Comparison of Seismic Performance of RC Frames Strengthened With Four Different Techniques
Comparison of Seismic Performance of RC Frames Strengthened With Four Different Techniques
Comparison of Seismic Performance of RC Frames Strengthened With Four Different Techniques
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(Received: 27 May 2009; Received revised form: 26 June 2011; Accepted: 5 July 2011)
Key words: reinforced concrete (RC) frame, strengthening, steel strip, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP),
reinforced mortar, RC infill wall.
of columns (Jirsa and Kreger 1989; Sonuvar et al. 2004; frames i.e. addition of an RC infill wall or a masonry
Altın et al. 2007). Experiments showed that applied local infill wall strengthened with diagonal CFRP strips
strengthening techniques prevented local failure in the (Erdem et al. 2006). The test results have shown that,
spliced region of the boundary columns and improved both strengthening techniques provide approximately the
the strength, stiffness and energy dissipation capacity of same lateral strength, and the capacity of the frame using
the infilled frame. The effectiveness of RC infills for the CFRP strips depends on the number and effectiveness of
rehabilitation of damaged nonductile RC frames has been the CFRP anchors.
investigated. The research showed that if the seismic Another alternative strengthening technique is for
rehabilitation of a damaged structure is performed by non ductile low rise RC frames to be strengthened with
introducing RC infills to an adequate number of the bays steel members. Experimental studies with masonry
in both directions, it is not necessary to repair the infilled RC frames have shown that strengthening with
individual frame members. steel bracings is an economical and easy to apply
Lateral strength of RC frames is improved technique. In addition, it is effective for upgrading the
significantly by adding masonry infill walls (Bertero and seismic capacity of existing structures (Taghdi et al.
Brokken 1983; Calvi and Bolognini 2001; FEMA 356 2000; Bush et al. 1991; Maheri and Hadjipour 2003).
2000). In addition, strengthening of these masonry infill Diagonal and vertical steel strips connected to masonry
walls further improves the lateral load carrying capacity. wall lintels improved lateral strength and stiffness
Addition of a mesh reinforced mortar layer on one side (Taghdi et al. 2000). Steel members when used as
of a masonry infill wall is one of the strengthening internal bracings like a steel truss, inserted in the empty
techniques advised by the Turkish seismic regulations space enclosed by RC frame columns and beams, and if
(Altın et al., Turkish Seismic Code 2007). While these connections between the steel truss members and the RC
upgrading techniques are effective, they require a great frame are secured, can provide the required lateral load
deal of preparation work, and their construction may capacity.
disturb the ongoing building functions. Also these As can be seen from the above literature, few studies
techniques add considerable mass leading to higher have compared different strengthening techniques in
seismic loads. Hence, an alternative method of respect of seismic behavior effectiveness. The purpose
retrofitting is worth considering. During the last decade of this study is to determine the relative performance of
the use of fibre reinforced polymers for retrofitting and each strengthening technique. In this study, 1/3 scale
strengthening has become a valid alternative because of one bay one storey non ductile RC frames were
their small thickness, and relative ease of application. strengthened using the four different techniques: a)
Fibre reinforced polymers not only have the advantage of mesh reinforced mortar layer, b) diagonally placed
very high strength over conventional materials, but are CFRP strips, c) diagonally placed steel strips, d)
also lightweight and highly durable in many introducing a RC infill wall. All were tested under
environments. The strength and stiffness of a structure reversed cyclic lateral loads. The comparisons of the test
can be increased with negligible mass addition, which is results are made in terms of lateral strength, stiffness,
distinctly advantageous from a seismic perspective. storey drift ratio, ductility and failure mode.
Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) are widely
used to strengthen RC structures such as bridge girders, 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
piers, beams, columns, slabs, beam-column joints and 2.1. Details of Specimens
RC frames (Chen and Teng 2001; Teng et al. 2002; Dimensions and reinforcement details of the test frames
Smith and Teng 2002a, b; Smith and Teng 2003; Taljsten are given in Figure 1. For all of the test specimens, the
2003; Khalifa and Nanni 2002; Ye et al. 2002; Prota et geometric dimensions and reinforcement patterns are
al. 2004; Limam et al. 2005; Balsamo et al. 2005). identical. The test frame is a 1/3 scale, one-bay, one-
Experimental studies have shown that strengthening of storey nonductile RC frame. This test frame was
masonry infilled frames using CFRP is an effective detailed and purposely constructed to contain some
technique against seismic forces (Altın et al. 2008). deficiencies commonly observed in residential buildings
Experiments have shown that when CFRP strips are in many countries, such as inadequate lateral stiffness
connected correctly with the frame as well as the infill and weak column-strong beam joints. Insufficient
wall, a new lateral load carrying system is generated. As confinement of concrete is provided at column and
a result, the lateral load carrying capacity, and the beam ends, and no confinement is provided at beam
stiffness are increased and the storey drift ratio of the column joints. The ties that are used in test specimen
original frame is reduced significantly. One other study beams and columns have 90-degree hooks at their free
compares two different strengthening techniques for RC ends. The columns and beams have 100 × 150 mm and
net area to the gross area of the clay tiles is about 0.56.
8 mm bars were used as
10 mm bars
Both sides of the wall were plastered with the same
@155 mm
100 100 100
in columns and beam mortar material. The thickness of the plaster used at the
Beam and column ties two faces of brick walls was 7.5 mm. The total thickness
4 mm bars @ 100 mm of the clay tile with plaster was 80 mm. The aspect ratio
C (lw/hw, where lw = infill length, hw = infill height) of the
frame with masonry wall was 1.73. The details of the
10 mm dia. deformed bar
CFRP strip
250 (187.5)
CFRP strip width wCFRP = 200 mm
140 140
10 mm dia. deformed bar
Notes: CFRP anchorage of masonry wall
Remarks: Symbol represents masonry wall anchors
Pranthesis shows the wall anchorages spacing
(a) Specimen 2 (Mesh reinforced plaster layer) (b) Specimen 3 (Reinforced with diagonal CFRP strip)
20 mm dia. rods
10 mm dia. rods
hole dia.: 17
10 mm dia. deformed bar
100 × 50 × 4
L angle
mechanism is formed such that masonry wall carries anchorage regions to prevent a stress concentration
diagonal compression forces and the CFRP strip effect. The CFRP placed diagonally onto the infills
carries diagonal tension forces (Altın et al. 2008). were extended towards the frame members. In
CFRP strips were anchoraged to both the RC frame addition, to achieve a good connection between the
and the masonry infill as detailed in Figure 4. The hollow clay tile infill and the CFRP strips, fan type
ends of the CFRP strips bonded to the interior face of CFRP anchor dowels were used [Figure 4(c)]. The
the masonry wall are divided into 100 mm wide CFRP anchor dowels used in the hollow clay block
segments and wrapped on to 10 mm diameter infills were made from 50 × 200 mm2 carbon fiber
reinforcement pieces. These ends were then inserted strips. These strips were rolled and tied with ordinary
into 14 mm diameter holes and 100 mm in depths fibres. After laying the diagonal CFRP strips,
filled with epoxy resin [Figure 4(a)]. The CFRP anchorages were inserted into 14 mm diameter holes
anchor dowels used in RC frame members were drilled through the masonry wall from one face to the
formed from 30 × 240 mm2 carbon fibre strips. These other face. The locations of the masonry wall anchor
strips are rolled in the shorter direction, tied with dowels are shown as dots in Figure 2(b).
ordinary fibres and folded [Figure 4(b)]. 300 mm long Specimen 4 was strengthened with diagonal and
CFRP sheets with the same width were bonded to the vertical steel strips [Figure 2(c)]. A new shear resisting
and vertical steel strips, respectively. Hole diameters
RC frame
beam drilled onto masonry wall for the rods used as diagonal
and vertical strips were 17 mm and 12 mm,
Frame anchor. respectively.
