Cam Ley 1984
Cam Ley 1984
Cam Ley 1984
R. E. Camley
Department of Physics and Energy Science, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907
D. L. Mills
Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine, California 92717
(Received 8 August 1983)
The present paper presents analysis of a semi-infinite two-dimensional wave vector K parallel to the surfaces.
superlattice, which consists of alternating layers of materi- ‘Without loss of generality, we may chose K directed along
al, where one or both constituent contains free carriers, or the X axis. Then the electrostatic potential everywhere
possibly electric-dipole-active collective excitations such has the form
as optical phonons or excitons. We inquire if a semi-
infinite structure of such materials may support a surface B(X,1)=D(z)e’ k") | 22»
excitation similar to the spin wave described in the preced-
ing paragraph, and find the answer to be yes, under the We then have عطfollowing two distinct sets لهelementary
excitations which generate a macroscopic field.
conditions outlined below. We argue that one should be
able to observe such modes by means of electron-energy- (i) Surface excitations. An isolated dielectric-vacuum
loss spectroscopy, and we present an analysis of the interface supports a surface excitation with a frequency
electron-energy-loss spectrum in a backscattering geo- independent of wave vector k, at any frequency w, for
metry to illustrate this point. which e(w,)=—1. If the interface coincides with the
The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents plane z =0, the electrostatic potential falls to zero ex-
the theory for both the “surface” and “bulk” collective ponentially, as one moves away from the interface in
modes of the structure just described, and we derive the either direction. One has ®(z)~exp(—k |z |) for such
dispersion relations of the various modes. Numerical re- modes.
sults are then presented for particular structures. In Sec. The finite slab, considered very thick for the moment,
111] we present the theory of the electron-energy-loss cross supports two such modes, one on each surface. With a
section, and Sec. IV is devoted ماa summary of our prin- thickness finite, the two modes couple to produce an odd-
cipal conclusions, including the numerical studies of the or even-parity pair, split by interaction between the two
electron-energy-loss cross section. surfaces. We thus have dispersion relations »_(k) and
The ه- mode is described by the implicit dispersion re-
COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS elw_)=—coth (7kd) . (2.3a)
If elw)=€,+0}/(wj—w?), then as kd— oo, o_(k) ap-
1t is useful مbreak the discussion of the present section proaches عطsingle-interface surface-mode frequency
into several parts. We consider first a review of the col- w;=w5+Q;/(1+¢€,), while as kd—0, ©_(k)—aq, where
lective modes of an isolated dielectric slab, then turn to a €(w) is infinite. If we have a metal, then wy=0, and so
superlattice structure of infinite extent, and next the ter- ©_(k)—0 as kd—0, with o_(k)=0,(3kd)'> when
minated superlattice. Then we proceed to some numerical kd <<1. This mode is an odd-parity mode in the sense
examples. that the electrostatic potential is odd under reflection
through the midpoint of the film.
A. Isolated slab The بهmode has the implicit dispersion relation
For what follows, it will be useful مconsider those col- (2.3b)
lective excitations of an isolated dielectric slab (possibly a (o, )=—tanh(Tkd) .
metal) which in the long-wavelength limit generate a mac-
Then as kd— o0, @, (k) also approaches ونه, while as
roscopic electric field. Then if we confine our attention to
kd—0, (k) approaches the frequency for which e(w)
only this limit of long wavelengths, the mode structure is
vanishes. This is عطLO-phonon frequency in a simple
described fully by macroscopic theory. Suppose the slab
ionic insulator, or the bulk-plasma frequency for a metal.
has thickness d, vacuum above and below, and has a
The electrostatic potential has even parity under reflection
frequency-dependent dielectric constant €(w), assumed
through the midpoint of the film.
real in this section. The macroscopic electric field associ-
The results above are well known, and may be derived
ated with the elementary excitations of interest may be de-
in a few lines by noting that ¢(Xt) satisfies Laplace’s
rived from an electrostatic potential ¢(X,t); throughout
equation everywhere, including inside the film [because
this paper, we ignore retardation,® so @(X,r) obeys €(w)70]. Then by requiring that ¢ عطcontinuous at each
Laplace’s equations everywhere outside the slab,
interface along with normal components of ]3=€(w)f3,
V2(%,1)=0 . (2.1a) constraints which lead to the dispersion relations follow.
