Rapid Repair of Severely Damaged RC Columns With D
Rapid Repair of Severely Damaged RC Columns With D
Rapid Repair of Severely Damaged RC Columns With D
64 1,132
3 authors:
Ruili He L. H. Sneed
Garver LLC. University of Illinois at Chicago
Abdeldjelil Belarbi
University of Houston
All content following this page was uploaded by L. H. Sneed on 09 March 2014.
Abstract: Rapid and effective repair methods are desired to enable quick reopening of damaged bridges after an earthquake
occurs, especially for those bridges that are critical for emergency response and other essential functions. This paper presents
results of tests conducted as a proof-of-concept in the effectiveness of a proposed method using externally bonded carbon fiber
reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites to rapidly repair severely damaged RC columns with different damage conditions. The
experimental work included five large-scale severely damaged square RC columns with the same geometry and material properties
but with different damage conditions due to different loading combinations of bending, shear, and torsion in the previous tests.
Over a three-day period, each column was repaired and retested under the same loading combination as the corresponding original
column. Quickset repair mortar was used to replace the removed loose concrete. Without any treatment to damaged reinforcing
bars, longitudinal and transverse CFRP sheets were externally bonded to the prepared surface to restore the column strength.
Measured data were analyzed to investigate the performance of the repaired columns compared to the corresponding original
column responses. It was concluded that the technique can be successful for severely damaged columns with damage to the
concrete and transverse reinforcement. For severely damaged columns with damaged longitudinal reinforcement, the technique
was found to be successful if the damaged longitudinal reinforcement is able to provide tensile resistance, or if the damage is
located at a section where longitudinal CFRP strength can be developed.
Keywords: CFRP composites, cyclic loading, rapid repair, RC columns, severely damaged.
effectiveness of a proposed technique to rapidly repair axial load of approximately 150 kips (667 kN) to simulate
severely damaged RC bridge columns with different the dead load from the superstructure. Column 1 was sub-
damage conditions using externally-bonded CFRP for jected to cyclic uniaxial cantilever bending and shear
emergency service use after an earthquake. The term (T/M = 0) in addition to the constant axial load. Columns 2,
‘‘rapid’’ in the context of this study refers to a three-day 3, and 4 were subjected to the constant axial load and a
time period as defined by ATC-18 (1997) and other combined cyclic loading effect of uniaxial cantilever bend-
researchers (Vosooghi et al. 2008). This research will fill ing, shear, and torsion, with torque-to-moment ratios (T/M)
in critical gaps in the literature with respect to the severe of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6, respectively. Column 5 was tested under
damage level and inclusion of torsional loading effects and pure torsion (T/M = ?) in addition to the constant axial
will help guide future research efforts in this area. This load.
experimental study included five half-scale square bridge
columns that were tested to complete failure under dif-
ferent combined loading effects of axial, shear, bending, 3. Column Damage Conditions
and torsion in a previous study (Prakash et al. 2012). After
the previous tests, the columns were severely damaged After the original tests, the columns were severely dam-
with different damage conditions. Each column was aged with different damage conditions due to the different
repaired within a three-day period and retested on the combined cyclic loading effects (T/M). The overall damage
fourth day under the same combined loading as the cor- conditions were classified based on both visual observations
responding original column. The performance of the and measured response data. According to previous work
repaired columns was evaluated by comparing the (Lehman et al. 2001), any visible evidence of core concrete
response with that of the corresponding original columns. crushing, longitudinal bar buckling, or longitudinal/trans-
The large scale nature of the test specimens in this study verse reinforcement fracture is classified as severe damage.
allowed for evaluation of the constructability of the Damage is classified as significant according to ATC 32
developed repair technique in practice. criteria if a permanent offset is apparent, if the reinforcement
has yielded, or if major concrete spalling has occurred
(Rojahn et al. 1997). The terms ‘‘significant’’ and ‘‘severe’’
2. Original Columns are used interchangeably in this paper when referring to the
column damage.
