Neukirch 3
Neukirch 3
Neukirch 3
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Dedicated to my teacher
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The present manuscript is an improved edition of a text that first appeared un-
der the same title in Bonner Mathematische Schriften, no. 26, and originated
from a series of lectures given by the author in 1965/66 in W. Krull’s semi-
nar in Bonn. Since the mathematical literature lacked a uniform presentation
of class field theory based on modern cohomological methods, a summarizing
exposition of these lectures seemed to be useful. The main goal was to provide
the reader, who has acquainted himself with the basics of algebraic number
theory, a quick and immediate access to class field theory.
This script consists of three parts, the first of which discusses the cohomology
of finite groups. Nowadays, cohomology has conquered large areas of algebraic
number theory. Nevertheless, the question whether class field theory can be
done without this machinery is a frequent topic of discussion. However, apart
from the possibility of formulating the theory in terms of algebras, which is
closely related to cohomology, we do not dispose of such a theory at this
point, although recent results due to J. Lubin and J. Tate on the explicit
determination of the local norm residue symbol provide some support for this
viewpoint. But one must not overlook the fact that cohomology presents –
in particular for the learner – a wealth of far reaching advantages. In class
field theory, cohomology plays the role of a calculus that allows a clear and
logical development of the theory under a unified viewpoint. Its importance,
however, is by no means only of formal nature. In fact, local class field theory
could originally be developed by defining the norm residue symbol via the
Frobenius automorphism for unramified extensions only. It was cohomology
that gave a vital impetus to the theory, making also the ramified extensions
accessible to class field theoretic methods. This relationship was discovered by
H. Hasse and had an immediate impact also on the global theory. Although
it was formulated in the language of algebras at first, the cohomological prin-
ciples behind it did not remain hidden for long. In addition, beyond class
field theory, the use of cohomological methods in general field theory has led,
via Galois cohomology, to a wealth of far reaching results with a novel allure.
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viii Preface
This is another reason why a student may wish to learn the effectiveness of the
cohomological calculus in class field theory, it provides him with a concrete
example of techniques which are used in many other areas of mathematics.
On the other hand, it cannot be denied that some students interested in class
field theory are deterred by cohomology, which at first sight may seem to be
some kind of mysterious formal mechanism that is difficult to understand. For
this reason we only introduce those notions and results from cohomology that
are essential for field theoretic applications, and we have made every endeavor
to present the material in a way that is as elementary as possible by avoiding
the general notions of homological algebra.
The second part discusses local class field theory. We have put Artin’s and
Tate’s theory of class formations at the beginning; it brings out the purely
group theoretical formalism of local and global class field theory based on the
theorem of Tate. For the sake of formal simplicity we have used the notion of a
profinite group; it is, however, not absolutely necessary for an understanding
of what follows, since all the essential theorems only refer to finite groups,
which are the building blocks of profinite groups. In § 7 we have included the
recent results by Lubin and Tate [34] on the explicit determination of the
norm residue symbol, which also will be applied later in the global part of the
proof of Artin’s reciprocity law.
The third part concerns the class field theory of finite algebraic number fields.
For the sake of a development that is as straightforward as possible we have
decided to omit the theory of function fields over finite constant fields. In
order to elaborate to what extend the global theorems can be deduced from
their local counterparts, we have strictly separated considerations of a purely
local character from those possessing a specific global nature. For a clear
presentation it turned out to be appropriate to single out certain cohomology
groups that occur when considering different field extensions simultaneously.
We have exclusively used Chevalley’s notion of idèles for developing the
global theory, and yet have tried to emphasize the importance of the classical
theory going back to Kummer. We have obtained a clear structuring of the
proof of the reciprocity law by strictly separating the treatment of the idèle
group from that of the idèle class group. In the last section we establish the
connection between the modern and the classical purely ideal theoretic version
of class field theory in the sense of Hasse’s Zahlbericht.
I would like to thank my honored teacher, Professor W. Krull, for his active
interest and concern in the genesis of this script. K.-O. Stöhr has acquired
a special merit to the text; I thank him deeply for his first elaboration of
my occasionally rather sketchy accounts on cohomology and local class field
theory, as well as for suggesting many essential improvements.
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References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
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Part I
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§ 1. G-Modules 3
§ 1. G-Modules
The cohomology of finite groups deals with a general situation that occurs
frequently in different concrete forms. For example, if L|K is a finite Galois
extension with Galois group G, then G acts on the multiplicative group L×
of the extension field L. In the special case of an extension of finite algebraic
number fields, G acts on the ideal group J of the extension field L. The theory
of group extensions provides us with the following example: If G is an abstract
finite group and A is a normal subgroup, then G acts on A via conjugation. In
representation theory we study matrix groups G that act on a vector space.
The basic notion underlying all these examples is that of a G-module. We will
now present some general considerations about G-modules, some of which the
reader may already know from the theory of modules over general rings.
with integral coefficients nσ ∈ ZZ. In other words, ZZ[G] is the free abelian
group on the elements of G:
nX o
ZZ[G] = nσ σ | nσ ∈ ZZ .
Since the sums σ∈G nσ σ can be multiplied, ZZ[G] is a ring. Therefore we may
interpret a G-module A as a module over the ring ZZ[G], where the action of
ZZ[G] on A is defined as
nσ σ a = nσ (σa), a ∈ A.
σ∈G σ∈G
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0 −→ IG −→ ZZ[G] −→ ZZ −→ 0,
0 −→ ZZ −→ ZZ[G] −→ JG −→ 0.
Viewing these rings only as additive groups, we see immediately that they are
all free abelian groups, and that IG and JG are direct summands of ZZ[G]:
Proof. If σ∈G nσ σ ∈ IG , then σ∈G nσ = 0, from which we obtain
nσ σ = nσ (σ − 1);
σ∈G σ∈G
if, in addition, σ∈G, σ6=1 nσ (σ − 1) = 0, then nσ = 0 for all σ ∈ G, σ 6= 1.
1) i j
A sequence · · · → A → B → C → · · · of groups, modules or rings and ho-
momorphisms i, j, . . . is called exact, if the image of each map is equal to the
kernel of the subsequent map. We will often have to deal with short exact se-
i j
quences 0 → A → B → C → 0. Such a sequence encodes the information that
the homomorphism j : B → C is surjective with kernel iA ∼ = A.
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§ 1. G-Modules 5
Since each element σ∈G nσ σ ∈ ZZ[G] can be written in the following form
nσ σ = nσ (σ − 1) + nσ · 1,
σ∈G σ∈G σ∈G
The ideals IG and ZZ·NG in ZZ[G] are dual to each other in the following sense.
XWe have
n σ σ · NG = nσ (σ · NG ) = nσ NG = n σ · NG = 0
σ∈G σ∈G σ∈G σ∈G
if and only if X
nσ = 0.
Thus Ann ZZ·NG = IG . On the other hand, we know from (1.2) that IG is the
free abelian group generated by the elements σ − 1, σ ∈ G. Therefore
nτ τ ∈ Ann IG ⇐⇒ nτ τ (σ − 1) = 0 for all σ ∈ G
τ ∈G τ ∈G
⇐⇒ nτ τ σ = nτ τ for all σ ∈ G
τ ∈G τ ∈G
⇐⇒ nτ = n1 for all τ ∈ G
⇐⇒ nτ τ = n1 ·NG ∈ ZZ·NG ,
τ ∈G
so that ZZ·NG = Ann IG , as claimed.
After these remarks on group rings we now return to general G-modules. For
each G-module A we have the following four distinguished submodules:
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NG A = {a ∈ A | NG a = 0},
IG A = { σ∈G nσ (σaσ − aσ ) | aσ ∈ A}.
Since IG is the module generated by the elements σ − 1, σ ∈ G, we obviously
have AG = {a ∈ A | IG a = 0}. On the other hand, IG A is the module
generated by the elements σa − a, a ∈ A, σ ∈ G. Proposition (1.3) provides
us with the inclusions
NG A ⊆ AG and IG A ⊆ NG A,
These groups will turn out to be the cohomology groups of the G-module A
of dimension 0 and −1 respectively.
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§ 1. G-Modules 7
Since we only consider tensor products over the ring ZZ, we will write for
simplicity A ⊗ B instead of A ⊗ZZ B. We denote by a ⊗ b the coset
a ⊗ b = (a, b) + R ∈ A ⊗ B.
By definition, the tensor product A ⊗ B consists of all elements of the form
ai ⊗ bi , ai ∈ A, bi ∈ B,
hence is generated by the elements a ⊗ b.
In the special case A = ZZ we will often regard the tensor product ZZ ⊗ B and
the ZZ-module B as equal by identifying3) n ⊗ b and n · b for n ∈ ZZ, b ∈ B.
If A and B are two abelian groups, we will identify the groups A ⊗ B and
B ⊗ A via the isomorphism
f : A ⊗ B −→ B ⊗ A with f (a ⊗ b) = b ⊗ a .
Similarly, if A, B, C are three abelian groups, we will regard the groups
(A ⊗ B) ⊗ C and A ⊗ (B ⊗ C) as equal, making use of the isomorphism
f : (A ⊗ B) ⊗ C −→ A ⊗ (B ⊗ C) with f ((a ⊗ b) ⊗ c) = a ⊗ (b ⊗ c) .
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Aι ) ∼
X ⊗( (X ⊗ Aι ), =
ι ι
Aι , X) ∼ Aι ) ∼
HomG ( = HomG (Aι , X), HomG (X, = HomG (X, Aι ).
ι ι ι ι
X ⊗ ( Aι ) ∼ Aι ) ∼
= (X ⊗ Aι ), HomG (X, = HomG (X, Aι ).
ι ι ι ι
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§ 1. G-Modules 9
Γι with Γι ∼
Write X = ι = ZZ[G]. From (1.5) we have the decomposition
HomG (X, A) = HomG (Γι , A).
∼ HomG (ZZ[G], A) ∼
If we set Aι = HomG (Γι , A) = = A (where the last isomor-
phism is given by the map f ∈ HomG (ZZ[G], A) 7→ f (1) ∈ A), and define Bι
and Cι analogously, we obtain the exact sequence
0 −→ Aι −→ Bι −→ Cι −→ 0,
which implies the proposition.
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For arbitrary G-modules X it is easy to verify that if one omits the last map
→ 0 in the induced HomG -sequence, the remaining sequence is still exact.
A G-free G-module is, of course, also ZZ-free, and therefore a free abelian
group, since ZZ[G] is the free abelian group generated by the elements of G.
For most questions concerning the exactness of sequences it suffices to consider
only ZZ-modules and ZZ-homomorphisms. In later applications we will need the
following three lemmas.
dq dq+1
(1.7) Lemma. If · · · ←− Xq−1 ←− Xq ←− Xq+1 ←− · · · is an exact
sequence of ZZ-free modules and D is an arbitrary ZZ-module, then the sequence
· · · −→ Hom(Xq−1 , D) −→ Hom(Xq , D) −→ Hom(Xq+1 , D) −→ · · ·
is also exact.
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· · ·
d−2 d−1 d0 d1 d2 d3
X−2 X−1 X0 X1 X2 ···
µ ε
0 0
with the following properties:
Cf. [16], 15.7, p. 236.
We always consider ZZ as a G-module by letting the group G act on ZZ trivially
(i.e., as the identity).
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For q ≥ 1 we consider all q-tuples (σ1 , . . . , σq ), where the σi run through the
group G; we call such a q-tuple a q-cell (with “vertices” σ1 , . . . , σq ). We use
these q-cells as free generators of our G-module, i.e., we set
Xq = X−q−1 = ZZ[G](σ1 , . . . , σq ).
For q = 0 we put
X0 = X−1 = ZZ[G],
where we choose the identity element 1 ∈ ZZ[G] as the generating “null cell”.
In particular, the modules
. . . , X−2 , X−1 , X0 , X1 , X2 , . . .
are free G-modules.
Define the G-homomorphisms ε : X0 → ZZ and µ : ZZ → X−1 by (cf. §1, p. 4)
ε( σ∈G nσ σ) = σ∈G nσ (augmentation)
µ(n) = n·NG (coaugmentation)
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d0 1 = NG for q = 0,
d1 (σ) = σ − 1 for q = 1,
dq (σ1 , . . . , σq ) = σ1 (σ2 , . . . , σq )
+ i=1 (−1)i (σ1 , . . . , σi−1 , σi σi+1 , σi+2 , . . . , σq )
+(−1)q (σ1 , . . . , σq−1 ) for q > 1,
d−1 1 = σ∈G [σ (σ) − (σ)] for q = −1,
E : ZZ −→ X0 with E(1) = 1,
D0 : X0 −→ X1 with D0 (σ) = (σ),
Dq : Xq −→ Xq+1 with Dq (σ0 (σ1 , . . . , σq )) = (σ0 , . . . , σq ) for q ≥ 1.
An elementary calculation shows that
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arises from (∗) by dualizing. In fact, from (∗) we first obtain the sequence
(∗∗∗) 0 −→ Hom(ZZ, ZZ) −→ Hom(X0 , ZZ) −→ Hom(X1 , ZZ) −→ · · · ,
which is exact by (1.7).
This completes the proof that the standard complex is exact at all terms.
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Contrary to the first sequence, the second sequence is not exact in general,
and the cohomology groups “measure” its deviation from being exact. We set
Zq = ker ∂q+1 , Rq = im ∂q ,
and call the elements in Zq (resp. Rq ) the q-cocyles (resp. q-coboundaries).
We now define the cohomology groups of G with coefficients in A as follows:
We remark that the cohomology groups H −q−1 (G, A) are the usual homology
groups denoted by Hq (G, A) (q ≥ 1). In algebraic topology, the cohomology
groups (with coefficients in ZZ) were originally introduced as the character
groups of the homology groups. This origin has left traces in the fact that the
left side of the standard complex is obtained from the right side by duality.
We point out again that splicing the two sides into a complete resolution,
which allows interpreting homology groups as cohomology groups of negative
dimension, is a crucial step which yields more than just a formal unification8) .
This fusion of homology and cohomology is due to J. Tate.
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and obviously
A0 = A−1 = HomG (ZZ[G], A) = A.
From the definition of the homomorphisms dq of the standard complex, we
obtain for the maps ∂q in the sequence
∂−2 ∂−1 0 1 ∂ 2 3 ∂ ∂ ∂
· · · −−→ A−2 −−→ A−1 −→ A0 −→ A1 −→ A2 −→ ···
the following formulas
∂0 x = NG x for x ∈ A−1 = A,
(∂1 x)(σ) = σx − x for x ∈ A0 = A,
(∂q x)(σ1 , . . . , σq ) = σ1 x(σ2 , . . . , σq )
+ i=1 (−1)i x(σ1 , . . . , σi σi+1 , . . . , σq )
+(−1)q x(σ1 , . . . , σq−1 ) for x ∈ Aq−1 , q ≥ 1,
∂−1 x = σ∈G (σ x(σ) − x(σ)) for x ∈ A−2 ,
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The Group H 1 (G, A). The 1-cocycles are the functions x : G → A with
∂2 x = 0, thus satisfying the property
x(στ ) = σx(τ ) + x(σ) for σ, τ ∈ G.
Because this relation is similar to the one of being a homomorphism, the
1-cocycles are often also called crossed homomorphisms.
The 1-coboundaries are obviously the functions
x(σ) = σa − a, σ ∈ G,
with fixed a ∈ A = A0 (i.e., x = ∂1 a).
If the group G acts trivially (i.e., as the identity) on A, then obviously Z1 =
Hom(G, A) and R1 = 0; therefore
H 1 (G, A) = Hom(G, A).
In particular, in case A = Q/ZZ, we obtain the character group of G:
H 1 (G, Q/ZZ) = Hom(G, Q/ZZ) = χ(G).
When studying G-modules and their properties, one is immediately led to the
cohomology group H 1 (G, A) because of the following considerations:
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Among these we find that the 2-coboundaries are the functions such that
x(σ, τ ) = σy(τ ) − y(στ ) + y(σ)
for an arbitrary 1-cochain y : G → A.
Long before the development of cohomology theory the 2-cocycles were known
in the theory of groups and algebras as so-called factor systems, and it
is fair to say that they historically represent the beginning of cohomological
considerations in algebra. We want to explain briefly how factor systems come
up in the theory of group extensions. This is the following type of problem.
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After having introduced the cohomology groups H q (G, A), we now want to
study how these groups behave in case either the module A or the group G
changes. We will discuss the first case in this section.
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A first example of this typical situation is provided by the for the entire
theory fundamental connecting homomorphism δ. Although this map is
still given explicitly, its definition does not exactly leave the impression of
great clarity and immediacy.
(3.1) Proposition. If
i j
0 −→ A −→ B −→ C −→ 0
is an exact sequence of G-modules and G-homomorphisms, then there exists
a canonical homomorphism
δq : H q (G, C) −→ H q+1 (G, A).
The map δq is called the connecting homomorphism or also the δ-
010/.-+,'()#$%*&"! i j
Aq−1 Bq−1 Cq−1 0
∂ ∂ ∂
i j
0 Aq Bq Cq 0
∂ ∂ ∂
i j
0 Aq+1 Bq+1 Cq+1 0.
(For simplicity we have omitted the indices on the maps i, j, ∂.) The rows in
this diagram result from applying the functor HomG (Xi , ) (i = q−1, q, q+1)
to the exact sequence 0 → A → B → C → 0; since the G-modules Xi are free
(cf. (1.6)), it follows that these rows are exact.
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We have j∂bq = ∂jbq = ∂cq = 0, and thus ∂bq ∈ ker jq+1 . Hence there exists a
aq+1 with ∂bq = iaq+1 . Because i∂aq+1 = ∂iaq+1 = ∂∂bq = 0, i.e., ∂aq+1 = 0,
we see that aq+1 is a (q + 1)-cocycle of A. Now we set
δq cq = aq+1 .
This definition depends, of course, on the choice of the representative cq of
cq and its preimage bq . However, if we choose another representative c0q with
preimage b0q (i.e., jb0q = c0q ) and let a0 q+1 be the resulting class, we have
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Let bq ∈ ker j q so that jbq = ∂cq−1 for a cq−1 . If we choose a bq−1 with
jbq−1 = cq−1 , it follows that j(bq − ∂bq−1 ) = 0. Hence we may assume from
the beginning that the representative bq of bq satisfies jbq = 0. Then there
exists an aq with bq = iaq , and this aq is a cocycle since i∂aq = ∂bq = 0.
Hence bq = iq aq ∈ im iq , which proves the inclusion im iq ⊇ ker j q .
Let cq ∈ ker δq . By definition of δq , there are elements aq+1 and bq such that
δq cq = aq+1 = 0, iaq+1 = ∂bq , and cq = jbq . Because aq+1 = 0 we have
aq+1 = ∂aq , which implies that ∂(bq − iaq ) = 0 and cq = j(bq − iaq ). From
this we obtain cq = j q (bq − iaq ), which shows that im j q ⊇ ker δq .
Let aq+1 ∈ ker iq+1 so that iaq+1 = ∂bq for some bq . If we let cq = jbq , then
∂cq = ∂jbq = j∂bq = jiaq+1 = 0. This shows that cq is a cocycle and implies
aq+1 = δq cq ∈ im δq . It follows that im δq ⊇ ker iq+1 , which completes the
proof of the exactness of the cohomology sequence.
Because of this corollary the G-modules which have only trivial cohomology
groups play a distinguished role.
We continue our discussion of the connecting map AG → H 1 (G, A) from p. 17
and show that the cohomology sequence (3.2) induces an exact sequence which
terminates on the left.
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Proof. The homomorphism C G → H 1 (G, A) is defined as the composition
C G −→ C G /NG C = H 0 (G, C) −→
H 1 (G, A);
hence it suffices to show exactness at the term C G . To show im j ⊆ ker δ
assume c ∈ im j ⊆ C G . Then c = jb with b ∈ B G , and the claim follows from
δc = δ0 (c + NG C) = δ0 (jb + NG C) = δ0 j 0 (b + NG B) = 0.
Because of the exact sequence (3.4) the fixed modules AG , B G , and C G are
often defined as the zeroth cohomology groups; in particular, in case one is
only interested in cohomology groups of positive dimension.
(3.5) Proposition. If
0<;9:5674238 i j
A B C 0
f g h
0 i0 0 j0
0 A B C0 0
is a commutative diagram of G-modules and G-homomorphisms with exact
rows, then
f¯q+1 ◦ δq = δq ◦ h̄q ;
in other words, the following diagram is commutative:
@?>= C)
H q (G,
H q+1 (G, A)
h̄q f¯q+1
H q (G, C 0 ) H q+1 (G, A0 ).
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This follows almost immediately from the definition of δq . Let cq ∈ H q (G, C).
If we choose bq and aq+1 such that cq = jbq and iaq+1 = ∂bq , then δq cq = aq+1 ,
so that (f¯q+1 ◦ δq )cq = f¯q+1 (aq+1 ) = f aq+1 . If we set c0q = hcq , b0q = gbq and
a0q+1 = f aq+1 , it follows that c0q = j 0 b0q and ∂b0q = i0 a0q+1 , from which we obtain
(δq ◦ h̄q )cq = δq c0 q = a0 q+1 = f aq+1 = f¯q+1 ◦ δq )cq , i.e., f¯q+1 ◦ δq = δq ◦ h̄q .
