a French word “Technique”
meaning the totality of methods rationally arrived at and having efficiency in every field of
human activities.
ii. Soft ware – Manuals, instructions, management skills- for operating hardware skills
iv. System ware – The supportive infrastructure - that which makes the hardware work.
c) Organization – The institutional arrangement by which the technique and knowledge are
combined and the means by which they are managed partly hardware, software and
Students to identify various small and medium business technologies and break them into the
various dimensions.
For example, Mobile phone;
- Hand set – Hardware
ii) Invention
Invention means discovery or devising of a new product, process or system. It is an
identifiable discrete contribution to technical knowledge and to technical change although it
is not the only way in which technology changes e.g., small improvements and adaptations
changes technology. It is usually a stage of technological development at which an idea has
advanced sufficiently for the inventor to draw up plans, construct a working model or in some
way establish technical feasibility. At this stage, technology is patentable and technological
research is the most important source of inventions. Entrepreneurs should be exposed to
research opportunities to develop inventive minds.
iii) Innovation
This is the introduction of new techniques, product/production or distribution processes that
may be followed by a spread process of diffusion.
iv) Patent
This is a governmental legal register/gratuity for a specific period, monopoly (exclusive)
property rights for the exploitation of an invention. Patents only protect knowledge to the
extent that it is embodied in a tangible item which is patentable. Patents are frequently
appropriated and exploited by large businesses or Trans National Corporations and Multi
National Corporations. Local entrepreneurs rarely enjoy their technological inventions due to
lack of awareness. For instance Kyondo and Kikoi in Kenya.
V) Industrialization
Process leading to the capitalist mode of production based on the division and specialization
of labour, development of productive forces, improvements in technology, skills and
productivity. Generally, starts in high industrial activities and represent fundamental change
in the structure of an economy particularly in the redeployment of resources away from
vi) Know-how
Practical, unpatented, technical knowledge, professional experience and accumulated skills
for the production and distribution of commodities and services
vii) Productivity
Is a measure of the rate at which output flows from the use of a given amount of in-put. It’s
measured by expressing output as a ratio to a selected input e.g. labor productivity, capital
productivity. Entrepreneurs should utilize technology to improve business productivity.
Technical change occurs by way of innovation and diffusion and does not necessarily mean/
involve new technology.
ix) Technical progress
These are effects of change in technology i.e. shifts in the production function as a role of
technological change in the growth process. Technical progress is an aggregate factor
comprising anything that increases the output per unit of factor inputs that contribute to the
growth of total productivity in a business e.g., effects of training of the labour.
The technology life cycle (TLC) describes the costs and profits of a product from
technological development phase to market maturity to eventual decline. Research and
development (R&D) costs must be offset by profits once a product comes to market. Varying
product lifespans mean that businesses must understand and accurately project returns on
their R&D investments based on potential product longevity in the market.
Technology life cycle chart: This chart illustrates the stages in the technological life cycle.
Research and Development – During this stage, risks are taken to invest in
technological innovations. By strategically directing R&D towards the most promising
projects, companies and research institutions slowly work their way toward better
versions of new technologies.
Ascent Phase – This phase covers the timeframe from product invention to the point at
which out-of-pocket costs are fully recovered. At this junction the goal is to see to the
rapid growth and distribution of the invention and leverage the competitive advantage
of having the newest and most effective product.
Maturity Stage – As the new innovation becomes accepted by the general population
and competitors enter the market, supply begins to outstrip demand. During this stage,
returns begin to slow as the concept becomes normalized.
Decline (or Decay) Phase – The final phase is when the utility and potential value to
be captured in producing and selling the product begins dipping. This decline
eventually reaches the point of a zero-sum game, where margins are no longer
Product development and capitalizing on the new invention covers the business side of these
R&D investments in technology. The other important consideration is the differentiation in
consumer adoption of new technological innovations. These have also been distributed into
phases which effectively summarize the demographic groups presented during each stage of
Technology adoption life cycle: This adoption chart highlights the way in which consumers
embrace new products and services.
Innovators – These are risk-oriented, leading-edge minded individuals who are
extremely interested in technological developments (often within a particular industry).
Innovators are a fractional segment of the overall consumer population.
Early Adopters – A larger but still relatively small demographic, these individuals are
generally risk-oriented and highly adaptable to new technology. Early adopters follow
the innovators in embracing new products, and tend to be young and well-educated.
Early Majority – Much larger and more careful than the previous two groups, the early
majority are open to new ideas but generally wait to see how they are received before
Late Majority – Slightly conservative and risk-averse, the late majority is a large group
of potential customers who need convincing before investing in something new.
Laggards – Extremely frugal, conservative, and often technology-averse, laggards are a
small population of usually older and uneducated individuals who avoid risks and only
invest in new ideas once they are extremely well-established.
Taking these two models into consideration, a business unit with a new product or service
must consider the scale of investment in R&D, the projected life cycle the technology will
likely maintain, and the way in which customers will adopt this product. By leveraging these
models, businesses and institutions can exercise some foresight in ascertaining the returns on
investment as their technologies mature.
2. Contracts and relationships – this concerns the relationship between the parties
involved. The form the relationship takes will vary according to the nature of the
technology transfer. This may range from a simple contract for R&D services at
one end of the scale, to a joint venture or even take-over by one company of
3. Ownership of intellectual property – can take three different forms;
The IP can belong to one party only.
The IP can be shared between parties who collaborated to develop it.
The IP can be owned by everyone and is donated to the public.
4. Technology exploitation – decisions concerning the ownership of IP are
intrinsically linked with decisions over how to exploit it. Two possibilities, not
mutually exclusive exist;
A firm may want to exploit a technological IP by embedding it in products
and services.
A firm may want to exploit the technology with a number of business
models and ‘sell’ it in its disembodied form (i.e. licensing it).
5. Rights to use a technology – dividing up the rights to use the IP in different ways
can compensate for a lack of formal ownership. The IP can be exploited along
multiple dimensions, ensuring that each party gains the rights they need to make
use of the IP in their particular area. The parties can have exclusive or non-
exclusive rights to use the IP for each dimension.
6. Acquisition ‘currency’ – the acquirer can offer the seller a number of different
kinds of benefits in exchange for the technology – not necessarily financial. There
are three main kinds of ‘currency’ that are used in exchange for technology;
financial (lumpsum, cash linked to milestones or royalties) rights over something
(markets, other technologies, applications, product parts, design etc.); other forms
of help (to find customers, to develop other technology, knowledge of markets,
technologies etc.)