Five square RC columns were tested in a previous study, The damaged columns after the original tests are shown in
each with the same nominal geometry and material proper- Fig. 2, which illustrates the difference in the visible damage
ties. The columns were 1/2 scale bridge columns designed extent and the plastic hinge location. Generally, the damage
based on CALTRANS (2004) and ACI 318 (2008) seismic region extended farther along the column height and the
provisions. The column specimen was simulated as a can- plastic hinge location shifted away from the base with
tilever, and the aspect ratio (H/B) was 6, where H and B are increasing torque-to-moment ratio. For instance Column 1,
the height of the column and the cross-section dimension, which was tested under cyclic shear and bending, sustained
respectively. Figure 1 shows the column geometry and cover concrete spalling 25 in. (635 mm) above the column
reinforcement details. The column was 22 in. (560 mm) base, and the plastic hinge was located approximately 10 in.
square reinforced with four No. 9 (29 mm dia.) deformed (260 mm) above the base. Column 5, which was subject
bars in the corners and eight No. 8 (25 mm dia.) interme- to cyclic torque moment, exhibited concrete damage
diate bars, with a longitudinal reinforcement ratio of 2.13 %. that extended almost the entire column length, and the
Tie reinforcement consisted of square and octagonal No. 3 core concrete crushed through the cross section 64 in.
(10 mm dia.) deformed bars spaced at 3.25 in. (82 mm), (1,620 mm) above the column base. The damage to Col-
with a transverse reinforcement ratio of 1.32 %. The mea- umns 1, 2, and 3 was concentrated near the base of the
sured yield strength of the longitudinal bars was 76 ksi column at the location of maximum moment due to flexure-
(524 MPa) for No. 8 (25 mm dia.) bars and 67 ksi dominant behavior in columns with low T/M ratios (T/M
(462 MPa) for No. 9 (29 mm dia.) bars. For the ties, the \0.5). Columns 4 and 5 were torsion-dominant with high
measured yield strength was 74 ksi (510 MPa). Yield T/M ratios (T/M [0.5), which resulted in higher plastic
strength of the reinforcing bars was determined in accor- hinge location and larger damage extent as illustrated in
dance with ASTM A 370 (2012). The target 28-day cylinder Fig. 2.
compressive strength of the concrete was 5,000 psi Measured data acquired during testing were used to
(34 MPa). Additional information including measured con- monitor changes in load–displacement response and deter-
crete properties is provided in Prakash et al. (2012). mine locations at which the reinforcement yielded. At
The previous research studied the seismic performance of completion of testing, the load–displacement responses
square RC bridge columns under combined loading effects showed that the stiffness of each column decreased signifi-
including torsion. The study was focused on the interaction cantly, and the residual strength was less than 50 % of the
between bending and torsion, and the primary variable was peak load. Some of the columns were completely damaged
the torque-to-moment ratio (T/M). All five columns were without any resistance to the applied loading (Prakash et al.
tested to failure under cyclic lateral loading and a constant 2012).
36 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013)
Fig. 1 Geometry and reinforcement details of original columns.
Column 1 (T/M=0) Column 2 (T/M=0.2) Column 3 (T/M=0.4) Column 4 (T/M=0.6) Column 5 (T/M=∞)
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013) | 37
Table 1 Summary of damage to original columns.
Column T/M Concrete damage Reinforcing bar damage
Longitudinal Tiesa
Cover spall Core crush Yield Buckle Fracture
Column 1 0 25 in. (635 mm) 10 in. (260 mm) All bars All bars, 10 in. 2 bars; 10 in. 4 ties
above column above column (260 mm) (260 mm)
base base above column above column
base base (see
Fig. 1)
Column 2 0.2 37 in. (950 mm) 20 in. (500 mm) All bars 10 bars, 20 in. None 3 ties
above column above column (500 mm)
base base above column
Column 3 0.4 58 in. 30 in. (760 mm) All bars 10 bars, 30 in. None 1 tie
(1,470 mm) above column (760 mm)
above column base above column
base base
Column 4 0.6 94 in. 40 in. All bars 10 bars, 40 in. None 1 tie
(2,380 mm) (1,020 mm) (1,020 mm)
above column above column above column
base base base
Column 5 ? 120 in. 64 in. 2 bars None None 0 tie
(3,050 mm) (1,620 mm)
above column above column
base base
Values in this column refer to the number of ties removed during repairing.