0 A0 A A00 0
0 B0 B B 00 0
0 C0 C C 00 0
0 0 0
is commutative with exact rows and columns. Then the diagram
\[ZY C 00 )
H q−1 (G, δ
H q (G, C 0 )
δ −δ
H q (G, A00 ) H q+1 (G, A0 )
Proof. Let D be the kernel of the composite map B → C 00 ; thus the sequence
0 −→ D −→ B −→ C 00 −→ 0
is exact. We define G-homomorphisms
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i j
0 −→ A0 −→ A ⊕ B 0 −→ D −→ 0
is exact, and that the diagram
Apqronklmjcdefghib]^_`a 0 A A00 B 00 C 00
id (id,0) id
i j
A0 A ⊕ B0 D B C 00
−id (0,−id) id
A0 B0 C0 C C 00
commutes. Because im (D → B 00 ) ⊆ im (A00 → B 00 ) and A00 → B 00 is injective,
there is a G-homomorphism D → A00 which extends the above diagram. Sim-
ilarly, since im (D → C) ⊆ im (C 0 → C) and C 0 → C is injective, there is an
analogous G-homomorphism D → C 0 . Since the resulting extended diagram
is commutative, it follows from (3.5) that the following diagram
xwsz{yvut}~| C 00 )
H q−1 (G, δ
H q (G, A00 ) δ
H q+1 (G, A0 )
id id
δ δ
H q−1 (G, C 00 ) H q (G, D) H q+1 (G, A0 )
id −id
δ δ
H q−1 (G, C 00 ) H q (G, C 0 ) H q+1 (G, A0 ),
Proof. If we set A = Aι , we have from (1.5) a canonical isomorphism
Aq = HomG (Xq , A) ∼
= HomG (Xq , Aι ) = (Aι )q ,
ι ι
and the proposition follows from the infinite commutative diagram
· · · Aq−1 ∂
Aq ···
M ∂
··· (Aι )q−1 (Aι )q ··· .
ι ι
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The G-induced modules. We explained already in (3.3) that the exact co-
homology sequence yields isomorphism theorems in case the underlying exact
sequence contains a G-module with only trivial cohomology groups. A par-
ticular class of such G-modules are the G-induced modules, which we will
make use of in many of the proofs and definitions below.
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where τ ranges over a system of left coset representatives of G/g. This proves
that Ag is G/g-induced.
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Cohomology theory can be based directly on this principle. In fact, by (3.15)
∼ H 0 (G, Aq ),
H q (G, A) =
where Aq is given canonically by A: Aq = JG ⊗ . . . ⊗ JG ⊗ A for q ≥ 0, resp.
Aq = IG ⊗ . . . ⊗ IG ⊗ A for q ≤ 0. Therefore one may define the cohomology
groups of the G-module A from the beginning as the quotient group
H q (G, A) = (Aq )G /NG Aq .
For cohomology theory developed along these lines, see C. Chevalley [12].
An abelian group A is said to be uniquely divisible if for every a ∈ A and every
natural number n the equation nx = a has a unique solution x ∈ A.
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In particular, the G-module Q (on which the group G always acts trivially)
has trivial cohomology. From the cohomology sequence associated with the
exact sequence
0 −→ ZZ −→ Q −→ Q/ZZ −→ 0
we obtain
We end this section with the computation of the group H −2 (G, ZZ), which
plays an important role in class field theory. We denote the commutator sub-
group of G by G0 , and its abelianization by Gab = G/G0 .
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It is easy to see that for the G-module ZZ we have H −1 (G, ZZ) = NG ZZ/IG ZZ = 0,
H 0 (G, ZZ) = ZZ/nZZ, and H 1 (G, ZZ) = Hom(G, ZZ) = 0. Thus we have deter-
mined the cohomology groups H q (G, ZZ) of dimensions q = −2, −1, 0, 1, 2:
H −2 (G, ZZ) ∼
= Gab , H −1 (G, ZZ) = 0, H 0 (G, ZZ) = ZZ/nZZ,
induced by the homomorphism from the q-th group of cochains of the G/g-
module Ag to the q-th group of cochains of the G-module A is called inflation.
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To make sure the cohomological maps defined above fit into the general theory,
we have to verify that they are compatible with the canonical homomorphisms
already given. This is the content of the following propositions.
Ag ) f¯ A) f¯
H q (G/g, H q (G/g, B g ) H q (G, H q (G, B)
inf q inf q resq resq
f¯ f¯
H q (G, A) H q (G, B), H q (g, A) H q (g, B)
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C g )
H q (G/g, δ
H q+1 (G/g, Ag )
inf q inf q+1
H q (G, C) H q+1 (G, A)
H q (G, δ
H q+1 (G, A)
resq resq+1
H q (g, C) H q+1 (g, A)
Propositions (4.3), (4.4) and (4.5) are easy to verify. The proof of the last two
statements follows essentially from the fact that the inflation and restriction
maps commute with the operator ∂, together with the definition of δ. We
leave the details to the reader.
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The analogue of Theorem (4.6) for higher dimensions holds only under certain
inf res
0 H q (G/g, Ag ) H q (G, A) H q (g, A).
Since B is G-induced and g-induced, and B g is G/g-induced (cf. (3.10) and
(3.11)), the connecting maps δ are isomorphisms (cf. (3.3)). It follows that
H i (g, C) ∼
= H i+1 (g, A) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , q − 2.
Hence if we assume by induction that the upper sequence in the above diagram
is exact, then this also holds for the lower sequence.
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Of course, one will ask why we have introduced the maps inf and res only in
case of positive dimensions q ≥ 1 instead of defining such maps analogously
using cochains for all negative dimensions as well. However, this is not possible.
In fact, the crucial property of inflation and restriction is that by (4.4) and
(4.5) respectively they are transformed into one another through dimension
shifting by the operator δ, and one would want this property to hold for a
general definition in all dimensions as well. Now for inflation it is necessary
to restrict to q ≥ 1; this follows essentially because if 0 → A → B → C → 0
is an exact sequence of G-modules, then 0 → Ag → B g → C g → 0 (g ⊆ G)
is in general not exact, i.e., the first sequence induces a δ-homomorphism on
cohomology groups, but the second does not.
The situation is different for restriction, however. In fact, this map can be
extended to all dimensions q ≤ 0. For example, if q = 0, one obtains from
a + NG A 7−→ a + Ng A, a ∈ AG ⊆ Ag ,
a homomorphism
res0 : H 0 (G, A) = AG /NG A −→ H 0 (g, A) = Ag /Ng A,
with the property that Proposition (4.5) remains valid for q = 0. We pin this
down in the following lemma:
i j
(4.8) Lemma. Let 0 → A → B → C → 0 be an exact sequence of G-modules,
and let g be a subgroup of G. Then the following diagram commutes
£¢¡ C)
H 0 (G, δ
H 1 (G, A)
res0 res1
H 0 (g, C) H 1 (g, A).
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(i) If q = 0, then
res0 : H 0 (G, A) −→ H 0 (g, A), a + NG A 7→ a + Ng A (a ∈ AG ).
§¦¥¤ C)
H q (G, δ
H q+1 (G, A)
resq resq+1
H q (g, C) H q+1 (g, A)
The restrictions resq are obtained from res0 by dimension shifting as follows:
By (3.15) we have the isomorphisms
δ q : H 0 (G, Aq ) −→ H q (G, A) and δ q : H 0 (g, Aq ) −→ H q (g, A),
given by the q-fold compositions of the connecting homomorphism δ. Condi-
tion (ii) now means that we have to define resq by the commutative diagram
¨©«ª Aq )
H 0 (G, δq
H q (G, A)
res0 resq
H 0 (g, Aq ) δ H q (g, A).
This also shows uniqueness of the restriction maps. In particular, the restric-
tions resq for q ≥ 0 defined in this way coincide with those introduced earlier.
It remains to show that the homomorphisms resq satisfy condition (ii). To this
end we consider the following diagram
·¶´³±®¬µ²°¯ C q )
H 0 (G, δ
H 1 (G, Aq )
res res
(−1)q δ q
δq δ
H 0 (g, C q ) H 1 (g, Aq )
H q (G, C) H q+1 (G, A) (−1)q δ q
res δ res
H q (g, C) H q+1 (g, A),
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Using the isomorphism from Theorem (3.19), we point out a special case of a
restriction which is important for class field theory:
This canonical homomorphism can also be defined using group theoretic in-
stead of cohomological methods, although this requires some effort and in-
volves quite a bit of formulas. Cf. [16], 14.2.
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i j
(4.11) Lemma. Let 0 → A → B → C → 0 be an exact sequence of G-
modules. Then the following diagram is commutative
º¹¸» C)
H −1 (g, δ
H 0 (g, A)
cor−1 cor0
H −1 (G, C) H 0 (G, A)
(i) If q = 0, then
cor0 : H 0 (g, A) −→ H 0 (G, A), a + Ng A 7→ NG/g a + NG A (a ∈ Ag ).
H q (G, C) H q+1 (G, A).
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Exactly as for the restrictions, the homomorphisms corq arise from the core-
striction cor0 in dimension 0 by dimension shifting:
From (3.15) we have the isomorphisms
δ q : H 0 (G, Aq ) −→ H q (G, A) and δ q : H 0 (g, Aq ) −→ H q (g, A),
and by (ii) the map corq is uniquely determined by the commutative diagram
H 0 (g,ÀÃÁÂ Aq ) δq
H q (g, A)
cor0 corq
H 0 (G, Aq ) H q (G, A).
H −1 (g,ÎÍËÊÉÈÇÆÅÄÌÏ C q+1 ) δ
H 0 (g, Aq+1 )
cor cor
(−1)q+1 δ q+1
δ q+1 δ
H −1 (G, C q+1 ) H 0 (G, Aq+1 )
H q (g, C) H q+1 (g, A) (−1)q+1 δ q+1
cor δ cor
H q (G, C) H q+1 (G, A).
We remark that one can define the corestrictions for negative dimensions very
easily by a canonical correspondence between cochains, analogously to the
restrictions for positive dimension. However, we will not pursue this further.
In view of (4.10) we now want to prove the following theorem:
This follows, using the proof of (3.19), from the commutative diagram
H −2 (g, δ
H −1 (g, Ig ) = Ig /Ig2
g ab
cor−2 cor−1 κ
δ log
H −2 (G, ZZ) H −1 (G, IG ) = IG /IG
Gab ,
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δq δq
corq ◦resq
H q (G, A) H q (G, A)
commutes, and since the upper horizontal map is (G : g) · id, it follows that
the same holds for the lower horizontal map, i.e., corq ◦ resq = (G : g) · id.
Because the restriction and corestriction maps res and cor commute with
the connecting homomorphism δ, they also commute with maps induced by
This is clear in case of dimension q = 0, and the general case follows easily
by dimension shifting. In fact, the homomorphism f : A → B induces a
homomorphism f : Aq → B q , and in the following diagram
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ãâáæèçåäðïîíìëêé Aq ) f¯
H 0 (G, H 0 (G, B q )
cor cor
res δq res
δq f¯
H 0 (g, Aq ) H 0 (g, B q )
H q (G, A) H q (G, B) δq
cor δ cor
res res
H q (g, A) H q (g, B)
all vertical squares are commutative. Hence the commutativity of the lower
diagram follows from that of the upper one.
Since the cohomology groups H q (G, A) are abelian torsion groups, they are di-
rect sums of their p-Sylow groups, i.e., the groups H q (G, A)p of all elements
in H q (G, A) of p-power order:
H q (G, A) = H q (G, A)p .
The group H q (G, A)p is often called the p-primary part of H q (G, A). For
the restriction and corestriction maps on these p-primary parts we have the
Proof. Since cor ◦ res = (G : Gp ) · id, and since (G : Gp ) and p are relatively
cor ◦ res
prime, the mapping H q (G, A)p −−−−−→ H q (G, A)p is an automorphism. Hence
if x ∈ H (G, A)p and res x = 0, it follows immediately from cor ◦ res x = 0
that x = 0, which shows the injectivity of res on H q (G, A)p .
On the other hand, H q (Gp , A) consists of elements whose order is a p-power
(cf. (3.16)), so that cor H q (Gp , A) ⊆ H q (G, A)p . Since cor ◦ res is a bijection
on H q (G, A)p , this inclusion is an equality.
We often encounter the problem that we want to show that certain cohomology
groups vanish. In many of these cases we will use the following consequence
of Theorem (4.16), which reduces this problem to the case of p-groups:
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(4.17) Corollary. If for every prime p the group H q (Gp , A) = 0 for a p-Sylow
subgroup Gp of G, then we have H q (G, A) = 0.
Proof. Since res : H q (G, A)p → H q (Gp , A) is injective, the assumption im-
plies that all p-Sylow groups H q (G, A)p are trivial; thus H q (G, A) = 0.
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With (1.5) and (3.10) we obtain for all q the canonical g-module decomposition
D∗q = Dq ⊕ C q
for some g-induced g-module C q . Using (3.15), we then obtain the diagram
öõôóø÷òñ Aq )
H 0 (G, res
H 0 (g, Aq )
H 0 (g, D∗q )
H 0 (g, Dq )
δq δq δq
res π̄
H q (G, A) H q (g, A) H q (g, D) ,
in which the map π̄∗ ◦ res in the upper row in dimension 0 is bijective, and the
following map ρ̄ is bijective because of (3.7) and (3.13). Since the composite
π ρ π
Aq →∗ D∗q → Dq is induced by the projection A → D, we see that this
diagram commutes. Thus the bijectivity of the upper map ρ̄ ◦ π̄∗ ◦ res implies
the bijectivity of the lower map π̄ ◦ res.
In the previous section we have seen that the restriction and corestriction maps
are given by canonical data in dimension q = 0, and induce corresponding
maps on cohomology in all dimensions. The same principle applies to the cup
product, which in dimension 0 is just the tensor product.
Let A and B be G-modules. Then A ⊗ B is a G-module, and the map (a, b) 7→
a ⊗ b induces a canonical bilinear mapping
AG × B G −→ (A ⊗ B)G ,
which maps NG A × NG B to NG (A ⊗ B). Hence it induces a bilinear mapping
H 0 (G, A) × H 0 (G, B) −→ H 0 (G, A ⊗ B) by (a, b) 7−→ a ⊗ b 12)
We call the element a ⊗ b ∈ H 0 (G, A ⊗ B) the cup product of a ∈ H 0 (G, A)
and b ∈ H 0 (G, B), and denote it by
a ∪ b = a ⊗ b.
This cup product in dimension 0 extends to arbitrary dimensions:
As usual, we denote by a the cohomology class a = a + NG A of the element
a ∈ AG ; similar for b. Likewise, a ⊗ b stands for the cohomology class a ⊗ b =
a ⊗ b + NG (A ⊗ B) of a ⊗ b ∈ (A ⊗ B)G .
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H p+1 (G, A) × H q (G, B) H p+q+1 (G, A ⊗ B)
so that δ(a00 ∪ b) = δa00 ∪ b, a00 ∈ H p (G, A00 ), b ∈ H q (G, B).
H p (G, A) × H q+1 (G, B) H p+q+1 (G, A ⊗ B)
00 00 00
i.e., we have δ(a ∪ b ) = (−1)p (a ∪ δb ), a ∈ H p (G, A), b ∈ H q (G, B 00 ).
The factor (−1)p in the last diagram is necessary and results from the an-
ticommutativity of the connecting homomorphism δ, see below. One cannot
define a reasonable cup product omitting this factor.
As with the general restriction maps, we obtain the general cup product from
the case p = 0, q = 0 by dimension shifting13) .
The readers who are mainly interested in applications of the cohomological cal-
culus won’t lose much by omitting the details of this shifting process. They will
be satisfied with the functorial behavior of the cup product and with its explicit
description in small dimensions (cf. (5.2), (5.6), (5.7) and (5.8)).
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Ap ⊗ B = JG ⊗ · · · ⊗ JG ⊗ A ⊗ B = (A ⊗ B)p and
A ⊗ B q = A ⊗ JG ⊗ · · · ⊗ JG ⊗ B = JG ⊗ · · · ⊗ JG ⊗ A ⊗ B = (A ⊗ B)q
(∗) H p (G, A) × H 0 (G, B q ) H p (G, (A ⊗ B)q ) = H p (G, A ⊗ B q )
1 δq (−1)p·q δ q
H p (G, A) × H q (G, B) H p+q (G, A ⊗ B)
It follows immediately from the conditions (i), (ii) and (iii) that the cup
product is unique. We use this fact to give an explicit description of the
cup product in terms of cocycles in the special cases (p, q) = (0, q) and (p, 0):
For the proof note that the products a0 ∪ bq and ap ∪ b0 defined here satisfy
the conditions (i), (ii) and (iii) for (0, q) and (p, 0) respectively. This can
be seen directly from the behaviour of the cocycles under the corresponding
maps. Now if we consider the lower part of the diagram (∗) for p = 0, resp. the
upper part for q = 0, then we see that the product defined by the commutative
diagram (∗) must coincide with the one defined by (5.2).
Thus everything boils down to showing that the product maps defined by (∗)
H p (G, A) × H q (G, B) −→ H p+q (G, A ⊗ B)
Note that if bq (σ1 , . . . , σq ) ∈ B is a q-cocycle, then a0 ⊗ bq (σ1 , . . . , σq ) ∈ A ⊗ B
(a0 ∈ AG ) is also a q-cocycle.
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satisfy the conditions (ii) and (iii). To this end, consider the exact sequences
0 −→ A −→ A0 −→ A00 −→ 0,
0 −→ A ⊗ B −→ A0 ⊗ B −→ A00 ⊗ B −→ 0
0 −→ B −→ B 0 −→ B 00 −→ 0,
0 −→ A ⊗ B −→ A ⊗ B 0 −→ A ⊗ B 00 −→ 0.
and p p
0 −→ B p −→ B 0 −→ B 00 −→ 0,
0 −→ (A ⊗ B)p −→ (A ⊗ B 0 )p −→ (A ⊗ B 00 )p −→ 0 ,
(1,δ q ) ∪
H p+1 (G, A) × H 0 (G, B q ) H p+1 (G, (A ⊗ B)q )
H p (G, A00 ) × H q (G, B) H p+q (G, A00 ⊗ B) (−1)(p+1)·q δ q
(1,δ q )
(δ,1) δ
H p+1 (G, A) × H q (G, B) H p+q+1 (G, A ⊗ B)
(δ p ,1) ∪
H 0 (G, Ap ) × H q+1 (G, B) H q+1 (G, (A ⊗ B)p )
H p (G, A) × H q (G, B 00 ) H p+q (G, A ⊗ B 00 ) δp
(1,δ) (δ p ,1) (−1)p ·δ
H p (G, A) × H q+1 (G, B) H p+q+1 (G, A ⊗ B).
Here the left sides in both diagrams commute for trivial reasons. The right
sides are composed from q (resp. p) squares as in (3.6), thus they commute as
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well. The front and back sides commute by definition (∗) of the cup product,
and the upper squares commute because of (5.2) and the remarks following it.
Since the vertical maps are bijective, the commutativity of the upper squares
implies the commutativity of the lower squares. This completes the proof.
The axiomatic definition of the cup product in (5.1) does not give us an
explicit description of it; i.e., given two cohomology classes in terms of cocyles,
we are for now not in a position to decide which cocyle represents their cup
product in general. Only for the cases (p, q) = (0, q) and (p, 0) we have such
a description by (5.2). The attempt to give an explicit description of the cup
product for general p, q (in particular for p < 0 and q < 0) leads, however, to
major computational problems. Thus we find ourselves in a situation which is
similar to that of the restriction map, which admits a very simple description
in dimensions q ≥ 0, but not for negative dimensions. Nevertheless in both
cases we will need explicit computations only in low dimensions; given these,
one can manage knowing the functorial properties of these maps.
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= a ∪ cor b.
(5.5) Theorem. Let a ∈ H p (G, A), b ∈ H q (G, B), and c ∈ H r (G, C). Then
a ∪ b = (−1)p·q (b ∪ a) ∈ H p+q (G, B ⊗ A),
(a ∪ b) ∪ c = a ∪ (b ∪ c) ∈ H p+q+r (G, A ⊗ (B ⊗ C))
under the canonical isomorphisms H p+q (G, A ⊗ B) ∼ = H p+q (G, B ⊗ A) and
p+q+r p+q+r
H (G, (A ⊗ B) ⊗ C) = H (G, A ⊗ (B ⊗ C)). 15)
We now want to compute some explicit formulas for the cup product. For this
we denote by ap (resp. bq ) p-cocycles of A (resp. q-cocycles of B), and write
ap (resp. bq ) for their cohomology classes in H p (G, A) (resp. H q (G, B)).
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(5.1) (5.2)
a ∪ b−1 = δ(a000 ) ∪ b−1 = δ(a000 ∪ b−1 ) = δ(a000 ⊗ b−1 ) = ∂(a00 ⊗ b−1 )
X (∗) X
= NG (a00 ⊗ b−1 ) = τ a00 ⊗ τ b−1 = (a1 (τ ) + a00 ) ⊗ τ b−1
τ ∈G τ ∈G
= (a1 (τ ) ⊗ τ b−1 ) + a00 ⊗ NG b−1 = (a1 (τ ) ⊗ τ b−1 )
τ ∈G τ ∈G
because NG b−1 = 0.
On the other hand, the proof of (3.19) shows that under the isomorphism
H −2 (G, ZZ) → H −1 (G, IG ) the element σ goes to δσ = σ − 1, hence we have
δ(a1 ∪ σ) = −(a1 ∪ δ(σ)) = −a1 ∪ (σ − 1) = y 0 .
For the cocyle y0 we obtain from (5.6)
y0 = − a1 (τ ) ⊗ τ (σ − 1) = a1 (τ ) ⊗ τ − a1 (τ ) ⊗ τ σ.
