GaN HEMT Largesignalmodelthesis
GaN HEMT Largesignalmodelthesis
GaN HEMT Largesignalmodelthesis
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in
the Graduate School of The Ohio State University
Preethi Someswaran
Dr. Wu Lu
Copyright by
Preethi Someswaran
This objective of this work is to develop predictive device modelling methodology to relate
the physical behavior of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with RF power amplifier parameters. The
large signal performance of two 0.25µmx100µm GaN transistors –a standard HEMT with
a recessed gate and a graded channel HEMT were analyzed at a frequency of 20 Ghz using
the model. The devices are simulated in Silvaco Atlas TCAD with a velocity saturation
model to obtain the high frequency two port network parameters. From these, the small
signal circuit components of the device were extracted as a function of gate voltage, drain
voltage and frequency. Harmonic balance simulations were performed in ADS to obtain
the output power and linearity characteristics. The choice of bias points to maximize
There are many people to whom I am indebted for making my Masters in The Ohio State
University an enriching experience.
First and foremost, I thank Prof. Siddharth Rajan, my advisor, through whose association
over the last two years, the foundation of my understanding and interest in semiconductor
devices has been laid. Prof. Rajan’s courses were some of the most challenging ones and
motivated me to try and understand devices from an intuitive physical perspective rather
than a mathematical one. I am grateful to him for having conceived the idea behind my
work, his constant support, enthusiastic outlook on research and valuable guidance and
suggestions regarding my projects. I thank Prof. Wu Lu for his time and suggestions during
my thesis defense.
I thank the members of Rajan lab – Omor Shoron, for having provided me with the Silvaco
Atlas Modelling he had done for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, Pil Sung park for having developed
the velocity saturation model that is incorporated in my TCAD code, Sanyam Bajaj for his
help on using Silvaco and BandEng and Sriram Krishnamoorthy, for having clarified a
multitude of my doubts about Masters in Ohio State, research and device physics and for
the fun music jamming sessions.
I thank Prof. Waleed Khalil, for the rigorous RFIC and Analog IC coursework, which has
been invaluable and given me much exposure to circuit design.
I thank Satheesh for being the go-to person for me in Ohio State, for any questions starting
from grocery shopping to using spectrum analyzers. I am grateful for all his help in my
coursework and everything else. I thank Dipti and Mehul for being the most cooperative
roommates for the last two years.
I thank my parents, without whose unconditional love, support and sacrifices, I would not
be here. I am indebted to them for any tiny steps I take towards achieving my goals and for
always believing in me. I am grateful to Deepak Krishnamurthy for always being by my
side as an incredible source of motivation, inspiration and many other countless things. But
for his constant encouragement, advice and support, I would not have been able to do this.
I thank Lakshmi, Swetha and Pavithra ,whose conversations have never failed to lift my
spirits regardless of the situation I am in. I am grateful to all my other friends, teachers and
colleagues around the world who have shaped me to be who I am today.
Fields of Study
Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii
Dedication .......................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgments.............................................................................................................. iv
Fields of Study .................................................................................................................... v
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viii
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... ix
Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1 AlGaN/GaN HEMT device ....................................................................................... 2
1.2 Motivation ................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Organization of the thesis .......................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2: AlGaN/GaN HEMT Small Signal Modelling .................................................. 8
2.1 Silvaco Device Simulations ...................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Velocity Saturation Model................................................................................ 12
2.1.2 Silvaco Device simulation results..................................................................... 14
2.2 Small Signal Modelling........................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Small Signal Parameter Extraction Methodology ............................................ 19
2.2.2 Small Signal Extracted Parameters................................................................... 23
Chapter 3: Large Signal Modelling of HEMT .................................................................. 28
3.1 Nonlinearity Sources ............................................................................................... 28
3.1.1 Nonlinear Transconductance (gm) .................................................................... 29
3.1.2 Nonlinear Capacitance (Cgs, Cgd and Cds) ......................................................... 29
3.1.3 Nonlinear gds ..................................................................................................... 30
3.2 Existing Large Signal Models ................................................................................. 30
3.2.1 Curtice Model ................................................................................................... 31
3.2.2 Angelov Model ................................................................................................. 32
3.3 Large Signal Model used in this work .................................................................... 32
3.3.1 Nonlinear Charge Modelling ............................................................................ 34
3.3.2 Large Signal Modelling in ADS ....................................................................... 34
3.4 Linearity Characteristics ......................................................................................... 37
3.4.1 P1 dB gain compression point .......................................................................... 38
3.4.2 IIP3 ................................................................................................................... 39
3.4.3 C/I ratio ............................................................................................................. 39
3.4.4 Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) .......................................................... 40
3.4.5 Power Added Efficiency (PAE) ....................................................................... 40
3.5 Harmonic balance simulations in Agilent ADS ...................................................... 40
3.5.1 Harmonic balance simulation convergence requirements ................................ 42
3.5.2 Harmonic balance simulations bias points ....................................................... 43
3.6 Graded Channel HEMTs ......................................................................................... 47
3.6.1 Graded Channel HEMT Silvaco and Small Signal Results .............................. 50
3.7 Results of harmonic balance simulations ................................................................ 55
Chapter 4: Conclusion and Future Work .......................................................................... 61
References ......................................................................................................................... 64
Appendix A – Silvaco code for AlGaN/GaN HEMT ....................................................... 67
List of Tables
List of Figures
FIGURE 15: SMALL SIGNAL CIRCUIT EQUIVALENT USED IN THIS WORK .................................. 19
FIGURE 21: STANDARD HEMT GM(VGS,VDS)…………………………………………………………..24
FIGURE 46: GRADED HEMT GM(VGS,VDS)……………………………………………………………..53
Chapter 1: Introduction
With the rapid upsurge in the wireless communication market, research in microwave
becoming more and more demanding in terms of wider bandwidth and higher efficiency.
RF power amplifiers (PA) are considered to be one of the most challenging areas of design
in the transmitter-receiver chain due to their high output power and linearity requirements.
the design. Since the first technique involves several drawbacks like cost, size and effective
bandwidth, there is an increasing interest for the direct optimization of the PA linearity in
GaN based RF power devices and amplifiers have made significant progresses over the last
two decades. GaN and other III nitrides, in general have several characteristics such as high
breakdown due to wide bandgap, high saturation velocity, high thermal conductivity and
large sheet charge carrier density due to polarization engineering, which make them very
good candidates for RF applications [2]. The high electron mobility provides low on-
resistance that permits operation at high frequencies. Their potential capability in RF has
been demonstrated by their high Johnson Figure of Merit and the Baliga Figure of Merit
[3] as compared to silicon. The recent advances in epitaxial growth technology has led to
the constant improvement of GaN based devices using SiNx passivation[4], field plate
technology[5], back-barrier structures to improve charge confinement[6] and growth on
The high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is a heterostructure field effect transistor. A
wide bandgap material lies on a narrow bandgap material, which results in a conduction
band offset as shown in Fig 1[7]. This results in high carrier concentration in a narrow
region called the quantum well in the source drain direction. The wurtzite crystal structure
of GaN produces a strong polarization field which is usually screened by counter ions in
atmosphere. However, when terminated with another III-V material such as AlGaN to form
a heterojunction, the net polarization acts as a further instigator to the conduction band
offset, producing a very high sheet charge density of 2-4x1013 in the form of a 2
dimensional gas (2DEG), shown in Fig 2[7]. Hence, the 2DEG is formed even without
any intentional doping. It has been determined that the considerable number of electrons
in the 2DEG are transferred from surface states to the heterojunction interface[8].
