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Composites Part B
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Keywords: Large-area silver nanoplates were constructed in poly(lactic acid) to achieve high electrical conductivity and
Poly(lactic acid) excellent electromagnetic interference shielding at low content of silver. Poly(lactic acid) micro-particles were
Silver nanoplates firstly coated with thin silver layer by electroless plating. The coated micro-particles were then fused together to
Electromagnetic interference shielding
form the poly(lactic acid)/silver nanocomposites with large-area silver nanoplates via a hot pressing. The
Electrical conductivity
thickness and compact degree of silver nanoplates was relative to the etching time of micro-particles and con
Conductive polymer composites
centration of silver ions in solution, while the lateral size of silver nanoplates was dependent on the diameter of
poly(lactic acid) micro-particles. Because of the large-area silver nanoplates, the microwaves were efficiently
absorbed by repeated reflection-absorption at the interfaces between silver and poly(lactic acid).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mwang@swu.edu.cn (M. Wang).
Received 6 January 2019; Received in revised form 7 April 2019; Accepted 1 May 2019
Available online 4 May 2019
1359-8368/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Li et al. Composites Part B 171 (2019) 204–213
0.012 S/m and ~17 dB, respectively, by constructing double percolation methanol were bought from Chongqing Chuandong Chemicals Co., Ltd.,
network in the polymer matrix [34]. China.
In addition, multilayered structure [35–38] and cellular structure
[39–42], were also found to improve EMI SE values via enhancing 2.2. Preparation of Ag coated PLA micro-particles
multiple reflection of electromagnetic radiation. For example, the mi
crowave absorbing efficiency of carbon black filled polypropylene Fig. 1 shows the processing procedures of the Ag coated PLA micro-
increased from 12 to 33 dB by increasing the number of layer from 2 to particles and the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with large-area Ag nano
128 layers for the composites [43]. The outstanding EMI shielding plates. First, PLA micro-particles with different average diameters of
performance was found in the PLA/MWCNT foam with an EMI SE value 700, 500, 350, and 150 μm were etched in 0.025 mol/L NaOH meth
of close to 30 dB by adding an extremely low MWCNT content of just anol/water (2/1) solution for 0, 6, 12, and 48 h, respectively, to get the
0.0024 vol %, because of the multiple reflection of microwaves in the surface with high roughness and hydrophilicity. For convenience, the
cellular structure [44]. samples named as diameter-etching time. For instance, the 700-E48
Carbonaceous conductive fillers, such as carbon black and carbon sample means that the average diameter is 700 μm and the etching
nanotubes, were usually added to polymer matrix to form CPCs for EMI time is 48 h for the PLA micro-particles. Second, the Ag layer was
shielding [45–47]. Recently, two-dimensional (2D) conductive fillers, deposited on the surface of the etched PLA micro-particles by electroless
such as graphene [48–50] and MXenes [51–54], have well demonstrated plating, according to our previous work [65]. Before Ag deposition, the
to be more efficient to improve EMI SE for CPCs. For example, the PLA micro-particles were sensitized in the SnCl2 acid aqueous solution,
graphene filled ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers film exhibited the which was composed of 1.0 g SnCl2⋅2H2O and 200 mL dilute HCl solu
EMI SE values of 23 dB at thickness of ~350 μm [55]. The segregated tion (1.0 vol.%), for 20 min. The Sn2þ was absorbed onto the surface of
polystyrene/MXene nanocomposites exhibited not only a low percola the PLA micro-particles (Fig. S1). After absorption of Sn2þ, the Ag par
tion threshold of 0.26 vol% but also an outstanding EMI SE of >54 dB ticles were deposited onto the PLA surface. Double reductants of glucose
with the low MXene content of 1.90 vol% [56]. The high performance of and sodium tartrate were applied to ensure the Ag particles grew stably
EMI shielding for the CPCs with 2D conductive fillers was ascribed to the and uniformly. The sensitized PLA micro-particles were added into
large lateral area of fillers, which could reflect and absorb electromag 0.08 mol/L silver ammonia solution and reduction solution composed
netic waves efficiently [56]. However, the back draws for the develop with glucose (1.4 g), sodium tartrate (3 g), NaOH (0.5 g), and distilled
ment of CPCs with 2D fillers were the complex preparation process of 2D water (50 mL) for 4 h after washing three times by distilled water.
fillers and the low cost performance ratio. Noticeable, the 2D metal Finally, the Ag coated PLA micro-particles (Ag@PLA) were dried in a
materials with cost efficient have been rapidly developed in the field of vacuum oven at the 80 � C over night for the hot pressing. The PLA
energy and environment [57–59]. Unfortunately, constructing 2D metal micro-particles with Ag layer were confirmed by an EDS and XRD
materials in polymer matrix was very difficult to improve EMI SE of evaluation (Figs. S2 and S3).