10 mm dia. deformed bar Specimen 5 was strengthened with RC infill having
hole dia/depth: 12/120
a thickness of 50 mm. The details of the infill
Mesh reinfor. reinforcement and the dowels for Specimen 5 are
Plaster shown in Figure 2(d). Orthogonal reinforcement for
Wall anchor. the infilled wall consisted of 6 mm plain bars. The
6 mm dia. deformed bar Hollow clay tile reinforcement was placed on both faces of the wall.
hole dia/depth: 8/80
The ratio of wall reinforcement was ρv = ρh = 0.009 in
30 Interior side Exterior side
100 both the vertical and horizontal directions. The force
Added plaster layer transfer between the infilled wall and the existing frame
40 80
was achieved by means of dowels of 10 mm diameter
Existing masonry wall deformed bars embedded into the columns and beams.
Remarks: Frame and wall anchors holes were epoxy injected The depths of the drilled holes were 80 mm and 130 mm
at columns and beams, respectively. The dowels
Figure 3. Anchorage details of specimen 2 (Dimensions in mm)
extended 250 mm into the RC infill wall from the
foundation beam, the frame columns and the beams.
mechanism is formed such that the masonry wall that Holes were first drilled in the frame and the masonry
carries diagonal compression forces and the diagonal walls for the purposes of anchoraging the dowels and
steel strips carry diagonal tension forces. The vertical the threaded rods. The holes were then cleaned and
steel strips improve flexural strength. Four mm thick dowels or threaded rods inserted into the epoxy injected
diagonal steel strips 150 mm wide and 50 × 550 mm holes.
vertical strips were placed on both side of the masonry The basic design objective for the strengthened
wall symmetrically. Diagonal steel strips were used for specimens was to achieve yielding in RC column
carrying the great majority of the lateral load, and longitudinal reinforcement, and to observe ductile
vertical steel strips were used to improve the flexural flexural behavior for all strengthened specimens. There
capacity of the masonry infilled RC frame so that the was no specific target strength aimed at in this study, the
lateral storey drift ratio would be decreased. L shaped largest possible improvement in strength and stiffness
steel plates connected to specimen’s upper and lower was the aim. Geometrical details and dimensions were
beams were used to constrain the relative displacement chosen according to the general approach summarized
of connection points. Vertical steel strips were added to above and the design criteria for each strengthening
decrease the storey drift ratio and to achieve better technique. In addition, while designing strengthening
stiffness and strength levels. This is because masonry details, details were chosen to be easily applied and as
infill walls crush at a low storey drift ratios and lose economical as possible.
strength (Figure 5). Steel strips were connected to both
the RC frame and the masonry wall as detailed in 2.2. Materials
Figure 5. Vertical and diagonal steel strips on the For the experimental program, specimen frames with
interior side of the frame were connected to beam ends low compressive strength were constructed to
using 100 × 50 × 4 mm L shaped steel parts. These L represent the concrete strength of existing buildings.
shaped parts were connected to the beam and The average concrete compressive strength of the test
foundation of the frame with the help of 20 mm frames was 17.3 MPa on the day of testing. Concrete
diameter steel rods anchoraged in 22 mm diameter compression strengths lower than 20 MPa are
holes of 90 mm depth. The connection details at the forbidden within earthquake zones in Turkey
exterior of the frame were the same as for the interior. according to the Turkish Earthquake regulations
Steel strips placed on both sides of the wall were (Turkish Seismic Code 2007). The concrete
clamped to the masonry wall using steel threaded rods compressive strength of the RC infill used for
inserted into the holes drilled through the wall. The Specimen 5 was 30 MPa. The concrete cylinder
300 mm
CFRP anchorage
hole dia.: 14 mm
200 mm Remarks: Frame anchorages holes were epoxy injected
clay tile Interior face
RC column
30 mm 100
Remarks: Frame anchorages holes were epoxy injected
(b) Exterior side anchorage
specimen strengths are given in Table 1. Properties of Average compressive strength of the mortar was found
reinforcement and steel plate used in the specimens to be 2.6 MPa. The average compressive strength of the
are listed in Table 2. hallow clay tile in the direction of its holes was
The mix designs for the mortar used in the calculated as 7.8 MPa considering the gross area of the
construction of the masonry wall and for the plaster clay tile. Properties of CFRP sheets and resin used in
were identical. Mix proportions are given in Table 3. this study are given in Table 4.
