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Kong Et Al., 2023

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International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials

Volume 30, Number 3, March 2023, Page 570


Ultralight pyrolytic carbon foam reinforced with amorphous carbon

nanotubes for broadband electromagnetic absorption

Luo Kong ✉, Sihan Luo, Shuyu Zhang, Guiqin Zhang, and Yi Liang
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Functionalization for Inorganic Materials, Shaanxi University of
Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China
(Received: 17 January 2022; revised: 2 March 2022; accepted: 16 March 2022)

Abstract: For electromagnetic wave-absorbing materials, maximizing absorption at a specific frequency has been constantly achieved, but en-
hancing the absorption properties in the entire band remains a challenge. In this work, a 3D porous pyrolytic carbon (PyC) foam matrix was
synthesized by a template method. Amorphous carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were then in-situ grown on the matrix surface to obtain ultralight
CNTs/PyC foam. These in-situ grown amorphous CNTs were distributed uniformly and controlled by the catalytic growth time and can en-
hance the interface polarization and conduction loss of composites. When the electromagnetic wave enters the internal holes, the electromag-
netic energy can be completely attenuated under the combined action of polarization, conductivity loss, and multiple reflections. The ultralight
CNTs/PyC foam had a density of 22.0 mg·cm−3 and a reflection coefficient lower than −13.3 dB in the whole X-band (8.2–12.4 GHz), which is
better than the conventional standard of effective absorption bandwidth (≤−10 dB). The results provide ideas for researching ultralight and
strong electromagnetic wave absorbing materials in the X-band.
Keywords: ultralight; carbon foam; amorphous carbon nanotubes; broadband electromagnetic absorption

1. Introduction low density, strong conductivity loss, and stability. However,

the application of single-component carbon is hindered by its
Issues related to the high-frequency X-band electromag- too high or weak dielectric loss, which is mainly reflected in
netic wave with the wavelength of 2.4 × 10−2–3.7 × 10−2 m the difficulty of regulating the dielectric constant to the op-
have become increasingly serious, such as severe pollution to timal matching value. Therefore, single-component carbon
the surrounding environment and even threats to human must be combined with other carbon materials to improve its
health and information security. Electromagnetic wave-ab- EA properties. In addition, the permittivity and dielectric loss
sorbing (EA) materials could attenuate electromagnetic en- could be regulated by adjusting the structure.
ergy to reduce electromagnetic pollution [1–4]. An ideal EA How to synthesize an ultralight EA material that can
material should have the characteristics of thin thickness, achieve high absorption in the whole frequency band is a ur-
light density, strong absorption capacity, and wide absorp- gent problem. In our previous work, we obtained CNTs/re-
tion band; among them, ultralight and broadband EA materi- duced graphene oxide (RGO) hybrids by in-situ growing
al is the focus of current research [5]. Although EA materials amorphous CNTs on RGO sheets and then mixing them with
are continuously pursued to achieve maximum absorption at polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The generated composite
a certain frequency, the challenge of reaching high absorp- shows excellent absorption performance. When the content
tion in the whole frequency band remains. In addition, EA of CNTs/RGO hybrids is 5wt%, the minimum reflection
materials must be ultralight. A possible solution to this prob- coefficient (RC) reaches −55 dB, and the electromagnetic
lem is suitable composition selection and structural design. wave-absorbing broadband (EAB) is 3.5 GHz [16].
Although magnetic loss materials, such as CoNi [6], FeNi However, CNTs/RGO hybrids cannot meet the requirements
[7], and Fe3O4 [8], have excellent EA performance, they have of ultralow density because they are added into PDMS as ab-
a large density, and their application is limited by the Curie sorbents to form a macro block EA material. On this basis,
temperature [9]. The characteristics of dielectric loss materi- we carried out further research on reducing the density. Ac-
als depend on their microstructure, chemical, and phase com- cording to the Maxwell Garnett theory [17–19], a porous
position [10–12]. Carbon materials, mainly including structure can reduce the density, adjust the dielectric loss, and
graphene [13], carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [14], and carbon improve impedance matching. Using the previously de-
fiber [15], have suitable compositions that meet the require- scribed CNTs/RGO hybrids as the structural unit, we as-
ments of ultralight and broadband absorption because of their sembled a self-supporting 3D CNTs/RGO foam with the

