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Reinforcement of Rubbery Epoxy by Carbon Nanofibres: Short Communication

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Materials Science and Engineering A352 (2003) 344 /348


Short communication

Reinforcement of rubbery epoxy by carbon nanofibres

P. Richard a, T. Prasse a, J.Y. Cavaille a, L. Chazeau a,*, C. Gauthier a, J. Duchet b
GEMPPM, INSA de Lyon, 20 av. A. Einstein, Villeurbanne Cedex 69621, France
LMM, INSA de Lyon, 20 av. A. Einstein, Villeurbanne Cedex 69621, France

Received 15 November 2002; received in revised form 21 November 2002


Experimental results on the reinforcement of rubbery epoxy by carbon nanofibres (CNFs) are presented. The modulus increase,
measured above and below the glass transition temperature for nanofibre contents up to 10 wt.%, is low. The interest of CNF is in
the improvement of the ultimate stress and strain. Both are largely increased, even for very low fibre content, and are improved
compared with the reinforcement obtained with carbon blacks.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Carbon nanofibre; Rubber; Mechanical properties

1. Introduction Shaffer and Windle [1] were able to process carbon

nanotube/polyvinyl-alcohol composites films and Qian
The efficiency of fillers in polymer composites is et al. [2] prepared composites with a polystyrene matrix.
known to strongly depend on the aspect ratio of the Other matrices such as polymethylmethacrylate and
fillers and on their size. New fillers such as carbon especially epoxy resin have also been evaluated [3 /5].
nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon nanofibres (CNFs) In the case of nanofibre, some papers report experi-
present both advantages: their aspect ratio is extremely mental studies on composites with thermoplastic matrix
high (more than 1000) and their nanoscopic scale leads such as polypropylene, polyethylene and polycarbonate
to an important interface area. CNT and CNF mainly [6 /9].
differ by their size and intrinsic longitudinal tensile In a glassy or semi-crystalline matrix (whose rigidity is
modulus. CNT can be both single-wall or multi-wall relatively high), the flexibility of these nanofibres might
nanotube, with a diameter ranging from 1 to 20 nm and be a drawback as a mean to increase the modulus of the
are supposed to have a modulus around 1 TPa. CNF composite, at least in the case of isotropic dispersion.
have a typical dimension of 100/200 nm. Due to their This is indeed confirmed by the low modulus increase
bamboo-like structure, they have a lower modulus of measured as function of fibre content in the composites
only few tens of GPa but are much easier to produce cited previously [6 /9]. But the possibility for the fibres
than CNT. to be entangled could favour the formation of a network
All these properties combined with a low density offer whose efficiency should be visible at large deformation,
scope for the development of nanotube or nanofibre- when this network is stretched. That is the reason why
reinforced composites materials. Some papers already our work is focused on a rubbery matrix, which allows
report results about nanotube-reinforced composites: relatively large deformation at break. Here we report
experimental results of dynamic mechanical analysis
* Corresponding author. Tel.: /33-4-72-43-61-30; fax: /33-4-72-
(DMA) and tensile measurements on these materials as
43-85-28. compared with the mechanical properties of a carbon
E-mail address: laurent.chazeau@insa-lyon.fr (L. Chazeau). black composite with the same matrix.
0921-5093/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Richard et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A352 (2003) 344 /348 345

2. Materials 5 wt.% of carbon black (N234 from Cabot) within the

epoxy resin.
For this study, untreated carbon nanofibres (Pyro-
graf-IIITM) were supplied by Applied Sciences, Inc.
These nanofibres are produced by chemical vapour
deposition process. They have circular cross-sections 3. Structural characterisation
with diameters around 200 nm [10]. Kilogram quantities
are available from the manufacturer, enabling compo- To check the dispersion quality of the fillers in the
site development at an industrial scale. A transmission matrix, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on frac-
electron microscopy image of these fibres is reported in tured surfaces was carried out. All composites show a
Fig. 1. The high aspect ratio is confirmed. The fibres good dispersion of the fillers as shown in Fig. 2 for 5
wt.% of nanofibres. This is provided by the electrostatic
have a bamboo-like structure: they are made of an
stabilisation of the fibres in the resin before curing,
assembly of relatively straight tubes, with variable
which can be evidenced by electrophoresis measure-
lengths, linked by irregular parts with structural defects.
ments [11].
The matrix is based on an epoxy resin (DGEBA from
CIBA-GEIGY) and a Jeffamine D2000 hardener
(HUNTSMAN). With stoichiometric conditions and
optimised curing procedure, the glass transition tem- 4. Mechanical characterisation
perature of this soft epoxy is around 238 K. The high
molecular weight of the hardener allows to achieve an DMA measurements were performed in torsion mode
elongation at break around 22% at room temperature. (Mécanalyseur from Metravib S.A.) at a fixed frequency
This value is small compared with that of the classical (0.1 Hz) from 173 to 373 K with a heating rate of 1 K
elastomer such as natural rubber (up to 600%). How- min 1. Sample dimensions were around 15/5 /1.5
ever, the mechanical behaviour of this rubbery epoxy mm3. The storage modulus G ? and the loss modulus G ??
matrix can be roughly described like that of an are plotted as a function of temperature in Figs. 3 and 4,
elastomer. respectively.
A typical preparation of the composite is as follows: a The main mechanical relaxation is not modified by
given weight of carbon fibre powder is sonicated a few the presence of the carbon nanofibres. The temperature
minutes in the hardener. Then the resin is added in of the maximum of the G ?? peak is constant and about
stoichiometric proportion and the system is convention- 230 K, while its magnitude is unchanged. This relaxa-
ally mixed during 1.25 h at 323 K. The blend is then tion process is associated to the glass transition phe-
introduced in a circular aluminium mould of 6 cm nomenon. It has been confirmed by differential scanning
diameter and heated 22 h at 373 K followed by 5 h at calorimetry measurement (Perkin /Elmer DSC7 appa-
398 K. Afterwards, the sample is removed from the oven ratus with a heating rate of 10 K min 1) that the glass
and cooled at room temperature. transition temperature (around 238 K) is independent
Samples with different weight fraction of carbon on the percentage of filler.
nanofibres have been prepared (1, 3, 5, 7 and 10
wt.%). The same procedure was also used to incorporate