Figure 1: AlGaN/GaN HEMT Energy Diagram Figure 2: AlGaN/GaN HEMT Charge distribution
As the requirement for higher bandwidth increases, the scaling of device dimensions is
necessary in the form of making the gate length of the devices smaller. This may, however,
lead to short channel effects which can significantly degrade the high frequency gain by
increasing the output conductance, gds. Some of the important short channel effects that
electron velocity [7] and transconductance collapse. All of these effects are discussed in
Fig. 3[10] shows the 3-D small signal structure of the AlGaN/GaN HEMT. A brief
overview of the most important small signal components is given as this lays the foundation
Transconductance (gm)
measure of the incremental change in the output current Ids for a given change in the input
strongly depends on the electron saturation velocity. High and flat transconductance is
preferred for power amplifier design since that gives higher gain and linearity.
These are included to account for the contact resistance of the ohmic contacts, the dynamic
access resistance and any bulk resistance leading up to the active channel. R g results from
the metallization resistance of the gate Schottky contact. These resistances are generally
preferred to be lower as they can cause noise, power dissipation and non-linearity.
The capacitances Cgs and Cgd reflect the change in the depletion charge with changes in Vgs
and Vgd respectively. Cgs is the larger quantity and usually about 10 times the size of Cgd
and Cds. Cds accounts for the geometric capacitance effects between the source and drain
electrodes. These capacitances usually determine the unity gain frequency of the device.
They grow smaller as the device becomes smaller and have an inverse relationship with
The output conductance is a measure of the incremental change in output current Ids with
As gate length is reduced, output conductance tends to increase in HEMTs, which is one
of the predominant short channel effects. Gds is preferred to be small as high output
resistance is required for a high gain and also to avoid reduction of unity gain frequency
The drain current, Ids does not respond to changes in the gate voltage instantaneously. The
delay inherent to this process is described by the transconductance delay. It represents the
time it takes for the charge to redistribute itself after a fluctuation of the gate voltage . It is
These are charging resistances for the Cgs and Cgd capacitances. They scale with the gate-
source length and the gate-drain length respectively and the lower they are, the faster the
1.2 Motivation
Modelling of devices is essential to create in-built models which can be used directly as
modules while incorporating them as part of an electronic circuit or a system. There has
been much work done in the modelling of HEMTs in the last decade, where usually the
experimental data is empirically modelled into equations that describe the behavior of the
device. These in-built models can be simulated to provide information about the device’s
performance in terms of gain, linearity and output power which are some of the most
fundamental performance metrics. New HEMT devices from different materials, and using
innovative epitaxial structures are created everyday, exceeding the performance of their
predecessors. While the built-in models may work well for standard types of device
structures, models that can be re-used for any kind of HEMT with distinctive, unusual
behavior is the order of the day. Predictive modelling of linearity is an avid area of research
for RF power amplifier applications, as it can save much time in the design and
frequencies at which devices are operated these days, as several high frequency and
parasitic effects come to play. The motivation behind this work is to take a step in that
Chapter 1 gives an introduction about GaN based microwave devices, their device physics
and applicability as RF power amplifiers and the motivation behind undertaking this
modelling work.
Chapter 2 discusses the small signal parameter extraction approach for an AlGaN/GaN
HEMT starting from modelling the device using Silvaco Atlas TCAD and using the TCAD
results to obtain the small signal parameters over a wide range of bias points and
frequencies. It discusses the results obtained from Silvaco and the small signal parameter
Chapter 3 details the large signal modelling work done in this thesis using Agilent ADS
and the subsequent harmonic balance simulations. It explains about the motivation behind
tailoring the transconductance of the device by using graded channel AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
for higher linearity. It goes on to discuss the TCAD and small signal circuit results of the
graded channel device and then compares the harmonic balance simulation results of the
Chapter 4 is the conclusion of the thesis. It summarizes the work done and discusses the
salient aspects and limitations of this project and suggests ways to overcome these
Chapter 2: AlGaN/GaN HEMT Small Signal Modelling
The primary goal of device modeling is to obtain the functional relationship between the
basic quantities that define the behavior of that device. In an empirical modeling approach,
the device is treated as a DUT (device under test) and its behavior to a stimulated signal is
of the device can be predicted from physical data describing the device. This data consists
of material characteristics, carrier transport properties and the device geometry and epitaxy.
The important aspect about this approach is that it describes the device operation in terms
of the physics of the device. Its response can be calculated by solving a set of coupled
nonlinear differential equations describing the charge transport and the electrical field of
the device.
This work uses a bottom up modelling approach [11], where physical modelling is used to
obtain the device level characteristics, which are plugged into a small signal circuit model.
easier and gives more flexibility in manipulating the device parameters without having to
go into the physics of it at every step. The modelling in this thesis has been performed
based on data obtained from simulations rather than measurements. Hence, it assumes
certain idealities in the device behavior and is mainly focused on analyzing the device
The following procedure has been used in this work to model the HEMT:
characteristics and the small signal S parameters by sweeping gate bias (Vgs), drain
ii. The bias dependent S parameters have been used to obtain the intrinsic and
extrinsic small signal parameters of the device as a function of Vgs and Vds and
iii. A large signal circuit equivalent has been formulated for the device in which the
device parameters have been fed into, using a look-up table model in Agilent ADS.
iv. Single tone and two tone simulations have been performed on the large signal
model equivalent to extract the output power, gain and linearity characteristics of
Device simulations were carried out using Silvaco Atlas TCAD under DC and RF operating
conditions[12]. Fig. 4 shows the structure of the recessed gate Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN HEMT
that was simulated. Figs 5-6 show the device’s equilibrium charge distribution and energy
band structure. The abrupt conduction band offset due to the hererostructure and the highly
concentrated 2-D charge density can be seen clearly. It is a short channel highly scaled
device with a gate length of 0.25 µm, a gate-source length of 0.5 µm and gate-drain length
of 2 µm. The gate-source length is kept smaller in order to minimize the source access
resistance. The source access resistance can increase with increase in drain current due to
the quasi-saturation of the electron velocity in the source region of the channel at high
Figure 6: Standard HEMT Band energy diagram
The device has a 30 nm AlGaN barrier, and the gate has been recessed upto 20 nm, making
the effective gate-channel distance 10 nm. Recessing alleviates gate leakage since the sheet
charge density at the channel is lower than that of a standard case [14], which increases the
threshold voltage effectively. In this case, it also helps the structure to maintain a sizeable
aspect ratio, (Lg/d = 25), which is usually required for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs to combat
with short channel effects[7]. A 50 nm GaN buffer follows the AlGaN barrier which is
followed by a 1um GaN substrate. The contact resistance of the three electrodes was
The device was simulated across a gate-source bias range of 4 V starting from its pinch-
off and over a drain-source bias range of 0 to 25 V. For each of those bias points, the
frequency was swept from 0 to 70 Ghz, so as to obtain the unity gain frequency data as
well as the S parameters as a function of the gate, drain voltages and frequency. The mesh
was laid out accurately, to achieve convergence over this large bias range. Self-heating
effects, interface traps and gate leakage models were not incorporated in the code. Surface
traps can cause DC to RF dispersion effects, which can only be analyzed through Pulsed I-
V simulations. [15]. However, since these effects were not taken into consideration, only
regular DC and RF simulations were performed. The Newton and Gummel methods were
used as solvers. Table 1 shows the models that were incorporated in the simulation code
Model Purpose
The Shockley-Reed-Hall recombination
model capturing the phonon transitions
srh occurring with the forbidden bandgap of
the semiconductor in the presence of a
trap or a defect.
