1151WH4 Au23
1151WH4 Au23
1151WH4 Au23
Written Homework 4
Must be uploaded to Gradescope before 11:59pm on October 31, 2023
Due Friday, Nov. 3
Group Lecturer:
Group TA:
OSU name.#:
OSU name.#:
OSU name.#:
Assignment Goals: Linear approximation is a powerful technique for estimating values that are difficult to calculate exactly. This
assignment will help you practice:
Other Instructions: Make sure you read the full instructions on our Carmen page, found under the Week 10 Module.
Math 1151, Autumn 2023 Written Homework 4 Page 2 of 5
Context: You are a CEO of a tech startup. You just gave a very confidential business presentation to a few potential investors on
the new secret technology recently developed by your team. One investor proposed to deposit 30 million coins on each day of the
month of November, resulting in the total of 30 ⇥ 30 = 900 million coins at the end of the month. The other investor proposed
that they would deposit 2 coins on the first day, then deposit the previous day’s balance everyday for the rest of the month. So
the balance will increase exponentially, i.e., 2 coins on Day 1, 2 + 2 = 4 = 22 coins on Day 2, 4 + 4 = 8 = 23 coins on Day 3, and
so on. This results in the total of 230 coins on Day 30. You need to determine whether it is better than the first proposal of worth
900 million coins. Unfortunately, no electronic device was allowed in this secret meeting, so you need to estimate the value of 230
without using a calculator.
In the first two problems, we estimate the value of 230 using the linear approximation of two di↵erent functions.
Problem 1: First Approximation Attempt (17 points)
Let f (x ) = x 30 .
a) (2 points) Identify x such that f (x ) = 230 .
b) (2 points) Find the nearby point a at which the function can be easily calculated.
c) (4 points) Find the linear approximation function for f (x ) at the basepoint you found in the previous part. Denote this
linear approximation function by Lf (x ).
d) (6 points) Using the results of the previous parts, estimate the value of 230 without using a calculator.
b) (2 points) Find the nearby point a at which the function can be easily calculated.
c) (4 points) Find the linear approximation function for g (x ) at the basepoint you found in the previous part. Denote this
linear approximation function by Lg (x ).
d) (6 points) Using the results of the previous parts, estimate the value of 230 without using a calculator.
b) (3 points) Discuss why one linear approximation results in a good estimate of 230 while the other does not.
Math 1151, Autumn 2023 Written Homework 4 Page 5 of 5
On the set of axes below, make a graph for h(x ). The graph must satisfy all of the properties listed above.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9