CPCs because of the lost controlling dispersion of 2D metal materials in
polymer matrix, although controlling dispersion of 0D and 1D metal
materials in polymer matrix has been well demonstrated to improve EMI 2.3. Preparation of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with large-area Ag
SE of CPCs [60–64]. nanoplates
In this work, the 2D large-area Ag nanoplates were also constructed
in PLA matrix to achieve high performance EMI shielding at low content The PLA/Ag nanocomposites with large-area Ag nanoplates were
of Ag nanoplates. First, the PLA micro particles were coated with com hot-pressed at 180 � C and 10 MPa. The Ag@PLA micro-particles were
pacted Ag layer by electroless plating. The PLA micro particles etched in compressed into ϕ12 mm circular sheets with various thickness of 1.0,
NaOH methanol/water to rough the surface and enhance the interfacial 1.5, and 2.7 mm, respectively, for electrical conductivity and EMI
interaction between Ag and PLA mirco-particles. Second, the PLA/Ag evaluation.
composites with uniform dispersion of 2D large-area Ag nanoplates were
achieved by fusing the Ag coated PLA micro-particles together via a hot 2.4. Characterizations
pressing at 180 � C and 10 MPa. During the hot pressing, the Ag layer on
the surface of the PLA micro-particles was broken into 2D large-area Ag 2.4.1. Scanning electron microscope
nanoplates. Because of the in-situ breaking up, the 2D large-area Ag The morphology of etched PLA micro-particles, Ag coated PLA
nanoplates were uniform dispersion in PLA matrix. Furthermore, the micro-particles, and the PLA/Ag nanocomposites were evaluated by a
thickness of Ag nanoplates was tuned by the etching time of PLA micro- field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) (JEOL-7800F) at
particles and the concentration of Agþ solution, while the lateral area of an accelerating voltage of 10.0 kV. For the PLA/Ag nanocomposites, the
Ag nanoplates was regulated by the diameter of PLA micro-particles. samples were cryo-fractured and coated with thin layer platinum before
Finally, the PLA/Ag nanocomposites exhibited high electrical conduc the SEM observation. In order to further proof the formation of the large-
tivity and excellent EMI shielding at low content of Ag owing to the Ag area Ag nanoplates, the PLA/Ag nanocomposites was dissolved in
nanoplates with large area. For example, outstanding EMI SE of dichloromethane and collected the sediments which were the Ag
60.4 dB at the thickness of 2.7 mm was achieved in the PLA/Ag nano nanoplates. The SEM test was used to observe the sediments.
composites with only 0.99 vol% Ag.
2.4.2. Electrical conductivity
2. Experimental The electrical conductivity of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites was tested
on a four-point probe instrument (RTS-8, Guangzhou Four-Point Probe
2.1. Materials Technology Co., Ltd., China) at room temperature. At least five speci
mens were tested and the average data was given.
Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) micro-particles with four different average
diameters of 700, 500, 350, and 150 μm, AgNO3 (99.8%), SnCl2⋅2H2O 2.4.3. Electromagnetic interference shielding
(98%) were kindly provided by Shenzhen Esun Industrial Co. Ltd., The EMI SE of the samples in the frequency range of 8.2–12.4 GHz
China, Tianjin Ruijinte Chemicals Co., Ltd., China and Sigma-Aldrich (X-band) was tested by using an Agilent N5247A vector network
Co., LLC., St. Louis, USA, respectively. The PLA micro-particles have a analyzer at room temperature via the coaxial method. The samples were
melt index of ~7 g/10min (210 � C/2.16 kg) and a density of compressed into ϕ12 mm circular sheets with various thickness of 1.0,
1.25 � 0.05 g/cm3. Glucose, sodium tartrate, sodium hydroxide, 1.5, and 2.7 mm for the test.
J. Li et al. Composites Part B 171 (2019) 204–213
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the processing procedure for the Ag coated PLA micro-particles and the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with large-area Ag nanoplates.