20 mm dia. rods
4 326 708 Plain
hole dia.: 22 mm
6 427 489 Plain
8 592 964 Deformed
100 × 50 × 4 15 mm dia. rods 10 475 689 Deformed
L angle hole dia.: 17 mm 16 425 683 Deformed
Plaster Steel plate 210 325 –
150 × 1500 × 4 (Thickness = 4 mm)
diagonal strip Hollow clay tile
15 mm dia. rods
hole dia.: 17 mm Table 3. Mixture design of mortar and plaster
Remarks: Frame anchorages holes were poxy injected Properties of CFRP Remarks of CFRP
Construction Warp: Carbon Fibers (99% of total
areal weight) Weft : Thermoplastic
heat-set fibers (1% of total areal
Areal Weight (g/m2) 220 ± 10
Density (g/m3) 1.78 × 10–6
Thickness (mm) 0.12
Tensile Strength (MPa) 4100
Elastic Modulus (MPa) 231000
Ultimate Tensile Strain (%) 1.7 %
2.3. Test Setup and Instrumentation cycles. The identical loading history was applied to all
The testing configuration, loading system, and specimens up to the maximum load capacity, after
instrumentation are shown in Figure 6. Specimens which point loading was different for each specimen.
were tested under a cyclic lateral loading regime. Due to differences in strengthening details, specimens
Lateral load was applied to the specimens at beam showed different capacities, failure mechanisms and
level, using a hydraulic jack and the applied load behavior patterns. As a result, the identical
measured with a load cell. The capacities of the displacement controlled loading was not applied to all
equipment are 500 kN both in compression and specimens. After specimens lost their lateral load
tension. Load cycles were applied to specimens under carrying capacities, tests were considered completed.
load control up to the maximum load capacity, and During tests, the storey displacements and lateral
then displacement control was applied for further loads were monitored. Axial load was applied to the
cycles. Each cycle was repeated once and a 10 kN columns by prestressing tendons. The level of
load increment was applied for the load controlled the applied axial load in each test was about 10% of
350 350
300 Specimen-1 300 Specimen-2
No strengthening
250 250 Mesh reinforced
plaster Layer
200 200
150 150
Shear force (kN)
350 350
300 Specimen-3 300 Specimen-4
Reinforced with Reinforced with
250 250
diagonal CFRP strip diagonal steel strip
200 200
150 150
Shear force (kN)
100 100
50 50
0 0
−50 −50
−100 −100
−150 −150
−200 −200
−250 −250
−300 −300
−350 −350
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Drift ratio (10−2) Drift ratio (10−2)
300 Specimen-5
concrete infill
Shear force (kN)
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Drift ratio (10−2)
specimen reached the ultimate load level for both connecting steel strips to the frame. Wide shear cracks
forward and backward cycles. No damage was were observed at the unconfined column beam
observed in steel connection members used for connections of the frame. Diagonal steel strips
CFRP strip
Specimen 1
CFRP anchor
the full capacities of the specimens are attained. Due to specimens at ultimate lateral load were found to be
differences in the strengthening details applied to four larger than that of the reference specimen. The smallest
specimens, the lateral strengths achieved were different. and largest storey drift ratios were 0.57% and 1.28% for
Specimens 4 and 5 reached the target lateral strength level Specimens 3 and 4, respectively.
with the help of the strengthening techniques employed. Initial stiffness is defined as the initial slope of the
But Specimens 2 and 3 could not reach the target strength load displacement curve on the first forward half cycle.
level. The ratios of the initial stiffness of the strengthened
The storey elastic analysis drift limit specified by the specimens to that of the reference specimen varied
Turkish Seismic Code (Turkish Seismic Code 2007) is between 1.82 and 7.01 (Table 5). The smallest and the
also shown in Figure 13 for comparison purposes. After largest initial stiffnesses were observed in Specimens 2
revision of the Turkish Earthquake regulations in 2007, and 4, respectively. CFRP strips that carry diagonal
the storey drift ratio failure limit for strengthened tension forces at the masonry infill wall increased the
infilled walls is given as 0.35% in the newly added initial stiffness by 300%. Diagonal steel strips are more
section of the regulations. Every code provides similar effective for increasing lateral stiffness. The ratio of the
limits to prevent extensive structural and non-structural RC infilled specimen stiffness to the reference specimen
damage and to minimize second order effects. The stiffness was 6.31.
