Baldovino Jazel EE3104 Lab1
Baldovino Jazel EE3104 Lab1
Baldovino Jazel EE3104 Lab1
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is part of the company's Office product line for
business applications. Microsoft Excel also enables users to format, organize and calculate data in a
spreadsheet. Data analysts and other users can make information easier to view as data is added or
changed by organizing it using software such as Excel. It has many boxes called cells that are organized
in rows and columns which contains data. It includes, among other things, the ability to perform basic
calculations, use graphing tools, create pivot tables, and create macros features. In addition, Excel is one
of the tools that can be used easily in a variety of ways, such as a pie chart, histogram, scatter plot, and so
on, and it provides a simple method to compute variance, mean, median, mode, quartiles, standard
deviation, and other unspecified data using formulas and sampling size.
During 1982, Microsoft Excel has been around, it is first introduced as Multiplan, a very popular
CP/M or Control Program for Microcomputers, but lost popularity on MS-DOS systems to Lotus 1-2-3.
Meanwhile in 1987, Microsoft introduced Excel v2.0 version for Windows and by 1988 began to outsell
Lotus 1-2-3 and the emerging QuatroPro. In 1993, Microsoft released Excel v5.0 for Windows which
included VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). It enabled nearly limitless possibilities in the automation
of repetitive tasks for crunching numbers, process automation, and data presentation for businesses.
The use of Microsoft Excel eases the problem of every user when solving. Through the use of the
different formulas and commands. Understanding how the formulas actually work is much needed to be
able to calculate the data manually and to be able to comprehend if the computation has the accurate
information. With the knowledge of all the different aspects of what Excel can do, the users will be able
to create documents that will aid the other users in reaching accurate conclusions. Excel is a useful
platform that not only help to calculate the accurate data yet also saved a significant amount of time.
Microsoft excel has many uses specifically for businesses and for students. It is significant to use to
make us easier in computing some numerical methods and also analyzing data using experimental
methods during research purposes. In this laboratory experiment, we are able to know how to use the
proper commands and functions in Excel. One method for making use of
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Microsoft Excel is to solve a matrix wherein matrix means a set of numbers arranged in a row-by- row
and column-by-column pattern. Another method is computing complex numbers, complex numbers is a
combined real number and an imaginary number. Excel has the capability of working directly with
complex numbers by just knowing the proper commands and formulas in Microsoft excel. In addition, it
can also compute the current and voltage by the help of the proper commands and through the analyzation
on the circuit analysis specifically Kirchhoff’s Law and Mesh Analysis. In this activity, you will see on
how possible Microsoft Excel can be. Technically, in this activity understanding and utilizing the
capability of Microsoft excel is very important.
This activity aims to:
1. Familiarize with Microsoft Excel, including its commands and functions.
2. Execute command in Microsoft Excel
3. To perform matrix operations and complex numbers in Microsoft Excel.
4. Analyze how to conduct circuit analysis in Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Excel
1. Computed the problem manually using the formulas that we learned.
2. Downloaded the excel file given by the instructor.
3. Launch the Microsoft excel.
4. Entered the needed data in the problem from the assigned sheet.
Problem 1: Creating Matrices
Problem 2: Solving using complex numbers.
Problem 3: Analyzing Circuits using Kirchhoff’s Law and Mesh Analysis.
5. Input the required formula/functions in each problem to obtain the solution.
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7. Finalized each and every problem by checking for corrections and by comparing the
answers in manual computations and in excel within the data I gathered using the excel
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Problem 1.
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Figure 1.3 shows the values of D and the inverse value of it. The function used in finding
the inverse of D is MINVERSE. The matrix obtained a result of 3x3 matrix.
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Problem 2.
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getting the ln of a function, IMPRODUCT when multiplying two factors, and IMEXP when
getting the exponent. The answer resulted to -6.45796043726916+3.92745557907222j.
Problem 3.
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College of Engineering
College of Engineering
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Among the computer programs which exist, we therefore conclude that
Microsoft Excel is one of the most important because of the key role it plays in many sectors.
It is the most used spreadsheet program in many business activities, classwork, and even
personal data organization. Knowing how to input numbers and add up cells in a column or
row is not enough when it comes to doing laboratory activities. In this laboratory activity, we
practiced the proper use of its commands and functions. The students shall explore the format
of the lab exercises and go through a series of exercises in order to be familiarized of the
program that will be required to use during the semester. As we can see in the activity, every
sheet tab has its own formulas and commands performing matrix operations and complex
College of Engineering