3. Results and discussion was found in the samples with longer etching time. The Ag layer of the
non-etched PLA micro-particles was sparse with exposed holes, as shown
3.1. Morphology in Fig. 3g. After 12-h etching, the Ag layer gradually became dense and
the holes disappeared (Fig. 3h). The Ag layer was more compact after
In order to enhance the interfacial interaction between Ag particles the 48-h etching (Fig. 3i), indicating that more Ag particles were
and PLA, the surface of PLA micro-particles was etching in a NaOH deposited on the surface of PLA micro-particles with longer etching
methanol/water solution. After etching, the hydrophilicity of PLA time. Certainly, the thickness of the Ag layers could be regulated by
micro-particles was improved (Fig. S4), which was benefit to deposit Ag controlling the etching time.
particles on their surface. Furthermore, some PLA chains in the amor Finally, the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with large-area Ag nanoplates
phous phase were removed by the solution, which left micro- or nano- were fabricated by the hot compression molding under high compres
holes on the surface [66]. The micro- or nano-holes also increased the sion pressure. Fig. 4 shows the morphology and the dispersion of Ag
interfacial interaction between PLA micro-particles and Ag layers. Fig. 2 particles in the PLA/Ag nanocomposites prepared by compression
shows the surface of PLA micro-particles and etched PLA molding different diameter of PLA micro-particles. As expected, Ag
micro-particles. Without etching, the surface of PLA micro-particles was nanoplates with large area were found in all the samples by compression
too compact to deposit Ag particles on the surface stably. After etching, molding form the PLA micro-particles. It was because that the coated Ag
the surface of PLA micro-particles became rough and had many micro- layers were crushed into Ag nanoplates during fusing the Ag@PLA
or nano-holes. The holes and roughness of surface increased with micro-particles. Obviously, the Ag nanoplates were distributed uni
increasing the etching time. formly in PLA by this kind of fabrication, as shown in Fig. 4. Further
Fig. 3 shows Ag coated PLA micro-particles with different etching more, the lateral size of Ag nanoplates was much relative to the average
time. After Ag electroless plating, a thin of Ag layer, which was diameter of Ag@PLA micro-particles. The average length of Ag nano
composed of Ag nanoparticles, was coated on the surface of the PLA plates was shorter than the average diameter of Ag@PLA micro-
micro-particles. For convenience, the coated PLA micro-particles were particles. The average lengths of Ag nanoplates were ~150, ~200,
defined as Ag@PLA particles. As expected, the more compact Ag layer ~350, and ~500 μm for the 150-E12, 350-E12, 500-E12, and 700-E12,
Fig. 2. SEM images of the PLA micro-particles (700 μm) without etching (a, d), etching 12 h (b, e), and etching 48 h (c, f).
J. Li et al. Composites Part B 171 (2019) 204–213
Fig. 3. SEM images of Ag coated the PLA micro-particles (700 μm) without etching (a, d, g), etching 12 h (b, e, h), and etching 48 (c, f, i).
Fig. 4. SEM images of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with large-area Ag nanoplates by the compression molding from different average diameter of PLA micro-
particles: 150 (a), 350 (b, c), 500 (d) and 700 μm (e, f). The etching time was 12 h for all the PLA micro-particles. The red arrows in the images indicated the
large-area Ag nanoplates. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
respectively. The results indicated that the larger lateral size could be compact and thick Ag nanoplates were found in the samples after
formed in the samples with larger PLA micro-particles. etching, indicating the etching procedure was really beneficial to the
Fig. 5 shows the sediments of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites preparing deposition of Ag particles. The results were consistent with the obser
from 700-E0 and 700-E12 particles. Indeed, the large-area Ag nano vation of the Ag@PLA micro-particles. We believe that the large-area Ag
plates were found in the sediments, suggesting that it is reliable for our nanoplates formed in PLA matrix can abruptly enhance the EMI
strategy to fabricate large-area Ag nanoplates. Furthermore, the shielding of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites.
J. Li et al. Composites Part B 171 (2019) 204–213
Fig. 5. The sediments of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites after removing PLA phase: (a, c) 700-E0 and (b, d) 700-E12.
3.2. Electromagnetic interference shielding from 0.4 S/m and ~5 dB to 495 S/m and 32 dB by increasing the Agþ
concentration from 0.02 to 0.08 mol/L.