A detailed description of the damage to the original col- the same day as replacing the removed concrete. The com-
umns is summarized in Table 1. Damage to each column pressive strength was measured one day after casting, at test
included concrete cracking, cover concrete spalling, and core day, and at 28 days after casting. The compressive strength
concrete crushing, as well as longitudinal reinforcement of the repair mortar measured at test date was nearly 5 ksi
yielding. Damaged ties failed by yielding and, in some cases, (28 MPa) for each column.
subsequent straightening of the end hooks. Additionally, The CFRP strengthening system consisted of unidirec-
longitudinal bars buckled in Columns 1–4, and two longi- tional carbon fiber sheets. Putty was used to fill the voids on
tudinal reinforcing bars fractured in Column 1 near the base the column surface, while primer was use to facilitate the
of the column at the northwest and southeast corners of the bond between the concrete and the CFRP system. The
cross-section (see Fig. 1). properties of the dry carbon fiber fabric provided by man-
ufacturer were: tensile strength of 550 ksi (3,800 MPa);
tensile modulus of 33,000 ksi (227 GPa); ultimate rupture
4. Rapid Repair of Damaged Columns strain of 0.0167; and nominal thickness of 0.0065 in.
(0.165 mm) per ply. The carbon fiber was linear elastic.
4.1 Repair Materials Bond between the host concrete and externally applied
In view of the short time frame for the rapid repair, the CFRP is critical for flexural, shear, and torsional strength-
repair materials used were selected for ease of installation, ening, so bond strength testing of the CFRP-to-concrete
compatibility with the other materials, and capability of bond was performed in accordance with ASTM D7234
achieving their desired strengths within the timeframe. A (2005). A representative sample of CFRP was bonded to the
quickset repair mortar and unidirectional CFRP strengthen- concrete surface that was prepared using the same tech-
ing system were used in this study. The repair mortar was niques and at the same time as the CFRP application. The
used to replace the removed damaged concrete, while the test was performed at the time of testing of the repaired
CFRP strengthening system was used to compensate for the column. For each column, the bond strength test results met
loss in strength due to material degradation during the pre- the CFRP system manufacturer’s and ACI 440.2R (2008)
vious column tests. minimum specified bond strength of 200 psi (1,380 kPa).
The repair mortar was a shrinkage-compensating micro
concrete that had high bond strength, high early strength, 4.2 Repair Procedure
and self-compacting properties. Material properties provided The entire repair process took approximately 30 man-
by the manufacturer are given in Table 2. The compressive hours over three days and involved the following seven
strength was monitored by casting 2 in. (51 mm) cubes on steps: (1) straightening the column; (2) removing loose
38 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013)
Table 2 Repair mortar properties (provided by the manufacturer).
Property Results Test Method
3 3
Fresh wet density, lb/ft (kg/m ) 142 (2,275) ASTM C 138
Compressive strength, psi (MPa); 2 in. ASTM C 109
(51 mm) cubes
1 day 2,500 (17.2)
7 days 5,000 (34.5)
28 days 6,000 (41.4)
Compressive strength, psi (MPa); 3 by 6 in. 5,000 (34.5) ASTM C 39
(76 by 152 mm) cylinders, at 28 days
Flexural strength, psi (MPa), at 28 days 1,150 (7.9) ASTM C 348
Slant shear bond strength, psi (MPa), at 3,000 (20.7) ASTM C 882 (modified)
28 days
Splitting tensile strength, psi (MPa), at 28 days 500 (3.4) ASTM C 496
concrete; (3) placing repair mortar; (4) preparing the column columns to the strong floor was modified due to damage to
surface; (5) installing longitudinal and transverse CFRP; (6) the anchors. Two steel wide flange beams were used with
arranging instrumentation; and (7) retesting repaired col- two steel double channel beams to anchor the repaired col-
umns. The axial load was not applied during the repair umn specimens (Fig. 3c, d). Because of the position of the
procedure considering that shoring systems can be used to wide flange beams and resulting space limitations, some of
support the self-weight of the superstructure in practice the instrumentation used in the original tests was not used in
during the repair. Straightening of the column was chal- the repaired column tests.
lenging and time-consuming due to limited equipment The repaired columns were tested under the same initial
available in the lab; therefore the time for straightening was combined loading effects as the original columns. Similar to
not included in the three-day period here. On the first day, the procedure used for testing the original columns, the
the damaged loose concrete was removed and formwork testing procedure for repaired columns was initiated in force
erected, then quickset mortar was placed. The mortar was control and then continued in displacement control. In
allowed to set approximately 12 h before the formwork was testing the original columns, testing shifted to displacement
removed on the second day. Then the column surface was control when first yield of the reinforcing steel occurred
prepared for installation of the CFRP system. The surface (Prakash et al. 2012). For the repaired columns, yielding of
was smoothed and corners were rounded with a hand grin- the steel had occurred during the previous test, and moni-
der, and then putty and primer were applied. The longitu- toring the strain was not always possible due to damage to
dinal CFRP was applied, followed by transverse CFRP. The the strain gages mounted to the steel reinforcement.