This model calculates the strain from the
calc.strain lattice mismatch and the piezoelectric
polarization and applies it to the region.
Specifies a constant scale factor multiplied
Polar.scale by the calculated spontaneous and
piezoelectric charges.
Includes the radiative recombination rates
into the drift diffusion process.
In many theoretical calculations [16], the peak electron velocity and the saturation electron
velocity of the GaN channel were found to be around 2.5 - 3 × 107 cm/s and 1 - 1.9 × 107
cm/s, respectively. However, from the total time delay analysis in recent ultra-scaled GaN
HEMT results [17], the average electron velocity of the devices was found to be in the
range from 1.1 × 107 to 1.5 × 107 cm/s. The parasitic charging delay was also found to be
only less than 5 ~ 10 % of the total time delay. The carrier transport model suggested by
Jacob Khurgin [18,19] based on the strong interaction between optical-phonon and electron
carriers in 2DEG of GaN HEMT has bridged the discrepancy between predicted and
measured velocity. The authors of [20] have implemented this model in 2-dimensional
TCAD simulations and states that there was close agreement between simulations and
The velocity saturation model assigns the LO phonons related electron backscattering as
the reason for the saturation of electron velocity. It also characterizes the electron
distribution in the band with a shifted Fermi-Dirac distribution. The calculated solutions
show that the saturation velocity is a strong function of carrier concentration as shown in
Eq 2.1.
This optical Phonon Limited field and charge density dependent mobility model have been
incorporated by [7] in the Silvaco TCAD code using a C-Interpreter file that is called as a
function from the main source code. This velocity saturation model has been incorporated
in all the Silvaco modelling done in this work as it models the I-V behavior and the collapse
2.1.2 Silvaco Device simulation results
Figs 7-8 show the Ids-Vgs and Ids-Vds characteristics of the simulated device. The recessed
structure allows a higher than typical threshold voltage of -2 V, and also leads to the sharp
increase in gm. Recessed structures have a higher Cgs, due to a smaller gate to channel
distance, which leads to a peak gm of 600 mS/mm. A maximum drain current of 1.5 A/mm
is obtained at a gate voltage of 2 V. Fig 8 also demonstrates the gm collapse after -1.5 V,
Figure 7: Ids vs Vds from Silvaco for standard HEMT Figure 8: Ids and gm vs Vgs for standard HEMT
Figs 9-10 show the current gain as a function of the frequency and indicate the unity gain
frequency (where the current gain is 0 dB) for the device at different voltage biases. As the
drain current increases, the unity gain frequency falls, which has been attributed to the
increase in the dynamic source access resistance [13]. In this case, it can also be explained
Figure 9: Ft of standard HEMT at high bias Figure 10: Ft of standard HEMT at low bias
Fig.11 shows the maximum available gain of the device as a function of the frequency.
Any amplifier derived using this device cannot have a gain higher than this intrinsic gain
at a given frequency. This is used later to cross-check if the simulated gain characteristics
of the device’s large signal model are in agreement with the gain in this plot.
Small signal models help analog and RF Engineers to examine the performance
characteristics such as gain, nonlinearity and output power of devices at high frequencies.
They provide a vital link between measured two port network parameters (S, Z, Y) and the
electrical processes occurring within the device. The S parameters or scattering parameters
describe the electrical behavior of linear multi-port electrical networks when undergoing
various steady state stimuli by electrical signals for various frequencies. Fig 12 shows how
In Eq. (2.2), a1, a2, b1 and b2 represent the voltages induced by the power transmitted and
reflected from each port of the network. These give us a great amount of information about
the intrinsic quantities of the device such as the capacitances, conductances and time delay.
They can be easily transformed to admittance or impedance parameters through which the
The equivalent circuit elements in the small signal model provide a lumped element
approximation to some degree of the device physics. They can be scaled with gate width,
efficient small signal model should take into account the accuracy of the equivalent circuit
model that can reflect the reliability of the model element extraction. Different small signal
modelling methodologies and topologies have developed over the past two decades to help
examine the performance of MESFETs and HEMTs. Fig 13 shows Dambrine’s small signal
model of the FET [21] and Fig. 14 shows the most recent 22 element distributed model[22].
It indicates the evolution of the small signal model of the FET over time. With the progress
of technology, more parasitic components have been taken into consideration to reflect the
Figure 14: 22 element distributed small signal model
Based on Fig 13, Dambrine’s small signal circuit elements can be categorized into intrinsic
(i) The intrinsic elements gm, gd, Cgs, Cgd, Cds, Ri and τ, which are functions of the
(ii) The extrinsic elements Rg, Rs, Rd, Cpg, Cpd, Lg , Ls and Ld which are independent
The 22 element distributed model topology takes into consideration the effect of Rgd for
the non-quasi static modelling of Cgd. Additionally, Cpgi, Cpdi, and Cgdi, account for the
between gate, source, and drain. Cpga, Cpda, and Cgda account for parasitic elements due to
the pad connections, measurement equipment, probes, and probe tip-to-device contact
transitions. [22]
In this work, since Silvaco does not account for parasitics of any form in its simulations
and since gate leakage models have not been incorporated, the extrinsic parameters Lg, Ls
,Ld,Cpd ,Cpg, all the inter-electrode capacitances and the gate current conductances have
been ignored. Fig.15 shows the small signal model used in this work. It consists of the 8
intrinsic elements and the three extrinsic resistances each of which will be the sum of the
respective contact resistance and the access resistance. The intrinsic elements as treated as
bias-dependent, while the extrinsic resistances are treated constant with the bias.
Based on Dambrine’s extraction methodology, after neglecting parasitics the small signal
a. Transformation of extrinsic simulated S parameters into Z parameters and
subtraction of Rg,Rs and Rd that are in series. This is the de-embedding of the
extrinsic parameters from the overall circuit. The three extrinsic resistances are
determined from the Z parameters extracted from zero drain bias condition .
element matrix.
If the intrinsic device were to be treated as a two port network we can use the admittance
that ω2Cgs2Ri 2 is less than 0.01, which is valid only for frequencies smaller than 5 Ghz. For
frequencies greater than that, using these equations directly will lead to unreliable results.
To overcome this issue, the authors of [22] have come up with a method using linear
regression that will account for the frequency dependent effect of the intrinsic elements at
high frequencies. Using this technique, the intrinsic Y-parameters are formulated in a way
where the optimal intrinsic element value can be extracted using simple linear data fitting.
The admittance of the intrinsic gate-source branch Ygs is given by
A variable D can be defined as shown in Eq. 2.8 and find the instantaneous slope of the D
vs ω curve at the required frequency, which will be the Cgs at that frequency. Fig. 16 shows
the plot of D vs ω.
Now that Cgs is already known, Ri can be extracted from a plot of A vs ωCgs as seen in Eq.