(ii) Bulk excitations. هطinfinitely extended dielectric
Then inside the slab we have medium supports bulk excitations of longitudinal charac-
€(w)V?p(X,1)=0 . (2.1b) ter (plasmons, LO phonons, and longitudinal excitions) at
those particular frequencies where €(w. . Here we are
In general, an excitation in the slab will set up a fluc- no longer constrained to have V2$=0 within the medium,
tuating electric field in عطvacuum above and below it. since €(w) vanishes in Eq. (2.1b). For عطslab, elementary
We denote the electrostatic potentials in these two regions arguments given elsewhere’ serve to delineate the proper-
by ¢> and ¢ <, respectively, and that within the slab by ¢;. ties of عطbulk excitations of a finite slab. One has a se-
Translational invariance parallel مthe two surfaces en- quence of standing-wave resonances of the slab, each with
sures that all elementary excitations are characterized by a frequency such that e(w)=0, i.e., عطfrequency لهeach
slab resonance is identical to that of the relevant bulk ex- and must obey appropriate boundary conditions at each
citation. The boundary conditions require ¢>(Xt) and interface.
¢<(%,t) vanish identically, so عطmodes generate no mac- Since we have translational invariance in the two direc-
roscopic electric field outside the slab itself. If the slab tions normal to the 2 axis, each normal mode is character-
surfaces are located in the planes z=0 and z=d, then ized by a two-dimensional wave vector K parallel to the xy
®(z)~sin(nmz/d), so there is a macroscopic field of plane, as in the case عط ألهisolated slab. We assume each
standing-wave character within the slab. These con- material is isotropic, so that without loss generality, K
clusions will be altered by the presence of spatial disper- may عطtaken parallel مthe x axis. Thus, ¢(x,y,z,t) will
sion effects not examined here; these will be small in the have the form
long-wavelengths limit and in.a number of geometries of
practical interest. B(x,9,2,)=D(2)e’kx—o0) | 2.5)
and Eq. (2.4) leads to
B. Superlattice of infinite extent 2
2 )0)2(-0. 26
‘We consider here the structure shown in Fig. 1. Materi-
لاA has a frequency-independent dielectric constant
Quite clearly, the general solution of this simple equation
€4(w), and thickness مركwhile material B has a dielectric
constant €g(w) and thickness d,. For the purposes of عط
present discussion, €4() and €z(w) will be supposed real; D(z)=A اتا _ ربك 27
this restriction is relaxed later in the paper. The “unit
cells” of عطstructure are designated by the index n, as il- Since the structure in Fig. 1 is periodic in the 2 direc-
lustrated in the figure. tion, our task is to synthesize the basic solutions in Eq.
As we saw in the preceding subsection, an isolated slab (2.7) so that proper boundary conditions are satisfied at
of material A or B has standing-wave resonances (bulk LO each interface, and so that the solution forms a Bloch
phonons, bulk plasmons, etc.) which generates a macro- wave, with respect ماtranslations normal عط ماinterface.
scopic electric field at any frequency for which €4(w) عه Thus, if L =d, +d, is عطlength of a unit cell, we require
€p(w) vanishes. The electric field associated with such ex- that ®(z) be written in the form
citations is totally confined within the slab, so when a su- D(2)=e*U,(2) , 2.8)
perlattice such as that in Fig. 1 is constructed, each con-
stituent still possesses bulk resonances identical to those in where for any integer n,
the isolated film. These are unaffected by the fact that
the film in question is now incorporated into a superlattice
Uy(z+nL)=U,(z) . 2.9
structure. First consider عطform of the electrostatic potential
Here we study the collective excitations of the whole within the nth slab of material 4, which extends from
structure which have frequency o such that neither €4(w) z=nL to z=nL +d;. One readily verifies that the most
nor €g(w) vanish. The electrostatic potential ¢(X,?) معط general solution of Eq. (2.6) which also satisfies Eq. (2.9)
satisfies Laplace’s equation everywhere, may be written
V2(,1)=0, (2.4) 1)ول2( هاا و- اله تامور بر) لله4 4 o—klz—nL))
nL<z<nL+d; (2.10)
80 that we have
") تاموg _o—klz-nD)) @11
€plw) A 0
In this discussion, وis a wave vector that will ultimately
€p () 8 ووأ
and the Bloch property of the basic solution insures they collective excitations discussed here may be viewed as a
are satisfied everywhere else. linear superposition of surface polaritons, one localized at
Continuity of ®(z) at z=nL +, along with normal each interface in Fig. 1. When 4: and d, are finite, they
3, gives the two constraint equations couple because their fields overlap, resulting in normal
modes of the whole structure. Their nature is controlled
اعرد بد ™™ _p,الإ (2.13 by Bloch’s theorem, which dictates the form assumed by
the resulting electrostatic potential.