✉ Corresponding author: Luo Kong E-mail: kongluo@sina.com

© University of Science and Technology Beijing 2023
L. Kong et al., Ultralight pyrolytic carbon foam reinforced with amorphous carbon nanotubes for broadband ... 571

density reduced to 33 mg·cm−3 by freeze-drying. However, was again immersed in DA suspension for 1 h under the same
its aperture is too small, and the large volume fraction of the condition. The functionalized PyC foam was then immersed
absorbent leads to a large dielectric constant and conductiv- in Co(CH3COO)2 solution (5 mg·mL−1) for 3 h, washed with
ity. Therefore, the foam can only be used as an ultralight deionized water several times, and dried under 80°C. Cobalt
electromagnetic interference shielding material. When the catalyst was then uniformly loaded onto the sample surface.
thickness of the CNTs/RGO foam is 2 mm, its average elec- The as-prepared PyC foam was heated to 600°C and held for
tromagnetic shielding effectiveness in X-band reaches 36 dB 5 min in a tube furnace under H2/Ar (20vol%, 200 mL·min−1)
[20]. Therefore, reducing the volume fraction of absorbent to reduce the cobalt catalyst. CNTs were then in-situ grown
and the conductivity have become a new research goal. A in the PyC foam under 600°C by flowing the liquid precurs-
method of loading carbon material into nickel foam as a tem- or (acetone) and H2/Ar carrier gas mixture (20vol%, 200 mL·
plate and then etching it to produce porous carbon foam has min−1) into the furnace at ambient pressure. The reaction time
been recently developed [21] and shows the advantage of ob- was 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 min.
taining porous carbon material with controllable microstruc-
ture and low density. Inspired by it, we used high-porosity 2.2. Characterization
nickel foam as a template to prepare graphene (G) foam by The crystal structure of CNTs/PyC foam was identified by
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and grow amorphous an X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Rigaku D/Max-2400, Japan)
CNTs on the surface to obtain CNTs/G foam. The volume using Cu target Kα radiation (λ = 0.15406 nm) at a working
fraction of the CNTs in the G foam was reduced, and the voltage of 40 kV, current of 100 mA, scanning step of 0.02°,
density of CNTs/G foam was only 97.1 mg·cm−3. However, and scanning range of 5°–70°. Raman spectra were meas-
the G foam matrix still cannot meet the requirements of wave ured by a Renishaw Ramoscope (Confocal Raman Micro-
absorption due to its ultrahigh conductivity and continuous scope, inVia, Renishaw, He–Ne laser, λ = 514 nm). The mor-
3D network structure that may cause impedance mismatch- phology of the CNTs/PyC foam was observed by a scanning
ing [22]. On the basis of the above analysis, further reduction electron microscope (SEM, FEI, 5 kV) and a transmission
in the conductivity of the matrix in composites is the key to electron microscope (TEM, FEI-Tecnai, 200 kV). The
obtaining ultralight EA materials. CNTs/PyC foam was ultrasonically dispersed in ethanol for
In this work, pyrolytic carbon (PyC) foam with low con- 30 min and then dropped onto a TEM grid for TEM observa-
ductivity was employed as the matrix and further modified tions. The direct current (DC) conductivity of the CNTs/PyC
using low crystalline CNTs. PyC foam was prepared from Ni foam was calculated according to Ohm’s law using the two-
foam as sacrificial templates. Polydopamine (PDA) was used probe measurement. The sample was cut into a standard cube
as the precursor of PyC and the carrier of catalyst to achieve with two ends completely connected to the copper wires us-
the controllable distribution of in-situ grown CNTs on the ing a brushing silver paste. Resistance was directly measured
matrix. The CNTs/PyC foam is a self-supporting 3D struc- by volatility, and the average value was obtained after mul-
ture with submillimeter-sized holes that allow multiple re- tiple measurements using Keithley 6220 DC power supply.
flections and repeated loss of incident electromagnetic wave Conductivity was calculated according to the following
[23–28]. The in-situ grown CNTs can significantly enhance equation of Ohm’s law:
the conductivity loss of the composite. A systematic study l
σ= (1)
was conducted on the influence of the morphology and com- RS
position of CNTs/PyC foam on the dielectric loss and EA where σ is the electrical conductivity of the material, l is the
property. Finally, an ultralight material with strong electro- length between the end faces of the silver paste coated on the
magnetic absorption across the entire X-band was synthes- sample to be measured, S is the cross-sectional area of the
ized using the design strategy of macro and micro structure. sample, and R is the measured resistance. The wave-guide
method was used to measure the dielectric properties of
2. Experimental CNTs/PyC foam by a VNA (Anritsu, MS4644A). The
2.1. Fabrication of CNTs/PyC foam sample was cut with a dimension of 22.86 mm × 10.16 mm.
RC was calculated from the complex permeability and per-
The Ni foam template (Alantum Advanced Technology mittivity according to the following equations [29]:
Materials Shenyang, 1.6 mm thickness and 320 g·m−2 in area Zin − 1
density) was ultrasonically cleaned and then soaked in RC = 20lg (2)
Zin + 1
dopamine (DA) suspension (dispersed in 30 mmol·L−1 Tris √
buffer, 2 mg·mL−1, pH = 8.5) for four cycles. The reaction µr ( √ )
Zin = tanh j2π µr εr f d/c (3)
condition was kept for 12 h under light exclusion. After soak- εr
ing, the PDA@Ni foam was heat-treated in a tube furnace where Zin is the normalized input impedance, εr is the relative
(GSL-1100, Hefei Kejing Materials Technology Co.) at complex permittivity (εr = ε′ − jε″), µ r is the relative com-
450°C in an inert atmosphere. The sample was then sub- plex permeability (µ r = µ' − jµ″), j is the imaginary part unit,
merged in 3 mol·L−1 HCl solution for 24 h at 80°C to com- c is the velocity of light in the free space, f is the frequency,
pletely dissolve the nickel and obtain a 3D free-standing PyC and d is the sample thickness. Here, µ' was approximately
foam. For the preparation of functionalized PyC, the sample equal to 1, and µ″ was approximately equal to 0 because the
572 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 30 , No. 3 , Mar. 2023