𝐴= = 𝜔𝑅𝑖 𝐶𝑔𝑠 − 𝑗
𝐼𝑚[𝑌𝑔𝑠 ] (2.9)
Similarly, the remaining 6 intrinsic parameters can be determined from the other Y
From Eq. (2.10), we can extract Cgd and Rgd similar to the way Cgs and Ri were extracted
from Eq. (2.7) and (2.8). Eq. (2.12) gives gm as the square of the slope of D and ω2 . Eq.
(2.13) gives τ from a plot of the phase of D vs ω. And finally, Eq. (2.14 ) yields gds and Cds
The extrinsic parameters of the circuit – Rg,Rs and Rd were extracted from Z parameters
using Eq. 2.15, simulated under the bias conditions of Vgs=0V and Vds=0V which is termed
as the unbiased FET condition[23]. It will give precise equilibrium values , since the
equivalent voltage controlled current source and the intrinsic part is disabled in this
condition as shown in Fig. 17. Similar to the intrinsic parameters, these are also obtained
by linear fitting to take the frequency dependent effect into consideration. Since, in reality
Rg cannot be measured for a Schottky contact by any experimental methods, this extracted
value is merely the gate contact resistance using which the Silvaco model was simulated.
Figure 17: Small signal circuit equivalent of unbiased FET
ω2Re[Z12] = ω2 [Rs]
ω2Re[Z22] = ω2[Rd + Rs]
Rd is higher than Rs, which is justified by the fact that that drain-gate length of the device
is 4 times the gate-source length. Using the small signal extraction technique, the bias
dependent small signal parameters for the device were extracted at a chosen operating
frequency of 20 Ghz. Figs 18-25 show the extracted intrinsic bias dependent parameters
Cgs appears as a parallel plate capacitance whose plates are formed by the gate metal and
2DEG channel charge. This capacitance is determined by the depletion layer under the gate
which extends all the way upto the heterojunction at very low voltages. Therefore, a rapid
Figure 20: Standard HEMT Cgd(Vgs,Vds) Figure 21: Standard HEMTgm(Vgs,Vds)
Figure 22: Standard HEMT Ri(Vgs,Vds) Figure 23: Standard HEMT Rgd(Vgs,Vds)
Figure 26: Standard HEMT Ids(Vgs,Vds)
As the gate voltage increases, and current saturation occurs, there is no more change in the
depletion region beyond a certain voltage and therefore, the Cgs too stays relatively constant
after -0.5 V. The lateral electric field established by the drain voltage, accelerates charge
carriers in the channel. This results in a decrease of the depletion layer depth and therefore
a gradual and small increase of Cgs with drain voltage. Cgd capacitance is originated in the
extension of the depletion region into the gate-drain area. Since this extension of drain
depletion region increases with drain voltage, smaller values of Cgd too are obtained with
increasing drain voltage. Since the depletion region is more near the drain than the source,
Cgs is almost an order higher than Cgd and Cds, as observed from the plots. Cgd also increases
rapidly with increasing gate voltage under low drain voltage conditions. Under these
conditions, the depletion region is diminished and is uniformly distributed under the gate.
[24] .
The gm behavior is similar to the trend seen in Fig.8 . There is a sharp increase near pinch-
off after which there is a collapse as it is related to the channel charge density and electron
gds has small values in the saturation region as expected but increases with gate voltage at
low drain voltages, due to the sharper rise of current with drain voltage. Ri models the
undepleted part of the channel under the gate, through which gate-source capacitance is
charged [25]. It is approximately equal to the potential drop in this channel part and the
drain current. Hence as predicted, it is high in the low drain current regime. Extension of
the depletion region in the gate-drain area, due to increase in the drain-gate voltage,
increases the required transit time for the electrons. This leads to τ rising with increasing
drain voltage. The value of τ also matches the inverse of the unity gain frequency for this
device at the respective bias points. The charging resistance Rgd simulates the symmetrical
distribution of the depletion region under the gate near the drain side. As drain current
increases, the transit delay under the drain increases as explained before. Since Rgd models
this delay, it is appropriate that it increases at high gate and drain bias points. The drain
current increases steadily from a pinchoff voltage of -2V with gate and drain bias till a
point and then saturates at higher gate voltages. Fig.26 is a 3D representation of the results
shown in Fig.7.
Chapter 3: Large Signal Modelling of HEMT
In addition to small signal modelling, the second goal of this work is to establish a nonlinear
large signal model for the AlGaN/GaN HEMT. Device behavior is different in large-signal
conditions compared to small signal. The small signal model accounts for
the behavior which is linear around an operating point. Hence, linearity is of utmost
importance in large signal modelling especially at high output powers. The main tool that
has been used for this effort has been Agilent ADS. The basic premise is to formulate the
large signal circuit equivalent using the extracted small signal model parameters and obtain
information regarding the power output, gain compression, harmonic and intermodulation
distortion. The large signal simulation relies on the use of a harmonic balance simulator,
where the linear circuit is simulated in the frequency domain and the non-linear circuit is
simulated in the time domain[26]. Before describing the large signal model used in this
work, the important contributors to the non-linearity of the circuit have been discussed.
circuits. Gain compression and intermodulation products arising from the device’s second
and third order non-linearity can cause distortion and affect the signal performance through
3.1.1 Nonlinear Transconductance (gm)
The decreasing transconductance profile with increasing gate bias in standard HEMTs is
For any device, the current can be expressed as a polynomial of the gate voltage.
Where gm2 and gm3 are the second order and third order differentials of gm.
A nonlinear gm has significant components of gm2 and gm3 .Since IM3 products are caused
by the third order term, gm3 plays a key role in determining the third order intermodulation
distortion, and a high value can deteriorate the linearity. Additionally, frequency dependent
dispersion for gm can be found at low frequencies due to surface traps and self-heating,
When a linear signal having no other components except its fundamental frequency is
applied to the input of the device, the voltage will generate charges on the gate to source
C (V ) q1 2q2V 3q3V 2 c0 c1V c2V 2
V (3.3)
From Eq. (3.3), it can be seen that the even order component of Cgs(Vgs) creates third order
intermodulation distortion. Thus the current generated from this charge will consist of
amplified versions of the third order components generated at the input. Since the charge
and the current both are nonlinear functions of Vgs, second order charge components of
Q(Vgs) from Eq. (3.2) can get upconverted to third order distortion components too.[30]
As drain voltage increases, the depletion region by the drain gradually widens, which
makes Cgd a strongly nonlinear function of the gate to drain voltage (Vgd). Cgd nonlinearity
effects are usually lesser than Cgs due to their smaller values, but are pronounced especially
at output powers more than 25 dBm due to the high voltage swings at the drain node [31].
As seen before, gds varies with both gate and drain voltage. As the slope of the current with
drain voltage in the saturation region is uneven, especially in short channel devices, it can
cause non-linearity in ways similar to how gm causes non-linearity [30,31]. Small values
of gds are preferred as it will maximize gain, however they may not provide the best power
match across the bias range. Load pull measurements and simulations are useful to find the
optimum output impedance through constant VSWR contours for maximum power
Agilent ADS has in-built models of several widely known large signal circuit topologies,
the most important ones being the Curtice Model [32,33] and the Angelov Model [34,35].