Suppose kd; >>1 with kd, finite, i.e., let d;— o with
امات —d_e M =ey(0)B,—B_), (.14) d, fixed. Then one readily sees that 2و. )91.2( degenerates
while the same conditions applied= ع عد nL give
A +A_=e~(B
" 1 B_e ™) @.15) دا coth )4/42(
and )@(4€ tanh ($kd,) , @23
— ااناA_)=eglwle
(B دعر ,)™ the generalization of Egs. (2.3) ماthe case where a finite
)61.2 slab of material B of thickness وكis embedded in medium
A. Of course, Eq. (2.19) is symmetric under interchange
By setting the appropriate 4X4 determinant formed of d; and ريكso that if يكco جwith ركfinite, we obtain
from Egs. (2.13)—(2.16) ماzero, we obtain an implicit the dispersion relation of the surface modes of a slab of
dispersion relation for the collective modes of the super- medium 4 with thickness ركembedded in medium 2.
lattice. This reads Explicit expressions for the dispersion relations may be
€4(@) 2 . . obtained for a variety of special cases. For example, let
1+ |] | |sinh(kd,)sinh(kd,) 2
(هاو )( @
es(0)=€)+—"— م )224
ماب هوه
2+ ررم وج005] 34 )cosh(kd) —cos(gL)]=0 . so that material 4 is possibly a polar semiconductor or a
nearly-free-electron metal (w,—0). Then let 55(10):5'5” )
corresponding to a nonpolar semiconductor or an insula-
In general, this implicit dispersion relation must be tor. Then we have
solved numerically. For fixed k, this yields the frequency
o as a function of g, the wave vector of the collective exci- 2 2 e
wF(k,q)=wp+ %5
el s v (2.25)
tation in the direction normal to the stack. If we define
The model considered above has three characteristic
c(k,q)= frequencies. The first is وه, which is the TO-phonon fre-
sinh(kd; sinh(kd ) ’ @19 quency if we view material 4 as a polar material. Then
we have the LO-phonon frequency of material 4, given by
a positive definite quantity for any choice of 1 or g, then
m§+flz/ef4"’, and finally there is the frequency
Eq. (2.17) admits solutions whenever
o3 =0f+02/(€° +€5”), the frequency of the surface
ماب polariton which propagates on the single interface between
<< 2/111-(96122]+(961)- ٠ (2.19) a semi-infinite half-space filled with medium 4, with the
other side formed from medium B. From Eq. (2.23), one
For the frequencies which emerge from Eq. (2.19) to be sees the w,(k,q) branch lies in the frequency regime
real, we must append the condition ه> وه- ,< while هه عطbranch كناin the regime
> وه- > مره. If medium 4 is a metal, then وجوه, قو
clkg)>1. (220
the surface-plasma frequency, and مرنهbecomes the bulk-
It is then convenient ماparametrize ¢ (k,q) by writing plasma frequency of material A.
clk,q)=coshy(k,q) , (2.21) C. Semi-infinite superlattice; excitations localized
where, when Eq. (2.20) is satisfied, لوقتالis real. The im- near the surface
plicit dispersion relation in Eq. (2.19) then reads ‘We now consider the geometry illustrated in Fig. 2. We
ماب have a superlattice structure identical to that in Fig. 1, but
=—exp[+ylkq)], (2.22) the structure is terminated at the plane z=0, with the
half-space 2 > 0 filled with material that has a dielectric
so that our collective excitations occur only in frequency constant € ().