7. IP protection
A transfer project is a unique endeavour until the technology is operational in the company.
Companies should therefore ensure that they are familiar with project management principles
in order to ensure a smooth transfer process.
2.6.1 Step 1: Recognizing a need or opportunity
As mentioned before, the initial step in the transfer of technology process is the recognition
of a need. This need must be satisfied by current technology applied differently, or it must be
satisfied by new technology. Needs can arise from the following;
Scientific changes
The market
Human inquisitiveness
Innovation as company policy
Scientific changes can bring about new products, utilizing new technologies. An example
would be the development of nylon, which made it possible to solve needs in a
technologically advanced way.
Competition together with the market may be one of the greatest initiators of the need to
transfer new technology. This means that an organization’s products or services must be
tailored to address the specific needs of individuals. If an organization does not have the
technological capability to do so, it will lose that market to its competitors. Technology can
give a business the competitive advantage it needs, to secure its position in the market.
Legislation may also create a need that has to be solved by obtaining new technology. If we
think about the aviation industry in general there are, for example, restrictions on the noise
levels of aircraft over populated areas surrounding airports. This legislation disqualifies older
aircraft from using these airports. A new need arose and subsequently engine noise was
reduced by developing 'hush kits', which at that stage was a new technology in the aviation
industry. Human inquisitiveness together with innovation as company policy (R&D) always
ensures advances in technology.
Sources of information
Information plays a big role in the search for new, or the most applicable technology.
Organizations are particularly interested in information on products, research activities,
finance and patent information.
A tremendous amount of research goes into universities, research bodies and industry. For
any organization it is essential that this research be exploited and transferred, in order to
strengthen their technological function. Organizations that do not have the capability of doing
their own research should seriously consider partnering with these institutions, in order to
have access to relevant research.
Technology in the form of knowledge can be conveyed through the following mechanisms:
• In print through technical journals
• Scientific magazines
• Patents
• Orally at conferences
• In discussions with colleagues, acquaintances and consultants
• On television or radio
• Courses
• Service bulletins
• Specifications
Technology in the form of skills is acquired by doing something. It can be conveyed by:
• Watching someone doing something
• Watching a video of someone doing something
• Demonstrations at courses
• Hands on training
It is clear that the collaboration between companies is the major technology transfer
mechanisms in the private to private domain. There are several forms of collaboration,
a) Technical collaboration.
One form of technical collaboration is where partners increase their expertise through sharing
knowledge, skills and equipment.
b) Another form is where one partner is in possession of technology, which the other
needs for its new product.
Cooke and Mayes identified the main aims of collaboration between companies as follows:
• Sharing risk and cost
• Growing of technological knowledge
• Helping in product development
• Developing industry standards together
• Acquiring and/or penetrating new markets
• Improving speed to market
Developing new products is a risky and costly business and therefore companies will rather
share the risk and cost involved in these projects. Companies also feel more assured if they
concentrate on a business area they are familiar with, while leaving other aspects to partners
that are more familiar with business in those areas. Collaboration in itself can be risky
because of the fact that companies differ in several aspects. The biggest of the differences
may be company culture.
If the technology transfer mechanism presents the technology to the potential user, without
assistance regarding its application, then the mode is said to be passive. In the passive mode
only the knowledge part of technology is transferred. The skills surrounding the technology
are not transferred. These mechanisms can include presentations in a report.
If, on the other hand the provider of the technology assists with the application of the
technology, then the mode is said to be active. These mechanisms include training, etc. The
boundaries between passive and active are not easy to define and therefore a semi-active
mode is also defined.
Passive Mode
The most widely used mechanism in the passive mode is the instruction manual or
"cookbook" approach. This is the only contact between the originator of the technology and
the user. Millions of products are made and sold with transfer occurring in this form.
Just think of one's own motor car. These self-teaching manuals used in this mode all have one
thing in common: they presume that the user has some level of knowledge and competence in
the specific technological area. It is an important point in this mode of transfer. A mechanic
can assemble a component perfectly from an instruction manual. This becomes more intricate
when we think of other technologies like glassblowing, sheet metal work and woodwork. In
these areas the skill that lies with the user must be far greater. This is important to keep in
mind if you want to transfer technology. The skill resting in the user of the technology must
be clearly defined by the originator, because this will have a definite impact on the success of
the transfer process. If you give someone who does not know how to drive a motor car, that
technology, it will be useless to the person, because it cannot be used.
Semi-Active Mode
In the semi-active mode there is intervention from a third party in the transfer process. This is
usually in the form of a transfer agent. In the semi-active mode the role of the transfer agent
is limited to that of adviser. Very often in the semi-active mode, the transfer agent only
screens information in the relevant field of interest and passes it on to the final user. He
therefore ensures the relevance of the information, because of his knowledge, not only about
the user's needs, but also because of his knowledge about the technology. The role of the
transfer agent is therefore one of communicator between the technology and the user. If his
role is beyond this, then the mode of transfer becomes active.
The most widely used source of technical information is in the form of written technical
documentation and therefore the passive mode of transfer is the most widely used. Because of
this, care should be taken in the writing of these documents. Very often data banks and
published material are searched in order to obtain information on relevant subjects.
Experience has shown that what the first would-be user wants to read is a non-technical
description of the technology. Because the reader will be trained in one or more technical
disciplines, it will be easy for him to judge the relevance of the document. Because of the
increasing amount of data this becomes more relevant. This is a time consuming effort and
often it is 'outsourced' to a transfer agent. He will then be responsible for identifying relevant
information and transferring it to the user. The transfer agent can be in the form of one or
several people working in a team, each within their own field of expertise. An additional
benefit of using a transfer agent, is that the user of the technology may have interpreted the
problem incorrectly and this is leading them along the wrong path in their search for a
solution. Here the agent can be of help because of his knowledge of the user's needs.
The passive and semi-active modes are therefore recognized by the fact that no third party
participates in the application of the technology. Only limited assistance in identifying
relevant technologies is experienced in the semi-active mode.
Carefully select, based upon comprehensive market research, which products can be
sustained financially in which markets for long-term success.
Planning for various phases and/or stages in the commercialization process is key.