transverse CFRP was applied after the longitudinal CFRP to Therefore, testing was shifted to displacement control when
help preventing the debonding of the longitudinal CFRP significant reduction of the stiffness was observed. In
from the host concrete. For the longitudinal CFRP, fibers addition, different procedures were used to maintain the
were aligned along the longitudinal axis of the column. For torque-to-moment ratio (T/M) during the displacement
the transverse CFRP, fibers were oriented transverse to the control testing. In the original tests, an iterative feedback
longitudinal axis of the column. Detailing of the CFRP system was used to control the torque-to-moment ratio
systems is discussed in a subsequent section. No special (Prakash et al. 2012), whereas in the present program, a
technique was used to cure the CFRP system except for trial-and-error method was used based on values recorded
Columns 1 and 2 in which a plastic sheet and a small heater from the previous cycles. As a result, some differences
were used to facilitate curing because the temperature in the existed in the loading protocol details.
laboratory was unusually low. Cracks on the concrete sur-
face outside the region with CFRP were not repaired. An
unexpected delay occurred during the repair of Column 1, 5. CFRP Layouts
which resulted in testing on the 5th day.
The CFRP layouts are summarized in this section. The
4.3 Test Setup and Loading Protocol CFRP design procedures will be described in detail else-
The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 3. In the original where by the authors. In general, the externally bonded
tests, the columns were anchored to the strong floor with CFRP strengthening system for each damaged column was
four DYWIDAG bars with 50 kips (222 kN) prestressing designed to restore the column strength in terms of shear,
force in each bar (Fig. 3a, b), which is discussed in Prakash bending, and torsion associated with the peak load in the
et al. (2012). The system used to anchor the repaired original test. It should be noted that in the case of a
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013) | 39
Reaction Wall Reaction Wall
Load Cell Hydraulic Jack Load Cell Hydraulic Jack
Footing Anchors
Support Blocks Support Blocks
Loading Frame
permanent repair, the repair system should also be capable of was concentrated near the base of the columns. This was
restoring the ductility, although this aspect was not explicitly the case because Columns 1, 2, and 3 were flexure dom-
accounted for in the design due to the inclusion of torsion. inant. The increasing number of transverse CFRP sheets at
The transverse CFRP wrap was designed to provide con- the bottom level of Column 3-R compared to Column 2-R,
finement to the concrete and to restore the strength in terms and Column 2-R compared to Column 1-R, is due to the
of torsion and shear, in which the CALTRANS provisions fact that the damage in Columns 1-R and 2-R was con-
for RC column retrofit were used (2006, 2007). The longi- centrated near the base of the column, and damage did not
tudinal CFRP was designed to compensate for the flexural spread to the adjacent region. Longitudinal CFRP was
and torsional strength loss due to the damaged reinforcement installed only on the north and south sides of Column 1-R
and softened concrete. Interaction between bending and because the column was subjected to uniaxial bending and
torsion was considered in the design (Park and Paulay 1975). no torsion, and because space limitations did not allow for
The CFRP layout for each repaired column is shown in installation of an appropriate anchorage system to anchor
Figs. 4 to 8. Repaired columns are denoted in this paper with longitudinal sheets on the east and west faces. However,
the extension ‘‘-R’’. The CFRP layout for each column was transverse CFRP splitting observed on the east and west
designed and detailed considering the nature of damage to sides at early stages of testing Column 1-R prompted the
the column, the damage location, and the peak applied use of longitudinal CFRP sheets on all four sides of
loading. As a result, each column had a different repair Columns 2-R and 3-R. Thus one longitudinal sheet was
region and CFRP layout. To maximize the time efficiency, provided on the east and west sides that was anchored at
only the regions of the column at and adjacent to the plastic the base by U-anchors, which required minimal space for
hinge were repaired. Adjustments were made to the designs installation. The longitudinal CFRP sheets on the north
based on lessons learned during testing of previous repaired and south faces were anchored with an anchorage system
columns within the series as discussed below. (Repaired consisting of a steel plate welded to a quarter-section of
columns were repaired and tested in sequential order from steel pipe reinforced with stiffeners and fastened to
Column 1-R to 5-R). the concrete with threaded steel anchor rods that were
For Columns 1-R, 2-R, and 3-R, the repair regions were embedded using a chemical adhesive. The anchorage
located in the lower half of the columns since the damage system is sketched at the base of the columns in Figs. 4, 5
40 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013)
Applied Load Applied Load
From Actuators From Actuators
Concrete Block Concrete Block
60 in. 50 in. (1,520 mm) 20 in.