τ ∈G τ ∈G τ ∈G
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The following formula (5.8) is of particular interest for us. Note that if we take
an element a2 in the group H 2 (G, A), it provides us with the homomorphism
a2 ∪ : H −2 (G, ZZ) −→ H 0 (G, A),
which maps each σ ∈ H −2 (G, ZZ) to the cup product a2 ∪ σ ∈ H 0 (G, A); we
thus get a canonical mapping from the abelianization Gab to the norm residue
group AG /NG A. In class field theory we will consider a special G-module A for
which this homomorphism will be shown to be bijective; in fact, the resulting
canonical isomorphism Gab ∼ = AG /NG A is the main theorem of class field
theory. For this the following proposition will be important:
Proof. We consider again the G-module A0 = ZZ[G]⊗A and the exact sequence
0 → A → A0 → A00 → 0 (A00 = JG ⊗ A). Since H 2 (G, A0 ) = 0 there is a 1-
cochain a01 ∈ A01 with a2 = ∂a01 i.e.,
(∗) a2 (τ, σ) = τ a01 (σ) − a01 (τ · σ) + a01 (τ ).
The image a001 of a01 is a 1-cocycle of A00 such that a2 = δ(a001 ). Therefore
(5.1) (5.7) X
a2 ∪ σ = δ(a001 ) ∪ σ = δ(a001 ∪ σ) = δ(a001 (σ)) = ∂(a01 (σ)) = τ a01 (σ)
τ ∈G
(∗) X X X X
= a2 (τ, σ) + a01 (τ · σ) − a01 (τ ) = a2 (τ, σ).
τ ∈G τ ∈G τ ∈G τ ∈G
So far we have introduced the basic cohomological maps and have studied
their functorial and compatibility properties. Now we will begin to prove the
central theorems of cohomology theory. We start with G-modules A, where G
is a cyclic group; the cohomology of these G-modules is particularly simple.
Let G be a cyclic group of order n with generator σ. Then we have for the
group ring n−1
ZZ[G] = ZZσ i , NG = 1 + σ + · · · + σ n−1 ,
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0 −→ A −→ B −→ C −→ 0
is an exact sequence of G-modules, we write the corresponding long exact
cohomology sequence in the form of an exact hexagon:
H 0 (G, C) H −1 (G, C)
For exactness at the term H −1 (G, A), note that the isomorphism H 1 (G, A) ∼
H −1 (G, A) from the proof of (6.1) fits into the commutative diagram
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For many index and order considerations the notion of a Herbrand quotient
is very useful; in particular, it can be used to simplify the computations of
indices in abelian groups. Although it is of particular interest for G-modules
when G is a cyclic group, we want to introduce it in its most general form.
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Proof. Consider the long exact cohomology sequence, written as the hexagon
3210/. H −1 (G, A)
H −1 (G, B)
f6 f2
H 0 (G, C) H −1 (G, C)
f5 f3
H 0 (G, B) f4
H 0 (G, A)
If we write Fi for the order of the image of fi , then
|H −1 (G, A)| = F6 · F1 , |H −1 (G, B)| = F1 · F2 , |H −1 (G, C)| = F2 · F3 ,
|H 0 (G, A)| = F3 · F4 , |H 0 (G, B)| = F4 · F5 , |H 0 (G, C)| = F5 · F6 ,
and therefore
|H −1 (G, A)| · |H −1 (G, C)| · |H 0 (G, B)|
= |H −1 (G, B)| · |H 0 (G, A)| · |H 0 (G, C)| .
Hence whenever two of the three quotients h(A), h(B), h(C) are defined, then
so is the third, and the identity (∗) implies the formula h(B) = h(A)·h(C).
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0 ker f A f (A) 0
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If we observe that
ker f g/ ker g = g −1 (g(A) ∩ ker f )/g −1 (0) ∼
= g(A) ∩ ker f,
we in fact get
(A : gf (A)) (A : g(A)) (A : f (A))
= · .
| ker gf | | ker g| | ker f |
It is easy to verify that all three quotients are defined, if two of them are.
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§ 7. Tate’s Theorem 57
q0,p (AG ) = h(AG ), q0,p (IG A) = 1/h(IG A)p−1 , q0,p (A) = q0,p (AG )/h(IG A)p−1 .
and the claim h(A)p−1 = q0,p (AG )p /q0,p (A) follows by substitution.
In global class field theory we will apply this theorem to certain unit groups,
about which we only know that they are finitely generated of known rank. We
show that this alone suffices to compute the Herbrand quotient; namely, from
(6.9) we get the following theorem of C. Chevalley:
§ 7. Tate’s Theorem
We will reduce the general case to that of cyclic groups G, where the result
is an immediate consequence of Theorem (6.1). It is clear that it suffices to
prove the following claim:
This means that H q (g, A) = 0 for all q ∈ ZZ and all subgroups g of G.
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If A and B are G-modules, consider the cup product, i.e., the bilinear map
H p (G, A) × H q (G, B) −→ H p+q (G, A ⊗ B).
For a fixed element a ∈ H p (G, A), the map
a ∪ : H q (G, B) −→ H p+q (G, A ⊗ B), b 7→ a ∪ b (b ∈ H q (G, B))
provides us with a whole family of maps. In the theorems below, we will use
the cup product in this way.
From the Theorem of Cohomological Triviality we deduce the following result:
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§ 7. Tate’s Theorem 59
(7.2) Theorem. Let A be a G-module with the following properties: For each
subgroup g ⊆ G we have
I. H −1 (g, A) = 0,
II. H 0 (g, A) is a cyclic group of order |g|.
If a generates the group H 0 (G, A), then the cup product map
a ∪ : H q (G, ZZ) −→ H q (G, A)
is an isomorphism for all q ∈ ZZ.
Proof. The module A itself is not suitable for the proof, since we need to use
the injectivity of the map ZZ → A, n 7→ na0 (a0 + NG A = a), which induces
the cup product above for the case q = 0 (cf. (5.2)). Hence we replace A with
B = A ⊕ ZZ[G]
which we can do without changing the cohomology groups. In fact, if i : A → B
is the canonical injection onto the first component of B, then the induced map
i : H q (g, A) −→ H q (g, B)
is an isomorphism, because ZZ[G] is cohomologically trivial. Now we choose an
a0 ∈ AG such that a = a0 + NG A is a generator of H 0 (G, A). Then the map
f : ZZ −→ B with n 7−→ a0 · n + NG · n.
is injective, because of the second term NG ·n, and induces the homomorphism
f¯ : H q (g, ZZ) −→ H q (g, B).
Using (5.2), we see that the diagram
A@? ZZ) a ∪ H q (G, A)
H q (G,
H q (G, B)
commutes, thus it suffices to show f¯ is bijective. This follows easily from (7.1):
Since the map f : ZZ → B is injective, there is an exact sequence of G-modules
(∗) 0 −→ ZZ −→ B −→ C −→ 0 .
Now H −1 (g, B) = H −1 (g, A) = 0 and H 1 (g, ZZ) = 0 for all g ⊆ G, which
implies that the corresponding exact cohomology sequence has the form
0 −→ H −1 (g, C) −→ H 0 (g, ZZ) −→ H 0 (g, B) −→ H 0 (g, C) −→ 0.
If q = 0, then f¯ is clearly an isomorphism, thus H −1 (g, C) = H 0 (g, C) = 0. By
(7.1) the vanishing of two consecutive cohomology groups implies H q (g, C) =
0 for all q, and it follows from the exact cohomology sequence associated with
(∗) that f¯ : H q (G, ZZ) → H q (G, B) is bijective for all q, as claimed.
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Addendum: If a generates the group H 2 (G, A), then res a ∈ H 2 (g, A) gen-
erates the group H 2 (g, A). Thus we also have the isomorphism
res a ∪ : H q (g, ZZ) −→ H q+2 (g, A).
H q (G, ZZ) H q+2 (G, A) ,
commutes. Since δ −2 a ∪ is bijective by (7.2), the map a ∪ is bijective as well.
As for the addendum: Since cor ◦ res a = (G : g) · a, the order of the element
res a ∈ H 2 (g, A) is divisible by |g|, hence res a generates H 2 (g, A) by II.
For class field theory, the case q = −2 is particularly important. In this case,
Tate’s Theorem yields a canonical isomorphism between the abelianization
Gab ∼
= H −2 (G, ZZ) of G and the norm residue group AG /NG A = H 0 (G, A):
Gab −→ AG /NG A.
This canonical isomorphism is the abstract formulation of the main theorem
of class field theory, the so-called “reciprocity law”. For this reason, one can
consider Tate’s Theorem as the foundation for a purely group theoretically
formulated abstract version of class field theory. In the next part, we will
develop this idea in detail.
Cf. [42, IX, §8, Th. 13, p. 156].
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Part II
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Local and global class field theory, as well as a series of further theories for
which the name class field theory is similarly justified, have the following
principle in common. All of these theories involve a canonical bijective corre-
spondence between the abelian extensions of a field K and certain subgroups
of a corresponding module AK associated with the field K. This correspon-
dence has the property that if the subgroup I ⊆ AK corresponds to an abelian
field extension L|K (the “class field associated with I”), then there exists a
canonical isomorphism between the Galois group GL|K and the factor group
AK /I. This so-called reciprocity law is the main theorem of class field theory.
This main theorem can be traced back to a common system of axioms for the
concrete theories mentioned above which essentially consists of the assump-
tions in Tate’s Theorem (cf. I, §7); in fact one can view Tate’s Theorem itself
as the abstract version of the main theorem of class field theory. The notion
of a class formation is based on this idea. It separates the purely group
theoretic machinery, which is characteristic of class field theory, from the spe-
cific considerations of field theory, and gives in an easily comprehensible and
elegant way information about the goal and function of the theory.
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An extension L|K is called cyclic, abelian, solvable, etc., if its Galois group
GL|K = GK /GL is cyclic, abelian, solvable, etc. We define the intersection
and the compositum of such fields Ki by setting
K= Ki , if GK is (topologically) generated by the GKi in G; and
Y Tn
K= Ki , if GK = i=1 GKi .
If GL0 = σGL σ −1 for σ ∈ G, then we write L0 = σL, and we call two extensions
L|K and L0 |K conjugate in case L0 = σL for some σ ∈ GK . With these
notions, we obtain for each profinite group G a formal Galois theory.
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We consider now for each normal extension L|K the cohomology groups of
the GL|K -module AL . For simplicity of notation, we set
H q (L|K) = H q (GL|K , AL ).
res cor
H q (N |K) −−−→
H q (N |L) and H q (N |L) −−−K
→ H q (N |K).
Here we need only need to assume that N |K is normal. If both N and L are
normal, then the sequence
inf res
1 −→ H q (L|K) −−−N
→ H q (N |K) −−−→
H q (N |L)
is exact for q = 1, and exact for q > 1 if H i (N |L) = 1 for i = 1, . . . , q − 1
(cf. I, (4.7)).
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is always exact (cf. I, (4.7)). We will soon see that the example mentioned
above, where G is the Galois group of a Galois field extension and A the
multiplicative group of the extension field, represents such a field formation.
If N ⊇ L ⊇ K are normal extensions, then we can always think of the group
H 2 (L|K) as embedded in the group H 2 (N |K), since the inflation map
→ H 2 (N |K)
H 2 (L|K) −−−N
is injective. The presentation of class field theory will become formally espe-
cially simple, if we take this identification one step further. If L ranges over
the normal extensions of K, then the groups H 2 (L|K) form a direct system
of groups with respect to the inflation maps. Taking the direct limit
H 2 ( |K) = lim H 2 (L|K)
we obtain a group H ( |K) in which all the groups H 2 (L|K) are embedded
via the injective inflation maps. If we identify these groups with their images
under this embedding, then H 2 (L|K) become subgroups of H 2 ( |K), and
H 2 ( |K) = H 2 (L|K).
In particular, if N ⊇ L ⊇ K is a tower of normal extensions of K, we have so
H 2 (L|K) ⊆ H 2 (N |K) ⊆ H 2 ( |K).
We strongly emphasize that the inflation maps are to be interpreted as inclu-
sions here. An element of H 2 (N |K) is regarded as an element of H 2 (L|K) if
it is the inflation of an element of H 2 (L|K).
H q (GK , A) ∼
= H q ( |K) = lim H q (L|K).
Given any extension K 0 |K of K, we obtain a canonical homomorphism
res 0
H 2 ( |K) −−−
→ H 2 ( |K 0 ).
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The map c 7→ resK 0 c is independent of the choice of the field L ⊇ K 0 ; this fol-
lows from the trivial fact that restriction commutes with inflation, which is in-
resK 0
terpreted as inclusion. The restriction of the map H 2 ( |K) −−− → H 2 ( |K 0 )
2 0
to the group H (L|K) (L ⊇ K ⊇ K) gives back the usual restriction map
res 0
H 2 (L|K) −−−
→ H 2 (L|K 0 ).
From this we immediately obtain
The fundamental assertion in both local and global class field theory is the
existence of a canonical isomorphism, the so-called “reciprocity map”
Gab ∼= AK /NL|K AL
If this holds, then the cup product with a generator of H 2 (L|K) gives an
Gab ∼
L|K = AK /NL|K AL .
However, there is a certain arbitrariness to this isomorphism, since it depends
on the choice of the generator of H 2 (L|K). In order to get a “canonical”
reciprocity map, we replace II. by the condition that there is an isomorphism
between H 2 (L|K) and the cyclic group [L:K] ZZ/ZZ, the so-called “invariant
map”, which uniquely determines the element uL|K ∈ H 2 (L|K) with image
[L:K] + Z
Z. The crucial point here is that this element uL|K remains “correct”
when passing to extension fields and subfields, which we ensure by imposing
certain compatibility conditions on the invariant map.
These considerations lead us to the following
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invL|K (uL|K ) = [L:K] + ZZ
From the behavior of the invariant map described in Proposition (1.4), we see
how the fundamental classes of different field extensions are related.
Proof. Since two cohomology classes are equal if they have the same invari-
ants, the proposition follows from
[N :L] 1
a) invN |K ((uN |K )[N :L] ) = [N : L] · invN |K (uN |K ) = [N :K] + ZZ = [L:K] + ZZ
= invL|K (uL|K ) = invN |K (uL|K ),
[L:K] 1
b) invN |L (resL (uN |K )) = [L : K] · invN |K (uN |K ) = [N :K] + ZZ = [N :L] + ZZ
= invN |L (uN |L ),
1 [L:K]
c) invN |K (corK (uN |L )) = invN |L (uN |L ) = [N :L] + ZZ = [N :K] + ZZ
= [L : K] · invN |K (uN |K ) = invN |K ((uN |K ) ),
d) invσN |σK (σ ∗ uN |K ) = invN |K (uN |K ) = 1
[N :K] + ZZ = 1
[σN :σK] + ZZ
= invσN |σK (uσN |σK ).
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Now we apply Tate’s Theorem, I, (7.3) to obtain the main theorem of class
(1.7) Main Theorem. Let L|K be a normal extension. Then the map
given by the cup product with the fundamental class uL|K ∈ H 2 (L|K) is an
isomorphism in all dimensions q.
here the second isomorphism H 2 (GL|K , ZZ) ∼= H 1 (GL|K , Q/ZZ) follows from
the exact cohomology sequence associated with 0 → ZZ → Q → Q/ZZ → 0,
using that the GL|K -module Q is cohomologically trivial (since Q is a uniquely
divisible group).
(1.9) Theorem. Let L|K be a normal extension. Then the cup product map
uL|K ∪ : H −2 (GL|K , ZZ) −→ H 0 (L|K)
yields a canonical isomorphism
θL|K : Gab
L|K −→ AK /NL|K AL
between the abelianization of the Galois group and the norm residue group
of the module.
The isomorphism θL|K in Theorem (1.9) is called the Nakayama map. Using
I, (5.8) we can give an explicit description of this map as follows:
Recently, however, the case q = −3 has been found to have a beautiful application
in connection with the solution of the “class field tower problem” (cf. [14] and
[41], Ch. I, 4.4).
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Despite this description, it turns out that the inverse isomorphism of θL|K ,
AK /NL|K AL −→ Gab
L|K ,
which is also called the reciprocity isomorphism, is often more accessible,
and also more important, in particular for local and global class field theory.
It induces a homomorphism from AK onto Gab L|K with kernel NL|K AL . This
homomorphism is called the norm residue symbol ( , L|K). Hence we
have the exact sequence
( ,L|K)
1 −→ NL|K AL −→ AK −−−−−−→ Gab
L|K −→ 1 ,
and an element a ∈ AK is a norm if and only if (a, L|K) = 1.
The following lemma establishes a relation between the norm residue symbol
( , L|K) and the invariant map invL|K , which will be useful later.
In this formula, the symbol δχ denotes the image of χ under the isomorphism
H 1 (GL|K , Q/ZZ) → H 2 (GL|K , ZZ),
which is obtained from the exact sequence
0 −→ ZZ −→ Q −→ Q/ZZ −→ 0.
Note that the above formula provides us with a characterization of the norm
residue symbol (a, L|K) in terms of the invariant map, since an element of
L|K is uniquely determined by its values under all characters.
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The conditions on the behavior of the invariant map under the inflation (inclu-
sion) and restriction maps in Axiom II of the definition of a class formation
already determines how the norm residue symbol behaves when passing to
extension and subfields. We summarize this in the following theorem.
( ,N |K)
N |K
id π
( ,L|K)
AK Gab
hence (a, L|K) = π(a, N |K) ∈ GabL|K for a ∈ AK , if L|K is also normal (in
addition to N |K). Here π is the canonical projection of Gab ab
N |K onto GL|K .
( ,N |K)
N |K
incl Ver
( ,N |L)
AL Gab
N |L
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( ,N |L)
N |L
NL|K κ
( ,N |K)
AK Gab
N |K
( ,N |K)
N |K
σ σ∗
( ,σN |σK)
AσK Gab
σN |σK
All statements follow essentially from the formulas for the behavior of funda-
mental classes under extension given in Proposition (1.6). More precisely:
a) Let χ ∈ χ(GL|K ) = H 1 (GL|K , Q/ZZ), inf χ ∈ H 1 (GN |K , Q/ZZ). Then
χ(π(a, N |K)) = inf χ((a, N |K)) = invN |K (a ∪ δ(inf χ)) = invN |K (a ∪ inf(δχ))
= invN |K (inf(a ∪ (δχ))) = invL|K (a ∪ δχ) = χ(a, L|K)
by (1.10). Since this identity holds for all characters χ ∈ χ(GL|K ), we obtain
π(a, N |K) = (a, L|K).
For the proof of b) and c) we need to convince ourselves that the diagrams
uN |K ∪
AK H 0 (N |K) H −2 (GN |K , ZZ) Gab
N |K
uN |L ∪
Ademlkfghij L H 0 (N |L) H −2 (GN |L , ZZ) Gab
N |L
uN |K ∪
AK H 0 (N |K) H −2 (GN |K , ZZ) Gab
N |K .
commute. This follows for the left squares from I, (4.9) and from the def-
inition given in I, p. 38. For the right squares we refer to I, (4.10) and I,
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(4.13). The middle squares commute since for z ∈ H −2 (GN |K , ZZ), resp.
z 0 ∈ H −2 (GN |L , ZZ), we have by (1.6) and I, (5.4) the following identities
res(uN |K ∪ z) = res(uN |K ) ∪ (res z) = uN |L ∪ (res z), resp.
0 0 0
cor(uN |L ∪ z ) = cor(res(uN |K ) ∪ z ) = uN |K ∪ (cor z ).
Note that we could not argue similarly in the proof of (a), since inflation is
only defined for positive dimensions; here Formula (1.10) has proved useful.
The essential statements of class field theory are the reciprocity law (1.9) and
the properties of the norm residue symbol. In a concrete case, for example, for
local or global class field theory4) , the development of the theory will be made
considerably more concise by the abstract presentation given in this section,
that is, by anticipating the purely group-theoretic part. It leaves us the task
to verify Axioms I and II of class formations; however, we admit that there
are only very few cases where this is easy.
If L|K is normal, then the abelianization Gab L|K is the Galois group of the
maximal abelian extension L |K contained in L, and the reciprocity law
gives an isomorphism between the Galois group of this extension and the norm
residue group AK /NL|K AL . We will now show that these abelian extensions
are uniquely determined by their norm groups, in fact, that the entire structure
of these abelian extensions of K is uniquely reflected in the group AK of the
given base field K.
A subgroup I of AK is called a norm group if there is a normal field extension
L|K such that I = NL|K AL . The following theorem shows that every norm
group I = NL|K AL is indeed the norm group of an abelian extension of K,
namely, the norm group of the maximal abelian field Lab in L.
(1.12) Theorem. Let L|K be a normal extension and Lab the maximal
abelian extension of K contained in L. Then
NL|K AL = NLab |K ALab ⊆ AK .
In addition to these, there are other interesting examples of class formations.
For example, the theory of Kummer fields (cf. Part III, §1). One can even show
that for each profinite group G there is a G-module A such that (G, A) is a class
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Proof. The inclusion NL|K AL ⊆ NLab |K ALab follows from the multiplicativ-
ity of the norm. The reciprocity law gives isomorphisms
AK /NL|K AL ∼= Gab = GLab |K ∼
L|K = AK /NLab |K ALab ,
and (AK : NL|K AL ) = (AK : NLab |K ALab ) < ∞ implies that we have the
equality NL|K AL = NLab |K ALab .
(1.13) Corollary. The index (AK : NL|K AL ) divides the degree [L : K] with
equality if and only if L|K is abelian.
The above theorem shows that to understand the abelian extensions it is im-
portant to give a characterization of the norm groups using only intrinsic
properties of the group AK of the underlying base field K. For the concrete
class formations we are interested in such a characterization is possible, be-
cause in these cases there is a canonical topology on the group AK and the
norm groups turn out to be the closed subgroups of finite index. This result
is also called the Existence Theorem, since it shows the existence of an
abelian extension L which has a given closed subgroup I of finite index in
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AK as its norm group. This (uniquely determined) field is called the class
field associated with the group I. One can derive such an existence theorem
in the theory of abstract class formations by adding certain existence axioms
to Axioms I and II. However, since we do not need this for our applications,
we only refer the interested reader to [42].