Consider geographic distribution, different demographics, etc.
When bringing a product to market, a number of key strategic questions need to be answered
satisfactorily long before substantial costs are incurred for commercialization. These
questions are simple to ask but complex to answer, and business analysts and market
researchers will spend a considerable amount of time approaching them via research models
and careful financial consideration.
When: The company has to time introducing the product perfectly. If there is a risk of
cannibalizing the sales of the company’s other products, if the product could benefit
from further development, or if the economy is forecasted to improve in the near
future, the product’s launch should be delayed. Similarly, many items are seasonal
(e.g., fashion) and so should be timed appropriately to maximize revenue.
Where: The company has to decide where to launch its products. This can be in a
single location, in one or several larger regions, or in a national or international market.
This decision will be strongly influenced by the company’s resources; larger
companies can reach broader geographic audiences. It is important to keep in mind
where the early adopters will be and where competitive gaps may exist. In the global
marketplace, this question is increasingly complex.
To whom: The primary target consumer group will have been identified earlier through
research and test marketing. This primary consumer group will include innovators,
early adopters, heavy users, and opinion leaders. Their buy-in will ensure adoption by
other consumers in the marketplace during the product growth period.
How: The company has to decide on an action plan for introducing the product by
implementing these decisions. It has to develop a viable marketing mix and create a
respective marketing budget.
While these questions are key considerations in the commercialization process, remember
that they should have been answered long before the commercialization stage. After all, if the
need is not sufficiently widespread or the market not sufficiently developed, there is little
reason to have pursued a given innovation in the first place.
There are different elements that could affect technology innovation and its
commercialization in firms. These elements can be organized under a classification that is
composed of nine major factors and their constituents.
Zhou (2006) suggests that the impact of such control on team intrinsic motivation and
consequently, on team creativity, differs in terms of national culture. She suggests that
paternalistic organizational control fosters team intrinsic motivation and creativity for teams
in the East, whereas for teams in the West, such organizational control acts as an inhibitor of
group intrinsic motivation and thus creativity. This is one of the first models published in the
mainstream organizational science literature that takes a multi-level approach to directly
address the role of national culture as it may influence how organizational control at the
organizational level of analysis affects team creativity at the team level of analysis.
Even so, empirical examination of it has been rare, perhaps partly because its multi-level
theorizing requires that researchers collect data from a large number of teams embedded in a
good number of organizations in Eastern and Western countries. On the other hand,
conceptual works positing positive impact of teams’ cultural diversity on team creativity have
received more research attention and empirical support (Stahl, Maznevski, Voigt, & Jonsen,
2009). Consistent with the “value-in-diversity” thesis in the diversity literature, this line of
work essentially argues that cultural diversity promotes divergence in teams, and divergence
leads to creativity (Stahl et al., 2009).
While the above focus on creativity mainly the following will lay emphasis on innovation
6. Ambidexterity Theory
Bledow, Frese, Anderson, Erez, & Farr (2009a, 2009b) recently advocated ambidexterity
theory to explain the process of managing conflicting demands at multiple organizational
levels to successfully innovate. Ambidexterity refers to “the ability of a complex and adaptive
system to manage and meet conflicting demands by engaging in fundamentally different
activities” (Bledow et al., 2009a). Generally ambidexterity represents successful management
of both, exploration (e.g., creating new products) and exploitation (e.g., production and
implementation of products). In terms of integration of activities, Bledow et al. (2009a)
distinguish between active management on one hand and self-regulatory processes on the
other and suggest that both are required for the integration of activities performed by sub-
systems or at different points in time (Bledow et al., 2009b). Some support has already been
published for the major precepts of ambidexterity theory (Rosing, Frese, & Bausch, 2011)
and this perspective therefore holds potential for future studies most notably into leadership
effects in innovation processes.
Amabile, T. M. (1997). Motivating Creativity in Organisations: On doing what you love and
loving what you do. California Management Revies, 40, 39-58.
Amabile, T. M., & Conti, R. (1999). Changes in the work environment for creativity during
downsizing. Academy of Management Journal, 42, 630-640.
Shalley , C. E., Zhou, J., & Oldham, G. R. (2004). The effects of personal and contextual
characteristics on creativity: Where should we go from here? Journal of Management,
30, 933-958.
Zhou, J., & Shalley, C. E. (2010). Deepening our understanding of creativity in the
workplace: A review of different approaches to creativity research. In S. Zedeck, APA
Handbook of industrial and organisational psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 275-302).
Washington: APA.
This is the introduction of new techniques, product/production or distribution processes that
may be followed by a spread process of diffusion.
Types of Innovation
1. Product innovation
This is a good or service that is new or significantly improved. This includes significant
improvements in technical specifications, components and materials, software in the product,
user friendliness or other functional characteristics.
2. Process innovation
This is a new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes
significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software.
4. Marketing innovation
This is a new marketing method involving significant changes in product design or
packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing. Improves customers touching
processes, be they marketing processes e.g. Use of the web/e-commerce or consumer
transaction, use of auction, e-commerce etc.
5. Structural innovation
Capitalizes on disruption to restructure industry relationships e.g. Deregulation/liberalization
of financial sector brought many players. Family Finance, K-Rep, CFC etc. to offer broader
arrays of products and services to consumers becoming major competitors to established
banks – Equity
6. Entrepreneurial Innovation
The innovation dimension of entrepreneurship refers to the pursuit of creative or novel
solutions to challenges confronting a firm. These challenges can include developing new
products and services or new administrative techniques and technologies for performing
organizational functions (e.g., production, marketing, and sales and distribution).
7. Technological Innovation
This takes place when companies try to gain a competitive advantage either by reducing costs
or by introducing a new technology. Technological innovation has been a hot topic in recent
years, particularly when coupled with the concept of disruptive innovation. Disruptive
innovation is usually a technological advancement that renders previous products/services (or
even entire industries) irrelevant. For example, the smartphone disrupted landlines, Netflix
made Blockbuster obsolete, and mp3s have marginalized CD players.
8. Strategic Innovation
This pertains to processes: how things are done as opposed to what the end product is.
Strategic changes can be disruptive but are more often incremental. Incremental innovation is
the idea that small changes, when effected in large volume, can rapidly transform the broader
9. Organisational innovation
A lot of process innovation is about reducing unit costs. This might be achieved by improving
the production capacity and/or flexibility of the business – to enable it to exploit economies
of scale
Better quality
By definition, better quality products and services are more likely to meet customer needs.
