The Impact of Working Capital Management On Profitability: Evidence From The Listed Retail Stores in Botswana
The Impact of Working Capital Management On Profitability: Evidence From The Listed Retail Stores in Botswana
The Impact of Working Capital Management On Profitability: Evidence From The Listed Retail Stores in Botswana
Received: December 15, 2017 Accepted: January 18, 2018 Available online: January 24, 2018
doi:10.11114/afa.v4i1.2949 URL:
This study focused on the effect of working capital management on the profitability of the listed retail stores in
Botswana Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016. Financial statements of the listed Retail Stores were used as the
main source of data. Return on Assets was used as the dependent variable to measure profitability and the components
to measure working capital management comprised of Average Collection Period, Inventory Conversion Period,
Average Payment Period, Cash Conversion Cycle, Debt, Current and Quick Ratios. Correlation analysis revealed that a
few variables were significantly correlated with each other. Average Payment Period and Inventory Conversion Period
were found to be positively and significantly correlated and Cash Conversion Cycle was significantly and positively
correlated with Inventory Conversion Period.The regression results showed that only three variables out of the seven
independent variables were statistically significant, namely Average Payment Period, Current Ratio and Quick Ratio.
The remaining four variables were found to be statistically insignificant. The above findings have implications for the
management of the listed retail store in Botswana.
Keywords: Botswana, retail stores, working capital management components, profitability, return on assets
1. Introduction
Working capital is considered as the life blood of business and signifies the funds required for the day-to-day running of
a firm (Abosede & Lugman, 2014). Working capital can be conceptualized as Gross Working Capital and Net Working
Capital. The Gross Working Capital is described as the total value of current assets whereas Net Working Capital is
seen as the difference between Current Assets and Current Liabilities. Current assets include accounts receivable,
inventory, cash and cash equivalents. Current liabilities are made of accounts payable and other short term obligations.
Working capital management deals with management of current assets and current liabilities and monitoring the
inter-relationship between them. It aims to manage both current assets and current liabilities in such a way that a
satisfactory level is maintained. Poor management of working capital may lead to business collapse resulting in
insolvency. For a business to succeed, it is, therefore, imperative that the working capital is managed efficiently. Azeez,
Abubakar, and Olamide (2016), highlights the importance of managing short-term assets and liabilities to ensure sound
financial health for all organizations and points to the fact that the investment in working capital are generally higher in
proportion to the total assets employed, and this scenario demands serious examination of working capital management.
The importance of working capital management as an essential component of financial management originates from the
fact that investment in current asset constitutes a significant part of total investment of a business enterprise. Working
capital management comprises management of current assets and current liabilities and good working capital
management ensures a satisfactory level of working capital at all times (Kumari & Anthuvan, 2017). Windaus (2014),
states that working capital gives a clear indication of how well a business is managed as it is a reliable indicator of good
management and underscores that top working capital performers have outperformed across all indicators. According to
Windaus (2014), only 9% of companies around the globe manage to improve working capital consistently over multiple
Working capital management has become an important component of financial management in an organization on
account of its impact on profitability, risk and consequently on its value (Ebenezer & Asiedu, 2013). According to
Nandom, Mubarik and Abdul-Aziz (2017), one of the critical constituents of financial management is working capital
Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 4, No. 1; 2018
management which has a direct impact on the financial performance of an organization. Iqbal, Khan, Shah and Raza
(2016), highlight the importance of investment in current assets as essential to ensure timely delivery of goods and
services to firms‟ customers and underscores the fact that effective management will result in favourable impact on
profitability. According to Rehman, Khan, Muhammad, Iqbal and Khan (2016) working capital management is an
important element for a business enterprise, and research has revealed that it has a positive association with the firm
profitability. Temtime (2016) highlights that every business enterprise should try to optimize its working capital and is
seen as a tool to balance liquidity and profitability.