3 Layers Long. CFRP 8No. 8 Intermediate. Bars
(1,520 mm) 55 in. (1,270 mm) (510 in.)
(1,400 mm) Square + Oct. No. 3 ties 4 Layers CFRP
Column Section 20 in. 1 in.
(510 mm) (25 mm)
Overlap Overlap
60 in.
60 in. 50 in. Note: 4 No.9 Corner Bars (1,520 mm) 20 in. 3 Layers CFRP
3 Layers Long. CFRP (N&S) 8No. 8 Intermediate. Bars
(1,520 mm) 55 in. (1,270 mm) (510 in.)
(1,400 mm) Square + Oct. No. 3 ties
Column Section 20 in.
5 Layers CFRP
(510 mm)
U-Anchor at
Base (E&W) 2 in. (50 mm) Gap
Novel Anchorage at Base (N&S)
Extension of Longitudinal FRP Onto Footing:
Bottom Sheet: 18 in. (460 mm) From Column Face Transverse CFRP Same on All Sides of Column.
Middle Sheet: 16 in. (410 mm) From Column Face 4 in. (100 mm) Splice Length Used For Each Layer
Top Sheet: 14 in. (355 mm) From Column Face Staggered Along Height of Column
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013) | 41
Applied Load Applied Load
From Actuators From Actuators
Concrete Block Concrete Block
Overlap Overlap
56 in.
56 in. 50 in. Note: 4 No.9 Corner Bars (1,415 mm) 20 in.
2 Layers Long. CFRP (N&S) 8No. 8 Intermediate. Bars 3 Layers CFRP
(1,415mm) (1,270 mm) (510 in.)
Square + Oct. No. 3 ties
Column Section 20 in.
(510 mm) 6 Layers CFRP
U-Anchor at
Base (E&W) 1 in. (25 mm) Gap
Novel Anchorage at Base (N&S)
Extension of Longitudinal FRP Onto Footing:
Bottom Sheet: 16 in. (410 mm) From Column Face Transverse CFRP Same on All Sides of Column.
Top Sheet: 14 in. (355 mm) From Column Face 4 in. (100 mm) Splice Length Used For Each Layer
Staggered Along Height of Column
12 in.
(305 mm) No CFRP
28 in.
(710 mm) No CFRP
1 Layer Long. 20 in.
CFRP (E&W) 1 Layer CFRP
(510 mm.)
(50 mm)
2 in.
Transverse Fibers (4/3/2/1 Layers)
20 in. 2 Layer CFRP
Longitudinal Fibers (1 Layer) (510 mm.)
(50 mm)
2 in.
All CFRP Sheets Are R1"
20 in. (510 mm) Wide
20 in. 3 Layer CFRP
Longitudinal Fibers
108 in. (510 mm.)
(75 mm)
(1 Layer)
3 in.
92 in. (2,740 mm)
1 Layer Long. CFRP (N&S) 20 in.
(2,340 mm) 4 Layer CFRP
(510 mm)
(75 mm)
3 in.
Note: 4 No.9 Corner Bars
20 in.
8 No. 8 Intermediate. Bars 3 Layers CFRP
(510 mm.)