materials exhibited negligible magnetic properties. RC fre- porous substrates because of their complex pore wall struc-
quency range smaller than −10 dB was defined as EAB. ture. Thus, uniformly loading the catalyst particles in a por-
ous structure is difficult [30]. In this work, an active buffer
3. Results and discussion layer PDA containing a large number of catechol groups was
formed on the surface of the PyC foam. With Co(CH3COO)2
3.1. Structure design strategy as a catalyst precursor, Co nanoparticles were uniformly
The design of material structure mainly consists of two as- loaded onto the surface of the PyC foam through chelating so
pects: microstructure and macroscopic configuration. In that a uniform catalyst layer can be loaded onto the inner sur-
terms of macroscopic configuration, we selected 3D porous face of the 3D porous structure substrate [31]. Only this
structure for the following advantages. First, this structure method can produce uniformly and densely grown CNTs.
can greatly reduce the density of the material. Second, the The length and content of CNTs can be adjusted by con-
porous structure is beneficial in adjusting the permittivity and trolling the reaction time to reach the most suitable conduct-
improving the impedance matching. According to the Max- ivity and permittivity for the CNTs/PyC foam.
well Garnett theory, a change in pore volume correspond- 3.2. Morphology and crystalline phase
ingly alters effective permittivity. Therefore, the pores could
tune the permittivity and impedance matching. Finally, when SEM images of the CNTs/PyC foam demonstrate the
the aperture satisfies 2πh/λ ≈ 1 (where h is the cell size of ma- growth and distribution of CNTs on the surface of the PyC
terials and λ is the wavelength of the electromagnetic (EM) foam with increasing gas-phase reaction time, as shown in
wave), the porous structure facilitates the multiple reflections Fig.1. Fig. 1(a) indicates that the PyC transformed by the
of incident electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic wave pyrolysis of the PDA coating layer can be self-supported into
energy is repeatedly attenuated to improve the absorption a 3D foam structure after the Ni foam etching. Fig. 1(b) re-
properties. For their application in different wavebands, por- veals that the surface of PyC is not smooth but has dense con-
ous materials must be prepared with tunable pore size. In- vex particles. DA hydrochloride is a monomer molecule in-
spired by the adhesion of mussels, the DA monomer can con- volved in polymerization that first oxidizes to form dispersed
tinuously oxidize and self-polymerize on any substrate sur- PDA aggregate particles and then further adheres to the sur-
face to form a PDA film. The thickness can be adjusted ac- face of the substrate.
cording to the reaction conditions. When the thickness con- According to the CNTs growth mechanism, CNTs uni-
stitutes enough strength to support the 3D structure, the pre- formity can be determined by the dispersion of catalytic met-
cursors of porous PyC foam can be quickly obtained by etch- al nanoparticles to a large extent. In the gas-phase reaction,
ing the templates. The aperture size is adjusted according to too high catalyst concentration will lead to catalyst agglom-
the template structure. eration, and a large carbon source flow will speed up the de-
However, the conductivity of PyC foam is extremely low position rate of PyC and result in catalyst deactivation. After
due to its low crystallization degree. Although it has suitable the appropriate catalyst concentration and acetone flow rate
impedance matching characteristics for incident electromag- were selected, the microstructure of the composites was ad-
netic wave, its conductivity loss is weak and cannot meet the justed by changing the catalytic reaction time. Fig. 1(c–h)
requirements of EA. Materials with high absorbing capacity shows that the composites maintained a 3D porous network
need to have a low real part of the dielectric constant and an structure with an aperture of about 200–300 µm after the
appropriate conductivity (1 S·m−1). Therefore, introducing catalytic growth of CNTs. For the 10 min reaction time, most
strong dielectric loss materials to PyC foam is necessary to of the growing CNTs were still in the initial stage, and only
improve its EA performance. Compared with crystalline some long CNTs scattered on the PyC foam surface. The
CNTs, amorphous CNTs have moderate conductivity and content of CNTs was only 16.7wt%. The length and distribu-
better impedance matching characteristics and can be used as tion of CNTs significantly changed with the gradual prolong-
an excellent electromagnetic absorbent with abundant struc- ation of reaction time. When the time was extended to
tural defects and nanoscale interfaces. On the microscale, the 50 min, villous CNTs with a length of more than 10 µm grew
hierarchical structure nanocomposite obtained by combining uniformly on the pore walls of the PyC foam and the content
amorphous CNTs and PyC foam can form abundant nano increased to 43.2wt%. The pores in the PyC foam provided
heterogeneous interfaces and conductive connections. In ad- enough space for CNTs growth and a broad path for the pen-
dition, the dielectric loss of CNTs/PyC foam is greatly im- etration of the gaseous carbon source.
proved compared with that of PyC foam alone. Fig. 2(a) shows the densely and uniformly grown CNTs
Nanomaterials are inevitably agglomerated, difficult to with a diameter of about 25 nm on the PyC substrate. The
disperse, and unevenly distributed. Controllable CNTs distri- high magnification shows the in-situ grown CNTs have an
bution is an important technology that can be achieved amorphous microstructure because of the low reaction tem-
through in-situ catalytic growth. With this approach, each perature (Fig. 2(b)). Co catalysts can be found on top of the
CNT unit can play a full role and further improve the absorp- CNTs, which is consistent with the top growth mechanism.
tion efficiency. However, uniform CNTs distribution and im- Raman spectroscopy is helpful in characterizing the de-
proved polarization loss are difficult to achieve using physic- fect and structure of carbon materials. Fig. 2(c) exhibits two
al mixing methods. Traditional catalyst preparation tech- prominent Raman peaks at ~1300 and ~1580 cm−1 corres-
niques, including sputtering and coating, are unsuitable for ponding to the D and G bands of carbon, respectively. By
L. Kong et al., Ultralight pyrolytic carbon foam reinforced with amorphous carbon nanotubes for broadband ... 573