1.1 Significance of the Study
This study focused on the effect of working capital management on the financial performance of listed retail stores in
Botswana. Three listed companies in the retail sector were considered for the study and covered a 5-year period from
2012 to 2016. Retail sector constitutes an important constituent of a country‟s economy. It plays a significant role in job
creation. The study looked at important components of working capital management, namely, average collection period,
inventory conversion period, average payment period, cash conversion cycle, debt, current and quick ratios and tested
as to how they affect the profitability of the selected retail enterprises. The study will benefit a number of stakeholders,
viz. creditors, shareholders and management of the selected organizations. The creditors will be better placed to know
whether the organization has adequate funds to pay them off on time. A good credit history will always motivate easy
approvals of loans by lending institutions. The management of the selected enterprises will have a better understanding
of the firms‟ current working capital management practices and then work around those strategies and policies that
would enhance firms‟ financial performance. To the shareholders, the study will provide insight on the importance of
effective working management as a critical component for profit generation. In the academic arena, the study will be
seen as a contribution to the existing body of knowledge by presenting one of the latest findings on the topic, working
capital management and its impact on the financial performance of business organizations.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Financial management practices do provide a sound and effective framework for management of assets. It has been
observed that investment in fixed asset has been receiving more emphasis and attention in both management area and
research. On the other hand effective working capital management, which has been receiving little attention from
researchers, will yield more significant results and for these reasons demands more serious attention from researchers
and management.
A firm‟s prime objective is profit generation and maximization that will result in business growth. One way of
achieving this is through efficient management of working capital. The major challenge that management faces today is
to strike a balance between liquidity and profitability. If profit maximization is targeted ignoring liquidity level, the
company may face financial threat leading to potential bankruptcy. On the other hand, a conservative approach to
liquidity may result in locking up too much of funds, leading to low profit generation. Firms have different collection
and settlement periods and they have to come up with models that will focus on critical areas that would keep their
working capital components at optimum level without compromising on profit maximization. The lack of understanding
about the impact of working capital on profitability, the lack of clarity on its determinants and the inability of
management to plan and control its components may lead to insolvency and bankruptcy (Gill, 2011).
Windaus (2017) analysed the financial performance of the largest global listed companies in the last 5 years and noted
that there was deterioration in the Return on Capital Employed of global listed companies. This could be due to
dramatic increase in leverage and suggested that improved working capital management could be the solution to the
problem. He also highlighted a reduction in investment in the last 5 year period among global listed companies, and a
way of enhancing investment would be improved working capital management.
It is therefore, established that sound working capital management is the panacea to worsening financial performance of
business enterprises. The problem that most firms currently face is how to encourage their managers to pay mor e
attention to the management of working capital to bring in a positive impact on the financial performance of the business.
In this context, a study on the impact of working capital management on the profitability of selected listed retail
businesses in Botswana will be found relevant. In addition, research indicates that very few studies have been carried out
in Botswana on the relationship between working capital management and profitability. The study will fill in the
research gap that currently exists on this topic.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main purpose of the study is to explore the effect of working capital management on the profitability of the listed
retail stores in Botswana.
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Sana, (2016), but on the Food Sector in Pakistan indicated a strong positive significant relationship between working
capital management and firm‟s profitability.
Mahato, and Jagannathan (2016) compared Profitability (ROA) with working capital management components, debt
and current ratios among eight listed telecom industry in India and the results revealed a negative relationship between
profitability and inventory conversion period, average collection period, cash conversion cycle and current ratio, and a
positive relationship of return on assets to average payment period, debt ratio and firm size.
An investigation by Mbawuni, Mbawuni, and Nimako, (2016) on the working capital management impact on
profitability on five Petroleum retail firms in Ghana for the period 2008-2013 revealed that average payment period had
a significant impact on profitability (ROA). It was also noted that the cash conversion cycle, average days of inventory
and average day‟s receivables did not have any significant relationship with financial performance of selected firms.
Giri and Gyasuddin (2017) looked at the directional effect of working capital management and liquidity on profitability
in the Petro Chemical industry in India for the period 2004-2014, and concluded that there was a bidirectional causal
relationship between working capital management and profitability and a unidirectional causal relationship running
from liquidity to profitability.
Maisiba, Muturi and Atambo (2017) looked at the effect of working capital management on profitability of 44 retail
firms in Kenya and concluded that liquidity ratio, debt ratio and current ratio significantly influence profitability of
selected retail firms.
A study on six listed manufacturing companies in Ghana by Tuffour, and Boateng (2017), reported that current ratio
had significant impact on profitability, whereas inventory conversion period and cash conversion cycle had negative,
but insignificant effect on financial performance. It was also noted that average collection period and accounts payable
period had positive, but insignificant effect on profitability.