(50 mm)
system. It must be noted that because Column 1 had fractured detailing problems with the anchorage system were avoided by
longitudinal bars, the repair needed to compensate for the maintaining a gap between the repaired column and the
strength loss of the fractured bars. This resulted in a large anchorage system. For Column 3-R, the test was terminated due
demand on the longitudinal CFRP relative the other repaired to limitations of the actuators. No damage was observed in the
columns, and also resulted in a large force in the CFRP that repaired region; however the plastic hinge relocated just above
needed to be anchored to the base at the critical section for the repaired region. The concrete cover just beyond the repaired
bending moment. Column 2-R, which had the plastic hinge at region spalled off, and the cover spalling progressed upwards
the base of column after the previous test similar to Column 1, until testing was terminated. The plastic hinge was also relo-
failed due to CFRP rupture and crushing of concrete in plastic cated in Column 4-R from the location in Column 4, For Col-
hinge region near the base of the column. No further damage umn 4-R, the plastic hinge shifted to the unrepaired region just
was observed in the unrepaired region of Column 2-R. Also, the above the repaired region. The failure mode was concrete
42 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013)
Applied Load Applied Load
From Actuators From Actuators
Concrete Block Concrete Block
1 in. (25 mm) Gap 1 in. (25 mm) Gap
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013) | 43
Table 3 Summary of failure modes of repaired columns.
Repaired column Failure mode
Column 1-R (T/M = 0) Premature failure related to the detailing of Flexure dominant
the longitudinal CFRP anchorage system,
followed by fracture of two additional
longitudinal reinforcing steel bars
Column 2-R (T/M = 0.2) Rupture of CFRP (flexure), crushing of
concrete in the repaired region
Column 3-R (T/M = 0.4) Testing terminated due to limitations
of the actuators
Column 4-R (T/M = 0.6) Crushing of concrete in the unrepaired Torsion dominant
region (torsion) followed by CFRP rupture
next to the unrepaired region
Column 5-R (T/M = ?) Rupture of CFRP, crushing of concrete
Columns 2 and 3, although the maximum torque of Column Column 4-R. Therefore, it can be concluded that the bend-
2-R did not reach that of original column. Similarly for ing-torque interaction played a role in the level of strength
Column 4-R, Fig. 13 shows that the torsional strength was restored.
improved compared to Column 4, but the measured lateral Comparison of the applied torque-twist envelopes of
load and displacement did not reach the original state. To Column 5 and Column 5-R in Fig. 14 indicates that the
explain the differences in bending and torsional strength torsional strength and twist at maximum torque were
restoration for each repaired column, the difference in the enhanced by the repair. For Column 5, the torsional strength
loading protocol details between the repaired column and reduced rapidly after the maximum torque was achieved
corresponding original column must be noted. As discussed because the core concrete crushed and thus could not pro-
previously, it was difficult to maintain the torque-to-moment vide further torsional resistance. The post-peak response of
ratio after shifting to displacement control, which resulted in Column 5-R was characterized by a reduction in torsional
the applied load with different torque-to-moment ratios for strength with increasing applied torque, but not as rapidly as
the repaired and original columns. For instance Fig. 15 that of Column 5. This phenomenon can be explained in part
shows the torque-to-moment ratios (T/M) for the applied by the confinement provided by the transverse CFRP wrap.
load on Column 4-R and Column 4. The torque-to-moment In general, Figs. 10 to 14 also show that the rate of stiff-
ratio of Column 4 reduced significantly after shifting from ness deterioration of the repaired columns under large
load control to displacement control at a lower load level reversed cyclic loading was lower than that of the corre-
compared to Column 4-R. This resulted in higher bending sponding original columns. However, the initial stiffness of
moment in Column 4 compared to Column 4-R, since this repaired columns was lower than that of corresponding
bending moment was reached at a lower torque compared to original columns.
44 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013)
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250
60 60
250 250
50 50
200 200
40 40
150 150
30 30
100 100
0 0 0 0
-10 -50 -10 -50
-20 -20 -100
-30 -30
-150 -150
-40 -40
Column 2 -200 Column 2 -200
-50 Column 2-R -50 Column 2-R
-250 -250
-60 -60
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Displacement (in.) Displacement (in.)
Twist (Deg) Twist (Deg)
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
200 200
250 250
150 150
100 100
100 100
Torque (kips-ft)
Torque (kN-m)
Torque (kips-ft)
Torque (kN-m)
50 50
50 50
0 0 0 0
-50 -50
-50 -50
-100 -100
-100 -100
-150 -150
6.3 Evaluation of the Repair Technique Vr (Tr) and Vo (To) in Eq. (1) represent the maximum
Comparison of the repaired column performances in this study lateral load (torque moment) measured in the repaired and
is complicated by the different damage conditions of the corre- original columns, respectively.