To complete this section we consider the norm residue symbol from a universal
viewpoint. If we start with a field K, then the groups Gab
L|K form a projective
system of groups, namely, the projective system of Galois groups of all abelian
extensions of K. We denote the projective limit of this system by
Gab lim Gab
K =← − L|K
In the case where we are dealing with actual field extensions L|K, Gab
K is the
Galois group of the maximal abelian extension over K. We can also write
K =← lim GL|K ,
where L ranges over all abelian extensions of K. For every a ∈ AK the elements
(a, L|K) ∈ GabL|K form by (1.11a) a compatible system of elements in the
projective system of Gab
L|K . Taking the limit, we obtain a unique element
Proof. We have (a, K) = lim (a, L|K) = 1 if and only if (a, L|K) T = 1 for
all normal extensions L|K, therefore if and only if a ∈ DK = NL|K AL .
The density of the image follows equally easily: If σ ∈ Gab
K , then the sets σ·H
form a fundamental system of neighborhoods of σ, where H runs through all
the open subgroups of GabK . But if H is an open subgroup, then GK /H =
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§ 2. Galois Cohomology 77
GL|K is the Galois group of an abelian extension L|K, and since the norm
residue symbol ( , L|K) : AK → GL|K is surjective, we find an a ∈ AK with
πL (a, K) = (a, L|K) = πL σ, i.e., (a, K) ∈ σ·H.
§ 2. Galois Cohomology
Let L|K be a finite Galois field extension and G = GL|K its Galois group.
Given such a field extension L, we immediately have two natural G-modules,
namely, the additive L+ and the multiplicative group L× of L. The additive
group is cohomologically uninteresting, because of the following result:
On the other hand, for the multiplicative group L× we have the following,
very important theorem:
Since the automorphisms σ are linearly independent (cf. [7], Ch. V, §7, n◦ 5),
there is an element c ∈ L× such that b 6= 0. Therefore
τ (b) = τ aσ (τ σc) = a−1 −1
τ · aτ σ (τ σc) = aτ · b,
σ∈G σ∈G
−1 −1
i.e., aτ = τ (b )/b . Hence aτ is a 1-coboundary.
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This theorem is just a reformulation of NL|K L = (L× )σ−1 , and therefore of
H −1 (G, L× ) ∼
= H 1 (G, L× ) = 1.
Theorem (2.2) says that the finite Galois extensions L|K of K constitute a
field formation in the sense of §1. In such a formation we can think of the
cohomology groups H 2 (L|K) as the elements of the union
Br (K) = H 2 ( |K) = H 2 (L|K)
For finite fields we can derive the following consequence from Theorem (2.2):
Proof. The group GL|K is cyclic. Since L× is a finite GL|K -module, we have
for the Herbrand quotient h(L× ) = |H 0 (GL|K , L× )|/|H 1 (GL|K , L× )| = 1.
Hence H q (GL|K , L× ) = 1 for q = 0, 1, and therefore for all q.
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Let K be a p-adic number field, that is, a complete discrete valuation field of
characteristic 0 with finite residue field5) . We introduce the following notation.
Let v be a discrete valuation of K, which we always think of as normalized so
that its smallest positive value is 1,
O = {x ∈ K | v(x) ≥ 0} the valuation ring,
p = {x ∈ K | v(x) > 0} the maximal ideal,
K = O/p the residue field of K, p the characteristic of K,
U = O r p the unit group,
U 1 = 1 + p the group of principal units, and
U n = 1 + pn the higher unit groups.
This is clear since with respect to a fixed prime element π, every x ∈ K × has
a unique decomposition x = u · π k , u ∈ U . Thus the short exact sequence
1 −→ U −→ K × −→ ZZ −→ 0
We do not use the completeness of the field K. We only need that the valuation
is absolutely indecomposable. The local class field theory developed here is there-
fore valid without restrictions and verbatim for fields of characteristic 0 with a
henselian valuation, i.e., an absolutely indecomposable discrete valuation v with
finite residue field. Only in §7 one needs some modifications.
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In the unit group U consider the decreasing chain of higher unit groups U n :
U ⊃ U1 ⊃ U2 ⊃ U3 ⊃ · · · .
The following result shows that the factor groups of this chain are finite:
= K × and U n /U n+1 ∼
(3.2) Proposition. U/U 1 ∼ = K + for n ≥ 1.
Proof. The map that takes each u ∈ U to its residue class u mod p ∈ K ×
defines a homomorphism from U onto K × with the kernel U 1 . To show
U n /U n+1 ∼
= K + , we choose a prime element π. It is easy to see that the
map 1 + a · π n 7→ a mod p defines a homomorphism from U n onto the additive
group K + with kernel U n+1 .
(3.3) Proposition. The unit group U is an open and closed compact sub-
group of K × with respect to the valuation topology 6) .
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We denote by µm (K) the group of m-th roots of unity in K and prove the
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For the proof we make use of the Herbrand quotient with respect to the two
endomorphisms 0 and m (cf. I, p. 54). Then we have
(K × : (K × )m ) = q0,m (K × ) · |µm (K)|.
Since q0,m is multiplicative, we can decompose the first factor on the right as
q0,m (K × ) = q0,m (K × /U ) · q0,m (U/U n ) · q0,m (U n ).
In what follows we consider finite extensions L|K of p-adic number fields and
append to the notation v, O, p, etc. introduced in §3 the relevant field as
an index, thus writing vK , OK , pK ; vL , OL , pL , etc. The valuation vK has a
unique extension to L, namely the valuation 1e · vL , where e is the ramification
index of L|K.
The extension L|K is unramified when e = 1, i.e., if a prime element π ∈ K
for pK is also a prime element for pL . This is equivalent to the statement that
the degree of the field extension [L : K] is the same as the degree [L̄ : K] of
the residue field extension L̄|K.
An unramified extension L|K is normal, and there is a canonical isomorphism
GL|K ∼
=G L̄|K
between the Galois group GL|K of the extension L|K and the Galois group
GL̄|K of the residue field extension L̄|K. In fact, if σ ∈ GL|K , we obtain from
σ(x + pL ) = σx + pL , x ∈ OL ,
a K-automorphism σ of L̄.
We denote by (U )m the group of m-th powers of U (in contrast to U m ).
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The group GL̄|K is cyclic as the Galois group of a finite field L̄. As one can
immediately verify, it has the distinguished generating automorphism
x̄ 7−→ x̄qK , x̄ ∈ L̄,
where qK is the number of elements contained in K. Because GL|K ∼
= GL̄|K ,
we also obtain a canonical K-automorphism of L which generates GL|K .
Proof. This follows easily from the fact that for all x ∈ OL we have
(ϕL|K x) mod pL = xqK mod pL = xqK mod pN = (ϕN |K x) mod pN ,
and for all x ∈ ON ,
(ϕN |L x) mod pN = xqL mod pN = xqK mod pN = (ϕN |K x) mod pN .
Because of its canonical nature and its good properties with respect to re-
strictions and extensions given by (4.2), the Frobenius automorphism plays a
significant special role in class field theory.
The following theorem is particularly important in both local and global class
field theory.
Proof 9) . If we identify the group GL̄|K with the group GL|K , then
1 −→ UL1 −→ UL −→ L̄× −→ 1
is an exact sequence of GL|K -modules. Since H q (GL|K , L̄× ) = 1 (cf. (2.4)), it
follows that H q (GL|K , UL ) ∼
= H q (GL|K , UL1 ).
A prime element π ∈ K for pK is also a prime element of pL . Thus the map
ULn−1 → L̄+ , 1 + a · π n−1 7−→ a mod pL , a ∈ OL ,
For the proof of this theorem one uses usually the completeness of the field L
(cf. [42]). We avoid this, so that our entire exposition also holds verbatim for
henselian fields in the sense of 5) .
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defines a GL|K -homomorphism, and from the exact sequence of GL|K -modules
1 −→ ULn −→ ULn−1 −→ L̄+ −→ 0
we obtain, using that H q (GL|K , L̄+ ) = 0 for all q by (2.1), the isomorphism
H q (GL|K , U n ) ∼
= H q (GL|K , U n−1 ).
Thus it follows that the injection UL → UL induces an isomorphism
H q (GL|K , ULn ) −→ H q (GL|K , UL ).
If m is a positive integer, the map x 7→ xm defines a homomorphism UL → UL ,
and by (3.5) an isomorphism ULn → UL , provided n is sufficiently large.
Hence we have a homomorphism H (GL|K , UL ) −→ H q (GL|K , UL ), and an
m n+v(m)
isomorphism H q (GL|K , ULn ) −→ H q (GL|K , UL ). Consider the diagram
qnop , U n )
H q (GL|K H q (GL|K , UL )
m m
H q (GL|K , UL ) H q (GL|K , UL )
This diagram obviously commutes, and all maps except for the right vertical
map are known to be bijections. Hence it follows that the homomorphism
H q (GL|K , UL ) −→ H q (GL|K , UL ),
that sends every cohomology class c to its m-th power cm is also a bijection
for all m. But the elements of H q (GL|K , UL ) have finite order (cf. I, (3.16)),
so that we must have H q (GL|K , UL ) = 1.
We now show that the unramified extensions L|K form a class formation
with respect to the multiplicative group L× . To do this, we have to specify an
invariant map satisfying Axiom II (cf. §1, (1.3)). We proceed as follows. From
the long exact cohomology sequence associated with the sequence
1 −→ UL −→ L× −−→
ZZ −→ 0,
we obtain, using that H q (GL|K , UL ) = 1, the isomorphism
H 2 (GL|K , L× ) −→ H 2 (GL|K , ZZ).
Moreover, the exact sequence 0 → ZZ → Q → Q/ZZ → 0, together with the
fact that Q is cohomologically trivial, implies that the connecting map
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δ −1
H 2 (GL|K , ZZ) −−→ H 1 (GL|K , Q/ZZ) = Hom(GL|K , Q/ZZ) = χ(GL|K )
is an isomorphism. If χ ∈ χ(GL|K ), then χ(ϕL|K ) ∈ [L:K] ZZ/ZZ ⊆ Q/ZZ, and
since the Frobenius automorphism ϕL|K generates the group GL|K , the map
H 1 (GL|K , Q/ZZ) = χ(GL|K ) −→ 1
[L:K] Z
is also an isomorphism. Taking the composition of these three isomorphisms,
v̄ δ −1 ϕ
H 2 (GL|K , L× ) −→ H 2 (GL|K , ZZ) −−→ H 1 (GL|K , Q/ZZ) −→ 1
[L:K] Z
we obtain the desired map
Let K0 be a fixed p-adic number field, and let T be the maximal unramified
field extension of K0 , thus the union of all unramified extensions L|K0 ; the
field T is also called the inertia field over K0 . We denote by GT |K0 the Galois
group of T |K0 .
(4.6) Theorem. The formation (GT |K0 , T × ) is a class formation with respect
to the invariant map defined in (4.5).
v̄ δ −1 ϕ 1
H 2 (N |K) H 2 (GN |K , ZZ) H 1 (GN |K , Q/ZZ) [N :K] Z
H 2 (N}|~ |K) δ −1
v̄ ϕ 1
H 2 (GN |K , ZZ) H 1 (GN |K , Q/ZZ) [N :K] Z
res res res [L:K]
−1 ϕ
v̄ δ 1
H 2 (N |L) H 2 (GN |L , ZZ) H 1 (GN |L , Q/ZZ) [N :L] Z
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v̄, inf, and res. The middle squares commute because the inflation and restric-
tion maps are compatible with the connecting homomorphism δ (cf. I, (4.4)
and I, (4.5)).
To prove the commutativity of the right squares, let χ ∈ H 1 (GL|K , Q/ZZ) and
χ ∈ H 1 (GN |K , Q/ZZ) respectively. From (4.2) we have the formulas
inf χ(ϕN |K ) = χ(ϕN |K GN |L ) = χ(ϕL|K ), and
res χ(ϕN |L ) = χ(ϕN |L ) = χ(ϕN |K ) = [L : K] · χ(ϕN |K ),
which complete the proof.
We could now apply the entire theory developed in §1 to this special class
formation. However, we will not pursue this here, since we will do this for
more general, not necessarily unramified, extensions in the next section.
If L|K is an unramified extension, the Galois group GL|K is cyclic and thus co-
incides with its abelianization Gab
L|K . Hence the norm residue symbol ( , L|K)
yields the exact sequence
( ,L|K)
1 −→ NL|K L× −→ K × −−−−−−→ GL|K −→ 1 .
What is special about the reciprocity law in the unramified case is that the
norm residue symbol has a very simple, explicit description.
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Theorem (4.8) raises the question whether one can obtain the reciprocity
law without the cohomological calculus and the notion of class formations.
It appears that one could get the reciprocity law in a much more natural
way by simply defining the norm residue symbol explicitly by the formula
vK (a)
(a, L|K) = ϕL|K , and then directly verifying its essential properties. In the
unramified case, this is in fact possible. After closer inspection, the use of
the invariant map for the present case seems to be unnecessarily complicated,
in fact might appear as an attempt to actually force this idea artificially
into a cohomological framework. The reason to follow this approach lies in
the problem of a class field theoretical treatment of ramified field extensions.
Historically, it was precisely at this point, where cohomology (in the theory of
algebras) entered class field theory. In fact, for ramified extensions one cannot
readily give an explicit definition of the norm residue symbol, whereas this can
be done for an invariant map, which extends canonically the one constructed
here to the domain of arbitrary normal extensions. We will see this in the next
(4.9) Theorem. Let K be a p-adic number field and π a prime element. Then
UK × (π f ) 10)
Proof. Since ϕL|K generates the group GL|K , the degree f = [L : K] is also
the order of ϕL|K in GL|K . Hence an element a ∈ K × lies in NL|K L× if and
v (a)
only if (a, L|K) = ϕL|K = 1, thus if and only if vK (a) ≡ 0 mod f , i.e.,
a = u · π k·f , k ∈ ZZ, u ∈ UK .
We denote by (π f ) the infinite cyclic group {π k·f }k∈ZZ generated by the ele-
ment π f .
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We end this section with some remarks about the universal norm residue sym-
bol of our class formation (cf. §1, p. 76). Let T |K be the maximal unramified
extension of K. If L|K ranges over all finite unramified extensions, then the
projective limit
GT |K = lim
is the Galois group of T |K.
v (a)
(4.10) Theorem. If a ∈ K × , then (a, T |K) = ϕKK . The kernel of the
( ,T |K)
K × −−−−−−→ GT |K
is the unit group UK .
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We fix a p-adic number field K0 and let Ω denote its algebraic closure. For
every normal extension L|K with L finite over K0 we again set (cf. §2, p. 78)
H q (L|K) = H q (GL|K , L× ),
Br (K) = H 2 ( |K) = L|K H 2 (L|K)
(Brauer group of K).
(5.1) Lemma. Let L|K be a normal extension. Then the order |H 2 (L|K)| of
H 2 (L|K) is a divisor of the degree [L : K]:
|H 2 (L|K)| [L : K].
Proof. Assume first L|K is cyclic of prime degree p = [L : K]. We show the
Herbrand quotient h(L× ) = |H 2 (L|K)|/|H 1 (L|K)| = |H 2 (L|K)| = p. If q0,p
is the Herbrand quotient with respect to the endomorphisms 0 and p, then
h(L× )p−1 = q0,p (K × )p /q0,p (L× )
by I, (6.9). Using (3.7), we have for the Herbrand quotients on the right side
v (p)
q0,p (K × ) = (K × : (K × )p )/|Kp | = p · qKK ,
× × × p v (p)
q0,p (L ) = (L : (L ) )/|Lp | = p · qLL .
If f = [L̄ : K] is the inertia degree and e the ramification index, then p = e · f ,
qL = qK , and vL (p) = e · vK (p). Substitution into the above formulae yields
p·vK (p) e·f ·vK (p)
h(L× )p−1 = pp · qK /p · qK = pp−1 , i.e., h(L× ) = p.
The general case follows from this by purely cohomologically methods. Since
the Galois group GL|K is solvable, there exists a cyclic intermediate field K 0
over K of prime degree, K ⊆ K 0 ⊆ L. Because H 1 (L|K 0 ) = 1, the sequence
1 −→ H 2 (K 0 |K) −→ H 2 (L|K) −−→ H 2 (L|K 0 )
is exact. This shows that
|H 2 (L|K)| |H 2 (L|K 0 )|·|H 2 (K 0 |K)| .
We have already shown that |H 2 (K 0 |K)| = [K 0 : K], and when we assume by
induction on the field degree that |H 2 (L|K 0 )| [L : K 0 ], then it follows that
|H 2 (L|K)| [L : K 0 ] · [K 0 : K] = [L : K] .
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The above proof makes use of the solvability of the Galois group GL|K , which
follows immediately from the fact that we have a cyclic inertia field between
K and L, and above it the cyclic ramification field over which L has prime
power degree. One can get around this by using I, (4.16) to reduce to the case
of an extension of prime power degree, and then proceeding as above.
That we can extend the invariant map to the case of ramified extensions is
obvious, once we have proved the following theorem:
Proof. It suffices to show the inclusion H 2 (L0 |K) ⊆ H 2 (L|K); if this holds,
the inclusion must have an equality because |H 2 (L0 |K)| = [L : K] (cf. (4.5)),
and |H 2 (L|K)| [L : K] by (5.1).
If N = L · L0 , and L0 |K is unramified, then N |L is also unramified, 11)
. Let
c ∈ H 2 (L0 |K) ⊆ H 2 (N |K). It follows from the exact sequence
1 −→ H 2 (L|K) −→ H 2 (N |K) −−−→
H 2 (N |L),
that c lies in H 2 (L|K) if and only if resL c = 1. Since resL c = 1 if and only if
invN |L (resL c) = 0 (cf. (4.6)), our theorem follows once we have shown that
invN |L (resL c) = [L : K] · invL0 |K c,
since invL0 |K c ∈ [L:K] Z
Z/ZZ. The last equality is a special case of the following
Proof. The fact that the 2-cocycles of the class resL c have their values in N ×
(cf. §1, p. 66) implies that resL c ∈ H 2 (N |L).
Let f be the inertia degree and e the ramification index of the (not necessarily
normal) extension L|K. We think of the valuations vK and vL as extended
to M . Then we have vL = e · vK . By definition, the invariant map is the
composite of the three isomorphisms v̄, δ −1 , ϕ (cf. (4.5)); hence to prove the
above formula it suffices to check that the following diagram commutes
Note: If T is the maximal unramified extension of K, then T · L is the maximal
unramified extension of L.
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H 2 (L 0 |K) δ −1
v̄K ϕ 1
H 2 (GL0 |K , ZZ) H 1 (GL0 |K , Q/ZZ) [L0 :K] Z
H 2 (M |K) H 2 (GM |K , ZZ) H 1 (GM |K , Q/ZZ) [M :K] Z
resL e·res e·res ·[L:K]
v̄L −1 ϕ
δ 1
H 2 (N |L) H 2 (GN |L , ZZ) H 1 (GN |L , Q/ZZ) [N :L] Z
In this diagram it is understood that the lower vertical maps only map the
images of the upper vertical maps to the cohomology groups in the bottom
row. That the left square commutes follows from the behavior of the 2-cocyles
under the maps in question. The middle square commutes because the inflation
and restriction maps commute with the homomorphism δ (cf. I, (4.4) and I,
(4.5)). To see that the right square commutes, we have to consider the equation
ϕN |L L0
= ϕfL0 |K
which is a generalization of (4.2). But this is easy to see that if a ∈ L0 , then
f f
ϕN |L (a) ≡ aqL mod pN = aqK mod pN = aqK mod pL0 = ϕfL0 |K (a).
Now if χ ∈ H 1 (GL0 |K , Q/ZZ), then
[L : K] · χ(ϕL0 |K ) = e · f · χ(ϕL0 |K ) = e · χ(ϕfL0 |K ) = e · χ(ϕN |L L0
= e · infχ(ϕN |L ) = e · (res ◦ inf)χ(ϕN |L ).
hence the right diagram commutes, which completes the proof of the lemma.
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With the definition of this invariant map we have reached our goal. If K0 is
a p-adic number field, Ω its algebraic closure and GK0 = GΩ|K0 is the Galois
group of Ω|K0 , then
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(5.9) Theorem. For every normal extension L|K we have the isomorphism
uL|K ∪
Gab ∼ −2 (GL|K , ZZ) −−−−→ H 0 (L|K) = K × /NL|K L× .
L|K = H
K × K ×
( ,N |K) ( ,N |K)
a) Gab
N |K b) Gab
N |K
id π incl Ver
( ,L|K) ( ,N |L)
K× Gab
L|K , L× Gab
N |L ,
L × K£¢¡ ×
( ,N |L) ( ,N |K)
c) Gab
N |L d) Gab
N |K
NL|K σ
κ σ∗
( ,N |K) ( ,σN |σK)
K× Gab
N |K , σK × Gab
σN |σK .
By (1.10) the norm residue symbol and the invariant map are related:
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Proof. Let Lτ be the inertia field between K and L, f = [Lτ : K] and Gτ the
inertia group of GL|K , thus the fixed group of Lτ . If u ∈ UK , then by (5.10 a)
v (u)
we have π(u, L|K) = (u, L|K) · Gτ = (u, Lτ |K) = ϕLKτ |K = 1, and therefore
(u, L|K) ∈ Gτ . Conversely, let τ ∈ Gτ and a ∈ K × with (a, L|K) = τ . Then
v (a)
π(a, L|K) = (a, L|K) · Gτ = 1, therefore (a, Lτ |K) = ϕLKτ |K = 1,
i.e., vK (a) ≡ 0 mod f . If we choose a b ∈ L× with vL (b) = f1 vK (a), then
vL (NL|K b) = e · vK (NL|K b) = [L : K] · vL (b) = e · vK (a),
therefore vK (a) = vK (NL|K b), a = u · NL|K b with u ∈ UK . From this we have
(a, L|K) = (u, L|K) = τ , i.e., UK is mapped onto the entire inertia group.