Fig. 1. TEM observation of the nanofibres from a dried cast toluene Fig. 2. SEM photography of the fracture surface (end of a tensile test)
solution. of a CNF-reinforced epoxy resin (5 wt.% CNF).
346 P. Richard et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A352 (2003) 344 /348

Fig. 3. Elastic shear modulus G ? as a function of temperature (f /0.1 Hz) for different CNF-reinforced epoxy resins.

In the glassy state, considering the range of filler added fillers. The flexibility of the fibres and the bad
concentration studied, the increase of the elastic mod- interface with the matrix may also be involved. More-
ulus is quasi-linear with a slope of 2.2Gm (Gm being the over, it has already been observed that the nanoscopic
matrix modulus) as shown in Fig. 5a. At T /296 K, in size of the fillers does not lead to an increase of modulus
the rubbery plateau, the evolution is still linear but this higher than that obtained with micro-size fillers, when
time with a slope of 6Gm (cf. Fig. 5b). the matrix is in the glassy state [12,13]. The reinforce-
Tensile tests were performed at ambient temperature ment in the rubbery plateau is more important, due to
on an MTS device (MTS 1/ME) with a constant cross- the larger contrast of modulus between the fibres and
head speed equal to 5 mm min 1. The samples were cut the matrix, combined to a large aspect ratio. It is,
in normalised H4 shape. The deduced stress /strain however, difficult to conclude on the effect of the
curves are presented in Fig. 6. Each curve of Fig. 6 nanoscopic size of these fibres.
corresponds to the average of five measurements. The The addition of nanofibres also increases elongation
increase of modulus is consistent with the measurements and stress at break. For only 5% wt. of nanofibres,
from DMA. Below Tg, the reinforcement in terms of elongation at break increases of about 100% while a
modulus is low. These results are comparable with that 270% increase is found for stress. Such significant
obtained with polycarbonate composites [8]. In both improvement could be the consequence of strong filler/
cases, the increase of modulus for 10% of fibre content is matrix interaction. However, SEM photography of the
about 40%. It is not surprising due to the amount of fracture surface obtained after a tensile test shows fibres

Fig. 4. Loss modulus G ?? as a function of temperature (f /0.1 Hz) for different CNF-reinforced epoxy resins.
P. Richard et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A352 (2003) 344 /348 347

Fig. 5. (a) Elastic shear modulus G ? of CNF-reinforced epoxy resins as a function of CNF weight fraction, at 200 K (below Tg); (b) elastic shear
modulus G ? of CNF-reinforced epoxy resins as a function of CNF weight fraction, at 296 K (in the rubbery plateau).

pulled out the matrix (cf. Fig. 2). This is an indication of

a weak adhesion at the interface.
As a comparison, tensile measurements have been
performed on a carbon black filled composite (see Fig.
6). Actually, the surface chemistry of the carbon black
and the carbon nanofibres are similar enough to assume
that they led to the same interactions with the matrix.
Compared with the matrix, the carbon black filled
composites display an increase of the elongation and
the stress at break of 20 and 75%, respectively. This
increase of elongation at break is five times less than
what is found with carbon nanofibres. It clearly shows
that carbon nanofibres are more efficient reinforcing
fillers than CB.

5. Conclusion

CNF/rubbery epoxy matrix composites have been

processed with different CNF contents, up to 10 wt.%.
The good stabilisation of the CNF in the Jeffamine leads
to a good dispersion of the CNF in the final composite. Fig. 6. Tensile tests performed on CNF-reinforced epoxy resins with
The increase of modulus with CNF content is low, in different CNF weight content. Comparison with a carbon black-
particular below the glass transition temperature. The reinforced epoxy resin (T/296 K).
348 P. Richard et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A352 (2003) 344 /348

interest of CNF seems to be in the improvement of the References

ultimate properties. The ultimate strain and stress are
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