sponding original columns and the different repair profiles. Thus The strength indices for the columns are provided in
non-dimensional response indices were developed to compare the Fig. 16, which illustrates that the repair method is effective
repaired column to the corresponding original column in terms of in restoring the bending and/or torsional strength. The
strength, stiffness, and ductility, which were the extension of flexural strength restoration ranged from 63 to 111 %, and
previous work by Vosooghi and Saiidi (2013). The indices were torsional strength restoration ranged from 83 to 118 %.
then used to compare the performance of the repaired columns. Although Column 1-R was restored to 75 % of its original
flexural strength, the results can be misleading since the
6.3.1 Strength Index strength restoration was limited by the flexural capacity of
The strength of a column is defined as the maximum the repaired cross-section section with fractured bars,
measured applied load during the test (Vosooghi and Saiidi because the longitudinal CFRP failed prematurely. For
2009). The ratio of the repaired column strength to the ori- Columns 2-R, 3-R, and 4-R, which were subjected to com-
ginal column strength is defined as the strength index STRI, bined bending and torsion, either the flexural strength, the
which was determined by Eq. (1). torsional strength, or both, were fully restored. Bending-
Vr torque interactions played a role in the level of bending and
STRI ¼ torsional strength restored as discussed in the previous sec-
ð1Þ tions. For Column 5-R subjected to pure torsion, the tor-
¼ sional strength was fully restored.
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013) | 45
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
-175 -150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 -175 -150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
70 300 70 300
60 60
250 250
50 50
200 200
40 40
150 150
30 30
10 50 10 50
0 0 0 0
-10 -50 -10 -50
-20 -100 -20 -100
-30 -30
-150 -150
-40 -40
-200 -200
-50 Column 3 -50 Column 3
Column 3-R -250 Column 3-R -250
-60 -60
-70 -300 -70 -300
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Displacement (in.) Displacement (in.)
Twist (Deg) Twist (Deg)
-15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15
250 250
300 300
200 200
250 250
150 200 150 200
150 150
100 100
100 100
Torque (kips-ft)
Torque (kips-ft)
Torque (kN-m)
Torque (kN-m)
50 50
50 50
0 0 0 0
-50 -50
-50 -50
-100 -100
-100 -100 -150
-150 -200 -150 -200
Column 3 -250 Column 3 -250
-200 Column 3-R -200 Column 3-R
-300 -300
-250 -250
-0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Twist (rad) Twist (rad)
Fig. 12 General behavior of Column 3-R compared to Column 3. a Bending behavior. b Torsional behavior.
6.3.2 Stiffness Index In Eq. (2), Vp1 (Tp1) is the measured positive peak lateral
The stiffness of columns can be expressed by the initial load (torque moment) during the first cycle, and Dp1 (TWp1)
stiffness and the general service stiffness, which were is the corresponding lateral displacement (twist). Vn1 (Tn1) is
determined by the following methods. The initial stiffness the absolute value of measured negative peak lateral load
was determined by the ratio of the summation of absolute (torque), and Dn1 (TWn1) is the absolute value of the
values of positive and negative peak lateral load (torque for corresponding lateral displacement (twist).
torsion) in the first cycle of the test to the summation of The initial stiffness indices for the repaired columns are
corresponding absolute values of positive and negative dis- illustrated in Fig. 17. The initial bending stiffness indices
placement (twist for torsion) (Jing et al. 2007), which was ranged from 39 to 112 %, and initial torsional stiffness
calculated by Eq. (2). The ratio of the repaired column initial indices ranged from 32 to 81 %. With the exception of the
stiffness to the original column initial stiffness is defined as bending stiffness of Column 4-R/4, the initial stiffness of the
the stiffness index STFI1, which was computed by Eq. (3). repaired columns was lower than that of the corresponding
original columns. This reduction in initial stiffness is due to
Vp1 þ Vn1 the unrepaired cracked portions of the repaired columns and
Ki ¼
Dp1 þ Dn1 material degradation during the original tests.
Tp1 þ Tn1 The general service stiffness index was determined based
TWp1 þ TWn1 on an idealized envelope representing an elasto-plastic curve
(Vosooghi et al. 2008). For the original columns, the enve-
Kir lopes were idealized by setting the initial slope to pass
STFI1 ¼ ð3Þ
Kio through the first yield point and adjusting the plastic portion
46 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013)
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
-175 -150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 -175 -150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
60 60
250 250
50 50
200 200
40 40
150 150
30 30
0 0 0 0
Torque (kN-m)
Torque (kN-m)
50 50
50 50
0 0 0 0
-50 -50
-50 -50
-100 -100
-100 -150 -100 -150
-150 -200 -150 -200
Column 4 -250 Column 4 -250
-200 -200 Column 4-R
Column 4-R -300 -300
-250 -250
-0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Twist (rad) Twist (rad)
Fig. 13 General behavior of Column 4-R compared to Column 4. a Bending behavior. b Torsional behavior.