(a) CNTs: 0wt% (b)

200 μm 5 μm

(c) CNTs: 16.1wt% (d)

200 μm 5 μm

(e) CNTs: 25.6wt% (f)

200 μm 5 μm

(g) CNTs: 43.2wt% (h)

200 μm 5 μm

Fig. 1. SEM images of PyC foam and CNTs/PyC foam at different reaction times: (a–b) 0 min; (c–d) 10 min; (e–f) 30 min; (g–h) 50 min.

contrast, after the growth of CNTs in PyC foam, the intensity dielectric loss, resulting in the high transmission of incident
of the D band gradually exceeded that of the G band, indicat- electromagnetic waves. After the in-situ growth of CNTs on
ing that the in-situ grown CNTs have many defects and a low PyC foam for 10, 30, 40, and 50 min, the value range of ε′
crystallization degree. The crystal structure of CNTs/PyC was 1.23–1.44, 1.43–1.6, 1.43–1.63, and 1.65–1.78, respect-
foam was analyzed by XRD, as shown in Fig. 2(d). The typ- ively, and that of ε″ ranged 0.05–0.22, 0.39–0.58, 0.58–0.84,
ical peaks of both samples were observed at 9.5°, corres- and 0.9–1.3, respectively. As shown in the curves of the real
ponding to the matrix component of PyC with a low graphit- and imaginary parts of permittivity with each sample in the
ization degree. After the catalytic growth of CNTs, a broad figure, on the whole, ε′ began to show a decreasing trend
peak appeared at 26.3°, corresponding to the (002) crystal with increasing frequency. This finding may be attributed to
planes of graphite structure, thus confirming the low graphit- the electrons in CNTs that are responsible for polarization at
ization degree. In addition, two diffraction peaks appeared at low frequency. ε″ also showed a decreasing trend in the fre-
41.2° and 51.5°, corresponding to the (111) and (200) crystal quency range 8.2–12.4 GHz. According to similar reports on
planes of Co, respectively [32]. carbon materials, a relaxation peak in ε″ occurs below
8.2 GHz [34]. Among the different samples, ε′ and ε″
3.3. Dielectric properties
showed an overall gradual upward trend with increasing re-
The dielectric constant of the samples was measured in X- action time. The dielectric loss in X-band was further ana-
band (8.2–12.4 GHz) by the wave-guide method, as shown in lyzed by using the loss tangent (tan δ = ε″/ε′) of PyC foam
Fig. 3(a–b). The real part of the permittivity (ε′) corresponds (black line) and CNTs/PyC foam, as shown in Fig. 3(c).
to the storage capacity of electromagnetic wave energy, and When the permittivity meets the impedance matching re-
the imaginary part of the permittivity (ε″) corresponds to the quirements, a high dielectric loss means a high EA capacity.
dissipation capacity of electromagnetic wave energy [33]. The results showed that the dielectric loss increased with the
The ε′ and ε″ of pure PyC foam were ~1.26 and ~0.03, re- growth time of CNTs from the initial loss tangent value of
spectively. The extremely low permittivity indicates the low 0.01–0.02 to the maximum value of 0.53–0.74 at different re-
574 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 30 , No. 3 , Mar. 2023