3.2.1 Curtice Model
The Curtice method or the CFET Model, which was originally developed for GaAs Field
Effect Transistors (FETs), uses a third-order polynomial to model the Ids vs. Vgs
characteristics above the pinch-off voltage. Fig. 27 shows the CFET large signal model.
[31] has shown that the Curtice model predicts the linearity characteristics of devices from
0-40 Ghz reasonably well, however, it ignores the Cds and Gds non-linearities of the device.
element. The Curtice model simulates the effects of self-heating, gate leakage and DC to
RF dispersion.
The Angelov Model, developed by I. Angelov, models the drain current, Cgs and Cgd in a
very similar way as the Curtice model. Cgs, Cgd are continuous functions with voltages with
well-defined derivatives in order to converge with harmonic balance simulations. The drain
current includes a tanh dependency on the Vgs polynomial as well, which gives a better fit
at lower drain voltages compared to the Curtice model. It has a separate electro-thermal
circuit too, to simulate self-heating. It is, however, a single pole model, and as discussed
in the previous chapter, this can be detrimental at high frequencies, where there might be
typically more than one pole before the frequency of operation. In fact, for the device in
discussion, this model will not work as it has two poles before 20 Ghz. This can be seen
In all of the previously described models, the large signal modelling has been performed
based on measured device data. Hence the effects due to trapping and self-heating have to
be accommodated mandatorily, for which these in-built models have proved to be very
useful. This work, on the other hand, employs the use of simulated data from Atlas TCAD,
which has assumed ideal behavior in terms of trapping and self-heating. Hence, in this
work, instead of using a pre-existing in-built model, a self-defined large signal model has
been created that has the capability of predicting the device behavior at its intrinsic level.
Fig.28 shows the large signal equivalent circuit that has been used in this work. This was
designed for a device width of 100 µm. It is directly drawn from the small signal model
equivalent that was discussed previously, except for the difference that the capacitances
have been implemented as charge sources. In a number of recent works [27], nonlinear
capacitance-based large signal models were implemented directly instead of charge sources
conservation conditions are specified. To avoid this unrealistic DC current flow in the
3.3.1 Nonlinear Charge Modelling
As seen in Fig.28, the nonlinear capacitances have been implemented as quasi-static gate
charge sources Qgs and Qgd. The non-quasi static effect of the channel charge is modelled
with the two bias-dependent resistances Rgd and Ri, which will account for the charging
times of the depletion region capacitances[36]. [24] shows that if the modelling of these
bias dependent charges is performed maintaining its symmetry with respect to the gate , it
is a closer match to the small signal model discussed in the previous chapter and provides
these charge sources, Qgs and Qgd can be defined as the following.[37]
aids in quickly and easily defining custom, non-linear components. It is a multi-port device
that can be modeled directly on a schematic. It is defined by specifying equations that relate
Fig.29 shows the large signal equivalent circuit of the HEMT modelled using a
symbolically defined device[39,24]. It has been implemented with a 7 port SDD. Every
term has an implicit, explicit or a weighting function expression. An explicit term is when
the quantity is directly equal to the listed expression and an implicit term is when the
quantity is solved for, using the expression listed equated to zero. A weight of 0 denotes a
The weighting function with a weight of 2 denotes a time delayed quantity. Port 1 to 6
correspond to Qgs, Qgd, Ri, Rgd, Rds and Ids respectively. Port 7 has a 1 ohm termination,
and a weighting function that enables us to obtain a delayed version of the input voltage,
This large signal model is a look-up table model implementation [40,24]. Each of these
large signal device nonlinear parameters were written in the form of a data file for every
The Data Access Component (DAC) in ADS has been employed to assist in reading the
data from the file and performing subsequent interpolation of the data. Fig. 30 shows the
SDD along with the DACs for each component. The DAC is a general multi-purpose file
reader. The independent variables (in this case Vgs and Vds) are specified and the DAC fits
the required nonlinear data as a function of the independent variables. A cubic spline
interpolation method has been chosen for each of the nonlinear components as it achieved
the best possible fit for the data. This look-up table method of implementation saves a lot
of time and complexity that would occur if each of the components were modelled as a
polynomial and then fed into ADS as a nonlinear function of Vgs and Vds. In this case,
several components such as Cds and Rgd did not fit into polynomial based functions and had
to be modelled using spline functions. The DAC serves that purpose effectively.
Figure 30: Large Signal Circuit Equivalent Implemented using SDD and DAC
Before explaining about the harmonic balance simulations, a brief discussion about the
distortion expressed in the form of IIP3 (Input Third Order Intercept Point), the P1dB
(Input Gain Compression Point), the carrier to intermodulation power ratio (C/I) and the
adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR ). A brief description of these characteristics are given
3.4.1 P1 dB gain compression point
At low-level input signals, an amplifier has a constant gain and linear behavior. However,
as the input levels increase, the amplifier gets saturated and the output signal will no longer
increase proportionally with the input signal. The input power level where the amplifier
has 1 dB less linear gain due to saturation is defined as 1 dB compression point and it is
considered as an important parameter for the linearity of a PA. Fig.31 indicates the P1dB
input compression point on a plot of output power versus input power. The greater the
value of the P1dB compression point, the higher the linearity, as it means that there is a
greater input power range over which the amplifier can operate without entering the gain
compression region.
3.4.2 IIP3
increases at one-third the rate of the input power. The input power at which the third order
intermodulation component equals the fundamental output power is termed as input third
order intercept point (IIP3) as shown in Fig.32. It should be noted that the IIP3 is usually
an extrapolated point just for easy reference to estimate the linearity. Usually the highest
input power at which the power amplifier is operated is well below the IIP3 point.
This is the ratio of the fundamental to the third order intermodulation power. While the
IIP3 gives data about the linearity based on a singular point, the C/I ratio is a more reliable
metric, since it provides data about the IM3 suppression at every input power level. It takes
into consideration uneven third order intermodulation behavior which the IIP3 does not.
3.4.4 Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR)
Adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) is the ratio of the average power in the main channel
component, such as a modulator or an analog front end. Amplifier nonlinearity can cause
spectral regrowth. ACPR calculations determine the likelihood that a given system causes
interference with an adjacent channel. ACPR can be determined only if the large signal
equivalent of the circuit is driven with modulated signals. If a distorted input modulated
signal is fed to the device, the distortion can get worse or amplified due to the intrinsic non-
linearity present in the device. This AM-AM conversion is one of the main causes of
While the PAE is not a linearity metric, it is still one of the most important performance
aspects of a power amplifier. The PAE has been discusses later in this chapter and hence,
it is necessary to mention it. It is the ratio of the difference in the output and input power
circuits and systems. It is well-suited for simulating analog RF and microwave circuits,
since these are most naturally handled in the frequency domain. Circuits such as power
amplifiers, mixers and oscillators are best analyzed using harmonic balance under large
signal conditions. Harmonic Balance Simulation calculates the magnitude and phase of
such as P1dB, third-order intercept (TOI) points, total harmonic distortion (THD), and
Fig. 33 shows the setup of the harmonic balance simulation for the device. Single tone
analysis was performed at 20 Ghz, and two-tone analysis was performed at 20 Ghz and at
100 kHz offset from the same. An order of 3 was used for the simulation, meaning that
power distribution and non-linearities upto the third harmonic frequency was taken into
consideration. Since the setup consists of a 50 Ω termination at both the input and output
side, matching networks have been designed in order to ensure maximum power transfer
to and from the device and minimize the reflection losses. The matching networks also help
to compare the behavior of different devices more easily if all of them are matched to the
same input and output impedance. For the design of input and output matching networks,
two optimization conditions were set in ADS using the optimizer tool for the large signal
scattering parameters: S11 < -15 dB and S22 < - 15 dB. Based on these conditions, for a
Figure 33 : ADS Harmonic balance simulation setup
The input power source performs a power sweep from -30 dBm to 20 dBm. Two DC
blocking/AC coupling capacitors of 100 pF have been added at the input and output nodes.