Turkish seismic code specified an interstorey drift limit Displacement ductility ratios of the specimens were
of 0.0035 for the type of strengthened masonry infill calculated as the storey drift ratio at which the load
wall systems used in this study. No strength degradation carrying capacity dropped by 15% to 85% of the
was observed for the backward and forward cycles and maximum load carrying capacity to the storey drift ratio
there was no significant stiffness degradation up to this at the maximum load carrying capacity. These values are
limit for any off the strengthened specimens. After tabulated in Table 5. Ductility ratios of the strengthened
exceeding the interstorey drift limit, lateral drift ratios specimens except for Specimen 4, strengthened with
increased more rapidly without significant increase in steel strips, are larger than that of the reference Specimen
the lateral loads except for Specimen 4 that was 1. The most ductile behavior is observed for Specimen 2,
strengthened with steel strips. The strength degradation which was strengthened with a reinforced mortar layer.
beyond the peak is much more significant for Specimen Displacement ductility ratios of the strengthened
3 when compared to the other strengthened specimens. specimens vary between 1.37 and 2.03.
When a comparison is made of the lateral strength losses
at 1.5% storey drift ratio among the strengthened 5. CONCLUSIONS
specimens, the largest loss is observed for Specimen 3 at In the study presented, the behavior and the strengths of
66%. The smallest loss was achieved by Specimen 2 at nonductile 1/3 scale RC frames strengthened by four
21%. Strength losses were 28% and 42% for Specimens different strengthening techniques were investigated
4 and 5, respectively. Specimens 2 and 4 preserved their experimentally under cyclic lateral loading. The
strengths at large displacements and storey drift ratios. following conclusions can be drawn in the light of the
As can be seen from Table 5, both the strengths and tests reported in this paper.
the stiffnesses of the strengthened specimens are • All four strengthening techniques increased
significantly higher than those of the reference specimen lateral stiffness and strength significantly. The
(Specimen 1). The ratios of the ultimate lateral strength ratios of the ultimate strengths of strengthened
of the strengthened specimens to the reference specimen specimens to that of the reference specimen
range between 1.53 and 4.81. The smallest ultimate varied between 1.51 and 4.82. The smallest
lateral strength was obtained with Specimen 2, which ultimate lateral strength was obtained with
was strengthened with mesh reinforced mortar layer, Specimen 2, which was strengthened with a mesh
and the highest was obtained with Specimen 4 reinforced mortar layer, and the largest ultimate
strengthened with diagonal steel strips. The shear lateral strength was obtained with Specimen 4,
resisting mechanism in the carrying of compression and which was strengthened with steel strips. The
tension loads with two crossed diagonal strips was ratios of the initial stiffnesses of strengthened
successful in enhancing the lateral load carrying specimen to that of the reference specimens
capacity of Specimen 4. The ultimate lateral strength of varied between 1.82 and 7.01. The smallest and
Specimen 3 was 118% larger than that of the reference largest initial stiffness values were obtained from
specimen, and that of the Specimen 5 was 26% larger Specimens 2 and 4, respectively. The fact that
than the Specimen 3. RC infill increased the strength by when the stiffness increased, the lateral load
174%. Storey drift ratios for all of the strengthened capacity of the structure also increased should not
be forgotten and these two parameters should be strengthened specimens is desirably reached
balanced. Applied strengthening techniques when yield occurs of the column longitudinal
improved both stiffness and lateral strength. reinforcements. In this situation the full capacities
Strengthening technique for Specimen 2 of the specimens are used. Due to differences in
produced the smallest increase in stiffness and the strengthening details applied to the four
lateral strength. In contrast the technique applied specimens, the lateral strengths achieved were
to Specimen 4 produced the largest increase. different. Specimens 4 and 5 reached the target
• The most successful lateral strength and stiffness lateral strength level due to the details of the
increase was observed for Specimen 4, which was strengthening technique used. Specimens 2 and 3
strengthened with steel strips. The newly were not able to reach the target strength level.