(a) (b)

PyC Co



500 nm 50 nm

(c) (d)
Relative intensity / a.u.

Relative intensity / a.u.

2D D+G (111) Co

CNTs/PyC foam CNTs/PyC foam

PyC foam
PyC foam

1000 2000 3000 4000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Raman shift / cm−1 2θ / (°)
Fig. 2. (a–b) TEM and HRTEM images of CNTs/PyC foam, (c) Raman spectra of PyC foam and CNTs/PyC foam, and (d) XRD
spectra of PyC foam and CNTs/PyC foam.
(εs − ε∞ ) ωτ
action time. For further exploration of the dielectric loss ε′′p = (6)
mechanism, resistance and conductivity were measured ac- 1 + (ωτ)2
cording to Ohm’s law, as shown in Fig. 3(d). When the CNTs σ
ε′′c = (7)
reached a certain amount, the conductivity exceeded the ωε0
threshold and increased rapidly from 2.21 × 10−7 to 0.32 where εs is the static permittivity (ω→0, ε = εs), ε∞ is the op-
S·m−1, an increase of nearly 1.5 × 106 times. According to the tical frequency permittivity (ω→∞, ε = ε∞), and τ is the re-
Debye theory [35−36], ε″ can be calculated by Eq. (4) as fol- ( )
dA εB +dB εA
lows: laxation time . The polarization loss calcu-
dA σB + dB σA
σ σ
ε′′ = = (4) lated by Eq. (6) is shown in Fig. 3(e). The polarization loss of
ωε0 2π f ε0
the composite increased with prolonged reaction time. The
where ε0 is the free space dielectric constant (8.854 × 10−12 enhanced interface polarization loss can be attributed to the
F·m−1), and ω is the angular frequency. Fig. 3(d) shows the large number of heterogeneous interfaces and nanoscale mi-
relationship between the conductivity of the material and the cro capacitors formed by the CNTs grown on the PyC foam
average value of ε″. According to this figure, the increase in
surface. Interface polarization at macroscopic heterogeneous
the two factors corresponded to each other, that is, the dielec-
interfaces mainly responds in the MHz band because it takes
tric loss of materials depends on their conductivity. The in-
too long to respond in the GHz band. However, the presence
crease in ε″ was ascribed to the continuous growth of CNTs,
of a large number of nano-level heterogeneous interfaces and
which correspondingly increases the conductivity of the
the nano-effect affects the response band of interface polariz-
ation. The corresponding band of the polarization effect of
In general, the dielectric loss of carbon materials mainly
the nanoscale heterogeneous interface can move from MHz
includes conductivity loss ε″c and polarization loss εp″ (dipole
to high frequency GHz [14]. Conductivity loss was calcu-
polarization and interface polarization) [37]. The contribu-
lated using Eq. (7), as shown in Fig. 3(f). The results showed
tion of these two loss mechanisms can be calculated as fol-
that the conductivity loss increases significantly with the in-
creasing of reaction time, which corresponds to the increase
(εs − ε∞ ) ωτ σ
ε′′ = ε′′p + ε′′c = + (5) of the conductivity. The effect of free electrons on ε″ is great-
1 + (ωτ)2 ωε0 er than that of polarization loss. Under the influence of an ex-
L. Kong et al., Ultralight pyrolytic carbon foam reinforced with amorphous carbon nanotubes for broadband ... 575