Assuming that they are effectively marketed, that should result in higher sales and profits
Innovation might enable the business to reduce its carbon emissions, produce less waste or
perhaps comply with changing product legislation. Changes in laws often force business to
innovate when they might not otherwise do so.
Effective innovation is a great way to establish a unique selling proposition ("USP") for a
product – something which the customer is prepared to pay more for and which helps a
business differentiate itself from competitors
Not an obvious benefit, but often significant. Potential good quality recruits are often drawn
to a business with a reputation for innovation. Innovative businesses have a reputation for
being inspiring places in which to work.
A strategy of investing in R&D and innovation can bring significant rewards, but it is not
without risk. Amongst the potential pitfalls are:
An innovation only confers a competitive advantage if competitors are not able to replicate it
in their own businesses. Whilst patents provide some legal protection, the reality is that many
innovative products and processes are hard to protect. One danger is that one research-driven,
innovative company makes the initial investment and takes all the risk – only to find it is
competing with many me-too competitors riding on the coat-tails of the innovation.
Much research is speculative and there is no guarantee of future revenues and profits. The
longer the development timescale the greater the risk that research is overtaken by
competitors too.
Availability of finance
Like other business activities, R&D has to compete for scarce cash. Given the risks involved,
R&D demands a high required rate of return. That means that for businesses that have limited
cash resources, the opportunity cost of investing in R&D can be very high.
Internal and External Innovation
Internal Innovation: simply put, this means change within your organization. This might be
small or large change, something structural within a team, a change in the production process
to increase efficiency, or something financial regarding your budget. This internal change,
however, is done primarily within the organization, although the impacts may be visible both
within the organization and outside of it.
When it comes to ROI, internal innovation tends to represent significant cost savings, as
opposed to the increase in revenue brought about by external innovation. Increased efficiency
or improved processes can mean substantial reductions in overall output.
In contrast, although external innovation often requires greater investment of resources, and
therefore can represent a decreased ROI in the short term, the long-term impacts are
usually more widely visible, both internally and externally.
Recognizing the ROI benefits, can your organization survive an entirely one directional
strategic innovation strategy?
This section will highlight the main tenets of four diffusion theories and models – Innovation
Diffusion Theory, Concerns-based Adoption Model, Technology Acceptance Model, and The
Chocolate Model.
In his editorial “What is Innovation?”, Damiano, Jr. (2011) refers to the Merriam-Webster
dictionary definition which defines it as “the introduction of something new” where that
something could be an idea, process, or product.
Straub (2009) describes adoption as when an individual integrates a new innovation into their
life and diffusion as “the collective adoption process over time.”
Straub (2009) notes that adoption-diffusion theories “refer to the process involving the spread
of a new idea over time”.
In 1962 Everett Rogers introduced his Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT). It provides a
foundation for understanding innovation adoption and the factors that influence an
individual’s choices about an innovation. Rogers’ theory is broad in scope which lends itself
to being flexible across many contexts but also difficult to use as a process model when
planning for organizational change due to adoption of an innovation (Straub, 2009).
1. the innovation
2. communication channels used to broadcast information about the innovation
3. the social system existing around the adopters/non-adopters of the innovation
4. the time it takes for individuals to move through the adoption process.
The interaction of these components helps one understand why an individual chooses to
adopt an innovation or not (Straub, 2009). A sub-process of diffusion in Rogers’ theory is the
innovation decision or process which leads to adoption or rejection of the innovation.
Rogers presents five stages potential adopters move through in this process.
The first is seeking knowledge about the innovation and its function.
The second is persuasion when the potential adopter formulates an opinion about the
The third stage is when a decision is made to adopt or reject the innovation.
The fourth stage occurs when the adopter implements the innovation.
Finally, the adopter reaches the confirmation stage where they seek reinforcement of their
decision to adopt the innovation. Here they may continue implementing the innovation as
they experience its benefits or they may change their decision and reject the innovation
(Rogers, 2003).
The individual is first exposed to an innovation, but lacks information about the innovation. During
this stage the individual has not yet been inspired to find out more information about the
Stage 2: Persuasion
The individual is interested in the innovation and actively seeks related information/details.
Stage 3: Decision
The individual takes the concept of the change and weighs the advantages/disadvantages of using
the innovation and decides whether to adopt or reject the innovation. Due to the individualistic
nature of this stage, Rogers notes that it is the most difficult stage on which to acquire empirical
Stage 4: Implementation
The individual employs the innovation to a varying degree depending on the situation. During this
stage the individual also determines the usefulness of the innovation and may search for further
information about it.
Stage 5: Confirmation
The individual finalizes his/her decision to continue using the innovation. This stage is both
intrapersonal (may cause cognitive dissonance) and interpersonal, confirmation that the group has
made the right decision.
Rogers extends beyond the adoption process by identifying five attributes that affect whether
an innovation is adopted or not: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability,
and observability.
Relative advantage refers to how much greater or lesser the benefits of the innovation are
compared with the alternatives.
How well the innovation fits with a potential adopter’s existing process or workflow is its
The more difficult to learn and implement an innovation is perceived to be, the less likely it is
to be adopted. This is because its complexity is perceived to be too high.
Potential adopters are more likely to accept innovations they have an opportunity to
experiment with and test out before making a decision whether to adopt or not; this refers to
their trialability.
Observability occurs once an innovation has been adopted and diffused across enough people
within a culture system than those who previously had not thought about adopting it, change
their minds or at least begin considering adopting the innovation (Rogers, 2003).
Many personal technologies such as the smart phone and FitBit type devices have
experienced widespread diffusion due in part to their high observability. Some universities
have waited until there was high visibility of others implementing online courses before they
began doing the same. This allowed them to see the success or failure of the strategy along
with learning from the challenges of the early adopters. This example also demonstrates the
impact of time on diffusion which Rogers (1962/2003) discusses in more depth in his
book Diffusion of Innovations.