3.2.1. Effect of Agþ concentration during the deposition The EMI SE, which is the sum of absorption shielding (SEA), reflec
The amount of Ag particles coated on the surface of PLA micro- tivity shielding (SER), and multiple reflections shielding (SEM), can be
particles was an important issue for improving the electrical conduc evaluated by the incident (Pin) and transmitted electromagnetic power
tivity and EMI shielding of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites. Herein, the PLA (Pout), SETotal ¼ 10 log (Pin/Pout) ¼ SEA þ SER þ SEM [65,67]. The com
micro-particles were coated with different Agþ concentration to mercial requirement of EMI shielding materials is above 20 dB, indi
construct a high efficient conductive network in the PLA/Ag nano cating the materials attenuated 99% microwave. Herein, the EMI SE of
composite and finally improve the electrical conductivity and EMI SE. In the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with the Agþ concentration of 0.08 mol/L
order to investigate the effect of Agþ concentration during the deposi was 32 dB, suggesting that the nanocomposite attenuated 99.94% mi
tion on EMI shielding and electrical conductivity, the PLA micro- crowave. In addition, the SEM can usually be negligible when SETotal is
particles with the same size (700-E0) were coated under the same pro above 15 dB [63]. Therefore, the SEA, and SER can further be calculated
cedure and conditions. The electrical conductivity and EMI SE of PLA/ by SEA ¼ 10 log (T/(1-R)) and SER ¼ 10 log (1-R), respectively, where
Ag nanocomposite with the thickness of 1.5 mm increased with R is the power coefficient of reflectivity and T is the power coefficient of
increasing the Agþ concentration, as shown in Fig. 6. For example, the transmissivity. Fig. 6b shows the SEA and SER of the nanocomposites
electrical conductivity and EMI SE of PLA/Ag nanocomposite increased preparing with the Agþ concentration of 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 mol/L. The
Fig. 6. (a) EMI SE as a function of frequency (X-band) for the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with the thickness of 1.5 mm prepared from the Ag@PLA micro-particles (700-
E0) that were coated with various Agþ concentration (mol/L); (b) Comparison of SEA, SER at 12.4 GHz and electrical conductivity for the PLA/Ag nanocomposites.
J. Li et al. Composites Part B 171 (2019) 204–213
SEA value was higher than the SER value, indicating the First, the electrical conductivity and EMI SE increased with
absorption-dominated EMI shielding for all the samples. For example, increasing the etching time for all the samples preparing from the
SEA and SER of the nanocomposites preparing with the Agþ concentra different average diameter of PLA micro-particles. For example, the
tion of 0.08 mol/L were 26.8 dB and 6.1 dB at the frequency of electrical conductivity and EMI SE of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites,
12.4 GHz, respectively, which SEA had a contribution of 81.5%, while which were formed from PLA micro-particle with the diameter of
SER had 18.5%, to the shielding performance. Obviously, the SEA value 350 μm, increased from 401 S/m and ~25 dB to 2725 S/m and ~44 dB
increased greatly while SER increased slightly with the Agþ concentra from without etching to the 48-h etching, respectively. The improve
tion, indicating that the increasing EMI SE was mainly due to the ment on the electrical conductivity and EMI SE was ascribed to the more
increasing SEA. Therefore, the PLA/Ag nanocomposite with large-area Ag coating on PLA surface with longer time etching. The fraction of Ag
Ag nanoplates was a typically absorption-dominated shielding mecha for the PLA/Ag nanocomposites were tested by a thermogravimetric
nism, mainly depending on the high electrical conductivity and the analyzer (TGA) (TA Q600, USA) at a heating rate of 10 � C/min from 40
large-area Ag nanoplates. to 600 � C under N2 atmosphere (50 mL/min) (Fig. S5). The content of Ag
in PLA matrix increased from 0.38 to 0.93 vol% from without etching to
3.2.2. Effect of etching time and diameter of PLA micro-particles the 48-h etching. Due to the improvement on the hydrophilicity and
Fig. 7 shows the EMI SE of the PLA/Ag nanocomposite prepared from roughness of the PLA micro-particles after etching, the surface could
the PLA micro-particles with the average diameter of 700, 500, 350, and provide more active sites for the Ag electroless plating, resulting in
150 μm with different etching time at the X-band (8.2–12.4 GHz). In higher content of Ag in the nanocomposites. The higher Ag loadings
order to obtain excellent EMI SE, the Agþ concentration of 0.08 mol/L turned out the thicker and more compact Ag nanoplates, leading to
was selected to study the influence of lateral size of the Ag nanoplates higher electrical conductivity and EMI SE. However, the conductivity of
and etching time on electrical conductivity and EMI SE. Because of the the composites was still lower than that of Ag materials which can reach
large-area Ag nanoplates and their well dispersion, the PLA/Ag nano 6.3 � 107 S/m. The result was ascribed to the junction resistance in the
composites exhibited high electrical conductivity and excellent EMI composites. Because the Ag nanoplates were trapped in the PLA matrix,
shielding. For example, the electrical conductivity and EMI SE of the the junction resistance existed between Ag nanoplates.