The gate and the drain biases have been input through high DC feedthrough inductors of 1
uH. These DC feedthrough or RF choke inductors act as shorts at low frequency and also
allow the drain voltage of the amplifier to swing upto twice of the drain bias provided.
For good convergence of harmonic balance simulations, the derivatives of the components
in the circuit must be well-defined and continuous. For this purpose, all the data fed into
the large signal models had to be smoothed as it helps remove abrupt non-linearities
without changing the function significantly. It eliminates points that are completely off
from the interpolated trend of the plot. Additionally, the Krylov solver method was used
as against the direct solver in ADS [38]. The Krylov method is intended for solving large
circuits with many devices, non-linear components, and number of harmonics and therefore
helped achieve better convergence. A disadvantage of using the look-up table method is
that while the simulator performs the interpolation by itself, it cannot extrapolate to any
data beyond the data points that have been given as an input [42]. This implies that for a
4V range of input bias, the maximum input power that can be fed into the circuit is less
than 20 dBm, as the peak-peak swing must be kept within this voltage range. If it exceeds
this range, the simulator will not allow convergence. Since the drain bias was defined was
a larger number of points, convergence issues due to exceeding of power limits did not
Since this modelling work is primarily focused on power amplifier applications, a brief
discussion about the various classes of linear power amplifiers will put into perspective the
choice of bias point for the Harmonic Balance Simulations. Class A,B ,AB and C are the
four types of linear power amplifiers. The important distinction between them is the
amount of time the transistor conducts in a given time period or the conduction angle,
which is shown in Fig. Class A amplifier is on throughout, Class B is on for exactly half
the cycle, Class AB conducts for more than 50% but less than 100% of the cycle and Class
C conducts for less than 50% of the cycle. Fig.34 shows the differences in the conduction
angle of the 4 classes. The main trade-off with respect to the conduction angle is between
efficiency and linearity. The greater the conduction angle, the lower the efficiency but the
Fig.35 shows the optimum loadline of the HEMT on a plot of drain current vs the drain
voltage. The loadline helps determine the maximum output power than can be obtained for
a given bias point and calculate the optimum output impedance for maximum power
transfer. Fig.35 shows the bias points for the amplifier classes. Class A’s quescient point
is in the midpoint of the loadline so that the transistor is always on. The gate bias is fixed
so that the lowest point of the input sine wave is always above the threshold voltage of the
transistor. Class B is biased at exactly the threshold voltage so that only 50% of the input
wave is available and Class AB is biased between these two classes. [43]
Figure 35: Loadline of Standard HEMT circuit equivalent
Since Class A’s input waveform is almost entirely a pure sine wave, there are hardly any
other tones except the fundamental tone. As the amplifier moves from Class A, closer to
Class B, the power in the second and third order tones increase, which is the cause of the
termination is added at the output so that it resonates at the third order frequency of the
fundamental. Class A can achieve a maximum of 50% efficiency, while Class B can
Since this work is directed at obtaining the linearity characteristics, the initial set of bias
points were chosen to maximize linearity of the amplifier. Based on the previous section,
this means that the right choice of bias point would be that of the Class A bias. Since the
threshold voltage of the device is -2 V and the gate bias range over which the data is
available is till 2 V, the Class A gate bias point was chosen at 0 V. Several factors were
i. Since the transistor has to be always on for Class A bias, the minimum value of the
upper limit of 2 V, which means that the input power cannot exceed 20 dBm as
stated previously.
ii. Similar analysis is performed for the drain bias. Usually the linearity increases as
the drain bias increases, hence a high drain voltage of 15 V was chosen. Any higher
than that might cause the output swing to exceed the limits beyond the maximum
drain bias for which the look-up table model has been created.
iii. Since gm, Cgs , Cgd and gds are the main sources of nonlinearity from the device,
attempts were made to choose bias points in which nonlinearities caused by these
parameters would be minimum. At 15 V drain voltage, gds and Cgd have nearly
linear behavior as seen in Fig 18. Since Cgs generates third order non-linearity
mainly from the second order component of Vgs, biasing the transistor at a gate
voltage about which the Cgs is anti-symmetric can help minimize the third order
distortion. [31]. However, since Cgs does not have a symmetric distribution with
respect to the gate voltage in a standard HEMT, choosing such a point in this case
Figure 36: gm3 of Standard HEMT
Based on Fig.36, gm3 is low around the 0-1 V range, hence 0V would be a good choice
Before the results of the harmonic balance simulations are discussed, the motivation behind
graded channel HEMT devices is explained , and the linearity results of both the devices
incorporated in this work, states that the saturation velocity decreases as the carrier
proportional to the saturation velocity, the decrease in saturation velocity with the increase
previously in this chapter how the nonlinear gm can cause third order intermodulation
We can state that a flat transconductance would definitely mitigate the nonlinearity. Hence,
the rapidly dropping behavior of gm can be reduced if we spread the charge distribution of
the 2DEG over a certain distance in polarization-graded AlGaN HEMTs. [44]. This can be
achieved by grading the channel layer of the HEMT. A three dimensional electron gas
arises from the polarization grading of the channel layer from GaN to low composition
AlGaN layer, such that the polarization charge is smeared over the graded region [20]. This
spreading of the carrier charge ensures that the saturation velocity does not reduce too
much, thereby preventing the sharp gm collapse. The mobility of the structure with a
graded AlGaN layer is also higher at the high gate voltage region. This is due to the higher
polar optical phonon mobility and interface roughness mobility for the graded-layer
structure. Hence, using the channel grading, we can obtain a transconductance profile that
is flat over a larger range of gate bias. Fig. 38 shows the energy band diagram of the graded
junction device shown in Fig. 37 . The charge is spread over a longer distance and the
abrupt notch in the conduction energy band is reduced compared to the standard case.
Fig. 37 shows the graded channel HEMT device that was simulated in Silvaco Atlas TCAD
and subsequently, analyzed for small signal and large signal modelling. This is a short
channel device too, with the same gate length of 0.25 µm, a gate-source distance of 0.5 µm
and a drain-source distance of 1 µm. The 20 nm AlGaN barrier is graded from 0 to 30%
followed by an 800 nm GaN buffer. The device has been designed so that the sheet charge
density is 1013 /cm-2. This device is different from the recessed standard device analyzed
previously in terms of the grading, the barrier thickness, and the source-drain distance. An
analysis similar to the one performed for the previous device is presented for this device
too, which helps us to compare how the change in the epitaxy affects the results from the
Figs (40-43) show the results from the Silvaco simulations. We see that in the graded
channel HEMT, the pinch-off voltage is more negative than the conventional HEMT case
because the conventional HEMT structure that was used, was recessed. This structure has
a threshold voltage of -3V. The transconductance gm does not collapse as it does in the
other case, due to the grading of the channel. It remains flat for a range of 2 V and then, in
fact slightly increases. Due to this, it is seen that the current obtained for a given voltage is
slightly higher than that of the standard channel HEMT. The peak gm is higher for the
The current gain vs frequency plots in Fig. 42 show that the unity gain frequency for the
graded HEMT at gate voltages of around -1V is higher than that of the standard device.