Categories of Adopters
According to C, Romjin (2004), the innovation process is linear and begins with research and
followed by development. Development then leads to production followed by marketing of a
technology, innovation theory explains why, how and the rate at which innovation or new
ideas spread through cultures. The classification scheme of adaptation of new technology can
be put in five categories.
a) Innovators or technology enthusiasts – usually venture oriented, educated and are multiple
information sources. These will easily adapt to new innovations. Innovators are willing to take risks,
have the highest social status, have financial liquidity, are social and have closest contact to scientific
sources and interaction with other innovators. Their risk tolerance allows them to adopt
technologies that may ultimately fail. Financial resources help absorb these failures.
b) Early adopters or visionaries characteristically are social leaders, popular in the society and
educated. These individuals have the highest degree of opinion leadership among the adopter
categories. Early adopters have a higher social status, financial liquidity, advanced education and are
more socially forward than late adopters. They are more discreet in adoption choices than
innovators. They use judicious choice of adoption to help them maintain a central communication
c) Early majority or pragmatists. This type of people has many social contacts and does things
deliberately. They will receive a new innovation because they have well researched about it. They
adopt an innovation after a varying degree of time that is significantly longer than the innovators
and early adopters. Early Majority have above average social status, contact with early adopters and
seldom hold positions of opinion leadership in a system.
d) Late majority or conservatives – usually are skeptical, traditional and lower social economic
status. Takes time to accept new ideas. They adopt an innovation after the average participant.
These individuals approach an innovation with a high degree of skepticism and after the majority of
society has adopted the innovation. Late Majority are typically skeptical about an innovation, have
below average social status, have little financial liquidity, in contact with others in late majority and
early majority and little opinion leadership.
e) Laggards – these fear new ideas and are great critics. They will be the last to accept new ideas.
They are the last to adopt an innovation. Unlike some of the previous categories, individuals in this
category show little to no opinion leadership. These individuals typically have an aversion to change-
agents. Laggards typically tend to be focused on "traditions", lowest social status, lowest financial
liquidity, oldest among adopters, and in contact with only family and close friends.
Three components of the CBAM, formed from the six assumptions, that inform a leader
planning for change are the
stages of concern (SoC),
levels of use (LoU), and
innovation configuration (IC).
The SoC refers to individual characteristics relative to teachers concerns for themselves and
for their students during the adoption process and is the main premise on which the CBAM
was created (Straub, 2009).
The SoC scale breaks down teachers’ concerns into seven stages during the adoption process.
Stage 1 – information concerns – is when potential adopter are concerned about gathering
more knowledge about the innovation.
Stage 2 – personal concerns – is when the users perceive the innovation to pose a personal
threat. They may have doubts or lack self-confidence about their ability to use the innovation.
Stage 3 – management concerns – typically manifest after the first 24 hours of using an
innovation when potential adopters struggle with the logistics, coordination, and the time it
takes out of their schedules to learn and use the innovation.
Stage 4 – consequences concerns – happens when potential adopters reflect on the potential
effect the innovation will have on others such as students in many educational contexts.
Stage 5 – collaboration concerns – usually is shared by the change agents which are typically
administrators or team leaders. In this stage, there is a concern around bringing user groups
together in forming best practices in using the innovation effectively.
Stage 6 – refocusing concerns – is when users consider whether the proposed innovation is
actually the best approach to use in achieving their goals or perhaps another innovation would
be more suitable and had a greater impact (Hall, 1979). The LoU and IC refer to innovation
The LoU scale breaks down the stages of behavior as teachers pass from a lower level of use
to higher levels of use (Straub, 2009).
The innovation configuration (IC) refers to the process for implementing the innovation.
Although the teachers are seen as adoptees instead of adopters in the CBAM model, they also
have the role of change agent in order for successful adoption to occur in the classroom. One
might then see the students as receivers of the change, yet the CBAM model only focuses on
the concerns of the teachers because of their role as change agents. Another note about this
model is its apparent focus on negative opinions from teachers regarding innovation. As was
mentioned in the overview of Rogers’ theory, opinions formed about an innovation – whether
positive or negative – can each have an impact on the adoption of the innovation (Straub,
3. Technology Acceptance Model
Continuing along the theme of opinions and attitudes impacting innovation adoption, Davis’
(1985) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) asserts that it is in fact a potential adopter’s
attitude and expectations of the innovation that affects the chances for its adoption (Davis,
Of the two elements, Davis believed that ease of use has a direct impact on perceived
usefulness as, the easier an adopter perceives an innovation to be able to use, the greater
chance they will use it and experience higher productivity thus proving to be useful to the
adopter (Davis, 1985). In a later study, Davis concluded that there was a higher correlation
between perceived usefulness and technology adoption than between perceived usefulness
and adoption. From his test results, he surmised that it would not matter how easy a
technology is to learn; people would not adopt it if they did not perceive it to be useful in
increasing their productivity (Davis, 1989).
4. The Chocolate Model
The Chocolate Model focuses on innovation adoption and change related to an organization.
It is structured around four elements: change, adopters, the change agent(s), and the
organization – CACAO when made into an acronym for ease of recollection and use for
Unlike Rogers’ Innovation Diffusion Theory, the Chocolate Model can be applied when
planning for organizational change and innovation adoption. The process flows as follows:
First, analyze the change whether it is a new system or innovation (Dormant, 2011).
This is similar to the first step of seeking knowledge that is in Rogers’ (2003)
adoption process.
The second step is to analyze the adopters of the change.
Third, identify the change agents. At this point, a plan is developed.
The next step is to examine the organization where the change process is expected to
occur as well as analyzing the larger context of the organizational change – how it
impacts other aspects of the whole organization. Before implementing, the plan may
be revised based on the outcomes of the organizational analysis (Dormant, 2011).
The Chocolate Model aligns well with TAM in that change characteristics are similar. As in
TAM, adopters look at the relative advantage of the innovation or change (Dormant, 2011) –
referred to as the “perceived usefulness” in TAM (Straub, 2009). Adopters also look at the
simplicity and compatibility the innovation represents – the “perceived ease of use” in TAM
(Dormant, 2011; Straub, 2009). Two elements not discussed in TAM but called out in the
Chocolate Model are the adaptability of the innovation to the specific needs of the adopters
and the social impact of the change – what the change will mean for the social structure and
climate of the organization (Dormant, 2011).