regimes where عطratio €4(w)/€ep(w) is negative. As we remarked in Sec. I, terminating the superlattice
The frequency regime where €,4(w)/€p() is negative is, structure destroys its periodicity in the 2 direction, so that
in fact, the spectral region where surface polaritons may we no longer have collective excitations with Bloch char-
propagate on the interface between medium 4 and B. The acter in the 2 direction, as described by Egs. (2.8) and
et احا اس,229
م 2
سم يم 5و
€, —
+ 1+E—‘}(e Mi_e-fLg_—0. (30)
FIG. 2. Semi-infinite superlattice. The structure is made of B
alternating layers of material 4 and B as in Fig. 1, but the struc-
ture is terminated with the half-space z > 0 filled with material We have dropped explicit reference ماthe frequency
C. dependence of the dielectric constants for convience. For
Egs. (2.29) and (2.30) to be satisfied with 4, and 4_
nonzero, the appropriate 272 determinant must vanish,
(2.9). There will surely be modes which may عطviewed as leading to a constraint دهthe attenuation constant 8. One
propagating up to the surface from z=+ رمthen reflect- must have
ing back into the superlattice structure, with a reflection
coefficient that may be obtained by a suitable extension of cosh(BL ) =cosh(kd )cosh(kd,)
عطdiscussion in the preceding subsection. Here we will
1 €4
not be concerned with these modes, but instead with a new
class of solutions that emerge. These modes have their ex- *2 —+Zi sinh(kd,)sinh(kd,) ,
citation localized in the near vicinity of the interface be- a relation equivalent مEq. (2.17) with وreplaced by 8.
tween material C and the superlattice. One may view
Further constraints are obtained by requiring the boun-
these new excitations as linear superpositions of surface dary conditions ماbe satisfied at the interface z=0.
modes localized to a particular interface, with an envelope These give simply
function that decays exponentially as one moves into عط
stack. C=A,+A_ (2.32)
The surface modes may be described by taking, for the
electrostatic potential in the slab of material 4 in the re- and
gion nL <z <nL +, عطform €C=¢q(d,—4_), (2.33)
ونP4 kL) L gالسسرصن_ )2.26( or with C eliminated, we have a new equation which in-
while in medium B, in the region nL +d; <z<(n+1)L, volves 4, and 4 _,
we shall have
k(z—nL —dy) —klz—nL—d;) 1-4 4+ 4_=0. 2.34)
(عات- "ل3
e +B_e ٠١ @21 6 e
Recalling that k is عطmagnitude of the wave vector We have three unknowns, باA_, and B, and 2و5.
parallel to the surface [Eq. (2.5)], the attenuation constant ,)92.2( ,)03.2( and (2.34) provide three constraint equa-
B will be determined in the subsequent analysis. Of tions. Upon combining Egs. (2.30) and (2.34), we have
course, we require Re(8) > 0.
In the region 2 <0, where material C resides, we have e~PL—e ™[ cosh(kd,)+Pysinhkd, ] , (2.35)
The right-hand side of Eq. (2.35) must equal the right- for the surface wave. Once this is solved, we must then
hand side لهEq. (2.36), so that we have the final con- check the value of B as found, say, from Eq. (2.35), to be
straint certain that Re(8) > 0.
At this point, we may turn to a number of special cases.
Let us suppose for definiteness that طامط5€ and €, may be
2 cosh(kd )sinh(kd) regarded as frequency independent in the spectral regime
of interest, while it is €4(w) that varies with frequency.
رط .0=)
+sinh(kd,)[Pye" )832( Then after some manipulation, Eq. (2.38) may be used to
Equation (2.38) constitutes an implicit dispersion relation generate a quadratic equation satisfied by €, (w),
sinh(kd )[egcosh(kd;)
- المصتقي61 76[(2 )( + }€( —€2)cosh(kd ستول ر21 e 4 (@)
+ege sinh(kd )[epsinh(kd,) —€.cosh(kd,)]=0, )2.39(
so that the possible frequencies of the surface modes are such that
لهام26011 epooshikd,) —<,sinb(kd;)]
X (€} —€2)cosh(kd )sinh(kd, )+ { (€} — €2 cosh?(kd )sinh*(kd)
+ 62و قب4ص
:1 ; [) 2€p€.cosh(2kd, ) — (€} +€2)sinh(2kd,)]}'72) . (2.40)
A particularly striking special case is that for which D. Some explicit examples of superlattice
و6. For a semi-inifinite stack of films formed from a excitation spectra
“surface active medium” (i.e., one with a negative dielec-
tric constant in certain spectral regions) separated by vac- Here we present some numerical studies of the disper-
uum, with vacuum above, we have €z =€, =1. Then Eq. sion relations of collective excitations in semi-infinite su-
(2.40) reduces to the simple pair of statements perlattice structures. In what follows, we suppose
€4(0)=1—0}/w?, with w,=15 eV. This corresponds to
a model of aluminum. For €,, we choose unity, so that we
€4(w)="tep . (2.41a)
have a semi-infinite stack of aluminum films separated by
a dielectric space with a dielectric constant وى.