PLA/Ag nanocomposites reached 2967 S/m and ~45 dB, when the Second, the electrical conductivity and EMI SE decreased with
particle size was 700 μm and the etching time was 48 h. It should be increasing the average diameter of PLA micro-particles at the same
noticed that the content of Ag was only 0.82 vol%, indicating that the etching time. For example, the 150-E48 samples had the highest elec
large-area Ag nanoplates were more efficient to enhance EMI SE than trical conductivity and EMI SE among 150-E48, 350-E48, 500-E48, and
that of the segregated Ag chains in PLA matrix [63]. 700-E48 samples. According the above discussion, the lateral size of the
Fig. 7. EMI SE as a function of frequency (X-band) for the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with the thickness of 1.5 mm prepared from the PLA micro-particles with the
average diameter of 700 (a), 500 (b), 350 (c), and 150 μm (d) with different etching time.
J. Li et al. Composites Part B 171 (2019) 204–213
Ag nanoplates increased with increasing the average diameter of PLA 3.2.3. Effect of thickness of the PLA/Ag nanocomposite
micro-particles. The results indicated that electrical conductivity and Fig. 9 shows EMI SE of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with different
EMI SE was irrelative to the lateral size of the Ag nanoplates but relative thickness. Obviously, the EMI SE of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites
to the 2D structure of the Ag nanoplates. However, we noticed that the increased with increasing the thickness from 1.0 mm to 2.7 mm, because
content of Ag increased with decreasing the average diameter of PLA of the increasing amount of Ag nanoplates in the nanocomposites to
micro-particles because of the larger surface area in the smaller micro- attenuate the incoming electromagnetic waves. Exhilaratingly, the
particles. For instance, the Ag loading of the 700-E0 samples was nanocomposites with thickness of only 1.0 mm presented a satisfactory
0.24 vol%, but the 150- E0 samples reached 0.42 vol%. The more Ag EMI SE of 36.9 dB, which already exceeded the requirement for EMI
loadings usually leaded to the higher electrical conductivity and EMI SE. shielding industrial applications. The high performance EMI shielding of
Fig. 8 shows the SETotal, SEA and SER of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites the nanocomposites was also ascribed to low skin depths of the com
preparing from the PLA micro-particles with the average diameter of posites which were less than 300 μm (Fig. S6). Normally, the composites
700, 500, 350, and 150 μm and different etching time. Obviously, SETotal had high performance EMI shielding when the skin depths was lower
and SEA increased with etching time, while SER increased slightly, than the thickness of the samples [63]. When the sample thickness was
indicating that the improvement of EMI SE was mainly attributed to the 2.7 mm, the EMI SE reached 60.4 dB which attenuated 99.9999% the
increase of SEA. For example, the SETotal, SEA and SER of the 500-E0 incoming electromagnetic waves. In addition, the contribution of SEA to
samples are 24.7, 18.1, and 6.6 dB at the frequency of 9.0 GHz. The SE Total was larger than that of SER, also demonstrating the
contribution of the absorption and reflection to the total EMI SE were absorption-dominated shielding mechanism.
73.3 and 26.7%, respectively. However, the SETotal, SEA and SER of the
500-E48 samples are 40.2, 29.3, and 10.9 dB at the frequency of
3.3. Mechanism
9.0 GHz. The contribution of the absorption and reflection to the total
EMI SE were 72.9 and 27.1%, respectively. The results indicated that the
Table 1 gives comparison of EMI SE of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites
PLA/Ag nanocomposites exhibited an absorption-dominated shielding
in this work and the reported values of some CPCs in the X-band. In this
mechanism. The etching process was conducive to increase the Ag
work, the EMI SE reached 36.9 dB with only thickness of 1.0 mm and the
loading, as well as the absorption of electromagnetic waves, and finally
Ag content of 0.99 vol%. Compared with the reported work for the PLA-
improved EMI SE of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites.
based CPCs, the high-performance EMI SE was achieved in the PLA/Ag
Fig. 8. Comparison of total EMI shielding effectiveness (SETotal), microwave absorption (SEA) and microwave reflection (SER) at the frequency of 9.0 GHz for the
PLA/Ag nanocomposites with the thickness of 1.5 mm prepared from the PLA micro-particles with the average diameter of 700 (a), 500 (b), 350 (c), and 150 μm (d)
with different etching time.