Observing that (UK , L|K) = 1 for sufficiently large n, we conclude that the
ramification group Gv , which is the only p-Sylow subgroup of Gτ , is the image
1 n n
of the p-Sylow subgroup UK /UK of UK /UK (cf. (3.2)).
To end, we briefly discuss the universal norm residue symbol of our class
formation (cf. §1, p. 76). For each abelian extension L|K we have the map
( ,L|K)
K × −−−−−−→ GL|K .
By forming the projective limit
K =← lim GL|K (L|K abelian)
we get, for every a ∈ K , the element
(a, K) = lim(a, L|K) ∈ Gab
in the Galois group Gab
K of the maximal abelian extension of K.
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In global class field theory we have to consider besides the p-adic number
fields also the field IR of real numbers. There is also a reciprocity law over
the reals, which is so simple, however, that we can explain it with only a few
The field IR has only one algebraic extension, namely the field C of complex
numbers. The pair (GC|IR , C× ) constitutes a class formation in a trivial way:
The group
H 2 (GC|IR , C× ) ∼
= H 0 (GC|IR , C× ) = IR× /NC|IR C×
is cyclic of order 2, since an element a ∈ IR× is a norm from C if and only if
a > 0. The invariant map
invC|IR : H 2 (GC|IR , C× ) −→ 21 ZZ/ZZ
is defined in the obvious way, and the norm residue symbol ( , C|IR) is char-
acterized by the equation
√ √
(a, C|IR)( −1) = ( −1 )sgn(a) ,
since (a, C|IR) is either the identity or the conjugation map, depending on
whether a is a norm or not, i.e., whether a > 0 or a < 0.
From the abstract class field theory of §1 we see (cf. (1.14)) that the norm
groups in a p-adic number field K correspond bijectively to the abelian ex-
tensions of K:
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The last theorem shows that the structure of the abelian extensions of K is
reflected in the multiplicative group K × , and naturally leads to the question
of how the norm groups in K × can be characterized by intrinsic properties of
K × . This is done by the following so-called Existence Theorem:
(6.2) Theorem. The norm groups of K × are precisely the open (and thus
closed) subgroups of finite index.
Proof. By the reciprocity law (5.9) every norm group IL ⊆ K × has finite
index in K × . If m is this index, then clearly (K × )m ⊆ IL . By (3.6) (K × )m is
open, hence IL is open as the union of (open) cosets of (K × )m in IL .
Conversely, let I ⊆ K × be an open subgroup of finite index m in K × . Then
(K × )m ⊆ I and by (6.1) I is a norm group if (K × )m is a norm group. We show
this first in case that K contains
√ the m-th roots of unity. For each a ∈ K ×
we form the field La = K( a), and set
L= La .
a∈K ×
Then L|K is a finite abelian extension, because K × /(K × )m is finite (cf. (3.7)),
and therefore there are only finitely many distinct fields among the La . We
now claim that \
(K × )m = IL = ILa 12)
a∈K ×
The degree [La : K] = [K( a ) : K] = d is obviously a divisor of m, hence the
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e× e× × × m
NL|K e 1 L ) ⊆ NK1 |K (NL|K1 L ) = NK1 |K ((K1 ) )
e L = NK1 |K (NL|K
= (NK1 |K K1× )m ⊆ (K × )m .
Hence (K × )m is a group containing the norm group NL|K e×
e L , thus by (6.1)
(K × )m is a norm group itself, and our Existence Theorem is proved.
Theorem (6.2) is called the Existence Theorem because its crucial assertion is
that given an open subgroup I of finite index in K × , there exists an abelian
extension L|K whose norm group NL|K L× = I. This field L is uniquely
determined and is called the class field associated with I.
It is clear that the open subgroups of finite index in K × are also closed of
finite index, and vice versa, since the complement of a subgroup of finite index
in K × consists of its finitely many cosets. More generally, we have
Proof. The conditions (i), (ii), (iii) are equivalent by (6.2) and our remark
above. Furthermore, (iv) is equivalent to (ii), since a subgroup I of finite index
m contains the open group (K × )m , and is therefore open.
(6.4) Theorem. The norm groups of K × are precisely the groups containing
UK × (π f ), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , f = 1, 2, . . .
Here = UK , π is a prime element of K, and (π f ) is the subgroup of K ×
generated by π f .
We will give a more detailed account of norm groups in the next section.
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We will show that the extensions Lf,n |K are abelian and totally ramified,
and that they are associated with the norm groups UK × (π) (cf. (6.4)). The
essential idea here is to use certain power series to make the zero set Λf,n an
O -module in such a way that multiplication of Λf,n by a unit u ∈ O produces
a permutation of Λf,n , which induces a K-automorphism of Lf,n |K, namely
the automorphism (u−1 , Lf,n |K).
In this section we follow [34]. For Part III only Theorem (7.16) is used.
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Proof. We set X = (X1 , . . . , Xn ) and g(X) = (g(X1 ), . . . , g(Xn )). One im-
mediately verifies that if F (X) is a power series and Fr (X) ∈ O[X] are its
truncations consisting of all terms of F (X) of degree at most r, then F (X) is
a solution of the above problem if and only if F (X) ≡ L(X) mod degree 2,
thus F1 (X) = L(X), and for every r the following congruence holds
(∗) f (Fr (X)) ≡ Fr (g(X)) mod degree (r + 1).
For r = 1, i.e., for F1 (X) = L(X) this is true. If we have found a unique
Fr (X) ∈ O[X] satisfying condition (∗), and we set Fr+1 (X) = Fr (X) +
∆r+1 (X) with a homogeneous form ∆r+1 of degree r + 1, it follows from
f (Fr+1 (X)) ≡ f (Fr (X)) + π · ∆r+1 (X) mod degree (r + 2),
Fr+1 (g(X)) ≡ Fr (g(X)) + π · ∆r+1 (X) mod degree (r + 2),
that for ∆r+1 the congruence
f (Fr (X)) − Fr (g(X))
∆r+1 (X) ≡ mod degree (r + 2)
π r+1 − π
must be satisfied. Hence we obtain ∆r+1 is a unique way as the first trunca-
tion, i.e., as the homogeneous
form of (r + 1)-th degree of the power series
f (Fr (X)) − Fr (g(X)) / π r+1 − π . Because
f (Fr (X)) − Fr (g(X)) ≡ (Fr (X))q − Fr (X q ) ≡ 0 mod π
the form ∆r+1 has integral coefficients, and hence so has Fr+1 = Fr + ∆r+1 .
This shows existence and uniqueness of the series F (X) = limr→∞ Fr (X).
Remark. The proof actually shows that F is the only power series in every
field containing O which satisfies the equations of the lemma.
For us, the cases L(X, Y ) = X + Y and L(Z) = aZ, a ∈ O, are important. If
f ∈ ξπ , let Ff (X, Y ) be the uniquely determined solution of the equations
Ff (X, Y ) = X + Y mod degree 2,
f (Ff (X, Y )) = Ff (f (X), f (Y )) .
Moreover, for every a ∈ O and f, g ∈ ξπ let the series af,g (Z) ∈ O[[Z]] be the
uniquely determined solution of
af,g (Z) ≡ aZ mod degree 2,
f (af,g (Z)) = af,g (g(Z)).
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For simplicity, we write af for af,f . The following proposition shows that
Ff (X, Y ) in a certain sense plays the role of “addition,” while af corresponds
to “multiplication.”
To prove these formulas, one shows that the left and right side of each equation
are both solution of a problem as in (7.1), hence by uniqueness of the solution
they are equal. We leave the details to the reader.
Obviously, the additive inverse of x is (−1)f (x). One needs to be careful not
(f )
confuse the operations pL with the ordinary operations on the O-module.
(f )
(7.4) Proposition. The set of zeros Λf,n of f n (x) is a submodule of pLf,n .
Proof. The set of zeros Λf,n is the annihilator of the element π n ∈ O, since
(f )
Λf,n = {λ ∈ pLf,n | f n (λ) = (π n )f (λ) = 0} = {λ ∈ pLf,n | π n · λ = 0}.
G(x1 , . . . , xn ) converges in the finite (and thus complete) extension of K generated
by x1 , . . . , xn .
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Proof. This follows immediately from the formulas in (7.2). By (3) and (4)
this map is a homomorphism. If a is a unit, then (4) and (6) imply that
(a−1 )f,g (ag,f (λ)) = 1f (λ) = λ for λ ∈ Λf,n ,
and in reverse order
ag,f ((a−1 )f,g (λ)) = 1g (λ) = λ for λ ∈ Λg,n .
Hence the map ag,f : Λf,n → Λg,n is a bijection with inverse map (a−1 )f,g .
To see this, note first that πf (λ) ∈ Λf,n for λ ∈ Λf,n+1 , because f n (πf (λ)) =
f n (f (λ)) = f n+1 (λ) = 0. If λ ∈ Λf,n and λ∗ (∈ Ω) is a root of the equa-
tion f (Z) − λ = Z q + πZ − λ = 0, then λ∗ ∈ Λf,n+1 because f n+1 (λ∗ ) =
f n (f (λ∗ )) = f n (λ) = 0, thus πf (λ∗ ) = f (λ∗ ) = λ, and πf is surjective.
The kernel of πf consists of the elements λ with πf (λ) = f (λ) = 0, i.e., the
elements of the module Λf,1 ⊆ Λf,n+1 .
Since Λf,1 ∼
= O/π·O and Λf,n ∼ = O/π n ·O, the order of Λf,n+1 is equal to q n+1 . If
λ ∈ Λf,n+1 but λ 6∈ Λf,n , then π n+1 ·O is clearly the annihilator of λ. Hence the
map a 7→ a · λ gives an isomorphism between O/π n+1 ·O and the O-submodule
of Λf,n+1 generated by λ, which must coincide with Λf,n+1 , since O/π n+1 ·O
and Λf,n+1 both have order q n+1 . Therefore Λf,n+1 ∼ = O/π n+1 ·O.
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(7.8) Proposition. The field Lf,n depends only on the prime element π, but
not on the choice of the power series f ∈ ξπ .
Proof. If f, g ∈ ξπ and λ ∈ Λf,n , then along with λ we have 1g,f (λ) ∈ Lf,n .
Since 1g,f : Λf,n → Λg,n is surjective, Λg,n ⊆ Lf,n , i.e., Lg,n ⊆ Lf,n . By
symmetry, Lf,n ⊆ Lg,n , and therefore Lf,n = Lg,n .
Because of this result we write Lπ,n for the field Lf,n , and set Lπ = n=1 Lπ,n .
We can always think of Lπ,n as generated by the roots of the polynomials
f n (Z) with f (Z) = πZ + Z q ∈ ξπ , hence Lπ,n |K is a normal extension.
We denote its Galois group by Gπ,n . The projective limit Gπ = lim Gπ,n is
the Galois group of the extension Lπ |K. Each element σ ∈ Gπ,n yields an
automorphism of the O-module Λf,n by the usual operation of Gπ,n on the set
Λf,n ⊆ Lπ,n . This is due to the fact that σ acts continuously on Lπ,n , and that
the operations of the O-module Λf,n are defined by convergent power series
whose coefficients lie in the base field K, and therefore are fixed by σ. On the
n n
other hand, by (7.7) every class u · UK ∈ UK /UK yields the automorphism
uf : Λf,n → Λf,n . We show
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The last statement shows that the prime element π is a norm for every
extension Lπ,n |K. In fact, if λ is a root of φn (Z), then Lπ,n = K(λ) and
π = NLπ,n |K (−λ).
Sublemma. UTϕ−1
b = UTb and (ϕ − 1)OTb = OTb .
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and therefore
ϕ(y1 · y2 )
x= · a2 , resp. x = ϕ(y1 + y2 ) − (y1 + y2 ) + a2 .
y1 · y2
Continuing in this way, we have
ϕ(y1 · · · yn )
x= · an , yn ∈ UTn−1 , an ∈ UTnb , resp.
y1 · · · yn b
Proof. By the sublemma we have u = ϕε/ε, ε ∈ UTb , and we set θ1 (Z) = εZ.
We assume that we have constructed a polynomial θr (Z) of degree r such that
θrϕ (Z) ≡ θr (uf (Z)) mod degree (r + 1),
and look for a polynomial θr+1 (Z) = θr (Z) + bZ r+1 , which satisfies the same
congruence with r + 1 instead of r. If we set b = a · εr+1 , we obtain for a the
condition a − ϕa = c/(ϕε)r+1 , where c is the coefficient of Z r+1 in the series
θrϕ (Z) − θr (uf (Z)). Because of the sublemma there always exists such an a;
thus we obtain θr+1 and therefore the series θ(Z) = limr→∞ θr (Z) satisfying
the condition θϕ (Z) = θ(uf (Z)).
θϕ is the power series obtained from θ by applying ϕ to the coefficients of θ.
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In order to obtain (2) and (3), we have to modify the θ we just constructed.
Consider the series
h = θϕ ◦ f ◦ θ−1 = θ ◦ uf ◦ f ◦ θ−1 = θ ◦ πf0 ◦ θ−1 ,
where the symbol ◦ stands for evaluation. Its coefficients lie in OTb , and because
hϕ = θϕ ◦ πf0ϕ ◦ θ−ϕ = θϕ ◦ f ◦ uf ◦ θ−ϕ = h, they even lie in O, since an element
in Tb which is fixed by ϕ lies in K, as one can easily verify. From this we get
h(Z) ≡ ε · π 0 · ε−1 Z = π 0 Z mod degree 2 and
−1 −1 −ϕ
h(Z) = θ (f (θ ϕ
(Z))) ≡ θ (θ q ϕ
(Z) ) ≡ θ (θ (Z )) ≡ Z q
mod π 0 ,
so that h ∈ ξπ0 . Now we replace θ by 1f 0 ,h ◦ θ; then (1) still holds for this
modified θ, and we have f 0 = θϕ ◦ f ◦ θ−1 = θ ◦ πf0 ◦ θ−1 .
For the proof of (2), we show that the series
F (X, Y ) = θ(Ff (θ−1 (X), θ−1 (Y )))
satisfies the conditions of (7.1), which characterize the series Ff 0 (X, Y ). It
is clear that F (X, Y ) ≡ X + Y mod degree 2, a trivial calculation using the
formula f 0 = θ ◦ πf0 ◦ θ−1 shows that F (f 0 (X), f 0 (Y )) = f 0 (F (X, Y )), and by
the remark at the end of (7.1) the coefficients of F (X, Y ) lie in O.
Now (3) follows similarly, one shows that the series θ ◦ af ◦ θ−1 satisfies the
conditions of (7.1), which characterize the series af 0 .
For distinct prime elements π and π 0 of K, the fields Lπ,n and Lπ0 ,n may very
well be distinct. However, the previous corollary implies the following:
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We now come to the main goal of this section by showing that the homo-
morphism ωπ coincides with the one induced by the universal norm residue
symbol ( , K):
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ωπ (π 0 )|Lπ0 ,n = idLπ0 ,n ,
in other words, we have to show that ωπ (π 0 )λ0 = λ0 for λ0 ∈ Λf 0 ,n , where
f 0 ∈ ξπ0 . By (7.12) Λf 0 ,n = θ(Λf,n ), and our claim will follow if we can show
ωπ (π 0 )θ(λ) = θ(λ) for λ ∈ Λf,n .
For this, we consider
ωπ (π 0 ) = ωπ (u · π) = ωπ (u) ◦ ωπ (π).
From the above we have the following identities
ωπ (π)λ = λ (λ ∈ Λf,n ), ωπ (π)|T = ϕ, ωπ (u)|T = idT .
We can describe the norm residue symbol ( , Lπ,n |K) of the abelian and
totally ramified extension Lπ,n |K as follows:
Proof. It follows from (7.14) that (a, K)|T ·Lπ,n = ωπ (a). Therefore (a, K)λ =
(a, Lπ,n |K)λ = ωπ (a)λ = (u−1 )f (λ). Thus an element a = u · π m ∈ K × ,
u ∈ UK , is a norm of the extension Lπ,n |K if and only if (a, Lπ,n |K)λ =
(u−1 )f (λ) = λ for all λ ∈ Λf,n . By (7.7) this is equivalent to u ∈ UK
, i.e., to
a ∈ UK × (π).
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The zero set Λf,n consists of the elements λ = ζ − 1, where ζ runs through the
pn -th roots of unity. Thus the field Lp,n is precisely the field of pn -th roots of
unity over Qp . Hence we have:
After this example we return to the general case. In (4.9) we have shown that
the norm groups of the unramified extensions L|K are the groups UK × (π f ).
We now characterize the norm groups in the totally ramified case.
(7.17) Theorem. The norm groups of the totally ramified (abelian) exten-
sions L|K are precisely the groups which contain the groups
UK × (π) (π prime element).
Proof. By (7.15), a group containing UK × (π) belongs to a subfield of Lπ,n ,
and thus to a totally ramified extension L|K. On the other hand, a totally
ramified extension L|K will be generated by a root λ of an Eisenstein equation
X e + · · · + π = 0,
where the prime element π is the norm of the element ±λ. Therefore we have
(π) ⊆ NL|K L× . Since NL|K L× is open in K × , we further have UK
⊆ NL|K L×
for an appropriate n, hence NL|K L× contains the group UK n
× (π).
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Obviously UK n
×(π f ) = (UK ×(π f ))∩(UK
×(π)) = NK 0 |K K 0× ∩NLπ,n |K L×
π,n =
0 ×
NK 0 ·Lπ,n |K (K · Lπ,n ) .
(7.20) Definition. Let L|K be an abelian extension, and let n be the smallest
integer ≥ 0 such that UK ⊆ NL|K L× . Then the ideal
f = pnK
is called the conductor of L|K 16) .
The conductor of the extension Lπ,n |K is the ideal f = pnK . For the unramified
extensions L|K, we have the
The follows immediately from (4.9), L|K is unramified if and only if the norm
group NL|K L× has the form UK 0
× (π f ), thus if and only if f = p0K = 1.
We end this section with a brief discussion of the universal norm residue
symbol ( , K), which is characterized by the following theorem.
(7.22)STheorem. Let π be a prime element of K, f ∈ ξπ , Λf = n=1 Λf,n ,
Lπ = n=1 Lπ,n = K(Λf ), and Gπ = GLπ |K .
The field T ·Lπ is (independent of π) the maximal abelian field over K. Thus
K = GT |K × Gπ .
If a = u · π m ∈ K × , u ∈ UK , then the norm residue symbol (a, K) is given by
(a, K)|T = ϕm , (a, K)λ = (u−1 )f (λ) for λ ∈ Λf .
Proof. By (6.4) the norm group of an abelian field L|K is a group containing
the group UKn
× (π f ). By (7.19) L is a subfield of a field K 0 ·Lπ,n , K 0 ⊆ T ,
hence a subfield of T ·Lπ , the maximal abelian extension of K.
16) 0
Here we set UK = UK .
Cf. [3], [20].
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Because Gab
K = GT |K × Gπ , the norm residue symbol (a, K) is determined by
the equations
(a, K)|T = ϕm , (a, K)λ = (u−1 )f (λ) for λ ∈ Λf ,
which hold by (4.10) and (7.15).
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Part III
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We assume the reader is familiar with the basic concepts and theorems of
algebraic number theory for which we refer to the standard text books, for
example, [6], [21], [30]. Nevertheless, in this section we briefly summarize the
for us most important facts.
If K is a finite algebraic number field, we mean by the primes p of K the classes
of equivalent valuations of K, where we distinguish between the finite and
infinite primes p. The finite primes p are associated with the nonarchimedian
valuations of K and correspond bijectively to the prime ideals of the field
K, for which we use the same symbol p. For the infinite primes we have
to distinguish further between the real and complex infinite primes. The real
primes correspond bijectively to the different embeddings of K into the field IR
of real numbers, while the complex primes correspond bijectively to the pairs
of complex conjugate embeddings of K into the field C of complex numbers;
we observe that two conjugate embeddings of K into C produce the same
valuation of K. We write p - ∞ (resp. p | ∞) if p is finite (resp. infinite).
If p is a finite prime, we denote by vp the exponential valuation of K associ-
ated with p, normalized with smallest positive value 1. We get an additional
normalized valuation if we associate with each prime p its p-absolute value
| |p . This is done in the following way:
Cf. [21], III, §20, p. 314. As always, K × denotes the multiplicative group of the
field K.
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If S is a finite set of primes of the field K containing all infinite primes, then
K S = {a ∈ K × | vp (a) = 0 (i.e., |a|p = 1) for all p 6∈ S}
is called the group of S-units of K. In particular, if S = S∞ is the set of all
infinite primes of K, then K S∞ is the usual unit group of K. We have the
following generalization of Dirichlet’s
(1.1) Unit Theorem2) . The group K S is finitely generated, and its rank is
equal to |S| − 1, where |S| denotes the number of primes in S.
(1.2) Theorem3) . The ideal class group JK /PK is finite; its order h is called
the class number of the field K.
It is convenient to define the unit groups Up for infinite primes as well, since we
do not want to always have to distinguish between finite and infinite primes.
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Let L|K be a finite normal field extension with Galois group G = GL|K . If
σ ∈ G, then along with P | p we also have σP | p, where σP is the prime of
L conjugate to P with respect to σ.