3M’s Rule for Innovation Culture
Innovation is the tool of entrepreneurs to create opportunities! In this day of ever accelerating
change, organizations that value and promote innovation succeed and thrive. Organizations
that are complacent, or pay lip service to innovation, stagnate and fail. 3M has managed to
expand and thrive for over 100 years because of its culture of innovation. 3M explained the
keys to innovation success:
This is a structured process that transforms creative ideas into concrete products, services and
systems and as such links creativity to innovation. As part of innovation process, design has
the potential to substantially contribute to improving the brand image, sales and profitability
of a company. It has also emerged as a key differentiator for businesses.
As a result of the growing access to technology, firms increasingly have to compete at equal
prices and functionality. Design increasingly assumes a new role, one of competitive
advantage and differentiator, creating new markets by linking technology with commercial
and user considerations whether linked to functionality, aesthetics brand or other intangibles.
The concept of design has been defined in different ways either focusing on design as an
economic activity or more general as the translation of the ideas generated by creativity into
new products and processes. It links creativity and innovation. Design definitions are based
on design professions with the following ensembles; fashion design, graphic design, interior
design, product design etc.
Creativity on the other hand is defined as the generation of new ideas but the number of ideas
is an unobserved statistical phenomenon. Creativity is multidimensional and three different
‘type’ can be distinguished; technology creativity (invention), economic creativity
(entrepreneurship) and artistic/cultural creativity.
Creativity is the generation of new ideas, design is the shaping (or transformation) of ideas
into new products and processes and innovation is the exploitation of ideas i.e. the successful
marketing of these new products and processes.
NB: Creativity, design and innovation are not limited to certain sectors or professions, but
apply across the economy.
2. Do research
After a problem has been identified, the next step is to conduct a research. This research may
include finding articles in books, magazines, or on the Internet to help formulate ideas and
recognize constraints for their designs. During this stage, one is required to examine existing
designs, which can provide a starting place and help to formulate questions.
Research is also the step in which one discovers and explores the important elements of a
design. Guided questions encourage critical thinking about aspects of the problem that must
be addressed in order to develop a successful design.
In each activity, the research step includes the question, What are your design constraints?
This question helps one recognize the limits of his/her solutions and to eliminate solutions
that would be inefficient, costly, or physically impossible.
After building their prototypes, employees will test it. Some of the activities produce
prototypes that can be tested within a short period of time; others involve several days of
testing. Testing the prototype usually involves asking questions that are based on
observations, and assessing the prototype in terms of how well it solves the problem or task.
7. Communicate Results
Sharing results is an important step in any developing design. Employees are encouraged to
use a variety of approaches to communicate their results. Examples include sketches,
photographs, detailed diagrams, word descriptions, portfolios, computer simulations,
computer slide shows, and video presentations. Employees may also present evidence that
was collected when the prototype was tested. This evidence may include mathematical
representations, such as graphs and data tables, that support the design choice.
Communicating the results of an experiment or test has practical and ethical importance for
scientists and engineers. Practically, communicating results opens a conversation in which
other scientists or engineers can make suggestions and help improve a design. The design
also might help the other engineers solve problems they are having with their own designs or
inspire them with a new design. Ethically, communicating results opens an experiment or
design to accurate, unbiased evaluation. It also helps protect the intellectual rights of the
scientists or engineers sharing the design.
8. Evaluate and Redesign
The last step allows employees to evaluate what worked and what did not work about their
designs and why. They may be asked to rate their prototype designs with a rubric of design
constraints. They are also encouraged to explain their ratings and, if needed, brainstorm
design improvements. Some activities allow the employees to redesign their prototype.
Creativity is a way to produce something new and different which has some value or to do
the same mundane thing or a new thing in a new way using a new technique which is unique
in itself to get better / positive results or simply to get more business.
This is a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective that suggests
unorthodox solutions (which may look unsettling at first). Creative thinking can be stimulated
both by an unstructured process such as brainstorming, and by a structured process such as
lateral thinking.
Main Components of Creativity
1) Originality
The method or idea must be new and unique. It should not be the extension of something,
which already exists. However, one can take inspiration from the already existent methods
and ideas to fabricate something new and unique.
2) Functionality
Another important component of creativity is its functionality. A creative idea must work and
produce results, otherwise, the whole effort will be in vain.
Most of the time, people wonder how creativity happens. It has been seen that creativity
become another nature of some people whereas others have to spend hours on road or on a
mountain to think of a tiny idea. In the following paragraph, you will learn about when does
creativity happen and what kind of people called creative?
People who are thought-provoking, curious and have a variety of uncommon thoughts
are known to be creative people. Sometimes these people don’t even know what they
are doing and how much importance does that innovation holds. Therefore, they
usually fabricate new ideas, which leave people flabbergasted.
People who had important self- discoveries, who view the world with a fresh
perspective and have insightful ideas. These people make unique discoveries which
they don’t share with the outer world.
People who make great achievements which are known to the world. Inventors and
artists fall under this category.
Creative people have numerous traits that influence their creative thinking. Followings are
the few personality traits of creative people.
Creative people have a great deal of energy, both physical and mental. They can spend hours
working on a single thing that holds their attention, yet seem to remain enthusiastic all the
This doesn't mean that creative people are hyperactive or manic. They are imaginative and
curious and spend a great deal of time at rest, quietly thinking and reflecting on the things
that hold their interest.
Creative people tend to be smart, but research in 2013 has shown that having a very high IQ
is not necessarily correlated with higher levels of creative achievement - personality traits are
important too.
Creative people are smart, but they are able to maintain their sense of wonder, curiosity, and
ability to look at the world with fresh eyes.
When working on a project, creative people tend to exhibit determination and doggedness.
They will work for hours on something, often staying up late into the night until they are
satisfied with their work. Consider what you would think when you meet someone who is an
On the surface, it sounds both exciting, romantic, and glamorous. And for many, being an
artist certainly does involve a great deal of excitement. But being a successful artist is also a
lot of work, which is what many people fail to see. A creative person, however, realizes that
real creativity involves combining both the fun and the hard work.
Creative types, ranging from scientists to artists to musicians, can come up with imaginative
solutions to real-world issues.
Creative people tend to exhibit characteristics of both introversion and extraversion. They are
both gregarious and reticent, sociable and quiet. Interacting with others can generate ideas
and inspiration, and retreating to a quiet place allows creative individuals to fully explore
these sources of creativity.