Nandom, Mubarik and Abdul-Aziz (2017) examined working capital and performance of non-financial firms in Ghana
and found that average collection period, average payment period, cash conversion cycle and current ratio had a
significant influence on firms‟ performance.
Kasozi (2017) examined the influence of working capital management on profitability among 69 listed manufacturing
firms of Johannesburg Stock Exchange for the period 2007-16 and concluded that the average collection period and the
average payment period significantly, but negatively influenced the financial performance of the listed firms. It was also
observed that a positive and statistically significant relationship existed between the number of days in inventory and
1.5.2 Other Parameters Used for Measurement of Profitability
Deloof (2003) chose a sample of 1009 large Belgian non-financial firms to study the relationship between working
capital management and profitability for the period 1992-1996. The study revealed a significant negative relationship
between gross operating income and the number of days accounts receivable, inventories and accounts payable, which
were consistent with the view that fewer profitable firms wait for a long a period of time to settle their outstanding bills.
The results also suggested that managers could increase profitability by reducing the number of day‟s accounts
receivable and inventories.
An investigation on working capital management and profitability was done by Lazaridis and Tryfonidis (2006) on a
sample of 131 listed companies in Athens and noted significant relationship between profitability (gross operating profit)
and the cash conversion cycle.
Gill, Biger, and Mathur (2010) tested a sample of 88 American firms listed on New York Stock exchange for a period
of 3 years from 2005 to 2007 to find the relationship between working capital management and profitability. The test
results indicated a significant relationship between cash conversion cycle and profitability, measured through gross
operating profit.
The study by Vahid, Elham, Mohsen, and Mohammadreza, (2012) of 50 different Iranian firms listed in Tehran Stock
Exchange for the period 2006-2009 indicated that there was a negative and significant relationship between the
variables of average collection period, inventory turnover in days, average payment period, net trading cycle and the
performance of the selected firms. In addition, no evidence was found to show the existence of a significant relationship
between cash conversion cycle and the performance of the business (net operating profit). It also revealed the fact that
the profitability would decrease on account of the increase in the collection period, payment period and in net trading.
Abuzayed (2012), analysed listed firms in Jordan for the period of 2002-2008 to measure the impact of working capital
management on firms‟ profitability and noted that profitability is positively affected by the cash conversion cycle.
Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 4, No. 1; 2018
Research carried out by Ray (2012) on the relationship between working capital management components and
profitability of 311 Indian manufacturing firms for the period 1996-97 – 2009-10, revealed a strong negative
relationship between average collection period, cash conversion cycle and debt ratio with corporate profitability. The
study used average collection period, inventory turnover in days, average payment period, cash conversion cycle,
current ratio, debt ratio, size of the firm and financial assets to total assets ratio to assess the impact of working capital
management on profitability.
Ademola (2014), studied on working capital – profitability relationship among 120 food and beverages firms listed in
Nigerian Stock Exchange for the period 2002-2011 and found insignificant relationship between cash conversion cycle
and net operating profit, a significant negative relationship between accounts collection period and net operating profit
and an insignificant negative relationship between inventory conversion period and accounts payment period to net
operating profit.
Fahim, Kaviani, and Fashtali (2015), examined 90 listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange for the period 2008
-2012 to establish the relationship between working capital management and profitability and observed a significant
inverse U-shape relationship of current ratio and quick ratio with Return on Assets, but did not see any significant
inverse U-shape relationship of cash conversion cycle and net working capital to return on assets.
Jahfer (2015) investigated the effects of working capital management on profitability of manufacturing companies in Sri
Lanka for the period 2008-2013. Findings indicated that there was a significant negative relationship between accounts
payable and profitability and that managers could create value by reducing accounts receivable and net trading cycle
and maintain reasonable inventory level. In addition, no evidence was found of a significant relationship between cash
conversion cycle and profitability.
Garg and Gumbochuma (2015), studied the working capital management relationship with profitability among retail
sector companies in South Africa listed in Johannesburg Stock Exchange for the period 2004-2013 and found a negative
relationship between working capital and profitability. Debt ratio and financial performance was also found to be
having a negative relationship. The leverage factor showed a statistically insignificant impact on profitability.