If we choose the upper sign, we see that — حمk, an unac- In Fig. 3 we show dispersion curves where d, =2d,, and
ceptable value. However, if €p=1. We see that the bulk excitations described in Sec.
113 fall into two bands separated by a gap. Note that as
esl0)=—¢€p, (2.41b) one scans through the frequency spectrum of bulk modes
with a finite wave vector K parallel ماthe surface, the
we have modes tend to crowd together, forming a high density of
states near the boundary lines with gL جح.
4-4 In Figs. 4(a) and 4(b), for two values of the parameter
B =k7 (2.41c) kd,, we illustrate frequencies of عطcollective modes له
the semi-infinite superlattices as a function of the ratio
dy/d,. The o, and ههbulk bands [Eq. (2.23)] are al-
which is quite acceptable if d; < ways separated by a gap, except for the special case
The condition in Eq. (2.41b) is precisely the same as that dy=d,, where their lower bounds just touch. The surface
which determines the surface-polariton frequency, in the mode always lies within this gap, but it exists only when
neglect of retardation, on the interface between a semi- dy > d,, as one sees from our earlier discussion.
infinite slab of material B joined with a semi-infinite slab A diverse variety of collective-mode spectra may عط
of material 4. The penetration constant 8 differs, howev- found, depending on the nature of the two constituents.
er, in that one has =k when d, =0, and only material 4 Figure 5 illustrates the effect of an insulating spacer
resides in the upper half-space z > 0. For our problem, we placed between the Al model films. We still have e, =1 in
see that B decreases ماzero as d,—d; from below, and no this figure, but now €p=3, a reasonable value for ميلم
surface wave exists when d, >d;. This mode is a precise or some other wide-gap insulator. For large values of kd,,
analog to the surface spin wave of the magnetic superlat- طامطthe w, and w_ bulk modes are down-shifted in fre-
tice discussed in earlier papers,™* and which has also been quency by virture of the screening provided by the oxide.
studied experimentally.#> We shall explore this wave fur- For large values لهkdy, عطsurface branch lies near the
ther in the next subsection, where its relation ماthe bulk surface-mode frequency appropriate to the Al/vacuum in-
excitation spectrum of the superlattice structure will be terface, 10.6 eV. Thus, in contrast ماthe earlier example,
elucidated. the surface mode lies above the بbulk-wave branch. As
kd, decreases, this mode merges with the w-mode con- In Sec. II we presented عطtheory of the collective exci-
tinuum at kd = 1.5, for this choice اه.24 On this branch, tations of superlatlice structures. We next turn ماthe
we have BL=im+X, were X assumes عطvalue 6.37 at question of how their properties may be studied. If we are
kd;=5.0, then decreases monotonically مreach zero as concerned with metallic superlattices, possibly with insu-
the surface mode merges with the bulk continuum. Then, lating spacers between adjacent metal films, then small-
FIG. 4. For the case €5 =¢, =1, we show, for (a) kd =1.0 and (b) kd =0.1, the frequency spectrum كهthe bulk & and w_ bands
of عطsemi-infinite superlattice along with the surface mode. The surface mode is absent when ررك > ركas discussed in the text.