Highly creative people tend to be proud of their achievements and accomplishments, yet they
are also aware of their place. They have tremendous respect for others who work in their field
and the influence that those previous innovations have had on their work. They can see that
their work is often remarkable in comparison to that of others, but it is not something they
focus on.
Creative people are "out-of-the-box" thinkers by definition, and we often think of them as
non-conformist and even a little bit rebellious. It is also about being able to appreciate and
even embrace the past, while still seeking new and improved ways of doing things. Creative
people can be conservative in many ways, yet they know that innovation sometimes means
taking risks.
Creative people don't just enjoy their work — they dearly and passionately love what they do.
But just being passionate about something does not necessarily lead to great work. Creative
people love their work, but they are also objective about it and willing to be critical (and take
criticism) of it. They are able to separate themselves from their work and see areas that need
work and improvement.
9. Creative people are sensitive and open to experience, but happy and joyful
Creative people tend to be more open and sensitive, characteristics that can bring both
rewards and pains. The act of creating something, of coming up with new ideas and taking
risks, often opens people up to criticism and even scorn. It can be painful, even devastating,
to devote years to something only to have it rejected, ignored, or ridiculed.
But being open to the creative experience is also a source of great joy. It can bring
tremendous happiness, and many creative people believe that such feelings are well worth the
trade-off for any possible pain.
Types of creativity
Dietrich has classified creativity in four domains using four discrete processing modes such
as emotional, cognitive, deliberate and spontaneous. He created a quadrant of creative types
using these four characteristics.
People who possess deliberate and cognitive characteristics are purposeful. They have a great
amount of knowledge about a particular subject and combine their skills and capabilities to
prepare a course of action to achieve something. This type of creativity built when people
work for a very long time in a particular area.
People who fall under this type of category of creativity are usually proficient at research,
problem- solving, investigation and experimentation. This type of creativity is located in the
brain’s prefrontal cortex, which is at the front part of the brain. These types of creative people
spend a great deal of time every single day testing to develop new solutions.
Thomas Alva Edison is one prominent example of this type of creative people. He ran
experiment after experiment before inventing electricity, the light bulb, and
telecommunication. Hence, deliberate and cognitive creativity requires a great deal of time,
dedication and abundance of knowledge about a particular subject.
People who are categorized as deliberate and emotional let their work influenced by their
state of emotions. These types of creative people are very emotional and sensitive in nature.
These individuals prefer relatively quiet and personal time to reflect and they usually have a
habit of diary writing. However, they are equally logical and rational in decision making.
Their creativity is always a balanced product of deliberate emotional thinking and logical
actions. This type of creativity is found in the amygdala and cingulate cortex parts of the
human brain. Amygdala is responsible for human emotions whereas cingulate cortex helps in
learning and information processing. This type of creativity happens to people at random
moments. Those moments are usually referred to as “a-ha!” moments when someone
suddenly thinks of a solution to some problem or think of some innovative idea.
For example, there are situations when you feel low and emotional which distracts you from
your work. In those kinds of situations, you should take 5 minutes and point out the things
which are making you sad and keep them aside and focus on the work in hand. It will help
you to get improvised results and you will get work done easily. One should seek “quiet
time” for deliberate and emotional creativity to happen to them.
This is the “Eureka!” moments for Newton and an excellent example of a spontaneous and
cognitive person. This type of creativity happens when one has the knowledge to get a
particular job done, but he requires inspiration and a hint to walk towards the right path. This
type of creativity usually happens at the most inconvenient time, such as, when you are
having a shower. Spontaneous and cognitive creativity takes place when the conscious mind
stops working and go to relax and unconscious mind gets a chance to work.
Mostly, this type of creative person stops conscious thinking when they need to do “out of the
box” thinking. By indulging in different and unrelated activities, the unconscious mind gets a
chance to connect information in new ways which provide solutions to the problems.
Therefore, to let this type of creativity happen one should take a break from the problem and
get away to let conscious mind overtake.
Creative Process
Generation of ideas occurs within a social context and is linked to domains of knowledge and
understanding that are also in a constant state of change.
Individuals require a certain level of intelligence, be willing to think in non-traditional ways
and to be persistent over time.
It is argued that it is not simply the creation of new ideas that is important but the translation
of these ideas into realizable products and services.
Wallas (1926) identified four stages in the creative process namely;
1. Preparation – refers to the period when an individual may refine their goals in
response to a particular issue or question that they face.
This is also the period where relevant material from a wide range of secondary and
primary sources is collected. The aim of this stage is for the individual to conduct
research in order to broaden their view of the area under investigation.
2. Incubation stage - here individuals suspend their conscious concentration on the
problem and engage in a process of subconscious data processing.
3. Illumination stage – this is the period when someone suddenly becomes aware of a
core answer to the problem. It is characterized by an unplanned result that derives
from a unique combination of ideas or patterns of knowledge that occurs during the
incubation stage. It is during this period that creative individuals must use their logical
thought processes to turn sudden insight into a novel and valuable solution.
4. Verification stage - this is the transition of new ideas into a realizable solution. It is
when the individual needs to formally evaluate the resultant outcome against the
criteria set at the outset.
Basadur’s et al., (1982) three stage model of process of creative problem solving
1. Problem finding
They argue that in order for creative process to begin there needs to be a problem that
requires a solution. This stage is important because the way one approaches a problem
will affect the quantity and quality of ideas generated in the stages that follow.
2. Problem solving
Focuses on generating as many ideas as possible, it is assumed that the number of
ideas increases the probability of someone coming up with an idea worth pursuing.
3. Solution implementation
This focuses on implementation of one of the solutions that were generated from the
previous stage.
NB: During each of the three stages a two-step process of ideation-evaluation occurs.
Ideation refers to the uncritical development of ideas. Evaluation refers to the selection of the
best of the generated ideas.
Amabile (1983) five stage- componential model
This model identifies key components of creativity at certain stages of the creative process.
1. Problem or task presentation
The task to be undertaken or the problem to be solved is presented to the creative
person. It can arise from external stimuli (the supervisor may have assigned the task)
or from internal stimuli (one may particularly be interested in solving a specific
2. Preparation
At this stage the creative employee develops or reactivates a store of data relevant to
the problem or the opportunity identified.
3. Response generation
Here the individual comes up with a diverse range of possible ideas appropriate to the
issue in question. It is at this stage that an individual’s creative thinking will
determine both the quality and quantity of ideas generated.