Louw (2015) examined 18 South African retail firms in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange for the period 2004-12 on
their working capital management and its impact on financial performance. The results showed that South African firms
reduce their cash conversion cycle by reducing their selling prices and/or cost prices, leading to increased profit.
Anarfi and Boateng (2016), used the average collected period, inventory turnover days, and average payment period as
working capital management indicators along with cash conversion cycle to establish the effect of working capital
management on profitability in the firms operating in the Czech Agriculture and Forestry sector for the period of 2005-
2014. The results highlighted that indicators of working capital management do not affect profitability, but firm size,
ratio of financial assets to total assets, leverage and current ratio significantly affect profitability.
A strong negative correlation between working capital management components and profitability was identified by
Abbas and Yushan (2016), in their study on the effects on profitability of Tanzanian Insurance companies for the period
Selecting a period of 15 years from 2000-2015, Dalayeen (2017), looked at the working capital management and
profitability of selected real estate industry in Jordan and the findings showed significant influence of working capital
management on the profitability of selected real estate companies.
The above review of literature indicates varied use of working capital management components to measure the impact
of working capital management on corporate financial performance. Table 1 shows the variables used by various
researchers in their studies.
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7. Quick Ratio: Quick ratio measures the firm‟s ability to settle its short-term obligations using assets that are readily
convertible into cash, i.e. excluding inventories. Inventory may take longer to convert into cash hence it is
2.2 Conceptual Frame Work
The following diagram indicates the independent variables and dependent variable used in the study to measure the
impact of the independent variables of average collection period, inventory conversion period, average payment period,
cash conversion cycle, debt ratio, current ratio and quick ratio on the dependent variable Return on Assets of the listed
retail stores in Botswana.
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the results showed that only three variables out of the seven independent variables were significant, namely APP, CR
and QR. The remaining four variables were found to be statistically insignificant. Profitability as measured by return on
assets was found to be negatively and significantly related to average payment period (APP), a negative and significant
relationship was found between return on assets and current ratio, and a positive and significant relationship is found
between return on assets and quick ratio. Overall, the findings indicated that there was no significant relationship
between independent variables “average collection period, inventory conversion period, cash conversion cycle, debt
ratio” and the dependent variable “ return on assets” leading to the acceptance of null hypothesis for the
above-mentioned variables. The hypothetical testing, however, rejected the null hypothesis on the relationship between
independent variables “average payment period, current ratio, quick ratio” and the dependent variable “return on
4. Conclusion and Recommendations
The importance of working capital management as an essential component of financial management originates from the
fact that investment in current asset constitutes a significant part of total investment of a business enterprise. As a result,
this study sought to establish the impact of working capital management on the financial performance of listed retail
stores in Botswana.
The above findings have implications for management of the retail stores in Botswana. In particular, management
should pay more attention to APP, CR and QR if they want to improve profitability of their firms. Working capital
management deals with management of current assets and current liabilities and monitoring the inter-relationship
between them. It aims to manage both current assets and current liabilities in such a way that a satisfactory level is
maintained. Poor management of working capital may lead to business collapse resulting from insolvency.
Since a negative relationship is found between average payment period and the return on assets, management should
devise ways of ensuring that they reduce the average payment period in order to improve profitability of their firms.
This could include negotiating better credit terms with suppliers which could include not delaying payments to suppliers
unnecessarily. In terms of the current ratio, a negative relationship is also found. In this respect, management should
ensure that they reduce the current ratio by minimizing their current asset levels in order to stimulate profitability. In
contrast, the quick ratio showed a positive and significant relationship with return on assets, which confirms that
management should increase their most liquid assets if they want to improve their profitability. In this case, they should
increase their holdings of cash and cash equivalents, securities and receivables. In retrospect, fewer inventories should
be held at all times in order to improve profitability of retails stores in Botswana. Therefore better inventory handling
techniques should be put in place such as consistently reducing lead times and putting in place better Management
Resource Planning techniques.
The study focused on the three listed retail stores for the period 2012-16. A future study with extended dataset on the
above components might help to assess in more detail the relationship between profitability and working capital
management. The current dataset was constrained by data on one of the retails stores which was only listed about five
years ago. Also, a much larger sample size by including all the listed firms in the consumer services sector may improve
the relevance of the findings. Despite the aforementioned limitations, the study provides an in depth understanding of
the impact of working capital management on the financial performance of listed retail stores in Botswana.
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