2071 R. 2. CAMLEY AND D. L. MILLS 29
2 0
0 4 [ حص 8 )3.3(
2 1 1 1 1 1 and one easily that ¢(6”,z;t) satisfies
0 i 2 3 4 5
2 N 7
FIG. 6. For e;=3 and e,=1, we give the superlattice معرةم| ادج ومQe
collective-mode spectrum as a function of wave vector for
dy=3d,. Again, material 4 is aluminum. 4.3
while, as in Sec. II, the most general form of the potential 72 - 0,0( P+ (0= QPP
in the outermost superlattice layer is
Upon noting that R(Q),®) _(_lepends only on the magni-
د لير ا27 0224 3.11 tude and note the direction of Qj, we may write
electron beam measured relative to the normal to the sur- where v, is the speed of عطincoming electron. The result
face. Then is conveniently expressed in terms of the dimensionless
variable £ given by
)| هتقو (3.20a)
and £E=00Q) /0 . (321
vy =vgcost; , (3.20b) The loss function then becomes,
PR I dQ) QfIm[R(Q,»)]
Tho'cos?0; Y E[(£2—1)*+4E%0s%0, 2
—2 —i€ روم+) E4sin*0;]} ٠ 322
In the calculation of the loss cross section, the integral on IV. NUMERICAL CALCULATION
the magnitude of Q)| quite clearly must be performed nu- OF THE ELECTRON-ENERGY-LOSS
merically. But our analytic evaluation of the angular in- CROSS SECTION—GENERAL DISCUSSION
tegration in Eq. (3.19) reduces this to a simple task, out-
lined below, since the calculation involves integration over We now turn to our numerical studies of the electron-
only one variable. energy-loss cross section for scattering off a superlattice
1t should be noted that for R(Q)},®) to be nonzero, one structure.
or more of the dielectric constants of the substrate must ‘We first consider the case where وى,1= since, as we see
have a nonzero imaginary part. In our study of the from Sec. II, the excitation spectrum for this case is par-
dispersion relations in Sec. II, للهdielectric constants were ticularly simple. In the figures that follow, we choose the
taken to be real. Thus, here the attenuation constant j, as incident-electron kinetic energy to be 200 eV, with a 45°
found from Egq. (2.31), has a nonzero real and imaginary angle of incidence. The spectrometer slit widths are as-
part, and care must عطtaken to always choose 8 مدthat sumed equal م,°1 as mentioned at the end of Sec. IV.
ReB>0. In the calculations reported in Sec. IV, the Material 4 is modeled through use of the dielectric func-
aluminum film is modeled by the choice tion in Eq. (3.23), with رن51= eV and y=0.2 eV
In Fig. 7, we show the loss spectrum for two cases: The
first has 4ر02 A and d,=15 A, while the second has
2 d;=15 A and d,=20 A. Clearly visible is عطprominent
eqlw)=1— مه surface-mode peak at 10.6 eV for the former case, while
)له, (32.3)
only a عامطis present for the latter, near the
aluminum/vacuum surface-plasmon frequency of 10.6 eV.
The broad feature which rises dramatically with decreas-
with y the conduction-electron relaxation rate. ing energy loss has its origin in scattering off of the con-
Near-specular electron-energy-loss studies generally col- tinuum of “bulk” excitations which, as one sees from Fig.
lect not all the electrons scattered via the mechanism 3, extend down to very low frequency when Q)d, is small.
described above, but rather collect those scattered within a This feature will be evident in data as a broadening of the
certain angular range about the specular direction. This quasielastic peak, which varies as the thickness of the
range is determined by the slit width of the spectrometer, aluminum film is changed. Such a broadening of the
which generally subtends an angle of roughly 1°, as viewed quasielastic peak is evident in recent studies of thin films
from the sample. In our calculations, we simulate this by of Ag deposited ذهGaAs;" here the whole feature is
cutting off عطintegral on Q) in Eq. (3.22) at the value shifted to much lower energies by virtue of the smaller
Qff'=k'"A6, with نالthe wave vector لهthe incident bulk-plasmon frequency لهAg and by softening of the
electron. In the scattering event, 70 is the momentum low-frequency collective modes of Ag produced by the
transfer suffered by the electron projected onto a plane screening of the electric fields provided by the GaAs sub-
parallel to the surface, so that this procedure assumes that strate. A theory identical to that employed here provides
all electrons which suffer a momentum transfer (projected an excellent account عط لهvariation of عطbroadening
onto a plane parallel to the surface) between 0 and Q f’ are with increasing Ag film thickness. Note, that as in the
collected. One could envision a more realistic cutoff pro- earlier example,'® with increasing aluminum film thick-
cedure, reflecting عطactual slit geometry, but this method ness, عطintensity of عطquasielastic background decreases
allows the integration on 6 مbe performed analytically, for films thicker than a few monolayers.