1.9 1.6 1.0

Imaginary part of permittivity

0 min 30 min 0 min 30 min
(b) 1.9 (c) 0 min 30 min
Real part of permittivity

1.8 10 min 40 min 10 min 40 min 10 min 40 min

50 min 1.2 50 min 50 min
1.7 0.7
1.0 0.6
1.6 0.8 0.5

tan δ
1.5 0.6 0.4
1.4 0.3
1.3 0.2 0.1
0 0
8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9 10 11 12 13
Frequency / GHz Frequency / GHz Frequency / GHz

0.35 1.2 0.9

0.7 (e) 0 min 30 min
10 min 40 min 0.8 (f) 0 min 30 min
Conductivity / (S·m−1)

0.6 0.7 10 min 40 min

50 min

Conductivity loss
Polarization loss
0.8 0.5 0.6 50 min
Average ε″

0.20 0.4 0.5

0.15 0.3 0.4
0.4 0.3
0.10 0.2
0.2 0.2
0.05 0.1 0.1
0 0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9 10 11 12 13
Reaction time / min Frequency / GHz Frequency / GHz
Fig. 3. Relationship between dielectric constant and frequency of CNTs/PyC foam at different CNTs growth times: (a) real part
permittivity; (b) imaginary part permittivity; (c) loss tangent; (d) average ε″ and conductivity; (e) polarization loss; (f) conductivity loss.

ternal electromagnetic field, CNTs can form conductive cur- reaction time was due to the shortened relaxation time of
rents within the material, thus causing the loss of electromag- electron polarization. The imaginary part of the dielectric
netic energy in the form of heat energy. A comparison of constant also increased due to the increase in conductivity.
contributions revealed that polarization loss played a more However, the growth rate of ε″ was higher than that of ε′ by
dominant role than conductivity loss when the CNTs began nearly 100 times, indicating the fast increase in the conduct-
to grow on the PyC foam. When the CNTs had grown for 30
ivity loss of CNTs/PyC foam. At first, the PyC foam had ex-
min or longer, although the conductivity loss and interfacial
tremely low conductivity and barely exhibited conductivity
polarization loss of the composite showed an increasing
loss. Owing to the strong conductivity generated by the net-
trend, the contribution of the former increased significantly
and gradually exceeded that of the latter. This finding was at- work structure of densely distributed CNTs, the conductivity
tributed to the conductive network formed by the CNTs with loss of the composite was greatly improved.
high enough contents. Characteristic impedance (Z) is an important indicator to
Fig. 4(a) shows the comparison of change in the dielectric evaluate the electromagnetic absorption properties and the in-

constant of CNTs/PyC foams. The average dielectric con- µ
cidence of electromagnetic wave in materials. Z = =
stant of CNTs/PyC foam grown for 50 min increased by 36% ε
√ √ √
and 3872% in the real and imaginary part, respectively. The µ0 µr µr
increase in the real part of the dielectric constant with a long · = Z0 · , where Z0 is the intrinsic imped-
ε0 εr εr
1.8 (a) ε′ (b) 0 min 40 min
ε″ 10 min 50 min
340 30 min
1.4 18% 22%
Average permittivity

1.2 3872% 320


0.8 300

0.6 1571%

0.2 307%
0 10 30 40 50 8 9 10 11 12 13
Reaction time / min Frequency / GHz
Fig. 4. Comparison of the (a) dielectric constant and (b) characteristic impedance of CNTs/PyC foams at different growth time.
576 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 30 , No. 3 , Mar. 2023

ance of free space (Z0 = 377 Ω), µ 0 is the permeability of va- smallest at only −0.6 dB when the thickness and frequency
cuum (1.26 × 10−6 H·m−1), and ε0 is the permittivity of vacu- were 8.18 mm and 12.4 GHz, respectively. The RC of the
um (8.85 × 10−12 F·m−1). When Z approaches the free space, PyC foam cannot reach −10 dB in any frequency and thick-
the electromagnetic wave energy can enter the absorber with ness, indicating its poor EA property. When CNTs were
less surface reflection. Fig. 4(b) shows the Z of CNTs/PyC grown on the PyC foam, the EA capacity of the latter was
foam with different growth time. The largest characteristic strengthened, and the frequency corresponding to RCmin shif-
impedance was observed for PyC foam. The Z of CNTs/PyC ted to a low level. With the growth time of 50 min, the EA
foam decreased with prolonged growth, indicating that the property of CNTs/PyC foam was significantly enhanced, as
impedance matching gradually deteriorated. The lowest Z of illustrated in Fig. 5(d), with the RC reaching the minimum
254–276 Ω was found for the CNTs/PyC foam with 50 min value of −29.6 dB at 8.2 GHz and 7.94 mm. The above res-
growth. ults revealed that the EA properties of CNTs/PyC foam are
regulated by its microstructural changes, and excellent EA
3.4. EM absorption properties
properties are achieved when the growth time reaches 50 min.
On the basis of the metal backplane model, the RC of the Fig. 6(a) shows the RC curves of CNTs/PyC foam with
samples was determined from the complex permeability and different catalytic growth time in the X-band. No EAB was
permittivity using Eq. (2) [29]. In general, RC and EAB obtained for the samples with a growth time of less than 50
should be considered comprehensively in evaluating the per- min. When the catalytic growth time was 50 min, the EAB
formance of EA materials. was always wide enough to cover the whole X-band. In addi-
Fig. 5 is the 3D representation of RC for CNTs/PyC foam tion, the RC values in the whole X-band were all less than
in X-band with different thicknesses and catalytic growth −13.3 dB. The thickness of the sample has a significant ef-
time. Fig. 5(a) shows that the RC of the PyC foam was the fect on the EA properties, resulting in significant change in