This is expected as the gm is higher for the graded case at this gate voltage (ft = gm/(2πCgs).
The maximum available gain in this case is around 13 dB which is 4-5 dB higher than the
standard case, since the intrinsic gain of a device is gmro and since gm is close to twice of
the value of the standard HEMT’s transconductance at this bias, a gain increase of 3 dB is
expected, assuming the output conductance does not change much. A second pole is
Figure 42: Graded HEMT unity gain frequency Figure 43: Graded HEMT Max Available Gain
Similarly, Fig (44-51) show the small signal extracted parameters at 20 Ghz of the graded
channel device obtained with the same methodology described in Chapter 2 . The high
frequency drain current as seen in Fig.51 steadily increases with increasing gate bias, as
compared to standard case where it saturates. The gm, as expected is flat over the gate bias
range, matching the Silvaco DC simulations closely. The Cgs also shows a steadily
Figure 46: Graded HEMT gm(Vgs,Vds) Figure 47: Graded HEMT Cds(Vgs,Vds)
Figure 50: Graded HEMT gds(Vgs,Vds) Figure 51: Graded HEMT τ(Vgs,Vds)
Figure 52: Graded HEMT Ids(Vgs,Vds)
rising behavior with the gate voltage , unlike the standard HEMT’s Cgs , where it saturates
after 0 V. This is because the current does not saturate in the graded junction, due to which
the width of depletion layer under the gate keeps changing for the range of gate bias that
we monitor. This leads to the increasing Cgs behavior. From a linearity perspective, this is
better than the saturated behavior since it is possible to find a gate bias point about which
the Cgs is anti-symmetric, which will help mitigate third order intermodulation distortion.
The Ri values and trend is very similar to the standard case, while the Rgd is lower in the
case of the graded HEMT, since the gate-drain length is smaller. The gds and Cds exhibit
very similar behavior as the standard HEMT, and are reasonably linear at high drain
voltages. The τ is slightly smaller than the standard case for the graded case as the unity
Table 4 shows the extracted extrinsic resistances for the graded channel HEMT small signal
model. Only the Rd is significantly different and lower from the standard case, since the
gate-drain distance of the graded channel HEMT is smaller. After small signal parameter
extraction, the same large signal circuit equivalent that was used for the standard HEMT
was employed for this device too, to obtain the linearity characteristics.
As mentioned in the previous section, the standard recessed HEMT device model was
biased at 0V gate bias, 15 V drain bias and 88 mA of drain current. Fig. 53 shows the
fundamental output power and the vs the input power for the recessed HEMT structure
The gain is 1 dB lesser than the maximum available gain of the device simulated from
Silvaco directly at 20 Ghz frequency. The maximum simulated power is 24 dBm which
translates to 3 W/mm. [45] has reported 4.5 W/mm for a 0.25x100 µm2 AlGaN/GaN HEMT
at 20 Ghz, with a gain of around 11 dB and a gain compression point of 17 dBm input
power. This shows that the simulated values are in the right ballpark, although a little lesser
than expected. The main reason for this could be the limited number of data points provided
in the lookup table, which restricts the bias points over which the amplifier can operate.
Figure 53 : Standard HEMT o/p vs i/p power Figure 54 : Standard HEMT Gain vs input power
Fig.55 shows the efficiency of the amplifier. Owing to the fact that it is almost entirely
operating in Class A, the power added efficiency is under 10% and very low. The main
reason for this is the high current density of the device, which is 880 mA/mm. Biasing this
transistor in deep Class AB will provide much higher efficiency with only limited loss of
Figure 55: Standard HEMT PAE
Fig 56 shows the fundamental output power and the third order intermodulation distortion
power as a function of the input voltage. The IIP3 can be determined as 27 dBm, which is
14 dBm higher than the P1 dB compression point. The IM3 power deviates from the ideal
curve at input powers greater than 0 dBm indicating increasing non-linearity at those
values. Fig. 57 shows the C/I ratio as a function of the input power. The IM3 suppression
at high input powers drops below 20 dBc due to relatively low gain. [46] reports an
intermodulation distortion of -19 dBm at 10 dBm input power for a device of similar
dimensions at 10 Ghz which is quite close to the IM3 value of -16 dBm at 10 dBm input
Fig.(58-62) show the harmonic balance simulation results of graded channel device. For
the graded channel device, the bias points were chosen at 15 V drain bias, -1 V gate bias
and 95 mA drain current. The maximum gain is around 11.8 dB, which is lower than the
maximum available gain simulated through Silvaco. The gain from this device is higher as
compared to the standard case by 3.5 dB since, the gm at the respective bias point is higher,
owing to the transconductance collapse of the former. The 1 dB compression point is higher
by around 1 dB, showing very slight improvement in linearity. The power added efficiency
is also marginally higher than the former case, due to the higher output power that is
achieved for nearly the same bias point, which is almost 5W/mm.
Figure 58 : Graded HEMT o/p vs i/p power Figure 59: Graded HEMT gain vs i/p power
Figure 60: PAE of graded HEMT
Figure 61: Graded HEMT IIP3 Figure 62: Graded HEMT C/I ratio
Figure 63: IM3 of standard vs graded HEMT
The third order intermodulation distortion of the graded channel HEMT is shown to be
significantly better in Fig.63 .While the IIP3 itself maybe only 2 dBm higher, the average
IM3 is nearly 5 dB lower than the standard case, and the intermodulation power is closer
to the ideal line . This can be mainly attributed to the flat gm and the antisymmetric behavior
of Cgs about the gate bias point. The higher output power as well as the lower distortion
Chapter 4: Conclusion and Future Work
The goal of this thesis was to accept the device structure of an AlGaN/GaN HEMT as an
input and create a methodology and blackbox that would provide information about the
device’s linearity and power delivered as an output, completely through simulation work.
The first step was to model a 0.25 µm x 100 µm device using Silvaco Atlas TCAD to obtain
two port network parameters over a wide range of bias points and frequencies. The small
signal parameters of the device were extracted as a function of the bias and frequency from
the two port network parameters. The small signal circuit equivalent’s S parameter results
were compared with TCAD S parameter results in order to validate the model. These small
signal parameters were fed into a large signal circuit equivalent of the HEMT using a look-
up table based model in Agilent ADS. Harmonic balance simulations at a high frequency
of 20 Ghz were performed using the large signal circuit to obtain the output power and
linearity characteristics of the device. Since the focus of the modelling was for RF linear
power amplifier applications, the reasoning behind choosing Class A bias points for the
operation of the device during harmonic balance simulations to maximize the linearity was
also explored. The harmonic balance simulation results were compared to experimental
results of similar structures that have been published over the last decade. Most of the
simulated results have reasonable values, however, the output power density and achieved
linearity are lower compared to the performance of current cutting edge GaN based
devices. The main reason for this is the constraint of the look-up table interpolation model
that can operate over only a limited range of input powers, thus not providing information
about the model at a high input power. Therefore, the model does not give a clear idea
about the best possible performance of the device as it is bound by the data limitation issue.