as described above. The results of the calculation are not It is well known that if one scatters electrons off a
very sensitive عط ماdetails of عطcutoff procedure. semi-infinite sample of aluminum, then the mechanism
T T an
[ 1ol dp=4/3d, €g=1.0 4
2 ا 2 ا
2 2
5 5
ع وده 040 ]
L o <
[ o
[= E 4= 4804
[Q @
« dp=96040
3 3 om0 لد
23 ool 3 .
o a 4,=4804
0.001 L L
0.001 1 o 50 100 15.0
0.0 5.0 100 15.0 ENERGY LOSS (eV)
FIG. 8. Electron-energy-loss cross section for near-specular
FIG. 7. Electron-energy-loss cross section for near-specular scattering of 200-eV electrons from a semi-infinite superlattice
scattering of 200-eV electrons off of a semi-infinite superlattice of aluminum films with vacuum in between. In للهcases, the ra-
of very thin aluminum films interspersed with vacuum. Two tio d,/d, is fixed at عطvalue 5.
cases, as indicated, are considered.
considered here leads to a loss peak at the frequency of the constituent. This point is reinforced in Fig. 9, where we
surface mode of the aluminum/vacuum interface, 10.6 eV present calculations, again with eg=1, of the loss spec-
for our model. It is interesting to inquire how such a trum for several values of d;, but now with the ratio
spectrum evolves from that given in Fig. 7 if ركis in- d,/d, fixed at rather than +.
creased with the ratio d,/d; held fixed at a value greater In Fig. 10 we present calculations of the loss spectrum
than unity; عطpoint is that in عطlimit رم جرهwe must for scattering from a semi-infinite stack of aluminum
have a loss peak at 10.6 eV as عطonly feature in the spec- films, but now with each separated by a dielectric with a
trum, but the discussion of Sec. II shows we never have a dielectric constant €p=3. In each example, the low-
surface mode at this frequency for any finite value of d, if frequency loss peak has its origin in scattering off the sur-
42/41 is greater than unity (see Fig. 4). face excitation in the gap between the رتand w_ bulk ex-
We study this point in Fig. 8, where we show the
energy-loss cross section for several values رك لهwith the 1.00 - r r _
ratio 41/42 fixed and ركincreasing to rather large values. r 6y=45° 1
For d, =120 A, we see a shoulder near 2.5 eV produced 7 F Eg=200eV 1
by scattering off عطw_ branch of excitations. As ركin- = | dy=4/3d, €g=1.0
creases, this shoulder evolves into a prominent peak, and
moves to progressively higher energy, but always below
5S oot ل ووو
10.6 eV. Similarly, scattering from رن عطbranch pro- o d,=4804
duces a loss peak above 10.6 eV which softens as ركin-
creases, always remaining above 10.6 eV. As ركincreases, =
عطtwo peaks coalesce, and the gap between them fills in. @
What is left in the limit d;—o0 with d,/d; fixed at a ©> 0.010) . B
value greater than unity is a single feature centered at 10.6 = di=9604 1
eV with a width controlled by the damping factor y in Eq. 2
(3.23). Note that as ركincreases, the low-energy “tail” in [ 9604
the loss spectrum decreases dramatically, so that there will
be very little broadening of the quasielastic beam for 0.00١ L L
scattering off thick films. o 5.0 100 15.0
Upon comparing the dramatic differences between the ENERGY LOSS (eV)
energy-loss spectra in Figs. 7 and 8, one may appreciate FIG. 9. Electron-energy-loss cross section for near-specular
that even when the aluminum film is quite thick, the scattering of 200-¢V electrons from a semi-infinite superlattice
electron-energy-loss spectrum is influenced by the whole of aluminum films with vacuum in between. In للهcases, the ra-
structure and not just by the properties of its outermost tio dy/d) is fixed at the value 3.
1706 R. E. CAMLEY AND D. L. 111115 29
d)= 9604 the nature of the structure below the outermost aluminum
4= 19204 film, even for rather thick films.
‘While we have confined our attention to the case of a
superlattice with a metallic and an insulating material as
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