RC / dB RC / dB
0 (a) −0.1
(b) −4
−0.2 −5
RC / dB

−0.5 −6
RC / dB

12.4 GHz −0.3

−10 8.2 GHz
8.18 mm −8
−0.4 10 mm
−1.0 −0.6 dB −15 −11.4 dB
12 −0.5 10 9 −10
8 11 8 11 12
d/m 6 10 −0.6 d/m 7 6 10
m 9 / GHz m 5 8 9 G H z
c y cy /
Frequen Frequen

RC / dB RC / dB
(c) (d) −10
−5 −6 −10
RC / dB
RC / dB

−8 −15
−10 −20
8.2 GHz −10 −25 8.2 GHz −20
−15 9.04 mm −30 7.94 mm
10 9 −14.5 dB −12 10 9 −29.6 dB −25
8 11 12 8 11 12
d/m 7 6 9 10 −14 d/m 7 6 9 10
m 5 8 cy / G H z m 5 8 cy / G H z
Frequen Frequen
Fig. 5. 3D reflection coefficient of (a) pure PyC foam, (b) 30 min CNTs/PyC foam, (b) 40 min CNTs/PyC foam, and (d) 50 min
CNTs/PyC foam.

0 (a) −5

−5 −10

−10 −15
RC / dB

RC / dB

−13.3 dB

−15 −20

5.0 mm 5.5 mm
−20 6.0 mm 6.5 mm
10 min 30 min 7.0 mm 7.5 mm
−30 8.0 mm
−25 40 min 50 min
8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9 10 11 12 13
Frequency / GHz Frequency / GHz

Fig. 6. Reflectance coefficient of CNTs/PyC foam: (a) different growth time with 6.6 mm; (b) different thickness at 50 min.
L. Kong et al., Ultralight pyrolytic carbon foam reinforced with amorphous carbon nanotubes for broadband ... 577

RCmin and EAB [38]. The RC values of CNTs/PyC foam with cient conductivity of PyC foam without causing impedance
50 min growth time and different thicknesses (5–8 mm) are mismatch. In addition, under the action of alternating electro-
shown in Fig. 6(b). With the increasing matching thickness, magnetic fields, electric charges accumulate on the in-situ
the RCmin transferred to a low frequency and the EAB gradu- grown CNTs surface and the heterogeneous interface formed
ally expanded. These phenomena can be explained by the law by the CNTs and PyC foam, leading to polarization loss
of quarter-wavelength attenuation. [40–41]. Meanwhile, migration conductance within CNTs
For the excellent EA performance of CNTs/PyC foam, a and hopping conductance between each CNT might have oc-
potential absorption mechanism was proposed as shown in curred [42]. The electron conduction and transition in the
Fig. 7. First, the 3D network and submillimeter porous struc- CNTs transform the electromagnetic wave energy into heat
ture allow the electromagnetic wave to enter the material and energy, which constitutes conductivity loss [43]. In sum-
form multiple reflections, thus increasing the propagation mary, the in-situ grown CNTs enrich the loss mechanism of
distance of electromagnetic wave and resulting in the mul- PyC foam and enhance its electromagnetic absorption per-
tiple dissipations of electromagnetic wave under alternating formance.
electromagnetic fields [39]. Second, the in-situ grown CNTs Fig. 8(a) exhibits the histogram of serial samples with op-
on the PyC foam presents a uniform distribution. The moder- timal thickness, bandwidth, density, and RCmin in the present
ate conductivity of CNTs improves the problem of insuffi- work, and Fig. 8(b) and Table 1 summarize the EA proper-

Incident waves
Ni foam PyC foam CNTs/PyC foam


ehup E

transition Heterointerface Capacitor
22 mg·cm−3

Fig. 7. Schematic of EM absorption enhancement mechanisms in CNTs/PyC foam.