J. Li et al. Composites Part B 171 (2019) 204–213
Fig. 9. EMI SE as a function of frequency (X-band) for the PLA/Ag nanocomposites prepared from the PLA micro-particles with the average diameter of 150 μm with
etching time of 48 h: (a) effect of thickness on EMI SE, (b) comparison of the SETotal, SEA, and SER at the frequency of 9.0 GHz.
Table 1
Comparison of EMI SE of the PLA/Ag composites with large-area Ag nanoplates and the reported values of some CPCs in the X-band. Our results were indicated by the
bold font.
Filler Polymer matrix Filler content Thickness EMI SE (dB) Method Ref.
Ag nanoplates PLA 7.75 wt% (0.99 vol%) 1.0 mm 36.9 Electroless plating This work
1.5 mm 46.1 Electroless plating This work
2.7 mm 60.4 Electroless plating This work
Ag PAN 20 wt% 0.75 mm 40 Electroless plating [68]
Ag PLA 2.3 vol% 1.5 mm 33 Electroless plating [63]
AgNW WPU 28.6 wt% 2.3 mm 20 Dipping [61]
AgNW PDA/PPy 20 wt% 95 μm 25.9 In-situ polymerization [69]
Ag/BaTiO3 PVDF 20 vol%/15 vol% 1.2 mm 21 Solvent processing [70]
Graphite PLLA 5 wt% 2.0 mm 45 Injection molding [71]
MWCNT PLLA 10 wt% 2.5 mm 23 Foaming [72]
MWCNT PLLA/PDLA 1.48 vol% 3.7 mm 21.6 Freeze drying [26]
GNP PLLA 15 wt% 1.5 mm 15.5 Melt processing [48]
MWCNT PDMS 3 wt% 2.0 mm 31.02 Melt processing [45]
Cu PS 7 vol% 3 mm 30 Electroless plating [73]
Au/MWCNT PVDF 3 wt%/3 wt% 0.5 mm 26.7 Solvent processing [74]
nanocomposites with large-area Ag nanoplates at low conductive filler nanoplates, the microwaves were efficiently absorbed by repeated
loadings and thin samples. The excellent EMI SE for the PLA/Ag nano reflection-absorption at the interfaces between Ag nanoplates and PLA
composites was ascribed to the large-area Ag nanoplates, which could matrix.
attenuate incoming microwaves efficiently. Fig. 10 illustrates the
mechanism of EMI shielding for the PLA/Ag nanocomposite with large- 4. Conclusion
area Ag nanoplates. When the incident waves transmitted though the
nanocomposites, it would separate into the reflected waves, the trans In this work, the PLA/Ag nanocomposites with large-area Ag nano
mitted waves and the absorbed waves. Because of the large-area Ag plates were fabricated by Ag electroless plating on the surface of the PLA
micro-particles to achieve high electrical conductivity and excellent EMI
SE. Because of the improvement on the hydrophilicity and roughness of
the PLA micro-particles after etching, the thick and compacte Ag
nanoplates was coated on the surface of the particles, which induced the
higher electrical conductivity and EMI SE. For example, the electrical
conductivity and EMI SE of the PLA/Ag nanocomposites, which weskire
formed from PLA micro-particles with the diameter of 350 μm, increased
from 401 S/m and ~25 dB to 2725 S/m and ~44 dB from without
etching to the 48-h etching, respectively. In addition, the average lateral
lengths of Ag nanoplates were ~150, ~200, ~350, and ~500 μm for the
150-E12, 350-E12, 500-E12, and 700-E12, respectively, indicating the
Ag nanoplates with larger lateral size were achieved by using the bigger
PLA micro-particles. However, the electrical conductivity and EMI SE
were weak correlation with the lateral size of Ag nanoplates, but
dependent on the amount and the 2D structure of Ag nanoplates. For
example, the electrical conductivity and EMI SE of PLA/Ag nano
Fig. 10. Schematic representation of mechanism of EMI shielding for the PLA/ composite increased from 0.4 S/m and ~5 dB to 495 S/m and 32 dB by
Ag nanocomposite with large-area Ag nanoplates. increasing the Agþ concentration from 0.02 to 0.08 mol/L, because more
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