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Let K be a field containing the n-th roots of unity but whose characteristic
does not divide n. By a general Kummer extension of K we mean a (finite
or infinite) Galois extension L of K whose Galois group GL|K is abelian and
has exponent n, i.e., has the property that σ n = 1 for all σ ∈ GL|K . It is easy
to see that the compositum of two Kummer extensions L1 and L2 of K is
again a Kummer extension. Therefore the union N of all abelian extensions
of K with a Galois group of exponent n is the largest Kummer extension of
K. The following theorem shows that one can read off the structure of the
Kummer extensions of K from the multiplicative group K × of K.
and therefore would generate over N a still larger Kummer extension over K.
Note that H 1 (G, L× ) = 1 by II, (2.2)). Of course, the exactness of this sequence
can be shown without reference to cohomology, and one can develop the theory
of Kummer extensions without using cohomological methods.
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1. ∆ = (L× )n ∩ K × : If
a ∈ K√ , then a ∈ ∆ ⇔ χa√ (σ) = 1 (χa ∈ χ(GN |K ))
for σ ∈ GN |L ⇔ σ( a) = a for σ ∈ GN |L ⇔ n a ∈ L ⇔ a ∈ (L× )n .
n n
2. L = K( n ∆): If σ ∈ G = GN |K , then σ ∈ GN |L ⇔ χa (σ) = 1 for a ∈
√ √
∆ ⇔ σ( n a) = n a for a ∈ ∆ ⇔ σ K( √ n
= idK( √
n √
∆) ⇔ σ ∈ GN |K( ∆) .
The idèles were first called ideal elements. Then this was abbreviated to id. el.
from which the name idel (in French idèle) evolved.
Yet even today these methods represent an essential counterpart to the approach
we follow here, and have not lost their importance.
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where S runs through all finite sets of primes of K, is the idèle group of K.
If a = (ap ) ∈ IK , ap ∈ Kp× , then the ap are the local components of the
idèle a; an ap ∈ Kp× is an essential component of a if ap is not a unit.
In our development of class field theory the group CK is the main object of
interest. The connection between the idèles and the ideals of a field K is given
in the following proposition.
(2.3) Proposition. Let S∞ be the set of all infinite primes of the field K,
and let IK be the group of idèles which have units as components at all finite
primes. Then we have a canonical isomorphism
IK /I S∞ ∼
K = JK , IK /I S∞ ·K × ∼
K = JK /PK ,
where JK and PK denote the group of ideals and principal ideals respectively.
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from IK onto JK /PK , and a is in its kernel if and only if p-∞ pvp ap ∈ PK , i.e.,
vp ap
= (x) = p-∞ pvp x with x ∈ K × , thus if and only if vp ap = vp x,
p-∞ p
vp (ap ·x−1 ) = 0 for all p - ∞. This again is the case if and only if a · x−1 ∈ IK ,
S∞ S∞ ×
thus a ∈ x·IK , i.e., if and only if a ∈ IK ·K .
The group IK /IK is none other than the well-known group of fractional
ideals of K. It is easy to see that when passing to ideals, the S-idèles become
precisely those ideals that are generated only by prime ideals in S.
Unlike the ideal class group JK /PK , the idèle class group CK = IK /K × is
not finite. However, the finiteness of the ideal class group is reflected in the
fact that all idèle classes in CK can be represented by S-idèles a ∈ IK for a
fixed finite set S of primes. This is the assertion of the following proposition.
Proof. The ideal class group JK /PK is finite (cf. (1.2)). Hence we can choose a
finite set of ideals A1 , . . . , An which represent the classes in JK /PK . The ideals
A1 , . . . , An are further made up of only finitely many prime ideals p1 , . . . , ps .
Now if S is any finite set of primes containing the primes p1 , . . . , ps and all
the infinite primes of K, then in fact
IK = IK · K ×.
S∞ ∼
In order to see this, consider the isomorphismQ IKvp/I K = JK (cf. (2.3)). If
a ∈ IK , then the corresponding ideal A = p-∞ p lies in a class Ai · PK ,
i.e., A = Ai · (x), where (x) ∈ PK denotes the principal ideal given by x ∈ K × .
The idèle aQ = a · x−10 is mapped under the homomorphism IK → JK onto the
ideal A0 = p-∞ pvp ap = Ai . Since the prime ideal components of Ai lie in the
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(2.5) Proposition. Let L|K be normal with Galois group G = GL|K . Then
ILG = IK .
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P and σ −1 P lying above the same prime p of K have the same components
aP = aσ−1 P ∈ Kp , so that a ∈ IK .
It is well known that an ideal of a field K can very well become a principal
ideal in an extension field L without being a principal ideal in the base field K.
The following proposition shows that the idèles behave differently.
By (2.6) we can embed the idèle class group CK of a field K into the idèle
class group CL of a finite extension field L using the canonical homomorphism
ι : CK −→ CL , a · K × 7→ a · L× (a ∈ IK ⊆ IL ).
To see that ι is injective note that if the class a · K × ∈ CK is mapped to the
unit class L× ∈ CL , hence a · L× = L× , a ∈ L× , then we know by (2.6) that
a ∈ L× ∩ IK = K × , i.e., a · K × = K × is the unit class of CK .
In the following we view CK as embedded in CL via this canonical map,
hence as a subgroup of CL . An element a · L× ∈ CL (a ∈ IL ) lies in CK if and
only if the class a · L× contains a representative a0 from IK (⊆ IL ) such that
a0 · L× = a · L× .
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Kp× ×
IK = p∈S p6∈S Up the group of S-idèles of K
(S a finite set of primes of K),
IK = S IK the idèle group of K,
K ⊆ IK the group of principal idèles,
CK = IK /K the idèle class group of K,
S ×
IK = IK ·K for a sufficiently large finite set S
of primes.
Let S be a finite set of primes of the base field K and S̄ the finite set of primes
of the extension field L above the primes in S. To simplify things, we denote
the group of S̄-idèles ILS̄ of L also by ILS , and speak of the S-idèles of the field
L; we will use the same convention in later sections as well. Thus we have
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which have the component 1 at all the primes of L not lying above p (resp.
and in addition have only units as components at the primes of L lying above
p). Since the automorphisms σ ∈ G only permute the primes P above p, the
groups ILp and ULp are G-modules. Thus we have decomposed ILS into a direct
product of G-modules:
Y p Y p
ILS = IL × UL .
p∈S p6∈S
Because of Proposition (3.1) and the decomposition ILS = p∈S ILp × p6∈S ULp
the cohomology groups of the idèle groups ILS and IL are easy to compute. By
I, (3.8) we have
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H q (G, ILS ) ∼
= H q (G, ILp ) × H q (G, ULp ).
p∈S p6∈S
If the finite set S contains all (finite) primes of K which are ramified in L, then
by (3.1) H q (G, ILp ) = H q (GP , L× q p
P ) (P any prime above p), and H (G, UL ) = 1
for each p 6∈ S. Therefore
H q (G, I S ) ∼
= L H q (GP , L× ), P
where S runs through all finite sets of primes of K which contain all ramified
primes 8). Thus we have proved the following theorem:
(3.2) Theorem. Let S be a finite set of primes of K which contains all primes
ramified in L. Then
H q (G, ILS ) ∼
= H q (GP , L×
P) ,
H q (G, IL ) ∼
= H q (GP , L×
P ).
From the proof and the Addendum (3.1) we obtain further the
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The following proposition shows how changing the field affects taking local
For the third formula note that for each P | p we choose a prime P0 of N lying
above P, thus the corestrictions corKp (cP ) lie in (a priori) distinct cohomology
groups H q (GNP0 |Kp , NP 0 ). However, we can identify these as follows: Given
The proof of Proposition (3.3) uses the general and purely cohomological fact
that the restriction map which occurs when passing to the local components
commutes with the maps inf, res, and cor. This is easy to see at the cocycle
level for inf and res if q ≥ 1, and for cor if q = −1, 0. The general case follows
from this by dimension shifting. The details are left to the reader.
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The Norm Theorem for Idèles is an analogue of the “Hasse Norm Theorem”,
which states that if L|K is a cyclic extension, an element x ∈ K × is the norm
of an element y ∈ L× if and only if it is everywhere a local norm, i.e., is a norm
for every extension LP |Kp (cf. §4, (4.8)). Contrary to the Norm Theorem for
idèles, the Hasse Norm Theorem is a very deep number-theoretic result, for
which up to date we do not have a direct proof. Corollary (3.4) only says
that the element x ∈ K × , considered as a principal idèle, is the norm of an
idèle b of L; it leaves open the question whether this idèle can be chosen as a
principal idèle y ∈ L× .
The fact that H 1 (GL|K , IL ) = 1 implies that the extensions L|K form with
respect to the idèle groups IL a field formation in the sense of II, §1. This
allows us to think of the cohomology groups H 2 (GL|K , IL ) as the elements of
H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) = H 2 (GL|K , IL ), 9)
Here Ω denotes the field of all algebraic numbers; however H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) is used
only as notation for the union on the right. If we consider IΩ as the union of all
IL , or more precisely IΩ = lim IL , then IΩ is a GΩ|K -module, and we can define
H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) directly also for infinite Galois groups GΩ|K (cf. [41]).
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S local class field theory we have seen that the Brauer group Br (K) =
2 ×
L H (GL|K , L ) of a p-adic number field K is the union of the cohomol-
ogy groups H (GL|K , L× ) of the unramified extensions L|K, for which it is
relatively easy to prove the reciprocity law. The role of the unramified exten-
sions in the local theory is played in the global case by the cyclic cyclotomic
field extensions, i.e., cyclic extensions which are contained in a field which
is formed by adjoining roots of unity. We show already at this point the
Proof. It suffices to prove the lemma for K = Q, the general case follows
from this by taking compositia. More precisely, if N |Q is a totally imaginary
cyclic cyclotomic field such that for every prime number p above which there
is a prime of K in S the degree [NP : Qp ] is divisible by m · [K : Q], then
L = K · N has the desired property.
Let ln be a prime power and let ζ be a primitive ln -th root of unity. If l 6= 2,
then the extension Q(ζ)|Q is cyclic of degree ln−1 · (l − 1), and we denote the
cyclic subfield of degree ln−1 by L(ln ).
If l = 2, then the Galois group of Q(ζ)|Q is the direct product of a cyclic
group of order 2 and a cyclic group of order 2n−2 . In this case we consider the
field L(2n ) = Q(ξ) with ξ = ζ − ζ −1 . The automorphisms of Q(ζ) are defined
by σν : ζ 7→ ζ ν , ν odd, and we have σν (ξ) = ζ ν − ζ −ν . Because ζ 2 = −1,
σν (ξ) = σ−ν+2n−1 (ξ), and since either ν or −ν + 2 ≡ 1 mod (4), the
automorphisms of L(2n ) = Q(ξ) are induced by those σν with ν ≡ 1 mod (4).
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Now an elementary calculation shows that the Galois group of L(2n )|Q is
cyclic of order 2n−2 . Moreover, because σ−1 ξ = −ξ, the field L(ln ) is totally
imaginary for large n.
If p is a prime number, then as n increases the local degree [L(ln )P : Qp ]
becomes an arbitrarily large l-th power, since in any case [Qp (ζ) : Qp ] becomes
arbitrarily large, and we have [Qp (ζ) : L(ln )P ] ≤ l − 1, resp. ≤ 2 in case l = 2.
Now if m = l1r1 · · · lsrs , then the field
L = L(l1n1 ) · · · L(lsns ) · L(2t )
has the desired properties, provided the ni , t are chosen sufficiently large. In
fact, for the finitely many prime numbers p ∈ S the local degrees [LP : Qp ] are
divisible by every power liri , and therefore by m; L is totally complex because
of the factor L(2t ), and L is cyclic over Q, since the L(ln ) are cyclic over Q
with relatively prime degrees.
Proof of (3.6): We only give the proof for H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ); the assertion on
the Brauer group follows from that on H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) as soon as we know that
Br(K) → H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) is injective. This will follow from H 1 (GΩ|K , CΩ ) = 0
(Theorem III (4.7)).
Let c ∈ H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ), say c ∈ H 2 (GL0 |K , IL0 ), let m be the order of c and
let S be the (finite) set of primes p of K, for which the local components cp
of c are not equal to 1. By the previous lemma there is a cyclic cyclotomic
field L|K with m | [LP : Kp ] for the finite p ∈ S and [LP : Kp ] = 2 for the
real-infinite p ∈ S. If we form the compositum N = L0 · L, then we have
H 2 (GL0 |K , IL0 ) and H 2 (GL|K , IL ) ⊆ H 2 (GN |K , IN ),
and we will show that c lies in the group H 2 (GL|K , IL ). Since the sequence
1 −→ H 2 (GL|K , IL ) −→ H 2 (GN |K , IN ) −−−→
H 2 (GN |L , IN )
is exact, it suffices to show that resL c = 1. But by local class field theory,
together with (3.2) and (3.3), we have resL c = 1 ⇔ (resL c)P = resLP cp = 1
for all primes P of L ⇔ invNP0 |LP (resLP cp ) = [LP : Kp ] · invNP0 |Kp cp =
[LP :Kp ] [LP :Kp ]
invNP0 |Kp cp = 0 for all primes p of K ⇔ cp = 1 for all p ∈ S.
Now the last equality holds, because cm p = 1 and m | [LP : Kp ] for the finite
primes, and [LP : Kp ] = 2 for the real-infinite p ∈ S.
The role of the multiplicative group of a field in the local theory is taken
by the idèle class group in global class field theory. Thus our aim is to show
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In what follows we fix a normal extension L|K with a cyclic Galois group G =
GL|K of prime order p. The first fundamental inequality is the relation
(CK : NG CL ) ≥ p.
(4.1) Theorem. The idèle class group CL is a Herbrand module with Her-
brand quotient
|H 0 (G, CL )|
h(CL ) = = p 10) .
|H 1 (G, CL )|
(4.2) Corollary.
|H 0 (G, CL )| = (CK : NG CL ) = |H 2 (G, CL )| = p · |H 1 (G, CL )| ≥ p.
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where LS = L× ∩ILS is the group of S-units, i.e., the group of all those elements
in L× which are units for all the primes P of L which do not lie above the
primes in S (cf. §2, p. 118 and §1, p. 114). From I, (6.4) we obtain
h(CL ) = h(ILS ) · h(LS )−1 ,
in the sense that when two of these Herbrand quotients are defined, then so
is the third, and we have equality.
The proof splits into two parts, i.e., the computations of h(ILS ) and h(LS ).
Because of Theorem (3.2), the computation of h(ILS ) is a local question. Let
n the number of primes in S,
N the number of primes of L, which lie above S, and
n1 the number of primes in S, which are inert in L.
Since [L : K] has prime degree, a prime of K that is not inert splits completely,
i.e., decomposes into exactly p primes of L; thus N = n1 + p · (n − n1 ).
To compute the quotient h(ILS ) = |H 0 (G, ILS )| / |H 1 (G, ILS )|, we have to deter-
mine |H 0 (G, IQS 1 S
L )| and |H (G, IL )|. We do this making use of the isomorphism
H q (G, ILS ) ∼
= p∈S H q
(GP , L×
P ) from Theorem (3.2).
1 S
If q = 1, the above isomorphism immediately yields Q H (G,0 IL ) = ×
1, because
1 × 0 S ∼
H (GP , LP ) = 1. If q = 0, then H (G, IL ) = p∈S H (GP , LP ), and it
remains to determine the order of H 0 (GP , L× P ), which is done using local
class field theory. In fact, we have H 0 (GP , L× ∼
P = GP (cf. II, (5.9)), so that
1, if the prime p lying under P splits (because GP = 1),
|H 0 (GP , L×P )| =
p, if p is inert (because GP = G).
Hence |H 0 (G, ILS )| = pn1 ; since H 1 (G, ILS ) = 1, we have so h(ILS ) = pn1 .
For the computation of h(LS ) we use the formula for the Herbrand quotient
from Theorem I, (6.10). By (1.1), the group LS = L× ∩ ILS of S-units of L is
finitely generated of rank N − 1, and its fixed group (LS )G = K S = K × ∩ LS
is the group of S-units of K and finitely generated of rank n − 1. Theorem I,
(6.10) yields
h(LS ) = p(p(n−1)−N +1)/(p−1) = pn1 −1 .
Since both Herbrand quotients h(ILS ) and h(LS ) are defined, h(CL ) is also
defined, and the above formulas imply h(CL ) = h(ILS ) · h(LS )−1 = p.
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(4.3) Corollary. Let L|K be a cyclic extension of prime power degree. Then
K has infinitely many primes which are inert in L.
this is trivially the case, since p splits completely because of the prime degree,
and therefore LP = Kp . Thus we have a0 = a·x−1 = NG b, b ∈ IL , from which
we get a = a · K × = a0 · K × = NG b · K × = NG (b · L× ). Hence CK = NG CL .
Now let L|K be cyclic of degree pr . We assume that almost all primes of K
split in L. This means that the decomposition fields ZP are proper extensions
of K for almost all primes P of L, and therefore in each case contain a field L0
between K and L of degree p. But in the cyclic extension L|K there is only one
field L0 of degree p, which is therefore contained in almost all decomposition
fields ZP . This implies that almost all primes p of K decompose in the cyclic
extension L0 of degree p, which contradicts the first part of the proof.
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The difficulty here is that that we cannot a priori decide which idèle classes
in CK are represented by a norm idèle, and therefore lie in NG CL . This is
completely different from the case of idèle groups, where by the Norm Theorem
for idèle groups a ∈ IK is a norm if and only if it is a local norm everywhere
(cf. (3.4)). We work around this by considering instead of NG CL an auxiliary
group F which is constructed such that its elements are represented by norm
idèles, hence F ⊆ NG CL , and which has the property that its index (CK : F )
can actually be shown to be equal to p. Using this F , we obtain the inequality
(CK : NG CL ) ≤ (CK : F ) = p.
Let L = K( p x0 ), x0 ∈ K × . Let S be a finite set of primes of K such that
1. S contains all the primes above p and all infinite primes of K,
2. IK = IK · K ×,
3. x0 ∈ K = IK S
∩ K × (i.e., x0 is an S-unit).
Here 2. can be satisfied by (2.4), and 3. because x0 is a unit for almost all
Together with S we choose m additional primes q1 , . . . , qm 6∈ S that split
completely in L; set S ∗ = S ∪ {q1 , . . . , qm }. To construct F , we have to specify
an idèle group F ⊆ IK whose elements represent the idèle classes of F . It must
consist of nothing but norm idèles so that F ⊆ NG CL , it must be sufficiently
large to ensure that the index (CK : F ) is finite, and it must be simple enough
so that it is possible to compute this index. These properties are satisfied by
the idèle group
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Y m
F = (Kp× )p × Kq×i × Up 11)
p∈S i=1 p6∈S ∗
It allows us to split the computation of (CK : F ) into two parts, the compu-
tation of (IK : F ), which is of a purely local nature, and the computation of
((IK ∩ K × ) : (F ∩ K × )), which uses global considerations.
: F ) = p∈S (Kp× : (Kp× )p ); since S ⊆ S × , the map
I. We have (IK
IK −→ Kp× /(Kp× )p with a 7−→ ap · (Kp× )p
p∈S p∈S
is trivially surjective, and its kernel consists precisely of those idèles a ∈ IK
× p
for which ap ∈ (Kp ) for p ∈ S lie in the kernel; i.e., the idèles in F . By the
local theory (cf. II, (3.7)) we have
(Kp× : (Kp× )p ) = p2 · |p|−1
p ,
: F ) = p2n · p∈S |p|−1
so that (IK p , where n is the number of primes in S.
Since the primes p 6∈ S do notQlie above theQprime number p, |p|p = 1 for p 6∈ S,
and by the product formula p∈S |p|p = p |p|p = 1, hence (IK : F ) = p2n .
That we consider precisely this idèle group is motivated as follows: If we start
heuristically with the reciprocity√ law, which has not been proved yet, we see that
the Kummer extension T = K( Q K S ) has as norm
Q group the idèle class group
E = E ·K × /K × formed from E = p∈S (Kp× )p × p6∈S Up (cf. (7.7)). By inserting
additional factors Kq×i , i.e., choosing suitable primes qi , we try to enlarge E to a
group F such that F becomes the norm group of the field L = K( p x0 ) ⊆ T .
The last of these equations results from a general elementary group-theoretical
fact: If B ⊆ A, C are subgroups of an abelian group, then the canonical surjective
homomorphism A/B → A·C/B·C has kernel A ∩ B·C/B ∼ = A ∩ C/B ∩ C.
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and the second fundamental inequality is proved, provided that we can choose
the primes q1 , . . . , qm splitting in L in such a way that m = n − 1, and
K × ∩ F = K × ∩ ( (Kp× )p × Kq×i ×
Up ) =
p∈S i=1 p6∈S ∗
= K× ∩ (Kp× )p ∩ Kq×i ∩
Up =
p∈S i=1 p6∈S ∗
S∗ p
= K× ∩ (Kp× )p ∩
Up = (K ) ;
p∈S p6∈S ∗
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From what we have shown for Kummer extensions, it is easy to prove the
following, more general result.
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inf res
1 −→ H 1 (GK 0 |K , CK 0 ) −−→ H 1 (GL0 |K , CL0 ) −−→ H 1 (GL0 |K 0 , CL0 )
For cyclic extensions Theorem (4.7) is just another form of the Hasse Norm
Theorem mentioned earlier:
(4.9) Theorem. Let L|K be a normal extension with Galois group G = GL|K .
Then the order of H 2 (G, CL ) is a divisor of the degree [L : K].