(a) −29.6 dB (b) MAMs X-band (EAB≤−13 dB) Bandwidth / GHz

This work 4.2
CNTs/PyC foam Carbon honeycomb [52] 2.3
Porous carbon [57]
Carbon 1.6
22.0 mg·cm−3 3D carbon foams [39]
materials C foam [58]
GF [27] 1.0
HCNFs-coated CFs [44] 3.9
TRGN [45] 3.4
7.9 mm Carbon
CNTCF [59]
PCHMs [28]
4.0 GHz CNT/RGO foam [16]
composite 3.0
PANI /Fe3O4/MWCNT [47]
materials 3.0
SiC/PyC-coated CF [53]
Co/N-doped CNTs/CS [48] 2.3
50 RGO/NBR [51] 2.6

40 2.6

CF@G@PPy [49]
SiCnw/GA [46] 3.3

RGO/ZnOnws foam [24] 3.2

Composite C/SiCnws foam [56] 1.8
n ti

10 Ti3C2Tx/SiCnws foams [60] 3.5



·cm −

RGO/SiCnws foam [50] 2.6


0 RGO/PPy/Fe3O4 acrogel [54] 2.2


CF/MXene [55] 2.2




8 9 10 11 12
ty /



Frequency / GHz




Fig. 8. (a) Histogram of serial samples with optimal thickness, bandwidth, density, and minimum RC and (b) comparison of
CNTs/PyC foam with representative EA materials (marked 8.2–12.4 GHz).
578 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 30 , No. 3 , Mar. 2023

Table 1. EM absorption performance of CNTs/PyC foam and some representative EA materials in the X-band
Density / Thickness / RCmin / Frequency range (≤−13 dB) / Bandwidth (≤−13 dB) /
Materials Ref.
(mg·cm−3) mm dB GHz GHz
CNTs/PyC foam 22.0 6.6 −29.6 8.2–12.4 4.2 work
HCNFs-coated CFs — 2.5 −32 8.5–12.4 3.9 [44]
GF 14 10 −29 8.8–12.4 3.6 [27]
TRGN 12.4 3.5 −43.6 9–12.4 3.4 [45]
SiCnw/GA 41.3 3 −24.9 8.5–11.8 3.3 [46]
3D carbon foams 25 3 −24 8.8–12 3.2 [39]
RGO/ZnOnws foam — 4.8 −27.8 8.2–11.4 3.2 [24]
PANI/Fe3O4/MWCNT — 4 −16.5 8.8–11.8 3.0 [47]
Co/N-doped CNTs/Carbon 8 2.5 −47.8 9.8–12.4 2.6 [48]
CF@G@PPy 8.8 2.5 −24.5 9.2–11.8 2.6 [49]
RGO/SiCnws foam 97 3 −19.6 8.7–11.3 2.6 [50]
RGO/NBR — 3 −57 8.5–11 2.5 [51]
Carbon honeycomb 67.9 30 −25 8.5–10.8 2.3 [52]
SiC/PyC-coated CF — 3.5 −22.5 9.2–11.5 2.3 [53]
PCHMs — 3.3 −32 9–11.2 2.2 [28]
RGO/PPy/Fe3O4 aerogel 38.3 3 −49.2 10.2–12.4 2.2 [54]
CF/MXene 6 4.5 −45 8.2–10.4 2.2 [55]
CNT/RGO foam 97 2.75 −55 9–11 2.0 [16]
C/SiCnws foam 9.2 2.85 −49.1 10.6–12.4 1.8 [56]
Porous carbon 90 1.5 −19.4 10.8–12.4 1.6 [57]

ties in the X-band of representative EA materials in literature. Acknowledgements

Density and EAB are the two key factors of EA materials.
The density of 3D porous CNTs/PyC foam is only 22.0 This work was financially supported by the National Nat-
mg·cm−3, which is better than most other light EA materials, ural Science Foundation of China (No. 51702197), the Creat-
such as carbon foam [58], CNTCF [59] and Ti3C2Tx/SiCnws ive Research Foundation of the Science and Technology on
foam [60]. In particular, it exhibits a broadband electromag- Thermostructural Composite Materials Laboratory, the Nat-
netic wave absorption lower than −13.3 dB in the whole X- ural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (No. 2022JM-
band compared with other typical EA materials. Therefore, 248), and the Doctoral Scientific Research Foundation of
CNTs/PyC foam has a broad range of practical applications Shaanxi University of Science & Technology (No. BJ16-06).
as an EA material with ultralight and broadband charac-
teristic. Conflict of Interest

4. Conclusions The authors declare no known competing financial in-

terests or personal relationships that could influence the work
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