4. Response validation
This refers to the process through which new ideas are checked for their
appropriateness and validated.
5. Outcome assessment based on tests performed in the previous stage.
If the response is found to be wholly appropriate then the outcome will be accepted
and the process ends. If, however, the response is unacceptable or only partially
acceptable but shows potential then the process returns to the initial stage of problem
or task presentation.
Harvard business school Prof. Theresa Amabile identified five environmental components
that affect creativity. These are;
1. Encouragement of creativity (which encompasses open information flow and support
for new ideas at all levels of the organisation, top management through immediate
supervisors to work group).
2. Autonomy or freedom (autonomy in the day-to-day conduct of work; a sense of
individual ownership of and control of work).
3. Resources (the materials, information and general resources available for work).
4. Pressures (including both positive challenge and negative workload pressures).
5. Organisational impediments to creativity (including conservatism and internal strife)
Corporate Strategy
Strategy refers to aspects of the corporate and innovation strategies of the organisation and
how they impact on the management of innovation. It also refers to the dissemination of the
strategic vision throughout the organisation.
Organisational structure relates to the way the various parts of an organisation are
configured and how this impacts on an organisations ability to manage innovation.
Organisational culture
‘Culture’ relates to the values and beliefs of the organisation and how these impact the
management of innovation within the organisation. It takes into consideration the
organisation’s approach to collaboration, communication and risk. Organisational culture is
often intrinsic to the way an organisation functions and the values it engenders within its
operation. It is also the most commonly discussed factor relating to an organisations ability to
manage innovation. Organization culture is also seen as the ‘primary determinant’ of
Employees refer to the non-management employees of the organization and the role they play
in affecting innovation management. This factor takes into account the various personal
characteristics associated with employees and the motivation of employees to become
Resources relate to all the resources that the organisation has, human, financial and physical,
and how resources are managed to impact on an organisations ability to manage innovation.
Knowledge management refers to the management and utilisation of knowledge for
innovation management. This covers all aspects of knowledge, both internal and external to
the organisation. This factor will also take organisational learning into consideration as it
plays a key role in knowledge management.
Management style and leadership refers to the employees that have responsibility for the
management of the organisation. This factor is concerned with a number of aspects to the
way management influences the management of innovation. For example it takes into
account the management style within the organisation and how management can motivate
employees to become more innovative.
Factors and sub-factors influencing an organizations ability to manage innovation
Factor Sub-factors
Technology Utilisation of technology
Technical skills and education
Technology strategy
Innovation process Idea generation
Selection and evaluation Techniques
Implementation mechanism
Corporate strategy Organisational strategy
Innovation strategy
Vision and goals of the organisation
Strategic decision making
Organisational structure Organisational differentiation
Organisational culture Communication
Attitude to risk
Attitude to innovation
Employees Motivation to innovate
Employee skills and education
Employee personalities
Resources Utilisation of slack resources
Planning and management of resources
Knowledge resources
Technology resources
Financial resources
Knowledge management Organisational learning
Knowledge of external environment
Utilisation of knowledge repositories
Management style and leadership Management personalities
Management style
Motivation of employees
To create, a person must
Have knowledge but forget the knowledge;
See unexpected connections in things but not have a mental disorder;
Work hard but spend time doing nothing;
Create many ideas yet most of them are useless;
Look at the same thing as everyone else, yet see something different;
Desire success but learn how to fail;
Be persistent but not stubborn; and,
Listen to experts but know how to disregard them.
others include;
Business capabilities include the knowledge, competencies and resources that a firm accumulates
over time and draws upon in the pursuit of its objectives. Collecting data on business capabilities is
of critical importance for the analysis of the drivers and impacts of innovation (why some firms
innovate and others do not), the types of innovation activities performed by firms, and their impacts.
Business capabilities of relevance to innovation include management capabilities, workforce skills,
and technological capabilities. The discussion of technological capabilities covers technical expertise,
design capabilities and digital competences.
People are the most important resource for innovation as they are the source of creativity
and new ideas. The design, development and implementation of innovations require a
variety of skills and the co-operation of different individuals. Data on the skill levels of a
firm’s workforce and on how a firm organises its human resources (including how it attracts
and retains talent) are therefore critical for understanding innovation activities and
innovation outcomes. Data on workforce skills and human resource management are also
important for analysing the role of labour markets, education, and human resources for
4. the ability to develop and use technological tools and data resources, with the latter providing an
increasingly important source of information for innovation (Technological capabilities)
The novelty or improved characteristics of an innovation are often due to the use of new or
modified technology. At the same time, the accumulated innovation activities of one or more
actors can advance knowledge within specific technological domains, creating new markets and
opportunities for innovation. The ability of a firm to take advantage of these opportunities will
depend on its technological capabilities within relevant domains.
Mention the word creativity, and people begin to squirm in their chairs. The very thought can
prompt anxiety, fear, and doubt – even in the most accomplished professionals. Let’s explore
some common myths, and uncover the truth behind this “fuzzy” topic:
TRUTH: Your role has nothing to do with your creativity. There are professional musicians
in major symphonies that are great technicians but don’t use an ounce of creativity. There are
also statisticians that are brilliantly creative. Don’t let labels dictate or limit your creativity.
TRUTH: As human beings, we all have tremendous creative capacity; we just need to
develop it. Your level of creativity isn't fixed at birth. Instead, think of creativity as an
expandable muscle. You don’t become a champion bodybuilder without hitting the gym.
Similarly, to build creative capacity requires some practice and focus. There is an
overwhelming amount of scientific research confirming that you can grow your creativity at
any age.
TRUTH: Today, creativity is everyone’s job. For your organization to enjoy success,
creativity must be harnessed at all levels. It is no longer just something those “art people” do.
There isn’t a job function that can’t benefit from creative problem solving, fresh ideas for the
future, or simply finding a better way.
TRUTH: Maybe in the past, but definitely not in the future. Unorthodox approaches, original
thought and imagination have become the currency for success in the new world of
business…and life. The difference between getting a promotion, making the sale, raising
capital, or reaching your full potential lies in your ability to embrace and nurture your
creative potential.
In our fist-fighting business climate, we're faced with unprecedented challenges. The stakes
are higher than ever, but so is the opportunity. Dispelling the myths, and then harnessing your
own creativity can be the difference-maker for you and your company.