established shear resisting mechanism using steel • The Turkish seismic code specifies an interstorey
strips carrying the diagonal compression and drift limit of 0.0035 for the type of RC systems
tension forces in the masonry wall without any used in this study. No strength degradation was
buckling resulted in lateral load carrying capacity observed during the backward and forward
and stiffness increases of by 381% and 601%, cycles, and there was no significant stiffness
respectively. The weakest lateral strength and degradation up to this 0.0035 limit for any of the
stiffness was observed in the specimen for which strengthened specimens. After exceeding the
a mesh reinforced mortar layer was introduced. interstorey drift limit, lateral drift ratios increased
The reinforced mortar layer increased the lateral more rapidly without significant increase in the
strength and stiffness of the nonductile reinforced lateral loads except for Specimen 4, which was
concrete frame with masonry infill wall by 53% strengthened with steel strips. The strength
and 82%, respectively. The weak adhesion degradation beyond the peak is much more
capability and low compressive strength of the significant for Specimen 3 when compared with
mortar prevented the mesh reinforcement from the other strengthened specimens. Comparing the
carrying shear forces as the dowel bars in the layer lateral strength losses at 1.5% storey drift ratio
crushed the mortar. among the strengthened specimens, the largest
• CFRP strips that carry diagonal tension forces loss was observed for Specimen 3 at 66%. The
increased the lateral strength and stiffness by smallest loss was exhibited by Specimen 2 at
118% and 300%, respectively. Rupture of the 21%. Specimens 2 and 4 preserved their strengths
CFRP strips determined the lateral load carrying well the 1.5% storey drift ratio.
capacity of Specimen 3. Rupture of the CFRP • Ductility ratios of strengthened specimens except
strips caused a sudden drop in lateral load for Specimen 4, which was strengthened with
carrying capacity. Lateral displacement of the steel strips, are larger than that of the reference
frame then started and cracks were initiated in Specimen 1. The greatest degree of ductile
the masonry infill wall. This action caused behavior was shown by Specimen 2, which was
direction changes in the CFRP fibers. As a result, strengthened with a reinforced mortar layer.
CFRP strips were affected not only by the axial Displacement ductility ratios of the strengthened
force but also the transverse loads and failed specimens varied between 1.37 and 2.03.
prematurely. • When strengthening techniques are considered
• The lateral load carrying capacity of the against cost criteria the most successful ones are
Specimen strengthened with the RC infill wall those used for Specimen 2 and the Specimen 4
was 26% larger than that of Specimen 3. There in material terms. But if maintenance and
was no significant change in lateral load carrying workmanship cost is taken into account, the
capacity of specimen 5 up to 1.0% lateral drift most economical technique is that for Specimen
ratio for both forward and backward cycles. The 3. When the techniques are investigated with
nonductile RC frame was severely damaged by respect to constructability, the Specimen 5
loading cycles applied after the ultimate strength method takes needs the greatest time and
of the specimen had been reached. The shear resource effort. By contrast the Specimen 3
forces were transferred from the RC infill wall to method requires the least time and effort. The
the RC frame by diagonal compressive struts, anchorages needed for securing the
and which caused the column ends of the strengthening elements for Specimens 2, 4 and 5
nonductile RC frame to fail in shear. require too much time and workmanship effort.
• The target lateral load strength for the
Ye, L., Yue, Q., Zhao, S. and Li, Q. (2002). “Shear strength of reinforced NOTATION
concrete columns strengthened with carbon-fiber reinforced plastic fc compression strength of concrete
sheet”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 12, fsy yield strength of reinforcements
pp. 1527–1534. fsu ultimate strength of reinforcements
hw height of infill wall
lw length of infill wall
ρh sectional area horizontal reinforcement ratio of
ρv sectional area vertical reinforcement ratio of