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With Theorem (4.9) we have not yet reached our goal to show that H 2 (G, CL )
is cyclic of the same order as [L : K]. To show this, we will associate with the
group H 2 (G, CL ) an invariant homomorphism, as required by Axiom II for
class formations.
§ 5. Idèle Invariants
Recall that we want to show that the extensions L|K form a class formation
in the sense of II, §1 with respect to the idèle class group CL . With Theorem
(4.7) we have shown that Axiom I is satisfied. Hence it remains to show that
for every normal extension L|K there is an invariant isomorphism
H 2 (GL|K , CL ) −→ 1
[L:K] Z
which satisfies the compatibility properties required by Axiom II. It is, of
course, essential that we construct the invariant isomorphism in a canoni-
cal way to also obtain a canonical reciprocity law, the Artin reciprocity
law. In a certain sense we will retrieve this invariant map, and with it the
reciprocity law, from the local theory, by relating the group H 2 (GL|K , CL )
to the group H 2 (GL|K , IL ) formed with the idèle group IL as the un-
derlying module. L For the latter group we obtain from the decomposition
H 2 (GL|K , IL ) ∼
= 2 ×
p H (GLP |Kp , LP ) immediately an invariant map from
local class field theory by taking the sum of the canonical invariant isomor-
phisms of the local extensions LP |Kp . We will show that the invariants of the
elements in H 2 (GL|K , IL ) yield invariants for the elements of H 2 (GL|K , CL ).
Let L|K be a normal extension of finite algebraic number fields, and let GL|K
be its Galois group. By (3.2) we have the decomposition
H 2 (GL|K , IL ) ∼
= H 2 (GLP |Kp , L×
P ),
where again denotes the direct sum. For every prime p of K we have from
local class field theory the isomorphism (cf. II, (5.5))
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The local invariant isomorphism invLP |Kp is the composition of three homo-
morphisms; however, for now it is not necessary for us to know this map
explicitly, at this point it is only important that we know that it satisfies the
compatibility conditions from Axiom II of class formations (cf. II, (5.6)).
Note that here almost all cp = 1, so that the sum contains only finitely many
non-zero summands. In particular, we obtain an invariant homomorphism
invL|K : H 2 (GL|K , IL ) −→ 1
[L:K] Z
Here we use the convention made after (3.5) to interpret the inflation map
H 2 (GL|K , IL ) −→ H 2 (GN |K , IN ) (N ⊇ L ⊇ K)
as an inclusion, so that H 2 (GL|K , IL ) ⊆ H 2 (GN |K , IN ).
Proof. The proposition follows from the behavior of the local invariants with
respect to the maps incl, res and cor. If c ∈ H 2 (GL|K , IL ), then by (3.3)
invN |K c = invNP0 |Kp cp = invLP |Kp cp = invL|K c
p p
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= [L : K] · invN |K c.
Finally, for c ∈ H 2 (GN |L , IN ) it follows from the formulas in (3.3) that
invN |K (corK c) = invNP0 |Kp (corK c)p
= invNP0 |Kp (corKp cP )
p P| p
= invNP0 |LP cP = invN |L (c).
p P|p
Since H 1 (GL|K , IL ) = 1, it follows that the extensions L|K satisfy with re-
spect to the idèle group IL and the idèle homomorphism invL|K the con-
ditions for a class formation, except for that the homomorphism invL|K :
H 2 (GL|K , IL ) → [L:K] ZZ/ZZ is not an isomorphism. To makes this an isomor-
phism, we have to pass from the idèle group IL to the idèle class group CL .
Before explaining this in detail, we consider abelian extensions and introduce
an invariant homomorphism invL|K , as well as the following symbol.
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In this definition we have used the following facts: For each prime p, the symbol
(ap , LP |Kp ) defines an element of the local abelian Galois group GLP |Kp ,
which we always consider as a subgroup of GL|K . Hence
(ap , LP |Kp ) ∈ GLP |Kp ⊆ GL|K .
Since ap is a unit for almost all primes p and since LP |Kp is unramified for
Qp, we have (ap , LP |Kp ) = 1 for almost all p by II, (4.4). Thus the
almost all
product p (ap , LP |Kp ) ∈ GL|K is well defined, and it is also independent of
the order of the factors, since GL|K is abelian. The symbol ( , L|K) and the
invariant mapping invL|K are related as follows.
This is a consequence of the analogous formula which relates the local norm
residue symbol ( , LP |Kp ) with the local invariant map invLP |Kp (cf. II,
(5.11)). If we denote by χp the restriction of χ to GLP |Kp , and by (ap ) =
ap · NLP |Kp L×P , then
χ(a, L|K) = χp (ap , LP |Kp ) = invLP |Kp ((ap ) ∪ δχp ).
p p
When changing from the idèle invariants to the idèle class invariants, the fol-
lowing theorem is of central importance. From the exact cohomology sequence
associated with the exact sequence
1 −→ L× −→ IL −→ CL −→ 1
we see, using H 1 (GL|K , CL ) = 1, that the induced homomorphism
H 2 (GL|K , L× ) −→ H 2 (GL|K , IL )
is injective.
We use this injection to think of H 2 (GL|K , L× ) as a subgroup of H 2 (GL|K , IL ),
i.e., we view the elements of H 2 (GL|K , L× ) as the idèle cohomology classes
that are represented by cocycles with values in the principal idèle group L× .
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We will see that apart from purely technical considerations the proof of this
theorem is based on the following two facts: the explicit description of the
local norm residue symbol and the product formula for algebraic numbers.
Proof. We start with the simple observation that it suffices to consider the
case when K = Q and L is a cyclic cyclotomic extension of Q. In fact, if
c ∈ H 2 (GL|K , L× ), and N is a normal extension of Q containing L, then
c ∈ H 2 (GL|K , L× ) ⊆ H 2 (GN |K , N × ) ⊆ H 2 (GN |K , IN ),
corQ c ∈ H 2 (GN |Q , N × ), and invL|K c = invN |K c = invN |Q (corQ c) by (5.2).
Hence to show invL|K c = 0 it suffices to consider the case K = Q. Since by
(3.6) there exists a cyclic cyclotomic extension L0 |Q with c ∈ H 2 (GL0 |Q , L×
0 ),
we can even assume that L|Q itself is a cyclic cyclotomic extension.
Let χ be a generator of the cyclic character group χ(GL|Q ) = H 1 (GL|Q , Q/ZZ).
Then δχ is a generator of H 2 (GL|Q , ZZ), and Tate’s Theorem I, (7.3) implies
δχ ∪ : H 0 (GL|Q , L× ) −→ H 2 (GL|Q , L× ) 16)
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But by the product formula we have for the power appearing on the right side
Y Y 1
sgn a · pvp (a) · r ≡ sgn a · pvp (a) lv` (a) a−1 = Q = 1 mod ln ,
p6=l p6=l p |a|p
Theorem (5.5) shows that the group H 2 (GL|K , L× ) lies in the kernel of the
homomorphism invL|K : H 2 (GL|K , IL ) → [L:K] ZZ/ZZ. We have to ask further
whether or not it is precisely the kernel, and in addition whether or not invL|K
is a surjective homomorphism. For the cyclic case we have:
is exact.
H 2 (GL|K , IL ) ∼
= H 2 (GLP |Kp , L× P)
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1 1
invLP0 |Kp0 cp0 = [LP0 :Kp0 ] + ZZ = [L:K] + ZZ. Now if c is the element in
H (GL|K , IL ) that is determined by the local components
. . . , 1, 1, 1, cp0 , 1, 1, 1, . . . ,
then X
invL|K c = invLP |Kp cp = invLP0 |Kp0 cp0 = [L:K] + ZZ.
For the following it would be very convenient if we could show that invL|K is
a surjective homomorphism in general. Unfortunately this is false. In order for
every element of [L:K] ZZ/ZZ to be in the image of the invariant map, it is neces-
sary to enlarge the field L by forming the compositum with a cyclic extension.
For technical reasons it is best to let L range over all normal extensions of K
and to consider the union
H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) = H 2 (GL|K , IL )
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The results obtained so far can be summarized to give a theorem about the
Brauer group of an algebraic number field K and its completion Kp . Recall
that we defined the Brauer group Br (K) of a field K in II, §2 as the union
(more precisely the direct limit)
Br (K) = H 2 (GL|K , L× ),
where L runs through all finite Galois extensions of K. If K is an algebraic
number field, then we choose over each prime p of K a fixed valuation of the
algebraic closure Ω; each such valuation in turn determines in every finite
extension L|K a prime P above p. Then we have
Br (Kp ) = H 2 (GLP |Kp , L×
P) .
From the homomorphisms
H 2 (GL|K , L× ) −→ H 2 (GL|K , IL ) ∼
= H 2 (GLP |Kp , L×
P ) −−−−→
[L:K] Z
we obtain by passing to the direct limit (i.e., in this case, the union) the
canonical homomorphism
Br (K) −→ H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) ∼
= Br (Kp ) −−−K → Q/ZZ ,
where invK is the sum of the local invariant maps invKp : Br (Kp ) −→ Q/ZZ
(cf. II, §1, p. 68 and II, (5.4)).
We now have Hasse’s Main Theorem on the Theory of Algebras:
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(5.8) Theorem. For every finite algebraic number field K one has the canon-
ical exact sequence
1 −→ Br (K) −→ Br (Kp ) −−−K → Q/ZZ −→ 0 .
Having studied the idèle invariants in the previous section, we now want to
construct invariants for the elements of the groups H 2 (GL|K , CL ). We start
with the following observations:
If L|K is a normal extension, then we obtain from the exact sequence
1 −→ L× −→ IL −→ CL −→ 1,
using H 1 (GL|K , CL ) = 1 = H 3 (GL|K , IL ) = 1, the exact cohomology sequence
1 −→ H 2 (GL|K , L× ) −→ H 2 (GL|K , IL ) −→ H 2 (GL|K , CL )
−→ H 3 (GL|K , L× ) −→ 1.
If c ∈ H 2 (GL|K , CL ) and c ∈ H 2 (GL|K , IL ) is such that c = jc, then we set
invL|K c = invL|K c ∈ [L:K] Z
This definition is independent of the choice of the preimage c ∈ H 2 (GL|K , IL ),
because two such preimages differ only by an element in H 2 (GL|K , L× ),
which by (5.5) has invariant 0. Of course, this only works if the element
c ∈ H 2 (GL|K , CL ) lies in the image of the homomorphism j. But the map j
is in general not surjective; in fact, j being surjective would be equivalent to
the group H 3 (GL|K , L× ) being trivial, however, this group is not equal to 1
in general (cf. [2], Ch. 7, Th. 12). Nevertheless, we can show that at least in
the cyclic case the map j is surjective.
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Because H 1 (L|K) = 1 (cf. (4.7)), the extensions L|K form a field formation
in the sense of II, §1 with respect to the idèle group CL as the module. To
simplify things we will, as for the idèle cohomology groups in §5 and generally
for every field formation, interpret the injective inflation maps
H 2 (L|K) −−→ H 2 (N |K) (N ⊇ L ⊇ K)
as inclusions. More precisely, this means that we form the direct limit
H 2 (Ω|K) = lim
H 2 (L|K) 17)
where L ranges over all finite normal extensions of K. We view the groups
H 2 (L|K) as being embedded in H 2 (Ω|K) via the inflation maps. Thinking of
the H 2 (L|K) as subgroups of H 2 (Ω|K), we have
H 2 (Ω|K) = H 2 (L|K).
Hence if N ⊇ L ⊇ K are two normal extensions, then we have inclusions
H 2 (L|K) ⊆ H 2 (N |K) ⊆ H 2 (Ω|K),
Here Ω denotes again the field of all algebraic numbers, and the same convention
as in footnote 9) for the group H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) applies to the group H 2 (Ω|K).
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Now the crucial input is the following theorem which plays a role similar to
one of Theorem (II, 5.2) in the local theory.
Since for every positive integer m there is a cyclic extension L|K of degree m
(see (3.7), for instance), this theorem has the following
(6.4) Corollary. H 2 (Ω|K) = H 2 (L|K).
L|K cyclic
Proof of (6.3). We first show that H 2 (L0 |K) ⊆ H 2 (L|K). If N = L·L0 is the
compositum of L and L0 , then a simple group theoretic argument shows that
if the extension L0 |K is cyclic, then the extension N |L is also cyclic. Now let
c ∈ H 2 (L0 |K) ⊆ H 2 (N |K). Because of the exact sequence
1 −→ H 2 (L|K) −→ H 2 (N |K) −−−→
H 2 (N |L),
an element c ∈ H 2 (N |K) is an element of H 2 (L|K) if and only if resL c = 1.
To show this, we use the idèle invariants. By (6.1) the homomorphism
H 2 (GL0 |K , IL0 ) −→ H 2 (L0 |K)
is surjective, so that c = jc, c ∈ H 2 (GL0 |K , IL0 ) ⊆ H 2 (GN |K , IN ). From
the remarks made above, we know that the map j commutes with inflation
(interpreted here as inclusion) and with restriction, hence we have the formulas
resL c = resL (jc) = jresL c.
Thus resL c = 1 if and only if resL c lies in the kernel of j, and therefore
in H 2 (GN |L , N × ). Since N |L is cyclic, this holds by (5.6) if and only if
invN |L (resL c) = 0, and this last statement now follows from
invN |L (resL c) = [L : K] · invN |K c = [L0 : K] · invL0 |K c = 0.
Therefore H 2 (L0 |K) ⊆ H 2 (L|K).
To show that the above inequality is in fact an equality we consider orders.
Because H 1 (L0 |K) = 1 and H 3 (GL0 |K , L0× ) ∼
= H 1 (GL0 |K , L0× ) = 1, we obtain
the exact cohomology sequence
1 −→ H 2 (GL0 |K , L0× ) −→ H 2 (GL0 |K , IL0 ) −→ H 2 (L0 |K) −→ 1,
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Given this theorem, it is easy to obtain class invariants for the elements of
H 2 (Ω|K) = L H 2 (L|K) from the invariant map of the idèle cohomology
classes. From the homomorphism
invK : H 2 (GΩ|K , IΩ ) −→ Q/ZZ,
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We remark that in the above definition Theorem (5.5) plays an essential role,
in fact one may consider this result an important step in the direction of the
reciprocity law. From (6.6) we obtain a homomorphism
invK : H 2 (Ω|K) −→ Q/ZZ.
The restriction of invK to the group H 2 (L|K) coming from a finite normal
extension L|K yields a homomorphism
invL|K : H 2 (L|K) −→ 1
[L:K] Z
because the orders of the elements in H 2 (L|K) divide the degree [L : K] (cf.
I, (3.16)), and consequently are mapped to the only subgroup [L:K] ZZ/ZZ of
Q/ZZ of order [L : K].
We briefly recall the construction of the map invL|K : H 2 (L|K) → [L:K] Z
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We now come to the main theorem of class field theory. Let K0 be a fixed
algebraic number field, Ω the field of all algebraic numbers,
S and G = GΩ|K0
the Galois group of Ω|K0 . We form the union CΩ = K CK , where K runs
through all finite extensions of K0 18) . Then CΩ is canonically a G-module: If
c ∈ CΩ , say c ∈ CL for an appropriate finite normal extension L|K0 , we set
σc = σ L c ∈ CL ⊆ CΩ (σ ∈ G).
The pair (G, CΩ ) is obviously a formation in the sense of II, §1, and the
fundamental result of all our constructions is the following
For the proof we have to verify the axioms in II, §1, (1.3).
Axiom I: H 1 (L|K) = 1 for every normal extension L|K of each finite extension
field of K0 (cf. (4.7)).
Axiom II: For every normal extension L|K of each finite extension field of K0
we have by (6.8) the isomorphism
invL|K : H 2 (L|K) −→ 1
[L:K] Z
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Because of this theorem we can now apply the entire abstract theory of class
formations to the case of algebraic number fields. If we again denote by
uL|K ∈ H 2 (L|K)
the fundamental class of the normal extension L|K, which is uniquely de-
termined by the formula invL|K uL|K = [L:K] + ZZ, then we have the general
(6.12) Theorem. The map cup product with the fundamental class
uL|K ∪
Gab ∼ −2 (GL|K , ZZ) −−−−→ H 0 (L|K) = CK /NL|K CL
L|K = H
The inverse of the reciprocity map θL|K is induced from the homomorphism
( , L|K) : CK → Gab L|K with kernel NL|K CL , the norm residue symbol.
Because the invariant map is compatible with inflation (inclusion) and restric-
tion, we see that the norm residue symbol behaves with respect to varying
field extensions as follows (cf. II, (1.11)):
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id π
( ,L|K)
CK Gab
Hence (a, L|K) = π(a, N |K) ∈ Gab L|K , for a ∈ CK , if L|K is also normal (in
addition to N |K). Here π is the canonical projection of Gab ab
N |K onto GL|K .
( ,N |K)
N |K
incl Ver
( ,N |L)
CL Gab
N |L
Hence (a, N |L) = Ver(a, N |K) ∈ Gab N |L for a ∈ CK . Recall that the Ver-
lagerung (transfer) Ver is induced by restriction
∼ −2 (GN |K , ZZ) −
N |K = H −→ H −2 (GN |L , ZZ) ∼
= Gab
N |L .
( ,N |L)
N |L
NL|K κ
( ,N |K)
CK Gab
N |K
( ,N |K)
N |K
σ σ∗
( ,σN |σK)
CσK Gab
σN |σK
Hence (σa, σN |σK) = σ(a, N |K)σ −1 for a ∈ CK , where for σ ∈ G the maps
σ σ∗ −1
CK → CσK and Gab ab
N |K → GσN |σK are induced by a 7→ σa and τ 7→ στ σ .
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This theorem says that the structure of the abelian extensions of K can al-
ready be read off of the idèle class group of the base field K. Of course we have
to ask if the norm groups can be characterized only by intrinsic information
given by the group CK and independent of the field extensions, similarly to
the norm groups in local class field theory which are determined as the closed
subgroups of finite index in the multiplicative group of the base field. Such a
characterization is presented in the next section.
The reciprocity map θL|K from (6.12) and its inverse, the norm residue symbol
( , L|K), are defined canonically; however, their explicit description is still
too complicated and abstract. We are therefore interested in finding ways to
explicitly compute the norm residue symbol.
This is accomplished by the following beautiful theorem which is essentially
due to H. Hasse. It connects in a simple way global and local class field
Note here that (ap , LP |Kp ) ∈ GLP |Kp ⊆ GL|K , and that the components ap
of the idèle a representing a are units for almost all p; in particular, since the
extensions LP |Kp are almost all unramified, the local norm residue symbols
are almost all equal to 1.
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Since ( , L|K) is the norm residue symbol of a class formation, we can use
Lemma II, (1.10) to prove the theorem: If we denote by (a) = a · NL|K CL ∈
H 0 (L|K), then for every character χ ∈ χ(GL|K ) = H 1 (GL|K , Q/ZZ) we have
χ(a, L|K) = invL|K ((a) ∪ δχ).
Q the other hand, we have alreadyQ introduced in (5.3) the notation (a, L|K) =
p p , LP |Kp ) for the product p (ap , LP |Kp ), and have shown in (5.4) that
χ(a, L|K) = invL|K ((a) ∪ δχ),
where (a) = a · NL|K IL ∈ H 0 (GL|K , IL ). The homomorphism
H q (GL|K , IL ) −→ H q (GL|K , CL )
maps (a) ∈ H 0 (GL|K , IL ) to (a) ∈ H 0 (GL|K , CL ), and therefore maps (a) ∪
δχ ∈ H 2 (GL|K , IL ) to (a) ∪ δχ ∈ H 2 (GL|K , CL ) = H 2 (L|K), hence
j((a) ∪ δχ) = (a) ∪ δχ .
With (6.7) we obtain
χ(a, L|K) = invL|K ((a) ∪ δχ) = invL|K ((a) ∪ δχ) = χ(a, L|K),
and since this holds for all characters χ ∈ χ(GL|K ), it follows that
(a, L|K) = (a, L|K) = (ap , LP |Kp ).
Hence the global norm residue symbol ( , L|K) is determined by the local
norm residue symbols ( , LP |Kp ). We will use this observation later when
we analyze the reciprocity law for the prime ideal decomposition in abelian
We close this section with a remark about the universal norm residue
symbol ( , K) (cf. II, §1, p. 76). For every abelian extension we have the
( ,L|K)
CK −−−−−−→ GL|K .
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where ( , Kp ) denotes the universal norm residue symbol of local class field
theory, which can be embedded into the group GabK (cf. [2], Ch. 7, Cor. 2).
The idèle
Q group IK ofQ an algebraic number field K is the union of the groups
IK = p∈S Kp× × p6∈S Up , where S ranges over all finite sets of primes
of K. The factors Kp× and Up are equipped with their respective valuation
topologies. These induce the Tychonoff topology on the direct product
IK = Kp× × Up ,
p∈S p6∈S
so that IK becomes a topological group19). If S ⊆ S 0 , then IK S
, and the
S0 S
Tychonoff topology on IK induces the Tychonoff S topology on IK . Thus we
have a canonical topology on the idèle group IK = S IK , the so-called idèle
topology. If we want to define the idèle topology directly, we only need to
specify a fundamental system of neighborhoods of the identity of IK , and it is
completely obvious that such a fundamental system of neighborhoods is given
by the subsets Y Y
Wp × Up ⊆ IK ,
p∈S p6∈S
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componentwise for many primes. The idèle topology is Hausdorff, since the
valuation topologies on Kp× , and therefore the Tychonoff topology on IK
Proof. If Wp is a compact neighborhood of the identity of Q Kp for the finite
primes p, say Wp = Up , then the direct Tychonoff product p Wp is a compact
neighborhood of the identity of IK . This shows that IK is locally compact.
where S denotes a finite set of primes containing all the infinite primes. If
there were a principal idèle x ∈ U, x 6= 1, then we would have
|x − 1|p = |x − 1|p · |x − 1|p < |x − 1|p ≤ max{|x|p , 1} = 1,
p p∈S p6∈S p6∈S p6∈S
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We denote by IK the (closed) kernel of this homomorphism, i.e., the group of
idèles of absolute value 1. By the product formula (cf. §1, p. 113) it contains
the principal idèle group K × . Thus the absolute value yields a (continuous)
homomorphism from the idèle class group CK onto IR× + with (closed) kernel
= IK0
/K × . The group CK 0
plays a very similar role in CK as the unit
group Up = {x ∈ Kp× | |x|p = 1} in the multiplicative group of a local field
Kp . The decomposition Kp× ∼ = Up × ZZ corresponds to the following
(7.4) Proposition. CK = CK × ΓK with ΓK ∼
= IR×
We will now show that, similar to the the unit group in the local case, the
group CK is compact. For this we need the following lemma.