Torque (kips-ft)
Torque (kN-m)
Torque (kN-m)
50 75 50 75
0 0 0 0
-50 -75 -50 -75
-100 -150 -100 -150
-150 -150
-225 -225
-200 -200 Column 5
Column 5 -300 -300
-250 Column 5-R -250 Column 5-R
-375 -375
-300 -300
-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Twist (rad) Twist (rad)
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013) | 47
250 point on the measured envelope at which the applied load
(torsional moment) was one-half of the peak measured
value. The yield level was established by equalizing the
150 area between the measured and idealized curves. The ide-
100 alizations of the envelopes of the original and repaired col-
umns are illustrated in Fig. 18.
The general service stiffness index STFI2 is defined as the
0 ratio of the service stiffness of the repaired column Kr to that
-600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 of the original column Ko as shown in Eq. (4). The service
-50 Bending stiffnesses Kr and Ko are determined from the ratio of the
-100 plastic base shear (torque) to the effective yield displacement
(twist), which were obtained from the idealized curves (see
-150 Column 4
Column 4-R Fig. 18).
STFI2 ¼ ð4Þ
Fig. 15 Torque-to-moment ratios for Column 4 and Column The general service stiffness indices of the repaired
4-R. columns are summarized in Fig. 19. The general service
stiffness indices for bending ranged from 85 to 189 %, and
general service stiffness indices for torsion ranged from 69
to 138 %.
1.18 It should be noted that the general service stiffness indices
1.11 1.09 1.13
for the repaired columns are dependent on the idealization of
the measured envelopes of both original and repaired col-
0.8 0.75 umns. Results are sensitive to assumputions used in devel-
0.63 oping the idealized curves. Thus these index values are
presented herein to compare the global behaviors of the
0.4 repaired and corresponding original columns. Also, the tor-
que-bending interaction should be kept in mind in evaluating
these indices. In general, the general service stiffness was
0 restored more effectively than the initial stiffness.
Column Column Column Column Column
1-R/1 2-R/2 3-R/3 4-R/4 5-R/5
Bending Torque
6.3.3 Ductility Index
Fig. 16 Strength indices for repaired columns. The ductility index DI is defined as the ratio of the duc-
tility capacity of the repaired column Dr to that of the ori-
ginal column Do (see Eq. (5)). The ductility capacity is
1.2 defined as the ratio of the ultimate displacement (twist) to the
effective yield displacement (twist), which can be obtained
1 from the idealized curves in Fig. 18.
0.82 0.81
0.8 0.76 Dr
0.66 DI ¼ ð5Þ
0.45 The ductility indices in terms of both bending and torsion
0.32 are illustrated in Fig. 20. The ductility indices for bending
ranged from 68 to 250 %, and for torsion ranged from 69 to
170 %.
Similar to the general service stiffness indices, the ductility
Column Column Column Column Column indices for the repaired columns are dependent on the ide-
1-R/1 2-R/2 3-R/3 4-R/4 5-R/5
alization of the measured envelopes of both original and
Bending Torque
repaired columns. However, results are encouraging and
Fig. 17 Stiffness indices of initial state for repaired columns. suggest that the ductility can be restored to an extent that can
meet the needs of a temporary repair and allow emergency
service use after an earthquake. More work is needed to
so that areas under the measured curve and idealized curve determine whether this method can be used for permanent
were equal. For the repaired columns, the elastic part of the repair, in which case the ductility should be considered in
idealized curve was obtained by connecting the origin to the design and should be fully restored.
48 | International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013)
60 60
Vo (To) Ultimate D (Tw) Vr (Tr)
Ultimate D (Tw)
50 50
Effective Yield D (Tw)
Lateral Load/Torsional Moment
30 30
Vr/2 (Tr/2)
20 20
10 Ko 10 Kr
Envelope of Original Column Envelope of Repaired Column
1 Idealized Envelope 1 Idealized Envelope
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Displacement /Twist Displacement/Twist
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.7, No.1, March 2013) | 49
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