The harmonic balance simulations did not have good convergence in bias points other than
Class A such as Class AB and Class B. To overcome this, the solution would be to train
the model better using a much larger set of data points (bias and frequencies). [22] uses a
Furthermore, this work elaborated on the motivation behind the design of graded channel
junctions and how they can improve the linearity of the device. The same model and
methodology were used to obtain the power and linearity of a 0.25 µm graded channel
device and the two results were compared and analyzed based on the physics of the device.
The graded channel device did show better intermodulation distortion performance
compared to the standard one, as expected, which the model was able to predict to a good
The salient aspect of this work was that it was completely predictive device modelling
without making use of any predefined large signal models. It also eliminates the need of
using equations to model the small signal parameters and instead uses the capabilities of
Agilent ADS to perform cubic spline fitting of the data, which can save a lot of time and
computational complexity. It aims at being re-suable by any kind of FET device, however
as previously mentioned this would require more input data points and faster computational
methods. Another important aspect is that since, it is completely simulation based, this
model has not taken into consideration the effects of gate leakage, self-heating, package
parasitics and traps-induced dispersion. While these effects are being mitigated currently
using passivation, recessing, substrates with good thermal conductivities and other epitxial
solutions, these can still cause significant distortion from the ideal outputs and could be
taken into consideration for a more wholesome and accurate predictive modelling of the
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Appendix A – Silvaco code for AlGaN/GaN HEMT
go atlas
simflags="-P 4"
Set VgStart=3
Set VgEnd=-8
Set Vd1=10
Set VgRF=-4
Set VdRF=10
Set pol=1
Set Lg=.25
Set Lgs=.5
Set Lgd=2
Set Lc=0.5
Set Ls0=-$Lg/2
Set Ls1=-$Lg/2-$Lgs
Set Ls2=$Ls1-$Lc
Set Ld0=$Lg/2
Set Ld1=$Lg/2+$Lgd
Set Ld2=$Ld1+$Lc
## x-dir mesh size
Set Lm1=5e-3
Set Lm2=1e-2
Set Lm3=5e-2
Set Lm4=1e-1
### The sample consisted of 1 um GaN buffer layer followed by a 30 nm Al(0.25)Ga(0.75)N layer
Set tAir=1
Set tBar1=30e-3
Set tBar2=0
Set tCh=50e-3
Set tsub=1
## Metal thickness
Set tOhmic=0.1
Set tGate=0.1
set t1=$tBar1
set t2=$t1+$tBar2
set t3=$t2+$tCh
set t4=$t3+$tsub
## Mesh size
set Tm1=5e-4
set Tm2=$t1/5
set Tm3=1e-2
set Tm4=4e-2
set Tm5=1e-1
# 1 Mesh
## Set x-dir meshes
x.m l=$Ls2 s=0.1
x.m l=$Ls1-5e-3 s=0.05
x.m l=$Ls1 s=50e-3
x.m l=$Ls0-50e-3 s=50e-3
x.m l=$Ls0 s=10e-3
x.m l=0 s=10e-3
x.m l=$Ld0 s=10e-3
x.m l=$Ld0+50e-3 s=50e-3
x.m l=$Ld1 s=50e-3
x.m l=$Ld1+5e-3 s=0.05
x.m l=$Ld2 s=0.1
region num=1 material=Air x.min=$Ls2 x.max=$Ld2 y.min=-$tAir y.max=0
region num=2 material=SiN x.min=$Ls2 x.max=$Ld2 y.min=-0.2 y.max=0
region num=3 material=AlGaN x.min=$Ls1 x.max=-0.125 y.min=0 y.max=30e-3
donor=1e15 polarization polar.scale=$pol calc.strain x.comp=0.25
region num=4 material=AlGaN x.min=-0.125 x.max=0.125 y.min=20e-3 y.max=30e-3
donor=1e15 polarization polar.scale=$pol calc.strain x.comp=0.25
region num=4 material=AlGaN x.min=0.125 x.max=$Ld1 y.min=0 y.max=30e-3
donor=1e15 polarization polar.scale=$pol calc.strain x.comp=0.25
region num=5 material=GaN x.min=$Ls1 x.max=$Ld1 y.min=30e-3 y.max=$t3
donor=1e15 polarization polar.scale=$pol calc.strain
region num=6 material=GaN x.min=$Ls2 x.max=$Ld2 y.min=$t3 y.max=$t4
insulator polarization polar.scale=$pol substrate
region num=7 material=GaN x.min=$Ls2 x.max=$Ls1 y.min=0 y.max=$t3
region num=8 material=GaN x.min=$Ld1 x.max=$Ld2 y.min=0 y.max=$t3
elec num=1 name=source x.min=$Ls2 x.max=$Ls1 y.min=-$tOhmicy.max=0
elec num=2 name=drain x.min=$Ld1 x.max=$Ld2 y.min=-$tOhmicy.max=0
elec num=3 name=gate x.min=$Ls0 x.max=$Ld0 y.min=-$tGate
## 3 Material
material kp.set2 pol.set2
material material=AlGaN F.TOFIMUN=OP_gan5.lib
material material=GaN F.TOFIMUN=OP_gan5.lib
contact name=source resistance=200
contact name=drain resistance=200
contact name=gate workfunc=5.40 resistance=400
trap acceptor e.level=3.28 density=4e16 degen=4 sign=2.84e-15 sigp=2.84e-14 x.min=$Ls2
x.max=$Ld2 y.min=$t3 y.max=$t4
## 4 Solution
method gummel newton carr=2 itlim=50 trap maxtrap=20 print
output charge polar.charge flowlines e.field e.velocity ex.velocity ey.velocity
e.mobility e.temp band.par
solve init
save outf=standardalganganhemt.str
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <template.h>
* Optical Phonon Limited field & charge density dependent mobility model
* based on General field dependent mobility model for electrons.
* TOtal FIeld Mobility (parallel and perpendicular field components)
* Parameter: F.TOFIMUN
* Arguments:
* Eperp [in] - perpendicular electric field (V/cm)
* Na [in] - acceptor concentration (/cm^3)
* Nd [in] - donor concentration (/cm^3)
* nconc [in] - electron concentration (/cm^3)
* Epar [in] - parallel electric field (V/cm)
* TL [in] - lattice temperature (K)
* xcomp [in] - x-species fraction (0-1)
* ycomp [in] - y-species fraction (0-1)
* *mun [return] - hole mobility (cm^2/Vs)
* *dmundep [return] - derivative of *mun wrt Eperp
* *dmundepar [return] - derivative of *mun wrt Epar
* *dmundl [return] - derivative of *mun wrt TL
* *dmundn [return] - derivative of *mun wrt nconc
double n0 = 6e19;
double alpha = 1;
double vsat, mu0;
double beta, a, b, c, d, da, db, dc, dd;
/* mu0=3000/(1+3/(1+3*sqrt(nconc/n0))); */
if(Eparl == 0)
*dmundepar = 0.0;
beta = 2.0;
a = mu0*Eparl/vsat;
b = pow(a,beta);
c = 1.0 / (1.0 + b);
d = pow(c,1.0/beta);
return(0); /* 0 - ok */