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(7.5) Lemma. For every prime p of the field K let an αp ∈ |Kp× |p (the value
group of | |p ) be given such that
1) αp = 1 forpalmost all p,
2) p αp ≥ |∆|, where ∆ is the discriminant of K.
Then there exists an x ∈ K × with |x|p ≤ αp for all p.
Proof. We set αp = |πpp |p for p - ∞, where πp ∈ Kp is a prime element
for p.QBecause of 1) ep = 0 for almost all p, and we can consider the ideal
A = p-∞ pep , which, because αp = N(pep )−1 , has absolute norm
Y −1
N(A) = αp .
it follows that
1 r 1 p
| det(L01 , . . . , L0n )| = √ det(L1 , . . . , Ln ) = r N(A) · |∆|
−2 −1 2
1 Y −1 p 1 Y Y
= r αp · |∆| ≤ r αp = βi .
2 2 i=1
p-∞ p|∞
The well-known Minkowski Theorem about Linear Forms (cf. e.g. [22], §17)
now yields an integral vector Z = (m1 , . . . , mn ) ∈ ZZn , such that |L0i (Z)| ≤ βi ,
i = 1, . . . , n, hence |Li (Z)| ≤ αpi (resp. ≤ αpi ) if pi is real (resp. complex).
Set x = m1 a1 + · · · + mn an ∈ A. Then |x|p ≤ αp for the finite primes by
construction of A, and for the infinite primes because |γi (x)| = |Li (Z)|.
(7.6) Theorem. The group CK is compact.
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= ( p6=q |x · a−1
a−1 −1
therefore |x · q |q p |p ) ≥ 1 ≥ 1/ |∆|; for p 6= q it follows
that |x · a−1 −1
Q −1
p |p ≥ p0 6=q |x · ap0 |p = 1/|x · aq |q ≥ 1/ |∆|.
If S is a finite set of primes of K, then we let UK be the idèle group
UK = {a ∈ IK |ap = 1 for p ∈ S; ap ∈ Up for p 6∈ S} ⊆ IK
· K × /K × ⊆ CK .
• The groups Y Y
Wp × Up ⊆ IK
p∈S p6∈S
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The following theorem on Kummer extensions is the key ingredient for the
proof of the fundamental Existence Theorem announced above.
(7.7) Theorem. Let K be a field which contains the n-th roots of unity. If S
is a finite set of primes of K such that
1) S contains all the infinite primes and all the primes lying above the prime
numbers dividing n,
2) IK = IK · K ×,
then CK · U SK is the norm group of the Kummer extension T = K( K S )|K.
Addendum. If K does not contain the n-th roots of unity, CK · U SK is still
a norm group.
21) 12)
For this cf. the footnote on p. 133.
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→ p∈S Kp× /(Kp× )n , a 7→ p∈S ap ·(Kp× )n is obviously
since the map IK
surjective, and its kernel consists of those idèles a ∈ IK , for which ap ∈ (Kp× )n
S n S
for p ∈ S; but these are precisely the idèles in (IK ) ·UK .
By II, (3.7) we obtain, using that |n|p = 1 for p ∈
/ S, the identity
S S n S × × n
(IK : (IK ) ·UK ) = (Kp : (Kp ) ) = n ·|n|p = n2N ·
|n|p = n2N .
p∈S p∈S p
√ implies by the Reciprocity Law that K = K( n x). Hence we have
x = y ∈ K × , x = y n ∈ (K × )n ∩ K S = (K S )n .
From the equation (∗) we now obtain
(CK : CK · U SK ) = n2N /(K S : (K S )n ) = n2N /nN = nN = (CK : NT |K CT ),
and therefore NT |K CT = CK · U SK .
If we drop the assumption on the roots of unity, then CK ·U SK nevertheless
turns out to be a norm group, as claimed in the addendum. In fact, if the
field K does not contain the n-th roots of unity, then we adjoin these and let
K 0 |K be the resulting extension. If S 0 is a finite set of primes of K 0 which
contain all the primes above the primes in S and in addition is sufficiently
S0 0× n S0
large so that IK 0 = IK 0 · K , then by what we just proved CK 0 ·U K 0 is the
Thus CK ·U SK , as a group which contains the norm group NL|K CL , is itself a
norm group (cf. (6.14)).
(7.8) Existence Theorem. The norm groups of CK are precisely the closed
subgroups of finite index.
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We have proved using (7.7) that for every closed subgroup N ⊆ CK of finite
index there exists a normal extension L|K with norm group NL|K CL = N ,
which is precisely the fundamental existence statement.
From the identification of the norm groups given by the Existence Theorem
we obtain without difficulty a further characterization of these groups which
is of a predominantly arithmetic nature. It is the idèle theoretic version of the
formulation of the Existence Theorem in the classical theory using ideals. 22) .
By a modulus m we mean a formal product
m= pnp
of prime powers, such that np ≥ 0 and np = 0 for almost all primes p; for the
infinite primes p we allow only the exponents np = 0 and 1.
Cf. [17], Teil I, §4, Satz 1.
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IK = {a ∈ IK | a ≡ 1 mod m} = Up p ⊆ IK .
(7.9) Theorem. The norm groups of CK are precisely the groups containing
the congruence subgroups CK .
m 1 1 m 1 m
Proof. The index (CK : CK ) = (CK : CK ) · (C
QK : CK ) =nph · (CK : CK ) =
1 × m × 1 m
h · (IK · K : IK · K ) ≤ h · (IK : IK ) = h · p (Up : Up ) is finite. Since
Q n m
IK = p Up p is open in IK , the image CK is also open and therefore closed
in CK . Thus by (7.8) the congruence subgroups, and all groups containing
them, are norm groups.
Assume conversely that N is a norm group of CK , so that by (7.8) N is a
closed subgroup of finite index. Then N is also open and has an open preimage
I in IK . This open preimage I contains an open subgroup W of the form
W = Wp × Up ,
p∈S p6∈S
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The (abelian) class field L|K associated with the norm group CK is called the
ray class field mod m. By the Reciprocity Law its Galois group GL|K is
isomorphic to the ray class group CK /CK . In case K = Q, we have:
We point out that this theorem implies that the Existence Theorem for the
field Q is precisely the famous Theorem of Kronecker:
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But this is the degree ϕ(m) = [Q(ζ) : Q] of the field extension Q(ζ)|Q, and it
follows that (CQ : CQ ) = (CQ : NQ(ζ)|Q CQ(ζ) ), i.e., the congruence subgroup
CQ is in fact the norm group of the cyclotomic field Q(ζ).
Because of (7.10) we can think of the ray class fields over a number field K as
the fields corresponding to the fields of roots of unity in case K = Q. In this
context Kronecker’s Theorem (7.11) corresponds to the deep generalization
that every abelian extension of K is a subfield of a ray class field. In this
sense class field theory appears as a generalization of the theory of cyclotomic
fields; in fact, the historical development of class field theory has been guided
to a large extend by the example of cyclotomic fields.
With the introduction of ray class fields we obtain a good overview over the
lattice of all abelian extensions of a base field K. The ray class fields them-
selves correspond to the different moduli m of K, where the larger modulus
corresponds to the smaller congruence subgroup, thus the larger ray class field.
More precisely, if m and m0 are two moduli of K, then m | m0 implies that
the ray class field mod m is contained in the ray class field mod m0 . Among
all ray class fields over K, there is one which plays a special role but only
appears when we get away from the base field K = Q. This is the ray class
field mod 1, i.e., the class field L|K associated with the congruence group CK
with modulus m = 1. It is called the Hilbert or also the absolute class field
over K. Its Galois group is canonically isomorphic to CK /CK , and therefore
to the ideal class group JK /PK (cf. p. 164). Its degree [L : K] is equal to the
ideal class number h of K. We will discuss the Hilbert class field in the next
0 n
We use the compactness of the group CK and the fact that the groups CK · U SK
are norm groups (cf. (7.7) and Addendum) to prove the following theorem
about the universal norm residue symbol ( , K).
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T∞ n
Proof. We first prove the last statement. If a ∈ n=1 CK , and if NL =
T∞ C L is any norm group, then a = b ∈ N L if (C K : N L ) = n. Therefore
n=1 K ⊆ D K = L N L|K C L .
On the other hand, the groups CK · U SK are norm T groups for sufficiently large
n S ∞ n
S, i.e., DKT⊆ CK · U K . For the inclusion D K ⊆ n=1 CK it thus suffices to
· U SK = CKn n
· U SK ; then for every S we have
show that S CK . Let a ∈ S CK
a = bS · ūS , bS ∈ CK , ūS ∈ U SK . Because S UK S
the representation = 1 we
also have S U K = 1, and this means that the sequence ūS for increasing S
converges to 1, i.e., the sequence a· ū−1 n
S ∈ CK converges to a: a = limS a· ūS .
Consider now CK = CK0
× ΓK (ΓK ∼ = IR× n
+ ). Since CK −→ CK is continuous,
CK is compact and ΓK is closed, thus we see that the group
n 0 n n 0 n
CK = (CK ) × ΓK = (CK ) × ΓK
−1 n
T n S n
is closed, so that a = limS a · ūT
S ∈ CK . Hence DK ⊆ K · U K = CK for
∞ n ∞ n
all n, which shows that DK ⊆ n=1 CK , and proves DK = n=1 CK .
In particular, since CK = CK 0
× ΓK and ΓK ∼ = IR×+ consists of infinitely
divisible elements, this group is contained in the kernel DK of ( , K), i.e.,
(CK , K) = (CK , K) ⊆ Gab
( ,K)
Now if the homomorphism CK −−−−→ Gab K is continuous, then the compact-
0 0
ness of CK implies that the image (CK , K) = (CK , K) is closed in Gab
K , and
because of denseness we have (CK , K) = GabK , which will prove surjectivity.
But to show the map ( , K) is continuous is almost trivial. If H is an open
subgroup of GabK , thus a closed subgroup of finite index, and L is the fixed
field of H, then the norm group NL = NL|K CL ⊆ CK is open, and because
(NL , L|K) = (NL , K) · H = 1 it is mapped by ( , K) into H.
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Many of the deepest statements of number theory find their common expres-
sion in Artin’s Reciprocity Law. For example, and without giving details,
one can regard Gauss’s Reciprocity Law for quadratic residues as a special
case24), and more generally, the theory of higher power residues is dominated
by Artin’s Reciprocity Law. Another important application concerns the ques-
tion of which ideals of a base field K become principal in an extension field L,
which we will return to later. The most important consequence, however, is
the answer to the question of how the prime ideals p of a basis field K split in
an abelian extension. For this, we consider instead of the prime ideal p of K
an associated “prime idèle” by choosing a prime element π ∈ Kp and forming
the idèle np (π) = (. . . , 1, 1, π, 1, 1, . . . ). If we first disregard the finitely many
ramified primes, then the decomposition of the prime ideal p in the abelian
extension L|K can be immediately read off from a relation between the prime
idèle np (π) in the norm group NL = NL|K CL ⊆ CK which determines L,
namely, simply from the order of the idèle class np (π) modulo NL . This is the
content of the following theorem:
then the prime ideal p factors in the extension L into r = n/f distinct prime
ideals P1 , . . . , Pr of degree f .
Hence if one knows the norm group NL|K CL , then one can simple read off
from the idèle class group CK of the base field K how p decomposes in L.
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coincides with the degree [LP : Kp ], and therefore with the degree of P. There-
fore the number r of distinct prime ideals P1 , . . . , Pr over p can be computed
from this by the fundamental equation of number theory: n = r · f .
where we identify xp ∈ Kp× with the idèle class represented by the idèle
np (xp ) = (. . . , 1, 1, 1, xp , 1, 1, 1, . . . ). Using the abbreviations N = NL|K and
NP = NLP |Kp we then obtain the
Proof. If xp ∈ NP L×
P , then the idèle np (xp ) = (. . . , 1, 1, 1, xp , 1, 1, 1, . . . ) has
only norm components, and is therefore a norm idèle of L by (3.4). Thus
NP L× ×
P ⊆ N CL ∩ Kp .
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p is unramified in L ⇐⇒ Up ⊆ N ,
p splits completely in L ⇐⇒ Kp× ⊆ N .
As in the local case, we have in global class field theory the notion of a
conductor. For a local abelian extension LP |Kp the conductor fp was defined
as the smallest p-power pn such that Upn ⊆ NP L× P . In the global case we
have to replace the p-powers pn by the moduli m (cf. §7, p. 163) and the
groups Upn = {xp ∈ Kp× | xp ≡ 1 mod pn } by the congruence subgroups
CK = {a ∈ CK | a ≡ 1 mod m}.
f m
Thus CK is the largest congruence subgroup contained in N , and CK ⊆N
if and only if f | m. Note that N = CK , i.e. N is the norm group of the ray
class field mod m, does not imply in general that m is the conductor of N
1 p∞
(for example, CQ = CQ by (7.10)).
For the conductor f of an abelian extension L|K one has a localization theorem
analogous to that for the discriminant. If we define for an infinite prime the
conductor fp by p or 1, depending on whether LP 6= Kp or LP = Kp , we have
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Using the notation from §7, p. 163 and (8.2), this follows from the equivalences
CK ⊆ N ⇐⇒ (a ≡ 1 mod m =⇒ a ∈ N ) for a ∈ IK
⇐⇒ (ap ≡ 1 mod pnp =⇒ np (ap ) ∈ N ∩ Kp× = NP L×
⇐⇒ (ap ∈ Up p =⇒ ap ∈ NP L×
⇐⇒ Up p ⊆ NP L×
⇐⇒ fp | pnp .
If we further call L|K unramified if all finite as well as all infinite primes are
unramified, this implies
In §7, p. 166 we called the ray class field mod 1, i.e., the class field associated
with the norm group CK , the Hilbert class field over K. We can characterize
this field as follows:
(8.8) Theorem. The Hilbert class field over K is the maximal unramified
extension of K.
1 ∼
Because of the isomorphism CK /CK = JK /PK , the degree of the Hilbert class
field over K is the ideal class number h = (JK : PK ) of K (cf. §7, p. 166).
Therefore if h = 1, which occurs, for example, if K = Q, then every abelian
extension of K is ramified, and the Hilbert class field coincides with K.
The following famous theorem has been conjectured by Hilbert but remained
unproved for a long time.
(8.9) Principal Ideal Theorem. In the Hilbert class field over K every
ideal a of K becomes a principal ideal.
E. Artin used the reciprocity law to reduce the proof of this theorem to a
purely group theoretic problem whose solution was given shortly thereafter
by Ph. Furtwängler. In the following we explain Artin’s reduction.
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If we start with K and take its Hilbert’s class field K1 , then the Hilbert class
field K2 of K1 , and we continue in this way, we obtain a chain of class fields
K = K0 ⊆ K1 ⊆ K2 ⊆ . . . ,
the so-called class field tower. For this tower of fields we show first:
(8.10) Proposition. The i-th class field Ki is normal over K, and K1 is the
largest abelian subfield of K2 ; in other words:
The Galois group GK2 |K1 is the commutator subgroup of GK2 |K .
For the proof of the Principal Ideal Theorem we now have to translate the
statement that every ideal of K becomes a principal ideal in the class field K1
into the language of idèles. This is obviously equivalent to the canonical map
JK /PK −→ JK1 /PK1 ,
that takes the ideal a ∈ JK to the ideal in the field K1 generated by a being
trivial. On the other hand, by §7, p. 164 we have the canonical isomorphisms
CK /C 1 ∼
K = JK /PK and CK /C 1 ∼ 1 K1 = JK /PK ,
1 1
CK1 /CK 1
JK1 /PK1 ,
where the homomorphism i is induced from the canonical embedding CK →
CK1 . Thus the Principal Ideal Theorem says precisely that the map i is trivial,
which is equivalent to the statement that we have an inclusion CK ⊆ CK 1
Since CK 1
is the norm group of the extension K2 |K1 , this means that we
simply have to show, making use of the norm residue symbol, that
1 = (CK , K2 |K1 ) = Ver(CK , K2 |K).
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(Ki+1 the Hilbert class field over Ki ) terminates after finitely many steps.
A positive answer to this question would have the following interesting con-
sequence: If Ki+1 = Ki for sufficiently large i, then Ki has class number 1.
One would therefore obtain for every algebraic number field K a canonically
given solvable extension, in which not only the ideals of K but all the ideals
become principal ideals. This problem was open for a long time until in the
year 1964 is was decided in the negative by E.S. Golod and I.R. Šafarevič
who showed that there are in fact infinite class field towers. It is interesting to
note that similar to the proof of the Principal Ideal Theorem, this was done
using a reduction to a purely group theoretic conjecture which was solved
shortly afterwards. We refer the interested reader to [11], IX, and [14].
The results of global class field theory obtained so far are almost exclusively
formulated in terms of idèles. We have seen that the idèle-theoretic language
We recall that the transfer or Verlagerung of a group G to a subgroup g is defined
as the restriction Gab ∼
= H −2 (G, ZZ) −−→ H −2 (g, ZZ) ∼
= g ab .
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has remarkable technical advantages which justify its central role in our dis-
cussions. Now that we have reached some form of conclusion, we should also
derive from the results obtained so far the classical purely ideal-theoretic the-
orems of class field theory as stated, for example, in Hasse’s Zahlbericht [17].
In place of the idèle class group C we now have a whole family of ray class
groups J m /P m . Whereas the idèle class group C was the source group for all
This congruence is again to be understood in the sense of §7, p. 164.
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abelian extensions of the base field K, the ray class groups J m /P m are only
responsible for the extensions contained in the ray class field mod m.
The map from the norm group H m /P m into the ray class group J m /P m is
the ideal-theoretic analogue of the map from the norm group NL|K CL into
the idèle class group CK .
The Artin Reciprocity Law in its classical ideal-theoretic form now reads
as follows:
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Remark. Note that this implies in particular that the Artin symbol does
not depend on the ideals themselves but only on the ideal classes mod P m ;
therefore it induces a homomorphism on the class group J m /P m −→ GL|K .
1 −→ H m /P m −→ J m /P m −−−−−−→ GL|K −→ 1
by comparing it with the analogous idèle-theoretic sequence
( ,L|K)
1 −→ NL|K CL −→ CK −−−−−→ GL|K −→ 1
which is exact. More precisely, we will compare it with the exact sequence
( ,L|K)
1 −→ NL|K CL /C m −→ C/C m −−−−−→ GL|K −→ 1,
where we pass from idèles to ideals as in (2.3), using the homomorphism
κ : I −→ J, a 7−→ pvp (ap ) .
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Proof. The equality follows easily from the product formula for the norm
residue symbol (6.15) and II, (4.8):
= ϕp = (π, LP |Kp ) = (np (π), L|K).
Because κm (np (π)) = p, it follows that the diagram commutes.
In this section we always considered only unramified prime ideals and excluded
the ramified primes by choosing a modulus of definition m, thus embedding
the field in question into a suitable ray class field.
It is easy to see that this
restriction is necessary. The Artin symbol L|K p , which for an unramified
prime ideal p is defined by the above Addendum as the norm residue symbol
(np (π), L|K) = (π, LP |Kp ), does not permit such a definition in the ramified
case, because the norm residue symbol still depends on the choice of the prime
element π. The inclusion of the ramified primes into class field theoretical
required the step from ideals to idèles, which allows to reduce the global to the
local theory, where one can deal with ramified extensions using cohomological
To end, we want to formulate the decomposition law for the unramified prime
ideals in an abelian extension L|K in terms of the corresponding ideal group
defined mod m H m , which determines the field L as a class field. This gives
the ideal-theoretic formulation of Theorem (8.1).
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182 References
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184 Index
inflation, 32 q-cocycles, 15
invariant map, 67, 85, 90, 138, 149
ray, 174
Kummer extension, 115, 131, 134, 161 ray class field, 165, 166, 174
ray class group, 164, 174, 176
Lie O -module, formal, 100 reciprocity isomorphism, 71
reciprocity law, 70, 138, 152, 177
Main Theorem on the Theory of
reciprocity law, Artin, 175
Algebras, Hasse’s, 145
reciprocity law, local, 93
modulus, 163, 174
resolution, free, 11
modulus of definition, 174, 175, 178
restriction, 33, 37
Nakayama map, 70
norm, 4, 6, 126 S-idèles, 118
norm group, 6, 74, 87, 96, 97, 154, 162 S-units, 114, 118
norm residue group, 17 sequence, exact, 4
norm residue symbol, 71, 86, 93, 95, 98, standard complex, 13
107, 152, 155, 178 standard resolution, 12
norm residue symbol, universal, 76, 88,
109, 155, 167 tensor product, 7, 44
Norm Theorem for Idèles, 126 trace, 4, 6
Norm Theorem, Hasse, 126, 129, 137 transfer, 38, 173